Working Towards a Dream (REALLY NEEDS MEMBERS!!!!!!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which are based on a book/movie/tv show/band e.g. Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, One Direction etc.
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Working Towards a Dream (REALLY NEEDS MEMBERS!!!!!!)

Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:58 am


It is tradition for the Daelor race to send out their young at the age of seventeen, to learn the ways of life. To live on their own. This tradition has been held for generations by the people of the land. At least, most of the people. The higher class citizens consider themselves to important to risk in the wild. They sit in their houses and waste their gold on worthless pleasure items, while their children grow fat and lazy. The poorer citizens keep up tradition and equip their children for life's journey. Some of the time while travelling they encounter others out on their journey; but it is unlikely, some travel for years without speaking to a soul and some travel straight to the high towers of the Castle Ryndar to seek out jobs.
At the castle though trouble is stirring. The young rebellious prince Dalin is determined to carry out tradition and go into the wild, but the king and queen despise the old tradition and fear losing their son to the wild lands beyond the safety of the castle. One night chaos reigns when Dalin flees the castle in the night against his parent's will, to go out into the wild. Soldiers are sent to every village and every home in search of the prince, but he is nowhere to be found. Little do they know that he was traveling through the woods enjoying his life more than ever, and traveling straight towards a trap set by the wicked Vaknath...

Who are You?

You will start out from your home and leave with what few supplies you have been blessed with by your family. You might hear rumor of the missing prince in your travels, but who knows it all depends on where your feet will carry you. You must make up your mind what your dream is. What is your dream? Continue following the road it it is your wish to find out......
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Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:02 am


-Tess's Rules
-No God-modding, Gary-Sues, Mary-Sues, Power playing.
-No chat speak in character please (Ex. g2g, brb, lol, ) unless out of character.
-Romance is encouraged (If you can find someone )
-Please no romance between your own characters (It gets boring)
-Please keep PG13, don't go into details on super romantic moments.
-Only one Daelor character per person
-You will most likely start out with: a sleeping mat and blankets, a water skin, several days ration of food, a spare outfit, a small sum of gold coins, and two personal items in your pack.
-You may have one major weapon and one minor weapon when you start out if you wish (Ex. Sword and knife, or Bow and arrows, and knife..)
-You may not start out with a fox unless you are of higher birth
-If you want to be of higher birth PM me or Veggievampire(who is being very kind to help me out with this RP) Very limited spots open for this.
-No killing another persons char without permission.
-Please have good grammar, this is a semi-not-so-literate Rp. Small mishaps don't matter too much but constant mistakes are frowned on.
-When OOC, post between brackets (([[{{}}]])) or put OOC in front of it.
-When your char says something please post between quotation marks " ".
-You must be active- If you have been inactive for too long I will send you a warning! If I send you three warnings and you are still inactive I will kill off your character(s)!! Stay active!
-Please wait to be accepted before starting
-If you have read and agree to the rules post Angry Ninjas! somewhere in red in your application form.
-Have fun!
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Need to Know Info

Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:08 am

Things to know about the valley of Ryndar

The most important thing you should know is that the citizens if Ryndar stand only 12 inches high. No joke. The Daelor are the small folk of the world of Berithia who have isolated themselves in a remote valley to avoid the big people.They are similar in appearance to humans and elves (Mostly elves) Their ears are ever so slightly pointed and their eyes are very faintly slanted. They have also discovered a special breed of fox that lives in the valley and for years have tamed and mastered them. Now these foxes play the same roles to them as horses do to the big people. Transportation, steeds, work, companions, but not food. Sometimes the very well trained foxes assist in hunting. On "Holidays" the dealor from all over the Vally come to Ryndar Castle and celebrate in the square.

((For those of you who know Lord of the Rings that is the "Time setting" for this RP. If you haven't seen it. GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO TO THE MOVIE STORE!!(or the book store) DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN MISSING?!?!?!))

A few example of Castle Ryndar: Example 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example 4. (yes I know these are pictures of Braunfels Castle but that's because it's an amazing castle! ^_^ Believe me I've been in it!)

Villages in the valley of Ryndar
Ryndar Castle

Royal Guard
Royal Knight
Roaming Warrior

Job Info

Soldiers work for the king and queen and get the highest job pay(though not very much) they guard the boundaries of Ryndar valley and ward off enemies. On a daily basis the soldier risks his/her life several times a day. Not a job for the weak hearted.

