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Just a small update....

Postby Ice_The_Random » Mon May 13, 2019 2:34 pm

Naomi Fujioka/Aiode
Age:22|Quirk:Musical Projection|Tags:Open|Location:Inside the seemingly abandoned house in the city|
Sighing as she looked around the dusty room, she noted a few forgotten photos of a seemingly happy family.
"Now who would want to forget these?" she asked herself, gazing at them with a small feeling of remorse, "Aren't these things the kind of items you want to keep?"
Sighing once more, the brown haired heroine merely turned to gaze out the dirty window, a sense of melancholy over taking her as she let the loneliness sink in. Shaking off the feeling, she stood to explore the building. Her grey-blue eyes seemed to swirl with different emotions as she noted each forgotten relic left behind. It probably wasn't that long ago that the family from the photos lived in the rooms and roamed the halls. When she returned to the couch, she hugged her knees to herself, losing herself in memories of her own childhood. A few silent tears made their way from her eyes as she went on to think of what could have been had the tragedy been avoided.
Yukiko Kita
Age: 16|F|Class: 1-B|Quirk: Arctic Fox|Tags:Open| Location: At the Dance|
The teen's silver tipped ears flicked back with the shift in the music. Her amber eyes glanced about as she moved to sit in a chair. Her tail flicked a little before it settled near her leg, the lights seeming to make her hair shimmer slightly as she observed the rest. Yukiko let out a soft breath as she watched everyone enjoy themselves. Even her grandmother was swaying in time with the music, though she was also alone. Standing again, the white haired female merely walked outside, going to a quieter, more isolated place. She didn't feel the need to be reminded she barely belonged there. Her quirk wasn't controlled, nor was she the friendliest.
"Why did I even try to get into the UA to begin with?"she muttered to herself, ears back as she looked towards the building, "Maybe I should have given up trying to be a hero when they let the car hit me after all. I should have just stayed home-schooled. Maybe I could have just joined in with the family vigilante business.At least then I wouldn't have to worry about what others think."
Her ears seemed to vanish into her long hair, her tail lower than usual as her gaze shifted towards the sky. A dry laugh seemed to break her soliloquy.
"I guess I can still prove them all wrong," she mused, "But then again, what if they were right? What if I can't be anything but the stupid little fox girl who is trailing after everyone else?" Yukiko shook her head at this, "No, I've got to at least try I guess. I'm already here after all. Why not make even a half-hearted attempt at being a hero."
Looking back down, she listened to sounds from inside the building. The music reached her ears as she stood still, gazing at nothing in particular.
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The last one for now.

Postby แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแดแด… ๊œฑแด›แดœ๊œฐ๊œฐ » Tue May 14, 2019 1:02 pm

_๐Ÿ•น๏ธ_ M E G U M I x S A I K O
xโ†ณ x"Video games have ruined my life."
xโ†ณ xPro Hero ~ Location: Dance ~ Tags: Kanon
xโ†ณ xVideo Game ~ Electric Warrior ~ "Good thing I have two more."xโ™ฅ๏ธ โ™ฅ๏ธ โ™ฅ๏ธ
โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌ
Being a pro-hero was a privledge. Megumi still couldn't believe that some men and women saw her as a hero. Then again, having an alter ego that was much taller than yourself was always helpful. Even with that in mind, she had no idea why she was asked to help with the students at UA. Sure, she had been one of the better ones in her class when she had attended, but she had been looked down at quite alot. Especially since she looked like a middle schooler in highschool because of her quirk. She had gotten over it rather quickly. She was rather carefree and showed interest in things not many would expect a strong pro-hero to be into. Especially junk food. Somehow she always stayed tiny. Not many understood why, Megumi didn't either. No one asked questions, though. It was better that way.
So, here she was, standing in her smaller form in a rather cute little dress that fit the occasion. Then again, that was just her opinion. She was decked out in, not a dress, but a two-piece Pacman outfit. It was practically the whole game on her outfit. She liked it, though. The skirt was flowy! She enjoyed the comfort of soft and casual clothes. She also had an odd liking to tight outfits such as her own hero outfit. Though, not very many knew that, only her closest friends. Mainly the ones she has invited over to her place to play video games and binge on chips with some pizza. Now that sounded like a great Saturday night.
The outfit also showed a little of her stomach, revealing the small tattoo she had just above her belly button. Five hearts with four of them filled in red while the fifth was empty. It showed her first love. Video games.
The small pro-hero walked with a hop in her step, almost child-like. It was easy to mistake her for a student or a child. She got it often. She even got that same look from the guards at the door. She just ignored them, a normal thing for her to do when she got that feeling of being judged for her appearance. Instead, she let her purple eyes wander, falling on what she believed to be a student. An actual student at UA. What a great thing to see! After all, wasn't this a camp for these kids? She chuckled to herself, her high pitch tone still noticeable to anyone in the general vicinity. She then made her way over, sliding up beside the blonde girl. "Hey there! You seem nervous. Need someone to walk ya in?" Her words were out of her mouth almost way too fast. She didn't really mind, though. She was clear speaking, just quick about it.
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he worries too much for an emo

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 14, 2019 2:17 pm

      โ‡€๏ผก๏ฝ‹๏ฝ‰๏ฝ’๏ฝ ๏ผณ๏ฝ๏ฝ‹๏ฝ•๏ฝ’๏ฝ๏ฝ‰!!
      xxxxmale โ€ข sixteen years old โ€ข inner spirit quirk โ€ข tagged: asami

      Letting the words "ruins the experience" settle in with him, Akira felt a wave of anxiety overcome him. Him going wasn't going to be the reasoning for anything being ruined. Him not telling her something was going to take place was what was going to do that. As much as he wished he didn't have to hide, he knew there was no way he could come clean and admit what he knew to anyone. Being in such a struggle troubled him greatly, but somehow he found a way to keep it together. Pushing his thoughts to the side, he finally gave a small bob of his head. If he kept thinking about such things he was bound to blow his cover and he didn't want that. He could only imagine what might happen to him if he was found out. Surely he would be kicked from the school in an instant and it was possible he would be taken in to be locked away for some crime. He hadn't done anything bad to the heroes themselves. He had only given the villains minimal information that might help them to plot their moves. That tie alone probably was enough to get him into plenty of trouble. That was the problem with it all. Part of him enjoy the thrill of it all, but at the same time he hated it. He much rather be able to live a lax life where he didn't have to be someone's pawn. He didn't desire to be a hero nor a villain yet in some ways he was both at the same time. At some point his identity would probably be uncovered, but for tonight he didn't want to drag Asami into the mess he was tied up with. She didn't deserve that despite having met his comrades. He was actually kind of surprised by the story she had told him about it all. None of it made sense to him or at least why they had let her and Haru go. He understood why the blood was important, but it seemed like a they got off far too easy. It made him question if his so called allies really did have any kind of plan. In a way it didn't seem like it. If anything it seemed they were heavily banking on the blood quirk which in his opinion wasn't a great thing to gamble on. The worst part was he knew exactly what would happen if Sasaki used Asami's blood. It would mean he would have to endure watching her suffer and know that there was no way for him to stop it. That was yet another thing for himself to be concerned with attending this dance. Even if they were to ditch it was possible her blood would be used and she'd still suffer. There really was no winning.

