Kalon Fanclub V.4

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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby a ghost! » Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:43 am

@astral that's such a cute editable!
@meridiem your art is so pretty with the lil bouncing heart,, goodluck with commissions
@eunkyung your kals are stunning! I hope ye find growths soon!
@isabelle goodluck getting those kals some romances, maya is such a pretty kal
@cyborgishly goodluck with those trades,, hope ye get what ye want
@dimi goodluck with the breedings,,
@softea all your kals are so stunning,, goodluck getting em some breedings
@okahui goodluck with that late commission, all your kalon designs are stunning, by the way

I don't think I've posted on this thread in maybe,, five or six pages?? might be more, might be less but oh well.
here I introduce to you a kalon that is freaking terrified of small children

it's intention was for kalon 1370,, made by the lovely Sixbane. though since they do not allow extras, I decided to pop it in here instead. the prompt was what was their greatest fear, and with putting small children as their greatest fear, I could not not draw this.

y'all have a great day.
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Postby 䏠xote » Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:08 am

@kyar thank you for the compliments ahhhhhhhh! i really love them <3
@astral. what a cute editable!! it was very sweet of you to make that.
@dinah. i won't lie, your form made me laugh a bit. i wish you good luck! [though not too good--i'm entering too, after all. XD]

hey guys! just popping in to say i got some new kids recently!!

first up is edmund, whom i traded for earlier in the week! i adore him honestly dhjdgsfn <3 he's a medieval oracle just doing his best and waiting for his prince charming to come save him. i'm looking for someone to help me put a horn edit and a legendary feather edit on him--please pm me with the title "item edit commission" with examples if you're interested! i'm willing to pay with dA points or USD. i'm also looking for that knight in shining armor, too, so please pm me if you're interested in relationships!

the second bean i got is mashu!! i'm not sure what i'm going to develop him like yet, but he'll probably be a college student doin his v best. <3
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby Kyar » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:08 am

Oh wow - I really love Alexandria's bright design (I'm always down for a good yellow tbh) and her backstory is awesome! It sounds really traumatic but I love how she pulled through and made herself better for it. As for your seahorse gal… hm… maybe something like Clarice, Sonnet, or Hyacinth? I'm not really great at coming up with names for other people lol - I have sort of a strange naming style I think. Good luck finding an OOC breeding as well, those can be really fun! Chandra has some really nice colors to work with, and a really unique and interesting design. :) I've already got a breeding planned, but I'm sure you won't have trouble finding a partner! Your headshots look really cute too - I love when people take the time to do art of all their kids because it's so cool to see everyone drawing their kalons in their own style. I really love the way you've done their eyes, and the shading makes them look so soft and smooth lol. :)
Oops I got distracted looking through your gallery lol. It took me a while to find your kalons stuff but I've seen your MYOs in the past (lol I wonder why) and they all turned out really nice! I hope you're able to bring in some growth/transfer/MYO/art commissions, lol. Are you saving up for something in particular? Anyway - I know there's always someone in the community after those services so it's really awesome that you're able to do that! Good luck finding OOC breedings as well, I'd rather not plan out breedings into the future but you've got some really pretty kalons so I don't think it'll be an issue for you to find a partner!
Lol - Anahita's personality really surprised me. I started reading along with this happy-go-lucky image in my head and got hit hard with that jewelry thief plot twist - lol. I don't know if I have any kalons that would do well alongside that line of work, but I hope you're able to find her a partner! As far as breedings go, though, she's got some gorgeous blues in that design of hers - so I don't doubt you'll draw in some interest! At least - you should. I'd love to see what kind of pretty kids she could have!
Aw man I'm sorry you're hurting dude - I hope you're feeling better by now! You've got some AMAZING kalons there holy wow. Easton is… absolutely gorgeous. I love him to bits!! And that first unnamed kalon is a real stunner too. And of course that winged kid has been on my radar for quite some time now… lol. Long story short - you have some good kids. I wouldn't be surprised if you were absolutely flooded with trade offers lol. I do hope you're able to find a kalon you really connect with though, or the MYO of your dreams! :)
i love u too AHEM what? Sorry. Anyway! Lol. I hope you're able to find some relationships - you've got quite the variety from the marine biology to bear attacks lol. Your little winged kit makes me want to give him a hug and tell him it's gonna be okay lol. But they're all really sweet - though I'm not sure I have any pairs that really come to mind… I do hope you can find them some awesome relationships though! They can be so much fun and so great for character development. :)
Um excuse me put those kids away they are TOO GOOD. along with like ALL your other kids though really man Though I do hope you find someone willing to take on such beautiful children and make them into beautiful adults omg. I'm telling myself not to plan out breedings in advance but I won't lie I'm SO tempted… your kiddos are just… so amazing. Heck. Put them away. Just… do it. Pls.
Aw, what adorable art! I think I'm gonna send you a PM a little later on - I love the fact that you've got so many payment options too lol. They're such cute little sweethearts… I definitely need at least one lol. I just hope your slots are still open, and they weren't just left unedited! Eek!
LOOK AT THAT EASTER FRIEND. What a sweet little face?? In a tiny bunny costume?? With a fluffy tail?? Incredible. All around amazing. That's so adorable omg. I might have to go color in a few of my kids as if I had that kind of time rip. Your artwork is so lovely though - I know it will be appreciated! It's really sweet of you to do that just for free for the community. It's such a great way for artists who are starting out to get some adorable pieces of their own kids, alongside some coloring practice! And seriously - sometimes it's just so nice not to have to worry about figuring out a pose or doing lineart lol.
Uhhh that's really great? Lol. Your sketches give me life. Good luck in the contest, by the way! I hope your form manages to pull through for the win, art aside, lol!
Ohhh I love your oracle boy, and I love the ideas you have for edits for him? I would be delighted to see what the final product looks like! Tbh I don't trust my own feather work enough to handle a legendary edit for you man. But he's gonna look amazing I'll tell you that much. I can't wait to see what you come up with! Mashu is adorable?? And concept or not look at that little face you know he's just doing his best and working so hard for that degree. Give him a coffee and a warm blanket and all your love from me pls.

