TheComfortCorner | V.7

For topics which don't fit anywhere else! Discuss the weather, your mood, hobbies and interests. Remember, keep it child-friendly :)

Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7 ♡

Postby fika. » Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:25 am

      i responded to some people through PM due to request and stuff. i have also been working on this post since 10:30, and it is now 12:25, so please don't mind any spelling errors. i'm so exhausted due to lack of sleep hah.

winged-backpack wrote:of course the childline website is down right when I need to talk to someone and can't speak out loud to call mental breakdowns

Also I quit my job bc it was too much for me with all the homophobia and stress from failing school and stuff

      ohh boo i'm so sorry that the website is down!! this is such a late message but i hope everything is better than it was the other day for you! i am happy you quit your job as you can now focus on your own mental health. now you can focus more of your hours and time into other things such as looking after yourself or focusing on education. good luck ♡

sixx. wrote:
    why is today so frustrating?? first i had an awful sleep due to nightmares. then i get into an argument with my friend because honestly, she's being stupid. she switched to homeschool and then didn't do ANY work, so she decided to drop out and get her ged (we're high school students, almost done, but still in high school), and then decides that it's too hard to get her ged and she doesn't want to bother. obviously, me being a worried friend try to talk her into re-enrolling for actual public school again and she gives me an excuse for everything i suggest. so i got kind of mad at her and started telling her she was wasting every opportunity coming her way and that i don't know what she expects when it's time to get jobs in the future. my dad doesn't have a college degree and was stuck truck driving, barely making enough to support a family without my mom working. in fact, everyone i know who hasn't gotten a college degree has gone BACK to college to get a degree because they couldn't get a job- including my mom. but if she doesn't even have a damn high school degree, she can't even go to college later in life. she pisses every opportunity she has down the drain and it's really beginning to irritate me. i don't think i can continue being friends with someone like that. not that i'm all that motivated, but i at least do my schoolwork and just suck it up.
    i need advice, seriously.
    maybe i should mind my own business, but i don't understand how people can waste everything away.

      you are such a good friend for caring. i understand how frustrating it is, but some people do not have the same mindset as you unfortunately and just want to live life as it is. you do have two options: biting your tongue and minding your own business, or stop being friends with them. if there is more than just one thing that bothers you about her then it seems quite (unintentionally) toxic. if they frustrate you then it isn't all that healthy for either you or her. i would just advise her to speak to a therapist or look online at options; there are always options. here in the uk after the age of 16 we have the option to do an apprenticeship. do you have that kind of stuff ?? good luck ♡

Feeding The Void wrote:im being replaced i deserve it im a terrible person i shouldnt have friends and im being a baby about it too

      whatever it is, i am sure you do not deserve it and you are not a terrible person. some people just don't realise the potential in others; everyone deserves a friend and it is okay to feel hurt and be upset over it. do not think of yourself as a baby. heck, i cry over fox and the hound and i am above the age of 7, so if you think you're a baby for that then i am definitely a big big big big big baby. talk to the person and explain how you're feeling. sounds dreadful, but it might help good luck ♡

Applesnaps wrote:I have a short temper. I'll get angry over the smallest things, like if somebody says one rude thing I'll probably flip out. Most people don't get it and just wont listen to me and it's really annoying. Right now I'm not the best and thinking if nobody likes me because I can't help it and it isn't my fault that I get angry easily? I don't get why people can't understand that, not at all. I know people view things differently and I try to take that into hand while others don't. It's like somebody accuses me of trying to guilt trip them when I'm trying to just talk or I'm just sad. People accuse me of always making drama when it was one of others responses that ticked me off, but when you think about it, it is my fault, because I need to learn how to keep my temper and most say I don't try when I do try, I try so hard and nobody will listen, it's even worse because my mom is in the hospital and shes getting worse, people are saying it's fine but it isn't and I don't know if she'll be okay even.

