Mechanic Drone's LOC

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Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:09 pm

Hello welcome to my lion den~ This is where I keep track of all the LOC I currently own~ Feel free to look around or message me if you want a relation with any of them~

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Males; 2
    Females; 2
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Element count;
    Locs with one element; 1
    Locs with two elements; 3

    The original 14
    Water; 0
    Fire; 1
    Earth; 0
    Air; 0
    Light; 0
    Darkness; 0
    Poison; 0
    Psychic; 1
    Death; 1
    Ice; 0
    Love; 0
    Life; 1
    Hate; 0

    Special Elements
    Space; 1
    Telepathy; 1
    Tar; 1

Regular Adopts
1) ImageNirav - ArtImage

Event Lions
1)ImageNox - ArtImage

1)ImageKlay - ArtImage
2)ImageKiora - ArtImage

Last edited by Mechanic Drone on Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:45 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Mechanic Drone
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Re: Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:19 pm



Name: Klay
Name Meaning: Mortal
Gender: Male
Height: 15 feet
Elements: Life & Death
Rank: Warrior-Tank
Affiliation: Pride
Age: 270 years
Orientation: Straight
Mate: Single
Theme Song: Wasteland by 10 Years

Tall and Muscular Klay has the perfect build for a tank. His fur is slightly longer in certain areas, especially around his hindquarters and soft as silk. He has a roughed outward appearance and can be slightly intimidating though in all reality he is like a giant teddy bear once he opens up.


| Quite | Aloof | Passive | Compassionate | Loyal |

Quite: Klay is a very quite lion that tends to keep to himself. He is especially quite when around those he does not know and it tends to take a long time for him to open up enough to actually talk and hold a conversation with someone new. Though this can be seen as a downside it helps to keep Klay out of trouble with others due to the fact he won't voice his opinions and therefor won't cause a scene or fight if he has differing points of view.

Aloof: Tending to come across as cold or uncaring Klay is just a very aloof individual. He can be extremely hard to reach mentally and tends to put up barriers to prevent others from either getting in to close or to stop himself from forming to strong of a bond due to fears of loosing them due to his past and what he has already experienced.

Passive: Though Klay has strong emotions as well as ideas and opinions, he is very passive when it comes to talking about them with others or standing up for them openly. Confrontation is the last thing he wants to have to deal with so he tends not to speak up when in a situation where someone has an opinion, even if he strongly disagrees.

Compassionate: Through his cold and distant exterior, Klay is actually a very caring and compassionate lion. He tries his best to put other's needs ahead of his own. He especially has a soft spot for cubs and will often times be found watching them contently or joining them in their fun. His interactions with the cubs is one of the only times it is easy for others to tell he cares about the well being of others, though he always tries to help others in need even at the expense of his own well being.

Loyal: Being that a scouting party from the pride saved his life from his crazed father, he is extremely loyal to all within the pride, friends and acquaintances especially. He would willingly give his life to save others and that is one of the reasons he makes such a great tank for the pride.




