eeveelution family;; pokéhumans;; simi-lit;; CLOSED

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eeveelution family;; pokéhumans;; simi-lit;; CLOSED

Postby headphone raichu. » Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:18 pm


w e l c o m e . h o m e

You've been living with your sisters for all of your life: Espeon {the oldest}, Umbreon {the darkest}, Jolteon {the brightest}, Flareon {the hot-headed}, Vaporeon {the calmest}, Glaceon {the coldest}, Leafon {the kindest}, and Eevee {the youngest}. you've never had a brother in your family, and her mother and father left you with your sister, espeon, to raise you all. but there's one thing--you're not fully pokémon. all of your sibling--including you--are things called pokéhumans. many people call you abominations, others adore you or admire you. either way, you walk on two legs, have thumbs {boo-yah}, and have the pokémon you share half of your DNA's with's powers, such as attacks, abilities, etc. you even look like the pokemon! well, nearly... anyways, you've always lived togather about a mile away from Arletta Town, deep in the wilderness so no one can find you, but espeon always leaves your home and goes to the town so she can get food, clothing, toys, anything that your faimly needs. espeon, umbreon, jolteon, flareon, vaporeon, flaceon, and leafeon are old enough to get jobs in the small town, but kind leafeon stays home to baby-sit eevee all day--and glaceon is forced to stay home with her for back up.

c o n t e n t s
first post - plot
second post through eleventh post - characters
twelfth post - rooms
thirteenth post - town
fourteenth post - joining
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house rules;;

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:22 am

h o u s e . r u l e s

one;; this is a semi-lit role play, so
write more then one sentance when you
post. you have to write 2-3 sentances at
least. i understand if you have writer's
block, but if you keep posting only 1
sentance constantly and say you have
writer's block each time, you will be
asked to leave the RP.

two;; there is not cursing in the house hold,
but if you must, star most of it out.

three;; when you post, do not have your
siggy turned on. You have to remove it.
to remove or "turn off" your siggy for
your post, scroll down a bit and click
the "Attach a signature" check mark.
if you include your siggy muliple times,
you will be asked to leave the RP.

four;; talk in past tense and in third person every time, or you will recive a warning and then be asked to leave the thread if you talk in any other person.

five;; do not power play! if we're ever attacked, and if your hit by several powerful attacks, don't constantly say "I dodged" or "I'm still standing". if you are hit by seventeen giga impacts, i'm pretty sure that you're down, or that you've been hit a few times.

six;; please do not color your text whenever you post; it really strains people's eyes when you try to read it. but please, do fancy up your posts {just don't use any colors on them}. please add who you play, their age, species, type, and bff whenever you post. edit;; i've created forms you can use located here. use them every time you post, and only use yours. if you are seen using another person's character, you will be asked to leave the role play immediately.

seven;; only one character per person. the only exception is if i bring in a person to shake things up.

eight;; make sure that that you are active--i'm not going to accept you if you are going to stay inactive during this whole rp. if you're on a vacation away from a computer, i understand.

nine;; don't post until we have all of our role players chosen. this includes saying "bump" or informing me you're considering joining. i will know your intrest if you send me a fourm, and i can keep this bumped myself.

ten;; follow all of Tess' rules.
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sibling;; epseon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:01 am

s i b l i n g . e s p e o n
the oldest

birth name;; espeon
code name;; emma eona
species;; espeon, the sun pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 18 years old
gender;; female
height;; 5'11''
weight;; 116.8
level;; 78
type;; psycic
four attacks;; psychic, psybeam, dig, morning sun
ability;; magic bounce {refelects status--changing moves}
personality;; espeon will to anything to protect her siblings from the people who threaten then. She's extremely affectionate towards her siblings, but is also very bossy towards them. She will not stand to be ignored by her siblings. Her role in the home is the "mother" of the faimly. Espeon is more protective of Eevee, the youngest of the family.
job;; museum worker.
best friend;; umbreon
played by;; dizzy blossoms.
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sibling;; umbreon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:14 am

s i b l i n g . u m b r e o n
the darkest

birth name;; umbreon
code name;; jessica eona
species;; umbreon, the moonlight pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 18 years old
gender;; female
height;; 6'6''
weight;; 119.8
level;; 73
type;; dark
four attacks;; shadow claw, feint attack, dig, moonlight
ability;; inner focus {is unable to flinch}
personality;; umbreon is self-dependant. she always says that she never needs any help, and is often cruel to all of her other siblings. she's also very silent, and never talks much. if she does say something, you better listen, because it's often very wise and careing advice--but there's usally an insult somewere in there. umbreon loves to play tricks on her siblings, and is often seen teaming up with eevee to plan a huge prank.
job;; museum worker.
best friend;; espeon
played by;; marshall_lee
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sibling;; jolteon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:31 am

s i b l i n g . j o l t e o n
the brightest

birth name;; jolteon
code name;; athena eona
species;; jolteon, the lightning pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 17 years old
gender;; female
height;; 5'4"
weight;; 108
level;; 69
type;; electric
four attacks;; tunder fang, thunder, dig, discharge
ability;; quick feet {boots speed if there is a status problem}
personality;; jolteon is one of the smartest pokémon you will ever know. her favorite subject is math {four years ahead}, and is three years ahead english, science, and social studies on their online learning program. jolteon is very determined, and if she's stuck on something, she will not stop until she's done it correctly. you can imagine the back-up at the café {she wants to get the swirl just right when a customer asks for whip cream}. she questions everyone and everything she meets; she even questioned a piece of grass why it grew there when she was an eevee.
job;; café worker.
best friend;; flareon and vaporeon
played by;; crimsoned
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sibling;; flareon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:45 am