      i can see where you are coming from, 100%. i also have slight anger issues and the smallest thing can cause me to react massively. the best thing i can advise is trying therapy, or starting something like yoga or meditation or jogging. those things help the mind relax and therefore helps you relax :> i am so sorry to hear about your mum, i can't say it will be okay because my nan is in hospital and i'm worried for her. i get angry at my boyfriend for keep saying "oh it'll be okay i promise" because i take promises as a huuuuge deal and what if it's not okay?? so the best thing i can advise is visit your mum as often as you can and let her know you are there for her; sometimes small gestures like that can give the person enough psychological strength to hold on (i know where i'm going with this, if you're a bit confused PM me and i can further explain :>). good luck ♡

pennywise owo wrote:I can barely handle blood work on it's own, so you can't expect me to handle it well when you tell me when I'm in the doctor's office

Hhhhh I just want to get better nothing is helping and I won't even be prescribed something until at least tomorrow

      i hope it went okay! and i hope you've been prescribed something at this point! good luck ♡

god is an astronaut wrote:
    So... I used to be really close friends with this girl and we had this huge falling out and now she constantly messages me trying to start drama and... it doesn't make me mad, it just makes me really sad. Mostly for her, because it's like she has nothing better to do with her time. I want to talk to her and try to at least be civil with her again but she's acting so childish. Like, she messaged me just a few minutes ago to accuse me of stealing her phone charger, even though I have no use for it because our phones don't even use the same type of charger, and I've never stolen anything from her in my life.

    I don't even know. It just makes me so sad. Someone please hug me.

      oh i had a friend like that and it is so selfish of them. the best thing i did was ignore my 'friend', which i advise.
      all they want is a reaction out of you so if you just don't respond, it'll make them more mad but they will stop eventually. i understand you want things civil but some people are too immature for the big world so for your own good don't even try; i learnt it the hard way. good luck ♡

angelshy wrote:
      nothing is ever ever enough
      I feel like everything in my life is going wrong.
      school is far too hard and idk if I can ever keep up with all the work. I think my friends hate me tbh. no one likes interacting with me anymore as I'm far too awkward for my own good. I know I annoy ppl sm ( unintentionally ofc but that doesn't seem to matter and I can understand why no one bothers to care ) so that's why no one cares about answering me anymore. I'm too? clingy?? I'm trying so so hard but nothing is ever good enough for the ppl around me. I can't please everyone, I know, but I can't even please anyone. my mind is so fickle as I see ppl care for me but the next day they don't ;; it's just a vicious cycle. I procrastinate too much. I should be doing my homework rn but I'm not. instead I'm wasting my life away and I'm afraid this is all it'll come to. I won't know how to move forward to the goals I've set for myself. I'm just so so tired of everything. my eyes hurt from crying and worrying. ++ I want a break. I need one to catch up. ( v badly ) just. give me a break

      ohh please don't change yourself. some one some day will interact with you and see what a wonderful you person are. these are all your unique, all positive quirks. being clingy is fine, i'm clingy. i'm clingy of i go out, i'm clingy over text and over chickensmoothie and at college and my god does it annoy me but i realise it is part of me that i can't help. being awkward is also fine, that used to be me! i just managed to come out my comfort zone a bit with people so i'm that little bit less awkward. but please do not give up !! maybe have a days break to mentally take care of yourself, a "you day". then, on weekends do the catch up. focus on saturday on two of your subjects to catch up and sunday another two and the weekend after the same. after one day of education, when you get home make notes straight away so you don't forget what you're doing and you feel more organised and less behind on work. i can't help with procrastination, because that's what i've been doing for the past 5 days and i still am. good luck ♡

Deki wrote:do you ever get a message from the one person you're super excited to talk to
only to realize it's just them brushing you off

cuz i absolutely love that
yes please lie about being busy w/ work or homework and then post 53906592 selfies on facebook and instagram and pictures of you hanging out with someone else
like thanks i want to disappear now bc i know im not important enough for the truth after almost 10 years of being friends

      ooooH i know it is so cruel and vile and horrible to say but you should drop them !!! i know it sounds hard but omg you deserve so much better and friends like that do not deserve you because that is so cruel and i have gone through the exact same thing as you where it lowers my self esteem for 10000000000 days and makes me want to crawl into a ball and hide away but yes confront them and drop them !! 10 years of friendship is worth nothing when they treat you like garbage!! find nicer better friends that will love and cherish you no matter what please you really deserve that. good luck ♡

theradiantfern wrote:Oh boy I just love having general panic disorder because I sometimes experience panic attacks that last for over 24 hours! It's wonderful!