Hello everyone! Just popping in to advertise a readoption I've got going on, and to reintroduce a few kids who just got growths! As usual I've been pretty busy but that's no surprise. I'm hoping to relax a bit over Easter, but there's always work to be done! Lol.

Legendary Readoption
Sadly I haven't been able to connect to a character for my dear kalon Bliss, so I've decided to put her up for readoption so that she can end up somewhere she'll be loved!
Click the image to go to the readoption page - but please be sure to read the rules before posting!

Grown Up!
I'm also excited to show off a couple of growths I've had done recently!
Orion here was done by the GORGEOUS AND SO KIND tuna fish, who I owe the world. Just look at how soft and fluffy he is!! This is Altair's boyfriend, though Ali's about the only person who gets to see Orion's good side. He's more often finding himself causing havoc and trouble, entertained by people who get upset although it's easiest when he can simply start a rumor and then back away. Now that he's an adult, he needs to find the balance between trying to upset the system and maintaining good standing, plus not getting caught trying to undermine coworkers to lift himself up the ladder. He dreams of becoming a CEO someday, though it's going to take a bit more careful push and shove before he gets that far. In his spare time, though, he'll be on Ali's tail on some kind of cryptid adventure. He's more a fan of ghosts and evil spirits than bigfoot, but he loves his boyfriend and their travels together all the same.

My little scientist Ebon also recently got a stunning growth by the endlessly talented kanadensis, who totally rocked his whipped-cream hair, lol. Ebon is part of my futuristic AU that I'd eventually like to really establish and bring other kalons into, but for now he's kinda my only solid piece of the story. Ebon works in a laboratory called Progress Labs, and he's got a very idealized vision of what they're actually doing. On the surface, the labs seem like a great place, working to combat some of the terrors the advance of human technology have caused on the planet, but there are less than savory things happening below the surface that Ebon isn't yet aware of. He's still young and got into the field unusually early - he's got a knack for problem solving and a serious dedication to wanting to make a change in the world. The question is… what kind of change is he actually going to make?

