🦋 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ Victor: Penny

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Re: 🎣 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ 6 left

Postby SunnyJustice » Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:49 pm

Maverick Wolfe District Twelve Mentor
Location: Living room
Tagged: Jasper
Garry had excused himself from the room the moment Sienna charged into battle to defend her Career friends. Maverick knew his woodsy friend would go find the Career mentors eventually, it was just a matter of when. He was about to make a lighthearted joke about it when the situation took a turn for the worse. Not only was Sienna dying, but a horrific scene began to unfold at the lake.
"Don't go in there," Jasper stammered as Felix and Penny approached the water. "Don't do it!"
Maverick couldn't even say a word, he was just stunned in horror as the lake mutt chased the two tributes back to shore. When they emerged, drenched and cold, he could already tell Felix wasn't going to make it. He'd distracted the monster from Penny at the cost of his own life. Never again would he help the patients of District Twelve, instead his last moments would be spent bleeding out under the arena's suffocating darkness. Still, Felix remained calm, speaking to Penny in comforting tones as he reassured and encouraged her to carry on. "You have to stay hopeful..." Maverick repeated Felix's words, passed from mentor to tribute and now to lover.
I'm proud of you, Felix. You showed the Capitol the power of hope and human kindness, even in the arena, Maverick thought, an almost angry determination filling the hole his despair left. You showed them what true strength looks like.
"You heard him, Penny," He murmured. "You have to stay hopeful. You have to keep fighting... for a better life, and for him."

Eden Beauregard District One Career
Location: Careers' camp
Tagged: Careers (including Sienna, she's part of the family)
"They can add an axe beside your initials, then!" Eden chuckled, copying Sienna by running his fingers through her silky caramel hair. It was so soft. His mind began to wander, drifting to memories of his mother's warm arms and cozy nights nestled by the fireplace, except Sienna and his Career friends were there too. The world felt like such a wonderful place with them by his side... with her in his arms. Ever since the battle ended, the pain of his injuries had faded into the background, drowned out by relief and joy.
It was Sienna's voice that brought Eden back to reality. "I trust you," He told her with a warm smile, but deep down he knew his poor sunflower was watching her final sunrise. Instead of crying, instead of pleading for her to stay with him, Eden silently swore on his Career's honor he'd stay calm for her sake. Let her last moments be peaceful and cozy, spent basking in the sun she loved so much.
Eden made quick work of pouring out six servings of tea. With love, he made sure each cup had a few little chamomile blossoms floating on top - flowers made people happy. It was time for goodbyes, all he could do was make the parting more sweet than bitter.

When Eden returned to the others, he could tell the end was at hand. Chaska still stood back-to-back with Caspia; neither of them wanted to turn around, to confront the reality of his impending fate. As for Sienna, she was on the ground and seemed paler than before. She'd zipped up her jacket, no doubt hiding the horrible wounds to spare his emotions.
"Sienna, I'm here," He sat down in the grass and pulled Sienna into his lap, cradling her close to him. As he'd promised, the first cup of tea belonged to her. Eden set it into her hands and hoped it would provide some warmth.
The rest of the Careers were still gathered around in the circle, so with his free hand Eden placed the tray of teacups on a nearby boulder for them to take. He had proud words for all of them - Chaska, Caspia, Madeline, even Gloria who couldn't hear him anymore. But it would have to wait - the Careers weren't ready to let go just yet. Eden made eye contact with Chaska and smiled like nothing was wrong, pretending not to acknowledge his injuries. Chaska and Caspia deserved to enjoy that moment together for as long as possible.

Now that his hands were empty, Eden could focus entirely on cuddling Sienna and making sure she was warm. Gentle hands brushed her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "The sun is beautiful, isn't it?" Eden murmured, although he wasn't looking at the one in the sky. He was looking at her. Despite the light flooding over the horizon, nothing seemed brighter than Sienna's warm eyes.
"Even though I asked you to run away, you chose to save us." At the cost of her own life, but Eden didn't bring that up. Tears gathered in his eyes, tears he promised would not fall until Sienna was in a better place, unable to see him cry. "And, because you made that choice... we can all watch the sunrise together.'" He managed a smile. "I can watch the sunrise with you."
Eden couldn't thank her enough. With her courage and kindness, her determination and hope, and above all her undying loyalty, Sienna was the final push that tipped the balance of the fight in the Careers' favor. All five of them had fought long and hard for this moment. Now safe and sound, all they could do was wait here as morning light embraced their cold bodies.

