`'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Closed For Now)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which are based on a book/movie/tv show/band e.g. Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, One Direction etc.
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`'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Closed For Now)

Postby amithethird » Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:32 pm


"They came from no where. Their tents appeared over night in the middle of a storm. They stayed a few days, then they were gone. They showed us wonders beyond our imagination. People who could breathe water and fire. People who knew everything about us just with a touch. People who were beautiful. People where were frightening. We don't know where they came from. We don't know where they went. They just came out of the rain and were gone.

Day who really cares at this point?

Another miserable night of setting up tents in the rain. I complained about it again, but of course we're not about to change how things work. That's "part of the mystery." Oh God, I hate that man. That "Sir Adler." I want to punch him in his stupid face.
I want to leave. I want to get out of here. I can't though. Once you're with the show you really can't leave. They'll hunt you down. I don't know who "they" are, but I've heard terrible rumors from those who have been here longer than me.
I can't complain too much though. I get food that isn't scraps and I can be with people who are weird like me. I'm not laughed at. People look at me with wonder in their eyes. Sure there are some who scorn me, but I'm here for their entertainment. Most of them like me and applaud me for what I can do.
A little kid came up to me after I performed today. She said she wanted to be like me when she got older. I told her,
"No you don't. Go home. Live your life, and don't say that you want to be me. You really, really, don't."
She ran off frightened. I regret nothing.

Welcome to the Show...



Meet the Freaks

`' The Animator
You have been given the power of control. With a wave of your hand, you can turn any living thing into your own personal puppet. Your victims loose control of themselves and will do whatever they want you to do. Often they don't remember what they did while under your control. You are powerful and feared among the freaks, but your powers do have their downsides. It doesn't last longer than fifteen minutes and if someone has a strong will they can fight you. The freakiest part of your power that you haven't quite learned to control yet is your ability to reanimate the dead temporarily.

`' The Psychic
You have been given the power of knowledge. With just a touch, you can discover the history of any object. You can find out the emotions attached to it. You can find out who has used it and what for. You can see people's past and though this you make vague predictions about their future. It's not true clairvoyance, but you sell it as such, and people believe you. People are wary of you because knowledge is power. Your powers do have a downside though. It can be draining if the object has a long history and you can't learn much about its users if they haven't used it often or for anything significant. The freakiest part of your power that you haven't quite learned to control yet is your ability to sometimes control more complex objects. (Not things like apples. Apples don't exactly do anything. Now a door or a piano on the other hand...)

`' The Dead-Man-Walking
You have been given the power of immortality. No matter how hard you or anyone else might try, you cannot die. All fatal wounds heal. Mortal illnesses might kill you, but you'll just come back as healthy as ever. A shot to the head is nothing. Minutes later you'll be back on your feet. People find this morbid power delightful. You die several times a week to entertain the masses. You're the eerie oddity out of the bunch. You shouldn't be alive. There are downsides to being immortal though. Really bad wounds take longer to heal and therefore it might take longer for you to come back to life. It's also unclear if you'll ever be able to really die. You don't have any freaky additions to your power.

`' The Mermaid
You have been given the power of water. You can breath underwater. There are small slits in the side of your neck that allow this. You're more at home in water than you are on land. When you're in the water you can swim very fast, faster than most people. You're the playful, cheery person of the group. There are some downsides to your power. You can survive on dry land alright, but you have to drink water constantly or be doused with it frequently to keep from getting too dried out. You can get very sick if you don't drink enough water. The freakiest part about your power that you haven't quite controlled yet is your ability to manipulate small amounts of water.
You are female. Your brother is The Dragon

`' The Dragon
You have been given the power of fire. You can release great streams of fire from within your lungs at will. Your breath and skin is always very hot. You're fast on land, faster than most people, but not super humanly fast. You're the hot tempered one that everyone tries to steer clear of. They know not to mess with you. There are some downsides to your power. You can't handle extreme cold and you're more sensitive to cold than most people. If you get too cold, you could get very ill. You also can't produce fire from any part of your body other than your lungs. The freakiest part about your power that you haven't quite controlled yet is your ability to control flames that don't come from your lungs.
You are male. Your sister is The Mermaid.

`' The Shadow
You have been given the power of shadows. You can turn into just a shadow at will. A dark figure that creeps along walls. You're more flat that solid in your shadow form and you behave as any normal shadow would. You're not really for performances. You're more for pick-pocketing the people who come to the show. You're good at it too. You're the mischievous one who really shouldn't be trusted. There are some downsides to your power. You'll stick to whatever solid surface is closest such as the side of the tent, a tree, or the ground. You are also not solid in your shadow form. You have to go back to normal in order to hold anything. The freakiest part of your power that you're haven't quite controlled yet is the ability to manipulate the shadows of others and turn them and yourself into more tangible forms.

