Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 23 Aug 2020)

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Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 23 Aug 2020)

Postby Tess » Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:49 pm

This forum is for art contests of all kinds (drawings, photography, writing etc.)


Breaking these rules is a serious offense. People who fail to follow these rules can lose pets, the ability to post in certain boards, or their account. It's considered a scam to promise payment for art and then break the promise.

Contests with Prizes

Most people choose to enter a contest based on what kind of prize they have a chance to win. These rules are designed to protect players from being ripped off in contests which change or don't deliver the promised prizes.

  1. Don't offer any prizes that you'll regret losing. If you're not happy to give something away, it shouldn't be a prize.

  2. Your contest must offer a CS pet/item/currency prize. Contests that only offer prizes from other sites are not allowed, as CS staff cannot help/provide a prize if the contest is not judged by the host. You may not offer real money/USD as a contest prize if it is hosted on CS. (New rule as of August 23, 2020)

  3. Any prizes you offer must be awarded to winners at the end of the contest - even if you cancel or close the contest early. If the entries were disappointing or you didn't get many to pick from, advertise and bump more to try and get more entries before you close. It is the host's responsibility to send out prizes, or in contests where a choice between prizes is offered, to contact winners and ensure prizes are sent out in a timely manner.

  4. You can't list any prizes that aren't definitely going to be given out. This means you can no longer list conditional prizes (e.g. grand prizes) which you'll only give out if you get a particularly good entry. Every prize listed must be awarded at the end of the contest if the entry conditions are met.

  5. You can't change your promised prizes, unless you are changing them to something of the same (or higher) value. Any changes made must be accepted by the prize winner or contestants involved.

  6. If the prize is a pet you must link to the pet's profile page. This is to ensure that you actually own the pet and that there is no misunderstanding about the prize. Linking to pet groups is not sufficient regardless of how many total pets are involved. (New rule as of January 23, 2015)

  7. You can't trade or auction pets that you're offering in a contest.

  8. Contests without an advertised end date must end within 3 months. The end date can be changed or extended, but if the contest has been open for a long time without any activity from contestants or the contest holder than it may be forced closed by staff.

  9. Contests in total may not run more than 1 year past the original creation date. This is the maximum amount of time a contest may run and they may not be extended any further. (New rule as of February 6, 2017)

So please play fair, and only offer prizes that you are truly willing to give away!

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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 13 Aug 2012)

Postby daanny » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:05 pm

I think this is a great idea Tess
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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 13 Aug 2012)

Postby Silverstar » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:50 am

Thank you for editing these rules and making them clear. <3

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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 13 Aug 2012)

Postby PFDC » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:19 pm

If I use a prize pool, is it ok to add to it as the contest progresses as long as I don't remove anything from it?
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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 13 Aug 2012)

Postby Equid Phantasm » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:10 am

Hi Tess. I think there really needs to be a rule number 7. It needs to be this:

7. Contest holders may only keep the entries that are the prizes in their contest. i.e if you have grand, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, you may only keep those entries or the entries you have paid for. You may not keep all the artworks entered into your competition.

I would hope that this wording or some form of it could be added to the rules because there have been 2 or 3 competitions that I've been in and many many more I haven't where the contest holders say they are going to keep all the entries. To me, that seems like art theft... someone makes a beautiful artwork and doesn't get paid for it and all of a sudden it belongs to the contest? I know this happens in real life but usually only with theme related things like say logo contests, that kind of thing.

I hope this helps C.S. and I await your decision on this.

Thank you for all you and the staff do, I love this site.


P.S. Plus Sunbacks available anywhere yet?
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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 13 Aug 2012)

Postby catsmaycry » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:00 am

Just a quick question: couldn't a small test/questionaire be incorporated in the threads, when someone posts a contest? Or at least after posting, the rules & prizes the contest holder posts should be checked over and approved.
I love the new additions to the rules, makes contest more fair. But I see players still trying to get around them, even after being reported...
I don't think people are reading the new rules... or even if they are, they don't really care.
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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 13 Aug 2012)

Postby Moe<3 » Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:00 am

this is really cool i am so glad i got chicken smoothie!
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Re: Art Contest Rules - MUST READ. (Updated 23 Jan 2015)

Postby Sorren Fey » Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:10 am

We have added a new rule today:

5. If the prize is a pet, you must link to the pet's profile page. This is to ensure that you actually own the pet and that there is no misunderstanding about the prize. Linking to pet groups is not sufficient.

All new contests must follow this rule. Contests that have already started and do not link to the pets' profile pages, should adjust to it as soon as possible.
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