(Sorry for the long post! Also I'm deliberately echoing Runner's post in part of Eden's narration (the colored Career traits & safe and sound reference). Original credit goes to her!)

Jasper Tiberius District Eight Mentor
Location: Living room
Tagged: Maverick
Great sobs shook Jasper's frail body as Penny lost the final ally she had in this horrid, merciless arena. Listening to her desperate cries, watching her tear off a square of the quilt so Felix could always have a piece of her by his side... it was too much for his heart.
When Penny arrived by the river, alone and in despair, all Jasper wanted was to hug her and take her away from that awful place. But he couldn't. Instead he was trapped here, listening to her break down and blame herself for everything.
"Penny, no..." He whispered, shaking his head. "No no no, it's not your fault. You can't give up like this."
Maverick gripped his shoulder and looked him in the eye. "She won't, Jasper. The sun is rising, can't you see it?"
Jasper shook his head, feeling almost sick with worry. Sunlight wouldn't save Penny from the depths of her own despair.
"Get a grip on yourself." For once, the happy-go-lucky mentor sounded firm. "Do you see where Penny is? With the sun rising, she'll have a view of the Careers' camp downstream. All the other tributes are there."
"But that's horrible! What if they... what if they kill her?"
"They can't kill her if they never catch her." Maverick grinned, shaking Jasper a little. "The ball is in her court now. It's up to Penny when and how she wants to engage the surviving Careers, and when she faces them, it'll be on her terms. You just have to trust in her."
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Re: The 20th Hunger Games ➵

Postby Runnersback » Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:23 am

Sienna Mach-North| D7 |17|Tags:Eden & Careers| loc:northern quadrant

“Absolutely wonderful...” Sienna whispered as her hands were delicately curled around the warm cup of chamomile tea, her pale face slightly lighting up as he brushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ear something her mom and had always done to make her happy. “Because I couldn’t lose you first... She said softly as she sipped around the beautiful flowers bobbing in her tea. Sienna cracked a smile and chuckled,“And the gamemakers did one wonderful job on it,didn’t they?” The brunette whispered softly with a small chuckle knowing that this was her last and they did one number mauling all of us her mind numbly thought before she brushed it off, why go out with bitterness when she had everything she wanted at this moment well except Garry but she was thinking of him. Her warm brown eyes smiled and she softly shifted to curl up deeper into his arms. No crying, No screaming, just happiness.

“Remember the first time we met in training? Where we bumped into each other and we both apologized. Well I have to admit and you probably already knew this, I only did that because I wanted to talk to you since I had the biggest crush on you.”Sienna admitted as she finished her tea and gently placed the cup on the ground so she could hold Eden’s still warm hands while she did notice his wrist and wounds, for his sake she didn’t want him to worry about her knowing.“I still do..” She softly teased trying to lighten the situation up as she felt increasing energy loss continue its course to try and take her from her Eden just yet, she wasn’t ready yet. She hadn’t spoken to Garry yet and she refused to part till she got a chance to say goodbye with him briefly and finish making sure Eden got all the snuggles in the world he deserved.
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Re: 🎣 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ 6 left

Postby SunnyJustice » Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:22 pm

Eden Beauregard District One Career
Location: Careers' camp
Tagged: Careers (including Sienna, she's part of the family)
"You'll never lose me," Eden murmured, green eyes full of warmth and affection. The contented smile illuminating Sienna's face was all he needed to have faith that there was still beauty in this cruel world. "I'll be here until the end, Sienna. I won't let you go." He meant it with all his heart. Even if all of Panem was swept away in flames, nothing would move him until her cannon fired.
As Sienna made a witty comment about the Gamemakers, Eden found himself smiling. He could picture one of his fellow Careers complimenting the Gamemakers' artistic skills before challenging them all to a duel to the death. The light grew brighter as the sun rose to greet the sky, painting Sienna's caramel hair in celestial gold. "You're right! But... I can name at least one thing more beautiful."

