Mitul Reference by CCrow

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Mitul Reference

Postby CCrow » Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:43 am

Basic Information wrote:Username: CCrow
Name: Mitul "Limited Friend" (mi/tul),
but it was originally "Kiaan" meaning "king"
Gender: Male
Element: Hate
Alliance: Rebellion
Rank: Warrior | "Berserker"

While it is not an official rank, others had taken to calling him "a berserker" because of his ability to take on multiple enemies at the same time due to his sheer size and strength. He took to the front lines, helping to take down the Pride's tanks so that the rebels could reach the fighters and other warrior classes. When the rebels had to retreat, he was tasked with staying back and keeping the pursuing pride warriors at bay so that they could escape. His ability to harness hatred was especially useful, for he could cloud the minds of pride members and cause confusion among large and small groups. When focused enough, he can force some individuals to turn on each other.

Abilities wrote:Frenzy Mitul turns an opponents hatred on themselves, or their ally. This ability can only be used on targets who have hatred aimed at the user or the idea of the user. For example, Mitul can use this ability during battle when hatred is strongest if a pride member has hatred towards him or the rebellion. This ability is slightly passive, meaning it can take action if Mitul does not keep it in check. This can cause trouble for him, as seen in his battle against Latherus.
Blinding Rage When used, will give the target tunnel vision, or red vision, making it difficult for the target to aim properly or make logical moves. This ability can affect Mitul if he is in a great deal of pain or if he loses concentration on controlling his element in battle when his hatred and anger is especially high.
Berserk This is the ability that helped give Mitul his rank. Using his hatred to fuel his adrenaline, he becomes stronger and quicker and as a result, enabling him to take on stronger or larger quantities of opponents. He can hold this ability for a long time, however, the longer he uses it, the more tired he is afterwards. If used for too long, the lash-back could potentially kill him.
Personality wrote:Proud: While Mitul is no longer the snobby cub he once was, his arrogance shines through when it comes down to his favorite activity: fighting. He is very proud of his strong skills in battle and he never backs down at the chance to show them off. Carrying himself with a confident demeanor, he can appear intimidating to those who meet him.
Charismatic: He is certainly no outgoing social pickle, but he's not an introvert either. Mitul is fully capable of leading a conversation, as he's had a lot of experience holding one-sided conversations with the mute lion, Vox. Mitul can talk on and on when the conversation is about fighting or taking down the pride. Anyone there to listen to the compassion in his voice is sure to be inspired- unless they're a pride member or an enemy...
Keen: He is always aware of his surrounding, judging friends and enemies alike. He knows better than to trust all the other rebels, for some are not there for the same reasons as he. Mitul is always sure to be well-learned so he is never following anyone blinding. He also takes his arguments very seriously, always having information at paw so that he can support his ideas in arguments. He knows just the right way to get the information he wants without having to literally beat it out of them. There were many times as a cub where he'd tricked Sahib or some of the other cubs into doing what he wanted or taking the blame for him.
Combative: There is nothing that Mitul loves more than a good brawl. He often challenges the other rebels to duels, "to keep them on their toes" or so he says. He doesn't back down from a challenge either, opting to go into full out quarrels with anyone who is willing.
Compassionate: Mitul is very compassionate, taking the things he cares for to the next level. He can talk with someone for hours on end if he's interested in the topic, simply contemplating and throwing ideas around. His desire to make the pride pay is increased a tenth fold compared to the hate of some of the other rebels due to his element's influence on his mind. However, for those he cares about, he cares for greatly. Mitul will stop at nothing to make his loved ones happy and keep them safe, even if he may hurt them with his stubbornness and love to fight.
Stubborn: Once he's made up his mind, he isn't going to let it go until logic states he is wrong. He can argue for hours on end without changing sides, much to the dismay of whoever is trying to change his mind. Mutual is very set in his ways and it takes a lot for him to budge.
Facetious: Mitul's greatest friend in the darkest times, is his humor. During serious situation, he can't help but attempt to make light of the issue at hand with crude jokes and sarcasm. It's not that he is trying to be rude or distracting, for him it's just a natural way of coping.
Inquisitive: "Why" seems to be Mitul's favorite word. He enjoys questioning everything and is eager to learn something new, especially when it pertains to combat. Mitul is not a blind flower, but instead prides himself on knowing what he is fighting for.
Moody: He can go from happy to annoyed in a matter of seconds. His element is constantly keeping him on his toes, altering his mood whenever he isn't keeping it in check.
Empathetic: Despite his love to fight with others, Mitul cares greatly for what others have to say. He always takes others into consideration when speaking and making bold actions. Guilt would eat away at him if harm were to come to his friends either mentally or physically. As long as you aren't on his bed side, he makes a great friend, and therapist if you need one!
Sentimental: Mitul spends many hours pondering his past and reminiscing his friends. It is near impossible to tear him away from anything that he recieved in the past, including his equipment and his short hair.
History wrote:There was no foretelling the horrible path that lay ahead of Mitul- in fact, many who knew his family would have thought he would live a happy and privileged life. How wrong they were. Mitul was born in the pride to a family of three: his mother Madhavi who had the element of death, his father, Tanvir, who was cursed by his elemental control over hate, and his brother, Sahib, a young lion with the ability to control Light and who was adopted by Mitul's parents as a cub. Of course his name was not originally "Mitul", but was actually "Kiaan." His parents hoped that giving him such a powerful name would gain him respect and the expectation to be powerful within the pride. However, Mitul would never get the chance to fill the role of his name.

