draw my OCs, win an UR Lion, Rose PPS! RESULTS UP

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draw my OCs, win an UR Lion, Rose PPS! RESULTS UP

Postby Jadeghost » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:20 am

The results are up! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did, and the winners should have all received trades for their prizes!

Starting with the honorable mentions, winning 75C$ each:

stormy and rescuer and LostInTheEcho!

I was really happy to see that someone had wanted to draw Alex, and it was awesome to get a more "aggressive" piece of Sitora.

Winning 3rd prize, the sockdog and 100C$:



This entire piece is really pleasing to look at, and I'm really fond of the pose.

Wining 2nd prize, the rose PPS and 150C$:



I am really a sucker for watercolor portraits, and Sitora was a perfect choice.

And finally, winning 1st prize, the UR Lion:



Both of these pieces are absolutely stunning, and capture my dragons perfectly!

Thank you all once again for your entries, and I hope everyone enjoys their prizes!

This contest is now CLOSED for judging.

I won't have the time to judge this contest when I originally set it to end, so I have extended the end date to JUNE 1st!

Hi there~

It's time for my yearly art contest!
I have several OC's that are quite important to me, as they are central to my persona both on this site and off. I always love getting more art of them and finding out more about them in the process!
You can draw any of the characters mentioned below, and while you are more than welcome to draw them separately I would love to see pieces containing multiple characters! Keep reading to meet them!

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(Art by hawaiianbabidoll)
Many more references and info located here

Full name: Rebecca Rose Drialae
Age: 18 years
Birthday: October 7th
Gender: Female
Eyes: Dark forest green
Hair: Jet black curls that fall to her waist. When her hair is not down, it is french braided into a single braid down her back. She also likes doing waterfall braids.
Always Wears: One of Sitora's claws as a necklace.
Rebecca was born to the Ocean dragon sorceress Elizabeth Drialae and the Mountain dragon sorcerer Luke Mathoku. However, seeing as it is forbidden for the sorcerers to fall in love, Elizabeth did not tell Luke that she was pregnant with his child, and refused to tell anyone else who the father was. Since Elizabeth still had many years of service left to the dragons, she gave her child to a poor farmer couple who were unable to conceive a child of their own rather than give her only daughter up to an orphanage. Rebecca grew up knowing she was adopted, but neither of her adoptive parents knew her biological mother's name. The only clue she had to her past was the small dragon claw necklace that was around her neck when Elizabeth gave her up.
Rebecca was relatively happy on the small farm her adoptive parents owned until she was four; but that year, her adoptive mother finally was able to get pregnant. She gave birth to a small baby girl, Eleanor (known as Ella), and after that Rebecca was ignored as they poured all their attention and love to their "real" daughter. It was that same year that Rebecca began to wander further and further into the forest as she was not being watched as closely, and in doing so she met Tristan, a young boy who was two years older than her.
Over the years, Rebecca and Tristan developed a close friendship, and each was there for the other in the hard times. It was Rebecca who comforted Tristan as he was going through being abused by his father, and it was Tristan who agreed to teach Rebecca how to use a sword even when it is forbidden for women to be taught such things, and comforted her when they found out Ella had a deadly, incurable disease. But everything began to change the day William proposed.
The son of the wealthiest lord in the village; William Shiel was now old enough to marry, and naturally he chose the most beautiful woman in the village; Rebecca. Even though she did not love him, Rebecca agreed to marry him only because it would give her family the money they needed to save Ella's life. On the eve of her wedding however, William showed his true colors, and Rebecca fled to the forest out of fear. She was attacked by wolves and it was Tristan who found her and saved her; it was that night that Tristan and Rebecca realized that they had feelings for each other. Still, she had already agreed to marry William. Just as she was about to head to the church the next morning, news came that Tristan had been attacked and killed by dragons. Refusing to believe that he was dead, Rebecca once again headed into the forbidden forest, and soon found herself face to face with a dragon; the very same dragon who's claw she wore around her neck.
It was then that she realized that she was the heir to be the next Ocean dragon sorceress.
Stubborn, fiercely determined, and brave are the words that describe her best. She will do absolutely anything for those she loves, even if that involves hurting herself in the process. Rebecca is very good at hiding her true feelings, and only those who know her best are able to see behind her mask. She sometimes trusts too easily, and has been known to be fooled by her enemies. Her heart is her fatal flaw; you can get just about anything you want from her if you threaten someone she loves. Rebecca can sometimes be reckless, and often charges into things without totally thinking them through. But this does not mean she is unintelligent, as she is a very quick thinker in the heat of the moment, and her battle training with Tristan has made her a very agile and tough fighter.
Likes: Dragons, horses, swordfighting, the ocean, flying, dogs, open spaces
Dislikes: Liars, small spaces, being trapped, falling, cats
You can draw her with: Tristan, in a romantic pose; Kaos in a neutral/friendly pose; or Sitora in a friendly pose. I would love to see someone depict Rebecca riding Sitora!

