Maki ; See me, my Sun child, Whom is born from the stars;

Postby lawfullychaotic » Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:47 pm

I suggest listening to this while reading.

Those that are born of Africa

And share her wild yearn to be free

Will always return to her loving arms
Done by me

By me

    " But I like to keep some things to myself"
    Hello, I am TheGAMER.
    I'm a female high-school student, whom enjoys to draw, animate and play video games. I've been described as humorous, random and hot-tempered, and I mean REALLY hot-tempered. I love cats, dragons and dogs, mainly pugs. I'm not the most social person, but I do like talking with certain types of people, and I do get along well with others, even if I don't like them too much. But this form isn't about me, so let’s continue.

    "Shake it out,
    Shake it out,
    Oh woah"

    Maki Waweque; Ma-key wa-weh- kwe

    Her name doesn't mean anything in another language. She prefers it not to mean anything, so that she can shape it to mean something, rather than have others assume it means something else entirely.

    "And I am done with my graceless heart"
    "I be Female, mah' Boet"

    "'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me"

    Maki is strong and cautious child of the Savannah and Urban Jungle of Johannesburg.
    She is judgmental and reserved, but she can be the greatest ally. When she opens up, she'll appear snarky and intelligent, and very nosy. She has a good sense of judgement, making her picky when it comes to friends. She has a vague sense of humor, but other wise she's cunning and serious. At times she can be seductive even, leading untrustworthy creatures or Kia's into traps. Maki also has a vicious temper, lashing out with her emotions. Everything in her being seems to conflict, switching between instinct and choice, setting her aside from other animals.

    "And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back"
    She loves to dance and sing in the rain, often dragging others around with her. She has never really gotten over the fact of using machinery in her life, so she hardly uses mechanical devices. She also has a phobia of Planes.

    "Here to relive your darkest moments"

    It was Maki's first time out of the den, after having been training for months on end for this moment. She gnashed her teeth as she ran on all fours, churning up dust and her hair bobbing up and down. She followed the Wild dogs, excitement at the prospect of her first hunt. They slowed down and hid at the edge of the forest, a large amount of plains lay ahead of the small party. The group slipped into the tall grass and came up on the side of a small group of springbok. The dogs suddenly sprung forward. Maki hissed and ran after her brethren, shouting a war cry in Xhosa. The springboks looked and began to panic, the small pack of wild dogs chasing after them. She leaped over rocks, gaining ground as she split from the group and began to head off towards the springboks. She picked up a stick, nice and sharp from the years of elephants scratching against it. She took aim and threw, so reserved and calm in the Savannah's heat. There was a small thud as the spear impacted into flesh, a quick end for the creature that had been struck. She yelled out happily running to her kill.
    When she reached it, she felt a sudden sadness. A beautiful Rolo bird lay on the ground, having got in the way of the spear, it's blue feathers floating in the gentle breeze. She noticed her brothers and sisters charging towards her, ignoring the springbok, at the smell of fresh blood. Maki stooped down and picked up the tiny bird, going up on her hind legs and snarling at the dogs running at her. "Hamba! Hamba! Dit is nie jou kos nie!" Go! Go! This is not your food! Maki gently plucked the feathers from the bird and took a strand of her wiry hair and attached it to her tail and ear. She then removed the long spear from the bird and kept that with her. She took the bird home after getting a larger meal. She felt terrible about the death of the extravigant bird, and what was worse is that she she had missed the springbok. As their home, loomed in sight, she broke away and went to the Amaru la tree, where she buried the little bird, "Dankie, vir jou vere, Rolo voël" Thank you, for your feathers, Rolo bird. Every night after that, the spirit of the bird would soar into the sky and dance with it's ancestors, guiding the young kia to the village that she later discovered.

    Over the years of her teenage years, She developed the spear, and began to speak other languages besides Wild dog and Afrikaans. She grew into a beautiful creature, idolized by the natives, who copied her spear, creating weapons of stone, wood and occasionally steel. As a gift to the creature, they gave her a steel bracelet, which she twisted round her steel headed spear. But she yearned for more than just the Savannah... she yearned for her her people's freedom... Little did she know that her life would change so soon. Joburg burst it's banks and soon populated the home of the Kia. The wild dogs were taken to a Zoo, where she continued to visit everyday. As she had no such thing as inheritance, she had to start on the streets, trying to make a living with two other Kias', called Greg and Hobb. They taught her fluent English and she became the underdog of the Urban jungle Johannesburg. Every Friday she'd look up at the skies and hold her old spear close and sing 'Counting Stars', the song she always wished on, wondering if her parents could hear her.

