A Cast of Critters: Fenshae's Pets (posting welcome)

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A Cast of Critters: Fenshae's Pets (posting welcome)

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:09 pm

A Cast of Critters

The pets here are divided according to where they live, revolving around a roleplay scenario I developed for them. Which means, they're NOT sorted by date, rarity, species, or any other rational division -- rather, they're separated out based entirely on what sort of character I envision them as. Because of this particular insanity on my part, I think mine is the only organization system I've seen so far that can justify putting wolves, cats, horses, and spiders all in one group; whether this is genius or completely idiotic is left to be seen.

There are three major groups (for now): City, Rural, and Other. The first two are each currently divided into two opposing factions: City Slickers & Slumdogs, and At The Farm & Through The Woods; the last group is currently made up of Misfits, but may be expanded later.

If you're curious about the worlds I'm creating for my pets, read on! Hopefully it affords you at least a little entertainment :) Even better, if it looks like a world that YOU would be interested in joining, PM me - I'd love to start up a roleplaying community if there was the appropriate amount of interest to keep it active.

As a note, not ALL of my pets will be represented here -- only the ones I've developed at least rudimentary character for. The others can be seen, divided by group based on their general characteristics, in my pet collection, if you're REALLY interested.

Table of Contents
1 -- Intro (you are here!)
2 -- City Slickers
3 -- Slum Dogs
4 -- At The Farm
5 -- Through The Woods
6 -- The Children's Crusade
7 -- Snow Dogs
8 -- Reserved
9 -- Reserved
10 - Wishlist

Another note: as something of a treat (perhaps), scattered throughout the pages that follow, you may be able to stumble across the occasional 'diary entry' or short piece about the characters involved. Sure beats bumping, right?
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City Slickers

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:10 pm

City Slickers


The City Slickers are pets. Rather than belonging to packs and leaning on each other for support, they live relatively independent lives under the guidance of human care-takers. Sometimes the "only children" of their household, sometimes part of small family groups in the household, these dogs get their opportunity to interact and socialize with neighbors under well-supervised conditions, and generally "don't get out much", as it were.

Living in the suburbs, these dogs are used to living rich and privileged lives. Having never been exposed to hardship, these pampered pets can come off as ignorant, spoiled, and essentially useless to their less-than-blessed feral counterparts, but this is not a fair assessment: they've just been exposed to a different lifestyle, one with its own unique challenges.

City Slickers can usually be identified by their sleek coats & bright, vibrant coloration. They tend to be well-mannered and polite, having picked up the social graces of their human masters, but may also have difficulty forming meaningful, lasting relationships due to their ingrained independence. The City Slickers usually love their lives and would not willingly subject themselves to hardship, but they can often feel stifled and ache for a bigger, wider world outside of their well-manicured lawn and pristine dog park.

Aside from dogs, other animals can be considered "City Slickers" if they are pampered pets, regardless of species. House cats and rats are common housemates of City Slicker dogs.

Shiloh (m), FayRay (f), Raijo (m)

Born in a litter of farm pups from a talented sheep-herding mother, Shiloh was nevertheless destined for another life; his owner, a relative of the farmer, fell in love with him immediately and insisted upon taking him home to live a pampered life. Although he has no memory of his family, this is perhaps why Shiloh feels so ill-at-ease with his current lifestyle: no matter how well-provided-for he is, he aches for the world outside. A born explorer, Shiloh tends to get himself into a lot of trouble
FayRay came home around the same time as Shiloh, and the two have grown up together as unlikely friends. A stunning female, FayRay was disposed of by a breeder due to a very small flaw in her conformation that discounted her from the show ring, and she came to live as a pet when she was quite young. Shy, uncertain, and very concerned with orderliness and appearances, she spends most of her time keeping Shiloh out of trouble -- but, for her part, she admires his bravery and nerve and a part of her (though she'd never admit it!) is very fond of him. Perhaps, when he gets older, he'll notice her as something more...
Raijo is (at least in Shiloh's opinion) an insufferable know-it-all and show-off. Adopted a little lather than the other two, he nevertheless managed to do everything faster -- even grow up faster. Handsome and flashy, from breeder stock, he swaggers around the house like he owns the place and has an obvious crush on FayRay -- and, naturally, a rivalry with Shiloh because of it. Shiloh, who is oblivious of FayRay's feelings, doesn't understand Raijo's animosity at all, and thinks he's just a stuck-up git who needs to be knocked off his pedestal.

