The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club

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Ritz' Application

Postby soda » Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:10 am

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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (Grand opening!

Postby Make_a__Scene » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:08 am

I want to join!
Username: Make_a__Scene
Roleplaying samples:
James listened through the skirmish of other sounds to the rumble he knew as the rental car's engine as it changed and faded away. So this was it, his home for an undetermined time period. If he wasn't able to be in the same house with five siblings how was he supposed to live here with who-knows-how-many other kids? He made a mental note to check for escape routes; not for permanently running away - where would he go - but just so that he could sneak out for some quiet alone time, maybe. He'd probably forget that he was going to check the windows when he was assigned a room since his jumbled thoughts tended to randomly toss certain notions out of his head, but he was fairly confident it would come back to him if that happened.

If this wasn't a plot for a movie he didn't know what was. But he didn't want to be a part of it. His wrists itched and the grip on the handle of his suitcase tightened, feeling his palms becoming clammy; what a wonderful way to start off this Hollywood horror. As he was wallowing, his suitcase hit a rock, causing it to jolt and the small bag at the very top of the stack to tumble off. It was a completely full bag, hardly even room for extra air, and when it hit the cement a couple of brightly-covered spiral notebooks slid out as well as a smaller leather-bound journal. James let out an incoherent sound of displeasure and nearly tipped his other bags over with how much force he shoved them into an upright position. Luckily enough for him, the luggage had the weight to keep them from toppling. He scooped up the books and haphazardly shoved them back into the drawstring bag, pulling roughly on said drawstring to cinch it as tightly as he could. Setting it back on top of the dufflebag, he attempted to lace the drawstring over the handle of the suitcase to keep it in place - like he had with the handles of the dufflebag - but really only succeeded in frustrating himself further. Giving up and just planning to be more careful, he continued the trek.

His eyes weren't wandering much, uncharacteristic for him. They just caught glimpses of the other ants of young people that trickled in peripherally. Some of them he was sure he missed because they were so tiny they eluded his vision until the last second. Although, to be honest, thus far nothing had jumped out at him as particularly unique or intriguing enough to write about. It was just like being back in high school as far as he saw it. Which, of course, was not an ideal of his. From what he'd seen there seemed to be more girls than boys; he supposed that made sense. Eating and attention disorders were more common in the female gender, but it didn't really account for disorders that didn't particularly have a gender preference, like sleep anxiety. Then again, James hadn't even entered the building yet, and there could very well be a fairly even mix of sexes.

Just as James was about to enter the building, a mere five or six feet away, the doors were thrown open and the pseudocastle seemed to spit out a frazzled girl. He was only able to catch sight of her briefly, for soon she was crashing into him; she had bumped into his shoulder, causing him to absorb the impact into a back-step and half-turn of his body. There was enough force that wasn't absorbed though that his suitcase jolted again and knocked the smallest bag to the ground. In the rapid moment of this girl pulling back and just before he heard the sound of his bag hitting the ground again, time seemed to slow. James' dark eyes snapped up to see his agitator, and then snapped back to reality when he heard the crisp thud of his overstuffed bag. Before he was able to turn to pick up his bag, he had to cringe at her blood-turning scream. Was that really necessary? Opening his eyes and straightening his defensive posture, he was fully prepared for the girl to keep running or else yell scolding insults at him. Neither happened. He received an apology instead, it seemed a little offhand and not entirely heartfelt, but it surprised him nonetheless; that just wasn't something he was used to. He didn't say anything back as he picked up the troublesome bag again, this time just slinging it over his back. If you're going to run away then you'd better keep running, Maria, a particularly brash character of his would have said to her. However, James could never be wholly like the characters he wrote about. Partially because he lacked basic human interaction. He marveled at her accent and began feeling a rattle of a muse at the back of his head. Still having said nothing, he unclipped the pen from the notebook in his arms and flipped the cover open. He could easily read the sheer terror in her eyes, even though the eye contact he had briefly made was fleeting; this really was a Hollywood horror. "It's okay," he finally mumbled the response, unaware of the proper beats in normal small-talk.