Relationship Search?
After a few attempts and no real solid ground, I'd really like to find a new partner for my kalon Maurie!
He lives in a modern setting and while he identifies as genderfluid, he typically uses male pronouns because he's non-confrontational and hasn't really gotten together what he needs to stand up for himself. He's a really sweet guy who's just looking for love, but can be rather timid. He really needs a firm hand in the relationship - someone who can stand up for him and who he can go out and enjoy himself with without worrying that he'll be pushed around. He grew up being bullied for his ostentatious outfits and his gender identity, and he's had some rough relationships over the years. It might take a little coaxing to get him out of his shell, but once he does, he's excitable and loving and will do absolutely anything for his partner. He's pansexual so any gender identity is alright with him, as long as they really click!
I'd really love to HC on Discord, so if you think you've got someone who might work, please PM me!
Have a good day y'all.
Please contact me here or on TH - I will no longer be using Discord!
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby cad bane » Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:27 am

@meridiem Your art is so adorable! Wishing you best luck with commissions ^^
@dinah. I love your art piece, it reminds me of myself when I see small children :')
@astral. Such a cute editable! The bunny costume is so precious <3
@isabelle. Good luck finding partners for your kalons!!
@Kyar I hope the readoption contest goes well! I'm sure the winner will take good care of the kal c:

It's my first time posting here, heh
I was a non-owner who participated in the Lunar New Year event, but afterwards I kind of disconnected from the community. A month or so later, my friend @dinah. started talking to me about this "couples" Kalon contest, so of course I entered with her (love you girly <3). I regained interest in the species, and just yesterday I did a little search and found that I had won one of the raffles from the Lunar New Year event. My first and only Kalon uwu
I plan on becoming a part of the community soon and look forward to getting to know you all ^^
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby solasta » Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:33 am

solasta wrote:
Code: Select all
@luna and artemis.
congrats on earning your first kal !!

orion is so gorgeous !! i wish you
luck on finding relationships..

mashu is a dream oml !! those
are some pretty kiddos.

i'm looking to revamp my uncommon myo
ravi and also put him on on-oekaki lines. i have
permission from wicced here. pm me
if interested. i can pay w/ pets and love
may also ask to add some possible edits.
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby Aeryn » Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:32 am

Hello fanclub, long time no see!
I'm here to make a very short post,, nothing too important

Nothing too official but i'll be putting my kalons up for offers, if you wish you can make an offer on anyone!!
If i find something i like i'll take it. However, i'm not looking for myo's atm!
[ My kalons ]

Since i'm already off my cooldown i'll be opening my kalons for a occ breeding, what i'm looking for is kalons with a natural color palette but i'm mostly looking at anything.
If you see someone just pm me!
[ Single kals ]

Code: Select all
@solasta » Oh hec your kal has such a cool design, i loved their hair, good luck finding someone to revamp them!!
@luna and artemis. » Man i'm so happy for you! I'm glad you regained your intrest on the species, i hope you have a great time on this community!! <3
@Kyar » Tuna fish did such a great job?? I have always loved Orion's design but now they are just so beautiful,, i'm crying
@iceypopCS » Man your newest kals are so beautiful, i especially loved Mashu but Edmund has such a intresting concept!
@astral. » hec i'll check that editable for sure, it looks so adorable and your art style is so cute <33

─── w h e n
hello i'm aeryn, i'm a digital
artist and i'm very active on
cs so feel free to pm me.

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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4 [OPEN]

Postby spirittai1 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:01 am

    - - chatter - !!
      hey everyone !! it's been awhile since i last posted in the fanclub... maybe with this post i could finally get around to actively posting here? maybe? or it'll just be this post and i'll disappear again... who knows ! mystery is my middle name