`' The Musician
You have been given the power of music. You're really only in charge of providing music for the show. You can play every instrument known to man. It's not much of a power and might even be seen as ordinary. You're the lowliest of the freaks and aren't seen as much of a freak at all. You're loyal though and don't mind not being the center of attention. There aren't really any downsides to your power. The freakiest part of your power that you haven't quite controlled yet is the ability to make instruments play but themselves.

`' The Worker
You have no powers really. You're just there to set things up, take things down, clean up, welcome guests to the show, sell tickets, and be as helpful as possible. But you do have an advantage over the freaks. You're Mr. Adler's right hand man/woman. You carry out his orders and are a sort of second in command. Your job is to keep everyone in line and keep everything running smoothly.

Sir Adler...

He is the ringmaster and the man who runs the show. Little is known about him. He's middle aged man who wears a top hat of course. He has a mustache that people frequently make fun of. He can be rather strict and isn't afraid to smack people around a bit. He's not afraid of the freaks and even the ones who disrespect him are a little afraid of him. It's unknown if he has powers of his own, but he seems to be immune to the powers of the freaks. I will play him, but he won't be a very prominent character in this RP.



More Information

`' The time period is old-timey. Late 19th century. Keep that in mind. =P

`' The show only stays in town for three or so days at a time. They always arrive on stormy nights and leave in the dead of night. They travel by horse drawn carts like in the picture above.

`' The caravan will stop several times on its way to the next town. That's a good time for shenanigans. Days in town are also good times for shenanigans. We'll only RP out shows if someone has an idea or if people decide they just want to have a chance at RPing their characters showing off for impressed human onlookers.

`' Speaking of shenanigans, feel free to wander around as much as you want. You're not really confined to the caravan provided that you're discreet and you get back before dark.

`' There are rival shows that they will run across every so often. Any characters in these rival shows will be temporary and won't need a form unless further down the line they run away to join this show. These shows are also frowned upon by the local police and they will come after you sometimes.

Adler's Rules

A copy of these is inside each caravan. They are made to be broken. ;]

`' I am the highest authority here. Don't you freaks forget that.

`' When you're not with the caravan, you do not talk to humans unless necessary and you do not let them know your true identity.

`' You will be back at the caravans before dark each night. You will perform in every show. There are no breaks.

`' You do not get paid. Your payment is a roof over your head and food.

`' If for some reason you come across a person from another show, you are not to speak to them. You are to come home at once. Make sure you're not followed.

`' If you run away, I will see to it that you are hunted down. You don't want to know what will happen to you once I find you.



PIF's Rules

Not to be broken.

`' Tess's Rules (le duh)

`' No Mary-Sues. I will not have them.

`' I'd like this RP to be semi-lit. No one liners or posts that really can't be replied to.

`' PM if you have an idea for a freak and we'll talk. :) There are limited spots otherwise. When picking a person to play, please keep their weaknesses in mind. If it says you haven't learned how to control a part of your power, then I don't want you suddenly being amazing at controlling that part of your power.

`' Drama, drama, drama. I want plot twists! Romance! Shenanigans! Excitement! Rivalries! Have fun with this! If I don't say anything about what you're doing, assume it's fine. :)

`' Stay active please. Don't join and then never post again.




Code: Select all
[left][img]Image Here[/img][/left]
[size=150]Name Here[/size]

[quote][size=85]Theme song lyrics here if desired. If not, delete this.[/size][/quote]

[b]Rank/Freak Type:[/b]

[b]Basic Description:[/b]

[b]Basic Personality:[/b]



[b]How did you get here?:[/b]

[b]Theme Song:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Surviving Family:[/b]
[b]Friends:[/b] (Update as RP progresses)
[b]Enemies:[/b] (Update as RP progresses.)
[b]Crush:[/b] (Update as the RP progresses)

[b]Anything else?:[/b]




- Adam Baker/19/The Dead-Man-Walking/PurpleInkFeather
- Gasper "Gasp" Magnagiata/23/The Animator/Just Another Fangirl
- Cordelia Nerin/19/The Mermaid/Aldridge3
- Jason Vinera/20/The Shadow/UnluckyRaven13
- Alyce Gaver/19/The Musician/XS Latte
- Evangaline Hamilton/18/The Psychic/Starmz
- Emma Mayfield/22/The Worker/Gumdrop;
- Conner Nerin/21/The Dragon/Sniperizspy!o.0

-Nathaniel Burri/38/Normal human policeman/Kyle


Adam Baker
"We hold in our hearts the sword and the faith
Swelled up from the rain, clouds move like a wraith
Well after all, we'll lie another day
And through it all, we'll find some other way
To carry on through cartilage and fluid
And did you come to stare or wash away the blood?