Mitul's parents absolutely adored him from the moment he was born. They gave him everything he wanted, from attention to training and everything above. Perhaps it was this spoiling of a cub that led him to grow so haughty as he grew older. However, this added attention to Sahib's new brother did not sit well with the adopted cub. He began to despise Mitul, especially when the younger cub began to grow arrogant and rude. While Mitul never intentionally rubbed the fact that he was favored in Sahib's face, there were moments where he'd try to boss Sahib around. Or when the two argued he would threaten to tell their parents, knowing fully well whose side they would take. Nonetheless, Sahib was no violent lion, nor did he have any ill-intention toward his foolish brother. So when tragedy struck, he decided to support his brother when no one else would.

Mitul's father fell ill, plagued by a disease brought on by the recent wars. A year later, he passed, leaving a 15 year old Miltul, a 162 year old Sahib, and a mother crippled with grief. Madhavi was particularly rattled by her mate's passing. Having the element of death, she was cursed with the constant vision of her mate. While some would think being able to see a deceased loved one would be a blessing, the incapability to speak to him drove Madhavi mad. Mitul was often there to witness his mother's bouts, watching as day after day she slowly lost her mind. Often times she would mistake him for his father, for he bore the same coat and mane as Tanvir. Because of this recognition, she would often turn into a sobbing mess when Mitul was around or she would act towards him with hatred, unable to bear the sight of something so close to her mate but so far. Mitul's element of hate only made her aggression toward him worse. His mother's new attitude toward Mitul was absolutely devastating to the young cub. He faced a drastic change in character, going from outgoing and visibly haughty to quiet and unsure of himself. Sahib saw this change in his brother and began to realize that things could not go on as they were. He hoped to ask the Pride Alpha for help, to ask him to find someone to take in Mitul, but the Alpha was too busy with the ongoing war to pay heed to a weak cub and a sole warrior. Their mother's behavior towards Mitul was only getting worse and worse, coming to the point where Sahib worried for Mitul's safety. The family had become so isolated from the rest of the pride, that there was no one there to take notice in the downfall of the family, nor anyone left for the survivors to turn to. With no other choice, Mitul's brother had to make a choice: leave the pride and raise Mitul on his own, or remain in the pride and risk their mother's eventual wrath. Whether it was Sahib's pride, his good will, or his fear for his adoptive sibling, or something else- compelled him to give up everything for his brother and enter the Unknown lands.