      yikes !! i can't stand my 30 minute panic attacks omg kudo's to you for getting through that ?? but oh i am so sorry this happens, what techniques do you use to stop it?? i will include links at the bottom that may help distract you in the future.
      good luck ♡

Pika birb wrote:Mnnnngh my brain is being ridiculous. It's been getting harder and harder to breath normally right now and I can't stop myself from randomly fidgeting a lot every minute and I don't know what's wrong with me? Sure it can be because of how late it is but this also happens in the day and I hate it. My mind just makes up so many scenarios this can be, making me feel a whole lot worse. Weird vision, fidgeting(a lot), uncomfortable/difficult breathing? Yeah, maybe I'm dying. Maybe I'll throw up. Maybe it's all in my head? Like pls, I really want sleep, not all these imaginary issues. It's probably nothing but it's been getting me so stressed because I don't want to tell someone and sound more stupid than I already am. What if what I'm experiencing is normal and I just sound like an overreacting idiot? Mmmhmhmmhmhmhm thanks, me. Someone to help me calm down a bit would be so nice right now.

      sorry that i am so late to this message !! ugh, what you were going through sounds so horrible. i panic when i feel sick so i can't imagine what you feel like. at the bottom of my posts i always include links which you can definitely save for the future when you want a distraction. i know you don't want to, but i do advise talking to someone! it doesn't sound like you're overreacting and we all deal with things differently so it's okay to be feeling like this and so many people are there to support you so don't feel ashamed of anything. and you aren't an overreacting idiot :'> good luck ♡

__Cerberus__ wrote:

No one quite realizes how much pain I'm in.
I only cry at night when everyone sleeps... Because I know he never wanted me to cry.
I need to stay strong for my mother... She can't do this without me.
But I'm losing myself.
I feel empty.
I lost everything.

He was my everything...

I need a dad hug...
Dad hugs used to make it all better...

But what do I do when there is no dad to hug...

I miss you dad...
You were my everything...

      oh gosh, i am so, so, so sorry. i know 'sorry' is only a word but oh gosh i cannot imagine what you are going through but you are so strong for going through it. please go hug your mum. you both need it and although it's not quite a dad hug it's something. you both need to mourn and heal, and take as long as you need because it is no rush but please remember all the good times and fun memories because that's what your dad would want; and as you said, he wants you happy. it's okay to cry and he's not mad at you for it, okay? you can cry and don't feel like you have to hold two pairs of feet up, because you have a lot of people that will support you and i am sure your mum does too. maybe you should both go out together and have a day out, go shopping or go for a drink or to the movies to distract yourself. it's hard but you are so strong, good luck and rest in peace ♡

peridot; wrote:
      i am so sick of coughing. it hasn't stopped, 24/7 i'm coughing up a lung.
      no exaggeration there either. my throat hurts so bad, the cough meds i'm taking
      just aren't working. my mom said she gave me some in my sleep but i don't
      remember that. she said i continued to cough. everyone in my house is so sick.
      i caught it from my sister, my brother caught it from me, and now i'm afraid
      my mom will get it. the advil i've been taking has been making me feel better
      sickness wise, but i just can't stop coughing. my throat keeps hurting more and
      more, it just won't stop.

      i'm no doc but i remember reading something that said cough medicine doesn't help ?? sure, it helps lessen the cough but the symptoms are still there and the pain isn't any less, you just don't cough as much ?? doesn't mean you heal quicker.

      i have this little home remedy that my mum gave me once and it helps me everytime! fill a glass up of lemonade and microwave it until it is warm (obviously not boiling) and then add a small spoonful of sugar (careful, it will fizz), throw a bit more lemon juice in there (lemon juice, not lemonade) and a spoonful of honey (i always add more because i love it). i'm not sure whether it is psychological or not, but it helps me feel a bit better. have you gone to the doctors?? the best advise i can give is bed rest and relaxing; if you are up running about and stressing out over work or education then it won't give your immune system time to heal. good luck, i hope you feel better soon ♡

