híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby meku » Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:59 pm

Mah form is going here, boooo. <3 c;

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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby stunning.reality; » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:44 pm

{ {
    Okay! You have until tomorrow night to get your form in, or else you lose it. I:
now that you know--------------------------------------
-----------------------------------something's not right
look at it carefully in [----p a l e///l o g i c///l i g h t----]
don't be sorry---------------------------- if you can't recognize


----------------------------------in such a perfect disguise!
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby meku » Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:18 pm

(LOL, forgot to edit that post. Oh well. It's not done yet, btw. c:)


eιgнтeen | ғeмale | ѕтraιgнт | enтerтaιnмenт


Name; Rae-Anne Dover.
Age; Eighteen.
Birthday; March 7th.
Gender; Female.
Orientation; Straight.
Occupation; Single.
Hometown; Quebec, Canada.


Name; The name's Rae-Anne Dover, nice to meet ya'.
Nickname: Rae, I guess. You can always make one up too.
Age: I'm eighteen and a quarter. Nothing that special.
Birthday: March 7th. Although, I was supposed to be born on March 9th.
Gender: I swear, I'm female. Unless you wanna check. Just kidding, gosh!
Orientation: I'm as straight as a ruler. Ya', I know. It's an old joke.
Occupation: Single! I wouldn't say I'm looking, but with my flirty personality, it seems like it.
Hometown: Quebec, Canada. So yes, I have a heavy accent. Not that bad though.
Flaws: My flaws? Now that you ask, I could say I have a few. My first would be for sure my flirtatiousness. I often flirt without even trying, which in a way is good for me. But girls, you better hold onto your boyfriends. I don't need any angry girlfriends threatening me. I've had to change schools a bit too. I flirted with the teachers, on accident, and got myself into trouble. Sheesh, I wonder how mad my parents were. Another flaw would be my heavy accent. Some of the time, people can't even understand me. Which frustrates me furiously, because if I'm trying to say something important, they either keep asking me what I had said, or they just laugh. Which kinda hurts me, in a way. That's another reason the teachers don't ask me to read my work out to the class, just because they're afraid they won't understand me. My last flaw would be my stubbornness. I'm always sent to the principals office for this. Want me to work? Nope! Not feeling like it. I think the only teacher that truly likes me is ms. space. She's my L.A. teacher, and knows that I love poetry so much that if I don't feel like doing a piece of work, I can do it in poetry.
Height: I wouldn't say I'm small, since I'm 5'6. I guess I'm a tiny bit smaller, but it really doesn't bother me.
Weight: I weigh 110 pounds. Not heavy? I feel heavier then I actually am. Trust me.
Hair color and length: I have jet black, thin hair, which goes down to my belly button. I mostly wear my hair straight, since ya' know, just brush it and well ah! But if I feel up to it, I can curl or crimp me hair. I think I look good both ways, so either is fine for me.
Skin color and marks: I have tan skin, but not to dark. I have small scars up my arm, since I use to take in stray cat's and put them in our barn. I got angel wing tattoos on my back, and a cross in the middle of my right hand.
Eye color and shape: I have blue eyes, with mixes of green. I have oval eyes, I think.