He was already writing now, though, head bent down as he awkwardly balanced the spiral between his forearm and torso. He would have waited, but things like character notes seemed to be the first thoughts his mind would randomly eject, which was why he was always sure to at least have something with which to write wherever he went. Absentmindedly he clicked his lipring against his teeth as he scribbled rapidly.

The angel prince wasn't expecting the return kiss, although he probably should have. Still it caught him slightly off guard, not that it was a bad thing, though, not in the least. After the half second of initial shock, Rowan melted into the kiss, pressing into Merihim's tender touch. Chills trickled down his spine at the warm wetness and his lips parted ever so slightly. The demon prince was uncharacteristically timid when it came to this kind of thing; it was barely there, but Rowan could sense it. He figured it was because Merihim didn't want to scare him away, but Rowan couldn't think of anything the demon could do to scare him.

Growing up in nobility - and destined to become king - Rowan had been trained to always make eye contact, no matter how uncomfortable it was. It was a hard lesson to learn - especially if he had just done something embarrassing - but it did seem to come in handy. So the old saying goes, eyes are windows to the soul, and Rowan had learned how to see into many windows, even those that had been boarded up. Right now, Merihim's hot emerald glass revealed pure pits of passion, only balanced by cool splashes of silver. His own glowing crystalline eyes not only reflected the silver-white moon, but also waves of joy.

He felt more secure knowing Vetis was on guard, even though he didn't care for the canine. His sense of safety came from being held in Merihim's arms. Still, there was a rebellious part of him that liked all of this; keeping a forbidden, smoldering love alive by sneaking out at the very plausible risk of getting caught. The demon prince's smile set him off; this came from the same part of him that used to climb over the castle walls and go into the market, even though he would end up sick the next day and got caught three out of five times.

Rowan’s joyful grin faded when he read Merihim’s sadness. He would have told Merihim that things would change when he became king, but they wouldn’t. Rowan wasn’t so naïve to believe that they would. Such drastic change doesn’t happen simply because a new king comes into power. And as much as he’d like to think that his siblings would support the cause, he knew they wouldn’t. They’d say he had been corrupted and probably try to exorcise him; when that didn’t work he’d be banished, if his own people didn’t kill him first. He squeezed Merihim’s hand gently. “If you were someone different, something different, I wouldn’t love you nearly as much.” And that was the truth. His smile returned, “I will do my best with them… M’Lord.” He sounded awkward as the last word tumbled out of his mouth. It was an attempt to lighten things; he’d heard the untrained contraction from the mouths of many of his knights.

When Merihim said he had something, Rowan’s ever-growing curiousity was piqued. Large eyes followed the trail that his love’s hand made and he even cocked his head a little bit just before the ring was revealed. “Merihim!” He gasped, his voice squeaking a little as it cracked in his throat. He took it all in: the colour that mimicked the moon, the elegantly curving designs, all drawing the eye to the deeply shining stone. “It’s perfectly stunning,” he breathed. But then a pool of sorrow washed over him; he’d never be able to wear it. Unlike his father, he didn’t normally wear any jewelry on his fingers, and someone was bound to notice and ask about the addition. Jasper would probably be the one.

He held out his left hand, pressing his palm down and spreading his fingers. “Will you put it on me?” He kind of liked this shy Merihim. It reminded him of the mischievous Liefwick when the kitten became embarrassingly caught in a burlap sack. The situations actually comforted Rowan a bit; despite their cool personalities, both were still vulnerable.

Alabaster was a bit taken aback that Mason knew his name. A fair amount of people knew him, if only by name, but he was generally ignored by athletes, leading him to believe none of them cared enough to bother with his name. He was the youngest person on the cheer squad, with the exception of one freshman girl who had made the team during the last tryouts; he assumed that since he was an underclassman none of the juniors or seniors could be bothered with him. Apparently he had been wrong in thinking that way. Little did he know the role Mason played in the fact that many athletes left him alone.