Born in the unknown lands Klay has lived a difficult life from the very start. During Klay’s birth his mother began experiencing complications. Already being worn and tired his mother Sariel was left with the choice of using her life element to save herself, or use it to save her newborn son. Without hesitation Sariel gave her life to save Klay by using what little energy she had left. This caused his father Arius to blame his own son for her death. Growing up Klay and his father were always distant and though Klay tried to reach out to his father he was often times put down by his father both mentally and physically. Because of this Klay had to learn how to survive out in the unknown lands by himself. He taught himself simple things like how to catch Amani as well as Bandite and what to do if there was a nearby skirmish between the pride and the rebellion.
Even though his father was cold and distant with him he still never strayed far from his father and would often times try to give him what food he had caught in an attempt to show his father he cared for him. Often times these attempts were meant with nothing more than hostility and aggression, though it some instances he would at least accept the food. Klay never even knew his own name growing up because his father would only ever refer to him as a monster, a mistake, a murderer, or anything else hurtful he could come up with. Though he tried and tried again to become close to his father he could never break through to him, his father never even told him his own name and would often times call Klay a murderer rather than son or Klay.
One fateful day, Klay was woken from his sleep by a strange presence. Still groggy from sleep but unsure if there was danger Klay sprung up clumsily to see a pure white lioness staring at him with cool blue eyes. Her long fur flowed softly though there was no wind as she continued to stare at Klay.
“Who… Who are you?” Klay’s voice trembled with confusion as he gazed at the lioness. She didn’t seem real and he could only see her with his blood red eye. “What do you want?” he asked sternly but with kindness and curiosity within his voice.
The figure smiled before turning and running into the distance only to stop and look back.
“You want me to follow you?” Klay said somewhat hushed as to not wake his father.
The lioness nodded and waited patiently for Klay to catch up before continuing to run with him at his pace. The two ran for hours before the lioness began to slow her pace to a trot before finally coming to a stop.
“Why did you bring me here?” Klay said as he looked around in confusion.
The landscape seemed barren with nothing more than a small dirt mount in front of him that the lioness stood on. Klay stared at the mound seeming to be mesmerized by it before the realization hit him. The mount was a grave. Slowly Klay turned his gaze to the white lion sitting upon it.
“Are you…” His voice nothing more than a whisper.
Deep down he knew this lioness and knew who she was, something about her just seemed so familiar and so comforting but before he could connect the dots the lioness lowered her head against his and nuzzled him.
“My dear son Klay…” the words that left her mouth didn’t sound real and seemed to have just fabricated out of the slow blowing air.
Klay stood for a moment in disbelief, but before he could calm the swirling storm within his mind she slowly began to sink into the ground she stood, her warm smile the last thing Klay saw before she completely disappeared. He stood there shaking as he began to realize that what he had seen was real and took him even longer to piece together what had actually just happened. Klay plopped to the ground as the pain of seeing his dead mother hit him. He wanted nothing more than to be part of a family, a normal loving family at that. Suddenly an idea began to manifest within Klay’s mind. Slowly he lifted his paw as a light blue aura began to emit from it. His father told him that his mother had given him her gift of life, but maybe, just maybe, there was a way for him to give it back. Motivation and hope carried him to his feet as he began to dig up the grave that laid in front of him. After hour of digging he felt something graze his paw, something harder than just soil. As he began pulling the dirt away he realized that it was his mother’s skull and with it he was able to quickly unbury the rest of her body. Suddenly an enraged roar filled the still air.
“What do you think you are doing you little monstrosity?” Arius’s voice carried over the long distance between Klay and him.
“Dad I think I can bring mom back. We can finally be a family!” Klay called back, excitement filling his voice.
“Your mother has been dead for over 100 years you fool,” Arius began “There is nothing left of her but her bones and the memories you ripped from me.” As he spoke his lips curled into a snarl and he began to trot towards Klay. “Just leave her at peace, you already took her life can’t you at least allow her that? Now step away or so help me I’ll make you.”
Klay began to shake in fear, he knew his father wasn’t bluffing but he wanted nothing more than to be part of a family. Unable to form words over the fear trapped within his throat he quickly turned towards the skeleton which laid in front of him and set his paw directly on the skull. He took a deep breath and with it his paw began to brightly glow pale blue. As he continued to take deep breaths time seemed to stand still. His father’s warnings and roars seemed to become more and more quite till he heard nothing besides his own heartbeat. As he breathed he could feel his energy flowing within himself and began to direct it to his paw and out of his body into the skeleton laying in front of him. As his energy left he began to feel weaker and weaker till darkness began to creep into his mind until his legs could no longer hold him up and he collapsed.
“Wake up…” a quite but frantic whisper entered his black mind.
Immediately Klay’s eyes snapped open and he shot up. His eyes were unfocused and he vigorously shook his head in an attempt to regain consciousness. There standing in front of him was the white lioness, though her fur was no longer flowing you could tell it was different. It no longer seemed dreamlike, it was actually real. Klay looked up in amazement at his mother who gazed at Arius.
“Sariel…” Aruis’s voice cracked in disbelief. “Is… Is it really you…” a faint smile grew on his face and a single tear fell from his eyes.
The lioness gave a warm faint smile and as she opened her mouth to respond her eyes flickered as she froze, her mouth partially open.
“Sariel?” Arius pressed as he saw the life drain from her eyes.
“Mom?” Klay looked at her desperately looking and praying for her to talk.
Instead all that came out of her mouth was a gargled exhale. Suddenly her mouth began to rot and her bottom jaw fell to the ground as her entire body began to rot in front of the two. Her eyes slid from their sockets and pieces of flesh fell to the ground with a bone chilling splat noise. The nightmare continued to get worse as she tried to scream out in pain but nothing more than a blood bubbled screech came out. In an instance the lifeless body was on the ground writhing in pain before finally laying still. Silence filled the air as both Klay and Arius looked in horror at the lifeless body. What seemed like an eternity both stood frozen in place.
“You…” Arius began, “You monster… You brought her back just to take her away from me again!” His rage bubbling over Arius shifted his blood red eyes to Klay standing in front of him.
“I didn’t mean to I’m sorry!” Klay cried out, tears streaming down from his face. “I just wanted use to be a family! I swear I didn’t mean-”
“Didn’t mean to do what? Kill her the time or maybe the first time? You are nothing more than a murderer and your mother deserves justice…” Arius’s eyes narrowed to slits as he spoke, “A life for a life seems fair does it not?” A wicked toothy smile grew on his face as his eyes narrowed in on Klay’s terrified face.
In an instance Arius’s claws scrapped across the right side of Klay’s face. A wicked laughter escaped Arius’s mouth as he moved in to strike again. Klay cried out in pain as blood ran down his face. Panic gripped him as he opened his eyes to see nothing more than blackness out of his right eye. In an instant Klay was hit by another blow sending him flying from the blow.
“I’m going to make sure you suffer like she did!” Rage filled his roar as Arius charged Klay once more for an attack.
In panic and desperation Klay sprung to his feet and began running, though he knew if he couldn’t find shelter soon his father would surely catch up to him on open ground. Klay looked around frantically using his one good eye to try and find anything he may be able to use to get away. Suddenly Klay spots a faint glowing out of the corner of his eye. An Umoya tree was off in the distance and though Klay knew that the toxic gas that it released could easily kill him he had no other options. He quickly changed his course towards the tree and as he got closer held his breath. As quickly as he could Klay darted between the roots till me made it to the tree itself. His lungs screamed for air but he refused to hear their plead for air. As Klay turned around to see how close his father was he felt what little bit of air was left in his lungs get forced out of him as his father rammed into him and flung him to the ground. Arius’s laughs echoes off the tree as his slit eye trembled upon his son. Stunned Klay looked around hazily to see a root sticking out that he could possibly fit under and use to possibly lure his father to trap him. Klay returned his gaze to his father who was approaching, his laughs no longer having any sanity behind them. It was obvious something had snapped. Looking back at Arius Klay knew it father was no longer mentally there. Quickly as he could Klay got up and ran towards the root and dove under it. Growling his father followed only to get stuck under the root inches away from Klay. Arius roared furiously as he struggled to get out. His growling turned to coughing as he inhaled the toxins from the tree. Without waiting Klay turned and began to run.
Running was the only thing he could do. Klay knew his father would have been able to free himself before the toxins from the tree killed him so nowhere was safe. He knew he only had one real option left. He had to find and get help from the pride. He knew they were at war and there was a good chance he could be killed coming to them but it was the only option he had. Klay ran for days with only a few hours of rest a day to try and get to the pride lands before his father found him. He had never actually been to the pride lands or the lake but his father had told him where it was and to stay away at all costs.
As Klay hit the fourth straight day of running his vision blurred and he began to fade in and out of consciousness until his legs finally gave midway through running. Klay skidded to a stop panting and crying. He felt hopeless knowing he couldn’t get away from his father, then he finally looked up over up. He didn’t realize but he had finally made it up the hill he was climbing and on the other side stretched out a glowing magnificent lake.
“This is it…” Klay panted out of breath as he pushed himself up to his feet once more. “I made it… I MADE IT!” his cries were full of happiness.
“Don’t you ever bother to listen to me? I told you to never come here…” Arius’s crackling voice echoes into Klay’s ears.
The black lion slowly approached his son with a wide grin on his face, “You almost got away from me…” Arius said raising his claws preparing for a strike.
“HAULT!” a mysterious voice cried out from the sky.
Klay looked up to a spot the lion that has cried out. It was a brown lion with part feathered and part flesh wings landed directly in front of Klay and his father. Klay laid there shaking in fear unable to tear his gaze away from his father and this new strange lion.
“Release the cub!” His savior roared out but Arius simply began laughing.
“I won’t have this moment taken away from me! I will avenge Sariel by killing her murderer!” His father said raising his claws once more.
The strange lion launched a fireball directly into Arius to prevent him from landing the attack. He cried out in pain as the fire singed his chest and he staggered back. With another roar the winged lion released a more powerful attack of swirling fire to finish the job now that Arius had backed far enough from Klay. Arius screeched in pain as fire the fire engulfed him and he was burned alive.
As his gaze began to glaze over in pain he looked once more at Klay to whisper one last thing, "You will always be a monster."
Klay stood there in horror watching the life escape his father's body. Though he had died, Klay watched out of his blinded eye in horror as he saw his father’s very soul leave his body. His piercing red eyes stared Klay’s very soul before he faded away.
"Are you ok?" the strange lion said his gaze shifting from the charred corpse in front of him to the small cub.
Slowly Klay turned towards him, still shaking and unable meet the strangers eyes, "Thank you..." he said trailing off.
"What's your name, who was that?" The stranger asked his eyes reveling his concern.
"My name is… Klay..." he paused briefly, "and he was... He was my dad... Arius…" Klay barely got the words out before he slide to the ground crying from what had just been witnessed.
"I'm sorry..." the stranger trailed off looking back at the corpse. "My name is Zenas. Come on though let's get you to a safe place."
Zenas then scooped him up and took flight towards the pride lands, towards a new start.




A lion with the gift of life can: Bring life back to anything they touch, heal the dying, sick or injured, can increase strength of others by touching them.
A lion with the gift of death can: Kill anything they touch, create crippling wounds, can visit the dead or see dead souls.