      Yet again he found himself he found himself overthinking it all, but her touch pulled him back into reality. Feeling her grab hold of his hand, Akira allowed his smile to expand ever so slightly. "You're right we should," he agreed quietly despite the doubts he had. It was possible none of it would actually go down, but he knew if he spotted one villain present there was sure to be more following close behind. Now he was beginning to regret telling them of the event that was taking place. There was no taking it back now though. What was done was done. "If it's seemingly like we're not having any fun we can always leave anyways. There's no rule that we need to stay." Part of him hoped that would apply to danger as well, but he figured if he ran like a coward that would send up red flags to those around him. If he truly was training to be a hero then he couldn't run if danger did make itself present. Still he knew how his quirk was and it was still difficult to have control over the spirit that dwelled within. It was something he still needed to learn to do better, but without said training he knew he was a huge liability to those around him if he was forced to fight. His spirit did have a mind of its own and often wanted to do whatever it pleased. Hopefully he wouldn't be forced to use it but he imagined his hand might be forced if the other villains did wish to do something to Asami. He would have to keep that in mind. For now it was safest not to think about it. After standing still for a moment, Akira finally guided Asami away from her cabin and began moving towards the building the dance was taking place in. For a brief second he glanced down at their hands, finding the feeling of holding another's odd. He wasn't one that was used to much human contact in general given that he often avoided it to begin with. Even the contact that came in combat wasn't something he necessarily felt either given the coma-like state he went into after activating his quirk. The pain never effected him right in the moment, but once the spirit returned. Could he consider combat human contact knowing that though? It didn't matter anyways. It wouldn't change whether or not he was used to contact or not.

      As he neared the building, he looked toward the doors for a moment in slight hesitation, but he knew he couldn't be bothered now. Everything about this was exactly what he wished to avoid. The bright lights, the loud music and the possible conflict. How stupid was he getting for walking right in to them? Taking a deep breath, he lead Asami inside and stopped near the entrance and looked at her. "Well is there something you see that you'd like to do first?"

      โ‡€๏ผน๏ฝ๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ’๏ฝ ๏ผต๏ฝ™๏ฝ…๏ฝŽ๏ฝ!!
      xxxxmale โ€ข fifteen years old โ€ข arsenal quirk โ€ข tagged: haru

      Letting her compliment settle in, Yoshiro scuffed softly. He never had been one that took compliments all that well mostly because he wasn't used to receiving many due to is nature. If anything when compliments were thrown at him he usually grew cocky, but this seemed like no time to do such. Instead he gave a small nod of his head. "I would hope so. This is an expensive suit," he commented. For how expensive he was he sure hoped that it looked good on himself otherwise in his eyes it would have been a waste of money. He wouldn't say that out loud though given that he knew that it might come off in the wrong manner. Watching her react to his joke, a small smirk began to form on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. He figured she had been worried that he wasn't going to actually show up. In a way he was surprised that she hadn't come to his cabin to drag him out. He would have entirely expected it from her, but he was thankful that she hadn't. It spared him the embarrassment and he didn't need her dragging him around again like she had during the training exercise the day before. That was more than enough of that for him. Plus it would have ruined his suit if she even tried and if there was one thing that he worried about it was his appearance. It was an odd thing given how he acted, but secretly he cared far too much about it. He was sure it was a habit he had picked up from his older sister and the rest of his family in general although his mother was a bit more lax about it. He guessed it was because she hadn't come from an extremely rich family like his father had thus she still retained an idea of what a less luxurious was like. Honestly he didn't care for much of the rich lifestyle or so that was what he liked to think, but he still had high tastes in his clothes and even his food choice. As the thought of food came to mind, he glanced toward the buffet and wrinkled his nose ever so slightly. "I'm glad you wouldn't imagine me as any of this." Not all of it looked that bad, but it definitely wasn't what he was used to. "But it surprises me that you didn't come get me in the first place. Would have spared you."

      Averting his attention towards the others, Yoshiro quietly scanned the sea of people and quirked a brow as she pointed out the ones in masks. It was odd that they were the only ones. Haru might be quick to dismiss it as misreading the invitation, but he felt that something might be off. Maybe he was overthinking it, but it still did seem a bit fishy in his eyes. Sure it was entirely possible that they had misread the letter, but he would assume that once they arrived and noticed nobody else was wearing them that they would remove the masks and reveal their faces to those around. That didn't seem to be the case which was what put him a bit on edge. "You'd think they would remove them when they noticed everyone else wasn't wearing one," he mumbled as his eyes narrowed. There wasn't much of a point putting too much thought into it now though. For now all he could do was keep an eye out for the strangers and try his best to actually enjoy his night. That shouldn't be all too difficult. Even Haru seemed to be on the same page although it was no surprise. As much as she seemed to worried, he felt she was more of the type to be able to brush it off and focus on something else whereas he tended to keep his focus on things for much longer. Multitasking never had been a skill he was overly great at in the first place. He was much better at focusing on one thing and putting everything he had into it rather than dividing his attention. It was something he admittedly needed to work on and he knew it. Pushing the thought off, he gave a small bob of his head at her words. "You're right. It's best not to worry about it right now," he agreed. He was starting to feel that he was already talking too much than he usually did and it felt strange. "As much as I hate to say it, we should be enjoying ourselves. We can't worry about what could happen. That is no way to live."

      It wasn't like him to speak in such a manner given how he usually thought, but he felt it necessary to try and put her at ease and even to reassure himself that things were going to be fine. He needed to keep a level head. Even if something were to happen he couldn't afford to jump in and take action anyways. His quirk became much more dangerous with larger groups around and he was already restricted of being able to use it given the outfit he was currently in.
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โ€› โœฆ โ—ฆ โ”€ this love could be bad for us, but i want it bad

Postby `kosmic » Wed May 15, 2019 9:32 pm

      ๏ผณ๏ผก๏ผซ๏ผต๏ผฒ๏ผก ๏ผŒ
      xx[ class 1-B U.A student ] [ loc. the dance ] [ tags. mitsuo ] [ words. 651 ]
      xxeven sakura noticed how it took the other cat a moment to reply, but she dismissed it. he was probably just as surprised as she was about another cat being here, it was kind of a relief actually. not that she had a problem with any of the other students, she definitely didn't, but it was always reassuring to find someone like her. being a cat, she was often overlooked or mistaken for somebody else, some people finding it hard to believe she was a student enrolled in the hero course. sometimes even she was surprised by it but she had worked hard to get where she was now. it wasn't too long before the other student spoke up, probably realizing he was just starring, in which sakura nodded and smiled. it was good to know she wasn't interrupting anything, though by the looks of it, he hadn't been doing anything which is why she decided to approach him in the first place. they were both alone so why not? wasn't the point of this dance to get to know other students before they were all thrown into the chaos that would ensue from their classes at U.A? over the course of both today and yesterday, she's come to make a couple of friends, but there was no reason to make more. she figured he was just as glad as to meet another cat as she was, anyways. not long after she had introduced herself, she noticed the way his demeanor seem to change, going from a slightly nervous person to a more laid-back, bubbly one. this made her smile, her caramel-colored eyes lighting up slightly. "the pleasure is all mine, mitsuo," she then replied, dropping her own paw after their quick shake was done. there didn't seem to be any awkwardness or tension between the two of them, which was always a good sign. first impression wise, mitsuo appeared to be a good person, she couldn't pick out any negative about him. not that she was trying to, but nothing stood out in that sense.

