-when dead walk | open+accepting-

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which are based on a book/movie/tv show/band e.g. Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, One Direction etc.
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sophie 001 | duncan 001

Postby bigwig. » Fri Dec 02, 2022 5:42 pm

    ๐’๐Ž๐๐‡๐ˆ๐„ ๐’๐€๐๐‚๐‡๐„๐™
    X โœง female โœง group 1 scout โœง location: shared tent >> camp โœง tags: sebastian
    It was an early start for Sophie - as it almost always was. She'd always been an early riser, and like many had grown to become quite the light sleeper. She couldn't really turn off that part of her that was always alert. Duncan was still asleep when she got up - or at least pretending to be. Another thing she couldn't turn off was the compulsion to, upon waking, immediately look over and make sure he was alright. Too long traveling on their own, she supposed. But now they were in a community, a place where they were at least a little bit safer than they were out in the world. A place where they had other people to rely on. Sophie didn't have to worry about him constantly, but she couldn't stop her mind from reverting to those impulses.

    Trying not to disturb him too much (but knowing she had probably already woken him), Sophie pulled on her overclothes and grabbed her gun and shoulder bag, which she frequently carried around even when not scouting. She quietly made her way out of the tent, her petite form easily slipping through the tent flap before it was all the way unzipped so that she could make sure it was zipped again behind her. A cool morning, it seemed like, but the air was nevertheless populated by the sound of birds chirping and fluttering around the encampment. It was always a pleasant noise, and something that had never really changed, no matter how much everything else had.

    Almost reassuring, in that way. Sophie meandered somewhat thoughtlessly through the camp before catching sight of Sebastian. She doubted Romeo or anyone else had put out an order for them or anything, as someone would've definitely come to get her, but she trotted over to him eagerly nonetheless. He was simply somebody she was always glad to see. "Hey!" She greeted him cheerfully, with a friendly and familiar smile. "What's up, Bash?" She asked.

    In all likelihood, he hadn't been up for too long himself, but Sophie mostly just wanted to say hello, to hear his voice. Being around him always made her feel at ease, and with the approach of winter was heavy on all their minds, she needed all the reassurance she could get.

    ๐ƒ๐”๐๐‚๐€๐ ๐๐Ž๐‘๐“๐„๐‘
    X โœง male โœง group 1 citizen โœง location: shared tent >> camp โœง tags: --
    Duncan stirred, half-awake, when he heard Sophie getting up. Like her, he had become a very light sleeper, although he also had a tendency to wake up frequently throughout the night and often have a difficult time getting back to sleep. Latent paranoia, probably. He stayed laying in his sleeping bag, though, partially not wanting to interrupt Sophie while she was getting ready and partially just trying to deny that he was awake. He hoped, in that futile way one might hope, that perhaps if he just stayed there with his eyes closed his body would remember sleep and slip back into it.

    He was not so lucky, though. Nevertheless he stayed there for a few minutes after he heard Sophie leave, listlessly debating whether he should just get up or not. He quickly decided it wasn't worth trying to put it off for any longer and stretched his way out of his sleeping bag. He felt the chill that had come racing in when Sophie opened the tent and put on his flannel. He'd developed a habit of stimming by playing with the buttons on it and they had all long since been twisted off, but it would keep him a little bit warmer. Thinking twice, he put his coat on over it anyway.

    Duncan left the tent sluggishly, unsure of what he was going to do out here anyway. He could've stayed in the tent, curled up with a book in his pleasantly enclosed space, but he didn't feel like it. All his books he'd read many times (not that that had ever stopped him before); he would've hoarded books if he could but they were unfortunately quite heavy and he'd had to settle for switching them out whenever he'd found a new one he wanted. Usually he picked up instruction manuals or textbooks; he'd gotten a lot of his mechanical knowledge from them and he almost never got bored of re-reading them. Vehicles he was especially interested in, though he rarely had a chance to work on them, as they were most often only a liability.