Death's Gaze: Though Klay's is blind in his right eye, that doesn't mean he can't see. Like many other death lions Klay has the ability to see the souls of the departed. He can utilize this ability in battle by using his gaze to ensure an enemy has actually perished and won't get back up again.

Self-Heal: Being a tank Klay requires a lot of sustain in order to take hits and continue to fight, and though support lions are almost always there to assist, Klay also has the ability to heal himself with his life element. Though Klay has the ability it can take up a lot of energy use, especially depending on how hurt he is.

Flesh Shield: Having the ability of life Klay can "resurrect" dead creatures or lions to fight with him. He has very little control over his creations, and many are nothing more than rotting flesh that take hits for him. He can only ever have two creatures at once and it takes up an enormous amount of energy to keep them going.

Cripple: When Klay gets in close, even being a tank he can use his death elements to get in some fairly strong hits. His cripple ability can inflict immense damage as well as leave the target immobilized. This is Klay's most used ability due to the fact it takes up little energy consumption as well as helps keep enemies from avoiding allied abilities.

Rally: When Klay senses the tide of the battle changing towards victory or defeat he is able to focus more of his energy into strengthening his allies to fight harder to win, or give them the energy to run from a loosing battle. Since this takes up energy, especially depending on how many allies he is boosting, this ability is only ever used around the end of the battle.




Image Aruis-Father-Deceased
Klay and Aruis had a difficult relationship to say the very least. Though he was Klay's father he displayed little to no love or affection towards Klay. Klay still learned much from watching his father though and even if Arius never wanted his son's love Klay even to this day wishes the two could have been closer.

Though Klay never really knew his mother Sariel he has always felt as though she has been watching over him. Klay feels extreme guilt for being the cause of her death but he knows deep down that it was her own decision to sacrifice herself for him. More then anything else Klay wishes he could have bonded more with his mother rather then just catch glimpses of her soul.

ImageZenas-Father Figure/Adopted Father
Being the one that saved Klay from his father Arius Klay developed a special bond towards Zenas. Though Zenas tends to be much louder and boisterous, Klay truly admires him for who he is. Even though Zenas can cause trouble as well he was and still is a great role model to Klay and has helped Klay to be more confident as well as help to be a better fighter. Though Zenas is his adopted father the two have more of a brotherly bond then anything else.

Despoina-Good FriendImage
Klay and Despoina are actually very good friends. Though both come across as somewhat distant and cold when they come together they enjoy one another's company. Most of the time no words need to be exchanged between the two for them to play around and have a fun time. They can be find together fairly often, most of the time found playing with cubs.

Image Wylie-Friend
Though Klay and Wylie are on exact opposite spectrums when it comes to energy and noise they ironically balance one another out. Klay appreciates Wylie's company though it does have to be in doses because once Wylie starts talking she doesn't necessarily stop and Klay doesn't have the heart to tell her to be quite. The two are close though and make good friends.

Klay has a deep respect for Aries. The two get along rather well and Aries helped train Klay when he decided to become a warrior. They're relationship is much more that of a student teacher but the two get along very well otherwise and will even hang out outside of training from time to time.

Though it is hard to say Klay and Terra are truly friends they still have a very strong respect for one another. Terra helped hone in on his fighting abilities and helped to train him to be the best tank he can be. Both would willingly take a hit for one another but outside of protecting the pride they don't tend to talk much.

Aspen-Good FriendImage
Klay and Aspen were both cubs by the time Klay was welcomed into the pride. Both have very similar energy levels and tend to spar together quite often. Though Klay is a bit older than Aspen he tries his best to set a good example while around him in. Klay really enjoys Aspen's company and the two have a very special bond.

ImageNyx-Mother Figure
From the moment Klay entered the pride lands Nyx has been a very supporting and loving companion for Klay. Being a cub trainer they two had a lot of interaction with one another being as he was a cub when he got to the pride. Though Klay would never say it out loud he sees Nyx as almost the mother he never had. He admires her caring personality and wants to be able to become as kindhearted as her.

From the moment Klay met Palmiro he's always liked him. Not only is Palmiro nice to Klay, he is nice to just about everyone which Klay really admires. The two will hang out from time to time and Klay always enjoys the time spent with him.

ImageLouisa-Close Friend
Klay met Lousisa as a cub shortly after entering the pride and they have grown extremely close to one another and Klay tried very hard to be compassionate towards her "disability". Because of how quickly she runs out of stamina he will frequently try to slow his own pace so she doesn't feel left out or left in the dust. Klay finds her to be very sweet and enjoys spending all the time he can get with her.

Valkyrie-Mother FigureImage
Being Zenas's mother Klay was almost immidately introduced to her when he endered the pride. She was always very sweet and caring with him and helped fill the empty void within. Klay would almost consider both her and Zenas family.

ImageNirav - Strange Enemy
Klay had a strange encounter with this male lion. Though it is obvious he is part of the rebellion something help Klay back from attacking the young rebel. With no words exchanged between the two there was no attack on either side, just silence. Klay isn't sure why but something in his gut told him this lion wasn't inherently evil, rather just trying to survive like everyone else. The two nodded before turning from one another with a mutual respect for one another.

Valhalla-Old LoverImage

ImageBertok - Role Model

Yunus - Father 2.0Image

Image Farren - Apprentice



Last edited by Mechanic Drone on Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:22 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Sat Dec 23, 2017 4:41 pm



Name: Nirav
Name Meaning: Silent, without sound
Name Given by Arknon: Neelakantha
Nickname Given by Rebels: Silent Scum
Gender: Male
Height: 12'3 feet
Element: Fire
Rank: Rebel - Close Confidant of Arknon
Affiliation: Rebellion
Age: 215
Orientation: Striaght
Mate: Not looking
Theme Song: Silence by Marshmello ft. Khalid
Though Nirav isn't very tall he makes up for it with elemental strength. He is more tone and smaller built though he used his fire more at range so he rarely requires brute force or larger muscles.


| Mute | Resourceful | Independent | Adaptive | Curious |

Mute: Though Nirav has the full ability to talk he tries his hardest not to after he swore to secrecy to the oasis. No one truly knows he is able to talk and he has full intentions to keep it that way. Though he chooses to be mute he cab still express his emotions through body language and his fire element. He still enjoys being around others from time to time and even without his speech he is able to form bonds with others.

Resourceful: From the get go Nirav had to learn how to make use of what he had and what he was able to do. When he left the oasis as a cub he quickly learned how hard it was to survive out in the unknown lands. He is able to come up with solutions and ideas on the fly and can usually solve and issues he comes across with relative ease.

Independent: Though Nirav appreciates companionship and others presense he is a very independent lion. He often times refuses any help from others and will go out by himself to simply enjoy the alone time he has. Even the relationships he has he tries not to get to atrached and often times isolates himself from others when he is worried he is becoming to close. More then anything he tries to push closeness to the back of his head.

Adaptive: Nirav is a very adaptive lion who can be put into any situation and do well in it. He picked up this trait after leaving the oasis and going to the rebellion. He is able to push away his emotions and worries when in unusual environments making him extremely sucessful when put into new and unfamiliar situations.