Faf wrote:Argh. My anxiety is playing up right now. Really need to get it sorted. It's just annoying because my doctor's surgery requires me to ring at 8AM to book an appointment, and if I miss that time frame, they're fully booked for the rest of the day.

      ohh, i am so sorry! a temporary solution are my links at the bottom of my posts. i am so sorry you suffer from anxiety because i had it real bad from 2012 - 2016 and it was horrible. you are super brave !! are you able to book for the day after instead ?? call up now and request an appointment for tomorrow maybe?? that way you are guaranteed a spot. good luck ♡

Ajtak wrote:
i hate my school

there is no benefit to bullying

there is no point.


      the only benefit to bullying is allowing the bully to feel better about themselves unfortunately :'< are you able to do something by maybe talking to a teacher but say to them you want it kept anonymous, or maybe switching schools? switching isn't the best of options because bullying is everywhere sadly but it is a fresh start! i'm so sorry it happens at your school :< good luck ♡

waterfront wrote:
      tbh why am i being so emotional/crying sm the past few days there is pretty much?? no reason..?? uh except for if maybe the anxiety attacks or w/e i felt on the weekend set me off.. i'm usually nevr like this n i'm sorta tired of crying ovr everything. like, Actually it makes me so tired. also i keep on getting random moments of dread deep down inside of me for unreasonable things like eugh stop that pleAse this isn't normal 4 me!!! i feel extremely fragile/soft but at least im not feeling the weird fearfulness i felt on the weekend., & some things r making me v happy just 2 think abt again,, + at least i'm able 2 push myself to do coping methods again?? honestly today though i just feel really down & almost physically ill. mm & i know i'm gnna cry a lot evn though i don't want to fghffvvgf why am i so soft n sad lately
      oh also i'm really worried i haven't been acting myself lately n that i'm bothering people.... i know i'll act more ""normal harvey"" when this all passes but i can't help but get anxious over the fact i feel like i'm weirding out ppl or am just generally unlikable right now.... aah

      i can understand why you feel like this !! but you are a person and your feelings and emotions are valid and plz don't feel like you are bothering people because we are all on this planet to make it a better place for each other (even tho some people just do not succeed to that but don't feel ashamed for how you feel !! it is okay to have a day to yourself to do things that you like and enjoy and that make you feel better because heckkk we all need it some days. i hope you feel better soon !! ♡

jump to outer space wrote:
idk why but the pain of my broken heart hit me hard all of a sudden
I've been trying to distract myself from it but it caught up with me and I just feel depressed

      you might need some closure which is totally fine and it takes time and it is normal for it to suddenly 'hit' people if they have been trying to hide from it but maybe you need to take a few days to yourself to binge watch a heck of a lot of series or movies and eat a load of popcorn and ice cream to feel better because you deserve to feel better no one deserves to feel depressed and sad and heart broken. i hope you feel better soon and if you need a friend i'm here !! good luck ♡

Buzzard wrote:RANT AHEAD

So, my mum came by to gather some stuff for her work, but then she took notice of the factor that her stuff is still scattered all over our place, but for one reason: My brother and I don't know what to do with it, because it's too much stuff for even our little apartment to put away. It's not that we're lazy or anything, it's just that we don't know what to do with the random junk my mum's constantly bringing over! Let alone, it's stuff that I'm sure she doesn't know what to do with either. So unless my brother and I have something figured out about what to do with this towering mess of our mum's junk, I'll have to confront my mum about this.

Yeahhhh... thanks mum, call your own children lazy just because they don't know what to do with the random junk that's too much for our small apartment to hold. :/

      i understand you feel frustrated but i think your mum also sounds frustrated. it is wrong of her to call you lazy because my dad calls me it sometimes and it hurts more than a bee sting to the heart but maybe just pile things. i know it's hard but if she doesn't mind you touching her stuff than just pile things into the corner of a room and say "your stuff, we organised the placee can you figure out where to put that please" and maybe not directly like that because yikes i put that rudely but i'm sure you can reword it nicely! good luck ♡

god is an astronaut wrote:This is kind of just a vague rant and nobody has to respond I just needed to get this down somewhere...