    He supposed some people would be tasked with fixing the fence soon. A herd had broken through it not too long ago, leaving them somewhat vulnerable. Events like that always scared Duncan. They scared everyone else, too, but things didn't really scare other people the same way they scared Duncan. Fear bubbled up and boiled over from him almost as soon as it started existing. When he was frightened, he didn't really think, and he didn't speak. Sophie called them panic attacks, but Duncan didn't like to say that. When other people gave things like that a name, it always felt like they were saying it at him, the same way people said insults. Reminded him he was other. A diagnosis made him feel sick.
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monroe+billie|001 || sebastian+tobias|002

Postby ๊œฑแด€สŸแด‡แด. » Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:01 am

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐’Ž๐’๐’๐’“๐’๐’† ๐’Ž๐’–๐’“๐’‘๐’‰๐’š
    age thirty-two tagged n/a location in her apartment [briefly]
    ๐’Žonroe could feel herself slowly coming out of what - to her - seemed like an eternity of sleep, her body felt heavy as she tried to wake herself from her slumber. the air was cold; she must've left her window open overnight. as her eyes opened and her mind woke up more, she slowly beg-
    an to raise her body from the cold, hard mattress. when she looked out of her open window, murphy noticed that the sun was only just rising; in her opinion, she was late to open up shop. she owned a little bakery in the center of the city called 'murph's muffins', a name she chose purely because of the alliteration it came with. she sold not only muffins, but bread, cakes, doughnuts - all sorts of baked goods. and she was running late to get these goodies ready for her customers.
    xxxafter processing all the information already going through her mind, monroe began to hurry to get ready for the day; she showered, put on one of her usual comfortable outfits, made herself look presentable [did her makeup], gathered her essentials and left through the door of her apartment.

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ส™ษชสŸสŸษชแด‡ แดแดœส€แด˜สœส
    age twenty tagged n/a location her apartment
    ส™illie was already up and at it; and by that, it just means she was already on her balcony with her nose stuck into yet another story. they were sat on a couch on the balcony, their knees pulled in front of them and the book they were reading very close to their face. billie liked being awake at this hour, it was quiet. hardly anybody was awake meaning she could just keep herself company for a while; she wouldn't be bothered by anyone. the birds were chatting softly in their trees. billie was at peace. they closed their eyes for a little, just soaking in the crisp air, bathing in the warmth of the rising sun.
    xxxit was at that moment that she realised she wasn't quite alone; their good friend - the crow - had decided to pay them a little visit. "why, hello there little one. come for a quiet morning reading session have we?" she cooed. the crow was resting on the metal bars that surrounded billie on the balcony, and he slowly waddled his way closer to her, eventually jumping onto the couch arm to be directly next to her. with that, billie looked back at the book and began to read aloud, her voice soft and calm, so as to not scare her companion away.

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ฑ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ข
    age nienteen tagged n/a location center of camp
    ๐˜ดebastian's thoughts about the fence repairs were interrupted by the voice of his best friend, sophie. a sudden feeling of awkwardness and shyness flew through him, and he froze in place. they'd known each other for so long now, yet that feeling never seemed to go away. bash was still so different around her. not in a bad way, of course; he just felt.. flustered all the time. he soon collected his thoughts and turned around to meet her eyes. "sophie- good morning!!" was all he could manage to muster at first, clearing his throat shortly after. "i hope you slept well!" his voice was now calm and soft, and his eyes were warm and welcoming. sebastian always loved interacting with sophie, she was somebody he admired whole-heartedly and always supported.

    sebastian took the time to look her over, just as he always did when they saw each other in the mornings. even after just waking, sophie looked so effortlessly beautiful to him; something that he had always liked about her. he began to fiddle with his hands, becoming increasingly nervous and breaking his eyes away from her for a short amount of time. he wasn't the type to be embarrassed by his own feelings, and he certainly wasn't worried about showing his obvious affection for this woman - but something about her made him so nervous, he just couldn't ever admit it aloud.

    remembering his earlier thoughts, he suddenly went back to 'work mode'; "um- i noticed that a few things were, uh, broken and also we're sort of running out of food? i was going to see romeo about you and i maybe going on a couple of trips for wood, scavenging.. you know, that kind of stuff?" he spoke quickly, stumbling over some of his words. bash loved going out on little 'missions' with sophie, it was nice to have the alone time.