Curious: Nirav has always been a curious soul. One of the reasons he was chosen to join the rebellion as an oasis spy is because of his curiosity and lack of fear. Often times he not rest until he figures out what he wants to know. This can lead to him getting himself into trouble though that usually doesnt stop him from letting his curiosity get the best of him from time to time.



Image The Oasis Image

Though Nirav was originally from the Oasis and was very loyal to them after pushing the Oasis from his mind in order to keep its secrets safe he has all but forgotten it. One of the only things he can remeber from it was that he was born there and sent out on some mission to learn of the Rebellion. After so much time being spent within the rebellion the lines slowly blurred for Nirav and though he doesn't consider the Oasis to be an enemy, his loyalty now lies within the Rebellion.

Image The Pride Image

When first hearing of the Pride Nirav was almost envious of them and for a short amount of time considered leaving the Rebellion and abandoning his mission. However, after so much exposure to the rebels and after being surrounded by their hate for so long they have slowly mended Nirav's view on the pride towards that of their own. His hate for the pride may not be as strong as many of the other rebels but he does dislike them and their ways.

Image The Rebellion Image

At the begining, when Nirav first became a part of the Rebellion he almost left only a few weeks after joining. He was taken back by their violent ways and was not sure if their cause was worth all the death it brought. It took a very long time for him to come to terms with the fact he was with the Rebels but after a long amount of time he accepted it and even began to believe in their ideals.



Nirav's roots start within the Oasis. As a cub he struggled to get along and interact well with others his age leaving him to be more of an outcast then anything else. When it came time for Nirav to go out into the world as is tradition, the council decided to turn him into a spy for them and was tasked to infiltrate the rebellion to see what they are all about and then return with any information he gained from his experience with them. However, before he left the council all told him how important it was to keep the oasis and it's secrets just that, secrets. He took this vow of secrecy to a whole new level though. Before leaving to go out into the world for the first time he took a moment to prepare himself for what was to come. In that instant he realized he would never forgive himself if he accidentally told anyone anything of the oasis. Even his thoughts were at risk of other lions reaching into his mind and obtained information through abilities such as psychic and telepathy. In that moment, the second before his paws were out of the Oasis, he made a vow of silence to keep all he knew safe from the rebels as well as others by both locking away his words as well as his mind.
The journey to the rebellion was a long and hard one. Being on his own for the first time Nirav had to learn how to take care of himself in the harsh unknown lands, however it didn't take long to find one of Arknon's followers, a lioness who went by the name of Seraphina. Though he couldn't quite but his finger on it she seemed familiar to him, almost as though he had known her from somewhere before. The Oasis maybe? Though he wasn't sure who she was she knew she couldn't leave a cub out in the unknown lands by himself. Though hesitant and not very kind towards Nirav, she cautiously lead him back to the rebel camp.
Once within the rebel camp Nirav faced many problems with his new home. Many if not all the other rebels were very weavy of him, even as a cub and the fact he never spoke many simply called him pride scum or other rude names. Though it bothered him at first he learned to deal with it over time and simply built a wall around his emotions. Eventually Nirav got older and became an adolescent, and only then did Arknon begin to notice the mysterious cub.
Arknon was suspicious of him, and though everyone else just assumed him to be a mute, he wasn't quite ready to trust the young lion.

Nirav laid out in the starlight that covered the rebel camp. He felt at peace, his mind completely void of all thoughts, of all worries. Suddenly he heard some shouting coming from a far getting closer and closer with each call.
"Hey you little creep!" A male assassin called out.
Nirav lifted his head and looked at the male, "Surely this brute isn't talking to me?" he thought as his empty mind began to fill with questions.
"Yeah you don't look at me like you're stupid I know you at least know how to hear and comprehend words, unless you really are as dumb as you look." The bulky male snickered as he spoke, his tail twitching, "Now I don't know why but for some reason Arknon wants to see you in his quarters." he turned before glancing back, "Now."
Nirav's eyes widened, "Arknon? But why does he want to see me?" Fear began creeping into his mind, "Oh god what if he knows... What if I blew the Oasis's cover? What if..." he paused trying to reach into the deepest parts of his mind but clouds seemed to surround what information he knew, or at least what he once knew.
"COME ON! I wouldn't keep Arknon waiting if I were you!" The male's voice cut through Nirav's thoughts like claws through flesh and within an instant he was on his feet chasing after the brutish male.
It wasn't a very long walk to get to Arknon's quarters though it felt like an eternity to Nirav. The entire walk he felt his mind swirling like a storm, fear and anxiety ripped through it though the most terrifying realization was the fact that he was unsure if he could even remember anything of the Oasis. This entire time he was so focused on pushing it to the back of his mind to keep it safe that it was buried so deep within his memories he couldn't remember anything.
"Why did I ever come here?... What is the Oasis... Why can't I remember anything?" Doubt and fear continued to flash through his mind he completely forgot to watch his steps and ended up walking straight into the male who was guiding him.
"Hey silent scum watch where you're going? Don't tell me you're blind too?" The male huffed, "Wouldn't surprise me if Arknon just wanted to see how useless you are in person before killing you himself..."
Nirav narrowed his eyes, his markings sparking up slightly before calming himself down. He looked into the dark den enterance that was laid out in front of him. He knew he had to cut off his emotions, he has seen Arknon's powers and knew he wouldn't hesitate to kill him where he stood should he give Arknon a reason not to trust him. Slowly Nirav closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Within an instant the swirling emotions and dug up memories all faded away. He let his mind completely empty before exhaling and opening his eyes as he entered the den.
For a moment Nirav strained his eyes trying to see into the darkness. There was a strange scent that hung in the air, a smell that was far to similar to that of a rotting corpse.
“Ah welcome young one.” Arknon’s voice ripped through the air and Nirav felt as though his blood ran cold hearing the lion’s voice, “I feel as though this little… meeting is long overdue.”
“Meeting? What is he talking about?” Nirav’s mind raced as fear froze him in place. Arknon as well as six other lions all sat in a semi-circle around him with each lion’s gaze burning into Nirav’s skin.
With a wicked smile Arknon arose from where he was and began to slowly walk towards Nirav, “So, I have heard you are a mute? I’m sure no one has questioned it since you have been here, though I don’t fully believe you are telling the truth.” As Arknon spoke he slowly leaned in with each word, his hot breath on the back of his neck putting Nirav on edge.
Nirav glanced around at all the other lions in the room wondering who they were and why they were hear. None had spoken a word and none had taken their gaze from Nirav.
“So let me ask you, what is your name?” As soon as the words escaped Arknon’s mouth he felt a jarring pain flash through his mind.
In a panic Nirav finally understood who the other lions where, psychic and telepathy lions. Each lion ripping through his mind searching for an answer to Arknon’s question. Fear slowly creeped into Nirav’s mind and he knew he would not be able to hide everything from six different lions who were all in search of one question: Who was Nirav and why was he here? Nirav began to shake knowing he was caught before he felt another flash run through his mind. This one was different though. He knew it wasn’t any of Arknon’s psychics but what was it? A defensive reflex? In an instant Nirav’s mind was completely blank, to the point where he didn’t even know his own name.
Arknon looked around the room at all the lions staring at Nirav and one after one each shook their head, “Well so you don’t have a name? Interesting…” Arknon’s voice trailed off as he slowly circled Nirav only to stop right in front of him, “Where are you from?” This time Arknon’s voice wasn’t so pleasant as he pulled his lips back into a snarl.
Again Nirav’s mind was penetrated by the six and this time let out a faint groan of pain. This time the duration they were looking was much longer than before, the head pain almost dropping young Nirav to the floor. Nirav pushed himself back up though this time taking a deep breath and letting go mentally of all he knew and was. For a brief moment Nirav felt nothing. He no longer felt alive though he didn’t believe he was dead yet either. Mentally he was in a limbo of sorts, merely existing rather than being an actual lion.
“Still nothing Arknon.” The deep rumbling voice ripped Nirav from his dream like rift and brought him back to reality. Again he looked around all the lions turning to one another shaking their heads. “We believe the child may have been through something, a head injury perhaps that wiped his memories.”
For what felt like an eternity Arknon stood in front of Nirav, his face inches from his and his eyes looking into what felt like his mind as well. After a moment Arknon’s emotions changed from a hostile feeling into a creepy overly nice one. Slowly he drew his mouth back into a wicked smile.
“Well then I suppose I owe you an apology,” Arknon began, “First thing tomorrow I want to see you back here. We have a lot of work to do to make you of any use to me, though I am very confident you will be a tremendous help within time... and since you weren’t willing to share your name with me, from this point forward you will be known as Neelakantha."
Nirav’s ears twitched at the name, and for a brief moment Nirav was convinced that the name Neelakantha was always his name. In a moment his life flashed before his eyes, a life that wasn’t his. The Oasis was nothing more than a myth that he had never been to. The rebellion was all he knew, he was born into it wasn’t he? His parents had been rebels who had died in a battle, weren’t they? His mind spun to the point of making his stomach turn.
“You may want to get some rest for tomorrow Neelakantha, I won’t lie to you… If I am to make you useful…” His lips curled into a smile, “It will be a grueling experience.”