The two brothers left on a rather warm night. They had snuck out of the caverns when Sahib came to fetch Mitul once their mother had left to visit Tanvir's grave. Mitul felt bad for deceiving his mother so, but despite his love for his mother, he knew that she was no longer the loving and wise lioness that he had been raised by. The two had crept silently into the darkness, the stars the only light to illuminate their path. They thought they would escape easily, but fate had never been kind to Mitul. From out of nowhere came Madhavi. For a moment she appeared normal, approaching the duo with a concerned look on her face as she peered at them, trying to figure out their identities. "What are you to doing out here?" she questioned. "The dead are particularly active tonight... My dear Tanvir walks with me. He won't talk to me though..." she took a step forward and her eyes locked onto Mitul. "Talk to me!" She was insane, Tanvir's soul had already been given to the Lake of Eternity.
Mitul backed away, tail tucked between his legs and ears pressed firmly against his head. What was he supposed to do? She thought that he was his father! Where did she even come from? When Mitul gave no response, Madhavi stepped closer, sniffing the air as she did so. "You!" she snarled, her pupils dilating. Mitul took one more step, two, and then he was running, his older brother nudging him to move faster. But he was not fast enough. In one leap, Madhavi was on top of Mitul. Her weight caused them to roll into a rock, stunning the two of them. Mitul was able to free himself, but Madhavi was not done yet. She grabbed onto his tail with two paws, digging her claws into his flesh. The skin tore more as Mitul struggled.
"You can't leave me again!" Madhavi yowled. Suddenly, the weight tugging on Mitul's tail vanished as Sahib barreled into the crazed lioness.
""Run, Kiaan! Run!" And so Mitul did as he was told. And ran.

He didn't look back until he was at least two miles away from the confrontation. How he had made it that far, he did not know. He didn't know what happened to Sahib, or if his mother still pursued him. What he did know was that he was beyond exhausted and before he could get his bearing, he had collapsed to the ground as the world fell away beneath him. Dreams of shattered light and a weeping lioness tortured his slumber...

When Sahib awoke the next day, he was not where he remembered he had fallen asleep. Instead, he found himself in a cave. His surroundings were strange, decorated with taxon pelts and caffer hide along the wall. The smell of tanned leather and fire was thick in the air, causing the young cub to gag at the stench and squint his eyes against the sting of smoke. When Mitul took a look around, he inevitably made eye contact with large sturdy lion who had been inspecting something metallic that he been crafting using one of his elements. The lion had immediately stopped what he was doing and without a word, walked towards the frightened and confused cub. Mitul had not known what to make of the ginormous being before him, but he didn't have the courage to move, let alone speak. The beast of a lion simply sat there, looking at him with expectant amber eyes. This went on for a few moments, giving Mitul enough time to take in every detail; soot covered his coat, blending into the naturally black hairs. Some of the rust-colored stripes bled through, although most of the fine hairs were covered completely by black near the paws. He had his obsidian hair cropped short with the ends smoldering like little embers. however, the most prominent feature of the lion was before his silence. The lack of noise was interrupted by voices approaching the cave. five rather odd looking lions entered the clearing. They were all young, with three being female and the other two were male. Each had a red symbol painted somewhere on their body. They would later tell him that each symbol was personal to the individuals who bore the mark, and that they had earned them when they had become full members of their squadron that had been stationed in the cave that they were currently in. The beastly lion who smelled of smoke had one too: right on the top of his snout just before his nose was some sort of u shape with two dots in the middle. When they saw Mitul was awake, and having a rather awkward stare down with the soot-covered lion, they made haste to introduce themselves. The three females were Vin, Faerin, and Amell, while the two males were Galu and 'Delirious'. They introduced the large male that Mitul met first as Vox, stating that he was mute after a prison guard had cut out his tongue for attempting to escape. They didn't elaborate, but there was no need for Mitul was too naive to question them any further. When they asked Mitul for his name, he would not respond with even a noise. He would simply stare at them with his large orange eyes. So, the lions left him alone for about four days. During those days, Mitul kept to himself and cried, at last allowing himself to grieve for his dead father, his broken mother, and his brother, who he knew to be so close and yet so far. On the last day of solitude, he promised himself that he would stop crying over what happened back in the pride. A fine resolve built itself in his mind, ushering him to become stronger so that he would survive. Surviving was all he had left anyways. Of course, that idea was something that he had to work towards... as he found out the days following up after he opened up to the group.