    "And I am done with my graceless heart
    So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
    'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn
    It's always darkest before the dawn"


    Maki breathed out, watching the air disintegrate. She was walking with her small denim makeshift rucksack on her back, the small cat plush in her paws. She walked to a alley way, being greeted by Greg and Hodd. "Did you get any money?" Greg asked, scooting up and making space for Maki. "Nah... The po-po chased me off," She sighed, still clutching her plush. Greg looked sympathetically at her, "Someday, we'll be millionaires, ya' know?" He said slipping a arm round her shoulders, "'Specially with that voice of yours," Hobb added, the fire glinting in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Now-a-days we are barely scraping through, though..." She said her eyes sad. Greg smiled and rubbed her cheek, "Singing our hearts out, standing on chairs, Spending the time like we are millionaires, Laughing our heads off, the two of us there, Spending the time like we are millionaires," She smiled and joined in, singing out in full voice. The small group stood and sang together round the small flame in the middle, flicking in the sudden happiness. "... Spending our time like we're Millionaires!" She finished, throwing her arms into the air. The three laughed, hugging each other close to keep warm in the evening's chill. They looked over the polluted air towards the sun, the stars beginning to glitter and the sun turning dark orange. They gasped as the sun faded, the light shining through the dust in the air, creating a golden flash. "Make a wish..." Hobb whispered in Maki's ear, "Make it count." She squeezed her eyes shut and wished the biggest wish she could. The sky darkened and the three huddled closer to the small fire. "What did you wish for?" Greg asked, raising a eyebrow. "I can't tell, it'll spoil it," She laughed, giving him a shove, "Okay! Okay!" He laughed. As the fire began to die, they cuddled closer, bracing against the night in the dark alleyway. Maki dreamed her wish came true, and that night she finally rested well in the last few months.

    The cars whizzed past, ruffling Maki's hair. She pulled the beanie further down her head, avoiding glances from the faceless people next to her. The cat plush was in her bag for once, and the tin in her hand, while she moved off to her small occupation. She'd finally gotten a small job, like Hobb, so between the two and Greg's collecting, they were able to survive. Maki walked into the restaurant, adjusting her apron, ready for another day. She walked inside and signed in, scooping up some plates and serving the customers. She quietly hummed as she served; giving a smile to everyone she met. "Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep..." She continued to mutter under her breath, loving the vibe in the small cafe.
    Soon her round was up and she begged to stay behind and work extra hours for more money. The manager let her and she continued to sweep up and clean dishes, listening to the sounds of the city. Maki danced round and round the small tables and chairs, laughing as she sang, "... neither one wants to take that taxi home!" She finished, brandishing the mop. She was startled, when another Kia walked in, clapping with a bright look in his eyes, "You sing really well," He commented, grey strands in his hair. "S-sorry sir, the cafe is closed," She said, feeling defiant. "I'm sorry, but I heard singing and... it just..." He trailed off, the lights shedding a strange light on the scar on his ear and cheek, "You sound so much like my wife, she sadly isn't around anymore," He looked down, removing his hat. Maki stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry, I sure she's safe in the skies..." She reassured, putting a arm round the old man, "What is your name?". He looked up at her and placed the hat back on his head, "The name is Jack, Jack Waweque," He smiled. The air lightened and the lights seemed brighter all of a sudden. She gawped at the man in-front of her still smiling sweetly. "D-dad?" She asked tears pricking her eyes. The smile finally reached his eyes, and they sparked brighter than any firework ever could. She flung herself into his arms and began to sob, unimaginable amounts of joy in her heart. "I thought you were-" "Shhhh, I'm here, and I want you to come with me," He said stroking her dreadlocks. She pulled back, still a firm grip on his shoulders, "But I can't leave my friends! They need me!" She exclaimed. Greg and Hobb needed her, just as she needed them, without them she would have died in the streets. He was surprised, but not angry, "Well then, let's meet these friends of yours and I'll see what I can do!" He laughed, taking her hands.

    After that night, not just one of Maki's stars came true, but all of them. She moved , with Greg and Hobb, into her dad's home, which happens to be a small mansion. She continued her job at the cafe, and always came home to a warm meal. Jack cleared up what had happened after the plane crash. Turns out, her mother had been bitten by a mosquito, and contracted Malaria. She only survived for a few months, before she passed away in her sleep. Another month after that, the remaining survivors found Joburg, and re-settled, finally at their destination. And so, Maki now is once again Queen of the household, and she still practices her throwing and hunting, but her spear now is paced in a frame in her room, still intact after all the years. Now it's up to Maki to shape her future.