      xxthe tom cat's question caught her by surprise for a split second, blinking her eyes. it took her a second to process what he had asked, addressing her quirk. its not like this wasn't the first time she had been asked, it was always a question somewhere along the line of meeting somebody for the first time. "not exactly, no," she replied once she had recollected her scattered thoughts. everybody's first idea was that her quirk was related to that of her cat appearance, she didn't blame that, she probably would've assumed the same thing. "my quirk actually has nothing to do with me being a cat. I get the cat part from my mom's side of the family. my quirk is just the ability to fly whenever I manifest a pair of wings, weird huh?" she explained, a short laugh leaving her throat afterwards. nobody would have guessed her quirk, honestly, it had nothing to do with her appearance. at the same time, though, sakura wouldn't have it any other way; she adored her flying quirk, it was always much more fun in the air she liked to say. "so then, your quirk is solely based around being a cat?" she asked in return, genuinely curious. she had noted the way he had asked her: 'do you have a cat quirk too or?' which only implied his quirk was related to that of being a cat. that didn't stop her from asking though, their could always be more than just that. taking a quick glance around the room, she noted how the building was slowly but surely filling up, everybody busying themselves with chatting away or whatever you did at a dance. she felt glad about finding mitsuo, able to talk with somebody she could relate to and seemed like a pretty nice person.

      ๏ผฒ๏ผฅ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฏ ๏ผŒ
      xx[ class 1-B student, "the phoenix" ] [ loc. outside ] [ tags. kyo ] [ words. 646 ]
      xxupon approaching the boy, reiko hadn't thought about his roughed up appearance too much. he had a crazy, deranged look in his eyes and his uniform was all messed up; but who was she to judge? though, that did make her question why he was in uniform in the first place, this was a dance after all. she did get some strange vibes from him, but she wasn't about to let something like that scare her off - for all she could know, he was lonely and just needed some friends. though, after introducing herself, reiko began to instantly regret that decision. she should've turned and ran when she had the chance. she felt her heart skip a beat at the way he looked at her and then took a step closer, shouting at her in which earned a loud "eh?!" from her, her face twisting up in both confusion and surprise. the more he talked, the more confused she became, even taking a step back from the kid. "this guy is crazy," she said out loud, mostly to herself, staring at the kid before her. yeah, great observation, a tad late I'm afraid. before she could turn and run, he suddenly became closer and then his hands were around her neck, causing the girl to yelp out in surprise before the grip became tighter. minutes ago, she definitely hadn't pictured herself in this situation, somewhere behind the building where everybody was currently at - far enough to where they couldn't hear her struggling against some guy who accused her of stealing some.... teddy? he wasn't making any sense, and she was beginning to get the suspicion that he wasn't a kid enrolled at U.A. some random psycho, yes. again, how come she always found herself in these situation? the one time she finally musters up enough sense to approach somebody and introduce herself, they turn out to be some deranged psycho. this is exactly why she didn't do this, this is exactly why. and of course, they were no where near others so any calls of help that she might use were useless. by now everybody as inside the dance, the music far too loud for her screams to be heard - she was on her own.

      xxinstantly, the dark purple-haired girl began to struggle against his grip, scratching at his arms before finally wrapping her fingers around his wrists. he wasn't much taller than her, and probably wasn't much older either yet she was struggling. his grip was tight around her throat, but not tight enough to cut off any means of air - not yet anyways. "I. don't. know. what. you're. talking. about," she managed to get out between rigid breaths, furrowing her brows in frustration. desperately, her multi-colored eyes shot around the area they were in, searching for any source of fire. anything, just a little flame. to her dismay, she couldn't find what she was looking for, which meant her quirk was rendered useless in this situation. there was no way for her to summon her flames, nor her firebird, which meant she would have to depend on her own abilities based on strength alone. with her fingers digging into his wrist, she brought her knee up, striking him in the lower stomach. it wasn't too hard, but she hoped it was enough for him to let her go. "let me go you freak!" she practically screamed, heart beating against her chest in both fear and adrenaline. she just hoped she would be able to escape before he actually tried killing her. she couldn't be entirely sure what this kid was capable of but she wasn't just going to stand around and find out either. clearly, his head wasn't in the right place. if that was the case, he was not only a threat to her but the rest of the student body as well.

      ๏ผซ๏ผฉ๏ผญ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฏ ๏ผŒ
      xx[ class 1-A student, "sky sorceress" ] [ loc. outside ] [ tags. junichi, taeko, taichi ] [ words. 637 ]
      xxif she was being honest, kimiko knew she probably should've reported him to the teachers. he was a suspicious character doing suspicious activities in the woods next to the U.A. camp full of kids, but she didn't. there was something about him and the situation itself that intrigued her, compelling her to keep her mouth shut about it. she was still unsure as why, but with him here now she wondered if she could figure it out - and she wasn't gonna let him run off again until she got some answers. the girl didn't look entirely intimidating with her short height and pretty face, but the formal outfit and heels weren't exactly helping her situation either. still, kimiko stood her ground, her brown eyes burning into him once he turned around to face her. yup, it was definitely him, she'd recognize that face anywhere. there was nothing said between them for a moment, just his eyes roaming her, causing a light blush to appear across her cheeks as she suddenly felt exposed. "h-hey! don't just stand there!" she barked in both frustration and embarrassment, trying to hide her flushed face now. once their gazes met, kimiko bit down on her bottom lip as she struggled to compose herself again but still managed to stay put. she was getting a strange vibe for the guy but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. either way, kimiko was here to get some answers and again, she wasn't leaving until she got some. he wouldn't be leaving either, not on her watch. he was lucky she hadn't reported him to the teachers, they most likely wouldn't be here right now. but again, kimiko didn't know this guy; he could be some villain for all she knew. it would make sense, since she found him wondering the forest and acting strange; but for some reason, she didn't want to him judge him by that alone. there was something bigger.

      xxbefore the girl could say anything else, he finally spoke, his voice calm and collected as she had imagined. the answer he gave only brought forth more questions: where were they coming from? why were they at the U.A. camp in the first place? who were they? if she had to guess, the U.A. staff probably wouldn't be very pleased to find them here or anywhere near, so what exactly had they been doing? though, instead of asking any of this out loud, her mind immediately decided it was better to address his question about her business. "don't go around assuming things!" she responded with a fiery attitude, the hand on her hip tightening slightly into her skin. "matter of a fact, I don't. I was going back to my cabin before you showed up," she growled, narrowing her chocolate-colored eyes. yes, the girl had decided to go back to the comfort of her cabin, suddenly completely against the idea of the dance. she felt self-conscious about it and herself, but she wasn't about to admit that out loud, especially not to this guy. just as quickly as her fierce attitude had appeared, it disappeared, her facial features growing softer as she listened to him. she hadn't really expected an apology from him, raising an eyebrow as he bowed as well. seriously, who was this guy? "i-its fine, I guess," she muttered, turning away from him for a second to hide her flushed face. he had given her a little bit of the answer she had been looking for, but a part of her felt like that wasn't the whole picture, or he was lying. snapping her eyes back to him, she moved to fold her arms across her chest, "who are you?" she suddenly asked, keeping her eyes on the male once again, briefly studying the other two as well.