General appearance: I have jet black hair, which is down to my belly button. My skin is tan, but not to tan. My eyes are blue, with a bit of green. My eyelashes are usually very long, and always made up with mascara. I always love wearing lipstick. It's my addiction. Bright lipstick is my favorite out of all. Another one of my "addictions" are my nails. French nails? Perfect! Nail Polish? Perfect! I did have a piercing on my noes, but I don't really put a nose ring anymore. I usually wear skinny jeans and a tee shirt, but I do also wear skirts and blouses, since I do adore them. Jewelry? Nah, it's not really me. I do sometimes wear watches, or a simple necklace, but nothing to flashy. I don't like bright colors, and they don't like me either. I try to stick with more neutral colors, unless it's a comic shirt. I like wearing geek/nerdy glasses, so sorry. I find it makes me smarter, ya' know? Just because I'm not that smart, doesn't mean I can't look it. I like tee shirt's because I can show my scars. As odd as it sounds, I think scars show who I am. My scars lay all over my arms, because like I said, the cat's scratched them.
Clothing style: I guess you could say my Clothing style is more Vintage, Retro, or anything with comics. Bright makeup is alright, while I prefer neutral clothing colors. I adore lace too, so anything with lace is perfect.
Personality: I'm very flirtatious, if you didn't know. I do it without thinking, so I guess you could say it's a habit. Flirting has gotten me in trouble a lot in the past. Teachers, Boyfriends, and even strangers. I even moved schools because of it. But in all, I always apologies. I'm very emphatic, and I can "feel" others pain. It always makes me feel bad, and guilty if I do something I shouldn't have. I'm very kind towards others, if they don't mess with me. I can get very snappy, which is a fault to my personality. I get agitated easily, which triggers my snappiness. This is a warning- Don't mess with me. I'm very hyper and rarely run out of energy. I can't sit still, and will always have to move. Maybe I have ADHD? Who knows. I always try to remain positive. I don't like being a party stopper, so I always try to remain positive. That's a good part of my personality- my kindness. Showing respect to others is important to me, so I try to be fragile with everyone. My biggest negative trait is my stubbornness. I never listen to anyone unless I feel like it. I get in trouble, and get bad mouthed, but who cares? I'm me, and nobody can change me.
Likes: My likes? My absolute love is comics. I could read them for hours. I like retro and vintage items, and I have to say I have a collection. Glasses, comics, and films, I loved them all. I love being out in Nature, as nature always makes me feel calm. In school, my two favorite subjects are History and L.A. as I feel like I have a connection with them. Poetry, Debating and the Double bass are also some of my likes.
Dislikes: UGH. I dislike insects in general. They are just... creepy. I also dislike snakes. I was bitten by one when I was little, and I've disliked them ever since. Something that ticks me off is Bragging. Oh, you're better then me? No chance hunny. My last think I dislike is politics. I don't like voting, listing to long speeches. That's what debate club is for.
Fears: Fears huh? I'd say my only two fears are Death and losing someone I love. Yolo, right?
Hobbies: My hobbies include Debate club, poetry, and playing the double bass.
History: My history is pretty much normal. Except some parts. I have two gay dads. Of course when I was younger I was bullied because of it, and I turned rebellious towards my parents. I realized I shouldn't have gone rebellious, so I stopped. When I was in my rebel stage, I started my flirting habit. It got so bad that by grade 9 I had switch schools 5 times. I finally came to this school, and haven't moved since.
Crushes: None, sorry.
Exes: Johnny, Gale, Derek, Michael, uhm... I can't even remember the rest...
Relationship status: Single and mingling! Er... kinda.
What you want: What job? Entertainment Puh-lease!
Last edited by meku on Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
inspirational quote of the day:
~ the devil works hard, but kris jenner works harder ~

