Nemilos Ref by CCrow

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Nemilos Ref

Postby CCrow » Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:06 am

Current Name: Nemilos - Romanian for "heartless"

Original Name: Șarpe

Gender: Male

Age: +200 Years

Mentor: Par

Element: Poison/Ice

Rank: Fighter [Warrior]

Personality: Nemilos doesn't show much of his personality unless he gets to know you. He carries himself with a confident yet cool demeanor and there is always a calculating look in his eyes. He is usually very calm and quiet, but when he does speak his words are often sharp and scathing. The only time he will speak gently is when he is speaking to someone who is very close to him or he wishes to coax into trusting him. Either that, or he is in a very good mood. Depending on the lion, he may act very loving and loyal and may even goof around-but this is with only a handful of lions. He'll go out of his way to keep those he loves safe and happy, yet to outsiders it appears that he could care less about others. He is all too willing to turn on someone if he feels that they are a threat to him or his family. He will go as far as to test someone to see if they are trustworthy by pushing them until he feels that he know what type of lion they are. Nemilos has a higher respect for other warriors and ranks higher than the other classes, though he still has respect for them-just not a lot of respect... Due to his extreme devotion to the pride, he highly dislikes the rebellion. Unlike some other members of his Pride, he holds no ill-will towards the Lake Lions or those who have recently joined the Pride, although he may be a bit suspicious, especially of ex-rebels. He can be very stubborn when it comes to his ideals and doing what he wants, but will listen to any reason or logic.
His relationship with his family and especially Salem has shaped him into the snake-hearted, yet oddly caring lion he is today.

Relationship with their family:

Salem and Nemilos: Nemilos and Salem were once the best of friends; two brothers who could enjoy each others quiet company without the thought of turning on one another. However, as training began, Nemilos began to take note of the more brutal side of his brother. Time after time Salem proved his dominance to their siblings, inflicting both physical and mental pain. Nemilos began to watch his back around his brother, checking his words and challenging him enough to get him to back down. His pride didn't allow him to be passive, nor did it let him stand up for his siblings. Being the slighter of the two, Nemilos had to be care so as not to get into a battle of strength with his brother. It is only when he is older that he can take on Salem using his cunningness and his wits.
When in each others presences, the two will often slip in words of hidden taunts. In public they speak more as acquaintances rather than siblings or foe. To any who don't know the both of them well, they seem like simple comrades with no history between them. In private, they like to face off and challenge each other. Since they're the strongest males of the litter, they've always been rather competitive with each other. Whether it be for dominance or power, the two strive to best each other.
As they become older, Salem and Nemilos will grow farther and farther apart. Their once relatively friendly bickering will turn into full out threats and bared teeth. Nemilos' trust in his brother all but falls apart- not that it was very strong in the first place.

Nissy and Nemilos: Nemilos shares a stronger bond with Nissy than he does with the rest of his family. He feels that it is his duty to protect her, seeing that she is the only female of the litter and the most naive. He fears that others may try to take advantage of her kindness. Although, that may just because he’s rather cynical. While Nemilos will never publicly protect her, he may throw in a few quiet threats or a glare to warn away any potential threats. There have even been times where has a blackmailed others into staying away from her, though he’s sure that if she ever found out, he’d get a scolding of a lifetime.
Their normal interaction is usually them sitting in a peaceful silence. They never seem to need words to get their feelings across. There has always been some kind of mutual understanding between them, though they wouldn’t be able to describe it if asked to. She’s the only one in his family that he will ever truly open up to- the only one he truly trusts. Nemilos loves his sister more than himself, and he’d sacrifice the world for her. He’s sure that she’d do the same, although he’d hate himself forever should anything ever happen to her because of him.
In public however, Nemilos’ demeanor towards his sister is much different. He takes on a much more scathing tone and acts as if he doesn’t really care about what happens to her. He doesn’t interfere when she and Salem face off, for he believes that she needs to learn and earn her place in the pride.