Eden smiled, eyes stinging with unshed tears as Sienna nestled herself comfortably in his arms. It wouldn't be long now. Soon, she would be at peace, and until that moment came he'd shield her from the cold world she was departing. He held her close to his chest so the steady rhythm of his heartbeat could lull her to sleep.
As Sienna spoke her confession, Eden gently closed his fingers around her cold hands. Heat rushed from his cheeks even as the wind slowly stole what remained of his warmth. "I... I remember. At the time, I thought I'd scared you off... that's why I came to awkwardly apologize at lunch," He chuckled. "Come to think of it, I brought you chamomile tea then, too." His eyes strayed to the empty cup now sitting in the grass. A cup of chamomile tea would mark both their first and last days together, at least in this life.
"Anyway, I'm happy to hear that," Eden told her, thinking back to last night by the river where she'd confessed she loved him. The memories, from their first meeting to their encounter in the moonlight, warmed his heart and kept it beating. "Because I... I feel the same."

Eden leaned in, closing his eyes as his lips brushed hers in a gentle kiss. Whether or not she'd heard him say these four words back at the river, it didn't matter, the beauty of words was that they could be repeated. And she deserved to hear it again. "I love you too."
As the end drew close, all he wanted was for her last memories to be colored with the same rosy glow as the sunrise above.
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Re: 🎣 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ 6 left

Postby DetectiveLunar » Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:50 pm

Madeline Gomez//District 1//Female//A brat//Tagged; The careers + Sienna

Finally… Madeline let out a sigh of relief, sitting down on the grassy bloodstained terrain. It was over… All those disgusting creatures were gone. They had won the battle and survived to see another day. Now that the battle was over she couldn’t help but notice the absolutely horrifying injuries of some of her allies. Eden was pretty beaten up, Chaska literally looked like he had been turned into shredded pork, and Sienna didn’t look too good either. Luckily, Caspia didn’t seem to be too injured and neither was she. Sure her throat hurt and the multiple bites and scratches stung, but it wasn’t anything that would end her story just yet.

She began to feel one of those dumb emotions crawling back already. What the heck was their deal? Couldn’t they leave her alone for a bit? Ugh! The more she looked at her allies’ injuries the more intense the feeling grew. She was worried. Her allies had survived the battle but who knows how long they’d live with those injuries. Heck, she was even worried about Sienna despite her not being a Career. She knew they all had to die at some point but dying from injuries like those wasn’t the best way to go out. She had seen how Gloria had become due to that injury she had laughed at a few days earlier.

Well great now she felt bad for laughing at Gloria again! Stupid feelings!! Luckily her usual anger returned when she saw the bipedal rat drag itself towards them. EW! GROSS! Madeline wanted to scream. THAT DISGUSTING PILE OF TRASH IS MOVING!! Unfortunately her voice wasn’t just going to magically come back all the sudden for her to scream that, so instead she gave the disgraceful rat a dirty look. Even though the vile rodent had apologized Madeline still despised the rat. Good thing Caspia killed that idiotic tribute! Madeline was about to grab a stick and start writing curses and insults on the ground in front of her! That rat would’ve suffered even more!

Eventually the tea Madeline had been practically mentally begging for had arrived. If only she could verbally thank Eden for it. She began to take small sips from her teacup, cherishing the way it soothed her sore throat and also making sure not to swallow the blossoms. She knew she wasn’t dumb enough to not notice a blossom in her mouth but she didn’t want to take any chances. Choking on a literal blossom would be the dumbest way to go out and she isn’t dumb unlike a certain somebody! More like a certain someRAT!

Her teacup soon became empty, the only thing remaining being the blossoms she made sure not to choke on. Her throat still hurt but at least it felt a bit better thanks to the tea. Now all that was left was to watch the sunrise with her allies, and as she watched the sky become the most beautiful shades of pink and orange that faded into blue she couldn’t help but wonder how things were back home. Her lavish and gargantuan home. She wondered how her father was doing. Maybe he was feeding the peacocks or getting pecked by the ungrateful brats. Maybe he was watching her now with baby Peasant at his side, the only peacock in her home that would let anyone touch it. What she wouldn’t wonder about was if her father was proud. Of course he was! That moron would be proud of some brainless parasite drooling all over itself! He was probably clapping and yelling how much he loved her and all that “That’s my little princess! I’m so proud of you Maddie!” stuff that used to irritate her before. Now she found herself smiling at the thought of it.

