snowbrooke's curse v2.0 •❄• multifandom •❄• open & accepting

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( 001 ) - percival

Postby Ploegy » Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:06 am

      xxxmale sixteen years old four knights of the apocalypse tagged: diluc

      Cold. That was exactly what Percival could feel as his light slumber still clung to him. Why cold though? Sure, the mountains were supposed to be cold at times, but they hadn't been this chilly on their climb up. The only time it had ever been this cold was back home on God's Finger. Surely he hadn't returned there somehow, had he? He didn't want to find out. Refusing to open his eyes just yet, the teen grabbed the edges of his cloak and pulled them around his body tightly in an attempt to keep himself warm. The results were rather lackluster, unfortunately. Finding himself still cold, his eyes finally cracked open and a soft, irritated grunt managed to escape his lips. "Cold... Cold..." he uttered under his breath. "Sin, why is it so cold?"

      His question was met with an eerie silence. That was enough for Percival to lift his head from the snow and look around. His drowsiness was enough to keep him from immediately realizing that his companions were nowhere to be seen, but the longer his gaze lingered, the more his brain began to pick up on it. Watching a few flakes drift down from the sky, Percival couldn't help but be reminded of the day his grandfather was murdered. Sadness was the first emotion to come over him and in an instant, tears began to well up at the edges of his eyes. He couldn't control it. All he could do was let it happen. Tears rolled down his rosy red cheeks as he sat there, staring off into the distance, not making a sound. The sadness was short lived, though, and vengeance was soon to set in. His hands grasped tightly on the edges of his cloak as he wrinkled his nose and let out a sharp huff. These were the same emotions he had that day. Maybe this place was only trying to remind him of that. Did he need much of a reminder? Ever since his arrival in Britannia he had constantly been reminded of it. Arthur's knights were relentless in their pursuit; especially since he had been declared on of the knights of the apocalypse. What purpose did this place serve then?

      Calming himself, Percival tried to think on that question. Nothing came to mind though. He wasn't sure why anyone would want to make bring back the emotions he had felt towards his grandfather's death. His drive to fight was already there. Maybe that wasn't the point of him being here. If they wanted him to truly relive it all, then why would they not put him back on God's Finger? This place clearly was not his home that much was certain, but by no means was it familiar to him either. Then again, all that was around him was snow and trees. It'd be a miracle to figure out exactly where he was. There was only one way to find he answer to his question and that was to find someone to ask.

      Letting go of his cloak, the boy allowed himself to finally sit up and shake the snow from his hair. That's when it hit him that his helmet was no longer there. "Helmet... Where is it?" he blurted out. Swiveling around on his knees, he spotted the familiar purple gear and let a sigh of relief escape his lips. At least he hadn't lost it. Alongside it, he saw the hilt of his sword sticking out from the snow. "Oh, my sword too!" Yet another relief. While he was used to fighting without a weapon, having it with him was reassuring, especially since then Arthur's knights wouldn't easily be able to retrieve it and finish the eternal coffin of darkness. The only downside to this all was the separation from his friends. He could only hope they'd be alright without him around, though perhaps the knights were stop pursuing them once they caught wind that he was no longer accompanying them. There was nothing he could do about it either way. For now he had to adventure on his own as sad as that was. All he could do in the moment was collect his gear and search for the nearest village to ask for help.

      Percival was quick to jump to it. Hopping up from his place in the snow, he shook himself as if he were some kind of animal to rid himself from any snow that might still be clinging to him. Once that was done, he moved forward to retrieve his sword and helmet, putting each in their respective place on his being. Now he was ready to adventure forth. Which way was he supposed to go though? Yet another question that he was unsure about or at least that was until a glimpse of a light caught his attention. Turning himself in its direction, the boy cocked his head and let a soft "huh" escape his lips. He wasn't sure what the light might entail, but it was his only lead thus far. Thus, he bound forward to find out.