Minnow and Nemilos: The bond between these is an odd one. Nemilos often struggles between showing his love for Minnow or shunning him for his weakness. Like with his sister Nissy, Nemilos will give Minnow support if he believes he really needs it. Otherwise, he acts towards his brother in a very stiff manner. Very sparse words are shared between the two, for neither really have anything in common. Their strength may be the biggest difference, but their sense of moral isn't too far behind. While Minnow is all for love and peace, Nemilos wants nothing to do with others and he's all to willing to inflict pain if he sees it necessary. Minnow often questions his brother, which usually brings on a bout of annoyance from the spiteful lion. Nemilos never strikes out at his brother when angered, but rather puts on a show of coolness and stalks away. As the two grow older, their relationship remains somewhat the same if not more tense.

Genesis and Nemilos: Nemilos is more of a momma's boy than he'd like to admit. He got a lot of his personality from her; her observant nature and her evil intentions among other things. So, he can't help but blame her when he does something wrong. Of course he wants her pride, but he's not going to put everything aside just to gain it. Genesis is pained by the thought of her cub Nemilos becoming more and more like her since she wanted her cubs to tread a different path than she did. She often pushes Nemilos to do his best, which Nemilos appreciates- not that he'd let her know that. Their training sessions are one of his fondest memories as a cub, even if his relationship with his mother wasn't always the greatest.

Mephisto and Nemilos: Nemilos also gets a lot of his personality from his father, Mephisto. Like Mephisto, he strives to be powerful. Nemilos has a high sense of respect for his sire, and Mephisto is one of the only lions in his life who he truly wishes to make proud. Nemilos takes his training sessions with his father very seriously and does his best to prove himself agains this siblings. He rarely has to face the frustration on his father, for he usually reaches Mephisto's standards.
When out of training, Mephisto continues to teach his cub how to act properly. Nemilos often times tunes out his father when he grows tired of his constant correction and demonstrations, which usually results in a cuffing around the ears. If Nemilos ever needs to be put in place, Mephisto is the best one for the job. The older lion seems to know the best ways at the worst times to embarrass his sly and icy son.




Nemilos w/ his Siblings - lines by starry-knight, colored by Alaric Glöckner

"Nemilos Realistic" by shadowphoenixfox


Biggest Dream: Nemilos' greatest dream is to gain the respect of all of his pride-mates and to prove himself as a cable warrior.

Biggest Fear: His greatest fear is failing his duties as a warrior. He believes that he's already failed his role as a brother, and failing his Pride would simply be the end of him.

Theme Song: Ghost Town by Adam Lambert

Quotes from Nemilos:
Sometimes I think that when I poison my foes, maybe I poison myself a little bit too.

I care for none but myself and my family. You? No, you can die.

Trust? You destroyed any traces of that when we were cubs, Salem.

You're weak. Nothing can change that, Minnow. Not even I. And yet for some reason I continue to try...

For once, Nissy, it seems that silence can speak more words than actions.

Birth Name: Șarpe - Nemilos' given name was Șarpe, however he eventually gained the name 'Nemilos' when he was just a few months old. One day his parents observed him mercilessly destroying an ant hill, all the while declaring that "all will fall before me!" They were so amused by his behavior that as a joke, they nick-named him Nemilos, meaning "heartless." The name stuck with him and was proven to be more accurate than his parents' could have ever imagined as he grew older. His family will sometimes call him by his old name when they're truly mad at him or are trying to make him see reason. Everyone else just addresses him by his nickname.

