Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby mipha » Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:45 pm

Dear _____,

I don't know what I did for you to suddenly antagonize me like this, but I'm sorry. You're one of my closest friends and I don't want to ruin that. Honestly you changed my life. I know I'm coming off as cold and distant and I genuinely apologize, but for you to call me out on that is entirely hypocritical on your part. You can say that I've been "ignoring" you all you like, but I'm not the one who purposely takes days to reply to a single message, am I? I'm so conflicted. I just want us to be friends again, but I don't know how much I can stand this. This letter literally makes no sense, I understand. Guess that's just proving how confused I am.
intp // aquarius
signature a wip!
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Skull.Vincent » Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:55 am

Dear 'friends'..?

I love being friends with you guys. Weve been friends for 7+ years, since we were children, with no worries in the world. However, we've grown up, realized there's much more to worry about than what toys we get for Christmas or what to do for birthdays. It's becoming more intense and lately I feel extremely alone. I feel every single time you guys need something, I'm right there for you. I listen, I give advice and I'm there for you to the end. I've done everything for you guys. I check in, make sure you guys are okay. A, in specific, when you're struggling in school I do assignments for you, although I'm already drowning in my own work/finals/studying, I'm doing it for you, because I care about you. K, I listen to you no matter what you're going through and I keep everything between us, because that's how you like it. A, when you're worried about being p, I'm there for you and I comfort you. I talk everything through until you guys are okay. A, K, when was the last time either of you asked how I was holding up...? How I'm doing...? It seems I'm being used and it really hurts because I haven't been okay, but I have to suck it up and hold it in because it seems neither of you care. It really honestly hurts, considering I'm actually going through the same problems that you guys come to me with. But I mean whatever, it's not like others aren't going through the same thing I am. I should just keep bottling it in, but I've grown tired and I have to put it somewhere... Not that anyone will care though... Just maybe realize I'm human too, I'm not perfect, I make mistakes.. I feel such a lack of being cared about and loved...
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Shouto » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:36 pm

Dear -

You all deserve each other. Go ahead and sit around being miserable all your lives. That's what you wanted, right? There is zero accountability in this family and I'm so sick of everyone acting like a victim. You all just suck and are horrible people. Nobody truly cares about the other. All I can do is keep my head low and hope I don't mess up. I'm so ready to move on with my life, but I'm beyond stuck here. Nobody sees the things I do. Maybe I'm just paranoid... You all just suck. You'll never be anything more than what you are now and that hurts so much. I wish we mattered more. I wish I mattered more. I never do though. You all suck. I hate you so much. All of you.

『Charlie - they/them - intp - capricorn』
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Ghost CatLady » Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:37 am

dear mom...

Please for the love of God STOP trying to guess my friend's gender..im not going to tell you.
Im not going to go behind their back. Im not going to snap pictures of them without them knowing...

That's so disrespectful and untrustworthy to do...
You sure wouldn't like me doing it to you..
Weren't YOU the one who always said to treat others as you'd like to be treated?!?

PLEASE!! Im not a baby anymore. Im +18...
I moved out for a reason. Stop pressuring me.
Stop guilt tripping me. Stop being jealous...

You tell me im adopted and i understand why you didn't tell me sooner. You tell me i should build a relationship with my birth mother...i tell you you're still my mom but yet you get so jealous and nosey asking what me and her talk about..
The more i reassure you that i don't consider her to be my mom the more it seems like you don't believe me...
I get you're nervous...that i could shut you out and call her my mom..well that'll never happen ok. She didn't raise me. She wasn't there for me. She wasn't at my graduation.
I grew up knowing YOU were my mom. I act just like you. I favor you over dad. I stick up for you.
You're my mother bear and i am your cub..

I just wish you would stop trying to get every detail of my life. Are you aware the more i tell my friend that you're trying to "guess" their gender the more they get mad and don't want to...

Just stop. Give them time.

your cub

P.s. im.not coming out for thanksgiving or Christmas. Its my first holiday in my apartment plus i fear the snow...sorry but i like living and not having to worry about black ice on a high way going 75mph
"If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all." - Geralt Of Rivia


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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby msmoof » Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:04 pm

hey there c,

I wish you were aware that I stare at you all the time - and maybe you are. I wouldn't be surprised if you thought I liked you, I make it so obvious honestly. you are literally so beautiful, and I love your nature. You're so caring, and I've thought about faking an injury or sickness just so I'd be able to sit on the sideline and talk to you during rehearsal. every time you pass me I literally die inside. winning state championships last week literally put me on cloud 9, but your comment on my picture put me on cloud 10. it made my day, and two days later and I'm still thinking about it. that heart emoji can go a long way honestly. the truth is, I have a crush on you, and I've felt this way all summer and fall. I wish there wasn't this age gap between us, and I hope the fact that I'm a girl as well doesn't creep you out even more, but I feel like liking you has helped me figure myself out even more, as I've never felt this way before.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Sunflower Skies » Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:54 pm