      It was only a moment before he arrival at the edge of what appeared to be a town of sorts, but unlike the ones he had previously visited, it appeared devoid of life, or so that was what he assumed until his gaze settled upon footprints. Not only that, but they appeared fresh as well. Excitement bubbled up in Percival's chest at the sight. This excitement was enough to carry the boy forward without a second thought. Danger could have been awaiting him, but he did not care. In his eyes the prints would lead him to someone that could help and that thought alone kept him from slowing down. As he rounded a corner, his eyes were quick to settle upon a all figure only a little ways ahead. It was hard to miss them given their brightly colored hair. Percival's eyes grew wide at the sight of them. His awe was short lived though, and he bounded forward once more, practically jumping o catch up with the other male before he lost him.

      "Hey! Hey! Wait up!" he called out, a wave of his arms accompanying his shouts. While Diluc wasn't moving all too fast, Percival still approached with speed. That was until the snow under his feet caused him to slip and he face planted a few feet away from his intended target. Landing with an "oof," the teen laid there for a moment, regaining himself. Despite the brief sensation of pain, he pushed himself up to his knees. "Guess it's kind of slippery here, huh?" he chuckled, appearing to be rather unshaken by the events that had just unfolded.
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Re: snowbrooke's curse v2.0 •❄• multifandom •❄• open & accep

Postby Anne Gable » Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:20 pm

𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚎
Male|Human|Castle|Tags: Neo

Castle had experienced plenty of New York winters. But this seemed to be worse than any he could remember. Whether it was because he wasn’t wearing his usual winter attire or the actual temperature on a thermometer, Castle wasn’t worried about the reason. He was more worried about the lack of familiar sound of Thursday traffic and sight of skyscrapers. Or, at the very least, why he was standing behind a building instead being in his own comfy bedroom.

Part of him wanted to just check into the nearest hotel and relax in the warmth. He ignored this feeling; there were too many questions to set aside. Besides, what if his kidnapper was at the supposed hotel? As the snowy wind annoyingly started blowing in his face, Castle stubbornly trudged around to the front while buttoning his black suit jacket over his purple shirt. His hands immediately retreated into his pockets. Though there were no cars on the street, he could see someone walking along the sidewalk. Clearly not his kidnapper, the man looked like he had never experienced winter. He was obviously another victim, most likely the same person got him too. “Excuse me, I have a couple of questions. Who do you think kidnapped us and why is it snowing this hard in the middle of March?
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[ diluc. 002. ]

Postby molotov » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:50 am

    𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐂 ──────────────────── 𓅓 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    xxxxxxxxxxxx [ male ] xxx xxx [ human ] xxx xxx [ genshin impact ] xxx xxx [ tags: percival ]
    diluc continued his steady approach, careful and focused. he wouldn’t drop his guard so easily, despite his lack of proximity, something already felt off.. this town was uncanny, as if trying desperately to imitate something familiar and welcoming, and yet it missed the very thing that made a town just that; the people who inhabited it. glancing up at the solemn grey sky, it was hard to make out the time of day, only an unending ocean of clouds that continued its lazy barrage of snow upon him. he let out a small ‘humph’ in dissatisfaction at his predicament, continuing his search for an answer with no sign of success. was this truly the work of captors? the abyss order? their attacks had become more persistent as of recent.. he wasn’t so quick to underestimate them, though it felt beyond their nature to be so strategic in removing him from mondstadt in such a way, if they we’re capable of capturing him unconscious, than he was sure they would’ve killed him by now, rather than take the time to throw him in some frozen ghost-town and hope he would succumb to the elements. no, it felt more on range with the underhanded tactics of the fatui, a method of disposing of him without the direct bloodshed. moreover the frigid air could very well be that of snezhnaya, and coincidentally enough, happened to be the very home of the fatui. still, despite his reasoning, certain things didn’t add up. why go through all this trouble? alas it would remain a mere guessing game until he found some kind of evidence. if worse came to worse, he would simply seek shelter, stalk up on necessities, and prepare for his trek through the wilderness once the snow subsided. if he could find higher ground maybe he could even get a better grasp of the length of his travel. going about this whole thing alone wasn’t the worst thought he had on his mind, he preferred it in normal circumstances. though he knew the best corse of action would be to find a local who could point him in the right direction.