His first words to the new lions was him telling them that "I don't need your help. My brother will come for me." Mitul had always been a very proud cub, and he wasn't ready to face the fact that he was stuck there with the small group. The group told him that they had found him within pride lands when Amell and Galu saw him after chasing a taxon into the pride lands. At they time, they believed that Mitul was some abandoned cub because of how far away he was from the caverns in which the pride kept their young ones. While Mitul remembered enough to know that that was not the case, he never found it in himself to tell them otherwise.
Because of the lack of information and Mitul's protests towards being their 'friend', they called him "Mitul," which, according to Vox, meant "limited friend," which he had quietly scraped the name into the stone floor once he tired of hearing his comrades continuously asking the cub for his name. Mitul didn't disagree with the new nickname, so "Mitul" stuck.

After their initial introduction, Mitul began to become comfortable with the group. He didn't like Vin much, and Vox was his favorite even though he was sure that the monstrous lion absolutely hated him. However, one day, young Mitul, eyes teary, asked Vox why he disliked him so much. For the first time ever, Mitul witnessed what looked like surprise and then amusement cross Vox's face. Galu, who was nearby, answered for him, saying that it was because they both had the element of hate that naturally they could never get along with each other. He had always thought that the lion was a metal elemental, but it seemed that Vox had more power than he realized. Mitul gave the obvious response, and asked "why," to which Galu only shrugged, responding that it was the way of life. Despite them theoretically being unable to stand each other, Mitul began to enjoy the tension between himself and Vox. As he grew older, he found himself hanging out around Vox and picking up on the lion's odd habits and his hidden language. Despite having no speech, Vox was very vocal with his movements and grunts. He became somewhat of an assistant to the blacksmith, grabbing the necessary materials when they were needed. He even "helped" Vox make a gold nose ring, which Vox let him keep for his efforts even though it was one size too big for his small nose. Delirious, nicknamed so after his very loose, humorous, and almost lucid character, often hung around in the cave so as to keep the air clear of smoke using his air element. He was a good source of information or the curious cub because of his laid-back nature. He explained why the group was there in the cave, and what they were hoping to accomplish. He told him of how a few weeks ago, there used to be many many lions living within their cave- a few dozen at the least. He said they were a rebellion troop, preparing to return home after a successful raid. Mitul had chimed in, wondering aloud "but aren't the rebels evil?" to which Delirious quickly respondedwith a resounding "no!" and even Vox made a grunt to refute the statement. Just days before their departure, the pride had found the camp and launched an attack. All but the six of them were killed, leaving the small group to gather whatever was left and try to get back home. "We're too scared though," Delirious had said, "the pride could be waiting for us out there. We need armor, which is why we have Vox doing what he does. Even then, who knows how much longer the rebellion will last..." Mitul didn't want to believe that his home was capable of such murder, but he was just a cub, and he had yet to witness that such treacheries were all too common in his day and age.

As years passed, the group began to notice that Mitul's element was beginning to grow out of control. The grey spotted cub had never had the chance to complete his training, and his element of hate was already difficult to control even if he had full training. And as Mitul grew older, he began to realize more and more about his past and learn about the lives of his newfound friends, building a dark distaste for what used to be his life. Vox, without Mitul asking him to, began to mentor him and teach him to contain the hate growing inside of him. He also began training him to fight, even though Mitul was far too young by the pride's standards. Mitul learned to put his anger and hatred into his attacks, making him a rather quick and unhesitant student. Fighting quickly became Mitul's way of life, often dedicating many hours to sparring with the older blacksmith. He learned more humility than he probably needed after being swatted time after time by Vox's mountain paws. While he sill carried himself with a cocky swagger, he would no longer try to boss the others around or shove his natural talents in their face.

