welcome back - multifandom - open

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Killing off characters

Poll ended at Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:34 pm

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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby Zyn » Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:51 am

αℓєχαи∂єя ѕнєρнєя∂
☯ Human || Spectre || Male || Twenty Eight
☯ Extra: Appears to be Sixteen-Seventeen
☯ Room: Green
☯ Location: The Jungle
☯ Tags: The Author
xxxxxxxxBlaise & Foster Mcallister

Alex frowned slightly, not because he was upset with the whole situation but because he was trying to think how this would all work out. He gave a small shrug and glanced over at the Author. "Alright, just be careful okay" he said, it wasn't a command just worried remark like earlier. "Since you are so young I would rather not take to many chances so if we do run into danger I will be dropping back to pull up a shield around you just to be safe. Speaking of which once we are on the field I trust everyone's judgment. Blaise will be in charge of where we go mostly though due the fact that he will be the one scanning things. Now that everything is settled lets head out" he said. It was true that he would have to rely on the other peoples judgment since he didn't know what their capabilities were. When he was commanding his team he knew all of their strengths and weaknesess so he could play to their advantages. However here he only knew a few pieces of the puzzle for each person. Pushing those thoughts aside he started for the edge of the camp, he paused only a moment to check that everyone was following before stepping into the jungle.

ᒎᗩᔕᗝᑎ ᔕ丅ᗩᖇᛕ
⚛ Human || Hero || Male || Twenty Two
⚛ Extra: N/A
⚛ Room: Gray
⚛ Location: The Jungle
⚛ Tags: Runa Mokun & Victoria Kit

Jason kept his same stance and expression the same as Runa stared at him blankly, and he kept it that way right up until she turned away. It seemed he had managed to fool one more person, it was better then letting people know how truly broken he was. Five years of torture did that to a guy, however he didn't want anyone to know that. In fact he would prefer that they didn't even suspect that anything was wrong. It was why he was acting a bit arrogant, if there was any way to make them hate him a bit more then he would use it. Of course he wasn't trying to make them hate his entire being just enough to make them want some distance from him. If they hated his entire being then they might try and pry for a different reason. His attention was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard Clara speak up. "To be clear I was never against finding a better place to camp, I am however completely against leaving the camp right now" he said defending himself. It was true it wasn't like he had said that they should never find a better spot. He had said that they shouldn't leave now since the Commander had told them to stay. They were three of the few people who were doing well enough to wander around if they left the camp completely undefended then there would be no point in finding a different place in the first place. Once again he was pulled from his thoughts when Clara addressed him and he stared at her blankly. "Sure, I am not sure there is much we can do with building up the defenses here and I don't think we should if we plan on moving soon anyways. So that would leave making weapons to defend ourselves which should be easy enough" he said. He wasn't used to being in charge of anything even something as small or short as something like this. x

☣ Angel || Seraphim || Male || Unknown
☣ Extra: His Vessel is Twenty-Six
☣ Room: Black
☣ Location: The Jungle
☣ Tags: Clara Ridge & Amaros

Azriel looked over at Amaros, he was't sure why the other angel was once again repeating sorry. He had only being telling them something that would help in the future. Glancing between Amaros and Clara he hesitated a bit, should he move to inquire to what he should do next or should he wait with the other angel. The angel won out over the human and he was soon moving to sit down next to his brother. "You are Amaros correct? I believe we have meet once in passing many centuries ago. If you did not overhear I am Azriel" he said. He chose to leave out the other facts, like how he was very close to Castiel. In fact he had been the other Seraphim's battering ram in the battle for Heaven. He had then stuck pretty closely to the other angel, or at least he had tried to. When Castiel disappeared at the same time as Metatron he had lost track of them and had to start searching for them. Of course he had been getting close when he had been called here. He shook his head slightly and glanced around the camp. The group of four that was supposed to be scouting seemed to be preparing to leave and there was a smaller group of three that seemed to be preparing to leave as well. He looked up when Clara moved back to them and apologized for having kind of ignored him, it was something he was used to though so it hadn't bothered him to much. He was a bit surprised to find that she knew of his position, "I have a few skills left at my disposal. I should be able to heal small injuries, I have not tried any others though" he informed her. He returned his attenion to Amaros when Clara made clear signs that she was done talking here and move onto the group of three that was starting to leave.
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby puppypillar » Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:16 am

      [-] amaros - angel - supernatural - maroon room - clara, azriel, runa [-]

    xxxxAmaros nodded. Oh yes, he knew of him. "Well, hello Azriel." He greeted gloomily. He looked away, at the people leaving, how different they were. One had a child. That was unwise, but after all, Amaros didn't care if the child died. (writer's block)

      [-] ruel ovpen - pokemon trainer - purple room - victoria kit, clara ridge, azriel and amaros [-]

    xxxxRuel nodded. "I'll do that." He said happily, following orders. He was good at taking care of sick people, most trainers were, since they had to comfort their fainted pokemon until they reached a pokemon center. He was in a great position to go out, however.