Dear friend A,
Why? Why do you put me through this? I do everything I can to help you! I listen to you, I pay attention to you, I sit with you I talk with you I force myself to laugh with you I do everything!! Everything, just to make you happy. I do your homework for you I am your scapegoat when you get upset, I'm your punching bag when you need some way to vent. I'm the dog you've been feeding all your 'treats' to. All your verbal and physical abuse. Why? What have I done!? Why!!!!??
I got into the same twisted fan bases as you because you wanted someone to talk with about them. I reread all your homework and projects to make sure you got good grades. Heck, I did most of them for you!!!
Yet still, you make fun of me. If I accidentally get ONE PROBLEM wrong on YOUR HOMEWORK. you explode in my face about how I'm useless, worthless, a waste of space that no one cares about. You yell at me and hit me and I'm sorry.
Because I can't take it anymore. You need to find someone else to vent to, a therapist, or you need to pull your act together and be the mature person I know you can be
Sincerely - your dog.

Dear friend B,
Why????? I have counted on you as you have counted on me for most of my life!!! Yet you still stood by as A did all this to me. As they ruined my life. Thank you. Guess what! I probably need a therapist now! Whoop-dee-doo! No one will care anyway so what about you?!? Why would YOU of all people care what happens to your old time friend, HUH?! Why should you care that I now suffer from depression and usually can't bring myself to even leave my room except for school, to eat, and go to the bathroom. I don't like people anymore. No one cares. Not you, not the teachers, not ANYONE.
That brings me to another point. Friend C. I have only known them for about a year, and people keep saying not to trust them. Well, what am I supposed to do, if they're the only ones who actually seem to care in the slightest!!!?
-someone you won't be talking to very often anymore

Dear friend C,
Thank you for being there and letting me move to your table. Please don't make me regret this.
-your hopeful new friend

Dear brother,
I'm so sorry. I spent so much time trying to live up to peoples expectations that I didn't I've up to yours. I'm a failure of a sibling. Not once did I visit your hockey practice or games, or baseball games, or soccer, or swimming, or your graduation, or ANYTHING
I want to go back and do it all with you, give you more attention. You're amazing! I mean, reading harry potter at the age of 4 and remembering minor details even years later?? Reading Percy Jackson at the age of 7!? Looking at a book about molecular structures and atoms and elements, and understanding it!!!!? You are so smart and talented, and I am so glad that you are my younger brother. Love you O <3
-a horrible older sibling

Dear mom,
I'm sorry. Please don't try to understand me. I am a geek for things you probably haven't even heard of before. Anime, manga, obscure books, drawing, recently CREEPYPASTA (Wow, imagine you reacting to that. Ha.) And imagine dragons. To top it all of, I'm straight as a snowman! I'm definitely not what you envisioned in a child. You deserve better. You work so hard every day, 24/7 to try and make everyone happy. I love you so much and you try to be there for me. But you just... Can't, and you need to accept that. If you knew half the things I haven't told you you would probably either disown me or have me sent off to a mental institution. Ha. Wouldn't that just be grand?
-not who you thought I was

I love you. So much. I wanna take your cancer and beat the life out of it until we can go out for ice cream and little meaningless walks through the woods that actually mean the world to me. Like we used to. Remember when we found out? Ha. I wouldn't leave my room for two days, way to tell an 8 year old that their dads probably gonna die. Not your fault though, I guess.
-the person that you mean everything to

Dear my books and clarinet (ha, you're right next to me as always, and you can't see it anyway)
Thank you for being there for my for most of my life. Whenever things got too bad I would just pick up a new book. I would read so much so fast that I could barely tell where one ended and another began (and where reality ceased as well). My life became full of artificial happy endings, for about a decade, that was enough. And then the library didn't seem so small anymore, and I had read everything that interested me. Then I found my trusty clarinet. Now whenever I feel sad I just go out and play (usually in the woods, so as not to bother anyone) and play a happy tune, or a song with happier memories trailing behind it. Like that one song that we used to all belt out singing and laughing along with in the car. Until you couldn't even tell what the words were anymore and all that you heard was the uneven, wavering, out of tune voices of the people who meant the most to you, trying to make you laugh with their hilarious interpretations of the words. Then I found anime and manga, and I was even happier. The large fan bases and silly upbeat and yet serious and breathtaking plots stealing away my heart one by one until I would become enthralled every time I even think of how much joy they've brought me.
-the one you see most often, yet still can't say a word to

Dear K,
Oh my god. I love you so much. So so much. You give me a good reason to get up in the morning and go to sleep each afternoon, yearning for the dawn if a new day with new opportunities. You mean literally everything to me. You are so beautiful and kind and you say you're not a good person but gods forbid if you aren't an Angel in disguise. You are who I turn to when I'm sad, happy, mad, or even just excited or stressed! You actually listen. That means so much. More than words can express.
And darn it, you're so tantalizingly close to my desperately outstretched fingers. Yet once every two weeks seems like not enough time to satisfy how much I long to be by your side. Why can't we go to the same school?
Your voice is like the song of a river in early spring, melting the ice away (even if it cracks and we both know that our singing sucks)
Your hands are so warm and inviting and I'll be darned if I won't take advantage of that with an actual excuse now that it's getting colder.
You may say that your drawings suck and your tatse in music couldn't be any more weird but I think they're perfect.
Thanks for being there for me four these past 7 years, (wow, that long already?)
P.S: thank the heavens that you're not straight either.