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐ญ๐จ๐›๐ข๐š๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง
    age twenty tagged boone location warehouse
    ๐ญobias couldn't help but let out a stiff laugh at the moaning, groaning man laying down before him. "i don't know- probably around like, five or six am?" he knew that boone would not be a fan of that information, but toby couldn't stop himself saying it in time. he watched as arlo snuggled his nose into boone's hand, and as boone sat up and looked around their little campsite. he knew that his companion was bored of where they were, but there was only so much that he could do; he wasn't exactly the 'fun' type anymore. the world he grew up in had kind of sucked that side out of him. if tobias was completely honest with himself, he wasn't the biggest fan of their current conditions either, but he tried his best to make it tolerable - for both arlo and boone.

    when he was sure that boone was fully awake, and saw him gathering his stuff together, he did the same thing. arlo stayed near boone, laying down and watching with his ears perking up every so often whenever he heard any kind of noise. toby walked back over to his corner and picked up his backpack which carried, his flashlight [which needed new batteries - and soon], a couple of snack bars, a bottle of water- you know, the essentials for a trip out nowadays.

    toby then looked to the floor beside his sleeping bag and saw his utility belt and his shoulder holster, which is where he kept his pistol. he made sure his gun had a full mag - with extra ammo in the pocket of his cargo pants - before settling it into his holster and adjusting the straps to make it comfortable. then, he picked up his hunting knife and slotted into a pouch in his utility belt. he had just gotten everything together when he heard boone's voice, asking him if he had everything. "yeah! i'm all good to go. you ready?" he replied, turning around to face him.
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Postby borahae. » Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:03 am

    ๐๐Ž๐Ž๐๐„ ! ! โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

    lone survivor โœฉ twenty-four โœฉ cismale โœฉ pansexual โœฉ tag: tobias โœฉ location: temporary camp

      Looking down and smiling as he heard the gentle pad of feet coming up behind him, secretly pleased that arlo seemed to be more fond of him than his own owner โ”€ as an animal lover and self-proclaimed animal whisperer, it was the biggest of compliments to be chosen as the favorite โ”€ the usually stoic boy turned back to Tobias and hummed in response to his inquiry "Hmm, as ready as I can be at five in the morning..." that same whiny lilt returning to his voice, shooting a playful glare to the other as he spoke, Boone reached a hand down to play with Arlo's ears before continuing "Can't believe you've got me up and moving around at this hour...I mean, look at poor Arlo. He doesn't want to be up either. Isn't that right, boy?" Cooing at the dog, hoping he'd give a sign that he agreed to this blasphemy, Boone gave one last ruffle to Arlo's head before pulling his hand back and readjusting his backpack on his shoulder.

      As glad as he was to be leaving their camp, growing restless from just sitting around in the abandoned warehouse, he was also dreading having to go hunting. He was entirely useless when it came to the sport, and it usually required silence, something he wasn't so good at these days. "So, what's the plan here? Where are we heading today? I'll have you know, I'll be of no use out there, so...is there something you want me to do? To even the load?"
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sawyer 001

Postby senna_ » Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:32 pm

    ๐’๐€๐–๐˜๐„๐‘ ๐‹๐€๐‘๐’๐’๐Ž๐
    โ†ณ 25 , she/her , lone hunter , loc: near group 2 , mentions/tags: dash/open
    Crouched low to the wet soil, Sawyerโ€™s eyes remained alert, skitting from angle to angle like a prey sensing the incoming of its predator. Her arm moved in motion with the rustling greens on the bush she remained close to, fingers ever-so-gently popping another peanut into her mouth. It crunched between her teeth. Beside her, her canine companion Kaiser raised his head. The sound was loud enough to disturb the whole forest. โ€œYouโ€™re all right,โ€ she murmured to her dog, turning to glance over at him. From the way she had propped down and his naturally proud posture, their heads were basically at the same level. Kaiser made Sawyer feel safest; two strays, they had been, paths connecting into one, and never branching off since. Sawyer had found him nosing about a garbage bin, eyes as feral as a werewolfโ€™s. Sawyer, however, mirrored this exactly; being on her own for as long as she had been stirred up wariness as quickly as the wind created waves in the sea. It had been an instant click of trust, a belt of protection strapping the two into the same seat. Kaiser let few people near him, and that was more than okay with Sawyer, especially since it wasnโ€™t like she really hung out with people anyway. She had become friends with her own shadow; with the morning birds and the evening doves. Having been parted from her family back in her teenage years, it had even begun to feel abnormal to be around people than to be by her lonesome.

    Sawyer had become a product of the forest she most often found herself in.

    She didnโ€™t leave beneath the treetops. She travelled quite often, refusing the stay in the same location for more than a specific amount of time, for safety reasons. Or, at least, that used to be her routine. Things had changed since she had run into Dash, someone she barely expected to have formed a friendship with at this point in her life. Dash was everything Sawyer had turned out not to be: he was the light within the black abyss, and with his help, he had managed to click the string on her own lightbulb. It was dim compared to his own, but it was a start. He was the reason she had been camping out in an old shack for more than a couple of weeks: it was closer to where he was staying.