      ๏ผซ๏ผต๏ผฒ๏ผฏ๏ผจ๏ผฉ๏ผญ๏ผฅ ๏ผŒ
      xx[ league of villains, "ghost duchess" ] [ loc. the dance ] [ tags. susumu ] [ words. 696 ]
      xxa part of kurohime was expecting the compliment from susumu, seeing as he was a huge flirt and threw them around like it was nothing, but she still couldn't hide the blush as a result of said-compliment. she knew damn well how he was with woman, how he flirted all the time, but she couldn't stop the feelings she had for him. instead, she avoids them, pushed them away, acted like they didn't exist. why? in fear of rejection, of course. even a villain like herself was afraid of little things like that: never being loved, being alone for the rest of her life. what kind of person could ever love a girl like her? it was a constant battle with herself, as much as she hated to admit it; she was a psychopath, a sadistic mess who ruined any means of a happily ever after for herself. "t-thanks," she murmured in reply, turning away to hide her faint blush from him. it wasn't the first time and definitely not the last time she's been complimented by an attractive guy, but it was different whenever it came from susumu - something always turned in her lower stomach, butterflies rising like there was no tomorrow. still, kurohime denied her feelings, continuing to push them away. she was perfectly fine with just being friends, or even just comrades with the male, she didn't want anything more. or at least, thats what she kept telling herself. a person like her wasn't aloud to love. she always wondered if thats what her father thought when it came to her perfect, delicate mother and if thats why he left her. on the other hand; susumu wasn't some innocent, crime-free guy, he's committed just the same types of acts if not worse as she has. they were equal in that aspect, but she wondered if that made matters even more complicated.

      xxnoticing his hand, she obliged and placed her soft hand in his without any hesitation, trusting him wholeheartedly. watching as he lifted her hand to lips and then placed a light kiss against her fingers, her heart skipped a beat and she felt a shiver run up her spine. if her blush hadn't been noticeable before, it definitely was now. her mind felt so clouded that she almost missed what he said, only managing a slight nod in acknowledgment. so, that meant it was just the two of them. he definitely wasn't making this whole 'suppressing my feelings' any easier, was he? at the same time, kurohime wasn't complaining. her heart practically melted as their eyes met, holding his gaze as she listened to his words, absolutely loving the way he sounded so smooth whenever he spoke. "I wouldn't have it any other way," she managed to get out, though her voice was both soft and nervous. the next thing she knew, they were both making their ways into the dance, able to get access with the fake IDs susumu had managed to get. just like that, they were inside, now surrounded by those bratty kids. already, her mind was circling with ways she could turn this into a nightmare. kurohime blended in pretty well with her height and looks, but she couldn't say the same about susumu; whatever, that didn't matter. should she scare some kids? do something crazy? or maybe she should start by getting into their heads by activating her quirk on them? remembering about the man beside her, kurohime turned toward him, blinking her crimson eyes as a thought came across her mind. with a smirk tugging at the corners of her glossed lips, she suddenly grabbed both his hands, pulling the man further inside. the two of them disappeared into the crowd, kurohime allowing herself to forget about the main reason of being here if only for a brief second. now that they were in the middle of the dance floor, the purple-haired woman stopped, allowing her ruby eyes to look up at susumu. "mm, I would hate for us to miss out on the opportunity of a dance," she hummed loud enough for him over the music, stepping closer as a soft smile met her lips.
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some good kiddos right here

Postby Ploegy » Thu May 16, 2019 1:33 pm

      โ‡€๏ผญ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ”๏ฝ“๏ฝ•๏ฝ ๏ผซ๏ฝ๏ฝ‚๏ฝ๏ฝ™๏ฝ๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰!!
      xxxxmale โ€ข fifteen years old โ€ข cat quirk โ€ข tagged: sakura

      It was a bit surprising that the other cat didn't have a cat based quirk like himself, but he knew that not every one of them only had such a quirk. He was one of the unlucky ones to be stuck with only that kind of quirk. He hated that he had nothing overly special to go with his cat appearance. To hear that she had an actual quirk beyond her appearance made him slightly jealous although he wasn't one to show it. He definitely would have never guessed she would have a quirk that allowed her to grow wings. That actually sounded quite useful especially for someone of their size. It gave much more mobility and speed even though he felt that he was rather quick as is. He was certainly faster than a human if they didn't have a quirk that boosted their speed or something like that. Still having wings would definitely change things up. "Wings, huh? That's pretty neat. I would have never expected something like that," he admitted with a sheepish smile growing on his face. Picturing a cat with a pair of wings seemed strange to him. Never before had he seen anything like it. Actually he was curious on how her wings even formed. He knew some flight based quirks that involved wings had them always present but it was clear that such was not the case for Sakura for he did not see any wings on her. His curiosity was about to get the best of him but he was stopped as she returned the question to him. Letting his smile drop for a moment a soft sigh escaped his mouth before he scratched at his cheek and a faint frown appeared. "Sadly, yes. All I got is a cat based quirk. Nothing too special," he huffed. It was clear that such bothered him even though he often tried to play it off as no big deal. He didn't mind admitting it to a fellow cat though. He was sure that she would at least understand some of his struggles even if she didn't have to suffer having her quirk solely based on her appearance. "I have the good ol' standard mutant quirk known as cat. I guess it could be worse."

      Giving a small shrug, Mitsuo was quick to allow his mood to shift back to its usual cheeriness. If there was one thing he hated it was letting himself be done for all too long. It made him feel weak and that was something he didn't want to show when he was already had a great disadvantage given what he was. He always tried to find the good things about being a cat in order to keep himself moving forward. It was the best way to live life in his opinion. If he only felt sorry for himself he would have never been able to make it this far in his life. He could be thankful for that. Perking up after a moment, the feline let a smile return to his face and swayed his tail out behind him. "But there's no point to be disappointed in what I got. I made it this far with what I have so it's really not a problem," he chuckled as he placed his paws on his hips and took a prideful stance. For someone who clearly was unsure of himself at times, the feline was quick to turn that around and make it seem as if he was already and barely fazed by it. Thinking of a way to shift the conversation to something else, Mitsuo quickly averted his gaze away from Sakura and began to look around the room. Maybe the two of them could do something together while they were here. Dancing was the obvious choice, but he felt it might be awkward to ask to do such out of blue despite that being the basis of the event. Moving his eyes over to the buffet, his tail shot up and the smile on his face was quick to grow. "Hey, are you hungry or something?" he asked as his attention moved back to the she cat before him. "There looks like there's lots of tasty food over there. We can go check it out if you'd like to. It's no problem if you rather do something else though."

      โ‡€๏ผฒ๏ฝ‰๏ฝŽ ๏ผฎ๏ฝ๏ฝ‡๏ฝ๏ฝ”๏ฝ!!
      xxxxfemale โ€ข fifteen years old โ€ข hacker quirk โ€ข tagged: kiya

      She could get why he thought it was strange that she was so oddly calm about the whole situation they were in. If she were honest and let her true feelings show it would be entirely different though. It was best that she kept those to herself and kept herself as calm as possible. The moment she let herself become too stressed would be the moment she made a major mistake. "I mean usually I'm not the one out doing this kind of thing," she admitted with a small shrug of her shoulder. Most times she found herself off in the background being overlooked by pretty much everyone, including those she worked with. It was a hard job to do yet she did it nonetheless. Sometimes she wished she didn't, but for now it was the only way for her to be able to push the limits of her quirk and see how far she could go with it. It sucked that she rarely ever got the credit she deserved, but if she really wanted to turn her back on the League she probably could. She doubted they would care much if she stepped away given what they wished to do. "Usually I only do little things, well, for the other villains that is. I've hacked into plenty of things I shouldn't have on my own, but since they can never trace the hacking back to me they can never do anything to me so I don't get chased down ever." Giving a light shrug of her shoulders, it was clear that Rin had very little care in the world about being caught because she didn't believe that she could be. This time was a bit different now that she thought about it. Never before had she broken someone out of a secure place let alone gone to get them. It did have much more of a risk to it than anything she had previously done. It was kind of thrilling and in a way she liked that. Still she needed to be careful to avoid getting caught and winding up in jail or something like that. Pushing the thought off she, looked back at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "But anyways, yeah, I'm pretty much alone for the most part which is nice. It allows me to get work done when I need it, ya know."

