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Postby Finalized » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:24 am

Thank you so much for hosting this!

Once upon a time, there was a very fragile, young, snowflake. Its birth would go from water, to ice, and then into its unique formation that soon would fall to the cold Earth. Unlike any Snowflake, this one had a lunatic plan to be blown far away from its other Snowflake friends. They started all very close to each other, but soon each and every one broke farther away. This specific Snowflake was determined to find the perfect tree to mold itself onto.

It blew in drastical weathers, past many trees. Tall oaks, to Palm trees, even invasive plants and bushes. As the little Snowflake blew farther away, other snowflakes clung onto their favored objects. This snowflake was slowly starting to melt. Parts of the icicled waters dripped off onto the ground. The snowflake had to be quick. It pears over to see a tree with red berries covering it. It rapidly drops onto the leaves, molding onto the tree as a whole. The snowflake's formation dies, but leaves a bright white, glowing liquid.

Soon after, a young girl and her mother comes by to chop branches and leaves off of the tree. The girl in many coats of clothing grabs the branches and takes them into her small house. They soak the branches. The white coloured liquid melts into the water soon after. "Mom, do you think the Holly dog will appear?", the young girl asks. Her mother never replies. The water glistens, the young girl knew there was something wrong, but her mother didn't bother to mind the strange coloured water. They begin to put their wreath together for the Holidays, and collect the berries to decorate a bit more. As they are making the wreath, their Cat, Olaf, begins to paw and lick at the water. He delicately swallows it. Olaf begins to convert to a white color, he gets two tiny bumps on his shoulder blades. His eyes sparkle, and zap, They turn light purple. He begins to let out a ear-piercing growl, as if he was screaming for help.

Not too long after Olaf growls, the young girl stops by to check on him. Her mother runs in panicking, and screams "What happened?" Olaf begins to sprout long lanky legs, and grow very long white fur. His bumps on his shoulder blades soon sprout into leaf-like wings. Two red berries plop on them. As the mother is panicking, the young girl blurts out, "Mom, the leaves! The holly leaves! Olaf is turning into a Holly dog! Have you never heard of the legend?" Olaf walks crookedly to the Mother and poof, Olaf disappears in dust. The young girl and mother become speechless. Could this have been a dream, they thought. "Mom, that is why they are so rare, they disappear and hide! I read it in a book!" the young girl says. The mother looks at her in disbelief and faints.

Kind of took a turn but i guess my imagination is weird, lmao. Thank you so much for the opportunity, I really appreciate you. SO kind. Good luck to the winner, I'm sure you deserve it.
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Postby Wild Dog 100 » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:27 am

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Postby SlimPaw » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:28 am

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Postby wisteriasketching » Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:38 am

I am a holibomber!
I have gifted 10 people.
I have received 2 gifts.
I have nuked 0 people.
I have received 0 nukes.
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Postby Immycat » Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:06 am


Giggles came from a nearby rustling bush. Soft white fur jumped out and dashed through the dew covered grass. The small form couldn’t stop laughing as she skid to a stop behind a large tree. “Come back!” A male voice yelled behind her. Brown and green fur dashed past the tree she was hiding behind making her squeal with laughter and give away her position. The brown pup spun around and leapt at her pinning her to the ground. “Gotcha!” He grinned down at her, his green eyes reflecting the happiness he now felt for winning a game. The white pup just gave him a grin back and reached her paw bopping him on the head causing him to shrink back and wince. “Oww! Careful. My antlers are sensitive” He frowned bringing up his paw to rub the spot that she had touched. “Sorry Oak. I forget they are still coming in. How long till you get your antlers?” She asked sitting up. “Momma said this spring. That’s when I get my leaves too!” He beamed with a toothy grin and beginning to strut around. This caused the white pup to giggle and nudge past him running back toward their home in the village. “Holly wait for me! You know I can’t keep up!” Oak complained dashing after his best friend.

Over the years the best friends stayed close and fed off one another’s energy. Oak grew to be a handsome dog known for his bravery, protection and leadership. He was in charge of the scouts who protected the village from the wild dogs. He was the commander and was known to be a big hero. Holly on the other hand stayed humble and playful as ever. She took up gardening and was known for special touch when it came to plants. She kept Oak grounded and calmed him when he became angry. They had a special bond. It wasn’t until recently that Holly found herself jealous of Oak. She had always been a simple white dog with a soft gaze. Nothing special compared to him. He was gorgeous with his strong antlers standing out and his dark brown fur with the elegant green leaves that made him stand out even more. The last few weeks he had been getting so much more attention and throughout her life she had tried to channel beauty into her flowers and trees. Nothing special ever became of them.