Family Training (Juvenile Training, Short-Story):
The soft grass bends under the weight of two lion cubs tumbling head over heels down the hill. The larger of the two, a grey-brown male with dark spots and ice blue horns, emerges victorious. He glares down ferociously at his opponent, a cub smaller than he with crackles on his pelt and the eyes of a healing green. The two are so similar, it is obvious they are brothers. Paws pressings against the throat of the weaker male, the blue eyed cub demands a yield. The smaller cub huffs in annoyance, narrowing his eyes before giving a half-hearted murmur of defeat. He rolls from under the legs of the other lion and brings himself up into a sitting position with a hiss.
“You always win,” he says in an accusing tone.
The cub with the horns like ice shrugs nonchalantly, “It’s not my fault you’re weaker than me, Little Nemilos.” Nemilos’ tail flickers in annoyance and one of his ears can’t seem to decide whether it wants to pin back against his head or remain upright. He stands up and takes a threatening step towards his brother, who follows suit.
“I swear it, Salem, if you-” the sound of paws thrumming against the earth interrupts the quarrel. Two full-grown lions enter the scene, followed by a sickly looking male and a small female cub. The adult male stares down the two. His stance and aura seem to exude to power, creating a deep sense of dread in the two bickering cubs.
“Enough,” he commands. “Good work, Salem. You’ll make a fine warrior one day indeed. As for you, Nemilos, right now you can’t beat your brother in terms of strength or elemental power. So either get stronger or find another way to win. That will be all. Training is over.”
Nemilos stares at the ground, his face devoid of emotion. He doesn’t watch as his father strides away, nor does he pay attention to his mother and the weaker of his siblings approach him with concern. He stands slowly and meets the gaze of Salem. A devious smirk tugs at his lips, “Good fight,” he tells the ice-horned cub, who returns the smirk. He pushes past his mother who attempts to stop him to console him. Minnow, the sickly male cub frowns at the whole scene, as if it was the cause of his illness. Nissy is the only one who follows after her brother- the only one he allows to follow him.
After about an hour of walking, they reach a medium sized cave dubbed ‘Lion’s Maw.’ Jagged rocks stick up from the stone floor like the teeth of monstrous lion, the key feature that gives their meeting place it’s name. The pad into the center of the cavern, slipping between the crevices and gaps of the fang-like rocks. Nissy and Nemilos curl up together in a small pocket of space surrounded on all sides by the stone. Nemilos sighs quietly, laying his head to rest on the cold surface of the floor. Not a word passes between the two, but rather they lay in a comfortable silence. Slowly but surely, Nemilos drifts to sleep, but even then the tug of hatred follows him into his dreams. Nissy, awake and ever watching, give her brother one last comforting lick before she herself lays her head against the cool floor and drifts to sleep.

First War (Short-Story):
A battle is about to begin in a passage between mountains. Two sections of armies face off against each other, waiting for the other side to make the first move. All is silent, unnervingly so. The young and inexperienced lions step from paw to paw, fear riddled and anxious to do something. The others however, watch the enemies with a calculating look. A young, snake-hearted lion by the name of Nemilos calmly awaits the command of the secondary leader. His tail flickers once- the only sign of his anxiety. A minute passes, and then two. At the three minute mark, the secondary leader lashes his tail in a horizontal motion; the sign to attack. A snarl escapes his throat as Nemilos launches himself into the fray. His comrades roar with him, a sound of resounding doom for their enemies. He glances back behind him just before he locks into battle, catching a glimpse of his sister, Nissy, in her distractor armor. He believes in his heart that no one could beat them with her by his side. Bringing his gaze in front of him once more, he comes across his first opponent. A large lioness savagely attacks a tank, digging her claws and fangs into the armored body of the sturdy warrior. Her eyes sparkle with bloodlust, a disease of war that can take control of even the softest of hearts. Suddenly, a stream of water slashes her across her face. Her surprise at the distraction allows the tank to shake her off, and to give Nemilos the perfect opportunity to take the warrior lioness out. Crouching low to the ground, he darts forward and launches himself onto his opponent. He sinks his fangs into her exposed neck, sending poison into her bloodstream. She sinks to the ground as pain and weariness take over and the poison slowly reaches her heart. Without another glance at the dying lioness, Nemilos steps over her fallen form and continues into the battle. He senses his sister at his heels, and casting a look over his shoulder, he catches her looking at the corpse of his foe and the active battlefield with a look of sadness. Shaking away the image, he resumes his fighting.
Many more met the same fate as the lioness. Whether it be a slow death by poison or a quick silencing by ice, all who faced the young lion never again saw the light of day. Yet not once did Nemilos feel pity for those whose life had been lost to his tooth and claw.

