||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

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||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby CrazedFangirl » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:56 pm

He's Not There, But Don't Look Back...

People all around the world know him by different names; Tall Man, Thin Man, Slender Man, The Rake, etc... Many call him Slender or Slendy, but no one knows his true name or how long he has been around. He is a cold, heartless killer who slaughters his victims with no guilt, no remorse. The only emotions he feels are pain and pleasure from slaughtering Humans mercilessly.

His height is around six to seven feet and he has extremely unnaturally long limbs. He has no defined facial features or hair, his head being blank and as white as paper or clean snow. Slender has four to eight long tentacles that he can stretch and morph at will. He often uses these to petrify and ensnare his "prey" and can create a form of hypnosis with them, compelling victims to walk directly into his spindly arms. His garments for this century include; a black blazer, a grey tie, a white shirt and he sometimes wears a hat, such as a top hat or a bowler hat, depending on the century at the time.

His behavioural patterns are uncertain, but it is quite clear that he will stalk a target for years, driving them to the brink of sanity, before finally murdering them. He will appear as a friend to small children, them being innocent, and kill them shortly afterwards. Slender will appear in windows, blank TV screens and other electrical appliances, to scare the wits out of anyone and make them paranoid beyond measure.

He has several "powers" that he can use whenever he wishes, to help him or as a tool for killing. These are his powers and other unique characteristics:

>>>The ability to turn invisible, to pick his prey out from the crowd and to also stalk Humans without their immediate knowledge.
>>>He can teleport for miles at a time, easily enough. This is often referred to as "Slender Walking".
>>>He is able to change his height, from anything to thirty feet tall to strike fear into the heart of his victims. A tall man always seems menacing and this ability is a popular one of his.
>>>Slender can also change his body shape to his will, some say he can morph into what you fear the most.
>>>He can stretch his arms into tentacles and make tentacle like appendages protrude from his back and shoulders to ensnare his prey.
>>>He also has the ability to hypnotise Humans, compelling them to walk into his spindly arms. He usually appears in windows and does this ability.
>>>Finally, many people say that Slender is able to control Human minds, speaking with their voice. No one really knows if this is true as there is not much evidence regarding.

There are many effects of encountering and confronting Slender Man, beginning with small nosebleeds and coughs, later leading to insanity. Most of these are caused by being exposed to radiation from Slender.
>>>Very early effects of encountering Slender are:
•A common cough or cold, maybe slight signs of the flu.
•Headaches, migraines are quite common.
•Small nosebleeds, though these can become a regular thing.

>>>Slightly later effects of encountering Slender are:
•Feeling cold.
•Inability to sleep.
•Exhaustion .
•Slight paranoia, maybe, but nothing too serious.

>>>More severe effects are:
•Extreme paranoia.
•The unexplainable urge to tape yourself at all times.
•The unexplainable urge to possess a weapon on your person at and in innapropiate times and places.
•Smiling and laughing at innapropiate moments.
•Hallucinations, maybe seeing Slender when he is not there and seeing Slender when you are looking at a friend or member of family.
•Evidence of radiation poisoning.
•Mood swings, getting really angry for no reason.

>>>The most severe effects are:
•Extreme evidence of radiation poisoning, collapsing, etc...
•Extreme paranoia, thinking everything is out to get you.
•Extreme hallucinations, terrifying you and making you turn against everything.
•Extreme mood swings, attacking friends and relatives.
•Suicidal thoughts.

Avengers Assemble!

The Avengers are a group of extraordinary Human beings, with extremely enhanced powers and abilities. They fight Super- Villains, working together to defeat the worlds most powerful evil. Their powers vary, Iron Man is one of the most intelligent men alive, Ant Man can reduce his size and communicate with insects, there are many others, each unique in their own way. The Avengers are like one big family, always falling apart, always arguing, yet they always get back together to fight the forces of evil.

There are nine Avengers in all: Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Hawk Eye, Ant Man/Giant Man, Wasp, Black Panther, Miss Marvel and Black Widow. They recruit new Avengers a lot, finding gifted Humans and Humanoids throughout the Planet. There are also plenty of Villains, Loki, Enchantress, Serpent Society, HYDRA, AIM, Masters Of Evil, Ultron, etc... The Avengers are constantly defeating the Villains, putting them behind bars.