Sword smith
The sword smith can work for the King and Queen but also doesn't have to. They can serve themselves and sell to passing travelers in need of weapons. A sword smith is not limited to swords, they make all different kinds of weapons but do not specialize in armor. They get an average pay if working for royalty and a small pay if working for themselves.

The armorer can work for the King and Queen but also doesn't have to. They can serve themselves and sell to passing travelers in need of armor. An armorer does not specialize in making weapons. They get an average pay if working for royalty and a small pay if working for themselves.

The farmer grows crop and produce for market day to sell to villagers. Some farmers work for the King and Queen and have to give up half their year's crop for good pay. Some farmers raise Kephlon which they sell to the butcher when fully grown(Kephlon are the equivalent to sheep for Daelor they are small and have mouse like fur but only stand three and a half inches tall. They are a lot like mice but have more foxish paws and a ferret like tail. Farmers feed them dried grasses and seeds.)

Tavern Keeper
Tavern keepers own taverns and give shelter to travelers in need of a place to stay. They provide food and lodging at either very steep, or very reasonable prices. Tavern keepers gain just a little bit more money than it takes to run the taverns. They lose a lot of it to farmers and hired hands. Some times taverns can be found along the open road, but risk of bandits have pushed them to mostly residing in villages.

Fox raiser
Fox raisers breed and raise good quality foxes to sell to the Staden keepers. Most of the time they prefer to raise certain types, but it is easy to find some who raise all types. Fox raisers get a good pay from their customers and hire Daelor to hunt game for them to feed to the foxes. Sometimes they even have their own well trained foxes to help with the hunting, but not usually.

Tailors work for whoever is in need of cloth work done. Most of the time they have steep prices but if business is good, costs lower. Tailors don't have very good pay for they have to buy the cloth for orders with most of the money they are paid. But they are able to keep a little bit for themselves.

Butchers have the job of killing the kephlon they buy from farmers and preparing them enough to be bought by dealor in need of meat. They prefer to reside in villages that consist of upper class dealor that are to lazy to hunt for themselves and order meat from butchers. They can always be found in any village though. They get good pay from their many customers, but when buying kephlon farmers sometimes rack them up for gold and they lose a lot of it to keep their businesses running.

Staden(stable) keeper
A staden keeper is the same as a stable keeper. Only they tend the foxes sold to them by Fox raisers and sell them to travelers or farmers in need of them. Staden keepers get a good reasonable pay from their customers, but lose a lot of it when they go to buy more foxes from fox raisers. They also lose a good deal of money to tack makers. In the end they make just enough to buy food for their families.

Blacksmiths work in forges and mold metal into shape for those who wish to buy it. They mostly make things that make work easier, such as: fox drawn plows, shovel heads, pieces for tack makers, etc. They get good pay for their work, but lose most of it when purchasing metal from miners to do their work.

Tack maker
Tack makers create saddles and bridles for foxes and most of the time sell them to Staden keepers. Sometimes though they'll do private business. If a Lord or Lady orders tack though they usually have no choice but to fill out the order. They pay leather tanners for the leather used to make the saddles and have a bit of wood working skill for the solid parts of the saddle. They get good pay for their work but lose half of it buying the leather and metal to make it.

Leather tanner
Leather tanners take the hides of dead animals hunted by hired hunters and turn them into leather using special methods passed down by other leather tanners. Their work is considered "atrocious" by villagers and their work is usually done a ways away from the main village. They are paid reasonably by customers and only lose a little to the hired hands who hunt the for hides for them.

The job of messenger is simple, bring letters and messages from town to town for those who pay them. They risk quite a lot though traveling on the on the open road with large hungry creatures hunting for food around every corner. The prices they charge depends wholly on how far they have to travel. They usually use red foxes for this job.

Weavers use the skill of their nimble fingers to twist the fibers of Kephlon fur into thread, which they weave expertly into cloth material. It takes many long months to make enough cloth to sell to tailors and help is always wanted. They get good pay for their work but not often as they take a long time to make enough to sell.