    a voice caught on the wind, and the echo of footsteps hastily crunching through snow followed suit, diluc froze at the sound, hand instinctually lowering to his side ready to summon his claymore for a potential fight, unsure of what to expect. swiveling to spot the source of the commotion, his gaze settled on a young boy with distinct green hair and a orange cloak, bounding towards him with a speed that did not agree with the icy floor below. before diluc could react the kid promptly face planted a few feet in front of him, leaving the vigilante at something of a loss. he stared for a moment, parting his lips to speak though he shut them soon as the stranger expressed levity towards his fall. despite the teens chortle over the matter, diluc’s expression remained unamused. “i suppose it is, if you aren’t careful.” he responded rather grumpily, pausing a moment, before slowly approaching the fallen stranger. diluc offered a hand to help the boy to his feet. “you should really be more cautious, it’s not safe to move so recklessly out in this weather.” he advised, voice carrying a gentle sternness - it was a bit obvious to point out, though he felt the need to address it regardless, if anything to voice his slight irritation for the teens noisy introduction, he didn’t want to grab the attention of a threat, though this kid seemed keen on doing just that. moreover, the boy’s attire was certainly odd given the climate, he seemed out of place in comparison to the dreary backdrop of perpetual snow and shadow behind him. regardless diluc had more pressing matters to address than to question such things. he was going to cut to the chase, seeing as how the teen seemed to be of no threat that is - if anything the boy was a threat to himself. “if i may inquire, do you happen to know where we are?” he asked, quick to move on. “-and perhaps, why this town appears to be uninhabited?” he added, with a glance towards the empty pathway. “i seem to have lost my way, so any information you may have would be of great value to me.” he stated, returning his steady gaze.
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Re: snowbrooke's curse v2.0 •❄• multifandom •❄• open & accep

Postby InfectedHau » Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:46 am

Raquel||Female||Revenant||Code Vein||Tagged: Will Graham
    The town was dead silent, save for the crunch of snow under Raquel's boots and the rush of the wind from between the buildings. So, about par for the course for her. Notably absent were the distant growls of the Lost, and notably present was the soft buzz of the electric streetlamps. It was a novel thing to her, having so much illumination this late at night. Even Home Base only had sparse lighting, rigged up to the generators they'd managed to salvage, or even just the high-beams of Coco's car. Never enough to light up a whole street.

    A a harsh caw split the silence, and Raquel whirled to face the sound, her hand going to the stock of her bayonet. Flames flickered around her hand as she scanned the street, dying out as no massive bird-faced Lost charged out of the shadows at her. She'd never seen one with a bird face, but that didn't mean they didn't exist. The thought occurred to her that it could've been an actual bird, which was a bit hard to believe, but this place had intact buildings and working electricity so anything was possible. As her hand relaxed, a new scent reached the Revenant's keen nose, a scent she hadn't smelled in... well she couldn't really say how long, but probably a long time. Blood. Not Ichor, not Blood Beads, real, human blood. Subconciously, Raquel licked her lips, running her tongue over her fangs. She'd never had human blood before, not that she could remember, and she didn't plan on it; the idea of chomping some innocent human's neck just didn't sit right with her. Still, it smelled good. And hey! Blood meant humans, which meant there was somebody out here! Who maybe knew where exactly "here" was!