      That was a benefit of living by herself. Plus she could have her grand setup in her bedroom without being questioned by her parents. Even when they were here they never went into her room thus it was easy to hide it from them. She kept her room closed up anyways when she was out of it and even when she was in it. To her it was her own little hub or her base of operation. She may do plenty of her work for the League on her laptop, but when she wanted to have real fun she always turned to the PC she had hooked up in her room for such. Glancing toward Kiya as he began to speak again, she gave a small nod of her head though she didn't entirely agree that her place was all that clean. For someone her age it probably was, but there was plenty of things scattered around the apartment that didn't necessarily need to be out. At least it wasn't dusty or dirty though. "I try to keep this place at least somewhat clean, but I'd stay out of my bedroom if you don't like dealing with messes," she admitted. Her room certainly was not clean at all. There were plenty of things scattered around it and she wasn't sure how long it had been since she had last seen the actual floor of her room given the things she had thrown on it. It didn't bother her at all but she was sure it would appall anyone else that entered it. She didn't want to deal with such things. That was yet another reason to keep it locked up and out of view from any guests. It would spare her the embarrassment too. Shaking the thought off, she gave a small nod at his next words before deciding not to continue on such. She didn't see any reason to. At the mention of food though, she averted her attention towards the kitchen. Admittedly she wasn't the greatest of cooks, but she did have some stuff in the apartment that they could cook up. "Well, you're more than welcome to have a look and see what I have around here. Seriously help yourself to whatever you'd like."

      โ‡€๏ผซ๏ฝ๏ฝŽ๏ฝ๏ฝŽ ๏ผต๏ฝ…๏ฝ„๏ฝ!!
      xxxxfemale โ€ข sixteen years old โ€ข cyborg quirk โ€ข tagged: megumi

      Staring at the doors, Kanon began to wonder what this dance was going to be like. She had never been to a party before in her life. There were plenty of things that hadn't done that a normal person would have. She could thank being a robot for that. Her quirk was a weird one in how it made her human yet not at the same time. She could die in similar ways to humans yet at the same time there were ways they could die that did not effect her. The opposite was true as well. She had ways she could die that a human wouldn't have. Those things that set her apart tended to make her stray away from the usual things that a normal person would do. It had nothing to do with lack of friends or anything like that. It wasn't as if she had never been invited to such activities in the past, but more times than not she turned them down to have her quirk checked up on. Maintenance was something she had to deal with on a daily basis and while she had been growing up it had been worse. The more her quirk developed, the more she had to be checked in on. It was strange to think that once in her life she had been entirely human, but as she grew older, the less human she became. That was simply how her mutation worked although at this point in her life she hadn't experienced any changes in awhile. They were positive that she was fully grown and that included how robotic she had become as well. When her quirk was described it was often stated that she was half human, half robot although that wasn't entirely true. She was more robot than she was human. The most normal thing about her was her head but even then bits of that still had robotic parts. As such it made it difficult for her to feel as if she fit in at events much like this thus why she hesitated to go in. She had no problems with any of the other students given that she had had limited interactions with her classmates thus far. She hadn't even seen much of them since she had gotten into UA on recommendation rather than the usual exam route. The only time she had briefly seen their quirks in action was yesterday mornings training exercise and even then she had been too focused on her own training to pay much attention to the others.

      Being pulled from her thoughts at the sound of a voice, Kanon turned her head to look towards the woman that had approached her. She appeared to be around the same age, but at the same time she felt that she couldn't be too sure. It felt safe to assume that the other might be a student, but oddly she felt unsure. Offering a small smile at the woman's words, the cyborg gave a polite dip of her head as a brief greeting. "Oh, it was that obvious, huh?" she chuckled softly as she brushed her bangs out of her face. "It would be nice to have someone to walk in with. I have never been to an event like this before." Turning her attention back to the doors before her, she took a deep breath. There was no reason to be worried though. Surely the others would accept her for who she was and not judge her simply because she was different from them. There were others who were sure to be different as well given how quirks worked. Then again that wasn't what she was necessarily worried about upon attending such a thing. She still had no clue how these kinds of things went. What did one do at a dance? Of course the obvious thing was dancing, but was that really it? If so then why did they have to get dressed up for it? Maybe she was too clueless about the whole thing, but it wasn't her fault. She wasn't as in touch with the party life so to say. She couldn't even say she had read or seen a movie that included such a thing. It was actually kind of embarrassing. Pushing the thought aside, Kanon looked back towards Megumi with a pleasant smile upon her lips and gave a small nod of her head. "I really do appreciate you doing this, uh, oh I haven't even asked for your name. How rude of me. What can I call you by?" she asked with a small cock of her head.
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yikes, well- here you go.

Postby divinity. » Sun May 19, 2019 7:50 am

    ( ๅคช้™ฝ )xxโ๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐ˆ ๐‡๐€๐‘๐”๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl flicker x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl yoshiro x]

        indent haru released a sigh as she came to the conclusion that she really shouldn't be worrying about anything- especially at a dance. villains and other dangers were supposed to be the least of the concerns. "alright, I'll let go of it," she proposed. it wasn't hard for haru to let go of a subject or a topic but the night prior to the dance left a small scar in the back of her mind. it'll always be there and haru can only wait till she gets over it. her head turned back to Yoshiro as he mentioned the fact his suit was expensive, "I could tell! It looks really good on you, Yoshi-kun," she beamed up at the male. she examined her friend and nodded. he did look really good in the suit in her opinion, she would shower the boy with compliments but she wasn't sure whether he'd be a big fan of it. looking down at her own dress, she smiled gingerly. it wasn't expensive but her mother worked very hard to buy the dress and haru ended up being quite grateful for it. she comes from a family of hard-workers and it wasn't a surprise that haru was a hard worker, too. she released a confused hum at the boy's statement. turning her head to the buffet table, she released a sheepish laugh, "hm? it doesn't look bad," she pointed out. examining the food, it didn't look the best but it wasn't all entirely bad. maybe the boy was used to something else, it would make plenty of sense if that was the case. haru smiled at what he said, "honestly, I really had some hope that you were going to come without me going to drag you out of your cabin," she paused giving her a small moment to scratch her cheek nervously, "and I got kinda down when I didn't see you but now you're here! so it's all good!" she cheered happily. If haru didn't see him come out for a while it could go two ways. she would either go look for the boy or sulk by herself. either way, she was very much grateful and happy that the boy had decided to come out.
        indent she heard Yoshiro mumble something but she didn't quite pick it up. "hm?" she blinked slowly before turning to head to see what he was narrowing his eyes at. she was the one to point the masked stranger but she was still confused on the reason why they were there in the first place. "we shouldn't overthink it, I think" she said tugging on his sleeve softly. "we're supposed to trust the heroes on taking care of anything that could bring harm to us!" she exclaimed with a grin. although she tried reassuring her date, the words she said didn't bring her any reassurance to herself. she was trying to convince herself that everything was going to be okay. "everything will be fine!" she smiled up at the boy. "even if something went wrong, we're strong enough to handle ourselves". she trusted the boy in making sure he'd keep himself safe but her eyes trailed down to his suit. was it going to get in his way or did his quirk just work around those types of things? shaking her head, she grabbed Yoshiro's hand and quickly flashed him a smile.
        indent "you're right! plus we got this whole night to ourselves, we shouldn't let something like that get in our way!" she squeezed his hand gently. scanning the room, she placed a hand on her cheek. she hasn't been to many dances before to actually know what to do. there were some games to play but she wasn't sure if he was up for it. The dancefloor was open for a bit more people but she saw that the masked figure was there with one of the heroes and it'd be best to stay away from them. a small idea popped into her head and a small playful smirk appeared on her face. turning to face Yoshiro, "hey Yoshiro, ever danced with someone before?" she asked innocently. giggling mischievously, "cause you're about to". tugging at the boy to the dancefloor, she listened to the fast-paced music. nodding, "try to keep up, yoshiro-kun~" she teased.
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it took me over a week but I'm here