    I have no idea why people get so pressed over the existence of LGBT Christians? Like, people constantly treat me like I'm some sort of cryptid or smth. Someone at my work made the comment that they don't think someone else is gay because he goes to church and I'm just ???
    And then people use being Christian as a reason to hate on LGBT folks, and LGBT folks use being LGBT as a reason to hate on Christians, and I constantly feel like a lot of my friends are trying to make me pick a side. Like I can't be queer and have a relationship with God or smth?? It's so ignorant and it's starting to make me really sad.

    Recent events are telling me I need better friends.

      totally get your frustration my dude because it's as if one person can't support and love two things at the same time ?? like forgive me. it's like saying to a person "uhm WHAT, nO, you canNOT like chocolate and popcorn at the same time??!?!? (for reals though, chocolate popcorn is bangin) so i say just do you because people are rude and ye kinda sounds like you do need better friends if they don't respect you ?? that's just my opinion tho. good luck ♡

i<3 wolves678 wrote:
why am i allowed brief moments of happiness
are they just there to tease me?
to show me what i will likely never properly experience again?

i don't want my friends to worry about me
i only told one of them that it's started again
why did i do it

my mother knows
she's suggesting antidepressants now
but i just don't want to accept that it's come that far
can we just pretend i'm okay
i just want everyone to stop wasting their time worrying about me
i don't deserve it

      hey, people worrying about you shows that they care, right ?? and you do deserve it, oh Tiny you are such a lovely person i see you everywhere please don't feel like you don't deserve it !! pretending doesn't get people far, and it's okay to say it's gotten that far. you can get help for it. it's okay to lean on people for support and to let them in, a barrier isn't there for everyone,
      right ?? taking antidepressants is fine and your mum is accepting about it and talking to a therapist might be a big help too. if you need to talk, pm me!! good luck ♡

Spearow wrote:
      Feeling really depressed. <_> keep getting migraines, i can’t sleep. besides stress the changing weather is making my anxiety really bad. I wish it could stay winter forever, i hate the heat so much. I hate summer and i hate change. Feel like i’m being crushed. And lately belongings have been stressing me out, like I just feel really claustraphobic or something lowkey want to take everything I own and make a bonfire. Really don’t want to have an anxiety attack but if I’m honest I know it will be coming

      yo declutter your life!! if you feel claustrophobic about your belongings then sort things out ! if it doesn't make you happy, chuck it. if it brings you bad memories or sadness, chuck it. you deserve the best spearow you are such a kind and lovely member!! as for the weather, bleh. i know what you mean, the sun makes me anxious too. i prefer cold weather and darkness,
      plus spring is nearing. my hayfever is soooo bad and this means i have a dry nose for the next six months of the year (nice one).
      so it's normal to feel like this and honestly declutter your life you will feel a lot better and you can either sell things (kaching $$)
      or just throw it out or donate it (such as clothes, donate clothes you never wear to charity). good luck i hope you feel better and get some sleep soon ♡

surrounded by idiots wrote:i'm just feeling so sad at the moment. school is stressing me out so much. the work is getting to be too much. most days i don't even want to get out of bed. i hear that alarm and tear up. i have been getting almost no sleep as well. i try to go to bed at a reasonable time, but my mind just won't shut off. i feel that i have nobody that i can turn to either about all of this. i have always been reclusive and hide my emotions, but i think it's becoming a problem. i also have no friends and that has me down too. i want people to hang out with. to talk to. to joke with. i just want someone to like me. at home i've begun to get really snappy as well. i yell at my brother. i back talk to my parents. i cuss. i'm not like that. i also think that i have become anorexic. i eat just enough to get through the day. i have a waffle for breakfast, i have a tangerine for lunch, and sometimes i just skip dinner or eat very little. either that or i stuff my face with whatever. i think i might be depressed as well. i have no desier to watch the tv shows that i used to be in to. i mindlessly browse through youtube, not even clicking on anything to watch. i just do it to do something for a moment. i just stare at a wall and zone out. i stay up in my room and hide from my family as well, wanting no contact with anyone. for a while i thought that was just me being an introvert, but it's getting worse and worse. and my anxiety is flaring up. i don't know why. i can't pin point the reason, usually i can though. maybe it's just everything getting to me. i need help. i know i need to tell someone. i'm just too scared to say anything. i feel like i have no voice. how will i ever accomplish anything in life if i can't speak up for myself? the answer is i won't. i think that's whats scaring me the most. that i will never live up to the expectations that my parents, sister, and myself have set for me. that i will let them down and turn out to be the unsuccessful one in my family.