Merchants are traveling sales Daelor who buy and sell object at different towns. They buy at low prices and sell at steep prices in another town. Sometimes merchant set up shop in one town and remain there for a while, but most merchants prefer to travel from town to town.

The work of for Gypsies is entertaining in various towns and villages. They tend to wear exotic colorful clothing to draw attention as they entertain. Gypsies live in bands and roam all about the valley, never in one town for more than a couple days. As they entertain they have younger children in their bands run through the watching crowds and collect gold from the spectators in bags. Sometimes not all Gypsy bands are honest though and will snatch small children to work for them in their bands.
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Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:12 am


Price: 10,000 gold. Silver fox (Excellent prestige(For royalty only). High obedience. High endurance.)
Price: 1,000 gold. White fox (VERY high prestige (Reserved for upper class). Semi high obedience. Low endurance)
Price: 100 gold. Gray fox (Medium-High prestige (Reserved for soldiers). Medium-High obedience. High endurance)
Price: 20-60 gold. Black fox (Medium prestige. Low obedience. High endurance.)
Price: 15-35 gold. Red fox (Low prestige. Medium obedience. High endurance.)
Price: 5-15 gold. Brown fox (Very low prestige. High obedience. Medium endurance)
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Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:15 am


Form for no Picture:
Code: Select all
[b]Personal Items:[/b]
[b]Dream future:[/b]

Form for Picture:
Code: Select all
[b]Personal Items:[/b]
[b]Dream future:[/b]

How To Fill Out Forms

((I'm putting this because some people aren't exactly sure what some questions mean))

Form for no Picture:
Name: Name of the character you are going to RolePlay.
Age: Age of your character.
Gender: Is the character Male or Female?
Hometown: Where your character was born and/or raised.
Face: Skin tone(ex. Pale white, Dark Brown, Lightly tanned...)
Hair: Color of your character's hair, style(optional) and length.(optional)
Eyes: The eye color and shape(optional) of your character's eyes.
Figure: Body shape of your character(Fat, skinny, muscled, twiggy...)
Outfit: The outfit your character wears throughout the RP.
Fox: Your character's Fox.(they don't start out with one)
Weapons: Two or less weapons your character carries throughout the RP(Bow and Arrows, Dagger, Sword...)
Personal Items: Two or less personal items your character carries with them throughout the RP.
History: Your character's past. What has happened to them before now.
Dream future: What your character dreams of doing before their end. What they long to and strive to do.
Job: The job your character does to earn money.
Other: Anything else we should know?

Form for Picture:
Name: Name of the character you are going to RolePlay.
Age: Age of your character.
Gender: Is the character Male or Female?
Hometown: Where your character was born and/or raised.
Appearance: Picture of the character you are going to Role Play.
Fox: Your character's Fox.(they don't start out with one)
Weapons: Two or less weapons your character carries throughout the RP(Bow and Arrows, Dagger, Sword...)
Personal Items: Two or less personal items your character carries with them throughout the RP.
History: Your character's past. What has happened to them before now.
Dream future: What your character dreams of doing before their end. What they long to and strive to do.
Job: The job your character does to earn money.
Other: Anything else we should know?
Last edited by Tam on Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Working towards a Dream

Postby Veggievampire » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:28 am

((Name: Rowan
Age: 16 (about to turn 17)
Gender: Female
Hometown: Kaelar
Face: She has freckles and white skin
Hair: Light blonde (almost white)
Eyes: Emerald green
Figure: Tall and thin
Outfit: She wears a linen vest with some cotton trousers,the trousers have rips at the knees.
Fox: Doesn't have one yet
Weapons: A bow and arrow with a dagger tied around her waist.
Personal Items: A shell with a leather cord (necklace)
History: Nothing important
Dream future: To be a ranger
Job: Fox raiser
Other: Angry ninjas rule!))
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Re: Working towards a Dream

Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:33 am

Name: Ellewin
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hometown: Bormiith
Face: pretty, lightly tanned
Hair: Golden blonde with a few strands of lighter brown here and there
Eyes: Stunning blue
Figure: slim, but not too thin, strong muscles, good composure
Outfit: She wears a leather vest that ties in the front, over a rough linen long sleeved shirt. She sometimes wears brown riding gloves that go up to her elbow and she tucks her sleeves into them. She wears two layers of linen skirt that is split in the back and front for easy riding. Underneath her skirts she wears dark brown leather leggings and lace up, very weathered, boots. She wears a cloak made of Kephlon wool dyed in black. She has a sword belt with a single pouch for storing small items (such as coins)
Fox: None, yet
Weapons: A single on handed long sword forged by her father just for her. A small slender knife of silver she found dropped on the road one dark evening.
Personal Items: A leather bound journal from her father,
History: Lived with her mother and father quite a ways from the large cities and castle, her father is a sword smith and her mother is a part time weaver.
Dream future: Ranger
Job: none
Other: She dislikes the royalty and higher class daelor. She finds the simple life appealing.
Here's the Picture I made of Ellewin.

Name: Vaknath
Age: Unknown. Believed to be around his late 30's
Gender: Male
Hometown: Unknown. Rumored that it's Castle Ryndar.
Face: Pale white, Narrow, bony.
Hair: Long, straight and black
Eyes: Odd always shifting between dark colors. Mostly purple.
Figure: Tall, not very outwardly muscular. He is very strong though.
Outfit: Wears a dark grey vest over a black and dark purple robe.(please ignore the creepy manikin) A heavy velvet cloak draped over his shoulders.
Fox: A very large black male named Maul. Maul has silver paws and a silver muzzle. A very(I mean very as in no one has one) rare crossbreed.
Weapons: A large one handed sword, the Sword of Kings, that he took from King Deus when he slew him.(Dalin's grandfather) The sword is supposed to be Alem's and is Dalin's inheritance.
Personal Items:
History: Vaknath was born in Ryndar castle as the son of Deus and brother to the recent King of the throne, King Alem. When he learned that Alem was to be crowned king instead of him just because he was born second, he grew farther apart from the other royals. His heart grew cold and his mind cunning and wicked. On the day of hunting, when the King rides out with a great hunting party to slay a wolf, Vaknath was waiting to ambush his father and caught the king off guard killing him with his own sword. News of the King's death and Vaknath's betrayal reached the castle through one surviving soldier from the hunt and Alem rode out to try to bring his brother in. Vaknath was inches away from succeeding in killing his brother too but the ambush went wrong and the future king got away within inches of his life. Alem never left the castle again and tried his best to keep his son, Dalin, at the castle and out of Vaknath's clutches.
Dream future: To Rule Ryndar Valley and take Queen Sylda as his own.
Job: Enemy to Ryndar.
Other: Vaknath grew up in the castle and so has a very dignified manner about him. His is very polite and treats his "Guests" with generosity. (if you can consider a banquet while chained to a chair generous) Don't be mistaken though his has a cruel heart and will kill without a second's glance. He has a great loathing for his brother and nephew, and his greatest plan is to capture Dalin and use the young prince to lure Alem out of the castle where he and his son will be slain and Vaknath will assume the throne.
Angry Ninjas!!
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Re: Working towards a Dream

Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:53 am


Name|Age|Gender|Dream Future|Job|Fox
Sanglius|19|Female|Soldier|Messenger|None((Digimon Dreamer))((On Extended Leave))
Esme|15|Female|Fox Raiser|None|Sapphire Adi((Silverponylover999))
Shadow|16|Male|Master Thief|None|Talon((Renjiki))
Izancai|19|Male|Thief or Fox breeder|Messenger|Astia((Tetra))
Shealin|17|Female|Fox Raiser|None|None((RedBlueGreen))
Haladar|18|Male|Revenge and finding his Mother|Fox Raiser|None((william_cram))
Lluminera|15|Female|Fox Raiser|Staden Keeper|Avani((Jhey1804))
Monty|19|Male|Ranger then Traveler|Messenger|None((thelazyone22))
Sebastian|23|Male|Entertainer to the Royal Family|Gypsy|None((Ruckus))
Kayla|17|Female|Fox Raiser|None|None((Vampiric_Werewolf))
Vaknath|Late 30's|Male|To Rule Ryndar Valley|Villain|Maul((Blackwolfspirit))
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Re: Working towards a Dream

Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:30 am

((Bump! Please join.. We're lonely.)
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Re: Working towards a Dream (Please join!)

Postby Tam » Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:37 am

((Bump. We need people.))
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