Small tears began to pool beneath her eyes but she didn’t feel those dumb feelings from before. Why was she crying now? Was it possible to cry from happiness or was that something only Eden had the ability of doing? She wasn’t exactly sure. These feelings were still new to her and she doubted she would understand them anytime soon. If she died maybe she would finally find her answers in the afterlife, if she lived maybe she’d grow used to these unusual things. She wouldn’t waste her time questioning or bottling up these things any longer. Now wasn’t the time to question things or be angry at them, it was time to cherish them.

She reached into her hair, plucking out the peacock feather nestled within it. She couldn’t express how relieved she was that it was still there. She gently held it between her hands as she let a few tears fall, watching the sun continue to rise. She didn’t know what would come after this, but whatever it was she’d be ready for it.

(Character development really does things. Also I’m sorry it’s so long!!)
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Re: The 20th Hunger Games ➵6 left

Postby Runnersback » Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:07 am

Sienna Mach-North| D7 |17|Tags:Eden & careers| loc:north

Sienna smiled looking into his warm green eyes while running her fingers through his hair while she had the ability to do so. “But you know what I learned to love chamomile tea, it reminds me so much of you.” She whispered softly. Sienna smiled softly and softly leaned up to meet his lips to return the gentle kiss,it was nice to her wind chapped lips before she pulled away.

“And I love you most....” She said with the last few ounces of that good old district seven strength while she caressed his head gently one last time.

As she softly curled back down into Eden’s still warm body she rested her head into his shoulders,“Tell the others goodbye...”Sienna murmured. “But just know this Eden and Garry, this goodbye isn’t forever.” She said softly before the darkness swallowed her vision and her eyes fluttered closed as her body stilled like a gentle willow tree.

And here is where I have always loved you... Was the last thing the sweet tribute thought before her cannon fired signaling that she was officially in a safer place than that mutt filled arena and that a Capitol craft would be coming for her body.
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Re: 🎣 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ 5 left

Postby SunnyJustice » Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:31 pm

Garry Woods District Seven Mentor
Location: Icarus' living room
Tagged: Icarus
Garry couldn't fathom how Sienna, Eden, and the Careers managed to stay calm as loved ones departed this world all around them. He, for one, was sobbing uncontrollably into the arms of his mentor friend Icarus. The District Two mentor rubbed his back awkwardly as Garry wailed like the whole of Panem was falling to ruin at this very second.
"She gave her life to save her loved ones," Icarus told him. "Eden, Caspia, Madeline... my son Chaska..."
"I know what you're going to say... she made her choice and I should respect it," Garry muttered begrudgingly, wiping his nose with yet another tissue. He'd singlehandedly used up all Icarus's tissue boxes and now was using one of Edmund's. "But it doesn't change the fact that I love her like a niece, or even a daughter, and she's dead and I'll never see her again-"
He paused, gazing up at Icarus with sudden fury in his eyes. "Do you actually care? Answer me."
"I care about Gloria. She started off despising her allies, but in the end she accepted their love. I'm proud of her," Icarus told him sternly. "I care about Chaska. He's everything a Career should be, honorable and determined, the son I wish I had. I'm proud of him, too. I care about the other Careers, and yes, I care about Sienna."
"Look, Gloria is dead," Garry snapped, "and Chaska is dying right before your eyes! I just lost Sienna, you should know how I feel."
"I can never know how you feel. But I can sympathize." Icarus shook his head. "Losing them hurts me too. Gloria had just come to terms that her alliance loved her. Chaska was so close to coming home, but now I'm afraid it'll be in a wooden box. Still, I won't let sadness overshadow how proud I am of them. I want to celebrate their life, to find honor in their deaths so they'll always live on."
Garry thought about this for a moment, then wrapped his arms around the Career mentor with a sob. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I lashed out. Sienna's gone and I don't know how to bear it, but I shouldn't be taking it out on you. You're just trying to help..."
"It's fine. You're hurt." Icarus shook his head in dismissal, again patting Garry's back. "And Sienna's not really gone. She never will be. As Careers, we'll remember her forever for saving our brothers-in-arms. You do your part to remember her too."
"I... I trust you, Icarus, even though it's hard right now. I'll plant her sunflowers back in District Seven... that's a start."