anyway, if you read this, thanks.

      okay, forget the expectations. expectations are such a massive problem in families and life because if we can't live up to them then we just feel crap. have goals and aspirations, but do not listen to expectations. you won't gain anything from them. do not worry about "letting them down" and being the "unsuccessful one" because you won't let them down and you won't be unsuccessful. i am happy you've spoken up about this because it is the hardest step to accepting what is happening and hopping on to the road of recovery. zoning out is normal, don't stress about that. you may not want to, but sit with your family. even if it is just for five minutes but having a hot drink and sitting with them may help you. speak to someone you trust; you may feel like your mouth is glued shut so do what you have done on here. write a letter and pop it through the bedroom door in your family or to a teacher leave the letter on the desk. road to recovery. your eating, that is good. baby steps, right? eat something substantial and healthy, no point eating just a waffle, trust me. have a small bowl of porridge, chop a banana up and sprinkle it on top and throw your favourite topping on it out of sugar, cinnamon and honey. my god it tastes amazing, and it doesn't sound like a lot but it will fill you up. have an apple for lunch as that is one of the best fruits to eat; and if you get peckish don't feel ashamed or afraid to snack on something, okay? whether it is something like carrot sticks, a cracker or a chocolate bar. anything is fine. eat when your family eats, even if it isn't a lot it's just baby steps. when going to sleep, play a relaxing playlist and read for twenty minutes. when we have been using technology it is hard for a brain to shut off but reading is a great exercise to practise the brain and helping you fall asleep. if you need a playlist, i have two on my spotify. it used to help me sleep to the point i don't need it anymore. just please know you aren't alone in this, so many people are going what you are going through and this community is so large and we are all so kind and you are such a lovely member, it hurts to see you hurting because i love seeing you around the forums. if you ever need a distraction or a talk, please don't hesitate to pm me. good luck ♡

discordant devil wrote:my brother did something to his neck, he's in a brace, now broke his early birthday
gift, a $100 dollar TV, and now she's grounding ME for it and i get to miss this stupid
play and i lose 1/3 credits from the course, on top of a million personal things right
now. i actually wanna die i can't,, she complains about how im gonna get nowhere
with my physical health issues and constantly complains about what a disappointment
i am i just,,

yes. praise the child that breaks everything and give him no punishment
when he messes up, he literally can't do anything right because he thinks his word is
best. but i mention that im sick and she strikes me i??

if someone in this house doesn't change im leaving. i don't care where i have to go,
what i need to do or where i'll end up because i'll take anything over this.

complain how we have no money but continue to buy him things when he can't keep it
for longer than a day-- proved by the TV he literally just broke. father better buy him a
new one or get him to shut up somehow because if i need to listen to sobbing all because
he can't do anything right i'll rip these walls down.

on top of that i got devastating news at school over multiple things and im actually?? why
does everything go wrong the moment i feel better?

this better get fixed, i've had my turn in this pit of

i literally can't make myself care for anything right now, maybe i am as bad as he is.

      oh this is all normal and you will be okay, okay?? i am sorry that it appears your brother is the 'favoured' one.
      can you talk to your parents about letting you stay with extended kin, such as a cousin or an aunt or an uncle if you have any??
      it'll be good to have a break for both you and your family. as for your brother getting away with everything, that's horrible, but bite your tongue. i know it's hard but if you don't say anything you will feel better. if you feel the need to angrily rant, you can PM me or get a crayon and scribble as hard as you can on a piece of paper or scream into a pillow when no one is home or dance aggressively to your favourite songs. there are so many stress-relief activities. i am sorry that you are so stressed over everything and about hearing news from school, but one day things will hopefully start looking up for you. you deserve the best. good luck ♡

Pøst Cards wrote:

My brother is being admitted to the
hospital cause of his depression.

He’s the only thing that makes me
happy nowadays, he’s the only loyal
person I know.