hello all, i have returned from my like, what, 3-4 year hiatus???
god where in the world did time go i feel old now yikes;;;;
and yes, i forgot how to code so mind the sick sig l o l
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby Make_a__Scene » Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:54 pm


.:~*Who Am I*~:.
Wyatt James Wilson
Nick Name
July 7th
Eye Color
Brilliant topaz
Hair Color
Deep chocolate
Clothing Style
Cool and simple
Fur hats on the beach
Skinnies, ftw

.:~*Get To Know Me*~:.
140 pounds
Body Modifications
Nose ring, hip piercings, and a chest piece in progress
While happy and go-lucky, Wyatt can also be terribly blunt and forward. Because of this, he has often been described as a tool by many of his peers. He’s not afraid to hurt feelings if it’s needed, although he isn’t completely heartless and won’t say unnecessary things simply to get a reaction. Wyatt hates spreading rumours and is a strong believer that you shouldn’t say anything you wouldn’t say to someone’s face; this also gets him into some trouble, since he will definitely bring up something that everyone else is too afraid to.
A pacifist, he refuses to fight with anything but his words, taking punches if he needs to. His words can sting, though. He tries to stay away from cheap shots, finding them easy and cowardly.
Wyatt stacks up invisible walls around himself, finding it hard to get terribly close to anyone or attach meaning to anything for anyone; it's his own defense mechanism. So while other couples have a song, Wyatt refuses to share a song with his boyfriend. Perhaps a bit of a pessimist, he’s protecting himself for the break up he knows must be inevitable. One of his greatest fears is completely giving himself to someone and ending up getting hurt and emptied out.
Raised the oldest of two boys by loving parents, Wyatt came out his sophomore year of high school, causing some distance between him and his father. Even though it has been about five years, they still hold tension toward each other. His mother is very loving and supportive, as well as his younger brother.
Jamison and Wyatt started dating three years ago, in high school. Wyatt was convinced that they would be together for a long time – despite his hidden pessimism – after he had gotten into a car accident and was hospitalized for about a month. Many of the people he thought were friends at that time abandoned him, but Jamison continued to visit and helped him with recovery.
Now a college student, Wyatt and Jamison’s relationship had changed. They attended the same college and generally had the same circle of friends. However, lately there had been a lot of fighting between the two. While Wyatt is no pushover, he can’t seem to stand up to Jamison like he should.
A college dropout, he moved across the country to renew himself and get out on his own, away from his family. His first long term relationship turned abusive, and he couldn't stand living in the same state as that boy. He couldn't even stand living on the same coast.
Riding his bike
Small children
Being Wyatt
The cold
Being sad
Sexual Orientation

.:~*Relationship Status*~:.

.:~*More About Me*~:.
Los Angeles, CA, technically, but he's been living in New York for some time now
He has a younger brother in California.
Apt. 3C
Wyatt has a fatal allergy to citrus, and he always keeps an epipen in a pouch on his bike, and sometimes in his pocket. He also has a large, pretty scarlet-pink scar running down the length of his back from a car accident in high school.
Last edited by Make_a__Scene on Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
    I do not have writer's block
    My writer just hates the clock
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby Kaliyana » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:33 am

{Ah formatting, thou art a cold hearted b*tch.
*Insert sigh of relief* Finally the formatting worked. <3}






{"Bisexuality automatically doubles your
chances of having a date on Saturday night."}


General Info wrote:{ Your Name;
Jaythen Lora Devaki
{ Any nicknames?
Just call me Jay.
{ How old are you?
I'm eighteen
{ Your birthday;
January 24th 1994
{ Male or female?
Alien, obviously. Are
you blind or something
buddy? (Female)

{ Sexual Orientation;
Bisexual, if it's any of
your business.

{ Current Job;
None, where am I
supposed to get a job
in here?
"Hey, how you doing? I'm Jaythen Devaki; don't ask me where I got such a name, because I think my parents might have been high when they named me. But, just call me Jay, alright? It's short and simple and I like it so much more than I like Jaythen. I'm eighteen, and my birthday is January 27th 1994. I don't know if I'm actually nineteen or not, because I'm not sure what the date is in here, or how long I've even been in here. I never realized how important it is to know the date until now, when I couldn't tell you what it is to save my life. Male or female? LOLNO, I'm neither. I'm an alien. A legit alien, you know, green skin, antennas and everything! ... Seriously dude, I'm a chick. You can see me right? You should know this. I don't have a job right now, because as far as I know there aren't any jobs in here. If you know of any, let me know. I could use some money (lol not really. It's not going to help me in here you idiot!) I'm actually bisexual, not that that's really any of your business, but I'm telling you anyway. Why? Because I don't care what you think about it. You don't like it? Cool, you can leave and get eaten then. Toodles!"