    "I can never leave the past behind"
    Maki wasn't always in Africa, even if she was born there. She was torn from her arms, when her parents decided to move to England. She was only a small pup then, but alot more bright than she should be for her age. So when she returned to Africa, she intended Maki to stay permanently. Their plane crashed and her parents couldn't find Maki, so they moved off with the survivors, after waiting for a few hours of calling and tears. Meanwhile, Maki had went to go explore, being only five years of age. She was terrified of the dark, so when the sun set, Maki went to find shelter. She found a cave and settled there for the night, feeling sad and hopeful for her parents. She sung herself to sleep, singing One Republics "Counting Stars". When she woke, a pack of Wild dogs were standing over her, a beautiful female invited her to come with her pack, to start a new life. She accepted and began to turn into the strong creature she is today.

    "I can see no way, I can see no way"

    Maki want's to become a bird breeder and help the random children on the street, having known the pain of it. She want to also become a well known blues or country singer. A small dream is that Greg and Hobb will be able to get their own jobs and live their own lives by their own dreams.

    "I'm always dragging that horse around"

    At the moment, Maki is living with her father in their mansion and she's working at a small cafe, working up enough money to begin her life and move out.

    "Regrets collect like old friends"
    Wadishe; Pack leader.
    She is the dog that brought Maki up, teaching her to hunt and live in the harsh Savannah heat.
    Thembe; Brother in Hunt.
    Thembe is Maki's male hunting partner, a humorous and intelligent Wild dog.
    Demo; Rival.
    Demo was one of the Wild dogs that didn't want Maki in the pack. He is loyal, but very pig-headed.
    Komo; Best friend
    Maki had trouble fitting in. Komo, one of the pups at the time, befriended her, being a younger member of her family. As so, they became best friends and later on began hunting together.

    Greg; Brother in stars
    Greg was the Kia who showed her the streets of Joburg. He taught her how to stay alive and ask for money. He also shared her dream for a better life, often sharing ideas about it.
    Hobb; Wise Friend
    Hobb directed Maki away from bad decisions, and helped to get her out of bad situations. He showed her how to dream and stay strong, also urging her to take the job at The cafe.

    "And every demon wants his pound of flesh...
    And I've been a fool and I've been blind"

    I've always been waiting for a vaguely African Kia, even if one showed up, I was too nervous to enter.
    When I looked at the page today and I saw Maki, I knew I'd found my dream Kia. I love anything to do with Africa, because it makes me proud, it makes me feel so happy to be in this wonderful place. I love the flora and creatures, all unique in their own way. So when I see Maki, those feelings resurface and I can't help but feel connected to her, and that I'd be as proud as I am for owning her, as I am for where originate from. She's so ruff and rugged, but has a silent delicacy and perfect air, because the best characters and personalities are the flawed ones. That's why I want her, she has messy and unkempt hair that looks like she was dragged through a bush backwards, but it also shows she confident of herself, and doesn't mind what others think of her, and I can relate to her in that way, with my bushy hair that I never brush. She brings out ways I've never felt before towards other Kia adoptables. I also feel that I can develop her into a kia who has plenty of character without going the 'cliche' way. She also drew me with the amazing colouration. She had such simple colours and line edits, she also reminded me so much of the African flare that I had been searching and waiting for, showing so much potential of a new member of my family. I never really knew if I could say this, but I can say, with all my writing expertise and unshaken faith, she is my perfect little sun drop, that just happened to fall into my heart, where it spread like laughter and consumed it. She is my Dream kia, and nothing can EVER change that. Because when I come on CS and I see that bushy hair and average smile, I fall into those golden eyes and I promise myself to try my hardest for this girl. And try I shall.

Lyrics from Florence and The Machine's 'Shake it out'

For my use only;
Code: Select all
[list] [img]*Text here*%20&name=chinese%20rocks%20rg.ttf&size=38&style_color=FF7700[/img]
[i]*insert 'Shake it out' Lyrics here*[/i]
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Last edited by lawfullychaotic on Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:39 am, edited 13 times in total.
good lord ive been here for so long
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My previous username used to be "TheGAMER"

(●´∀`●) ohat im old now.ヾ(*´∇`)ノ

not that active on here really. gettin that degree. but!! i pop in once and a while. might try out oekaki again for old times sake
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby starfred24 » Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:37 am

welcome to our cave of rock and stone,
this is where we call home,
the mist swirls as night draws in,
together as one, we are kin,

we will not give without a fight,
hide in the shadows, black as night,
every crack, every fold,
we are the tribe of forgotten worlds.
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~ Millicent ~ The Warrior ~

Postby petrify » Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:37 pm

Millicent ~
"A true warrior follows their heart and not their mind."