House #2
Luau (f), Nitro (m), Puck (m), Riley (m)

Adopted on one of the many exotic travels of their eccentric owner, Luau and Nitro are littermates. They have grown up together in the same house, guarding its many odd treasures and enjoying long stints home alone when their owner goes on journeys that they cannot accompany him on. Oddly, despite their worldy upbringing, the two are anything but adventurous. Luau is quite laid-back and calm, preferring a quiet night with one or two friends over excitement any day; and Nitro, despite his feisty appearance, is very bookish and -- for lack of a better term -- geeky.
They are are both VERY annoyed by the sudden appearance of Puck, a spastic, wild puppy-at-heart who has stubbornly resisted any and all attempts to become more "grown up and dignified" despite the supposed-to-be-calming influence of the older siblings. Luau and Nitro are a little concerned that Puck may NEVER calm down any...and if he doesn't, he'll continue to wreak havoc on their well-ordered lives (not to mention the antique furniture!)
Recently, Puck has -- on one of his many nightly wanderings -- returned with a stray pup named Riley. Riley is a big, clumsy buffoon who completely idolizes Puck and follows him everywhere like a shadow, and Puck has reluctantly taken him under his wing. Riley bears a striking resemblance to his hero....a fact which Puck is very quick to disregard, changing the subject quickly whenever somebody brings it up, much to the brow-raising of Luau and Nitro.

House #3
Buttercup (f), Sunny (m)

Buttercup is an old-fashioned lady, prim, proper, and delicate. She lived all alone with her owner, a middle-aged widow with a decidedly Victorian aesthetic, for most of her life, until she caught a glimpse of a certain handsome white-and-gold male through the bay window one day. The male, Sunny, was the perfect picture of a chivalrous gentleman, and he wooed her each day with song and compliments; their chaste romance continued for quite some time until Buttercup's owner, finding the whole thing amusing and delightful, invited Sunny into their home. The two are now mates, and Buttercup is expecting her first litter.
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Slum Dogs

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:10 pm

Slum Dogs

Slum Dogs are the quintessential street-savvy strays. Abandoned or born into the life of hardship, they are homeless wanderers scrapping for existence on the streets of the inner city, occasionally wandering out to the suburbs for a handout. A lucky few manage to be rescued each year, but the vast majority are too wild and shy of people to be considered "pet quality", and those that are picked up by shelter groups face the devastating risk of euthanasia due to their character flaws.

A little rough around the edges, Slum Dogs are survivalists above all else; they band together in packs, and can be aggressively territorial of their homelands, competing even to the death for food and shelter. They usually despise the City Slickers, viewing them either with envy (wanting the life they themselves cannot have) or disdain (snubbing the spoiled pets in a gilded cage).

Because they are feral, Slum Dogs are usually a little ragged looking. Their coloration is usually much more muted than their City Slicker counterparts, and, due to their hard lifestyle, they cannot stay immaculately cleaned or groomed. Many of them also sport scars, torn ears, or other markings of fights.

Sometimes, Slum Dogs make friends of other unfortunate street-wise creatures; if the relationship is mutually beneficial, it's not unheard of for a Slum Dog to befriend an alleycat, sewer rat, or even spider.

Pack #1
Molly (f), Jason (m), Dusty (m), Mythos (m)

Molly is a "heinz 57" dog with a little of everything in her. She was born as a beloved pet to an elderly couple, but was left abruptly homeless when they passed away. The self-proclaimed den mother of her little feral pack, she is quite maternal and gentler than most feral dogs. Soft-hearted and naturally loving, she won't deny anyone her assistance, even a neighboring enemy -- a trait which has gotten her hurt, physically and emotionally, more than once.
Jason was born on the streets and grew up there with his brother Dusty after their mother was hit by a car. Jason has always been the bolder of the two, and is not above thieving and dishonesty to get what his pack needs, though he is quite loyal and true to those he loves. He has had a crush on Molly since she first took them under her wing, but she -- frustratingly -- sees him more as a son.
Dusty is Jason's little brother and has always been more than happy to trot along in his pawsteps. Handsome in his own way and quite sensitive, Dusty has the best chance of any of them of being adopted and finding a better life -- but, if the opportunity arose, he's not sure he'd ever be able to leave Jason behind. A daydreamer, Dusty spends more of his time chasing butterflies than helping the pack.
Recently, they have acquired Mythos, a fairly young dog who was sadly abandoned when his owner never returned from war. He wears the dogtags of his fallen owner and spends much of his time in introspection, but would give his life to protect Molly, who he reveres. Jason vehemently distrusts Mythos; he is jealous for Molly's attention, and, truth be told, Jason wouldn't be happy with ANYBODY else in his pack.