For years, this was the way Mitul's life was. The group had long ago finished preparing to leave the cave and return home, but instead the found themselves storing away their equipment for when Mitul would reach his final growth. When that day came, they rewarded him with a symbol of his own:

Vox gifted him a leather arm band and a taxon hair tail brace, which he claimed to have made him himself, even though Delirious joked that he probably got it off of one of their dead comrades. No one but he and Mitul found it funny... Vox offered to cut his hair, seeing as he couldn't hang around with Vox near fire and melted metal with such long hair. Mitul was quick to put his new pieces of equipment to the test, training with Vox and dueling with Vin, Amell, and more often times, Galu. Their celebration was short-lived, as the group was eager to return to the rebellion. They had spent many years away from the fight, one century too many. Once Vox had declared Mitul fit to have their backs in battle, they made their escape.

But bad luck was always at Mitul's heels.

A scout from the pride witnessed them exiting the cave, and returned with reinforcements.

In a split second, the world had turned upside down for Mitul. He found himself in the midst of a battle, a battle that threatened the lives of the lions that had raised him and that he had learned to call his friends. Maybe even the only friends he'd ever had. He fought valiantly, using his large frame to bat enemies away and snapping his jaws at anyone who got too close. No matter what, it was no use. He watched as Faerin was caught, and then Vin, then Galu, Amell, Delirious, and finally, Vox. Somehow, he had made it to the edge of the clearing. All he had to do, was run. And he did, but this time, he had no intention of abandoning those he considered family. He was not the weak cub he once was. He would free his friends. He only needed one thing- the help of the rebellion.

Just one week later, he was able to come in contact with one of the rebel's recruiters. They rebels were suspicious of him at first, even more so when he told them that he had "met some rebel warriors, lived with them in fact." However, with the amount of hatred he exuded when he spoke of the pride and a bit of persuasion from his element, he was able to convince them he was on their side, he was able to join the Rebellion. He would go on to prove himself to his new allies, portraying himself as a powerful and capable warrior. While it is not an official rank, others had taken to calling him "a berserker" because of his ability to take on multiple enemies at the same time due to his sheer size and strength. He took to the front lines, helping to take down the Pride's tanks so that the rebels could reach the fighters and other warrior classes. When the rebels had to retreat, he was tasked with staying back and keeping the pursuing pride warriors at bay so that they could escape. His ability to harness hatred was especially useful, for he could cloud the minds of pride members and cause confusion among large and small groups. When focused enough, he can force some individuals to turn on each other. He quickly gained status in the rebellion for his feats and what some saw as "heroic acts."
Despite his new life in the rebellion, he would never forgot why he joined. Bearing the marks of his missing family, he set his mind towards his next goals; destroy the pride, and free the ones he loves.
Short Story wrote:
Welcome to the Rebellion, "Friend"