Username ~
evanescent, but please call me evan.
Name ~
Millicent. The name is from one of my favorite Youtuber's daughter. The name is very cute and I love the name. Millicent is nicknamed 'Millie'. She's usually just called Millie from family and close friends. If you've only known her for a day, she wouldn't want you to call her Millie. She'd get mad at you if you did, so watch out. She's got a spear. ~
Gender ~
Age ~
Millicent is eighteen {18} years of age.
Birthday ~
December twenty fourth. {24}
Spear & Necklace ~
Being trained to become a huntress of demons is hard if you don't have a weapon - and this one is from her great grandmother. Her name was Diana. She was a former huntress, and was retired at a nursing home. She passed it down to her daughter, Lisa. Lisa died in battle of demons, and the spear was then handed down to Millicent's mother, Griffon. Griffon couldn't fight anymore, seeing as she critically hurt her leg, and you need stealth to fight demons. So, Griffon passed it down to Millicent. Now, onto the necklace. Millicent was only eleven {11} when she got it. It was from Diana, who was in the nursing home. It was kind of awkward to young Millie. Diana was dying, and although she could've given it to Millie's mother, she wanted to give it to Millie. With Diana's last breaths, she told Millie the story of how she got it. She battled a demon in hell, and when she killed the thing, she ripped the necklace off of it's throat. Diana told Millie that she was going to be a great huntress, and died. Millie made a promise to her great grandmother that she was going to be the greatest huntress in the world.
Personality ~
Millicent is a brave Kia. After all, you have to be pretty brave to fight demons for a living. She also isn't shy to stand up for herself, even if the person is in higher authority to her.
Millicent is the quiet type who tends to whisper to herself and read. Always staying low and in the shadows. She is prone to be in the shadows and step out when people aren't looking, to add to her mysterious affect.
Easily Angered
wip! <3
Last edited by petrify on Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby ellyenchanted » Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:49 pm


Name; Wren
Meaning; Wren doesn't have a particular meaning,
but a wren is a small brown songbird.
Origin; Old English
Reason; Wren chose to name herself. She wanted
something plain, something that is short. She wanted a
name that people could easily forget. Wren wanted to
fade into the background.
Nicknames; There aren't many nicknames you can
get from Wren. If you think of one, let me know.

Gender; Female
Birthday; January 1
Age; 18
Zodiac; Capricorn
Birth place; Nevada
Current location; New York

Sexuality; Straight
Crush; None
Relationship status; Single and not looking.
Past relationships; Never.
Future plans; She is not interested in having any
sort of romantic relationship.


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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby Tsunami. » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:12 pm



ιғ чα αιи'т ɢσт иσтнιи',
чα ɢσт иσтнιи' тσ ℓσsє ~


My Name
My name is Gina Catis, but most people call me Gina, or Gi, or anything else for that matter. I don't care, I've been through things that are so much worse, but I'll tell you more about that later.
My name is from the Latin meaning of 'Queen of the jungle' which is 'Regina truncatis'. I didn't have a name at all until I was 11, but by then I knew that I certainly wasn't the one to have anything regal or the least bit higher up. Therefore, I put my own little twist on it, and I must say, I am quite pleased with it!


What I am Like

Solitary and Socially Awkward
After what I have been through, I am not so social, let's say. Although I am certainly not nasty, I don't really know how to act around other beings, leading to me being somewhat rude or discourteous towards others. I know a great deal of words and phrases, from all of the books and newspapers I have read, but saying them out loud to someone is a whole different matter. They turn out wrong, and I sound like I haven't seen a book in my life! That is why I prefer to take myself on long walks, where only I and a few other animals and people know of. That way, I don't have to worry about how I act, and I can go into deep thought without others moaning at me for looking gormless.

I don't care what others say about me, well, I don't show it. I, myself know what I am like truly, and other people have no right to go about telling me differently. I am a lot more grown up than most other Kiamaras my age, and I know that one day they will reflect on what they have said and realise how stupid and childish they were. I would never, ever say a hurtful word to someone on purpose. Occasionally I do let things slip, but I never actually mean it in the slightest. It makes me sick to think that so many people don't want to carry on with life or having fun, just because one little person has said something offensive.

Think I'm just a tomboy? Think again! I LOVE making new accessories and clothes for myself, especially if they are made from things of nature. It gives me a funny feeling, seeing something I have made, all by myself, and it actually looks good. If I'm not out walking or curled up by the fire, you can almost always bet your life that I'll be in my underground workshop stitching together a flower for my hair or stood in front of the mirror, modelling my new creation.