Arknon was not lying when he said his training would be grueling and difficult. He pushed Nirav to his limit and beyond even that and with each passing moment he spent within Arknon's presence he slowly lost himself. He soon forgot everything of the Oasis and even within time lost touch with who he used to be. Though he still has yet to forget his name he instinctively reacts to the name Arknon gave him of "Neelakantha" rather than that of his old one Nirav. Over the years of working under Arknon the two formed a master apprentice type relationship and even eventually gains Arknon's favor and becomes the ear that Arknon goes to when he wants to share sensitive information.
Eventually the two formed a strong enough bond that Arknon even allowed Nirav to pick out his armor from Arknon's own personal arsenal. Though he was not able to have a full set he picked and chose from the best pieces he was able to find, a few of which bared similar markings of what he thought he knew, one that matched the tail ring he always remembered having, the marking of the Oasis. Arknon even gifted him a special helmet made specifically for him.


A lion with the gift of fire can: Manipulate the shape, change the fire's temperature, thrust it with great force, set things ablaze or prevent things from being caught on fire. Can create fire on their own. Don't need a source to take from.

Flame Figures: Being so silent Nirav has found a way to communicate with others with his element. He manipulated his blue flames into figures, shapes, and art to try and communicate his emotions and thoughts with others.

Ignite: Nirav focuses his energy throughout his body, causing his markings to glow the same color as his fire which emanates as a soft blue. When in this focused state he can ignite things through touch which makes it helpful in both offensive and defensive situations.

Flame Breath: While Nirav has high amounts of energy he is able to concentrate his flames into his mouth and project it high distances for fairly long amounts of time. As long as he exhales he can continue the fire flow though it does drain his energy fairly quickly.

Spit Fire: When wanting to use an ability that takes little to no energy Nirav uses his spit fire ability. When using it he spits out small to large fireballs from his mouth that can travel extremely far distances and inflict large amounts of damage when directly hitting a target.

Fireproof: Being a fire element he is able to use up energy to keep himself from being hurt by the flames of his own attacks as well as other lions. Though this takes little to no energy to protect himself from his own flames it can be quite draining when protecting against other lions attacks depending on the intensity of the attack he is blocking against.

Inferno: In extreme situations Nirav has the ability to focus an incredible amount of energy into his body before releasing it in an incredibly strong short to medium ranged attack. However, once the flames are released from his body he has no control over which direction they go and who is hit with the intense flames.



ImageArknon - Respected Superior
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." That is the basic relationship Nirav has with Arknon. Though he has respect for his powerful element and strength he still finds it weird calling him an allie when he has watched him kill some of his own warriors. The two have an interesting relationship in the fact that Arknon truly trusts Nirav, though not necessarily the other way around. Arknon often times will tell Nirav battle plans or structures within the rebellion he wouldn't dare otter to another but he figures who is Nirav going to tell? Arknon's words fall on the ears of his own silent warrior. Though Nirav doesn't fully trust him he will do whatever it takes to continue to rank up and gain his favor.

Aerona - Feared SuperiorImage
Nirav isn't easily scared, however Aerona strikes fear into his heart. Every time he comes across Arknon's daughter he feels as though her eyes look straight through his very soul, yet he has a lot of respect for her. He has heard all the things she has gone through and all the things Arknon has made her do such as killing her siblings and you can truly tell how strong it has made her as an individual as well as a leader. His fear of her is fairly obvious as he tends to lower his head into a more submissive stance when he is around. Though Nirav will always be loyal to Arknon ahead of her, he still has an immense amount of respect for her and hopes to one day gain her favor.

ImageSeraphina - Familiar Ally
Being the lioness that practically saved Nirav's life he feels as though he owes her his life. Though she seems to want nothing to do with Nirav, every time he sees her he has to stop and stare for a moment to be sure it is really her. He knows her from the Oasis, the one place he swore secrecy to, and yet it seems like he hasn't truly left each time he sees her. He tries his best to allow her some of her own space but he has so many questions for her he is unable to ask that tends to draw him to her though you can tell in his body language that he seems to be nervous and on guard each time he sees her, in fear she may recognize him.

Cersei - AllyImage
Cersei and Nirav have a strange relationship. Though the two aren't necessarily close they don't hate one another either and can acknowledge and respect one another for the strengths they have. However Nirav can sense she isn't necessarily a huge fan of him, especially when hanging out with Canetis and often times assumes it is because she want to be with him alone. Though the two aren't close Nirav is always happy to assist her and help her when he can.

Image Canetis - Good Friend
Shortly after first arriving at the rebel camp Nirav unintentionally got sucked into a fight within the camp between a few rebel lions. Being so young he wasn't able to properly protect himself and got beat down pretty badly. However, an unfamiliar savior swooped in and saved him from any further harm inflicted on him. That lion was Canetis. Grateful for his help Nirav began to follow him around in an attempt to repay him for his good deed to him. Though he finds out later Canetis wasn't actually trying to save him but was instead just part of the fight and happened to hit the right guy Nirav still felt grateful. After going on hunting missions with the lion the two discovered how well they were able to communicate with one another without words and began to form a friend like bond. Nirav truly enjoys his company because he feels Canetis is actually comfortable and enjoys his silence and he himself is comfortable around him feeling like he can loosen up and be more free within his presence.