Well tonight, well tonight
Will it ever come?
Spend the rest of your days rocking out
Just for the dead
Well tonight
Will it ever come?
I can see you awake anytime, in my head."

Name: Adam Henry Baker
Nicknames: People sometimes call him "Corpse" or "The Walking Corpse" if they're trying to be mean.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rank/Freak Type: The Dead-Man-Walking

Basic Description: Thin and wiry. He looks pale, almost sickly, and frail. His face is usually smudged with dirt since he doesn't try hard to keep up with appearances. His eyes are pale. His hair is dark.
Clothes: He usually wears a green, military style coat, slacks, and a button up shirt underneath.
Accessories: None
Possessions: He has very little except for a revolver he uses for his act. He also has a notebook which he writes in. He never shares it with anyone.

Basic Personality: Adam is shy and dark. He isn't very optimistic. He's frequently sarcastic and bitter. He rarely has an uplifting thing to say. People tend to not like him because he's the rain cloud of the group. He can't get over the fact that he really should be dead so he's a bit obsessed with death. He's frequently defiant and reckless. He knows he can't die, so he really doesn't give a damn about risking his life. There's no life to risk, really. Because of that, if it comes down to dangerous situations he insists on going ahead of everyone else. Despite his bitterness, he's loyal to his fellow freaks. He understand that they're the closest thing he has to a family or friends now. He'll gladly put himself in danger to save them, whether it's physical or not.

Dreams: He wants to be normal, but he doesn't see that happening any time soon.

Fears: He fears that one day he'll get too reckless and die permanently before he's ready. For him there's only darkness when he dies and he's afraid of that darkness. That sense of nothing.

How did you get here?: He died of a disease when he was sixteen and that was when he realized he couldn't die. He came back to life in his coffin and jumped out of it in the middle of the funeral. Word of what had happened reached Sir Adler. Adler found Adam and pretty much forced him into his traveling show. He threatened to turn him into the police or anyone else who wanted him if he didn't. He picked Adler's show since he figured he'd be locked up for life if he went to the police. He's regretted that decision but he knows he can't leave. Alder can't kill him, but he could do worse than kill him.

Theme Song: Desert Song - My Chemical Romance

Surviving Family: His parents and little sister, but he doesn't believe he'll ever see them again. His little sister's name is Madeline. He really hopes he runs into her again so he can explain everything.
Friends: Eh...
Enemies: No really solid enemies but...
Crush: None

Anything else?: Nope :3
Last edited by amithethird on Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:52 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby gelatin » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:11 pm


Gaspar Magnagiata

And then I'm being manipulated,
{ And then I'm being manipulated, }
What can you see in that world?

The strange noise from a circuit of thought--
Mankind is still, yes, calling it 'Love'
In this world of loving one another,
as we bring that "love" into existence...

... Those who hold life
Humans, yes, still call them humans
There is no one who anguish in tears
in this world of protecting and killing people

{ Song;
Jitter Doll

"Gaspar Magnagiata. Seriously, though. Don't call me Gaspar. It makes me think
I've done something wrong. Which I probably have."
I go by Gasp, Animator, or Puppeteer,
it seems more simple, if one is adressed by the title of the freak..."
"Twenty-three... Is how old I think I am."
"Male. I'd've thought that much would be obvious."
Rank/Freak Type:
"An Animator."

Basic Description:
{ His appearence is pretty unique in the way that, while being pretty
inconspicuous, even 'normal' - the type of face you'd expect to look over in a
crowd; he still retains a certain, captivating aspect. Dark brown
hair, lighter brown eyes; his skin is slightly tanned, his hair slightly wavy, shoulder-length
and impossible to tame to any set style. Often tied back, it will still be be able to get
in the way of Gasp's line of vision. Both ears are pierced, but he no longer wears any form
of decoration for them. There is a small mole to the left of his chin. }
{ The clothes that he wears are usually basic and practical, often a knee-length black jacket,
long boots, and a wide-brimmed hat to hide his face beneath. For the shows, though, this is often switched to more extravagant attire; brighter colours; mainly in shades of purple and scarlet, and top hats of ridiculous height.}
{ None, really. }
{ Keeps very few worldly possessions, but will often have some stolen item of jewellery
on his person. }