    They had met unintentionally; if she remembered correctly, he had almost taken a tumble over her weakened frame, back when survival wasnโ€™t a fit in her job description. With his help, she had grasped the strength required to fight the war they were forced into. He gave off sunshine energy, something she was aware confused her poor canine quite a bit when coming to the realization that Sawyer was welcoming Dash into her life. But things only could go so far. She was alone, and he had the comforts of his own group. Her visits came in secret.

    With a small huff, Sawyer rose to her feet, bows rattling against the quiver strapped to her back. โ€œKaiser,โ€ she hissed with a quick whistle, catching her shepherdโ€™s attention. โ€œWeโ€™ve got somewhere to be.โ€ Her eyes flickered down to the small baggy clipped to his collar. She had no idea how she managed to snag a candy bar, but she did, and she had been beyond thrilled to give it to Dash. She never saw him without gifting him something.

    Adjusting the weapons strapped to her body, Sawyer took off in a jog, her feet lightly hitting the ground as she dashed through the forest. Kaiser remained hot at her heels. He was always so reliable. She didnโ€™t slow until she came close to a clearing, one she had become very familiar with other the past few weeks. โ€œGo find Dash,โ€ she commanded her canine, nodding towards the line of buildings not too far away. Her friend would understand that she was near. Her breath hitched slightly as her dog took off, and she let the shadows devour her frame whole as she awaited Dash's arrival.
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peyton 001

Postby senna_ » Sat Dec 03, 2022 5:19 pm

    ๐๐„๐˜๐“๐Ž๐ ๐๐”๐‘๐‚๐‡๐„๐‹๐‹
    โ†ณ 22 , he/him , commonwealth medic , loc: outside apartment , mentions/tags:weston/billie
    Peyton was up early, as per usual. He had suffered from quite a rough sleep the night before, which didnโ€™t really come as a surprise; it was always a game when it came to sleep. Which type of night would he get? Peytonโ€™s lack of sleep had started ever since he was pulled away from Weston. Weston. Her. Peyton couldnโ€™t remember the last time he had seen her, in the flesh, sharing the same breath of air. Their meetings had become harshly scattered when her parents first found out she even just knew him and had spoken to him before, and she had been pulled away from him within weeks of planting a seeded garden of bonded affection. He had seen her once after, but it felt like it was in passing. In fact, the way their eyes had caught one another was so fleeting that the more he pondered over it, the more it felt like he had dreamt it all. At times, it even felt like he was dreaming about her, creating her from his mind. He missed seeing her around. He was getting lonelier by the day.

    He felt guilty for thinking that way, because Weston wasnโ€™t the only companion he had. While the way he regarded her was different than many people he knew, Peyton had plenty of support on the inside of his protective shield. Bodie Kang was a good example of that. So was Billie Murphy. Peyton knew about his hunger for companionship; to be alone was worse than death itself, it seemed. He could only dwell so long. Yet this time, it really did feel like the clock had frozen completely. And no matter how hard he toyed with it, it couldn't return to the way it was.

    Sighing, Peyton shook his head, as if to shake out the lingering thoughts, then stood to his full height, his chocolate brown eyes flitting over to a particular Polaroid picture he had attached to his wall. A twitch of a smile played at his lips before he moved on. He had things to do, now was not the time to dip into a pool of warming memories, as comforting as they may be. He tugged at his turtleneck, allowing him a bit of extra breathing space, then left his solo apartment room, practically twirling himself around the bottom of the railing of the stairs once he descended down the wooden steps. A new glint in his eye, Peyton left the building, and took off in a stroll. He had shifted to a new mindset now that he had left the closed-in walls of the place he called home.

    Always the type to get distracted easily, it didnโ€™t take long for Peytonโ€™s attention to be pulled in another direction. It was the sound of a voice, soft and murmur-like, which almost impressed Peyton for being to catch such a noise. He tilted his head upwards towards the sky, shielding his eyes with one hand as he skimmed the area above him. A smile tugged at his lips the second he caught sight of someone sitting by their lonesome on a nearby balcony. Or, almost alone; Peyton could just make out the shape of what looked to be a bird.