{"Some people are alive only
because it is illegal to kill them."}


Personality wrote:{ Personality Key words;
Sarcastic, bit rude, kind
of reckless, insecure,
suspicious, selfish,
adventurous, independent,
sometimes unfocused, bit
immature, unaffectionate
unless I care about you,
easily angered, easily
startled, usually negative,
rarely forgiving, terrified
of men.

{ Likes;
Not that they
matter in here....
• Coffee
• Toast with strawberry jelly
• Jelly beans
• Pac-man games
• m&ms
• Chocolate
• Watermelon
• Malteasers
• Tacos
• Nachos
• Spicy foods
• Sour candy
• Horror movies
• Reading
• Music
• Facebook.

{ Dislikes;
• Bugs
• Spiders
• Being in this real life
horror movie.
• Food that's too sweet
• Mint chocolate chip icecream
• Barbie dolls, they gave me
a complex.
• Men
• People lying to me.

{ Flaws;
• I'm easily angered
• Easily startled
• I have three long scars on my
back that I consider to be
physical flaws.
• I have a terrible personality.
• I'm afraid of men, and the male
population as a whole. It makes
me lash out at men and I rarely (if
ever) trust men.
• I might be schizophrenic, I'm not
sure, I just like to talk to myself
and sometimes people talk back.
Call me crazy!

{ Fears;
• Being alone in the
dark. Sucks here, I know.
• Spiders
• Someone actually eating my
face off...
• Dying.
• Men

{ Hobbies;
• Well I used to play
the guitar, and the piano a little.
• I love to write, even though I can't
do much of that here.

{ Favorites;
• Animal; Tabby cats
• Mythical creature; Dragon
• Song; Scared by Three Days Grace
• Food; Chicken Alfredo
• Season; Winter
• Desert; Pumpkin pie with whipped
• Type of cookie; Chocolate chip
• Author; Don't have one.
• Book; The 'Thirst' series.
"Fasten your seat belts boys, you're in for one hell of a ride! My personality is a wild ride; I've actually got a really huge personality. A lot of people can't seem to handle it, and in here you're not really going to get a choice. If you want to live you're going to have to stick with the group and deal with me; because I sure as hell ain't leaving and getting eaten. No sir! That is not on my bucket list!

Sarcastic; This sort of speaks for itself. I'm more likely to be sarcastic than I am to be serious. It's like a go-to response for me; I'll say something really sarcastic before I even realize I've said it. Sometimes it sounds rude, sometimes it's just funny. It's a roll of the dice really.

Bit rude; Usually only when I'm being sarcastic. I'm hardly ever rude when sarcasm isn't involved. And even then my rude sarcastic side doesn't show up as often. Lucky for you I guess. Wouldn't want to be stuck in here with someone who's constantly rude eh?

Kind of reckless; Oh lord am I! I suppose in here, reckless has a different meaning. In here, my reckless is I'll move ahead somewhere and not even think about what might be hiding around the corner waiting to attack and eat me. Or I could just run into the first house I see and grab a shower. I might even ask someone to come along with me, but I guess all of those are still considered reckless, especially in this maze from hell.

Insecure; Yup, the barbe-doll-blonde chicky is insecure. Don't look at me that way, I am, just deal with it. I'm afraid that I don't look right, or that I don't look good enough, not pretty enough, not "socially acceptable" enough that it just drives me insane. But, it's not so much how I look (though that is a huge part of it) it's a lot about what I do and what I say and how I act. I'm always afraid that whatever I do or say is going to make someone angry with me, or something I do isn't going to be good enough for someone. I just feel like I'm not worthy a lot of the time, and I feel like, even though I'm always doing my best, it's never, ever, enough. Blame my father for that.

Suspicious; In the real world, if a man had come up to me and struck up a conversation with me, I'd be wondering what bet he lost, or what he wanted from me. You see, people don't just randomly walk up to me and start talking, no, they always want something. Always. If someone had started giving me compliments out of the blue, I would be automatically suspicious that they just wanted in my pants and they think complimenting me is the fastest way to do it; like I really am come dumb blonde who just jumps into bed with anyone who gives her a compliment. That's not me.