One day a storm broke out in the village. A bright bolt of lightning struck Holly’s garden causing the vegetation there to light up. Orange and red flames engulfed her flower beds destroying almost everything. Oak and his group came to the rescue trying to put out the flames. Holly attempted to help dragging out her hoses to try to douse the flames. He and his squad managed to put out the flames but screaming drew their attention from the ruined garden. “I’m sorry Holly. I have got to go…We’ll talk later” Oak promised kissing her forehead and rushing off. Holly slumped down eyeing the damage. Almost everything was destroyed except the trees on the far side of the flower beds. No one liked them due to their spiky leaves and bright red berries. She sighed and just laid there thinking about all the hard work that was just ruined.

Across the village Oak was currently battling some wild dogs came into the village. They had seen the fire and wanted to take advantage of the chaos it would bring. Oak had successfully driven away a pack of wild dogs, nipping at their heels when he saw a smaller one run past him towards the homes. Almost instantly he began to pursue the threat managing to tackle him, much like he had done with Holly when they were pups. Oak snarled and kicked the wild dog back making him roll into the pointy bushes outside Holly’s home. The wild dog screamed and immediately freed himself taking off not even worrying about the village. Oak watched him leave and sighed going off to see the damage the dogs had done. The gates had fallen and a good chunk of the wall around Holly’s house had been destroyed as well with the fire. “I don’t know what we are going to do to protect us. We only have five dogs on our guard. We can’t keep this whole place safe without the wall” He frowned pulling his ears back. For once their fearless leader was at a loss. He didn’t know what they were going to do. He decided to call it a night and think things over. The dogs wouldn’t come back tonight. A few feet away, Holly’s ears perked hearing her friend. Almost immediately a thought popped into her mind. A bright smile came to her face as the white dog ran towards her home and got to work.

The next morning Oak came out of his home looking a bit rough. He had tossed and turned all night long not able to sleep because he felt he was letting his people down. The weight of their safety was falling on his shoulders. He was too caught up in his thoughts he hadn’t noticed his friend in front of him. He ran right into her. “H…h..holly?” He asked wide eyed looking at his friend. Instead of a simple white dog she now had huge beautiful pointed leaves on her back and three little red berries at the base of them. “Oak come look what I did!” She exclaimed with a toothy grin pulling him forward to the front gate. There standing in all its glory were huge bushes that Holly had replanted over night. It had taken her all night moving them one branch at a time to construct an indestructible gate to protect the whole town. “You can rest now and not have to work as hard knowing that no one will be coming through the gates or over the wall. I’ve redone the whole thing with my bushes” She smiled up at him. “How?” He asked not able to take his eyes off her. “One by one I intertwined my branches with the gate. I had to carry them on my back but I did it. Do you not like it? It isn’t beautiful but…”

Oak shook his head and cut her off. “Holly. Do you not realize how you look?” He asked only for her to go red and back away. “I’m filthy. I’ve been working all night. Why do you care what I look like? I was never beautiful like you!” she started to defend herself but Oak just laughed throwing her off. “Beauty has nothing to do with looks, Holly. It’s how you make others feel… Come here” He smirked pulling her over to the community well. “Look” He instructed backing away. With a confused look she looked down at her reflection and immediately gasped. “Oak!” She exclaimed backing away in shock. “It must have happened when I was carrying the branches!” She shook her head not able to believe it. There on her back were beautiful wings. She was no longer plain white. “Will you help us protect the village Holly? You’ve more than earned a spot with everything you have done” Oak asked with a soft smile on his face. “Of course” She nodded accepting his position. “Will you also stay with me? Holly, I love you” he admitted causing her to perk her ears. “What?” She was shocked. He had never even hinted at liking her let alone loving her. “Holly, I’ve always liked you. Ever since we were young” he explained only for her to laugh softly putting him off. “What did I say wrong?” He asked confused now. Her laugh only grew into uncontrollable giggles before she shook her head. “It’s because of the wings isn’t it?” She asked eyeing him. “What!? No! You’ve always been beautiful dork!” he smirked reaching up his paw and bopping her on the head playfully. With a toothy grin she smiled up at him and placed her forehead to his. “I love you too, Oak.”

From then on with Holly’s help, Oak had managed to keep the village safe. They had a lot more time on their hands now thanks to her bushes that had ended up saving the day. That meant that there were a lot more time to play with their two new pups that were born a few months ago. Oak was thrilled accepting role as father as well as protector and Holly happy that she was accepted for who she was by everyone in the village. She had finally found her purpose. With her new beautiful wings and special gift with plants she was able to keep everyone safe with the very bushes that had given her her gift of beauty.