Pack #2
Jack (m), Rosie (f)

Jack is a loner, born and bred on the streets and with absolutely no desire to become anyone's pampered pet. Suave, debonair, and flirtatious, Jack doesn't go without company for long -- but his relationships end as quickly as they began, as he is also temperamental and deeply private. Far from being the alpha of any crowd, Jack remains alone: unable to lead and unwilling to follow, he walks his own path.
Surprisingly, Jack has recently taken the company of Rosie, a young female who he discovered injured in an alleyway. She had, apparently, attempted to take on a pack of tough dogs single-handedly and lost miserably. Jack, unable to walk away after finding her, nursed her back to health -- quite reluctantly -- and she now lives with him, at least until she can strike out on her own.

Pack #3
Jake (m), Lorelai (f), Sorrow (f), Moonpool (f)

Jake is young and inexperienced, but does the best he can to lead his own small clan. Much more organized than Molly's pack, Jake's pack has seen its share of tough times; indeed, all of them carry the scars of fights. Sorrow, especially, has been through the grinder, and it shows in her tattered pelt. Even pretty Moonpool has a permanent limp from an old wound in her foreleg, and Lorelai's ears no longer stay erect. Because they're used to a rough, ragged lifestyle, they can be quick on the defensive and very unwilling to accept strangers into their midst.
Curiously -- although no one from either pack is aware of it -- Moonpool has been sneaking out to meet with Dusty from Molly's pack. The two are good friends and rapidly becoming much more to each other...

Pack #4
Jessica (f), Cloud (m)

Curiously, both Jessica and Cloud have siblings whom they assumed to be dead. Jessica is twin-sister of Jack, and Cloud is the long-lost baby brother of Molly. Both were separated from their siblings due to tumultuous circumstances, and found each other quite by accident. They've lived together ever since, and everyone who sees them assumes they're a couple; they are comfortable and easy with each other, yet bicker playfully and incessantly, and, of course, spend all their time together. This assumption is erroneous, however, but serves as a useful diversion for both of them -- because, secretly, they both have tastes that tend toward their own genders.....
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On The Farm

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:10 pm

On The Farm

Farm RP: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33183&p=911420#p911420

Farm Dogs have owners who supply their basic needs -- food and shelter -- but they are far from being the pampered pets that the City Slickers are. Instead, they must work for their keep, primarily by guarding the farm from intruders and ensuring the safety of the livestock. Rather than live in the house, farm dogs live out in the barn, burrowing in the hay for warmth, and they have to make their own amusement, and generally are closer-knit with their follows at the farm than you could expect a standard pet to be.

Farm Dogs are usually warm-hearted and generous, good folk, although they can be a little set in their ways and wary of newcomers. Most of the time, they are accepted working or herding breeds like shepherds and related mixed breeds, but other breeds sometimes come in; no matter what their lineage, farm dogs are above all earthy, athletic, and hardy.

While most Farm Dogs have excellent work ethic, some just aren't cut out for the lifestyle and want nothing more than the comforts of a city life, or the (perceived) carefree freedom of the wild. Also, while most have farmers who care about them, not all farmers are kind, and Farm Dogs are often silent sufferers of abuse or neglect.

Naturally, Farm Dogs maintain close relationships with the herds -- usually horses, cattle, or sheep -- that they guard; many also make good friends of the barn cats, and have been known to make the acquaintance of wayward birds, spiders, and rabbits.

Rosewine Farms
Fidget (m), Hank (m), Melissa (f), Meeko (m)

Fidget and Hank are completely inseparable. No one knows if they're littermates or just best friends since birth; indeed, nobody knows much of anything about these two's past, since they just sort of showed up at the farm one day, a pair of rowdy, uninvited guests. Their antics served to grant them a little amnesty from the farmer, who paired them with his most reliable female, Melissa, who has her work cut out for her keeping an eye on them. The boys are hyperactive practical jokers who believe that life is a giant play ground.
Melissa -- Mel, to all her friends -- is the commander-in-chief of operations here at the farm. Put in charge of training the youngsters and keeping an eye on everything in her master's absence, Mel is cool-headed, patient, and knowledgeable. She is the obvious favorite on the farm, and even gets to sleep in the Master's house at the foot of his bed on cold nights, much to the envy of everyone else.
Meeko is the eager young apprentice at the farm, being raised expressly to replace his elders once he's learned all the ropes -- a big responsibility for a young dog prone to disabling insecurity. He spends his time following Mel around like a small, quivering shadow, and he's more than little accident prone...but, perhaps, one day he'll become more comfortable with his assignment.