Basic Personality:
{ He's used to getting what he wants, but is surprisingly weak-willed for a man of
his personality. He doesn't really mix with other people, but can be remarkably
charismatic when he need be. To him, entertainment is always top-priority, and he
can sometimes anger others with this way of thinking. He uses power of animation
carelessly, with no regard to costs of such things, and will often exploit others for
his own amusement. Gasp basically appears to be simply a grown-up spoilt child,
and will expect others to fawn over him as his late father had.it is obvious that pride
is a big issue for him - that, added onto an insaitable curiousity, rather-too-large ego,
spoilt-toddler attitude, and an inability to keep any secret bestowed upon him, can
make the man appear rather irritating and childish to those around him.He has a habit
of speaking too quickly, and ususallywould take a serious matter far too lightly. He
enjoys exploiting others for his own amusement; is pigeon-toed, and prone to atshma.
Gasp is adequate at most skill-based and education things, but excels at none. - He
would never put much effort into something, and would give up on it much too quickly.
Rarely would he helpsomeone if there was nothing to be gained for himself. All in all,
he is a pretty disagreeable person, and yet the held the kind of personality that you
cannot help but befriend. }
"I want to take over this show after Sir Alder... But, nah, that ain't going t' happen..."
{ He wouln't ever admit it, but is scared of uncertain things, like the future, where he
isn't in complete control. He also hates birds. }
How did you get here?:
{ He originally came from a particularly rich, upperclass family of silk traders. His mother
was never around, and so, in return for the lack of one parent, he was spoilt by the father, until his death. Left a considerable sum of money in his will, Gasp spent this recklessly,
on drink and gaming. Obviously, with money going down at such a rate, and the youth having
no notion at all to earn any of his own, it pretty soon came to a state that he had to resort to
petty crimes such as pickpocketing to feed himself. After failing to repay a loan to a certain
man, Gasp was taken in as an act, and taught how to harness his power, at least in some way.
Now, he is quite used to life here, and doesn't really want to go back. He is currently trying
to pry even further into the control of others' bodies, with puppetry of the dead. }
Theme Song:
{ Jitter Doll; which is sung in Japanese, so translations often disagree. }

Surviving Family:
"I don't know. If I knew who my family is, then I probably wouldn't even be here.."
Friends: (Update as RP progresses)
Enemies: (Update as RP progresses.)
Crush: (Update as the RP progresses)

Anything else?:
I'm going on holiday from saturday to next saturday...
Last edited by gelatin on Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby amithethird » Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:12 am

(Sure, I'll reserve the spot for you. :))

Call me Third or Ami
I just graduated from tech school with a Hello Jon. Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading so I thought it best not to announce myself-.
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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby Metallica » Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:18 am


Cordelia Nerin

I am what I am
I am my own special creation
So come take a look
Give me the hook
Or the ovation
It's my world
That I want to have a little pride in
My world
And it's not a place I have to hide in
Life's not worth a damn
Till you can say
I am what I am

Name: Cordelia Nerin
Nicknames: Well, she mostly goes by Cordelia, but if you can come up with something else.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Rank/Freak Type: Mermaid

Basic Description: Her hair is almost always a mess. She chooses to have long hair, so that if she ever wanted to go back to her family, no one could see her gills. She has green and blue swirled eyes and dirty blonde hair. She doesn't bother brushing her hair that much, as she is usually under water. She is 5 feet tall skinny and has pale skin and freckles across her cheeks and nose.
Clothes: usually wearing a plain green shirt with jean thigh length shorts. She will sometimes pull her hair up, if she doesn't feel threatened. For shows she will wear brighter green and blue clothing that is sparkling and fitting for a mermaid character.
Accessories: Almost always wears her nose piercing and her small shell necklace that was given to her by her father before he died.
Possessions: None really. When she found the traveling show, she barley had the clothes on her back in one piece.

Basic Personality: She can be a bubbly character as long as you stay on her good side. If you get on her bad side, she'll be quick to get angry. She loves talking to people and laughing. She mostly enjoys being in silence with people she cares about, as she believes silence is stronger than words. She enjoys rain and is usually happier when it is raining. She can be playful, and she loves small children, but does not want one of her own.

Dreams: She is happy where she is.

Fears: she is afraid of droughts as it makes her fear that there wont be enough water for her to survive.

How did you get here?: My family found out and my dad wanted to help me, but my mother wanted me gone as she called me a freak. So she killed my father and then tried to kill me, but ended up going crazy and she killed herself. Cordelia went out away from the house to see that it was raining. She went and found a lake and went in it and sat there for a good couple of days. Every day a man would walk by the lake and watch her saying nothing. Three days went by like this until one day he said to her, "I know a place where there are others like you." She followed him and treats him as her father, thanks to him saving her and making her feel wanted.

Theme Song: I am what I am Gloria Gaynor

Surviving Family: Conner Nerin
Friends: (Update as RP progresses)
Enemies: (Update as RP progresses.)
Crush: (Update as the RP progresses)

Anything else?: nu (:
Last edited by Metallica on Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
*Please note that some of these songs have vulgar words in them*
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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby Ninavi » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:06 am


Jason Vinera

And I want a moment to be real,
Wanna touch things I don't feel,
Wanna hold on and feel I belong.
And how can the world want me to change,
They’re the ones that stay the same.
The don’t know me,
'Cause I’m not here.