Despite the fact that I have never actually had a proper boyfriend, I dream of candlelit dinners and walks in the sunset with the Kia of my dreams. I need another person that I can love, except my owner, and one day I dream of having pups of my own. I would spoil them to death, give them the mother that I never had.


Image - by Ria Betsuni <3
Other Bits

I'm female, of course.
I'm straight. But I have nothing against anyone who has different 'feelings'.
I'm twelve.
Um.... You'll find out about them later. Keep reading...


How I got here
I was born on a stormy day. I know what you're going to say, "Omg, that's what everyone says! Just to sound cool", but no. It's true, and I'm only going to write the truth, nothing else. What's the point? My mother was on her own, my father was out hunting, and he had got shot by poachers. She was angry, depressed, and in the most pain she had ever experienced, physically and emotionally. As the wind lashed against our den, threatening to whip everything she had away from her, she gave birth to me. As she saw me for the first time, she gasped. I was the 'diamond in a dark cave of misery' to her at that moment, and we looked each other in the eyes. But another gust of wind lashed against the measly strips of wood holding our home together, and swept everything away, my mother too. Somehow, I stayed in that place, rooted down to the ground by the shawl that my mother had wrapped me in in the first few minutes of being born.

I was only an hour old when that happened. A young, feeble cub trapped underneath a fallen log. I whimpered until the pure effort exhausted me, and I kicked and struggled until I couldn't feel my limbs at all. I was petrified. What scared me the most was the sound of the wind. It seemed evil, and I still think it is now, years later. I will never forget that sound. Whoosh, whoosh, whistle, whistle in my new and sensitive ears. Everything here was new, and I was having to face it alone, without a mother or father to nestle into. I layed there for days, using any energy to lap muddy water out of a puddle, or making use of anything that even slightly resembled food. I was hungry and scrawny. But I was tough. Nothing had gone right form me since the minute I had been born, which meant that I didn't miss anything good. Because I was so young, I thought that this was life, this was what I'd face until I died.

When the stormy weather had floated away a few weeks later, the weak sun gave me enough strength to pull myself up and walk for the first time. The sun made my dim eyes squint, and I stumbled over the rocky aftermath of the massive storm that had finally departed. Suddenly, a rush of adrenaline shot through me, and I leaped into a fast run, heading towards the jungle which had been spared. I loved it. The trees provided a canopy from the boiling sun, and the damp floor was full of fresh and cleaner water, and things that I could try and eat. My stomach growled, and I was still a timid little creature. I needed help desperately. The adrenaline was seeping through my body, and I could feel myself swaying to one side.

But I carried on walking. The jungle seemed so vast for my tiny legs to walk across, and my eyes were trying to fight me to close. I was tired, but I wanted to get as far as I could. When everything finally got all too much for me, I sunk into the safety of palm leaves, letting drops of dew from the canopy above me drip onto my face, somehow soothing me.

I was awoken at dawn by something damp nuzzling my nose. The first thing I saw as I opened my tired eyes was an old wolf. The look in her eyes was kind, and even though I was young and unfamiliar with exactly what she was, I felt reassured. She began to walk away, and I couldn't help but follow her. She led me to her pack; made up of four young pups and an old male. He too did not look intimidating to me, and I immediately slumped beside him. Within seconds, I fell asleep again. For the next few years, this wonderful family brought me up, feeding me, educating me, and best of all, loving me. I grew up with the boy-cubs, as they taught me boyish things and ways to act. When we were older, we were shown how to scavenge. Surprisingly, I was the best at it. I was the one that brought exotic fruits and insects back to the pack. One day, though, I brought home some berries. They smelled delicious and they looked as if they would taste like heaven. But I was wrong. That night, I had become to full whilst out eating grapes, but my 'family' polished off all the berries I had brought back for tea. Everyone was fine, and we all sunk down once again to sleep in the muggy jungle air. I can remember that I heard a moaning coming from where the cubs were lay. I thought that they had been play-fighting to violently, and Jacob (the weaker one) had been scraped in a sore place.

I awoke late. It was wierd; I usually got awoken by the pups, jumping on top of me, but I didn't that day. I scrambled up in a panic, and ran over to them. I didn't feel the warm breath of Jacob on my face when I nuzzled him, nor did I feel the deep snore of Dan as I creeped beside him. Then it hit me. Mother and father had taught me about this thing. Death. It hadn't seemed real, but I just knew
it was then. I had poisoned them. Because of this, I vowed never to make food (or anything for that matter) for anyone else until I learned about it properly. I will never forget that feeling. Or more like feelings. Guilt, hatrid, confusion, and utter embarrassment swept through me. I hated it. I felt like I wanted to die. I felt like I wanted to die.