I hate seeing him so flat and upset.
It absolutely breaks my heart seeing
him this way.

I wish it would go away so he could be
normal again. I miss my old, happy

      oh it is so horrible both you and your brother are going through this. you sound like such a lovely user and your brother sounds amazing too. are you able to go visit him or communicate with him via text or letters or email? some form of communication will let him know you still care and that there is a bit of hope for him. i hope things start looking up for the two of you because no one deserves to go through this sort of stuff. good luck, and if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you can pm me. ♡

alien bees wrote:i've been having the worst time with panic attacks and flashbacks lately
i have so much to say but none of it would be CS-appropriate
i just feel so horrible :(

      oh i am so sorry :{ you are so lovely and kind it hurts to see you're hurting! i know it's not cs appropriate but know whatever you are going through that so many people will support you no matter what and you are not alone, you are a person,
      a human being. your feelings and thoughts are valid. if you find your anxiety flaring up and need a distraction, i've been told the links i provide at the bottom of my posts are helpful so i hope they will help you too. if you ever need another distraction, you can pm me. i love a good gif and pun war, and you don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to. good luck ♡

nickjr wrote:When I was in 4th grade, I found HTML 4 and (inline) CSS completely on my own, and I was really happy to learn it completely on my own. (For comparison, my father thought it would be a good idea for me to learn Photoshop Elements in 4th grade and dropped me a giant manual for it along with the CD. I was happy to learn PSE, but... I didn't start learning it or continue learning it at my own behest. I did it at his.)

I want to find that feeling again. I want to feel what I felt when I was driven to learn HTML/CSS on my own.

I haven't felt it for years... definitely not in high school, probably not in middle school, maybe even not in 6th grade or 5th grade.

I haven't had the drive to learn anything that isn't just handed to me (by school) or do my own stuff (outside of class) for a long time, and now it's finally biting me in the read end because I feel really inferior in the computer science department at uni as well as in life in general

because for compsci stuff, I only know what I've been taught in school

What kind of computer science student am I?

I don't even have the drive to relearn HTML5/CSS3 or learn JavaScript on my own, and those are so much more basic than what we're taught in compsci that... why don't I know them already?

+ if there's one field where self-teaching and projects are a big thing, it's computer science, and I have not self-taught since I was little, and I have never had any projects

I love computer science. I'm good at what we do in classes (I'm one of those compsci students for whom a lot of stuff just clicks). But outside class, what do I have? Nothing! I can't contribute anything! Is it okay for me to be a computer science student like this?

      it is completely normal! it is normal to not have that 'flare' like you used to, and you aren't alone. i am sure many other students in your class feel the same, and maybe you can talk to someone about it or your lecturer or your dad?? it looks like you want to find the motivation and strength to do it like you once had, and one day it may return! start small, maybe with something you never have done before. it doesn't have to even be coding/computer science related. you may have always wanted to learn to cook, so try. maybe you wanted to learn how a train works, just watch a short video on youtube. anything is initiative,
      and i know you have it somewhere :> good luck ♡

_Konata_ wrote:
monbebe wrote:hi,
im disappointed in everything. does anybody know any thing i could do to help my depression to fade away? (like some activities, ect)

I'd suggest buying a pet. Even if it's just a small reptile or some fish they help give purpose to your life. They'll give you a reason to get up in the morning and it's just nice to know someone relies on you >.<

      i agree to an extent with this !! pets can help massively, but also know that they are a huge responsibility, no matter the pet, so if you struggle in some sense to look after yourself you may struggle with a pet. as for activities, going for long nature walks, picking up a new exercise like jogging or yoga can help (especially yoga and meditation !!) and maybe learning new things. take a cooking class or an art class or go make some pottery somewhere. they all help distract and you may feel happy with yourself by the end of it. i hope you feel better soon, good luck ♡


      to help you smile:
      list of little things - list of little things to help make you smile and be happy
      cutest - cutest tumblr to help with your self esteem
      smile things - cute colours and tumblr page to help you out
      adorable - basically another tumblr that does the same as the ones above