Main Plot

It has been a year since The Avengers defeated Lokis evil scheme of world domination. Loki was sent back to Asguard, with Thor accompanying him to face the wrath of Odin. With Loki gone, the Avengers could relax and take a breath for the first time in a long while. They were like one big happy family, arguments, romance, drama, fights, deaths, break ups, but they always got back together and assembled to fight the forces of evil.

But now, a new threat is on the horizon. Unexplainable deaths have begun to occur, people speared on tall trees with their organs inside plastic bags, in their bodies. The most peculiar thing is, the corpses show no sign of any struggle. It is causing tension in the world, people are expecting the Avengers to sort it out, but what if they can't? Everyone is relying on them to figure out the unexplained, but it is unexplained for a reason. The killer doesn't want to be found, doesn't want to be seen. He's a silent, stealthy killer, with a thirst for revenge.
He's Slender Man!


>Follow all of the Site Rules.
>Follow all of my rules on this RP.
>No Godmodding [making perfect characters] and Powerplaying [controlling other peoples characters].
>Make your own form, but make it detailed.
>A maximum of three characters.
>Make sure you know an awful lot about a certain Avenger, if you want to play them.
>Code word to be accepted is "bloodlust".
>If romance gets too "romancey", FADE TO BLACK.
>No really gory fight scenes.
>Stick to your characters set personality. Hank Pym is a pascifist, don't suddenly switch his personality with Tony Stark.
>Don't kill someones character without mine and their permission.
>If asked for a recap, give one.
>Talk in OOC with ().
>At least two detailed sentences with correct grammar and punctuation.

Will add more


Name+Nickname(s)|Age|Gender|Species|Played by|Pg #|
>>>Slender Man/Slender/Slendy|??|Male|Demon|[available]|Pg #|
>>>Splendor Man|??|Male|Demon|[available]|Pg # |

Hero/Villain Name|Real Name|Age|Gender|Species|Hero/Villain|Played by|Pg # |

>>>Iron Man [Anthony "Tony" Stark]| |Male|Human|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Thor|[Thor Odinson]|Male| |Asguardian|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Captain America [Steven "Steve" Rogers]| |Male|Human|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Hulk [Robert "Bruce" Banner]|Male| |Human|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Hawk Eye [Clinton "Clint" Barton]| |Male|Human|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Black Widow [Natalia "Natasha" Alianovna Romanova]| |Female|Human|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Ant Man/Giant Man [Henry "Hank" Jonathan Pym]| |Male|Human|Hero|[available]||Pg # |
>>>Wasp [Janet "Jan" van Dyne]|25|Female|Human|Hero|#BloodLust#|Pg #1|
>>>Black Panther [T'challa]| |Male|Human|Hero[available]|Pg # |
>>>Miss Marvel [Carol Danvers]| |Female|Human|Hero|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Sailor Dragon [Violet Sky]|17|Female|Human|Hero|hetacutie12|Pg #1|
>>>Shifter [Morgan Eve Toulson]|18|Female|Human|Hero|WolvesPawprints|Pg #1|
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero
>>>Available for OC hero

>>>Loki [Loki Laufeyson]| Male|Asguardian|Villain|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Enchantress [Amora]|Female|Asguardian|Villain|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Executor [Skurge]|Male|Asguardian|Villain|[available]|Pg # |
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain
>>>Available for OC Villain

>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian
>>>Available for OC civilian


He likes her and she doesn't know - >> & >
She likes him and he doesn't know - < & <<
They like each other and don't know - >> & <<
They like each other and know - >> + <<
Boyfriend and girlfriend - BF + GF
Married - >>> + <<<
Have children - >>> + <<< = <>
Enemies - << - >>

Striked and Banned

Strike 1
Strike 2
Strike 3


Last edited by CrazedFangirl on Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
think i'll just leave this here...
you're welcome
Recently started rping again, at university but will reply as often as I can to active role plays.

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby CrazedFangirl » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:59 pm



Her real identity is Janet van Dyne, but that name is only known by the other Avengers. Her friends call her "Jan" and she is known to the civilians and Villains as Wasp.

She is obviously a female, there aren't many boys/men out there with the first name Janet. Also, it kinda shows she is feminine because she looks like a woman, talks like a woman and acts like a woman.


Jan is strictly Human, with no alien blood of any kind in her body. She doesn't like aliens as it is, never mind thinking what it would be like if she was one.