Sorry that its so long...
Last edited by Sunflower Skies on Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“I'll face the sun again as soon
as this dreary night ends...
I’ll age another... thousand days
before I know it, Yeah, I'll spend
'em all inside, waste my time while
I'm scrollin'....
I love it when it rains”
───────{Sunflower Skies}───
“Sunflower .
Still .
Grows .
At .
Night.” .
{lights fading}

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby ParaKitty » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:05 pm

dear t,
I have no idea where we stand and if it’s because of me or not. Did I get too boring compared to 6 years ago? Do you think I’m ignoring you? Or do you think I’m not contributing as much? I’m just really confused. Yeahh, it hurts because you use to greet me multiple times in a day and now you ignore me for days at a time. Are we strangers or not so close acquaintances? Ow, dude.

Dear me,
Friends are waayyy better.
Stop being butthurt because of someone that shows up in your life after not being in it for 3-4 years.
you dumb dumb .-.

Dear N,
You have been promoted to best friend status.
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby .soundwaves. » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:18 pm

Dear SO
You find calling me all these things funny. I tell you Im not them and laugh it off with you. It hurts. I act like it doesnt, I act like im ok like I do with everything. You make fun of me for going back to someone I used to date. We took a break. We didnt find anyone else so we went back. You don't know it but some of the things you say mentally break me. I know I can talk to you about A and you won't judge. Then again, I dont want to because you hurt me so much.

Dear A
You are my best friend. I love you with all my heart. You accepted me when no one else did. You also need serious help. The whole "chocolate" codeword thing is getting out of hand. L must be so mad at you. A, you mean the world to me and every time me and you argue it makes me cry. I don't usually show emotion or cry over anything but as soon as me and you fight, its like all the emotion I build up just spills out. I love you. I love you so much. Our love isn't about kissing or dating, its about our friendship. Without you I would have made some horrible choices and might be dead rn if it weren't for you. It kills me to see you do stuff most people would abandon you for. I don't want to loose you. I guess that's it. You mean so much to me that I would have a hell of a life if you weren't in it.

Dear SA
I can't believe someone like you would ever date someone like me. You are such an amazing person and i'm so sorry I can't find myself trusting you. I have trust issues and it's because everyone else in my life screams my secrets. I miss you every time i'm not around you. I always act so clingy because I feel like if im not you will loose interest in me. Someone like you could get any girl you wanted, so why chose me? You barely know a lot about me. You don't know im Bi, my family has issues, or the fact that I feel like hell whenever I have a minor fight.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby e u p h o r i a » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:31 pm

Dear B

I hope you realized everything we argued
about all started because you didn't like this,
you didn't like that, or *gasp* maybe you were
irrelevant to me!(I never said you were yet you
jump to that conclusion)
You know, speaking of jumping to conclusions,
you always accuse me of assuming when you do
it just as much. Do you know how annoying it is?
I try my best to make you happy and all you do is
get angry with me. What the heck am i supposed
to do then? I try to compliment you but you're
convinced i'm lying. I try to point out your flaws
as you requested but you disregard them. I try to
be friendly but you lash out anyways. I try to
cheer you on yet you claim they're shallow
statements. You constantly call yourself trash
but you're better off than anyone else. You have
it all.
You have the looks. You have the talents. You
have the affection of your family. You have
power to get what you want. You have skills.
You have flawless traits. You have popularity
And you're telling me I'm the one that casts a
shadow on you?
Tell me, what do you want me to do, after 5 years
of pinning the blame onto me?
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby w i n t e r. » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:42 pm

dear c,

You're such a nice and kind dude, like my dad. When you first asked me to hoco, I was suprised, and very very shocked. I thoroughly enjoyed it with you, especially when the boutonniere kept falling off and my corsage kept breaking. It was one of the best laughs I had in a long time. I know e is probably shipping us already ^.^ Whatever happens, you can always ask me to a dance and chances are I'll be able to go. Whoever you marry will be a lucky person!


dear me,

you should be in bed right now. Go.


hey there chica. I know I've been kind of salty to you for days know, but you just don't understand. Both M and I have tried to mend our friendship. You just barged in on my and e's relationship. You expect to be invited to everything that E and I do together. You keep stealing my food at lunch, then giving a perfect angel face. Tbh, I'm sick of it. You have to know other people's boundaries, otherwise no one will trust/like you.

My vibraphone,

I'm sorry about all the times that I banged you super hard. It's Mr. V's fault. He yelled at me to do it. Sorry for any damage done!!!

~Love, e
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