He almost reached out and protested Mason taking his duffle bag, but he ended up letting it be. This whole situation was odd and kind of unnerving; Alabaster tried not to let that show. Instead he wrung his hands and followed just slightly behind the basketball player on the way to the locker room.
"No, that's okay," he refused the offered clothes. "I don't want to take your spares." Mason was right, the clothes probably wouldn't fit. Even though both boys were lean, Mason wasn't quite as ectomorphic as Alabaster, plus, he was just a little taller, but enough. The clothes would probably hang from his thin body, which he preferred usually, but right now he was finding comfort in his uniform.

Rounding the corner into the locker room, Alabaster almost instinctively flattened himself against the wall. A shy smile was stuck on his face as he watched the teasing exchange between the basketball teammates. It was... nice. Even though it was just a normal, arbitrary thing, Alabaster liked it, even if he did feel awkward standing in the background. He didn't have very many male friends, and his only sibling was a little sister, so he wasn't ever around stuff like this. When everyone else had filed out, leaving the two alone, and the lone basketball player addressed him, Alabaster responded with a shrug. "They're boys." They pretty much sounded like all of the other groups of boys he'd encountered during lunch or around the mall.

He reached into the side pocket of his duffle bag when Mason left, even though he said he would be right back. He retrieved a bottle of Ego Elixir, a spray deodorant he preferred to use between the time he finished a game or competition and the time he showered. He had just finished putting it back in his bag when Mason returned with the ice. "Oh." He hadn't even noticed the tiny throb under his eye until Mason mentioned it. His fingertips brushed against the bruise; it was warm from the rushing blood. Well, wasn't that lovely? Maybe he could dig out some coverup from the bottom of his bag so that his mom wouldn't flip when he came home; it was obvious proof that he'd been in another fight. "Thanks." Alabaster tied off the top of the bag before bringing the ice to his face, watching Mason with wide eyes.

He failed at not staring when the other's shirt was removed. Hormones. What could you do? But Alabaster's self-control was lacking or nonexistent. A soft pink rose to his cheeks and burned the tips of his ears as he forced himself to turn away, only after Mason had started towards the shower; he was expecting to see steam start rising from the bag of ice. No wonder other boys didn't want him in the locker room. He wouldn't even want another of himself in a locker room with him. "Yeah, have fun," he commented after the boy as he had already probably hit the showers. Promptly he bit his tongue. That was really dumb, and he probably sounded sarcastic. Why had he said that?

Slowly putting down the ice that had already started melting, he trudged over to the round sink and single mounted mirror. Not only was there a forming bruise but now there was a substantially large red mark from the cold ice. Sighing, Alabaster grabbed a handful of the scratchy brown paper towels, wetting them in the sink and then very quickly and informally washing off his arms and neck. Throwing away the paper towels, he washed his hands and face with soap, patting them dry with some new paper towels. The whole process took him all of a minute, so he went back over to his bag and sat. First he sent his mom a text, and then he put the ice back to his cheek, folding himself in half and placing his head on his knees to wait for Mason to finish showering.

Any literate group roleplays you currently have: None currently
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    I do not have writer's block
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yes hello.

Postby eden . » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:32 pm

      I want to join!
      Username: eden .
      Roleplaying samples: I hope it's alright I included a couple of examples from Tumblr roleplays? I haven't joined a strictly literate rp on CS for a while, now. However, the Tumblr posts are quite recent (within the last week). I'm not sure how familiar you may or may not be with Tumblr rping (or Tumblr in general), but my responses to threads are not indented or shifted to the right in posts. Please, if you have time, let me know if you'd prefer CS posts and I'll try and dig some up.
      from a while ago on CS, a tumblr rp response post, [removed]
      **edit: ah, okay. sorry about that! not sure if I'm still in the running, but if I am, here's a different post from late January.
      Any literate group roleplays you currently have: none on CS.
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (Grand opening!

Postby Pandle » Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:58 am

      To anyone applying: linking to sites such as tumblr roleplays or AS roleplays where there is swearing, graphic romance or violence will get you a warning on here. Chickensmoothie has never allowed members to link to content which breaks our rules; please bare this in mind when linking to your examples. We do not want to see this happening: literate posts do not require inappropriate content -if they did then this club would never have been established.