They're all looking at me. Judging glares burned holes in the back of my head. They were trying to get a feel for me, the stranger who had come from nowhere. No one knew me. Not the ex-nomads, nor the ones who came from the pride, and certainly not those who grew up in the rebellion.
I walked on with my eyes ahead and ears forward. Who's going to challenge me? I wondered. Definitely not that one... he's got the strength, but he he's got that coward look to him. Delirious would call him a- I fumbled in my steps. Delirious was gone. The others seemed to catch onto my sudden change in mood, the braver ones inching closer and closer to me. Deciding to put an end to the suspense, I stopped where I stood and called out to the gathering of lions. "What are you gawking at?" I was sure to lace my voice with challenge and I slowly turned in a circle, meeting the gaze of those paying attention. The crowd grumbled before they began to disperse, most continuing to cast sly glances my way when they thought I wasn't looking. No one? I thought, surprised that no one was angered by my bold proclamation. Lashing my tail in annoyance at my failure to provoke them, I began heading towards my assigned den area. It didn't take long before I felt someone trailing me, and I was not in the mood to play games. Turning around and keeping my expression neutral, I faced my challenger. A large lion strode up to me. He was at least a head taller and had a tan coat covered in scars. The most daunting part about him was his two large saber teeth. It didn't take much of a guess to figure out he was a bully. He probably thinks I'll be an easy win. I nearly shook in excitement at the thought of his embarrassment when I beat him.
"Welcome to the Rebellion," purred the challenger, "I am Latherus. I give you my warmest greetings."
Then he leapt at me. How dishonorable! I went to dodge, but his attack was too sudden for me to react. Red shrouded my vision and my face felt like it was being ripped off. A shriek escaped my lips as I quickly leapt away from his grasp. There was a disturbed silence from the crowd, as if even they had not expected such extreme violence. I kept my eyes closed so I wasn't rendered blind from the heavy blood dripping down my face. That would be a pretty lame end to my story.
Bah dum bah dum bah dum. He was charging me! With no other option, I let him ram into me, the weight of the hit sending us rolling until we came to a stop. He landed on top of me, knocking away my breath. I could feel my element working against me, clouding Latherus' mind with hate and making him all the more aggressive. He longed towards my chest, he teeth snapping at the skin near where my heart was located. With a wild kick of my legs, I was able to stumble him and push him away, although he tore my flesh as I did so. I had to fight to catch my breath before even thinking about rolling onto my feet.
"And I am Mitul," pant, pant, "Here's my- pant "greeting." Bearing my fangs at the brutal lion, I used the last of my energy to push my hatred further onto him, this time targeting his hatred towards himself. The effect was immediate. He began clawing at his face and biting his own forelegs. Blood began to appear on his fur, reddening the once light colored tan. I stumble over to his writhing form and take my time to raise my tail as if I were about to perform the killing blow. Instead, I swing my tail sideways, the side of the spikes crashing into Latherus' mouth and sending him reeling. His two saber teeth went flying, bouncing across the stone with the quietest of clanks. Then, angling my spikes back at him, I released my hold on his mind.
Latherus sat there for a moment, stunned into silence. He seemed shocked about the events that transpired. I had let my element get the best of me and the both of us paid for it. Neither of us spoke, and the crowd didn't dare to whisper. Without a word, I left, collecting the two saber teeth as I went. No one dared cross my path. Yet as I made my ways towards the healing area with my head held high, I couldn't help wondering if I put up a good enough show.
I stumbled into the den, just about collapsing from the pain. My thoughts hurt more than the gashes in my face or my chest, however. Would Vox be ashamed of me for what I did? I didn't want to think about it, but his voice kept nagging at the back of my mind. The sound of someone approaching snapped me out of my thoughts and caused my head to snap up.
"You just arrived here the other day and you're already getting into fights! Oh, you'll fit in alright..."
Relationships wrote:
Latherus Ever since Mitul joined the rebellion, the two have been at each others throats. Mitul's first victory over him during the hazing left him resentful and filled with the need to avenge his honor. There are multiple times in which the two have saved each others lives, though neither are quite sure about the other's motives.

Vox Vox just about raised Mitul. He was the one to teach him manners, how to fight, and even what metals to use for armor or jewelry. Because they both have the element of hate, though Vox can also control metal, the two were theoretically supposed to be unable to get along. However, the two had grew only closer and Mitul found himself enjoying the slight but constant tension between them. While the two have never held a proper conversation, seeing as Vox is mute, Vox loves listening to Mitul's one sided conversations. The two had developed a sort of silent communication before Vox was captured, and the other members of their small group could never seem to figure out what they were saying. Mitul sees Vox as some role-model, constantly striving to be like the beastly black lion and wondering if he is making him proud.

Delirious Delirious is always able to bring out the wild in him. When together, the two were always up to mischief, annoying the others and making crude jokes. Mitul was always prying information out of Delirious, from what happened in each lion's past to what was currently going on in the world.