Eden Beauregard District One Career
Location: Careers' camp
Tagged: Careers, Sienna
(Note: This includes Eden's speech to each Career, so it'll be a long post!)

Fighting back tears grew increasingly difficult as, second by second, Sienna's final moments slipped out of his grasp. She reached up to caress his cheek, just as his mother did before the light left her eyes. Eden closed his eyes and leaned into her soft touch.
"The sun is what reminds me of you," Eden confessed, "loyal and dependable - no matter how dark the night is, I can always count on it to light up the world the next morning." His voice only trembled a little as he spoke. Sienna was always the strong and spirited one in the relationship, but in her hour of greatest need his duty was to be her rock. To stay by her side, unwavering, until her life slipped away.
Soon, too soon, she spoke her final goodbye while nestled in Eden's arms. Deep down, he believed her words with all his heart. Maybe he was being optimistic in thinking they'd all be reunited on the other side, but it was a nice thought. He wanted to hold onto it.
"Good night, sunflower," he whispered as the cannon fired. Now that she could no longer see him or hear his cries, Eden let the tears fall as almost-silent sobs shook his cold body. He allowed himself a moment to just grieve and cry his heart out before facing the rest of the world. Once the tears had passed, Eden set Sienna's still body in the grass and planted a final kiss on her cold forehead.
"... I'll see you soon."

Madeline had already finished her tea and Eden took it upon himself to serve the rest. Poor Chaska and Caspia still stood back-to-back in a beautiful but horrifying show of determination, of Chaska's refusal to accept his fate and leave his battle partner all alone.
"Chaska..." Eyes sparkling with tears, Eden handed him the next cup of tea. "Not only are you strong, determined and loyal, you're the best brother a Career could ever have. District Two is surely proud of you... and I... I'm happy I met you. Even if we only got to spend a short time together, it was worth every second." All he wanted was to fling his arms around Chaska, but his hands were full.
Circling around, another cup went to Caspia. Still no emotion showed in his eyes but admiration - he didn't want to admit to Chaska's wounds until the dying warrior was ready. "Caspia, I respect you from the bottom of my heart. I can't even count how many times you've kept this alliance calm when the rest of us were overwhelmed by anger. Your quiet strength grounds us... thank you."
Eden took one cup for himself, and for the final one... he knelt down beside Gloria's body and set it down next to her. "Gloria, I can't leave you out of this. You will always be a cherished part of the Career alliance. You will always be... our friend."
Finally he stood up and turned to Madeline. She was holding not only the empty teacup, but also her token - the peacock feather. In the sunlight, Eden could see tears glistening in her eyes. "Madeline... I still remember the day we met. I was only four years old at the time. So much has changed since then... you've grown, especially in the arena, and I'm not talking about your height. I'm so proud of you."

He pulled all his allies in for a group hug, holding them tight as he snuggled in between Chaska and Madeline - poor Caspia was facing the other direction but Eden's arms were long enough to still reach her. "I'm so proud of all of you. Sienna wanted me to tell you goodbye, because... she, too, respects and cares about you. We're a team, and more than that, we're a family."
One thing was concerning him, though. The battle had sapped the strength from his body, and he expected it to all leave him by the time he finally initiated the group hug, but... he was still standing. He didn't seem to be fading as fast as he'd expected. Now that the fight was over and his mind was clear, it dawned on him that maybe it'd take hours until death claimed him. But he wasn't in horrible pain, at least not enough to ask his allies to do something drastic. Oh... this could be awkward.
... Oh well. Minor inconvenience compared to what
certain Careers are suffering,
Eden thought but didn't look directly at Chaska. It would be a terrible violation of his dignity to even draw attention to his fatal wounds without his consent. No, the determined warrior from District Two deserved the chance to come to terms with his fate on his own, when and how he chose to.
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☭ lxviii

Postby Zyn » Mon Jan 11, 2021 5:21 am

      { Important: I do apologize for the length of this post. I wanted to try and react to everything that has happened since my last post. So it ended up giant. Sorry!! }
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚊 𝚂𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚡 ☭
District 2 || Career || Male || Eighteen || The Mad Dog