I went on and found somewhere where I could live in peace, and my goal is to finally mingle again.



What I like and don't like?

✔ Being Alone
Long Walks
✔ Making accessories
✔ Dreaming
✔ Soppy Couples
✔ Clouds
✔ Huā
✔ Rock Music
✔ Sunsets
✔ Beanbags
✘ Loud People
✘ Crowds
✘ Makeup
✘ War
✘ Lies
✘ Berries
✘ Wind
✘ Celebrities
✘ People who think they can sing but can't.
✘ Hunger


My Spear

I bet you any money that you've noticed my spear. I can also bet you a decent amount that you'll want to know about it. Well, I suppose I'll tell you.

When I was with my 'foster family', and we were getting taught to scavenge and hunt, our father made us a spear (or a dagger) each. I used it everytime I went out, and every time we saw another animal, him and mother boasted about how good I was with it and how proud they were of me. I felt so important, and even though I wasn't their real blood daughter, it made me feel like they definitely loved me as one of them. I wasn't even the same species, animal, I didn't even have markings that resembled theirs in the slightest! But when I was given that spear, I felt like one of them, like I was accepted. I thought I'd spend most of my life with those, and every time I looked at it, I smiled. I will not let ANYONE near that spear now. It reminds me of the only completely happy time in my life so far.


Why I want her

Okay, so if I said every single thing that is in my mind right now, this form would literally be a mile long, so I won't. I am Tsunami, a user that has tried out for so many Kiamaras in the past, and has never won. Sometimes I have come ever so close, but just missed out. However, I won't give up, and since it has been announced that Kiamaras will close at 500, I aim to try harder than ever to finally get one of my own. Kiamara #266 was my complete dream. I worked so hard in my form, sneaking to the computer or the IPad to work on it in the early hours of the morning, and thinking of things I could add in lessons and constantly getting told off for 'daydreaming'. I spent all of my pets and C$ on art, and spent all of my time on anything to do with her. But I lost. After all that time and effort, I lost. I was devastated,and so, so upset. My congratulations post even had to get edited because it came out wrong due to my feelings, and that is certainly not like me. This is one of the reasons why I don't focus on the art in my form any more (unless the whole competition is based specifically on the art). I don't want to waste all of my little trade fodder again, when (if I win) I could spend it on art that I know would be used by myself.

As soon as I saw this Kia on the Staff Litter thread, I knew that I'd do anything to have a chance with her. She is perfect for me, and as soon as the image went into my head stories started fitting together like a puzzle, and I immediately began to plan stories, her name, everything that I wanted in my form. Then school kicked in. I go to what is called a grammar school (I don't know if they are in America, but you'll know what one is if you live in England), and this means I get more homework, more tests, and more expected of me. This was such a shock, and even though I wanted to just sit down and work on my form, I couldn't. However, now I have gotten into the flow of things, and even though I have more tests coming up, I need a beautiful babe like this one to cheer me up after a crappy day, and if I roleplayed her, it would help me with English tests. Now, enough of the school stuff, as I'm sure it sounds as boring as it actually is x3

Leopard print + dreadlocks = Perfection! In my opinion, this Kiamara could not have been designed better, and I am flabbergasted that only a few people tried out for this amazing girlie. I saw her, and even though I had the massive urge to try out for her, I really doubted that I even had a chance. I thought that there would be 8 pages of brilliant forms in the first few hours, but there wasn't. Then, I knew that if I tried I would have a chance. And that is exactly what I have done. I may not have 2000 word stories, or personalities that have never been thought of before (even though I don't think that's possible), but I have put so much effort and time into this form. Nothing in here hasn't been put into deep thought first, and I have tried my absolute best to make it all cohesive and understandable for you. I am actually feeling sick with excitement and worry about the results right now as I know that all of the other forms for this girlie are amazing, even though I have tried so unbelievably hard I probably won't win. It makes me want to burst into tears, it really does.