Selfish; That's right, I'm selfish. Especially in this place. If you eat all your food, I'm not going to give my too you, hell no. It's my food, I'm going to eat it so that I can survive. You should have rationed yours better! In the real world, I was the same, I didn't share with anyone. I don't share my phone, I don't let anyone drive my car, I don't let people borrow my DVDs or my video games, I never let anyone use my game systems unless I'm in the room with them, no one even touches my computer, my clothes are my clothes; don't even think about trying to borrow some of those. See what I mean? I'm seflish. My things are my things, and that's how they're going to stay.

Adventurous; Kind of a stupid quality while I'm in here, don't you think? I mean, being adventurous and exploring everything I see is more than likely going to get me killed. I'm just stupid that that and I like to explore things. Old habits die hard, as they say.

Independent; I don't like to rely on anyone, that's just how I am. If you try to help me, chances are I'm probably going to try to get you to stop. I might need your help, but I certainly don't want it. I don't want to be indebted to anyone; I hate that feeling.

Sometimes unfocused; I tend to talk to myself, and sometimes I hear people talking back to me, which is the entire reason that I'm unfocused. I'll just start having conversastions with myself and I'll forget where I'm going or what I'm doing. Yeah that's messed up, but if I learned to deal with it, so can you.

Unaffectionate; Unless I care about you. This pretty much explains itself. If I don't care bout you, I'm probably not going to be that nice to you. That's just how it works. It's nothing personal, I just learned that if you're excessively nice to just random people for no apparent reason, people will try to use you. So I don't do that any more.

Bit immature; Oh I am really immature. Say [censored] around me, I dare you. I will burst out laughing for no reason. I don't know why, but I just can't help it! It's kind of messed up really, you think that in here, you'd become really serious and never laugh again. Nope, not me. I'm serious. Say [censored], and you'll see. Not to mention I have a really, really dirty mind, and if you say something that could sound even the slightest bit dirty I'm going to laugh. That's just who I am!

Easily angered; Oh so very, very easily angered. There are just certain noises that people make, certain things a person could do that make me so angry. As long as you don't do them we should be fine, but I don't know what else might set me off, especially in here, when there are any number of "surprises" hiding behind every corner...

Easily startled; Yeah, it sucks in here... Things jumping out from the shadows make me scream and jump, those sorts of things. I watch horror movies just for that, I like the shot of adrenaline, but in here, it's working to my disadvantage...

Usually negative; I don't see a "silver lining" in virtually anything. Especially not in here, when the only thing we're ever going to do is die a horrible death. We're either going to get eaten by a zombie or a werewolf, possibly turned into a werewolf ourselves, drained by a vampire (or turned into a vampire) used as a doll by a witch, or something equally horrible. Do you see any silver lining in that? If you do you're an idiot and you need to be shot.

Rarely forgiving; You do something like cheat on me, or lie to me, or talk about me behind my back and you'll have more luck trying to get over that wall than you will trying to get me to forgive you. It's just not in my nature, I rarely give second chances buddy, remember that.

Terrified of men; Absolutely terrified of them. This has to do with my past, and it just makes it nearly impossible for me to trust men. I lash out at them all the time, wither I think about doing it or not. You could be the nicest guy on the planet, and as long as you're a guy, I'm probably going to lash out at you. Sorry buddy."

{"Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies
are the main reason why I have trust issues."}


History wrote:{ Parents;
Greg and Clare Devaki
{ Siblings;
Skyler and James
{ Home town;
Halifax, Canada.
{ Where did you grow up?
In Halifax for the first
few years, then I moved to LA.

{ You're currently living in;
Los Angeles
{ Your childhood was;
{ Childhood fear;
The dark. I guess it stuck
with me.