I would ask if you were blind, but I'm not that mean. There are two pictures of her at the top of this post, one in her "work uniform", the other her civilian attire. Try to guess which is which.


Jan is a very fun person to be friends with, very enthusiatic about working with the Avengers and just crime fighting in general. She is quite humourous, loving to make jokes and laugh a lot. Sometimes she can be persistent and extremely determined about things. She is a fun loving adult with a hatred of boredom, also finding seriousness stifling.


She works for Henry Pym [Ant Man/Giant Man], sorting out the paperwork, organising meetings and acting as a receptionist when she isn't bringing down Super Villains. He invented something that he named "Pym Particles", which were able to reduce and increase the size of any object or Human. Jan was exposed to these particles and they gave her particular powers, such as size changing.


Jan has several different powers that were "given" to her when she was exposed to Pym Particles created by Henry Pym. She uses her powers to help the other Avengers fight off the forces of evil, like she did when Loki attempted to conquer the world.
•Size reduction - Wasp has the power to reduce her size to around three inches tall, making her extremely quick and agile. When she shrinks, two small insectoid wings seemingly sprout from her shoulderblades, letting her fly.
•Size addition - In addition to being able to reduce her size, Wasp can also grow to around fifty foot tall, just like Giant Man. She has only ever done this once, it is very difficult for her to change. Henry Pym can only do it because of his Particle Belt.
•Flight - When she reduces her size, Jan grows a pair of yellow insectoid wings that seemingly sprout from her shoulder blades. They are almost identical to wasp wings and she can fly at incredible speeds, matching and overtaking Thor. She often uses this ability when she shrinks down, flying up to an enemys face and attacking them with her "Stingers".
•Bio Electrical Wasp "Stingers" - She can harness her own bodys Bio Energy, shooting it out of her hands at foes. This ability, dubbed her "Stingers" is what she uses to attack enemies all of the time. She can use them when full sized, but has rarely done this, even though they can knock out a foe at point blank range.


She is good right down to her core and has rarely turned against the Avengers in her time working with them.


Jan works with the Avengers and is one of the five founding members. She loves fighting crime and has is great friends with each of her team-mates.


She loves going out shopping in her free time, buying as many clothes and accessories as she can carry. Working for Henry is also in her best interests, he would be lost without her! :D She also loves working with the Avengers and sunbathing on the roof of Avengers Mansion on a scorching day.


She absolutely hates evil, no questions asked. She will do whatever it takes to take a villain down. Jan doesn't really like Science, she doesn't understand when Henry uses big words to talk about it. Him being in his lab all day irritates her, she never gets any time with him.


Her greatest strength is her Bio Electrical Wasp Stingers at very close range as they can knock a foe unconscious at a close distance. Her power of flight is also very useful, letting her fly right up to a Villains face and annoy them.


Her greatest weakness is being stepped on in her reduced state, as she has shown many times. Her wings are very thin and fragile, easily ripped and she can quite easily be snatched out of the air when distracted.


Her crush is Henry "Hank" Jonathan Pym [Ant Man/Giant Man]. He always seems oblivious to her quite obvious liking of him and that somewhat annoys her.


She has no partner as of yet, she hopes that Hank will ask her out one day.


think i'll just leave this here...
you're welcome
Recently started rping again, at university but will reply as often as I can to active role plays.

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby CrazedFangirl » Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:01 pm

We will start RPing when someone makes a form for Slenderman and is accepted.
think i'll just leave this here...
you're welcome
Recently started rping again, at university but will reply as often as I can to active role plays.

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby the machine » Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:18 pm

hero name: sailor dragon
real name: violet sky
age: 17
nicknames: vi, vivi, sky, vi-chan
personality: violet is pretty hyper and sweet. She loves to draw and never looses inspiration. She is never upset, in fact, the only time she's negative, is when she angry or fighting. It's rare to see her crying. She talks too much about her home in skylands but no one seems to mind, right?
powers: sailor dragon gets her hero name from the fact that she can breathe fire (and can, at rare, times or if she's super sick with a cold, sneeze it). She also can have fire charges from her hands and mostly throws them over arm with her right arm. She also has a pet dragon called spyro which is by her at all times. The dragon can talk in English, Finnish, german, Japanese and Italian.
weaknesses: sailor dragon can be projective of her fellow friends. She'll try anything to help them but is scared she'd get in their way. She is also claustrophobic, isolophobic (scared of being alone) and rejectiophobic (scared of being rejected)
siblings: she had a little sister with the super hero name of snowflake but actual name of Zara sky.
She looks like this: (new pic) Image

