Need a hug with something soft and cuddly? Try snuggling up with Rose, our official mascot, designed by Rachel-Rose.
Fanart of her is always welcome!
Everyone is welcome here to talk about anything they need comforting about, as long as it does not break the rules of this thread or CS rules. Just because your problem may be worse than someone else's does not mean that they have a lesser right than you to post here their issue. Have a problem with someone else's problem? Keep it to yourself. Everyone gets upset over certain things, and no matter what it is, they have the right to rant/ask for help about it.
While we're here to provide support and comfort, not everything you need support for
may be suitable for posting on Chicken Smoothie.
Fanart of her is always welcome!
Everyone is welcome here to talk about anything they need comforting about, as long as it does not break the rules of this thread or CS rules. Just because your problem may be worse than someone else's does not mean that they have a lesser right than you to post here their issue. Have a problem with someone else's problem? Keep it to yourself. Everyone gets upset over certain things, and no matter what it is, they have the right to rant/ask for help about it.
While we're here to provide support and comfort, not everything you need support for
may be suitable for posting on Chicken Smoothie.
- Family friendly, kid friendly
Suicide and self-harm (in any form, including substance misuse, food abstention, physical infliction, etc.) are about as serious as it can get and because of this, Chicken Smoothie isn't the place for this sort of discussion. Please contact an adult, friend, help agency, or mental health forum for support on these issues. Similarly, please avoid discussing topics on illegal drug consumption, sex, abuse or anything else we've considered to be inappropriate.
Our site rules can be found here! - Naming and shaming; anonymous and hatin'
While you might not get along with everyone on Chicken Smoothie, this is not a place to discuss on-site incidents involving other users. This is how gossip and witch-hunts begin and nobody wants that. Please, keep other users out of your posts. - Private messaging rules
If your problem is personal, it is fine to ask for people to PM you but this should not be used as a way to get around the rules for discussing self harm/etc. - Mini modding? Mini no-no's
See something breaking a rule? Please don't post about it, just report it to staff. You can report using the 'report' tool on the post. - New threads
While we always want people to have a safe space to share their issues and get support, this thread may only be remade by staff. Unfortunately the nature of people's problems can require staff attention, so it's best we have a staff member close at hand to monitor what's posted.
If you have a problem with a post in this topic, report it to staff immediately.
Some other suggestions:
- http://emergencycompliment.com/ for when you need some cheering up
- http://www.lookingatsomething.com/ if you ever just need to sit and listen to the rain
- Instructions for a Bad Day something to listen to when you're having a bad day
- https://zenhabits.net/change/ worth a read if you're feeling stuck
- http://koalastothemax.com/ for a fun relaxing distraction
- http://www.drawastickman.com/ to go on an adventure and have some fun
- https://screamintothevoid.com/ when you just need to scream and let your thoughts out
- Things that can help with any anxiety and/or panic attacks
- Go on a walk, enjoy nature; bring a pet with you!
- Snuggle up with your favourite stuffed animal
- Read a book you've been wanting to read for ages now but haven't
- Make yourself a grounding box by following these steps: 1 2 3 4
- Draw or write out what's bothering you, then rip it up and throw it away
- Watch your favourite cartoon movie/TV show from when you were younger
- Have a hot bath or shower and then get into your most comfortable pajamas
- Make yourself a cup of hot chocolate, tea, or coffee
- Wake up early one morning to watch the sunrise
Have something that helped you that should be added here? Feel free to contact me!