      To all those who have applied so far: thank you and best of luck.
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (Grand opening!

Postby credence » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:56 pm

          I want to join!
          Username: wings of credence ;;
          Roleplaying samples: 1, 2, 3
          Any literate group roleplays you currently have: None at the moment...
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (Grand opening!

Postby Cloudsong » Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:40 pm

I'm no longer an active member of this community, but I'm always looking to commission art of my dog, Pascal the Pomeranian! ^^ PM me if you're interested in drawing him, and we can discuss payment.
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (Grand opening!

Postby Cloudsong » Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:07 am

Stay tuned: we are now currently in the process of averaging out votes, and hopefully our very first acceptance post will be up either tonight or tomorrow! c:
I'm no longer an active member of this community, but I'm always looking to commission art of my dog, Pascal the Pomeranian! ^^ PM me if you're interested in drawing him, and we can discuss payment.
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club (Grand opening!

Postby Cloudsong » Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:03 pm

The time has come for our very first acceptance post!

We'd like to begin by saying just how outstanding each and every application submitted this month was. The writing level was exceptionally high, and for many applicants, the overall voting outcome was very close. As stated in our first post, the voting team (consisting of the founders) submit their votes which are then tallied up. The applicants with a majority of "yes" votes are the ones that are accepted.

The following members have been accepted:
Captain Greenleaf

Please do not be discouraged if you were not one of these selected users. As a reminder for some, the overall voting results were very close. I highly encourage everyone to re-apply next month, and to PM any of the co-owners to discuss their application. We are more than happy to give out any tips on how you might improve, and to discuss what points in your writing were strong while what might be worked on. You must have the initiative to ask us however, as we will not go out of our way to give out suggestions to those who do not want them.

Currently open for application discussion:
    Captain Kaycee
Please use the helpeful information on the front page under human resources when PMing one of us!

Thank you all so much! Now that we have some members, we may begin our discussions! c:
I'm no longer an active member of this community, but I'm always looking to commission art of my dog, Pascal the Pomeranian! ^^ PM me if you're interested in drawing him, and we can discuss payment.
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club

Postby ~*Reeses*~ » Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:48 pm

    Thank you for accepting me into your guys's group, it means a lot to be seen as a literate roleplayer!
    Also congrats to the rest who were accepted:3

    I'm not sure exactly what I'm allowed/supposed to post on here, but I was thinking about making one-two literate roleplays somewhat soon.

    The first plot would be based on human-like aliens that come from the surrounding planets in our Solar System. There is a war going on between the planets and a few from each planet found refugee on Earth {the only planet not participating in the war}. The aliens look like you and I; no different than any other human on earth, except they have abilities. Some can control light, while others can control darkness. Some can control the elements, while other can control emotions. I'm not sure whether the plot would be more about war being brought to Earth or if it'd be more about outcasts trying to fit in {but fail}.

    The second plot would be about Fairy Tale Detectives {idea inspired by the title of the book}. Did Snow White really eat the poisonous apple? What was the real reason as to why Sleeping Beauty fell asleep? Why did the Prince really turn into the beast? Etc, etc. I have a friend who is helping me complete this plot.

    What do you guys think about those plots?
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Re: The Advanced, Literate Roleplayer's Club

Postby Lacuna » Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:42 pm

~*Reeses*~ wrote:
    The second plot would be about Fairy Tale Detectives {idea inspired by the title of the book}. Did Snow White really eat the poisonous apple? What was the real reason as to why Sleeping Beauty fell asleep? Why did the Prince really turn into the beast? Etc, etc. I have a friend who is helping me complete this plot.

    Welcome. (: I think this sounds really interesting, especially since most Disney/Fairy Tale roleplays only focus on romance.


    I'm interested in making a roleplay focusing on changeling teenagers, inspired by Holly Black's Valiant book series, but I'm not sure how I would make it work with multiple changeling characters. If anyone knows what I'm talking about do you have any ideas?
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