☭ Location: North Quadrant
xxxxxxxxxxxThe Battlefield
☭ Tags: The Careers, Caspia
☭ Mood: Accepting

    At the sound of the panicked confusion in Caspia's voice Chaska's heart twisted, he hadn't meant to cause her such distress. He knew the moment when she understood his words when he heard the slight catch in her breath, she didn't turn around to face him and instead agreed to his foolish request. Pretending was only going to last for so long but he wanted to hang onto that for a bit longer. He twitched slightly at the sound of a weapon being plunged into the ground but before he could say anything a warm hand grasped his. It was then he understood, she had chosen to take his hand rather than hang onto her weapon. With that thought he tilted his head back again and stared up at the sky as the sun rose around them. To stand back to back with the warrior who had brought him so much strength warmed him. Her strength gave him the strength to keep standing, to keep pretending a little while longer. Shifting slightly he pressed his back against her to draw in more strength. "I am glad that your here Caspia, there isn't anyone else I would want to watch the sunrise with" he murmured softly to his battle partner. As much as he liked having Eden and Sienna around for this moment, he truly meant it when he could think of nobody who he would rather spend his last moments with. He couldn't quite work out why but he had deemed trying to figure that puzzle out useless long ago.

    Dimly he was aware of what was happening, Sienna was grievously wounded and as much as he wanted to be there for his career brother he couldn't bring himself to look. He knew what he would see if he looked and in a selfish streak he refused to acknowledge it. At the sound of Eden returning he glanced over at the taller career and he was greeted with a soft gentle smile from Eden, the usual smile. It seemed even his career brother didn't want to face what was going to happen. However they couldn't keep pretending for long and he let out a gusty sigh before gently squeezing Caspia's hand to let her knew he was still there. "You are a powerful Career Caspia, if you wanted to win this game you could" as he spoke he watched the Eden settle down next Sienna and draw her into their lap. The two didn't have long together but as he watched they seemed to make the most of it. Murmuring things to each other in a volume to soft for him to hear, all he could see was the faint movement of their lips. The warmth in their gazes that they shared with one another betrayed their emotions for the other. So much love could be felt even from where he stood. Feeling like he was looking in on something private he cast his gaze upwards once more. Watching the sun rise, knowing that Sienna and Eden were watching the same thing was enough for him.

    After what felt like a lifetime a canon fired and he flinched away from the sound, as though by shifting away from it would make it nonexistent. Against his better judgment he cast his glance back at the two and his heart shattered for Eden who was silently sobbing, hugging Sienna's motionless body to their own. The sight ripped his heart in two but he refused to avert his gaze, if the only thing he could do was send Eden silent support than that's that what he would do. The moment seemed to stretch on for forever before Eden was giving the District Seven tribute one last kiss. He watched in silence as Eden gathered up the remaining cups of tea. Tilting his head slightly he couldn't help the curious look he sent Eden as the younger career approached him first. While he had known they had forged a brotherly bond in this arena he hadn't realized how strong it was until now. Freeing on hand he reached out to take the tea and peered down down at the small flowers floating at the surface. Then he lifted his gaze back to Eden at the sound of the next words. "I am only as strong as I am because I have a career brother like you, and allies that have my back" he replied softly. He didn't know how to categorize Caspia and he hoped she wasn't offended that he hadn't give her a special spot in that statement. Then he harshly dismissed that idea and watched as Eden moved on to give the tea to Caspia.