crush: she has no crushes yet
anything to declare?: she says "aru~" at the end of her sentiences sometimes when she's super happy.
anything else?: bloodlust
Last edited by the machine on Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
hi. i'm the machine. i use to be hetacutie12 but things are changing up a bit.
I live down under and love to roleplay. i don't bite so don't be scared to pm me
i love to draw and i love transformers, Precure, steven universe, vocaloid, Marvel,
Madoka Magica and other things
Slothicity and I are friends in real life and might trade unfairly to each other.
Please don't ban us <3

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby CrazedFangirl » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:29 am

think i'll just leave this here...
you're welcome
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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby the machine » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:39 am

((Woohoo! :3 it'd make take long cause: me: imma roleplay. Homework: lol nope. Me: ok! :( ))
hi. i'm the machine. i use to be hetacutie12 but things are changing up a bit.
I live down under and love to roleplay. i don't bite so don't be scared to pm me
i love to draw and i love transformers, Precure, steven universe, vocaloid, Marvel,
Madoka Magica and other things
Slothicity and I are friends in real life and might trade unfairly to each other.
Please don't ban us <3

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby CrazedFangirl » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:59 am

((It's fine, I'm actually in the middle of making a Role Play))
think i'll just leave this here...
you're welcome
Recently started rping again, at university but will reply as often as I can to active role plays.

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby the machine » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:12 am

(( oh really? So am I! I plan I getting in finished another time. I gtg for now. Bye.))
hi. i'm the machine. i use to be hetacutie12 but things are changing up a bit.
I live down under and love to roleplay. i don't bite so don't be scared to pm me
i love to draw and i love transformers, Precure, steven universe, vocaloid, Marvel,
Madoka Magica and other things
Slothicity and I are friends in real life and might trade unfairly to each other.
Please don't ban us <3

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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby yeet. » Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:35 am

My form-

Morgan Eve Toulson, but she's fine with any types of nicknames. Morgan goes by Shifter as a codename.


Morgan is a female although actions and looks betray her to be mistaken as a person of the male gender.




There is a picture located at the bottom of this post. Though when she changes into the being she wishes to her appearance will vary each time, unless there is a specific look.


Morgan is human through and through, except when she shape shifts of course.


As clarified in the section of her gender, Morgan is like one of the boys/men. She is fairly fearless and she never backs from a challenge. Morgan can be slightly full of herself at times and tends to boast about achievements. Morgan, overall, is cheerful but when she first meets someone she can turn shy and clueless of what to say. This also occurs when she is complemented. She is loyal to her friends and will do anything as far as risking her life to save them.


As a child Morgan was abandoned because of her abilities. But survival instinct kicked in and used her powers to help her. She started off by just acting like a stray animal to be taken in for a bit. She at the age of 15 she found herself being observed. Then it turned out that her secret was discovered and she was assigned to work in S.H.I.E.L.D.


Morgan likes; Company, Friends, Pulling Pranks, Messing Around, Scaring People, Sleeping and Sports
Morgan dislikes; Make-Up Being Disturbed, Doing Something Wrong, Not Knowing Where The Others Are.


Morgan's Strengths; She gains the strengths of what she transforms into, her loyalty to her friends gives her strength.
Morgan's Weaknesses; She tends to push herself, She can become afraid if she feels like she betrayed her friends.


She has the power to shape shift into anything that is/was living. When first encountering something in person she needs to concentrate to turn into that thing, though if it has powers she doesn't know of she cannot use the abilities. When trying to rush
transformation into something new it drains her strength.


The abilities of what she's transformed into is her own when in that form, though if she is new to it she is unable to use it to maximum capacity, so if it was for example, controlling nature she'd only be able to make small plants, not trees or anything large.

Last edited by yeet. on Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
probably permanently on hiatus
nvm lads im back
nvm im just gonna be on and off
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Re: ||Don't Look Back||Avengers EMH/Slenderman||Open

Postby CrazedFangirl » Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:37 am

((Yes, it's fine))
think i'll just leave this here...
you're welcome
Recently started rping again, at university but will reply as often as I can to active role plays.

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