Vin Mitul saw Vin as some sort of annoying sister. The two were constantly bickering due to their stubborn personalities and opposing views. Whenever Mitul got in trouble as a cub, he would try to blame her. Key word "try."

Faerin Faerin was somewhat of a mother figure to Mitul, though she was very different form his biological mother, Madhavi. She and Vox were the one to calm him down whenever he was upset or when he lost control of his element. When Mitul was younger, he used to have terrible nightmares, about what, she did not know. To put him back to sleep, she would sing a song for him about cub who hunted a butterfly. Mitul seemed to find the song soothing, and he still hums the tune from time to time when he thinks no one is listening.

Galu Galu was Mitul's go-to when he needed advice or another sparring partner. Whenever Mitul and Delirious were caught being up to no good, he would turn a blind eye. Mitul reminded Galu of a brother he had, one who he had not seen since his squadron had been dispatched. With that said, Galu was overly eager when it came to bruising Mitul's ego as he had a sharp tongue that seemed to be made for the sole purpose of mocking him.

Amell Amell was the oldest lion in the group, and she had plenty of stories to tell. When he wasn't off with Delirious or at the forge with Vox, Mitul would listen to all of her adventures. Amell loved to tell him her stories, and they would often debate the events for hours on end. Amell was also responsible for teaching him the history of the lions, even touching upon the pride's past since she had been born there.
Description/meaning of accessories, mane and scars: wrote:Scars and Hair
Claw-marks on Head and Tear Behind Left Shoulder
When Mitul first joined the rebellion, he was hazed by the warriors looking to prove themselves by his peer. It was in this time that he met Latherus who would become his rival. Latherus and he faced off, resulting in Latherus gouging Mitul's face and tearing a hole in his chest when he attempted to rip his heart out while under the influence of Mitul's uncontrolled element. Mitul was able to win the fight and subdue the saber-toothed lion, but not without paying a great price.

Long Claw-Mark on Butt + Claw Marks on Back Left Leg
It was during a battle between the rebels and the pride that it happened. Mitul had been doing his job, helping to cloud the minds of the pride ranks with blind hatred and using his raw power to tear down and push aside the enemy tanks. It was difficult for him to cloud the minds of the enemy, and not his comrades as well- especially as the use of his element caused his own hatred to flare up in the heat of battle. His element became too much for him, and he found himself in a blind rage. He charged into the ranks of the pride and strayed further and further from the other rebels. Soon enough there were more pride members than rebels in the area, making him severely outnumbered. A few pride members noticed the strange and angry lion in their midst, and launched an attack on him. Before Mitul could react- not that he could while filled with such mind-consuming hatred, a lioness had left on his back, tearing into his rear and left leg and dragging him to the ground. Ironically enough, Mitul was saved by his rival, Latherus, who had followed him and was able to fight off the attackers enough for some of the others to get him to safety. To this day, Mitul does not understand why Latherus chose to help him, though some of his friends spectate that he was trying to show him that he was the better warrior. Mitul finds that harder to believe, instead favoring the idea that Latherus would be more likely to let his competition die.

Flecked Scars on Butt
At the end of a small clash, Mitul had to stay back and help block the pride lions pursuing the fleeing rebels. An ice elemental was able to break past the hatred that Mitul was pushing on them and flung sharp icicle-like projectiles, hitting Mitul on his left side and efficiently distracting him. The wounds were deep, and Mitul was forced to give up his position and leave with his comrades. Due to the rebels being very dispersed after their retreat, it took him a while to get treatment. In the time that his wounds were uncared for, they developed an infection which took him two months to recover from. The flecked scars are a reminder to him that while he can take on many enemies, not even he can't defeat a disease.

Claw Marks on Tail
His tail was shredded by his own mother, Madhavi, after she had gone insane due to the loss of her mate and the strain of her element. He and his brother had been attempting to escape the Pride Lands and Madhavi, when she seemingly came out of nowhere and attempted to stop them from leaving. To this day, Mitul still has nightmares about the crazed look in her eyes as sank her claws into his flesh.