Mitul- Enticing AllyImage
Nirav has a torn relation with Mitul. Though the two don't interact very much Nirav both enjoys and hates being around him. On one hand he hates the feeling of rage pulsing through him whenever Mitul is around but at the same time, in some odd way enjoys the feeling of a strong emotion. Because Nirav has suppressed so many things, emotions included he enjoys the different feeling anger brings him and that is why he is so torn on being around him versus not.

ImageAristaeus - Cubhood Friend
Shortly after joining up with the rebellion Nirav ran into another young lion names Aristaeus. From the begining the two got along rather well, even with Nirav's lack of words. Even once they both grew up they will often times spar with one another and hang out together. Nirav appreciates his attitude towards things and truly believes him to be a good person. Nirav enjoys all the time he can spend with his cubhood friend.

Atsuyavanth - Fatherly Companion Image
While on the rebellion as a cub he never truly had a parental figure or someone who guided him until he met Atsuyavanth. At first his gruff appearance and somewhat harsh personality scared Nirav but once he got to know him, the two bonded almost immediately. Even without words the two would play fight and even when Nirav was feeling lonely he would often times sleep in Atsuyavath's den for company. Nirav admires the lion and considers him to be like a second dad. Atsuyavanth, being a fire elemental himself, even helped Nirav hone in on his skills and learn a few new tricks from him.

ImageDustumi - Unlikely Ally
To be completely honest, Nirav isn't a huge fan of Dustumi, however he does feel guilt for her and her petite size. She acts like a princess which drives Nirav up a wall but he can never tell her no, both out of guilt and being mute. Overtime Nirav slightly warms up to her though he tends to avoid her to avoid having to do miscellaneous tasks for her. She tests his patients, but at the end of the day she makes him appreciate what he has and his good health.

Domani - FriendImage
After many skirmishes and brawls Nirav has endured he slowly overtime began to get to know the quite healer Domani. Nirav grew to like the healer, his quietness comforting to Nirav and his kindness something almost foreign within the other rebel lions. The two tend to hang out even when Nirav isn't injured and Nirav will often times try to bring the lion useful herbs or food as a thank you for all the times he has had to heal him.

ImageTibalt - Enemy
The first time Nirav learned about Tibalt was when he was back in camp after spying on the pride for sometime. Almost immediately Nirav knew he wasn't a fan of the black male. There was a slight fear that being a spy himself Tibalt would be able to see through Nirav and rat him out. Though eventually the two got face to face something within Nirav snapped and a bloody brutal brawl broke out between the two. Though Domani and some others where able to pull the two away from one another Nirav will never forget and holds a strong dislike towards Tibalt.

Klay - Strange EnemyImage
Nirav met this large lion while out on an assassination mission Arknon had sent him on. As soon as the two locked eyes and realized they were on opposing sides rather than attacking the two stared into one another eyes. Nirav could sense the male's empathy and a mutual agreement for peace was made with no words. The two parted, both obviously just trying to survive long enough for the war to end.


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Re: Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:38 pm

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Re: Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:50 pm



Name: Nox
Meaning: Goddess of Night
Gender: Female
Height: 10’5 feet
Element: Space and Psychic
Rank: Council Member (Seat #9)
Affiliation: Oasis
Age: 1500
Orientation: Straight
Mate: N/A
Theme Song: Pure Imagination(Remix) by Dotan Negrin
Nox is a short small built lion with her three sets of wings the biggest thing about her having a wingspan of 45 feet. The celestial parts of her body are completely transparent and always displaying different stars with a slight glow to the areas, she also leaves as glowing trait from her celestial foot. She also has a companion star that often shoots around her allowing her to use it to show things in the dark.


| Warm | Scholar | Outgoing | Optimist | Caring |

Warm: Nox is a very warm lion showing enthusiasm, affection, and kindness to most all she meets. She trying to make all feel welcome into the Oasis despite where others may come from.

Scholar: Though it is hard to tell at the beginning, Nox is actually highly educated and has an aptitude for study. She enjoys learning all she can despite the subject and will go to big lengths to discover more information about the world and all within it as well as out of it. This drive for information can lead her into potentially dangerous situations though at the end of the day she merely wants to learn.

Outgoing: Nox is actually a quite bubbly lion with a very outgoing personality. She enjoys talking to those she may not know and though she has a much higher rank than an average lion she still enjoys spending time amongst all of the lions in the Oasis.

Optimist Rather than looking at what all could happen, literally speaking with her psychic ability, Nox tries to be more optimistic about possible outcomes rather than being a pessimist. She believes that though there is bad things that happen there is always another brighter side to every situation. It takes a lot to discourage her from the positive and even if you can she very quickly will try being positive again.

Nox cares greatly for everyone she meets. She would happily take a blow for anyone she trusts and cares for and will go out of her way to help those she is able to help.






A lion with the gift over space: has untold capabilities. It is unknown whether the ability of one space lion will behave the same as another with their gifts.
A lion with the gift of psychic can: Predict small things in the future, tell whether a lion will live or die by touch. Have small control over telepathy, though not as powerful as the telepathic element.

Celestial Body: Nox has the ability to focus her space element and in turn leave her body. In this form her entire body is transparent and displays stars are though she can use it to scout things out she is unable to physically touch anything and instead phases through objects. The draw back to using this ability is it leaves her physical body extremely vulnerable as she loses all ability to control it. Instead it is left as an empty husk of sorts, her wings disappearing and all the galactic areas shown black out entirely.

Cloak: Rather than using her space as an offensive ability Nox would rather use it to avoid conflict all together. When using this ability she is able to use her space to completely coat her entire body making her almost completely invisible to the untrained eye. Her outline is still usually visible making it not 100% full proof and with a limit on how long she can do it means she usually only uses this to escape conflict or aid other.

Portal: Much like that of a lion with the gift of galactic plasma Nox is able to open portals to travel both off and on planet. This ability takes quite a bit of energy and can only hold it open for a limit of three other lions to pass through and becomes increasingly harder for her the further away the portal leads, often times meaning that any off world portal requires a lot of rest before opening another one.

Spacial Field: This ability is on Nox uses frequently. Using her powers over space Nox is able to create solid transparent objects. She can create objects such as bubbles, spears, and armor for herself. These spacial objects are very sturdy and durable though when they become damaged it takes a lot of energy to repair them.

Foresight: Nox has the ability to see short visions of the future in order for her to avoid possible injury to herself or others. These visions are short and often times comes at entirely random times when there is an increase chance of harm coming to Nox. In order to see others futures she must physically touch them and even then still she is sometimes unable to see anything.

Locate: Often times if a lion goes missing Nox is often times able to use her psychic ability to lock onto a lion through their emotions and thoughts, giving her a general idea of where the lion may be. This ability is not always accurate, often times leading her to places they had strong emotional feelings prior rather than where they are that exact moment though going to that location means she can try again, usually with more success. This ability works well on lions she knows well and becomes more difficult for her as the targeted lion becomes more of a stranger.