Name: Jason Vinera
Nicknames: J
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Rank/Freak Type: The Shadow

Basic Description: Jason is tall, but not lanky like most taller people. He his pale skin with dark brown eyes and black shaggy hair.
Clothes: Jason usually wears the same thing everyday. He has a tight black t-shirt with some type of red design with back jeans and a large black overcoat that is like a rain coat, but has a slit in the back from just above the middle of his upper leg. It also has a hood, but he does not wear it often. When he is off with the others on their stops he wears the same thing, but without the coat and with black sunglasses.
Accessories: Nope
Possessions: Nothing really

Basic Personality: Jason is a mischievous and brutish youth. He has had a hard life trying to take care of himself so he has a lot of bad traits. Jason loves to be mischievous and cause trouble in the caravan by stealing things from one person and putting them in one of the others performers bunks. He loves his job of stealing and sometimes takes it a little overboard. He has an issue with authority and won't listen to anyone, but Sir Alder and rarely him. He is rather cowardice or smart however you view it because whenever he gets himself in real trouble with the others he does not face them he just turns into a shadow and hightails it outa there.

Dreams: He is fine where he is he doesn't dream to have anything.

Fears: He is actually very afraid of fire and fears dieing by fire. He also fears the caravan falling apart because he doesn't want to go back to doing what he use to do.

How did you get here?: Jason lost his parents at a young age. With no one to care for him he started to take care of himself by being a thief. He would travel from town to town using his powers to get by. One day he stole from the wrong man, Sir Alder, while his powers were still hard to control. He was caught and rather then having him thrown in jail Sir Alder took him into the caravan because he saw the potential of the his power.

Theme Song: ...

Surviving Family: None
Friends: ...
Enemies: ... (I would like him to be enemies with the dragon sense he hates fire. Is that okay?)
Crush: ...
Last edited by Ninavi on Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"All those who wander are not lost." ~ Unknown

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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby Starmz ♥ » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:10 am

May or may not apply for the Psychic,
depends on whether or not the Mermaid slot is taken soon since somebody's interested
(seeing as I can't decide between the two x____x)

edit ;;
seems like a form for the mermaid's been posted so.. here goes nothing!



Winter Sleep wrote:Can you hear me out there?

Will you hold me now
Hold me now
My frozen heart

I'm gazing from the distance and
I feel everything pass through me
I can't be alone right now

Will you hold me now
Hold me now
My frozen heart

I'm lost in a deep winter sleep
I can't seem to find my way out alone
Can you wake me?

'It is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.'

[[ Name ;;
"τhє ℳчşтїḉ ℒαδ⑂" Evangeline "яоsε αnςϵℓiǫυε" Lyra Hamilton
(and yes, " " denote 'titles' given to her for performance uses <:)

[[ Nicknames ;;
Eva is common; Evie, too - or even Eve. 'Line is sometimes used, or Angeline
She doesn't really care what you call her as long as it's:
1. NOT her middle name (have yet to meet anyone she doesn't mind calling her that)
2. Derogatory
3. Recognisable / Identifiable!

[[ Age ;;

[[ Gender ;;

[[ Rank/Freak Type ;;
The Psychic

'Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.'

[[ Basic Description ;;
Average height, fair-skinned and slender, this particular girl isn't one to catch your eye immediately as she is not blessed with natural flamboyance or showmanship. However, she has a charm that creeps up on you, and is often the one that leaves the lasting impression. Her flowing hazel hair would be dismissed at a glance, although her eyes tell a different story. Strangely enough, one is a light minty-green whilst the other is a more vivid, darker shade of green. Once one catches onto this fact, they might decide that, in fact, she is worth a second chance, if only because she no longer seems so normal. However, after a while they will begin to notice that actually, she never seemed quite so ordinary in the first place. There was just something about the way she held herself - yes, always with dignity and pride, or so it seemed - and the distant air that surrounded her. She just seemed so unattainable and cautious, a fact that your body subconsciously registered, even if the foremost layers of your mind didn't. Innocent-looking with a sweet smile and wide, doe-esque eyes, she invites you to come closer, delve deeper, look harder. Not only that, but already the premise of going to see her (a young mystical fortune-teller? Now that's pretty contradictory) is befuddling per se. In short, Evangeline is an infinite mystery to be constantly unraveled.