      [-] foster mcallister - wolfblood - green room - the group [-]

    xxxxFoster sighed, standing up, following the group. (writer's block ;-;)

      [-] the author - timelord - gray room - the group [-]

    xxxxThe Author's smile didn't falter as he followed Shepherd. "This isn't like normal Earth," He commented, stopping a second. He felt out a hand near a leaf, and a bright pink beetle-like bug with blue markings hopped onto his open hand. He smiled down at the girl before looking back at the others. "See, this bug does not exist on Earth. It may on some other planet, but I've read too many entomology books to think that this little thing belongs there." He let it crawl back off his hand and onto the large leaf.
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby GoodbyeYall » Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:01 am

Last edited by GoodbyeYall on Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby FaerieBoy » Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:15 am

blaise|red|male|tag/s - alexander shepherd, foster mcallister, the author|location - in the jungle

You scan the bug as quick as you could. It had a general body shape of a real beetle, but the antennaes were strangely shaped, and the colour was odd. You watch it scuttle off. 'It's definitely part of the Coleoptera class, but it's hard to tell of which specifically.'

runa mokun|teal|female|tag/s - jason stark, victoria kit|location - in the jungle

You pause. You hated every part of this plan. They needed to go to a different part of the camp, it was a necessity. They'd be killed here. Besides, there had to be something bigger going on here than just living. Whatever it was, it wasn't here, so unless they used their time wisely... "I'm going to work on my own."

amai kodomo|yellow|female|tag/s - the author|location - in the jungle

You watch the beetle scamper off, before glancing up at the red and purple boy, the one who kept looking at you. What was up with him? Had he never seen sunlight before? He looked like he was dead. You held a bit tighter to Thr Author's arm, cautiously, before looking over at the quiet boy. He seemed so strange, he was wearing green. You look down at your own yellow clothes, wondering why you had to be yellow.
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby Zyn » Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:19 am

αℓєχαи∂єя ѕнєρнєя∂
☯ Human || Spectre || Male || Twenty Eight
☯ Extra: Appears to be Sixteen-Seventeen
☯ Room: Green
☯ Location: The Jungle
☯ Tags: The Author
xxxxxxxxBlaise & Foster Mcallister

Alex paused when he noticed that The Author had stopped and picked up a pink and blue beetle and moved back to peer at the beetle. He was careful to stay far enough away that he wasn't pushing anyone's boundaries but at the same time close enough to take in the details of the bug. "I can't say I have seen any of them before and I have been to a lot of planets but it does remind me of the Hanar" he mentioned. He brought it up because it might help tell everyone where the bug was from or more specifically where it was not from. He glanced over at Blaise. "Did you get anything from that scan?" he asked. He was getting better at noticing when Blaise was scanning something, that was mostly due to the fact that he was used to keeping an eye on EDI. The unshackled AI had never caused any problems but for her sake he kept an eye out so that she wouldn't have to inform the team every time she had scanned something.

ᒎᗩᔕᗝᑎ ᔕ丅ᗩᖇᛕ
⚛ Human || Hero || Male || Twenty Two
⚛ Extra: N/A
⚛ Room: Gray
⚛ Location: The Jungle
⚛ Tags: Runa Mokun & Victoria Kit

Jason shrugged slightly he wasn't sure how to react to that, the whole reassurance thing. He hadn't heard that tone of voice or intention in a long time and if anything it put him on edge. He kept expecting something to happen however when Clara moved onto something else he was even more lost. He was still a bit lost as Clara told them to look for things around the camp but he moved away anyways and started hunting around for something that could be used as a weapon or be turned into one. { Sorry WB }

☣ Angel || Seraphim || Male || Unknown
☣ Extra: His Vessel is Twenty-Six
☣ Room: Black
☣ Location: The Jungle
☣ Tags: Clara Ridge & Amaros

Azriel knew that tone of voice and he pushed himself to his feet. "If you prefer I can leave most of out brethren don't like me" he said. It was a bit more serious then what he was letting on, after all he had been escaping from more of his brothers and sisters that had been trying to kill him when he had been sent here. He took a step away from Amaros, it was what he assumed the other angel would want. { WB again TT^TT }
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby FaerieBoy » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:38 am

blaise|red|male|tag/s - alexander shepherd, foster mcallister, the author|location - in the jungle

You turn your attention to Alexander. "Why do you keep referencing to my actions as 'scanning'? And yes, it's not from Earth that's for sure. It's possible to be a sort of evolved species of beetle, but if so, it's evolved quite a lot, as it doesn't really resemble any species of beetles. It is in the Coleoptera class though." You had noticed a while ago that they had been giving you weird looks whenever you would scan something, and you prayed to your creator that they didn't know anything. You could feel your heartbeat grow in frequency, which only put you on edge more.