I would like to wish everyone in this competition
luck, even though I want her so badly, I
know that you guys have worked really
hard too ^^ Also, congratulations, Kat;,
on designing this wonderful Kia, and
good luck in judging! <3

This beautiful piece of art is by my amazing friend,
Alaskie. It is of Gina on one of her long walks, and
I think she let herself stay out a bit late! If you want
to go to the thread this picture is on, click here!
Last edited by Tsunami. on Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:47 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby cece. » Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:38 pm

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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby comatoastie » Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:41 pm

Reserve :O
Art by Shewolf28
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby owls-in-october » Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:11 pm

Name Meaning:
Place of Birth:
Current Home:
Date of Birth:
Parents' Names:

History/Spear Explanation:
Personality Traits:
Theme Song:
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby Ray. » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:24 am



w h o . a r e . y o u . t o . t r y . f o r . h e r ?

    username → Hello Kat, my dear friend. I am Ray. the period goes along with the name if you were wondering. I have been around the kiamara place for a while now I just can't get my small hands on a kia. I have decided to go for your kiamara after about three days of thinking. All the things I have planned for her are just grand.
    Why do I want her→ Like I said after three days of thinking, I had many yes I am trying for her , and many no I don't think so. On the forth day something just clicked I came and looked at her and fell in love again like I had before. But this love had something strong and exciting. I started thinking about how amazing it would be to have a wild kiamara. She is in a whole different category by herself. Something new could be brought the fanclub. Something new by a new owner. I came and sat down at my computer and finally said yes, to the beautiful babe I call Moose.
    What will she be used for → If I win Moose she won't only be used for many things but she will be loved. I will love her with all my heart. She will become my first kiamara and will hold a special place in my heart. For the only other kiamara I may ever get, if I win her, would be her child. She will also be used for roleplaying, since I am a roleplayer at heart. If Moose is lucky enough to come home to Ray she will never be dusty or shunned. She will takeover my account. I will be even more active in the fanclub and Moose will be know as the new kiamara who started all with a new owner.

A . l i t t l e . a b o u t . m o o s e

    Name → Licking her paws clean she gives you a quick glance," They call me Moose like the animal." She stands looking at you with her large round eyes." My parents cursed me with this name when they found out I was a female. Though it doesn't bother me as much now others still call me names and laugh at it. They just do not have respect for women the way some others do." She turns away from you sitting, looking over the cliff," So shall we continue?"
    Gender → Laughing as you ask such a silly question she smiles and speaks," Doll look at me I am pure female, you should really think before you ask such silly questions." She trots slowly down a slop into a large field full of grass. She lays down ready for a nap but notices you still standing above her," Uhh... Pardon me for asking but you still have more questions right I assume you want me to answer them before my nap correct?"
    sexuality → Looking at you with quite the evil glare she stands up," What do you think you? I am straight as that tree over there," she say pointing at a very straight tree," You are going a bit to far so back off. You want to stay on my good side trust me." Laying back down she eyes you carefully," Now that I have showed you, you may continue on with our little interview I like to call it," she gives a smile but it quickly fades as she lays her head on her spotted paws.

m e m o r y . l a n e
    personality → She raises her head at the sound of your voice," Oh my personality you ask? Well here ya go." Moose is sometimes rude knowing her past with others she finds it hard to make friends, so she does all she knows how to, being rude. This is not her deep down inside though. She is really a nice young lady with manners and a whole future planned out. She knew this stopped when the kids tortured her. Through thick and thin Moose can be naughty or nice. She loves traveling though finding new things and seeing new places on her travels she can sometimes make friends since they don't know how she really is. One of the greatest compainians she has made on her trips is a female named Lupe. They seem to both have the same mindset. They are rude to others when it comes to new people. Together though they are best friends sometimes having meanoffs, these hurtful wars don't hurt them though since it is for fun and fun only. Along with these traits Moose is quite competitive she loves winning at everything she does. When sometimes meeting new people she tries to be on her good side, but with one little thing she will go off and warn you of the awful badside she hates to show." That sums me up perfectly," Moose smiles and waves her fluffy tail in the air.
    History → She lowers her head," The past is the past why should I speak of it, but if you must know my past sit down this may be a while."
    It all started the night to kiamaras sat in a den sniffing at their newborn daughter." A girl how we asked and prayed for a boy how shall she ever be a warrior now!" My father would yell at my mother." I don't know go ask the gods why they gave us this burden child hun." The two walked out of the den yelling to the skies."WHY WHY WHY WHY!" They would repeat over and over trying to get their point across that they were furious. As they walked back in, they pushed me out into the cold." We need to give her a burden name," my mom growled deep in her angry throat."Moose," my father laughed. They agreed and named me Moose. As I grew older they sent me to school where the kids my age treated me like a piece of trash. They would kick me into the dirt and tear into my homework with their teeth. This mess went to far when they stared biting me. When I walked by kids they would bite my ankles. Not a nip either they would grab, latch, and hold on until the next person was up. This left bad scars on my legs, they were soon covered by my fur though. As I pushed through school I became a main target for something else, verbal bulling. This though was nothing like the physical scars left on my feeble body. I was really good at things called comebacks, so I always showed the bully up. I started to have wired feelings for males when I reached middle school. They had gone for gross and annoying to cute and nice. It was quite wired to be honest, I was never one that the boys would have flirty moments with though so this made me quite sad and I became a bit depressed to be honest. One day we received a new student who all the girls drooled over all including me. When he started to hang out with me, all the girls started being nice to me. All the boys started having flirty moments with me, but I always went back to {his name}. He was the first boy who showed interest in me and he was super nice and sweet. As I entered highschool I was the prep. Everyone wanted to be me, have sleep overs with me and everything. I was no longer the chubby little kiamara others bit. I was the hot kiamara that did gymnastics and frisbee as sports. I still stayed close to {his name} though. Finally one day when we were walking home from school he kissed me. It was gentle, but sweet. I knew right there this boy was mine, so I kissed him back.