тяιѕтαи ℓogαи нαωтнσяиє
References: x and x
Both were made using this character generator here

Full name: Tristan Logan Hawthorne
Age: 20 years
Birthday: August 17th
Gender: Male
Eyes: Bright blue
Hair: Longer for a male, messy dark brown. It often gets in his eyes.
Always Wears: Well, rather "carries" in this case; his sword.
Tristan was born to a happy couple, Kia and Logan Hawthorne. But his mother was only 18 when she gave birth to him, and due to complications, she died just a few days after (or so he was told), leaving Logan to raise his only son on his own.
Logan deeply resented Tristan and blamed his son for Kia's death, and when Logan began turning to alcohol he would often beat Tristan during his rages. Finally, things got so bad that Tristan refused to live with his father past the age of thirteen, and he stayed in Rebecca's barn while he worked to save up money for his own place. Eventually he was able to buy a small shack on the outskirts of the village, almost in the forest, but this worked for him since he worked as a woodcutter. All the while he remained close friends with Rebecca, and they often spent their afternoons in combat training.
When William proposed to Rebecca and she began skipping their meetings more and more often, Tristan became incredibly jealous and irritable, and was unable to find a reason why. He did not realize he had feelings for her until Rebecca spent a night at his place after he saved her from a pack of wolves. The very next night however, he was met in the forest by a dragon, who informed him that he was the next heir to the position of the Ice dragon sorcerer.
When compared to Rebecca, Tristan is calm and more sensible. He prefers to think things through before charging blindly into danger, and hates not having a plan as he is not a quick thinker and often cracks under pressure. Tristan is one to sit back and watch someone be happy even when it is hurting him in the process, but will speak his mind and give advice when it is needed; although a major pet peeve of his is when people come to him for advice but don't follow it. Tristan is protective and fiercely loyal to those he loves and trusts. He is typically skeptical when meeting someone new and it takes longer for him to warm up to a stranger than most.Tristan is not easily angered, but if you manage to piss him off he can have a nasty temper.
Likes: Cold, rainy weather, campfires, the forest, swordfighting, darkness
Dislikes: Hot weather, swimming, light, getting up early
You can draw him with: Rebecca in a romantic pose.

NEW character as of 3/15!

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References: x, x, and x
All were made using this character generator here

More references and info located here

Full name: Princess Alexandria Jade Somara
Age: 22 years
Birthday: April 2nd
Gender: Female
Eyes: Baby blue
Hair: Straight light blond hair that falls to her waist. In battle, she wears it in a tightly woven bun.
Always carries: Her longbow and quiver. The leaf on her arm is a tattoo.
Since birth Alex has been very independent even for a princess; as her brother, the prince, was always the favored child and the one their parents cherished. To the Queen, Edward could do no wrong, while her daughter Alexandria did everything wrong. Alex has always been feminine by nature and did well in her manners and ladylike qualities, but to her mother she still had much to learn. Queen Catherine always used her daughter's full name, which is why Alex hates to be called by it.
There was one thing that the Queen despised more than anything else about Alex though, and that was her interest in archery. In their land, it is forbidden for woman to learn how to use weaponry, but somehow Alex convinced her father to let her learn how to shoot. Archery became her escape, release, and passion, and Alex began to revel in how it infuriated her mother. One night, when the two had a particularity bad argument, the Queen got physical with Alex and slapped her. That night, Alex fled with a few knights into the forbidden forest, where she was taken by the dragons to claim her place as the Marsh dragon sorceress at the humble age of 16. So far, she is the youngest human ever to begin her training among the dragons.
Alex tends to clash with Rebecca quite often due to their personalities being very much the same. She is just as stubborn and strong-willed as Rebecca, but she also has a gentler side to her that is rarely seen. When using her gift as a healer, Alex becomes quiet and soothing, just as able to help heal emotional wounds as well as physical ones. She is unwavering in her foundation in that there is little that can shake her, and this sometimes causes others to lean on her too heavily. But when all seems lost, Alex can be the only beacon of hope to look up to.
Likes: cats, nature, the forest, the color green, women and females, archery
Dislikes: dogs, being challenged, dark colors, men, hand to hand combat
You can draw her with: there aren't any characters included in this contest it would make sense to depict her with, so by herself is just fine, in any of the outfits referenced!

Official Reference
Art (c) Furiouswolf, Kaos (c) Me
Many more references for him here

Born to be a leader, Kaos's deranged and power hungry father knew this, so one day he took his son out alone into the forest and mauled him, coming inches within taking the young Kaos's life. Miraculously, Kaos pulled through, but he lost the use of his right wing and is therefore unable to fly. He will bear the physical and mental scars from that day for the rest of his life. His father was dismissed from power and when he was old enough, Kaos took his place. He has ruled the "rogue" dragons ever since, trying his best to support and protect them even though each new day is only harder than the last.
Bitter and resentful, Kaos has withdrawn into himself, and is not very sociable at all. He highly prefers to be alone, and has no true friends. He has a caring side but it rarely comes out anymore as flying was his one true joy, and it was ripped from him all too soon. Despite his past he is protective of those who rely on him and will do what he must in order to keep them safe; despite his own physical disability. Underneath his broken exterior, all he wants is for someone to love and accept him for who he is.
Likes: Flying, Darkness, Moonlight, Caves
Dislikes: His scars, Light, Early Mornings, Open Spaces
You may draw him: With Rebecca in a sad/neutral pose, or by himself in a sad/neutral pose. He is NOT a happy character so please keep this in mind, and DO NOT draw him in flight as he is unable to fly. You are also welcome to draw him with Sitora in a romantic pose!