    It was in that moment that he spotted Demtria's body in front of Caspia, the tell tail wound in her chest told him all that he needed to know. Now he understood what he had heard earlier, Demtria hadn't been apologizing just to Caspia, from the angle that she lay it was clear that she had been apologizing to him to. Though that isn't what had drawn his attention, no it was the clean wound that had ended the suffering tribute. A clean stab to the chest and with an extremely morbid thought he realized he wanted to go down like that. Not the begging part, no he wanted to be on the other end of that trident. Before he could think more on that long arms wrapped him up in a hug, a group hug. Shifting his gaze back to Eden he studied the younger Career for a moment. Lifting the cup to his lips he finished off and then reached out to touch Eden's shoulder. Drawing the younger Career in close until his lips were inches from their ear he whispered to them. "Its time Eden." Then he drew back, he assumed that the younger career would know what he spoke about. A final battle, the idea brought on by seeing Demetria's body. Prying himself free from the group hug he took a step away, zipping up his jacket to hide the most gruesome wounds from view. Then he rounded on Caspia his expression determined as he stood before his battle partner. What he was about to ask of her wouldn't be easy. "We can pretend no longer, I'm dying and it wont be long before I wont be able to move. But that's not my fate. I'm a fighter and I will not go down without a fight. So Caspia can I have the honor of being your opponent in my final battle?"
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Re: 🎣 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ 5 left

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:40 pm

Eden Beauregard District One Career
Location: Careers' camp
Tagged: Careers
Eden's eyes sparkled with tears at Chaska's comment that he drew his strength from his allies and brother. As he dabbed at his eyes with a sleeve, he wondered if Chaska meant it literally when he spoke about allies having his back. After all it was Caspia guarding that side, wielding her trident with steadfast patience even as mutts tore away at them. He's talking about all of us, but maybe he feels especially strongly about a certain person... Eden thought, briefly flashing Chaska a knowing smile. A moment of light in all this grief.
Chaska pulled him close to whisper something into his ear, three words that confused Eden at first, but it soon dawned on him what his Career brother had in mind. The Careers' final battle... now was the time.
Eden gave Chaska an encouraging smile, pride and tears shining in his eyes. Out of respect for the two battlers, he stepped back, remaining close to Madeline for mutual support. He'd watch this fight, this final dance between scythe and trident... and then it would be his turn on the battlefield. Eden already had an idea of who he planned to challenge.

The tea warmed him from the inside. Once he'd finished, he set the cup in the grass, then leaned against his district partner like any sleepy little brother would. She was so warm.
"Chaska had the right idea. After... after we watch his fight," Eden said, wiping away more tears at the implication of what this meant for his brother, "maybe we could do the same. Have one last fight for old times' sake. It'll be like the sparring matches back at the Academy, except this time I'll beat you for sure." A lie so obvious it bordered on sarcasm, but he knew it was the perfect way to rile her up. Even uninjured, he stood no chance against this year's top ranked girl - she knew all his moves.
"Just kidding," he chuckled, "but in all seriousness... I want to spend my last minutes fighting my best friend from back home, just like we used to back in District One. If you're comfortable with that I mean."
He wasn't at all frightened by the prospect of his own death. As a Career, he'd accepted it the moment he chose his path - to enter the arena as a sacrifice so District One's children could sleep soundly for another year. Victory was never his goal, the honor lay in bringing pride to his district name. Showing the world that even in an arena deathmatch, District One could be hospitable and kind.
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Re: 🎣 The 20th Hunger Games ➵ 5 left

Postby honeybee. » Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:12 pm

Caspia Searobin | District 4 | Location: Camp | Tags: Chaska, the Careers|
They stood like that for a while. Two Careers, backs pressed together, watching the rising sun and ignoring all of their problems.
She felt strangely filled with warmth as Chaska spoke, telling her that there was no one else he'd rather watch the sunrise with. She wasn't entirely sure why it touched her so much. Chaska was incredible, and he wanted to watch his final beautiful view alongside her, she couldn't quite believe it. Even more surprising, the feeling was completely mutual. Despite the horrifying context of this sunrise, she couldn't think of a single other soul she'd prefer to watch this with. "I've never shared anything so beautiful with anyone. It almost makes everything worth it."

Chaska spoke again, telling her she would be more than able to win these games if she wanted to. This felt like the highest praise anyone could ever give her but.. she wasn't sure that she did want to. Caspia had always longed for a chance to bring honour in a final battle, but she had never thought further than that. She had never feared her death. Before Killick was gone her goal had been to bring him home, and even afterwards it had been for a Career victory. Never her own. What would she do if she did win? If she found herself back on the soft sandy shores of District Four? Swim, probably. Help teach next years Careers, and the Careers after that. "I never really gave winning much thought." She admitted, "I had just wanted to fight. Let adrenaline and battle calm take over. If I had wanted to bet on anyone winning it would have been you."