Catching a glimpse of the little girl falling over, and the sound of what seemed to be mostly being startled, with a hint of fear, you let your eyes trail to the beetles. One seemed to be in an offensive position to the girl, purple and green, with a shimmery body. Knowing the others would take care of the girl, you quickly ignored the others, rushing over to the angry beetle, and picking it up. It immediately bit into your flesh, but you paid no mind to that, instead looking at it's strange teeth and turning it over to look at it's underbelly. "It's almost like it has been exposed to some sort of radioactivity to force evolution. Beetles would never evolve to have teeth... Wow..." You find yourself smiling as you examine the beetle who was still trying to bite you.

runa mokun|teal|female|tag/s - jason stark, victoria kit|location - in the jungle

You huff, and walk off. You were not going to be working with anyone here if that was the plan. If they thought that staying in one place would help them survive they were far off from the truth. Being together makes you a better target. You had learned that from experience. You stomp out of the clearing into the woods, breaking branches to try and calm your anger. Why was everyone so stupid?! You would find your own camp, and try to get people who weren't stupid to come with you. No. You didn't need anyone else. You knew how to fight, you knew how to survive, and you were not letting a bunch of idiots cause you to die after everything you'd gone through.

amai kodomo|yellow|female|tag/s - the author|location - in the jungle

You reached out a hand for the beetle, stroking it's hard shell curiously. It was rather pretty. You let go of The Author's arm, choosing to follow the beetle a few steps away, looking at the other strange creatures. Many of them had rather pretty colours, so you reached out and stroked the shell of a green and purple one, it's shell more shimmery than the Cotton Candy beetle as you'd decided to call it.

You let out a yelp as the green and purple beetle snapped at you, catching a glimpse of tiny splinterlike teeth. In a panic, you tried to take a step back, tripping on your scarf, and falling backwards. You landed with an 'oof' on your butt, watching the beetles with a hint of fear now.
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby GoodbyeYall » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:53 pm

Last edited by GoodbyeYall on Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby puppypillar » Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:21 pm

      [-] amaros - angel - supernatural - maroon room - clara, azriel, runa [-]

    xxxx"I know how it feels-" He started, but noticed Azriel move away. He narrowed his eyes. "I know how it feels. I am useless to most, and I prefer to stay out of the useless bloodshed. I do not have a side, if you have assumed otherwise." He said it quite bitterly, but other than that it was not hostile. Just annoyed.

      [-] ruel ovpen - pokemon trainer - purple room - victoria kit, clara ridge, azriel and amaros [-]

    xxxxRuel nodded. "I'll do that." He said happily, following orders. He was good at taking care of sick people, most trainers were, since they had to comfort their fainted pokemon until they reached a pokemon center. He was in a great position to go out, however.

      [-] foster mcallister - wolfblood - green room - the group [-]

    xxxxFoster just up and disappears cause' the monster ate him.. yep

      [-] the author - timelord - gray room - the group [-]

    xxxxThe Author turned around at the small noises behind him, seeing Amai. "What happened?" He asked, slightly frowning. He spotted a little green bug scuttling away, like it had just done something. "Are you okay?" He crouched down, eyeing her worriedly. This was obviously an unknown planet to him - which was saying a lot - and he did not know the fauna correctly. If she had gotten bit, it could kill her in a matter of minutes, or just leave a harmless little mark. There was no way of telling.

    // writer's black ahh //
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby vampz » Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:25 pm

kano shuuya • 16 • male • pan • kagepro • tagged - n/a
It felt like ages before Kano came to a halt in the seemingly endless
hall, gasping for air as he bent down and laid his hands on his
knees. He didn't ask to be here, he didn't want to be here. While
the rest of his gang would have likely considered the idea fun,
himself included, there was no point if none of them were
present. And now here he was, draped in a red uniform, despite
the fact that he didn't have the faintest memory of changing
his clothes. They matched the tone of the room he had left
moments earlier- that was all he knew. Kano wanted to put on
a display of fake happiness like he always had, but truthfully,
he wasn't finding this exciting in the least. Perhaps he should
return to his roommate, whom he knew very little about, and
inquire him further, although he was sure he only knew as much
as he did. Instead, he decided to explore the school further-
maybe there was someone he could get to comfort him, at least
until he felt relaxed. Kano had spotted a few other students
here and there, but they were out of sight by now. "Hey!" he
called out as he walked down the empty halls. He started
heading back towards his room regardless in case he couldn't
find any fellow... victims? Is that what they should be considered?
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Re: welcome back - multifandom - open

Postby Minigunner » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:25 am

(Ah, repost? )
More active on Flight Rising atm
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