      to help you with anything else / distractions:
      emergency compliments - if you ever feel poo, and nothing seems to cheer you up, this site is full of 'emergency compliments' which can make you laugh at how ridiculously brilliant they are.
      automatic flatterer - you know what's cute about this? you put in your name, nickname, whatever (it doesn't save it) and it pays you compliment after compliment after compliment. it's the cutest idea ever.
      the dawn room - do what it says. after doing that, loads of encouraging messages will come your way!
      hugs - hugs is all i have to say.
      thunderstorms - control them!<3
      beautiful places - if you're looking for a sign, this is it. set a goal to visit one of these places. don't change that goal. you won't regret it.
      how to change your life - just read it. it's amazing. too good.
      player two - if you're feeling hurt or upset, visit here. it's a game. it's good.
      koalas - if you're in need of a distraction that lasts a good five minutes, play this. it's fun, and if you love koalas it's even better!
      stick man game - good distraction with a hopefuly message i made at the end!
      just say yes - this blog was made by zoella and good for anyone who suffer with anxiety disorder, have panic attacks, depression, have social anxiety or are just a very negative or shy person this may be good for you!
      random acts of kindness (video) - may make you feel all warm and gooey at how kind people are
      list of things for those having a bad day!
      more bad day remedies - is similar to the one above
      how to love yourself - if you struggle with self esteem, pleasep lease read <3
      quiet room - one of my favourite places <3
      comfort box - i highly recommend looking at this because it's the most amazing idea i've ever seen
      ground box - similar to the one above

      to help you with panic attacks:
      i have loads of things that can help with your anxiety and panic attacks.

      facts !!!!:
      what not to say !!! - to someone who is having a panic attack, do not say these things
      facts- if you're confused about a few things

      i've also made a tumblr! you can message me anonomysouly on there for advice if you don't want to post here. i also will start reblogging things (nothing triggering or sad !) so if you ever need someone, you can go to me on there!
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:59 am

i just broke out crying in the middle of school. my counselor is booked for the day. i have no clue what to do. i'm just sat crying at one of the computers in the library. i'm so overwhelmed but i don't know with what. is it an anxiety attack?

╰ ⋯ how the most dangerous thing . • ⊹ ╮

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⋯ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ◂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⋯⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ↼╯
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀╰ is to love -

. • adrien - adult - they / he / she - aroace ⋆ ╮

╰ ⋯ how you will heal and rise above . • ⊹

x▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ╮

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⋮

. - • crowned by an overture ↼╯
bold and beyond . • ⋆

╰ ⋯ ah, it’s more courageous to ⋆
▸ — overcome ⊹ .


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Postby Guest » Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:55 am

      haha ha boy howdy i just went to bed feelin anxious n now i woke up feelin anxious!!! ugh i hate this i feel awful
      could i possibly get,, a pm please,, maybe from smone who doesn't mind listening & giving comfort/advice? thank u thank u so much <3
Last edited by Guest on Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby catra » Thu Feb 22, 2018 3:18 am

thank you so much fika

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Postby wriolette enjoyer » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:17 am

i am done.
i want to move schools. i dont want to be here anymore.
ever since i came ive been picked on and bullied for no reason??
but today, because of pressure i just broke down in class.
not only did the class mock me for crying but the teacher didnt even give a damn.
he walked around, PAST ME AS WELL, knowing DAMN WELL that im crying.
i was invisible.
im so sorry asja for the damage i caused. i hope you can forget me and my selfish ways,
i wish your life went a better way before meeting me...
im sorry for just that kind of person.
im not happy, i barely show real emotion at all.
but crying is something i show every night...
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby Gubler » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:22 am

I feel like I’ve hit an all time low in my life right now, I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve been rejected from two universities which I really wanted to go to as it would help secure my future, now I don’t even know if I have a future. I’m having serious doubts about whether I’m even good at the subject that I’ve picked. College is overwhelming me with the amount of coursework that has to be completed very soon. I just feel that my life has no purpose anymore.

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby cornspurrd. » Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:28 am

I don't understand, how am I expected to just forget
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby darkin » Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:20 am

    I'm so stressed and upset.
    I overwork myself too much.
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby cswolf. » Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:13 am

I am just so tired all the time :(

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby teariffic » Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:16 am

if anyone wants to talk feel free to shoot me a pm. i have discord as well.
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