{ Imaginary Friend(s)?
I think I had a couple, which might
be the big reason why I talk to
myself now. Maybe the "imaginary
friends" just stayed with me.
"You want to know about my history do you? That depends on how much time you have darling, because it's a long story, and trust me, it's not a happy one. So, go the bathroom before we start, make some popcorn and grab a seat, because we're going to be here for a while. I hope you like stories ladies and gents.

So, we'll start with the basics. I was born on January 27th 1994 to Greg and Clare Devaki. My fraternal twin brother, James (Jay and James, what the hell were my parents thinking?) was born seven minutes after me. For the most part, the first couple years of my life were good, I guess. I can't really remember anything until I was five; but James told me we had a great couple of first years. I don't know how he remembers... We grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Don't even start with the Canadian jokes alright? I've got my polar bear parked out front and I'll make him eat you. Now, we spent the first six years in Halifax. And then, after my baby sister Skyler was born, my parents decided to move to Los Angeles. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. About a year after we moved, everything started going bad. And I mean really bad, like, we could lose our house bad.

My father got into alcohol because he lost his job, my mother was almost never home because she kept trying to work more and more jobs to make sure we had food on the table. My mom did okay in that since, I don't remember ever being hungry for more than a day. My father never fed us, because he was always drunk, but James and I would get what we could from the cupboards for us and Skyler to eat. We couldn't cook anything, so if there wasn't anything in a box that was ready to eat we wouldn't eat until my mom got home. Then, about a year and a half later, my dad drank himself into a hole and he died from alcohol poisoning... Needless to say, we had more money after that, when he wasn't there to spend it all on alcohol. But my mom would start brining home random men, now I know they were her "clients" but back then I just thought they were mommy's friends. One of her "friends" didn't like me or Sky much, and whenever he saw us he would push us out of the way. I didn't like him either.

And then one night he came over and mom wasn't home. He was angry that she wasn't there, like she was "supposed to be" and he took it out on yes. He beat up James, but I guess that wasn't enough because he went after Sky and me. That didn't end so well for us; he uh... He "liked" little girls. Killed Sky by accident because she was so small. He was "with" me when my mom came home, and she hit him in the head with a frying pan and called the cops. I've never really been able to trust anyone in the male population after that, never even been able to really get close to men either. I mean, how could I? The only man I could trust was my brother, we were inseparable after that day.

The next couple years I had horrible nightmares, I could never go outside in the dark, and even if I was inside and the lights were off I would have panic attacks. Everything seemed to calm down before I was in highschool; the nightmares stopped for the most part; I would have random ones every now and then but that's it. I still wasn't that comfortable in the dark, but I could go out in it as long as I wasn't alone. And then, in my grade ten year, my brother and I were driving home from a movie on Friday night, it was almost 11, and we were hit by a drunk driver. Flipped out car. I've got a couple scars on my back from where the metal dug into me; around my shoulders and mid back. James was worse, he broke his leg and a couple of his ribs. But we both lived, and I'm glad for that.

But now I'm here. I don't even know where 'here' is. I don't have my brother to talk to for support, I don't even have him to lean on whenever I have another nightmare that breaks me down. I'm just me, alone in this hellish maze with a bunch of people I really don't know, four of which are men. That's just wonderful."

{"Don't start with the Canadian jokes. I've
got my polar bear parked out front and he'll eat you."}


Love Life wrote:{ Relationship Status;
{ Crush;
{ Ex-girlfriends;
Annabel and Sarah
{ Ex-boyfriends;
{ What you want
in a relationship;

I want a relationship
with someone who I can
be myself around, and
they won't think I'm
screwed up for it. I just
want someone who likes
me for me, and isn't just
being nice in an attempt
to "hook up."
I also like someone who's
maybe a little nerdy, and
who might be a little bit...
Submissive I guess is the
word. I like to be in control.
I need the control, or I freak
"My love life really isn't all that interesting. I'm being serious here. I don't have much of one. I'm single right now, I don't have a crush, and I'm pretty sure if I get one in here that it's only going to end badly; we're all going to die in here, so why should I be making attachments to people? It's just going to end up with either me, or him/her getting a broken heart; and then being eaten or used as an experiment. But, I'll tell you my past love life, because there's actually something to tell there. How's that sound?