    โ€œBillie!โ€ he called out to his friend, waving his arms to catch their attention. โ€œI finished Little Women a few days ago. You were right, that one really got to me. Beth?โ€ Peyton playfully put his hand to his heart and formed a pout with his lips. โ€œYou did good with the book recommendation again.โ€
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Re: -when dead walk | open+accepting-

Postby ๊œฑแด€สŸแด‡แด. » Sun Dec 04, 2022 12:42 am

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐’Ž๐’๐’๐’“๐’๐’† ๐’Ž๐’–๐’“๐’‘๐’‰๐’š
    age thirty-two tagged n/a location in her bakery
    ๐’Žonroe is in her little bakery; open for tags

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ส™ษชสŸสŸษชแด‡ แดแดœส€แด˜สœส
    age twenty tagged n/a location her apartment > in the square
    ส™illie loved the outdoors. the warmth of the sun comforted her immensly and the sounds of wildlife made her feel like she was a part of nature with them. the balcony they were sat on was surrounded in plant life; they had a couple of venus fly traps, some white roses, aloe vera.. tons of different plant babies whose carinmg for took up the majority of her free time, along with reading and writing. she was currently reading to kill a mockingbird, and was midway through a paragraph when she heard a voice calling her name. the crow flew away, clearly frightened by the sudden loudness, and billie let out a heavy sigh before closing the book and getting to her feet.

    as billie stood up, they stretched out and let out a slight gasp as their back clicked. they slowly made their way to the railing in front of them and looked down, shielding their eyes from the sun with their hand. peyton was standing below her, waving and shouting. she couldnโ€™t help but laugh at him and gave him a little wave. when he told her about finishing the book she had reccommended to him and gave his opinion, a warm and genuine smile ended up plastered across her face.

    โ€iโ€™m glad you liked it!โ€ she shouted back. after a minute of trying to figure out what to say next, billie remembered that their job at the library was starting soon. โ€hold on a minute, iโ€™m coming down!โ€ they disappeared from above the railing and began to quickly throw some clothes on. billie picked up her bag, making sure she had everything she needed [her glasses, her purse, her id card for the library, etc], and walked out of her apartment locking the door behind her.

    after a couple of minutes, billie was on the ground foor and left the building, seeing peyton in front of her. โ€good morning, sir,โ€ she said in a playful voice, giving a silly little curtsey. โ€I have work in twenty minutes, walk with me?โ€ they asked, pointing over in the direction of the library. while billie loved their alone time, they also liked being around peyton. he and bodie were a couple of the only people she liked hanging out with. the boysโ€™ individual presences were calming to billie; they gave her a feeling of comfortability and trust that she had only ever felt with her adoptive family.

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ฑ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ข
    age nienteen tagged n/a location center of camp
    ๐˜ดebastian's thoughts about the fence repairs were interrupted by the voice of his best friend, sophie. a sudden feeling of awkwardness and shyness flew through him, and he froze in place. they'd known each other for so long now, yet that feeling never seemed to go away. bash was still so different around her. not in a bad way, of course; he just felt.. flustered all the time. he soon collected his thoughts and turned around to meet her eyes. "sophie- good morning!!" was all he could manage to muster at first, clearing his throat shortly after. "i hope you slept well!" his voice was now calm and soft, and his eyes were warm and welcoming. sebastian always loved interacting with sophie, she was somebody he admired whole-heartedly and always supported.

    sebastian took the time to look her over, just as he always did when they saw each other in the mornings. even after just waking, sophie looked so effortlessly beautiful to him; something that he had always liked about her. he began to fiddle with his hands, becoming increasingly nervous and breaking his eyes away from her for a short amount of time. he wasn't the type to be embarrassed by his own feelings, and he certainly wasn't worried about showing his obvious affection for this woman - but something about her made him so nervous, he just couldn't ever admit it aloud.

    remembering his earlier thoughts, he suddenly went back to 'work mode'; "um- i noticed that a few things were, uh, broken and also we're sort of running out of food? i was going to see romeo about you and i maybe going on a couple of trips for wood, scavenging.. you know, that kind of stuff?" he spoke quickly, stumbling over some of his words. bash loved going out on little 'missions' with sophie, it was nice to have the alone time.