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Re: Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:54 pm

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Re: Mechanic Drone's LOC

Postby Mechanic Drone » Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:02 pm



Name: Kiora
Meaning: Dark Loved One
Gender: Female
Height: 14’3 feet
Element: Telepathy and Tar
Rank: Nomad
Affliation: Herself
Age: 8250
Orientation: Bisexual
Mate: lul taken by the baddest of boys
Theme Song: Control by Halsey

Though Kiora is rather lean she is extremely tone and strong. At first glance it is easy to see how well maintained she keeps herself, especially around the longer portions of fur she has, as well as how often she works out. Armed with two skeletal tails, each with two tail blades, Kiora is a very skilled fighter utilizing both tails and all four spikes in combat.


| Heartless | Cunning | Powerful | Realist | Manipulative |

Heartless: Kiora doesn’t know the meaning of kind or caring. Giving all she has experienced within her life she cares very little of others and can come across as ruthless or heartless. She often finds other’s sufferings amusing or a way for her to pass the time rather than caring or offering aid. She won’t even so much as mercy kill and will often get carried away when in a fight she is winning. Though she seems like a monster and very much is so there is a small amount of good within her heart that anyone has yet to peer into.

Cunning: Plotting and figuring out ways to ruin others lives in what Kiora lives for and she is very good at developing plans as well as executing them. Her mind seems to run at a million miles an hour allowing her to make split second decisions that allow her to save her own skin. She enjoys coming up with new and unique ways of mentally destroying others through her telepathic ability as well as coming up with new ways to brutally maim others without killing them to quickly. Her IQ seems to be on a level of its own and she knows how to use it to the best of her abilities.

Powerful: Just by looking at the way Kiora carries herself you can tell she is a very powerful lioness. She holds her head high and her two tails up at all times to create a more menacing appearance to others. Often times rather than talking through her tar dripping mouth she will talk through her telepathy and modify her actually voice into that of what sounds like multiple demonic creatures talking at once. She takes great pride in the strength she has and how deadly she has become over time and is not afraid to prove her worth of show she isn’t just bark but rather all bite.

Realist: Kiora isn’t one to be a dreamer or an optimist. She is very much a realist and focuses more on what she knows as well as unforeseen issues she may come across as apposed to thoughts of a dreamer or optimist. This thought process helps her increase her survivability out within the unknown lands and helps her in being prepared for the unexpected as well as ways to avoid possible situations all together. She very much appreciates the saying work smarter not harder.

Manipulative: Within a few seconds of meeting Kiora it is safe to say she has already reached within your mind and done a quick run through of your entire life and history. This being said she often times can use this information to bend and mold how she communicated with them if she believes them to be a weak-minded pawn she can use for her own amusement or work load. Though she can’t manipulate others by simple means of communication she can use her telepathy to reach in and make edits, add, or even remove memories to make it easier for her to manipulate. At the end of the day if she can recruit a disposable grunt to do the dirty work for her she will.



I was born thousands of years ago in the time of Merikh’s rule. I was young when my family left the pride, I wasn’t sure why we left though I can remember the fear my parents’ eyes held when the psychic told them my elements were tar and telepathy. They never told me anything that night after my element reveal, they just sent me to the den to sleep by myself. I remember hearing their concerned voices quietly whispering back and forth, something about us having to leave the pride because of me. I didn’t understand, all I knew was I didn’t want to leave. I had friends within the pride and I loved living there though the choice was not mine to make. The next day shortly after the stars shifted and dimmed my parents grabbed their armor and took me from the pride lands. The last thing I remember seeing was the Lake of Eternity emitting a dull light and a sinking sadness enter my heart. What were we supposed to do out in the unknown lands? I had heard how terrifying it was out there from other cubs and pride members. The stories of the monsters that roamed the lands and the darkness that took your soul. Fear gripped my heart that night as we walked into the uncertainty that became my home.
It didn’t take long for my family to adjust to the new environment of the unknown lands. Though it took us all longer to get used to hunting it wasn’t awful. Though I was just a cub I would often try to help my mom and dad trap prey with my tar ability though both my parents had elements well capable of taking down smaller prey and even the occasional caffer. I admired my father’s strength and how well he controlled his earth element in order to crush or trap prey. My mother was strong too though she wasn’t as capable with her poison element and her psychic powers didn’t help get us food. Though what she lacked in strength she made up for in her nurturing nature. I loved both of my parents more than words could ever describe and they both did everything in their power to ensure I was ready to take on the world. My father often tried to help me with my tar element through example of his earth element though I struggled greatly to control it. I found it was greatly connected to my emotions and seemed to have a mind of its own if I was upset of scared. Though I know neither of my parents would admit to it I could almost sense fear within them when I used either of my elements. It was as though they saw something dark within me… Though turns out they were right.
The week before I turned 100 years old my parents decided to travel towards the lake in order to get within range of the gold dust to help me grow immediately. I never realized how far we were from the lake until we began our journey. It took almost the entire week of walking in silence before the lake popped into view. It was exciting to see the lake once more and it was hard to contain all the happy emotions I felt and couldn’t help but let out a little squeak of happiness. My mother quickly covered my mouth with her paw, fear filling her eyes as they darted around as though looking for something. My father took point as we got closer to the lake. Each of their breaths seemed shaky and shallow and I could feel their fears sinking into my skin putting myself on edge too.
The blood curdling roar was the first thing I remember from that day. The alarm of one of Merikh’s followers. Within an instant three warrior lions surrounded me and my parents, all snarling and baring their teeth.
“Well well well, look who came crawling back?” the largest male began before is eyes narrowed on me, “It’s been far too long Terran and Iris so glad to see you again! Oh, and look, you brought your daughter to us as well? You’re to kind, I’m sure Merikh will be overjoyed and make good use of her.” As he spoke a wicked smile grew across his face, his eyes never leaving my body.
“Leave her out of this… We just wanted to use the gold dust so Kiora could reach her adult form more quickly.” Her father’s voice was filled with sincerity as he spoke in almost a pleading tone.
“So, it has already been almost a 100 years? I suppose time flies when you’ve been betrayed.” Another male said through clenched teeth his eyes fixated on my parents.
“Please we mean you no harm we are just here for a moment and then you will never see us again…” Iris’s spoke pleading for them to let us all go.
All three males broke into a hyena like laughter before one walked up to my mother snarling, “You truly think you can leave so easily Iris? After the betrayal you two have committed by leaving us? I don’t think so.”
Within an instant the male opened his mouth and lunged for my mother’s neck. Quick as he could my father Terran shot a wall of earth between my mother and the male.
“RUN!” he screamed. That was to be the last words I ever heard my father said as my mother picked me up my scruff and began running the only way she could, towards the lake.
All three males roared furiously and began to chase us down before another wall of Earth came up between them and us, separating me and my mother from my father. Though I couldn’t see anything from behind the wall I heard enough to know what had happened to my father. His screams, his painfilled screams filled my ears and in that instant, I knew my father was dead. My mother looked around, a muffled wail escaped her fur filled mouth realizing her mate had died. Though now was not the time to stop and mourn. All three males rounded the corner of the rock wall with blood dripping from each of their mouths. They scanned the area before quickly spotting my mother and I and giving chase. As my mother ran we began to run out of space to run with the lake getting closer and closer with each step. Soon my mother slowed her pace as we reached a cliff next to the lake. All three males surrounded us, there was nowhere to go.
“Give us the girl and we promise to make your death quick and painless.” The large male began taking a tentative step closer to us.
As my mother backed up one of her back paws broke off a small piece of the cliff. Panicking my mom looked into the lake, thoughts swirling in her eyes.
The large male took another step forward, his voice now sounding genuine, “Please Iris your daughter has special gifts that could help end this rebellion. So, step away from the edge and we can talk it out.”
My mother furrowed her brow obviously not believing the male and gently set me down to speak, “Marikh is a tyrant, you and I both know he will use Kiora as nothing more than a weapon for this war. She won’t live a life worth living. She’ll be locked up like the dream lionesses…” As she spoke Iris’s eyes filled with pain, “It isn’t a life I want for my daughter… My sweet little dark one…” as she spoke she gently picked me up into her mouth only to turn towards the lake and launch the both of us off the cliff.
“NO!” All three males called out and rushed towards the edge to watch me and my mother splash into the lake.
I will never forget the feeling of the lake on my skin. The instant my body touched the water it ripped all the oxygen from my lungs and pulled me into its depths. My entire body was washed over with an intense burning sensation and as I opened my mouth to let out a cry of pain the liquid entered into my lungs scorching them as well. Slowly the pain seemed to fade as I began drifting in and out of conciseness until everything went black and the spirits of the lake pulled me to the deepest depths.
I don’t know how long I laid on the lake’s floor unconscious. It felt like I was only under the waters for what felt like seconds before I reawakened to my lungs screaming for air. I quickly pushed myself off the lake floor desperately clawing through the spirit filled water trying to reach the surface. I felt as though I was swimming through sand, each kick towards the surface only moving me inches at a time. When I finally reached the surface, I gasped for air frantically looking around to find the direction of shore only to realize I was no longer in a lake but instead a small black river. I paddled over to the shore ripping through the waters that were trying to keep me in them until I was finally able to hoist myself onto the nearby shores. I coughed up what felt like gallons of water and breathed with sharp shaky breaths. My entire body was steaming from the water still in my soft pelt and I slowly felt the intense burning sensation fade. Being out of the waters I raised my tired eyes to look around to ensure I was alone before letting out one last shaky breath and falling to the ground.
I think I was out for only a few hours before I reawakened. Slowly I propped myself up until I was sitting. My breathing had gotten much more stable and though I felt better everything that had happened before I plunged into the lake felt like a dream. Slowly I looked at my paw realizing it was much larger than I had remembered. Suddenly I remembered it had been my 100 year birthday around the time of the incident and figured I must have grown while unconscious within the lake. Slowly I got to my feet and took a weary step forward into the world. A loud scraping sound made me flinched and I turned quickly to find the source of the sound. In utter shock I glanced back at my two tails which were now nothing more than skeletal remains covered in tar. A gasp escaped my mouth and I realized that my tails had been the first thing to hit that water. Another realization hit me as the dream like memories became more real. My mother, where was my mother?
I quickly ran on the shores of the river, tears running down my face calling her name over and over again, “Mom! Mom where are you! MOM!”
As my legs swiftly carried me along the shore one gave out and I fell to the ground with a thump. I didn’t try to get up, how could I? I had lost everything I had ever cared about and for what? This was all the prides fault! They took everything! I cried out as all the emotions and realization hit me at once. I lost it all and was now a wanderer in the unknown lands. All that mattered to me now was my own well being and protection. I wasn’t about to go crawling back to the pride or the rebellion, their pointless fighting was the cause of this… Maybe my parents were right when they saw the darkness within me… But they are gone now and so I will no longer hide what I am, a monster without a heart.