Short Hair Vox cut Mitul's hair short on his 150th birthday in celebration of transforming into his adult form. Having short hair was useful for Mitul, especially since he was constantly hanging around Vox who was always near fire. Although fire wasn't needed for Vox to use his metal element, it made doing so easier and quicker seeing as it softened the metal. Even after his makeshift family is captured, he keeps his hair cut short because he prefers having it out of his face during combat and it gave opponents something less to hold him by. He also kept it because it reminds him of Vox, who had the same haircut.

Gold Nose Ring Mitul's gold nose ring was the first thing that he ever "helped" Vox craft. Of course, Mitul didn't actually do anything to help, but it was the thought that counted. He couldn't wear the nose ring until he had matured into his final growth due to it having been twice the size of his snout when he was a cub. Attackers often try to grab him by the ring, but it's something worth risking for the sake of a fond memory.

Tooth and Leather Taxon Hair Tail Brace + Tooth and Leather Arm Band The leather taxon hair tail brace and the leather arm band were both crafted by Vox, who gave them to Mitul on his 150th birthday when he finally transformed into his adult form. They are by far the favorite things he owns, and he cherishes them to the point that it is scary. The teeth weren't added to the leather until much later when he had joined the rebels. Being a newbie- and a rather odd looking one at that, many of the other warriors wanted to challenge him to see whether or not he was a threat to their status. The one who stepped up, however, was a very savage looking lioness named Leona. Her personality matched her appearance, as she attempted to shred his face without care for her own safety. In the end, he won and claimed her two canines as a trophy and a symbol of his accomplishment. The night of the battle, he added a tooth to the leather arm band and the tail brace. He thought that it would be enough to ward away the rest of the warriors from challenging him, but he was wrong. Three days later, he met his rival: a lion larger than himself with large sabertooth teeth, an ice elemental who went by the name of Latherus. Mitul was able to win by clouding Latherus' mind, but not after being mutilated. Similar to last time, he claimed three of his opponents teeth, two being the sabers or the canines and the last one being a random sharp tooth. He added two of them to his arm band, one of the canines and the random tooth he had collected. The last canine was turned into a pendant.

Bone Ear Piercing The rebels aren't exactly known for their caring nature, but Mitul's friends enjoyed a good laugh. Mitul's bone ear piercing was the result of a rather crude prank pulled by a few rebels when they tried to "make him look tougher" by stabbing a bone needle through his ear while he was asleep. Mitul woke up to the pain and was not at all happy, bringing him to give a few lions a thrashing. He didn't want to walk around with a random hole in his ear, and although he won't admit it, he rather likes the earring. So, the piercing stuck with him.

String Tooth Pendant The tooth in the pendant was won in Mitul's fight against Latherus. It was the third tooth he took form the lion, one of the lion's sabers. Latherus still loathes Mitul for taking his teeth, despite Mitul having saved him on multiple occasions. The two have been rivals ever since their brawl back when Mitul was a new member, and the teeth in Mitul's pendant as well as the arm band are a reminder of that.

String Tooth Tail Pendant Mitul... isn't really sure where his string tooth tail pendant came from. The pendant appeared in the entrance of his den one day and he has no idea who left it there. Some of his friends in the rebellion like to tease him about having a "secret admirer," although according to Mitul, whoever the admirer is must be out of their mind.

Red Paint The red paint decorating his body were symbols that each belonged to individuals of the group that raised Mitul. The symbols were a way of acknowledgment among members of the squadron that the group belonged to before it was destroyed, with each lion bearing their own unique mark with a special meaning to it. When the group was captured, Mitul painted the symbols on himself in red paint as a reminder of his lost family and his mission to someday save them.

A big thank you to Keen for making the page dividers for me and for giving me support as I fought against time to get this form in <3
Headshot is by me! Whoever wins may keep the headshot, but not the page dividers.

ImageFullbody by Dragoncool97

pixel by MechanicDrone
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