Postby lilymei. » Thu May 23, 2019 2:25 pm

      โœฆ ฮ”ฦจฮฑะผฮน ะ„ฮนฮบฯƒ . / / โž
      โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Female โžข 17 โžข Time Restoration Quirk โžข Location: Dance โžข Tagged: Akira

        indentAsami had always been keen on judging the emotions of those around her and Akira wasn't going to avoid her watchful eye. She could tell something unsettled him at every mention of the party. Though her interest was piqued by his strange duality towards the party, saying he wanted to go while his body language occasionally dissented with that opinion, she didn't want to bring it up as she knew it would make the situation more awkward than it already was. The girl hoped his uncomfortableness wasn't due to her little spiel earlier about the events that transpired the prior night but she really didn't want to keep it to herself and he hadn't told her to stop when she was rambling on about it so she assumed it was alright. It wasn't like Asami to question her actions once they had been done, but something about how Akira was acting was throwing her off. Although she could tell the party was the subject bothering Akira, she couldn't read him quite as well as she did others, and that made him more interesting to her. Of course, she didn't mean it as an insult in any way, it was just rare for Asami to find people she couldn't analyze and pinpoint a personality of right from the start. Maybe that's why she invited him to her cabin that afternoon even if he was just supposed to escort her to her cabin for Ms. Yamaguchi. Nevertheless, she was glad she had been able to talk with him and hoped their conversations wouldn't have to end anytime soon.
        indentAt the sight of Akira's smile, Asami returned it with one of her own, squeezing his hand gently before nodding her head slightly at his statement, brushing a few strands of hair from her eyes. "Sounds like a splendid idea to me. If there's really nothing much to do, we probably could just take a walk outside and continue talking or something. Then again, if the heroes put this whole event together, I'm sure there'll be at least something of some level of interest going on. They're often pretty excessive with events in general so there should be something to do at least." Asami remarked with a light chuckle, walking alongside Akira as the two headed towards the building where the dance was being held. From the corner of her eye, the girl noticed him glance down at their hands but kept herself from saying anything and continued to walk quietly for a moment before looking around again, surprised to see there weren't many people out. Then again, it probably wasn't too out of the ordinary since most of the students and staff were probably already at the dance. "So, how many people do you think will ditch tonight? I'm not sure if a lot of people will attend due to the late notice, then again, there's not much else to do at the camp other than attend this event, I guess." Asami questioned casually, trying to fill the silent air with some talk, no matter how trivial her questions were. Silence had always been difficult for Asami to deal with; with all the questions that came to her mind, if no one else was talking, she'd fill the space. It was always a "problem" teachers had chastised her on but she never made the effort to fix it. Why do that when you have one life to live? Might as well try to learn the most from it, right? And if that meant disrupting class for another five minutes, so be it. None of the students at her school actually wanted to be there anyway.
        indentAs the pair approached the building, Asami's eyes narrowed as she observed the people entering the building. Her eyes immediately picked out a couple with silver and purple hair and she tensed momentarily, her brain immediately trying to label the two from the night before. She let out a sigh to try and relax again from the momentary lapse of calmness and told herself that it was probably just a coincidence. As they walked in and had their IDs checked, Asami looked towards Akira again with a light shrug of her shoulders. "Nothing specifically, I guess we can just look around unless you have something you want to check out first?" The girl responded, her gaze consistently wandering back to the couple from before, trying to catch a glimpse of their faces while hiding her curiosity to the best of her abilities.

      โœฆ Eษฑฮนฦ™ฯƒ. / / โž
      โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Female โžข 20 โžข Divine Intervention Quirk โžข Location: Dance โžข Tagged: Kiken