~ The End ~
Last edited by Immycat on Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby KiritoRoyale » Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:59 am

Last edited by KiritoRoyale on Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Mina Ashido » Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:18 am

HollyDog: Chritmas of many colors

I was alive, once again on this earth. Each time it was different, either I was brown with dark black spots, gray with a white line, or even tan. Every time I was about to die, I'd either go out into the yard and sleep or be shoved into a white room and smothered in a fragrance of gases. I always enjoyed the people I meet, especially the old lady who let me sit on her lap. I was old, very old, my owner for the time being always carried me up the creaky stairs I've learned to love. He would set me down on the bed and sing me a song like I was his child, then my other owner would fluff me up and tuck me in bed. She and my owner never had kids, I only heard of it once and I noticed they were a little too sad about it.I decided not to question their actions about that day, so I just licked their cheeks whenever they were down. What am I to do when I go somewhere else? How will they feel? I don't want to leave them at a time like this. Only 2 weeks before Christmas! And that's when we all sit by the fire, and they slip me some bacon. My brown coat reflected the light flames of the fireplace, it warmed my body and made me happy. I loved this family most, even if I didn't have a miniature human to run around with like every family reunion. I hutched my back, a lurking liquid swirling around the insides waiting to splurge itself over the carpet. Sometimes this happened when I was about to go to another family, I didn't like it, and I didn't want it to happen. I crept towards the door of my owners, but I never made it. I crashed to the floor, I wept for one last goodbye. I was gone...

I woke up, to a bark, it was tiny and a bit cracky, unlike my old bark! I couldn't open my eyes, however, not even to blink. I was in some fluffy blanket, that moved? No, no, it must be another mother. I was a pup, and it was TERRIBLE

After some time in the woods, I got picked up by my new family, but I knew my mission. For a whole week, I've run around every crook and cranny of the woods and got nowhere near to finding my old family. I ran and ran but it seems they weren't looking for me. So I just went back to my owners, maybe I tried to hard or didn't do good enough. I walked into the house, once I was in the house, I was engulfed with hugs, my nose smelled slightly burnt turkey and fresh cut tree. "we were so scared! we thought you were hurt!" My pale white coat began shivering, a slight poke on my back. Then POF! two green leaves sprouted out my back. This was my calling! To make this family happy, and I did so by my return, they realized I loved them when I came back, and that's how I got my wings! The happiness and love of others.

EXTRA scenario: imagine someone hanging the holly dog like real mistletoe just to kiss under it :lol:
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Postby bugbaby » Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:36 am




she/her - adult - blm
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Postby Lucy Steel » Wed Dec 20, 2017 4:41 am

Sweet Holly

(This will be in Holly's Point of View)

I hoped into my bed and waited for Mom to come tuck me in, tomorrow was Chritmas and I was super exited to get my gifts!

"Alright dear goodnight." Mom said as she kissed me goodnight. She was about leave my room but I piped up. "Mom, can you tell me a story?"
I asked. She looked at with a soft look as she tilted her head. "Pleeeaase" I begged her. Giving her my famous puppy dog eyes. "Alright sweet Holly, I'll tell you story." She walked of to the edge of my bed and sat down. "Alright, let me tell you about the story of how a little girl named Holly gained her wings." She smiled. I got my stuffed bunny and cuddled in close.

"It was the night before Christmas, when this little puppy with blue eyes named Holly was so egar for Christmas to come. She would count down every day on her calender, taking her red marker and crossing off each day. The one thing she really wanted for Christmas was wings! She wanted to be just like her mom. She wished that they were green holly leaves with beautiful Holly berries. They only way to get her wings, was to to do something good for someone and spread the Chritmas cheer. So she went out door to to giving everyone candy canes and cookies. Every time she would look back and see if they were there.
But they weren't she would do everything right. But little did she know, they were there the whole time. The day the appear is Christmas day. She came home and thought that she would never get the beautiful gift she wanted. She went to sleep that Christmas Eve and she cuddles in her blanket and went to bed. She woke up the next morning and ran down her stairs to see wonderful gifts under the tree. "My sweet Holly! You have wings!" Her mother smiled. She looked behind her and jumped for joy. "My wings! My wings! She smiled. She had the best Chrismas ever. The End.

"Mommy, do you think that will happen to me?" I wondered. "I don't know dear, you'll just have to wait and see." He said and she kissed me good night. She got up, shut off my light and left, shutting the door behind her.

The next morning I got up and ran downstairs. There were so many gifts under the tree. "My Sweet Holly, look behind you!" I looked behind me and I had the most beautiful wings I have ever seen, they sparkled so beautifully in the light. This was the best Christmas Ever!!


Thank you so much for the opportunity! Goodluck to the winner.
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Postby Kendyy » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:11 am

hi im kendyy!
im really looking for wishlist pets and rares~
🐝 im on central standard time 🐝
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