      fair warning: this post got kind of long oops

      @ Aeryn; | you have so many pretty kals oh man... aether and arianna are especially gorgeous ! wish i had something to offer, but afraid i don't, so good luck finding trades for them ! good luck finding a breeding offer, too !
      @ solasta | ahhh i wish i could help you out, hope you find someone to do ravi's revamp !!
      @ luna and artemis. | hey, welcome to the kalon fanclub and community ! i'm not sure what contest your talking about (there's so many going on all the time tbh... too hard to keep track of all of them if you ask me) but i'm glad to hear it drew you back into the community; new and returning faces are always a plus <3 also it's super cool you won an event kal, congrats ! she's probably one of my favorites from the lunar new year event (i'm weak for any design that's blue sdhfsdkj), so i'm glad to see she went to someone who's gonna love her and i can't wait to see her around more often !!
      @ Kyar | ow oo oof... so many replies... i don't understand how you have the energy to write that many every time you post djfhsdjf. anyways it's super cool your holding a readopt for bliss, if i have the time i might try to put together a form ! and with you judging the comp i'm sure she'll go to a really loving new owner <3 and mAn do orion and ebon look gorgeous, you definitely made a good choice in artist for 'em both ! orion seems like an interesting character - tbh i'm actually kinda curious if someone as mean-spirited and rebellious as him will actually be able to climb up to ceo status... it's also pretty cute that he loves his boyfriend so much despite how he is around others <3 ebon seems like a really cool character, too - he must be a very dedicated individual to get into the science field young, so i'm curious to know just how long it takes him to unearth the secrets of the laboratory he's working in ! your futuristic au in general sounds like it'd make a really fun mystery story, especially with ebon as the main character :0c maurie also seems like a good character (you seem to be fantastic at making those tbh). good luck finding him a mate !
      @ iceypopCS | ahhh you're lucky, edmund and mashu are gorgeous ! edmund seems pretty interesting - good luck finding him an edit artist and mate ! as for mashu, good luck figuring out his story, i'm excited to see him around ! <3
      @ dinah. | your always a good face to see in the fanclub ! i love the little doodles you drop by here, i think i've actually started to look forward to seeing them when i check in here <3 this one made me giggle - i don't often think about kalons interacting with humans, so it's always fun to see that others do w/ human-kalon dynamics c: good luck in 1370's comp !
      @ astral. | that editable is adorable - i might just have to draw my girls on it when i get the chance >:3c i hope you have a good easter !
    - - introductions - !!
      i have two kals to introduce ! i've actually already done so for minti, but it's been such a long time that i doubt anyone remembers her anyways lol. i also have a common myo i'm currently working on but... idk how long it's gonna be until i can introduce her cause i've been really busy and i don't wanna rush her ref :/

      first i'm gonna reintroduce minti !


        full name is araminta vashti; nicknamed minti ! cis woman and lesbian. in a fantasy au and casual modern au. in the fantasy au, she's a highly religious demigod living in a small town named swiftport. vain (especially in regards to her hair), good at sympathizing with others, and extremely skilled in the crafts of weaving and sewing. she's fond of art in any form, especially when it relates to her deity of worship.

      anD i also have a new kal...this is buggy !! i won her in a raffle readopt and i'm completely in love with her an d she hasn't officially been transferred to me yet in the archive but i'm too excited about her to wait for that to introduce her dghfgkj


        full name is sebelia cross; nicknamed seb, bug, and buggy ! trans girl questioning her sexuality. only au is a fantasy one. lives with her (usually absent + very busy) adoptive mother in a town named ricomar. doesn't really talk much, likes bugs (especially ladybugs !), and spends a lot of time at the docks. she's pretty laid back (and lazy tbh) and enjoys slower moving activities... fishing, stargazing, and sleeping are good. she has an affinity for witchcraft but doesn't practice often cause like... who has time for all that. also it's illegal.
    - - relationships + breedings - !!
      uhh relationships are open for both my kals but no super serious relationships for right now... just passing stuff we can use to develop our individual kals and maybe i'll draw art of them hanging out or something haha. headcanoning back and forth would be alright, too ! i'm good with chatting via pm (but my responses will probably be slow + you may have to poke me every now and then), discord, or skype c:

      minti is open to friends, acquaintances, and maybe enemies? they'd have to fit into a fantasy au + probably be travelers or adventurers because she doesn't really leave her hometown often and those make up the bulk of kalons who pass through swiftport.

      bug is open to acquaintances ! also semi-open to friends and enemies but i'd be pickier with those. they'd have to fit into a fantasy au + probably be either adventurers or fishers ! maybe pirates, too. she'd probably get along better with adults than other kits but i wouldn't mind developing her behavior around kals her age. alsO witches would be cool ! idk how many adventuring/fishing witches there are out there, but a kal for bug to look up to would be very sweet i think <3

      minti is also open for a tentative ooc breeding? i offered to someone a while back and they seemed interested but it's been ages since they said they were thinking about it so idk ! since minti's a lesbian i'll only be looking at offers with woman-identified kals, sorry ! i'd prefer kals offered share most or at least some edits w/ her, especially the halo, but i'll look at anything c:
    - - art - !!
      aand finally, i just wanna show off two pieces i did of buggy ! a headshot + a fullbody c: (she's so much fun to draw asjfhldfjak)
      i'm kinda thinking about doing requests or comms in this style in the future? i'm too busy rn but maybe if you'd be interested lmk !

    spirit | it/its
    lost a lot recently, not feeling well
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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby jianwai » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:11 am

ImageNot feeling it today, sorryImage
first. Looking for a growth, and a pre-growth, unfortunately my primary payment method rests upon CS pets and CS items. Do send examples if you happen to shoot over a PM!