I haven't dated much to be honest, I've had no boyfriends and only two girlfriends. Of course, those two relationships really didn't last that long. Annabel lasted for three months, and Sarah lasted for only two. I have a habit of driving people away, that's just in my nature. But, anyway, I think Annabel was my favorite out of the two, she was the one that I really, really liked. But it just didn't work... I wish it had, but I couldn't make it work, I couldn't make her stay with me through all my flaws and my horrible personality. She just couldn't handle my background... A damn shame. But I think that's how everyone is going to be, no one is going to be able to deal with the emotional and mental scars I have from my past, so I'm going to be forever alone.

All though, I'll let you in on a little secret. If I was going to be in a relationship while I was locked in here, or in the real world (unlikely, but we'll just play the "what if" game) I would be looking for someone who can accept me for who I am; flaws and scars included. I want someone I can be myself around... And I want someone who's more "submissive" than me. I need control you see, if I don't have at least a good chunk of the control I kind of freak out. That's weird, I know. I also like people who are a little nerdy; you know, wears glasses, has their nose in a book all day, likes to play weird little board games, those kinds of things. I like doing that, I like reading and playing board games; they'd be perfect for me."

{"Is the glass half empty, half full, or
twice as large as it needs to be?"}


Appearance wrote:{ Hair Color;
{ Hair length;
{ Eye color;
Pale blue, kind of like a
stormy blue.

{ Eye shape;
Uh... Almond? Or a little
wider than almond? I
don't know, what the
hell kind of question
is that?

{ Height;
I'm 5"9' in heels...
I think I might be around
5"4? Ish? Yes, I'm bloody
short, leave me be.

{ Weight;
Roughly 120, I don;t

{ Skin color;
Like everyone elses?
Pale in the winter, tan
in the summer. Right
now I'm paler than I'd
want to be, but hey, no
sun out here!

{ Body type;
Skinny, lean, more
muscles in my legs than
anywhere else on my body.

{ Tattoos;
A dragon breathing
fire on my right shoulder
blade. Dragons are my
symbol of strength.

{ Piercings;
Just my ear lobes
and my tongue... Yup,
Barbie doll chick has her
tongue pierced. What do
you say about that!?

{ Scars;
Just the ones all
over my back from the
car accident.

{ Clothing style;
Something that looks
fancy but isn't? Sometimes
casual... I don't bloody know.
I just wear whatever I feel like.
"Ah, so, you really are blind then. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking me about my appearance. Don't get any bright ideas about asking if you can feel my face, or some other weird crap like that, because I don't believe you're really blind, I just think you're asking me dumb questions for the sake of hearing me talk, or wasting time. Maybe both.