[[ Clothes ;;
Casual wear:
Will be this outfit OR something similar-ish
can be considered daily wear I guess

so I realised that the above isn't very 19th-century,
so here's another one to help give more 'suitable' ideas as to her wardrobe

Work wear:
Would definitely use most of these items
the blue-white sequined dress in the middle is more to draw colours from than anything else

Formal wear:
This is for actual stuff like dances or things,
NOT fortune-telling XD She'd probably wear more 'easy-going', flowy garments though

[[ Accessories ;;
Look above.
However, she is always equipped with:
    • A flexible, sparkly gold headband
    • Her special Amethyst heart pendant - she never leaves home without it.
    Pretend, if you will, that it is the 'soulmate' of the pendant she'd wear to formal occasions
    • Studded moon and star earrings that are faintly bioluminescent; they are crystal and have a faint blue tinge
    • A simple opal bracelet with a subtle clasp in the shape of the 'forever/infinite/upside-down-eight' symbol
    • Some form of hair clip - in this case, a jeweled butterfly barette
    • A cute but very functional hair-tie
    • A scarf of some kind; normally it's a silky pastel scarf with a lace pattern

[[ Possessions ;;
I honestly don't think you want me listing every single item she owns.
However, she does treasure a first-hand copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' along with a worn-out but signed copy of 'Little Women'.
Also, pencils, for writing with or sketching.

'The development of warmheartedness we take for granted.'

[[ Basic Personality:

Perhaps this is linked to her powers, or perhaps it is because of this innate kindness that she has extraordinary perception that goes beyond the limits of ordinary people. She is attuned to her surroundings and picks things up easily; be it a disagreement or a secret kept carefully under wraps, she is one to observe and perceive. This makes her compassion all the more prominent, as using the knowledge she garners she can almost tailor her remarks to what she believes would be the most appropriate in such a situation. Of course, that sometimes makes her seem a little suspicious or fake - especially when coming across a naturally cynical person.

She hates having to put on a mental mask (or even a real one, for that matter). Although she has accepted that it is near necessary for several occasions such as her job or when diplomatically defusing a situation, she often detests the fact that she has to do it anyway. Evangeline is a huge believer in being, and staying, true to yourself. Ironically, she also has to put on the pretense that she does not, in fact, hate that she is not 100% 'geniune'. What she really needs to learn is that she shouldn't worry so much over things she doesn't have much control over, as rather than losing herself through her airs and fake smiles, if she continues like this she is going to drive herself loco.

Intelligent? Definitely. Naive? Well, that too. But let's focus on the former first. She is clever and logical, and can certainly be analytical should the occasion call for it. In fact, solving puzzles and especially riddles is one of her favourite pastimes. Sometimes she can also be found drifting around muttering things about how 'Are we all doomed?' and 'If you believe in God does that mean you don't believe in Evolution?' along with other such ponderous things; so I suppose you can add philosophical to the list. Her quick mind, paired with an astonishing aptitude for memory recall means that she is a force to be reckoned with; and should you ever be found in a debate against her ... I suppose it is only fair warning to say that she will give it her all. Although her heart and brain are well-balanced, she will always choose her intuition over her mind.

Evangeline is really rather sweet, and when someone pays attention to her she is often demure and modest (unless, of course, her competitive streak is showing; in that case she WILL lord her well-earned victory over you). However, she is also unusually inexperienced in the way of the world. That might appear strange to some, for even though she has thought-provoking comments and emanates an aura of maturity and wisdom, she is in fact not as worldly as she appears. Quite frankly, she seeks some sort of informal 'guide' that will help her realise just how much potential she holds ... if she learns to harness it; and to do that she will have to start understanding, just a little, about the way this world works. The fact that she is practically the youngest around contributes here.

She can be very social when she wants to be, and isn't afraid of speaking in public or anything - it's simply that it all boils down to how she expresses herself. Does she get motivation from herself, or need others to encourage, to push, to support? Well sure it would be nice to have the latter, but you'd be surprised at just how hardy she can be - she's strong-willed, and can easily motivate herself. Nor is she often truly emotional (once again, hypocritical considering that she dislikes false airs) and prefers to stay silent about how she feels, because she's learned the hard way how to be 'tactful'.

Fearlessness and bravery are two very different words in her dictionary. Fearlessness implies that you have no fear of a certain thing, to her it means that you have accepted all the consequences and as a result no longer fear the worst happening, as you know that whatever happens you can ride it out and emerge weary but triumphant. Bravery is acknowledging your fear but doing it anyway. One might label the former reckless, while another might feel that the latter is simply one step away from being fearless. In Evangeline's case, she thinks the latter, and hopes that one day she may be able to experience that.

She is fairly withdrawn and guarded. It can be hard to be close to her - friends, sure. Good friends? Now that's a whole other story. Although she is still innocent as a unicorn-attracting maiden, she has simply learned how to close herself off as a defense mechanism. This results in her occasionally seeming extraordinarily cold and distant, and her making blunt, callous remarks.