        indentEmiko chuckled at the man's comment, her smile softening ever so slightly. "Hmm, I would never try to annoy someone. It's just, this is a dance, after all, shouldn't everyone be smiling?" She chortled lightly, just imagining the look of disgust the villain had under his mask. If it weren't for the poison in his voice, she would've assumed from the start that he was just another partygoer, but his tone of voice was extremely offputting to her and filled with malice. She tightened her grip on his hand as the villain spoke again, her eyes narrowing at his comment. "I think you'd be surprised how many heroes out there could definitely meet and probably beat your standards. Anyways, if you didn't have heroes to face, what would you be doing with your life? Evil only exists because good is there to counterbalance it if we were all innately cruel, that would become normal, not villainous at all. Even if being a villain isn't why you enjoy causing chaos, if the world descended into chaos, why, there'd be nothing quote-unquote fun for you to do." Emiko remarked, the tone of her voice darkening as she spoke. Momentarily, her gaze grew distant as she reflected on her own life and how, for a while, she thought that the world was built upon evil when in reality, it wasn't. And she was so glad she was able to recognize that before all her doors of opportunity closed in front of her. As a child, Emiko had been strong to disobey the trend of 'evil builds evil' and escaped that horrendous loop of violence at a young age... As the villain spoke once more, her eyes focused again on his mask as he continued to speak, wanting so dearly to just grab him around the throat and end this facade of friendship. She knew it was dangerous to let a villain so near to her, but her desire to not raise a panic overwhelmed her logical demand to arrest him there and then. "So many? You've only glanced in four locations since we started dancing, and I assume a large group of villains wouldn't make it in all at once. So what, 6 or 8 of you? I think the number of heroes here definitely outnumbers you guys at least 3 to 1." She calculated, knowing although her calculations were likely incorrect, that they would at least bring her mind solace for the time being until she could start spreading the message to the other nearby heroes. While her gaze began to move around the room again, combing through the crowd for the familiar faces of her allies, her search was halted at his hand under her chin. "Lives are not something to be toyed with, it's not a game when one hangs in the balance. Only those less than human would perceive the lives of others as chess pieces in some twisted game." She hissed, her body freezing as the man's grip tightened on her chin. The gaze in her eyes remained calm, yet a fiery red glow rose in her eyes. "You don't get to decide that for me and I assure you, I'm no one's prey. If anyone's getting hurt tonight, it's sadly going to be you."
        indentEmiko grabbed the man's wrist as he laughed, pushing it away from her with a glare. "It wasn't, and if you think it was-- no, I'm not going to go there. It's not worth it." The girl closed her eyes for a moment to prevent rambling and to catch her words before they escaped her. "We were trying to get her back. We weren't sitting back and doing nothing. Don't make assumptions as to how we were taking the situation when you know nothing." She hissed between clenched teeth, her gaze moving slowly back to meet the holes of darkness in the man's mask. "We aren't heroes because we want to be cool. We're heroes because we care about people because we want to help people." The concept seemed simple enough to her, but she knew to others, it wasn't that easy to accept. Especially when people weren't actually helped from a young age -- they couldn't assume what they never saw and she knew that all too well.
        indent"What good comes out of ruining the lives of others? Honestly, if you have a valid point, tell me. I've seen it happen all around me but I never understood what brought such joy to someone to hurt others?" Emiko let out a deep sigh but continued to maintain and hold eye contact with the villain, her gaze steadfast and solemn. "Your duty shouldn't be to ruin lives or to hurt others. The job of a villain shouldn't even exist, we don't need any more evil in the world." She said, grabbing his wrist to pull his hand away from his chest as though he were making a proud statement of some sort. A sliver of a smirk appeared on her lips at his disgusted reaction and she quickly raised an arm to block his attack if it were to hit, the smile from earlier finally returning to her face. "Heh, and who's this gentleman you're speaking of? I only see a little troublemaker here who really should turn an ear to listen to their morals once in a while." She commented cheekily, grabbing the wrist near her face tightly. "And I could say the same to you, foxy."
        indent"I realized that fact the moment you walked in but toying with lives isn't the definition of a good time. We haven't forgotten how to have fun. We just don't find pleasure in messing with others' lives." Emiko scoffed, following along in the dance, her entire body tense. The pro-hero's gaze continued to dart around the dance floor, trying to land on a hero she could catch the attention of to no avail. She heard the man's voice soften as she wiped away the teas with the back of her wrist and shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind, swatting at his hand as it landed on her head. "I'm not going to try to change your opinions, because obviously, you won't listen to reason, but if you're asking my opinion, no. It isn't. If you were in their shoes, would you still find it fun?" She growled, her voice lowering while she focused on the dance, trying to keep her emotions from taking over again. "I can stop you, and I will."
        indentEmiko couldn't help but roll her eyes at his statement. "I could hear the poison in your voice from the very beginning, if you were able to hide it, I might've just told you to go on your merry way. And you could've tried, but it wouldn't have succeeded." The pro-hero glared at his following remark, knowing that couldn't be the only reason. Although she was tempted to believe him from how he had been acting the entire night, she stayed wary. As the mask shattered against her hand, she felt shards of the glass cut through her glove and skin and bit her lip to keep from yelling, pulling back immediately to stare down at the villain from the newspapers she had grown to despise. The pro-hero's thoughts whirled within her mind as she looked around quickly, hoping she hadn't stirred up too much of a fuss. The cut in her hand wasn't too deep so she tied her slashed glove around it, hoping it wouldn't bleed through. Emiko's gaze finally returned to the villain in front of her after her eyes did a quick scan of the room. His mention of her name caught her off-guard and a shiver ran down her spine at his voice. Her eyes began to glow gold, knowing full-well of his quirk and she asked "Fine, we can talk here." She grabbed his wrist with her uninjured hand and pulled him to a quieter corner of the room, next to the back entrance, placing herself between him and the festivities. "First, how do you know my name, and what are you planning to do here?"
Last edited by lilymei. on Fri Jun 21, 2019 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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sorry for this short post, i needed to keep this rp alive

Postby divinity. » Sun May 26, 2019 10:43 am

    ( ๆญป )xxโ๐’๐”๐™๐”๐Š๐ˆ ๐Š๐ˆ๐Š๐„๐๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl dead eye x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl emiko x]

        indent kiken released a small and short sigh. "what kind of villain strolls into an area full of pro-heroes without any knowledge over them?" he scoffed at the white-haired female. he had studied and gathered as much knowledge as he could the hour before the dance. he was pretty intelligent so the task wasn't too hard. "man, this place is just flooding with heroes and villains, this will be pretty entertaining," he paused for a small moment and smirked glancing at the pro, "don't you think so?" he chimed. there were plenty of villains in the same area he was in. it was a rather interesting sight to see. both villains and pro heroes coexisting unknowingly in the same area. this made him chuckle softly, "sometimes I wonder, why are people so swung over the idea of having such a peaceful world? peace is boring and everything is dull and boring," he whined softly, "our job is to bring a little more color into the world, don't you see?" he asked. his eyes slowly trailed up to the girl's eyes before making short eye-contact. tearing his eyes off of hers, "although, the kids you guys are taking care of seem rather interesting to me and the rest of the villains," he informed, tightening his hold on the hero. "the only reason I'm here is to help this world become a bit more lively and fun," he explained as he brought his hands up to her and cupped her cheek. "now, live's wont be lost today- though I don't guarantee it". the sound of music merged in with the sound of the students chatting about the dance and how their lives were. shaking his head, "now now, no need to be so tense, Emiko-san~" he purred, "Let's go have some fun!" he cheered, though his face became serious within a minute. "I mean- let me have my fun".
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hoo boi this is bad

Postby Ploegy » Mon May 27, 2019 3:25 pm

      โ‡€๏ผน๏ฝ๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ’๏ฝ ๏ผต๏ฝ™๏ฝ…๏ฝŽ๏ฝ!!
      xxxxmale โ€ข fifteen years old โ€ข arsenal quirk โ€ข tagged: haru

      Giving a small shake of his head at her comment about the food, he decided not to say anything more about it given that it was such a minor thing and it was clear that their opinions on it probably stemmed from how they were raised in the first place. His high end taste clearly was showing through though he did his best to keep it toned down most the time despite how hard it was given the way he acted at times and even the way he dressed. It all gave away his higher status. That wasn't important now though. Crossing his arms over his chest, Yoshiro allowed his attention to drift to the next topic that she raised to him. It really came as no surprise that she had plans to possibly come and drag him out of his cabin. If he were to be honest he completely expected such a thing. He probably could have kept her from entering his cabin in the first place if he really wanted to or he could have just gone off on his own for awhile to avoid being found. He was the kind of person that would do such a thing yet here he found himself actually showing up to something he did not want to be at. If anything that was a surprise in itself especially with how much he had come to dislike event like this, but given the hassle that had gone into getting his suit here he felt it was the least he could do. It had given him a brief encounter with his elder sister whom he still found hard to speak to even after the two years that had passed since her accident. She had moved on with her life, but he still was haunted by that day and every time he had to see her he was only reminded of what he had done. It was a good thing she wasn't around as much anymore. It made things easier for him. Pushing the thought aside, he knew he couldn't let himself get bothered by it again especially not with others around this time. It was one thing to let it happen with his sister present, but not when someone else was around. He was sure she knew exactly how he felt about it. She always had been good at reading people.