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐ญ๐จ๐›๐ข๐š๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง
    age twenty tagged boone location warehouse
    ๐ญobias raised an eyebrow at his friendโ€™s words, and looked down at the young doberman. โ€arlo buddy, is that true?โ€ he asked with a pouty face and a fake sad voice. arlo looked from boone to toby, and his tail began wagging. tobias looked back over at boone and sighed lightly.โ€not a thought between those eyes.โ€ he commented before slinging his backpack strap over his shoulder. toby listened as boone seemed to let words just fall out of his mouth. he could tell that the guy was being genuine - and toby kind of suspected that what boone told him was going to be the case - as awful as that may sound.

    he liked having him around though, and there were increasing numbers of the dead around where they were at that moment in time. tobias tried to think of what boone could do that posed the least danger. โ€okay- i was thinking we head east, i saw. few rabbit burrows that look promising in the woods over there. we need some fire wood as well; just sticks and small branches would do. dry leaves as well, luckily it hasnโ€™t rained in a few day so it should be easy to gather some. we can use my bag for the leaves.โ€ toby seemed to zone out while he was talking, just making sure he got out as many of his thoughts as he could.

    โ€i can uh, i can focus on the hunting aspect if you want to focus on fire wood and leaves?โ€ he asked, hoping he didnโ€™t sound rude. toby wasnโ€™t sure if boone would take offense to him suggesting such a light job. he was still so uneasy about talking to people - it had been a while since heโ€™d met anybody on the road, arlo was all he had for a while. โ€if it gets too risky, you take arlo and come back here.โ€ this sentence was a little more firm; tobias couldnโ€™t risk his new friend getting hurt - or worse, bitten and/or killed, and toby could get out of anything. he just wanted boone and arlo to be safe.
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Postby borahae. » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:34 am

    ๐ƒ๐€๐’๐‡ ! ! โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

    group 2 citizen โœฉ twenty-two โœฉ cismale โœฉ pansexual โœฉ tag: sawyer โœฉ location: just outside camp

      A bit of a late riser, it wasn't a surprise to him at all to hear the muffled murmurs of his group mates from outside his tent, cracking an eye open to see the sun shining through the thin mesh material of the window beside him; with his head tilted towards it, the sun was beating down directly into his face and he was quick to shut his eye again against the blinding light, squeaking in a mix of shock and displeasure before rolling over and burying his face into his pillow. As nice as the warmth was, being someone who was almost always cold and wearing layers on layers, Dash was perfectly content enjoying it from a distance. The harshness of sunlight was something that more often than not made him hide away from the sun like a vampire.

      With a pout on his face and a sigh, the boy peeled his body up from his sleeping bag, his long limbs aching from squeezing into a weird sleeping position in the tiny tent all night long. Rubbing a tired hand over his face and fluttering his eyes open, blinking rapidly to get used to the intrusive morning light, the boy stood up and clumsily managed to trip over his own foot, falling back down onto the ground with a grunt. Luckily, no one was there to witness it โ”€ that, and he was generally the type to care less about embarrassing himself, letting out a chorus of giggles in his tent as he realized how funny that was.
      Attempting to stand once more with a smile on his face, still giggling but starting to calm back down, the boy quickly went about changing into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, throwing a tattered but thick flannel over top before clambering out of his tent for the first time that morning.

      Slipping on his boots on his way out, stretching his long arms and legs out as soon as he was out of the cramped tent with a satisfied hum, Dash was almost immediately hit by a cold wind and couldn't help the squeak that left his lips. Curling his arms around himself in an attempt to hold his clothes closer to his body and maintain some small level of warmth, pouting at the misleading weather and frowning up at the sky as if to curse it, he looked back out onto camp and could spot a few of his group members up ahead in a conversation. He could almost immediately spot Moxie (her signature leather jacket a clear giveaway), and easily guessed that the tall male next to her was Lorcan, the two leaders of the small group; while both intimidating in their own, commanding way, Dash loved absolutely everyone in his group and was quick to smile at seeing the two. He was about to bound over to them and bother them into giving him something to keep him entertained when he spotted a familiar figure off to the side of camp, a goofy grin immediately taking over his features at the sight of his furry companion. "Kaiser!"

      His voice a bit too loud for someone who was trying to keep a secret, forgetting momentarily that he wasn't supposed to let his group know about his friend's presence because of his excitement, he then slapped a hand over his mouth and gave a wide eyed look towards where he knew Moxie and Lorcan were standing. Luckily, they didn't seem to hear him (either accustomed to his loudness and not batting an eye, or genuinely unable to hear him, something no one would believe), so with about as much grace as a newborn deer the boy began to sneak off towards the dog. Or, well...as much sneaking as his 6'1" self could pull off.