[[ Dreams:
Quite literally, she has bad dreams. She is almost insomniac due to her frequently recurring nightmares, where visions untold and fortunes foretold will plague her deep into the night. And when she does get to sleep, she often sleep-talks, and flails. And when she does jerk around, her powers are unleashed. More specifically, a part she cannot control and is honestly scared of - the manipulation of objects. Doors open and shut, items roll off tables, sometimes she can even make a leafy branch or three rustle. Somehow, music manages to calm her down . . . but it needs to be totally unexpected. For example, if she falls asleep with music or is somewhat aware beforehand that there is going to be music playing, it doesn't work.

Now onto her actual dreams - or goals / aims. Truth be told, since she is young and has yet to decide for herself where she wants to go, she doesn't have many dreams at the moment. Right now she just wants to survive, thrive and maybe concoct a life full of love, happiness and bliss; but also one with many ups-and-downs - for without rain, how could you possibly appreciate the sun?

[[ Fears:
She is mortally afraid of her whole life turning out to be a lie, or finding out that things are different from what she previously thought because she was intentionally deceived. Something else she keeps to herself is that she fears losing herself.

Evangeline wants to be safe, or at least satisfied. She wants a happy, at least partly secure life. As thus, she can be afraid of change, 'specially when drastic times call for drastic measures.

Despite periodically portraying a 'creepy' young woman, she does not in fact like brooms. Or spiders. Or dust.
In fact, she dislikes creepy-crawlies of any kind and shivers at the thought of one.

Inwardly, she has always been conscious of the fact that she can be extremely awkward at times. She blushes easily and visibly shows her embarrassment whenever she feels awkward; she doesn't even have to suffer any form of humiliation, if she feels flustered then one would know.

[[ How did you get here?:
It all started with him. He was filthy. Oh, but not filthy rich; not rolling in riches by any means but surely better off than them. Evangeline's family was a small cosy bunch, poor but happy. Or at least, they were. That was before the Accident. You see, her uncle was a hunter. A mediocre one at that, but he made a living cheating others out of their money so he wasn't in debt or anything near that. He insisted on selling animals to her family - that's right - selling, not giving. He was not particularly pure of heart or even remotely selfless. Why, you ask, did they comply to his oh-so-subtle requests?

What do you think? He was, in a way, more powerful than them all combined. After all he was richer, he held all the cards. Need I say more?

But he was undeniably tainted. He had strange thoughts, ones that many would label perverse and even immoral. This manifested itself physically in the form of intimidating grins, ones made no better by his swiftly yellowing teeth. As Evangeline aged, she grew to dislike this habit of his and focused all her attention on avoiding him whenever he visited. That kind of behaviour, as you can imagine, hardly helped prevent his later actions.

One day, when her parents were out in the country and her brother was busy entertaining a Southern belle, he made his move. Yes, a rather unnervingly shady move too, something that, shockingly, only served to make Evangeline all the more innocent. When she told her parents, they were furious and forbade him from ever stepping within ten meters of any of them again. Then they told the police, and he was briskly detained for harassment. 'Course, they had to bribe them a little, and the fact that Evangeline had developed a willowy figure by then sped up the process.

Is that the end? Oh my, no! It hardly explains how Evangeline got here, right?

Well, let's just say that her uncle has no shortage of spite or drive for vengeance. He quite simply set fire to the Hamilton household. While they were still inside. Evangeline woke up, drenched in sweat and light-headed. She felt the heat before she saw the flames, and quickly went to rouse her brother and parents. However, I'll just say that her uncle ... he was talented in the art of mentally torturing someone. He knew that hurting her would not be nearly as grievous as hurting the people she loved best in the world: in this case her parents.

She managed to stay relatively calm and get her brother outside, as well as inform the authorities. They did manage to catch him, but Evangeline no longer cared much about that as long as she stayed safe. But not a day after her parents' funeral did she break down, weeping as she should for the lives lost. For the scars made. And then, one day, her brother up and disappeared on her. That's right - to this day, she has no idea where he is. This brunette does wish him a good and healthy life, and hopes that he is in love, with a respectable job and a content outlook on his life. She may or may not ever see him again in this lifetime, but either way she will never falter in her desires for him to prosper.

After that day she was determined to get back on track, and when she remembered how she retained joyful memories of a circus, she went out to seek an open place at a circus. And find a vacant job she did! Evangeline even felt that it was somehow fate, or destiny that led her there, for being a fortune-teller was amazing. She wanted to be able to predict what might happen next, to prevent anything disastrous like that past tragedy from happening again. Yet she has to absorb the lesson that sometimes, things aren't as good as they appear to be. You must be careful with what you wish for; fortunately for her, caution she has in abundance.
. . .

[[ Theme Song:
This is constantly ever-changing; I will probably be making a playlist for her c:
However, right now: Instrumental, Ambient, Vocals

'When you love someone, you say their name different. Like it's safe inside your mouth.'