A lion with the gift of Telepathy can: read minds, speak to others without uttering a word, implant images into others heads or create memories that did not actually happen.
A lion with the gift of Tar can: create traps of the black ooze to subdue and trap enemies. Often used to blind by throwing into the eyes of an opponent or to cripple limbs from usage in battle.

Trance: Reaching deep within the minds of others Kiora can implant images or thoughts into their mind and in doing so can leave her target in a deep state of mind or trance of sorts. This can temporarily paralyz those affected and varies in time stunned depending on how much of their mind Kiora manipulates. She often times starts with this attack allowing her to pair the ability with her tar to keep them trapped for as long as she needs them to be.

Ensnare: Emitting from her front paws Kiora sends a wave of tar forward towards her target in an attempt to prevent an enemy’s movement. The only draw back to this ability is the speed in which the tar travels and its efficiency. The thicker and more difficult to escape tar moves at a much slower rate than the thinner quick moving tar she can produce. This being said, if Kiora wishes to use her most effective trapping tar she needs to stun the target beforehand to allow the tar time to reach the target or has to get herself positioned directly next to her target. A tactic she can do to a target who she can’t stun with her telepathy is she often times uses multiple quick surges of weaker tar to slow her target so she can close the distance before using the stronger tar.

Mind Wipe: Though this ability can take up a lot of energy Kiora will use it as a failsafe to allow her to win a loosing fight. Though this ability varies depending on the lion and their mental strength this ability is basically used to wipe out any and all memories and in doing so basically disarm them and turning them into a vegetable if they are weak minded. If they are stronger willed though she won’t be able to wipe out their entire library of memories she can cause temporary amnesia in her target allowing her to weaken or disorientate them allowing for her to counter attack with ease.

Cripple: Though a much darker and morbid Kiora is able to spit small balls of tar from her mouth and will often aim for her target’s mouth or eyes though it doesn’t matter all that much if she misses. Once it hits her target she has the ability to control its movement over the target allowing her to use it to cover eyes blinding her enemy or even enable it to enter an enemy’s mouth effectively suffocating them until she decides to remove it from their mouth or lungs. This ability can have ever lasting effects such as permanent blindness or tar build up within the lungs of another. Possibly one of her lowest energy abilities this is one of Kiora’s favorites to use.

Defensive Ring: Kiora is a very strong defender and actually prefers that other’s attack her first so she can block their abilities till she sees a weak spot to strike. The reason she is so good at defense is her unique ability to create a tar ring around her which will rise and fall in specific part of the ring to block or absorb incoming attacks. These tar tendrils will whip wildly around in an attempt to throw off attacks and can strike without warning to drag enemies closer into range.



ImageKlay - Strong Enemy
I was rather surprised when running into this male. Though his elements aren’t very strong he himself is. I can see all he has been through and I feel as though he was once in a similar situation as my own. His mind is strong and not easy to manipulate. I can respect his strength though I would not hesitate to kill him if we ever run into one another again.

Nirav - Interesting CharacterImage
When I first met Nirav I was interested in his mind state. He has told himself so many different things about who he is and why he does what he does it has created a hurricane of confusion within his mind. I can’t help but laugh at the poor young male and his pitifully weak mind. I don’t think I could bring myself to kill him considering he is already slowly driving himself to insanity. I would rather let it all play out and see what happens.

ImageHannibal - Friend?

Sindri - Kill on Sight Image

ImageBoreas - Enemy


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Last edited by Mechanic Drone on Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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