Aelius - Growth

Ayumu - PreGrowth

second.Looking for some potential trades of the kalons below! I can not stress this enough but please, please title your PMs accordingly: "Kalon Trade Offer". I'm not too interested in myo tickets, and I'll be hesitant on kit offers! While unlikely, an auto is a wingled or merkal kalon, regardless of being grown or not! I am off cool-down, but don't mind waiting!

3 Breeding Slots Left - no art
( S- Shine
C - Tail, Hair, Backmane, Longer Fur
UC - Ears, Tongue
R - Halo, Munchkin, Glow )

3 Breeding Slots Left - no art
( S - Shine, Teeth
C - Backmane, Hair, Tail
UC - Short Fur, Pupil, Tongue
NR - Heterochromia )

3 Breeding Slots Left - no art
( S - Shine, Hair
C - Tail, Longer Fur, Backmane
UC - Shorter Fur, Ears, Pupil, Tongue
R - Extra Limbs
NR - Colored Sclera )

1 Breeding Slot Left - some art
( S - Shine, Teeth
C - Hair, Tail
UC - Shorter Fur, Ears, No Pupils, Tongue
R - Extra Eyes, Halo, Glow, Munchkinism, Horns, Two Tails, Colorful Blood
NR - Skinny, Colored Sclera, Heterochromia )

3 Breeding Slots Left - a lot of art
( S -Shine
C - Backmane, Hair, Tail, Longer Fur
UC - Ears
NR - Colored Sclera )

Sorry, hearts not in it today

Page. 123
@Spirittai1 - Good luck on getting those breedings // Nice new kalon, I like the bunny ears. Very nice.
@Aeryn; - Good luck with trades. Pilot is probably my favorite, such a long and gorgeous kalon!
@solasta - Wishing you luck on revamps. i'd wait until Watchdog was open.

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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby Elfie » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:34 am

    -rolls in-

    Hi hi!
    I have a few points of business to bring forth.

    Firstly, looking for a designer for my unlimited rare MYO!
    The gal will have a fair few edits, please be prepared if offering.
    Paying in CS pets (UR cookie dog/ anything on my account), and perhaps in USD (negotiations will be conducted on DA).
    Please shoot a PM my way with examples and what you'd be wanting in exchange.

    _ __ ___ __________________________________________________ ___ __ _

    Trading two Kals:
    Potentially trading two of my beebs, this is tentative but would prefer to trade them both for one Kal I connect with.

    _ __ ___ __________________________________________________ ___ __ _

    Looking for a RP!
    Really want to get little Li's story set in place, seeking someone who's willing to live in his AU and is OK with 1 - 2 small paragraph replies.
    Li's profile
    Basically, he needs someone who'll help him out in finding out the meaning behind his knife and what it wants.

    _ __ ___ __________________________________________________ ___ __ _

    @ hanzo, Best of luck in hunting down those trades and growths, you have some lovely kals!
    @ Spirittai1, Can I just, steal Minti? Please and thank you. What a soft soft girl you have.
    @Aeryn; Also best of luck in trading those gorgeous kals, there were a few I'm considering offering on, might shoot a PM your way!
Last edited by Elfie on Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Are you kitten me?

Hiya guys, I go by Elfie around these
parts, and pretty much anywhere on
the web, I’m hugely fascinated by
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JBDs Kalons
Kias Para's


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Re: Kalon Fanclub V.4

Postby cherrydoge » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:44 am

Man, I'm exhausted in every way imaginable. I had a long day and to be honest I'm ready to go to bed even though it's only 6 : ' ) Rip me. How has everyone's day been? Hopefully it's been going somewhat good! If not, I hope something amazing happens to you soon <3

Last time I'm reposting this! Last chance to enter as well, ends on the 30th though I'm willing to give extensions!


The rules are in the post, but the winner will be getting a standard edit item and a pixel icon from me! There will also be a second and third place who also get a pixel icon C: It ends on March 30th but I'm willing to give extensions. Good luck!

Secondly, I'm looking for relations for these two Kalons!