Surviving Family:
However, she herself has no confirmation of this - she only hopes and believes that it's true.
(If I develop this idea / someone is willing I'll probably be able to make a plot out of this c:)
    'Filthy' Uncle
Perhaps. She thinks he is locked up, for good. (But is he ... ? Could be a plot too <:)

(Will update as the RP progresses)

(Will update as the RP progresses)

(Will update as the RP progresses)

❝Wᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴏᴜʀ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ. Sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ.❞

Anything else?:
This will be updated, yes c:
Also, please note - I am extremely sorry if I have low muse frequently, or if I take longer to reply / have shorter posts. I'm still trying to get back into the roleplaying groove, because I seem to have about 0 inspiration constantly ;~; I hope this is forgivable </3
(finally finished! probably going to spend some time on my posting template though x})
Last edited by Starmz ♥ on Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:52 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby gelatin » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:53 am

~ I finally got my form finished...
bryony ☆ 18 ☆ she/her ☆ snail enthusiast & leg extraordinaire
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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby amithethird » Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:45 am

(Awesome sauce. :D All accepted. And Starmz, you just missed out on Mermaid, but Psychic is still available. :))

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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby .:Muted Melodies:. » Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:16 pm


Alyce Gaver

Maybe I'm a crook for stealing your heart away
And maybe I'm a crook for not caring for it
And maybe I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad person
Well baby, I know

And these fingertips, they'll never run through your skin
Those bright blue eyes can only meet mine across a room
Filled with people that are less important than you

Because you love, love, love when you know I can't love
You love, love, love when you know I can't love
You love, love, love when you know I can't love, you

So I think it's best we both forget before we dwell on it
The way you held me so tight all through the night
It was near morning

Because you love, love, love when you know I can't love
You love, love, love when you know I can't love
You love, love, love when you know I can't love, you...

Name: Alyce Gaver (Pronounced as Alice)
Nicknames: Never was really given one.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Rank/Freak Type: The Musician

Basic Description: Blondeish-Light Brown hair. Very eerie grey eyes. Flushed peach cheeks with a small amount of freckles on her nose.
Clothes: Dull yellow long-sleeve sweater that has thick white horizontal stripes with navy blue "Sailor" pants, a tan trench coat and either rain boots or black wedges. Or a "Sailor" styled dress like this.
Accessories: Gold flowered berets and a matching golden necklace with a small finch pendent.
Possessions: A rather thick dirty white notebook. And a small golden box that has something inside...

Basic Personality: Many people think she's mute, but she's not. She just chooses to talk through tunes and melodies. And if someone does try to have a conversation with her, she'll just reply with nods and movements with her hands, or writes in her little white notebook so the others could read it, otherwise she stays mostly to herself. She loves the ocean, she loves the salt in the air and the rough waves of the many seas. Sometimes in her past time, she would write lyrics on small pieces of paper, which she would keep in a small gold box that she keeps hidden at all times, and even though she write many verses and songs, she would never dare sing them. But in the show, she is the musician, playing any tune or melody. She has been practicing to have instruments play by themselves, but...let's just say chaos follows. Also she is always rather late or the last on to be finished setting up. Se does try to be early but most of the time, the clock gets the best of her.

Dreams: To one day sail across the world, or at least travel around the world.

Fears: Of being someone's "Wall to Lean on." Or having someone's life depend on her. She doesn't like having a really huge responsibility that's super important. Or being forgotten, she just wants to be remembered for her music.

How did you get here?: A few years ago, I was wondering around and i saw the Tents a half mile away. I walked there and had just enough money to buy a ticket. I was enchanted by the lights and show, and especially the music. It pleased my ears in such a way that I had to be the one making it one day. An who knew that I would join and be that person creating such a unforgettable tune.

Theme Song: Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men

Surviving Family: ...
Friends: None so far...
Enemies: None
Crush: Someone...

Anything else?: For the musician, can I play songs that are not from the 19th century?
Last edited by .:Muted Melodies:. on Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:06 am, edited 5 times in total.


. : current status : .
right now i am trying to collect all of the possible out
comes and items of the halloween event this year.

. : mood : .
quite sad, having problems with friends and family...
. : listening to : .
bottled wind by polar bear club
. : reading : .
the weight of silence by heather gudenkauf
. : writing : .
she's gone

. : roleplaying : .
i'm currently looking for semi-lit
roleplays and 1x1 roleplays
currently playing
`'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show)
ƒ ơ ɾ є v є ɾ (ghost romance rp/semi lit)
. : happy halloween : .
im playing lights on lights off
my lights are: off
i've given 20 treats and 1 trick
i've received 9 treats and 3 trick
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Re: `'Out of the Rain`' (Traveling Show) (Accepting!)

Postby amithethird » Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:19 pm

(Yes ma'am. ;) Thanks for making a girl. Hmm, never thought I'd say that. :lol: )

Call me Third or Ami
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