Official Reference
Art (c) Furiouswolf, Sitora (c) Me

Sitora has a pretty straightforward history. Unlike her twin sister, who was born blind and had to work hard to overcome her disability, most things came very naturally to Sitora and it was soon very clear that she was destined for great things. Slowly but surely, she worked her way up the ranks and eventually became leader of the Ocean dragons.
Sitora is everything you would find in a loyal, proud dragon; she is brave and strong, and willing and able to lead the dragons she loves through any challenges that may come her way. To the dragons she must lead and protect, she is their rock; unwavering and never shaken, for she must be strong for them. She isn't going to pretend that she doesn't have doubts every now and again; everyone does. But she must often hide her true feelings and carry on even when she herself is ready to give up, which can be incredibly hard on her. However, cross her and she will become your worst nightmare. She does not stand for the humans that invade her territory; the land that is rightfully belongs to the dragons.
Likes: Flying, the ocean, the forest, early mornings, sunrise
Dislikes: Feeling trapped, being alone, keeping secrets
You may draw her: With Rebecca however you want, or with Kaos in a romantic pose.

Now onto the rules and prizes!

    ~This should be obvious, but please use your own original art for this contest.
    ~Be polite to everyone else and their art, and don't whine if you do not end up winning.
    ~I reserve the right to use any of the art entered, even if I do not award it any prizes. Once you enter a piece, it belongs to me as you are depicting my characters even though the art was made by you. I will ALWAYS credit the original artist, however!
    ~You CAN have more than one entry!
    ~Since a lot of people have been asking, I PREFER digital art over traditional, but please draw in the style that suits you best! The fact that I have a preference won't influence the results in any way; in my last contest, a traditional piece won the top prize!
    ~If you choose to enter traditional art, I do ask that you have a way of scanning your piece so that the art can be seen clearly.
    This contest ends on May 1st. The deadline has been extended to June 1st!
    I MIGHT give extensions if you need more time, but only if you ask me BEFORE the deadline.

Now for the moment you have all been waiting for: the prizes!

1st Prize!
An UR Lion!

2nd Prize
A Rose PPS + 150C$

3rd Prize
A Sockdog + 100C$

Honorable Mention
There can be a tie for this category!

Prize Pool for Entries
These are examples, there are plenty more pets hidden in there!

For entering, you get your choice of ONE rare in this group. If you do not see any pets you like, you can choose to receive 20C$ if you would prefer that!
Please note: You can have as many entries as you want. But you only get the entry prize for your first entry!
I also reserve the right to add/remove pets from the prize pool as needed. If you would like me to save a pet for you, be sure to let me know in advance!
Only pets from this specific group are available as entry prizes.

Good luck everyone, and I look forward to your entries! <3

Here's a few pieces that you're welcome to reference as well. (This is mostly for poses sake, since I believe these poses and expressions really do my characters justice.)

(Art by x)

(By thoughtsupnorth on tumblr)
Last edited by Jadeghost on Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:23 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Postby Jadeghost » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:22 am

(in the order they were received)
x, x, and x by stormy and rescuer Entry Prize: Claimed
x by robensin Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Vanillasaur Entry Prize: Claimed
x and x by Calix Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Yorke Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Iridescentdawn Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Clawdina Entry Prize: Claimed
x by shadowfox261 Entry Prize: Claimed
x and x by LostInTheEcho Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Nirakebe Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Direwolfie69 Entry Prize: Claimed
x and x by Wookieinmashoo Entry Prize: Claimed
x by Shykal Entry Prize: Claimed
Last edited by Jadeghost on Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:52 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby satuurnity » Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:13 am

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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby WonderlandWitch » Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:59 am

Ill enter <3
Can i reserve the Tess Horse?
Also do you have an estimated deadline?
. . . Gift and i'll gift back <3 . . .
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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby Jadeghost » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:19 pm

AnaCarok wrote:Ill enter <3
Can i reserve the Tess Horse?
Also do you have an estimated deadline?

Reserved. And the contest ends on May 1st, after that I will no longer be accepting entries.
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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby L.V.L » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:41 pm

^-^ Adding To My Wall, Also Entering By Tradional ^-^
Question: If I can 1st place, instead could we get a 2nd/3rd place prize?
Can I Reserve: Vixen
Last edited by L.V.L on Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby Vanillasaur » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:49 pm

I'll enter traditionally! Also, may i reserve the gray malk horse?
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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby ravi » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:59 pm

          mark! is it possible if you get a higher ranking to switch it for a lower ? so lets say i win first but i rather get the second place prize, would that be ok ?
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Re: draw my OCs, win an UR Lion!

Postby song&storm » Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:37 pm

Stalking c: good luck everybody!!
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