s i b l i n g . f l a r e o n
the hot-headed

birth name;; flareon
code name;; kenna eona
species;; flareon, the flame pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 17 years old
gender;; female
height;; 5'11"
weight;; 110.2
level;; 67
type;; fire
four attacks;; fire blast, lava plume, dig, fire fang
ability;; guts {boots attack if there is a status problem}
personality;; flareon is very hot-headed and hates it when she loses. she will not stand to be taken down by anyone or anything {there was a time when she tripped over a tree root. she burned the tree down in rage}, and often loses her temper. the only thing that can calm her down is if you give her food--any type of food! Cookies, hot dogs, burgers, even a piece of candy will calm her down {tis a wonder that she's not 1,000,000 pounds}. she always qustions jolteon when she strives for perfection; flareon chooses just to deal with it. she's kind of a slaker.
job;; café worker.
best friend;; jolteon and vaporeon
played by;; howling w o l f.
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sibling;; vaporeon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:06 am

s i b l i n g . v a p o r e o n
the calmest

birth name;; vaporeon
code name;; serina eona
species;; vaporeon, the bubble-jet pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 17 years old
gender;; female
height;; 6'6"
weight;; 127.8
level;; 64
type;; water
four attacks;; hydro pump, muddy water, dig, rainy day
ability;; Hydration {heals status problems if it's raining}
personality;; vaporeon is a very calm, peacful, and tranquil. she often finds the answers to problems by taking a swim or relaxing in the bath tub--with her clothes on, oddly enough. vaporeon loves to solve puzzles, let it be crimes in mysteries to crosswords on the daily paper espeon picks up from work. her and umbreon are equally wise, but even umbreon isn't as silent as vaporeon. everyone she meets usally thinks that she's def; even little eevee tends to wonder if her sister's def. it doesn't help that vaporeon knows sighn language and uses it when she's upset or enraged with friends or family.
job;; café worker.
best friend;; jolteon and flareon
played by;; severus snape
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sibling;; glaceon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:26 am

s i b l i n g . g l a c e o n
the coldest

birth name;; glaceon
code name;; ariana eona
species;; glaceon, the fresh-snow pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 16 years old
gender;; female
height;; 5'4"
weight;; 114.2
level;; 57
type;; ice
four attacks;; blizzard, hail, dig, ice fang
ability;; ice body {gradually restores health in hail storms}
personality;; glaceon is a very self-centered person. she will usally never do anything for anyone else--everyone, but her best friend leafeon. she's the only one that she will listen too. glaceon hates to be beaten, and will do anything she can to get revenge on those who have wronged her or her sisters. if you're not in her faimly, you don't want trust her--and it's even difficult to trust her if you're part of her faimly. she enjoys tricking anyone she comes across. on the bright side, she loves to throw parties near their house {espeon's strict rule: no human enters our home}.
job;; baby-sitting eevee.
best friend;; leafeon
played by;; coloredmoon.
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sibling;; leafeon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:08 am

s i b l i n g . l e a f e o n
the kindest

birth name;; leafeon
code name;; mimi eona
species;; glaceon, the verdant pokémon
past fourms;; eevee, the evolution pokémon
looks;; [link]
age;; 16 years old
gender;; female
height;; 6'6"
weight;; 112.4
level;; 57
type;; grass
four attacks;; leaf blade, giga drain, dig, grass whistle
ability;; chlorophyll {boots speed in sunshine}
personality;; leafeon is the sweetest of all the sisters combined. she's kind, loyal, and thinks that everything is adorable {even pokemon like reshiram and zekrom*}. she loves eevee with all her heart, and takes care of her everyday along side with glaceon {whom she forces to work with her}. leafeon's very talkative, and often tells eevee everything she knows. you can never trust her with a secret--you might as well be telling the whole town and forest! but the only secrets she can keep her her best friend, glaceon's.
job;; baby-sitting eevee.
best friend;; glaceon and eevee
played by;; batman.

*I've learned that people don't think that those two are cute. I say other wise :3
Last edited by headphone raichu. on Mon May 06, 2013 12:02 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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possable sibling;; sylveon

Postby headphone raichu. » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:26 am

p o s s a b l e . s i b l i n g
s y l v e o n

the ???

birth name;; sylveon
code name;; ???
species;; sylveon, the ??? pokémon
past fourms;; ???
looks;; [link]
age;; ???
gender;; female
height;; 6.6
weight;; 103.6
level;; ???
type;; ???
four attacks;; ???
ability;; ???
personality;; ???
job;; ???
best friend;; ???
played by;; info;; sylveon is a new pokémon that was introduced to pokémon in a video that advertises the new pokémon video game, pokémon x and pokémon y. the only thing that we know is that it's name is sylveon {obviously}, and that it maybe an evolution of eevee {many people say that it is, and many others say that it is not. i beilive that it is}. no one know its type, many say that it is a steel, ghost, or normal type pokémon. some even say it's a bug type. i will be waiting until the final verdict of sylveon is announced {it's type, species, and even if it's a fourm of eevee}. so much anticipation! if sylveon is comfirmed as an eeveelution, she will join the eevee faimly being found in the town as a loner. later, secret DNA tests will prove that she is a sibling of the faimly, and will join them on their adventure. there will be an opening to play her, or i will play her myself.
Last edited by headphone raichu. on Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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