Hands still entwined with Chaska's, Caspia listened to the soft murmurs of Eden and Sienna, and finally the boom of the cannon. She couldn't hear the words spoken but their tones had been filled with love, and Caspia was glad they'd had the opportunity to say goodbye. She hadn't been entirely sure which of them had gone, stuck facing the opposite direction, so when Eden came around with cups of chamomile tea Caspia smiled sympathetically at him. The smile widened a little, as he spoke of his respect for her, her effect on the alliance. "You fused us together." She told him, in return. "We would have been lost without you. Lost without direction." She sipped the tea and allowed it to soothe her, numbing down the sadness of so much death and reminding her why they were here. The moment the Careers had volunteered, six innocent children had been saved from a fate so widely feared. Now Caspia had fought alongside the best of allies, brought down cruel tributes that didn't deserve to win and slightly lessened the horror of such a horrific concept. Eden wrapped his arms around them all and though Caspia was facing the wrong way she squeezed his arm in an attempt to return the hug. Despite the fatal wounds and horrors of the games, she could at least be grateful that here, for this moment, these three allies still stood with her.

Chaska was the one to break the hug, moving from her back to stand in front of her. He didn't look on the brink of death, but she knew that the jacket he had zipped up must be hiding dreadful wounds. It seemed the pretending was over. As she began to realise what he was saying, her eyes began to glisten. She wasn't upset though. As awful as the idea of Chaska leaving her was, these tears were because his request had touched her heart. He was asking her to battle him, right now. The way these games were supposed to end. The way she had always imagined. "It would be my honour." She spoke genuinely. She may not be able to save him, but she could give him the glorious send-off her deserved. "I've never met anyone as incredible as you. I couldn't think of anyone I'd like to battle more." 


Natalie (she/her)
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☭ lxix

Postby Zyn » Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:37 pm

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚊 𝚂𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚡 ☭
District 2 || Career || Male || Eighteen || The Mad Dog

☭ Location: North Quadrant
xxxxxxxxxxxThe Battlefield
☭ Tags: Caspia
☭ Mood: Determined

    The words that Caspia had spoken out loud still hummed through his mind, her first statement could be taken as her saying that she didn't mind sharing it with anyone. However he chose to take it as her saying that the moment was beautiful due to both the sunrise and the company that she was keeping. Even if he was choosing to read it the wrong way he didn't care, it warmed his heart and made the pain that was coursing through his body disappear a little bit. He was equally as touched that she would have bet on him to win. It had been his goal at the beginning. To win and return home for his sister and to take her to a place that was safe. Somewhere along the way he allowed himself to become close to the other careers and his view of them had shifted from enemies, to allies to family. The idea of winning at the cost of their lives had been too much and he hadn't thought about winning for a long time so he could understand why Caspia hadn't given it much thought. To have that thought be prominent would be painful, easier to focus on fighting the next battle than worry about whom the opponent would be in that next battle. He gave her hand a small squeeze to show he had heard and understood what she was trying to say.

    Now he stood before her, faking strength through sheer will power alone. It would be a disservice to not put his best foot forward in this fight. For a moment he was worried about the tears that were forming in Caspia's eyes until he realized that she was just happy. Happy to know that their promised fight was still going to happen, her earlier threat of not fighting him unless he had slept was long forgotten. As she spoke his heart warmed, this was the kind of person he hoped his sister would find to guide her as well. Between Caspia and Eden he had learned what kindness was and he could only hope that his sister would find someone to teach her. His eyes widened as Caspia kept speaking, voicing how she thought he was incredible. He had heard such words only spoken about his fighting ability and he never thought he would hear it about him in general. As the shock died away a calming warmth spread over him and his expression softened slightly. "The feeling Caspia Searobin is mutual. There isn't anyone I would rather cross swords with in my last battle. May what strength I have left give you the best fight possible" he said with a tiny dip of his head. With his free hand he unclipped the longsword from his hip and tossed it to the side and then raised the scythe. Falling into a battle stance he dipped his head. He waited only a moment for her to get read before he lunged forward swinging his scythe. The only thought in his mind was a steady prayer that he was able to stay upright, that he could give her the fight that she deserved.
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