      Jogging excitedly to the shepard as soon as he was far enough away, crouching down to him and scrunching his face with both hands and a light coo, Dash giggled and offered a hello to his furry friend "Hi, baby, good morning~"
      Moving then to patting his head as he stood back up, a smile permanently etched onto his face, Dash looked around to make sure no one else was around before turning back to Kaiser "Where's your mom, Kaiser? You'll bring me to her, right? Awh, you're just so cute~" Again distracted by the dog as he saw his tail start to wag, crouching down to press a sloppy kiss to the top of his head to show his affection, he heard the jingling of the boy's collar and then noticed the small baggy attached to it. With a tilt of his head and furrowed brows, Dash looked down at the baggy and detached it rather clumsily from the dog, audibly gasping when he saw the chocolate bar inside "HnN! Absolutely no way...oh my god, Kaiser, I love your mom so much"
      His voice somewhat wobbly, a tell tale sign that he was getting emotional and was borderline in tears, Dash stood back upright and wiped at his eyes with a chuckle "Alright, alright, take me to her so I can squeeze and hug her to death"

      With little else needed between the two, the shepard began to lead the way, Dash following closely behind with the biggest smile on his face, his eyes trained on the baggy in his hand like it was the most precious gift he could've ever received.
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Re: -when dead walk | Lorcan 002 - Adrian 002

Postby .gray_bones. » Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:40 am

โ˜… L O R C A N โต
โ—„24๏ฝœmale๏ฝœirish๏ฝœpan๏ฝœtagged; open n/a โ–บ
    indentation Lorcan was deep in thought, staring at the rising sun, fiddling with the hilt of his knife. His mind had been clouded lately, and he needed to get out of this...mood before someone was hurt. Shaking his head, he turned to the sound of footsteps behind him. He breathed a sigh in relief to see Moxie, and he dipped his head.
    "Morning Moxie, can't say much."
    The man sighed, and waved an arm to the tents gathered around the small camp.
    " Just thinking about how much of a pain it's going to be to try and find a different...housing situation once it starts getting colder. I've noticed the nights have been getting colder and colder each night, and it's going to get to the point where a sleeping bag and some thin layers of plastic aren't going to do very well."
    He shook his head, and ran his fingers through his hair. It had been growing thick and long lately, he had been dying to be able to wash it properly, or at least be able to look at himself in a mirror. He moved his hand from his scalp to his face, rubbing it.
    " I've noticed firewood and some rations have gotten low, I was planning on going out today to look for some stuff, not too far, maybe take Dash with me if he's free."
    He had taken count of food and water before he went back to his tent last night, and he was surprised to see such little supplies. Nothing made him more concerned than the possibility of running out of food. Then there was the thought of having to find better shelters for the rest of the group. There was a possibility that they could run across a shack or cabin of some sort, but they all knew those chances were low. He didn't dare think about moving closer to the more populated areas, there was no way they would be able to fend off that many walkers and survive. The thought troubled him, but he knew with the leadership qualities that Moxie possesses, she would lead them all in the right direction.

โ˜… A D R I A Nโต
โ—„19๏ฝœmale๏ฝœcaucasian + british๏ฝœgay๏ฝœtagged; Moxie - Mentions: Bodie - Open โ–บ
    indentation Adrian slowly walked down the street, his mind whirling. He had another headache, something that usually wasn't common before he joined the commonwealth, but ever since, they had been getting worse and worse. He could be drinking more fluids, but whenever the thought came to mind, he just ended up thinking about something else, forgetting the topic entirely until another searing headache brought him back. Shaking his head, Adrian picked up his pace, his eyes locked onto the ground beneath him. He would count his steps in between the lines of the sidewalk, trying to clear his mind. He placed his hands in the pockets of his sweater, fidgeting with them.
    Adrian rounded the corner and walked to the entrance of the small bakery. Pulling open the door, the lovely scent of baked goods filled his nose. He quickly walked in, and up to the counter, taking out his wallet from his pocket. Wallet might be an overstatement. It was more like a flap of leather with a hole cut through it that is able to hold a few dollars. His stomach groaned again, and Adrian could feel his cheeks flush, that was embarrassing Adrian. Shaking his head, he remembered to double his order, he was sure that Bodie would like something nice to eat.
Last edited by .gray_bones. on Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby lush » Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:11 pm