w h a t . m a k e s . h e r

    quirks → You can always find Moose doing something, but the thing she adores the most is gymnastics. Now before you start laughing and carrying on about how kiamaras can't do this sport, well here just listen. Moose smiles as she is ready to talk about her favorite thing in the world," I am a gymnastics girls who loves her hair in a tumblr bun. I often go to the gym and do gymnastics there but mostly I do this sport out in the open fields. I love to tumble backflips, back handsprings, ariels, and so many I can't name. This love for this sport started when I was a young pup, my family said I needed exercise, because yes I was a chubby kia back then." She pauses to catch her breath," But then I went out and found older kiamaras trying to do flips and stuff so I decide to try. I had to lose some weight first so I did my second love frisbee. I would have my parents toss it and I would jump and catch it. I still do both of these sports today but I would have to say they do me some good." She smiles at you as she finishes talking about her favorite things.
    phobias → Moose is terrified of spiders. She hates how they look how they walk every little thing about them she hate and is scared of. This reason is because when she was younger the bullies at her school would put large spiders in her bed while she was sleeping. When she would wake up they would be covering her and her bed. From that point on she can't even talk about them without being terrified. She stares at you," Can we please move on I hate talking about my past with those things it just freaks me out..." She burries her face under her paws.
    likes → She comes out from below her paws knowing she gets to talk about the things she loves once more" Well you already know gymnastics and frisbee. Oh yes! I love dogs they are just so adorable. I have always wanted one but kiamaras are animals so they can't own animals so that is the sad part." She smiles looking straight into your eyes," Next question dear!"
    dislikes → Moose turns away from you," I hate killing... Though I am forced to do it to eat and make the gods happy since they selected me out of almost four hundred kiamaras. I don't understand why I must kill though it doesn't help or prove anything, besides me showing myself as a blood thristy killer that I am nothing like. I have find if I don't kill the gods shall put a curse on me. Everyday I think of a way to escape this terror but the nightmare never ends. Besides killing I hate preps. Why? Well once in my highschool days I was a prep and learn they are just back-stabbing crackers," she looks at you," Sorry for my mean words I just felt the need."
    about the spear and necklace → She picks the spear up in her mouth and lays it at your feet," My dear this is quite the special thing to me," she says sitting," This spear was given to me bythe kiamara warrior gods of the past, I am their chosen one I guess you can call it. The necklace is just a piece of string with a cocadile tooth on it, it was the first one I laid to rest." She pulls it away from you sitting it to her side." Please don't touch it though for some reason it gets quite angry when you put your hands on it." She yawns and lays down beside the spear, Moose sniffs the necklace then looks back up at you with daring eyes,"How much longer my eyes won't stay open doll."

s m i l e .
gone back to school, college life. won't be on much. sorry
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby Temperance. » Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:09 pm

    { After much deliberation and studying this wild kia,
    I have decided to allow you to choose the gender since I can see it as being male or female ^^
    Hopefully this entices more people to potentially try out ;D

    Also hex codes have been added and a rough guesstimate of the end date (prone to change)



Female| INFJ |Christian | Kintaur Mod


> Call me Temperance, Tempy, Kat, or whatever you feel like.
> I love animals and decided to pursue a dog training career c:
> I have broad tv interests; everything from anime to sci-fi
> Banished is my new fave series (gifs to left are from the show)
> Literate writer with oodles of characters but very little time.
> Canadian!!! Whoop whoop! Bring on the maple syrup ;P
> Only posting occasionally - sort of on a semi hiatus

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