My hair color is blonde, and it falls around my mid back. It's really a pain in the butt around here, always getting caught on things, so I usually have it tied up. My eyes are a pale blue, almost like a stormy blue color I guess. I think their almond shaped, but I really have no freaking clue. I never paid much attention to their shape before. My height? 5"9... In heels. I'm actually 5"4ish. Yes, I know how freakishly short I am, please don't comment on it. I don't like being this short, and I don't like people pointing it out. That's one of the things that makes me angry. I weighed around 120 pounds last time I checked, and I can't even remember that last time I checked, so I might weigh less than that... My skin color is like everyone else's, pale in the winter, tanned in the summer. And since there isn't any sun in here, I'm pretty much pale all the time. Like a ghost. It really sucks, because I think pale skin looks horrible on me, but there's not much I can do here. My body type is just average, lean and skinny. I have some muscles, but there's more in my legs than anywhere else in my body; I like to run. If it's fight or flight, I'm going to choose flight, because I can run pretty damned fast. I only have one tattoo, which is a dragon breathing fire on my right shoulder blade. Dragons are my favorite mythical creature, plus they're my idea of strength and freedom. They are one of the strongest mythical creatures, plus they have wings that can take them anywhere in the world they want to go. That's what I want now, either a dragon or a pair of wings that can take me out of this place and take me home. I was actually going to get another tattoo on my wrist before I was taken, it's not even original but I liked it. I wanted to get the symbol of eternity on my wrist. I don't know why, but I just wanted it there. It's a silly thing to want, especially with no reason for wanting it. But hey, my body, I can do with it what I want. I have three piercings total, one in each of my ear lobes, and one in my tongue. Yeah, that's right buddy, the barbie doll chick has her tongue pierced. Pretty kinky eh? I had wanted to get my eyebrow and my nose pieced as well, but I didn't think that would work with my face, plus I thought that might be a little bit extreme... I mean, people were going to see those every day, no matter what. At least with my tongue I can choose who sees it and who doesn't. The only scars that I know I have are the ones on my upper back from the car accident, they're mostly on my lower shoulders and mid back. I was lucky, there was a spot still on my shoulder unaffected by the scars, and there was enough room left in it for me to get that dragon tattoo. My clothing style is just whatever the hell I feel like putting on when I wake up. In the real world, I used to love to wear heels because I needed the height boost, and I used to wear things that would flatter my figure. But, really, I don't have much of a selection here, so I just wear whatever."







{ Username;
Kalika Kai
{ You can call me;
Kali, or Kai.
{ Gender;
I'm female.
{ My roleplaying style;
Semi-Literate to Literate.
{ First person or third person?
I prefer first person, but can
do third if you don't mind
it still sounding like someone's
train of thought.

{ My time zone;
Atlantic Standard Time.
{ Availability;
I'm online almost all morning,
but in the afternoon I am
not online as much. Replies
will most likely come during
the mornings, or late at night.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, we've got a user here! Who would have thought that there would users on chickensmoothie eh? I know, it's totally crazy. Something's messed up if we've got users, maybe they should fix that...

Anyway, the name's Kalika Kai, but you can call me Kali or Kai, whichever one you prefer. I usually do more literate roleplays, but I can shorted or lengthen my posts depending on who I'm roleplaying with. A good skill to have, or so I'm told. I usually roleplay in first person, but I can do third person; except my third person will still sound like it's someone's train of thought. This is because I write in first person for my novels, and it just flows better for me that way. I'm in the Atlantic Standard time zone, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm on a different time than the rest of you and that I post at different times. Speaking of different times; I'm most active during the mornings and the late evenings. So, don't expect any roleplay replies during the afternoon, between 2pm and 6pm. If you see me posting replies during that time, that means I got some time to do so, but most of the time between those hours I only have enough time to bump certain topics for trades and the such.

Just thought you guys should know a little about me. :3

All images (c) their rightful owner
Lyrics (c) [Three Days Grace]
Character (c) me
Form (c) me
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby stunning.reality; » Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:03 am

{ {
    You two are both up on the list! c:

    Scene, the limit for male's ages is twenty. c: Would you mind lowering his age by a year, perhaps?
now that you know--------------------------------------
-----------------------------------something's not right
look at it carefully in [----p a l e///l o g i c///l i g h t----]
don't be sorry---------------------------- if you can't recognize


----------------------------------in such a perfect disguise!
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby - drift. » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:15 pm

;; are there any spots left for this? I would love to join. :3
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby Kaliyana » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:16 pm

{As far as I know there's still a female spot left open.}
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby stunning.reality; » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:17 pm

{ {
    XD Well, Kai just told you. One female spot left open!
now that you know--------------------------------------
-----------------------------------something's not right
look at it carefully in [----p a l e///l o g i c///l i g h t----]
don't be sorry---------------------------- if you can't recognize


----------------------------------in such a perfect disguise!
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Re: híndsíght sєcrєts ;:; σpєn, mч dєαríєs

Postby Kaliyana » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:19 pm

{Sorries, I'm just really excited for this one to start. xD}
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