Diego - Male - Pansexual - Psychologist/Philosopher - Interested in: Anything, really

Diego is a tough guy who, honestly, can be quite rude and a bit off putting. He's definitely going to need someone who's going to be able to put up with his superiority complex and brashness. Diego's a smooth talker who could manipulate people into doing things for him and quite flirtatious. Interact at your own risk.

He's open for romance, friends, and enemies. If sending for romance, edits don't matter as long as their personalities and designs fit well together :0

Emmeryn - Nonbinary (she/her, they/them) - Gay - Works at an aquarium

Emmeryn is a soft spoken kalon, though she won't hesitate to kick your butt (though most likely tell you off) if she really thinks you deserve it. She loves sea life and aspires to work at a big name Aquarium or become a marine biologist. Emmeryn can get excited over things they're passionate about, but overall they just want to relax. Their ideal hang out session is just sitting in the same room without having to really do much.

She's due for a growth next week (which I'll be doing myself) but for now, I'll be looking for friends and enemies and start looking for romance once grown C:

If I don't reply to your PM within a day, please resend it! I won't think you're being mean or pushy, I often forget things easily or some days I may feel drained and might not have the energy to reply instantly.


@Elfie - Hope you find someone to design your unlim rare MYO! I don't know many designers in the community by name, though I know they're out there! Good luck with trading your kalons, as well. I love the second one, Kei, but if only I wasn't on cooldown and had something to offer : ( Ahh, I'd also love to roleplay if i wasn't already in one and s u c k e d at replying consistently haha.

@hanzo. - Good luck with finding a growth! I'm excited to see Ayumu's growth, whoever does it because GOD they're so stunning.
I also hope you get some good trades for those kalons! I really like the tops's hair and markings! They look really fluffy and I am in love. The second one's hair looks?? so cool I just wanna reach out and touch it tbh. All of those kalons are lovely and I hope you find a good home for them.

@Spirittai1 - Don't worry about frequently posting, man. It's all up to you if you wanna be more active in the community or not!
I'd love to see you around more often, though! Minti is a cutie patootie, I love her big ol' ears and the halo around one <3 Her colors are so soft and rose patterns are always 👌👌👌 That new kitto you won is adorable!! Scale/feather like markings are also one of my favorite types, and browns and greys/blacks are always what I lean more towards so I am in love already. GOod luck with relations and breeding!

@Aeryn; - So many trades with kalons I adore....... when im on my trade cooldown :' ) R i p. GOSH I'd really offer for Moon if I wasnt on cooldown and had a kalon to trade for them!! Good luck with trades and breeding, man. I have alot of breedings set up in line so at this point I probably wont even attempt looking to breed for awhile. Hope you find some kals that suit your fancy!

@solasta - Good luck finding someone to revamp your kalon!! I really like their design as is right now, especially with their space hair and the rainbow that perfectly contrasts with their darker markings surrounding them. But, I perfectly undestand that you wanna revamp 'em. Excited to see their new design, though!

@luna and artemis. - Welcome to the kalmunity! I hope you enjoy your stay here, there are quite alot of nice people around here :0 Congrats on getting your first kalon, it's always really exciting when you win your first one or get a new kalon. If you ever need relations, hit me up and I'd be glad to see if any of my kalons would work well with your new kid!

@Kyar - First of all, WOW to all those replies. It's also really nice of you to put your legendary up for readoption, I'm sure she'll make whoever wins very happy <3 While I think she's cute, she's just not for me! Orion is such a babe tbh, I'm lovin' that hair, horns, and ears. I'm always a fan of sheep/goat ears (two of my kalons have them and so does my fursona.....) I also REALLY like black and pink together. That other kalons hair is??? AMAZING. It makes me giggle a little but I love it : D I might PM you for relations, but I'm still debating it. I hope you find a kalon that suits Maurie!

@iceypopCS - Heyyy, I've seen that kalon around before! Congrats on getting them :0 I love the story you've come up for Edmund.
I'm sure he'll look even more stunning with the horn and legendary edit yesss, can't wait to see him! Mashu is also a cute bean, I think I have a few kalons who are in college that might get along with him?

@dinah. - H on es t ly that art is amazing LOL. I hope you win them! good luck in the comp <3 I hope you have/had a great day as well!!
Last edited by cherrydoge on Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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