      Snapping back to reality, Yoshiro gave a small nod as she stated that they should not overthink it and that the heroes would take care of things. That was all he could really hope for and there wasn't much else he could say about it. If something were to happen anyways he knew he couldn't let himself be dragged into it. His quirk would be far too dangerous with this many people around. It only had worked well the night before because of how few had been present. It had made for a safe time to use a gun despite usually sticking to nonlethal weapons to assure that he didn't kill anyone. Still the cat had made a good decision by telling him to shoot out the lights. Here though he was sure any kind of weapon would prove harmful. There was no point in thinking about it though. The more he worried about it the less he was going to enjoy himself and that was the exact opposite of what he wanted while already in a situation he wasn't too fond of. "If something does happen there is no way I can use my quirk in a crowd like this," he responded to her overly optimistic comment of them being strong enough to handle themselves. "Besides, in this suit my quirk is too restricted and I'd have to reveal more skin to be able to use it." It was clear that he had no plans of using his quirk given what he was wearing. The suit alone was enough for that, but the gloves as well didn't help. It was probably for the best anyways. Feeling her grab his hand, Yoshiro gave a quirk of his brow listening to her speak again. As she brought up dancing, a faint grimace crossed his face. He had danced before and he had never been all too keen of it though most occasions he had been forced to dance with strangers or others his age at the parties he had to attend for his father's work. "I have danced before," he began but his thought was instantly cut off as he was dragged over to the dance floor. Watching Haru for a moment, the boy let a sigh escape his lips. How was he even supposed to dance to this? Most the times he had danced was in a more formal setting. This was entirely different to him.
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I'm so tired lol but summer :D

Postby lilymei. » Tue May 28, 2019 9:08 am

      โœฆ Eษฑฮนฦ™ฯƒ. / / โž
      โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Female โžข 20 โžข Divine Intervention Quirk โžข Location: Dance โžข Tagged: Kiken

        indentEmiko huffed quietly at his comment, knowing it was a valid explanation for him knowing her name, but still, it didn't satisfy her entirely. She wanted to know how much he actually knew about her. She wasn't on the news a whole lot, except for her strange "obsession", as the news called it, for talking to villains and generally refusing to fight them unless they were attempting to harm others. But anyway, she hoped he didn't know too much about her quirk, the more she could remain a mystery, the more of an advantage she would have. Then again, on the flip side, she didn't know too much about this villain either. She knew that his villain name was "Akume" and his quirk was activated through eye contact, though the logistics of his quirk were still hazy to her. Emiko was aware that it was deadly and often caused his targets to die rather quickly, though the reasoning behind it confused her. She just hoped she would be able to protect the students if she kept him focused on her for the duration of the party.
        indent"That's anything but entertaining to know. I don't know why you'd ask me that if you know what my answer will be." She hissed, her eyes narrowing at the villain's smirk. She desperately wished she could see what was going on in his brain, why he found all of this so exhilarating in a positive way. To her, his idea of fun was torture but she shook her head and sighed, remembering the one fact she had told herself many times whenever she approached a villain. They had their reasons, and you have your own. Don't let a dissent in opinions get in the way of your negotiation or you won't have a chance to mediate the situation. "I'm sorry that you see peace that way, but to us, chaos is no better. There are people who can't stand up for themselves so keeping peace is the only way to keep everyone comfortable. There's no way to feel safe unless you either have the power to protect yourself or you know no one's going to try and kill you if you let your guard down." Emiko explained with a sigh, her gaze shifting downward in thought. "Black, the tone of your darkness, is not a color. If anything, the world flourishes in color until the oppression of dark fear takes over because of your quote-unquote fun." For a moment, she felt their gazes meet and instinctively activated her quirk in self-defense, keeping her own gaze on him as he spoke, wincing as his hold tightened on her. "How so? They're just students, I don't see how you villains would find them so interesting. And tsh, I don't agree with that assumption - I bet 98 percent of the people here will agree when I say that villains causing trouble is the opposite of fun." She remarked with a sigh, pulling back the moment he tried to cup her cheek, eyeing his hand cautiously before returning to glare at him. "You don't need to guarantee that for me, I'll make sure of that fact myself." She challenged confidently, a stoic expression remaining on her face at his following comments. He was definitely starting to get on her nerves, but she wouldn't let him get through her. She knew, out of the other heroes in the room, she was probably the only one who could keep him from harming others with his quirk without getting hurt herself. If it came down to it, she would do anything to protect the students and teachers at the party. "If you think I'm going to let you just waltz off and do that, you've got another thing coming." She assessed, firmly placing a hand on his shoulder, her eyes beginning to glow. "If you're here to cause trouble, you'll have to go through me first."

      โœฆ jฯ…nฮนcะฝฮน rฮนn . / /โž
      โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Male โžข 17 โžข Memory Alteration Quirk โžข Location: Camp (Nearby) โžข Tagged: Taeko, Taichi, Kimiko

        indentWhat he had done to deserve getting stuck here? Not receiving any assistance from his two comrades, Junichi plastered the same, half-smile upon his face and looked down towards the girl as she spoke, flinching momentarily from her sharp words. "Hm, what do you want me to do then? Dance?" He commented with a light chuckle, folding his arms across his chest, his gaze lingering on the blush that took over her cheeks with a small chuckle. Although Junichi was used to flustering girls by his words, something that just came along with the job, it still entertained him to see how girls reacted. He hadn't even said anything remotely flirtatious but he guessed he didn't even have to try that hard to embarrass this girl. Keeping that fact in the back of his mind for a possible future purpose, Junichi hummed lightly while awaiting another comment from the girl, his gaze wandering back towards Taeko and Taichi occasionally to see if they would try and throw in their two cents any time soon. Of course, he wasn't expecting them to try and clean up the situation for him, and in all honesty, that was probably a good thing. Although the group knew each other pretty well, they didn't need anymore confusing and conflicting ideas to be thrown into the conversation. Junichi just hoped he could clear the situation and be on his merry way in, at most, 10 minutes.
        indentThe man could practically feel the questions emanating from the girl's head as she stood there and he hoped she wouldn't bring any of them up. He was confident in his ability to lie his way out of the situation, but if he could save himself the trouble of having to do so, it would make his group's escape from this confrontation a lot easier. Of course, Junichi was concerned that this girl might spill their prior and current meeting to the teachers, but assuming they were all at the party, he doubted she would be able to, especially if he kept her away from it. Earlier on, he had expected her to get a bit flustered at his quick look-over of her attire and comment on the ball, and her continued statements further solidified his beliefs. "My apologies, but then why did you pretty yourself up from earlier today? It's a good look on you, but I doubt you would've worn such a fancy outfit just to do some wandering around the woods, right?" Junichi assessed with a light chuckle, his ocean blue gaze returning to meet hers immediately. "Oh, then pardon me for stopping you from that. You're free to go along back to your cabin then. I'm sure you have much more important things to do than talk to me." Junichi hoped that would be enough to get her to turn back and return to her cabin, but in case it wasn't so, he immediately began producing future comments he could use to get the girl to avoid the party and head back to her cabin. Of course, if worse came to worse, he could use his quirk to... mediate the situation, but he would rather do it normally to preserve his quirk for other jobs. The male noticed the girl's gaze soften at his apology and kept from smiling at the realization that this wouldn't be as complicated as he had thought it would be. For that moment, it seemed as though she wouldn't ask any further questions about him but when she met his eyes again, he realized he had been, yet again, incorrect with this girl. With a sigh, the male let his arms fall to his side and spoke once more, avoiding any potentially revealing subjects of his group's reputation and status. "My name is Junichi and these are my friends, Ko and Chi. There's really nothing too exciting about us. We just take some jobs for the nearby town to make a living." With a small yawn, he turned back to look at his two accomplices, meeting their eyes for a few seconds to tell them to pay attention to the story he was telling so they wouldn't respond with anything out of place or contradictory to his story of their "lives".
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