Serenity Stables
Madeline (f), Fletcher (m), Justin (m)

Serenity Stables is an equestrian center with no other livestock, so it has need of fewer dogs than other farms might -- after all, the horses do not need herding or tending to like flocks. Still, a well-trained dog is one of the most useful commodities a smart farmer can keep.
Madeline is still quite young and was acquired from a neighboring farm when it was discovered that she had absolutely no talent for herding stock. Despite her strong herding background (she's a pure-blooded collie, from a long line of champion collies), Madeline is clumsy and skittish and seems to give off an uneasy vibe to the flock, which would scatter before her. The farmer who kept her would have put her down, if the master of Serenity hadn't brought her home and found a job for her. Though she's terrible with sheep and cattle, she gets along all right with the horses (as long as they don't get too close and frighten her) and, come to find out, she is a natural at pest-control; mice, rats, rabbits, voles, foxes, bobcats -- you name it, any pest or predator she's come across has met a swift, clean end.
Following in the footsteps of many a dalmatian before him, Fletcher is the main stable horse and won't let anybody forget it in a hurry. Prim, proper, and a little stuck-up, he is nevertheless the most knowledgeable dog in the stable and knows every horse backwards and forwards. He sleeps in the barn and usually accompanies riding students on their trail rides, sprinting ahead to scout out the path and maintaining a calming influence on the horses.
Justin is the stable's guard dog. After all, some of the horses here are quite expensive -- show quality, even -- and Justin would rather die than see his masters robbed or the horses harmed. He's been known to take his job a bit TOO seriously, as some would tell him, but he doesn't see it that way; sure, he doesn't have much sense of humor, but not everything in life is a laughing matter!

StonyBrook Meadows
Naomi (f), Watson (m), Sparkle (f)

A brand new farm, StonyBrook Meadows was developed by a cityslicker-turned-green who decided farm living was the way to go and struck out to buy a few acres and scrape a subsistence living. The next-door neighbor to Rosewine (a far classier establishment), StonyBrook is small, second-hand, shabby, and, some would argue, doomed to failure -- but only time will tell.
Naomi was purchased at a flea market for a reduced price; the runt of her litter, nobody expected her to be worth much, so she was practically given to her new owner as a sort of joke. She's not nearly as inept as her breeder believed, however, and while she's certainly not a professional-grade herder, she manages all right with the small handful of livestock at StonyBrook.
Watson was a gift from the owner of Rosewine. The brother of Rosewine's best dog -- Melissa -- Watson comes from a long, dignified line of excellent herders, and he is no exception. He is, however, deaf, a fact which none of the humans he's met seemed aware of. Certainly Rosewine would not have given him away if they'd known about his disability, and his new owner at StonyBrook isn't experienced enough to recognize the signs. Despite his deafness, however, Watson is an intelligent and committed dog who makes up for his weakness with hard work.
Sparkle hardly counts as a farm dog, but she does live there. She doesn't do any work for the farmer; rather, she came with him as a beloved pet from her city apartment, and she's quite terrified of the dirty, smelly, hot, uncomfortable farm. Refusing to sleep out in the barn with the other dogs, Sparkle lives a pampered, first-class lifestyle, much to the distaste of her fellows -- both here, AND at the neighboring farms. Even Rosewine's Melissa, who sometimes sleeps in the house, is disgraced by Sparkle's haughty attitude; Farm Dogs are workers, first and foremost, and Sparkle most certainly does NOT qualify.
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Through The Woods

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:14 pm

Through The Woods

The Malkavian Woods surround the farmlands out in the countryside, the wild home of a whole myriad of creatures: wolves, spiders, owls, even the fish of the rivers. Larger and bolder than their domesticated cousins, the Wolves of Malk are the natural predator of the forest and often stray into the farmlands to sneak an easy meal when the guards aren't vigilant.

There are even a few half-breeds, intermingled with the pack -- product of an ill-fated romance between dog and wolf, these half-breeds live trying, wild lives, unable to enjoy the comforts of domesticity but reveling, nonetheless, in their absolute freedom.

The Canines
Snyder (m), Flame (f), Vixen (f), Roswell (m), Myst (f), Miska (f), Savino (m), Spooky (m)


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Comet, Ollivander, Even & Bud
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The Children's Crusade

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:14 pm

Saved....and oh my, I am such a geek.
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Snow Dogs

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:15 pm

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Re: Under Construction

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:15 pm

Jack, my current favorite :)
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Re: Under Construction

Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:15 pm

Jack, my current favorite :)
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Postby fenshae » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:16 pm


They may not necessarily be rare or valuable, but these are the pets that I want, based on how well I think they'd fit into my existing groups and, well, how gosh-darn pretty they are!

*will make image when not so freakin' lazy*
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