    ๐‘ฒ๐‘จ๐‘ฐ๐‘ป๐‘ณ๐’€๐‘ต ๐‘ฏ๐‘ผ๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ฎ! ! โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

    lone survivor โœฉ twenty- one โœฉ cismale โœฉ bisexual โœฉ tag: open โœฉ location: idk hes lost

      for the past seven years, kaitlyn had been with his butler, lewis. lewis was the only person there for him, the only safe company he had, and the only caretaker he had. he was just fourteen when he had to watch his mother get shot by lewis because she was bit. he was just twelve when he watched his father get torn apart by a group of zombies in the middle of a supermarket. both places he wasn't supposed to be at - he was supposed to upstairs. at home. but he chose to sneak around because he was curious.

      and look where that gotten him.

      he had been in his own house for the past years. he never left, never found a new survivor group. never was born in a community. it was just him and his family. in that small house, always. always and forever. he never knew any friends, but he had plenty of toys, and never had to worry about food. his parents had so much - from the beginning of the apocalypse, they had a cellar. before then, they had a food cellar. and now that's kept kate alive for twenty one years, and could honestly still keep him going for a little longer.

      but keeping it safe, keeping it as a last resort, kate and lewis had been scavenging the supermarkets. they even had their own farm.the chickens were still there. the horses were. even a few dairy goats and two cows. kaitlyn had helped taken care of them his whole life. he knew if he had to take care of them alone he would be able to.

      he didn't want that to ever happen. he wasn't prepared for it to happen.

      it was only a few hours ago. a few hours ago when it happened.

      kaitlyn was in the supermarket with lewis again, just looking for any spare batteries because they didn't have any at home. at least, any they could find. they didn't dare go in the attic in case there was a body they never knew about. not after what happened with cousin may. chewing on his bottom lip anxiously, kate didn't expect what he was about to experience. hell, he should have known to prepare since he was younger . he should have prepared his brain - his mind, his emotions. prepare to lose.

      turning towards the screaming, and seeing lewis screaming for him to run and smiling at him when he does, was enough to send kate into a panic. a panic that lasted hours. kate couldn't even return home. the moment he tried to go in the front door, he ended up seeing tons of walkers in the front door and covering the kate. kate had been walking for hours.

      finally collapsing after one last step, kate just let tears stream down his face. he had officially lost everyone. he never had a sibling. he was alone his whole life. and here he was, alone again. he didn't know how to handle it. raked sobs scraped out of his throat as he closed his eyes.

      there he was, crying on all fours in the dirt, ready to die.
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Postby lush » Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:37 am

    ๐‘ฉ๐‘ถ๐‘ซ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ฒ๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ฎ! ! โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

    commonswealth medic โœฉ eighteen โœฉ cismale โœฉ demisexual โœฉ tag: peyton & billie โœฉ location: in the square

      waking up was the hardest part of bodie's day.

      bodie's never had to struggle before. being born in commonsweath, he has been safe his entire life. and to say he's not grateful for it is a lie. he always knew how lucky he was, and how nice it was to be there. bodie would never been caught complaining unless it's about curfew. and even then, the curfew was made to protect them all. something he didn't want to be ungrateful about.

      and now, sitting in his bed, he watched the clock tick as he let the sunlight through the blinds shine on him.

      his bedroom was upstairs, and the window was always where the sun rose. which was nice, it was great to wake up to. but being able to lay in bed watching the sunset was always something he wished he could do. while he was glad he could just go on the balcony and watch it, sometimes he liked to admit to being lazy and admit to being tired. admit that he was a little defeated and just wanted to lay down and relax. just to enjoy himself.

      pushing himself out of the bed slowly, bodie only smiled up at the sun as he opened the blinds, and changed into clothes. it was his day off. finally. he knew it was weird to have days off, but the amount of medics they had available and the time bodie needed to do some schooling worked out fine. he would probably just head to the library and study the books peyton had recommended to him about anatomy and everything he needed to know. just med school books.

      pushing himself out the door, feeling the breeze on his skin felt amazing. it was calming. as he began his way down the street, seeing a few familiar faces on the other side of the street only made him smile. so of course, he felt obliged to take a small pit stop. jogging to the other side of the street, bodie quickly put himself between peyton and billie and wrapped his arms around them both. while it was hard to do it with billie, his hand still rested on his shoulder. it was hard being the tallest in group - but it never stopped him.

      "goodmorning to my favorite people," he said softly, offering smiles towards them both. "what's up today? can i walk with you guys?"
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