Armor: Image
About the Armor
Banner - Beneath his armor, Nemilos bears a banner similar to the color of his horns. It seems to have seen better days, for rips and tears can be seen all over the cloth-like material. Before battle, Nemilos soaks the crimson banner in a poison so that any enemy who happen to touch the banner with an open wound will become poisoned and will show signs of sickness after a few hours. He uses his power over poison to make sure none of his allies are effected.

Helm - Nemilos wears a highly durable grey-black helm into battle. The helm is shaped like the top half of the head and mouth of a snake, with two slits on the nose area to enable breathing. There are four green runes lined up along the snout, however the meaning of these runes are yet to be discovered. It's attached to his head by two black leather straps; one strap connect to the lower half of the helm and wraps around the top of his snout, while the other is attached to the upper side of the helm and wraps around his neck.

Glove - Nemilos wears a clawed glove upon his front left paw. The slightly flexible metal is plated so has to allow maximum movement in his limb. The metal that wraps around the paw is decorated with red lines. It is attached to his forearm by a dyed black linen wrap. The claws on the gloves are made of a silver metal that is extremely durable and takes a lot of time and dedication to sharpen. It has become a habit of Nemilos to sharpen the claws of his glove when he is nervous or angry.

Main Armor - Nemilos clads himself in plated black-grey armor that covers his shoulders, his back, and 1/3 of the length of his tail. The majority of the armor has silver accents but is for the most part plain. There is a green snake etched into his arrow-shaped pauldron that appears to be bearing it's fangs. A large laughing snake made of silver with a green gem for an eye is used to clasp together the straps that keep the armor on him. The armor is relatively light, especially so for a fighter. While it doesn't provide as much protection, it allows him to take a manageable number of hits while at the same time enabling him to access his natural speed and agility.

Other - The armor is said to have once belonged to a power-hungry lion who fought in the Civil War on the side that opposed what is now the current ruling side. If one listens close enough, they might hear a soft hissing noise emanating from the helm of the armor.

Importance of the Snake: Nemilos has always loved the snake and what it symbolizes. He admires it's deadly and silent way of movement and the way it can suddenly lash out with a fetal blow. Being a lion of the poison element, he finds snakes even more interesting. During his younger years, he spent a lot of his free time simply observing and learning from the snake. He got his idea of injecting venom into his opponents with a bit after he watched a black mamba do so to it's prey. He also trained himself to quietly slink across the land, as quiet and quick as the snakes he loves. When he reaches his final form he's presented with multiple sets of armor, one of which happened to be themed after a snake.

Main Use of Elements:

Killing Bite - Nemilos will often end the lives of his opponents with a quick, clean bite to the neck or other highly vessel areas. He injects a poison into the wound which will kill the lion or prey at a rate that depends on how strong or weak they are.

Ice Snake - He conjures up ice in the form of a black mamba (type of snake) which acts as an intimidation factor as well as a distraction. It may take his opponent a moment to realize it's not a real snake!

Ground Freeze - He freezes the ground below his foe, rooting them to the floor and making them vulnerable to attacks like his killing bite.

Self Cure - Nemilos can negate any sickness plaguing him.

Ice Projectiles - He manipulates ice into a sharp fang-shaped projectile which is hurled at targets and can pierce the skin and thin armor.

Hail Storm - Creating hail storms and other weather storms involving ice has never been his forte, however he can create a small hail storm that can last half an hour to an hour.

Thank you to Keen for getting the version of him wearing his armor for me <3
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