    A few more minutes of walking got her to the human in question, on a sidewalk facing some large, brightly lit buildings. Ooh, were those stores? She'd heard about them, but she'd never bought anything from anyone besides Coco or Rin. They were so bright and colorful, she spent a solid few seconds just staring at them before she remembered why she was there. "Hey!" she called out, waving down the man on the sidewalk. He was fairly unremarkable, maybe a few inches taller than Raquel and far better dressed for the weather. "You live around here? Don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt ya!" She didn't approach quite yet, waiting to see how he reacted. Most humans got twitchy around revenants, understandably so, and she didn't want to spook him.
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𝟷 ii • ➹ ii

Postby bigwig. » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:40 pm

    𝟷 ── 𝙽𝙴𝙾
    𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙸𝙸 male human the matrix tags: castle

    Neo was quite surprised to suddenly see someone else here. He had been beginning to think, somewhere in the back of his mind, that this was some complex prison designed specifically for him. But, if there was someone else here, then that meant that wasn't true...right? At the very least, the impression he'd gotten in the brief time he'd been in this place was that it was completely empty - but, apparently, it was not so. There was, at the very least, one other person here. Or...was there? There was always the possibility it wasn't another person, but a program. Neo looked him over, expression unchanging despite his suspicion towards the stranger. He didn't look like an agent, but he could've been a rogue program like the Merovingian and the muscle he kept around. "...Wh-who are y-you?" He asked, his serious demeanor undercut by the fact that he was shivering so badly he couldn't keep himself from stuttering. He'd felt cold - at least simulated cold - back before he'd been extracted, but it had never been this intense. Maybe it was just the suddenness of it, but it was getting to him. His question certainly wasn't an answer to either of the stranger's questions, but that could wait. He had come up and started interrogating Neo as if he were interviewing him or something, seemingly as though he expected Neo to know the answers. However, Neo was nervous; he wanted to play his cards close to his chest. Not that he knew, anyways - and it was a bit odd that one of the things he was most concerned about was why it was snowing. Frankly, Neo had no idea what month it was even supposed to be; time did pass inside the Matrix, going through the normal cycle of days and seasons, but outside it was more difficult to gauge how much time was passing. Underground there was no sun and even the surface hadn't had normal seasons for a very long time.

    He didn't even ask where he was, just who was responsible. A bit of a vindictive approach, though maybe he just assumed Neo didn't know that any better than he did - which he was right about. Neo had no idea where he was, he was only certain this wasn't real. Whether or not the stranger knew that, though, was a loaded question. Neo didn't want to have to deal with the consequences of springing that on anyone just yet.

    ── 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋
    𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙸𝙸 male human hannibal tags: raquel

    The sound of another voice punctuating the silence felt so strange, so downright eerie, that Will almost didn't react to it. It seemed like it should've been merely an illusion, a trick of the wind or the rustling branches. Will looked around, unsure of whether or not he'd actually heard someone call out to him. Then the voice came again, shouting to him even more just as Will caught sight of a woman down the street waving to him, as though to catch his attention. So...there was someone else here? Not a driver or a shopper or anyone else just...milling about doing normal things one would expect. Rather, she looked pretty out of place around here. She was wearing some sort of cloak, but underneath it she didn't look well-dressed for the weather. Didn't seem to be bothering her at a glance, though. There was something odd affixed to her face, though other than that she looked pretty normal. But, something about her Sort of like this place, but not in the same way. She was out of place here, but not hollow and uncanny in the way the setting that surrounded them was. Will took a few steps closer to her, but didn't get too close; he didn't want to seem threatening or anything, plus he needed a chance to flee just in case things went south. He wasn't armed, so he didn't particularly want to get into an altercation (not that he would've been keen on it anyway). "Uh...hi." Will called back to her, although much more softly than she had called to him. "I'm not from here." Well, at least he didn't think he was, but saying that might just make her more confused and concerned. Better to leave that part out for now. "I'm guessing you aren't either?" He asked. Though, if she wasn't, that left Will with a whole new slew of questions. What exactly was this place, then? It definitely didn't seem...normal, but to what extent?

    Could it have really been something...supernatural? That might've explained some things, but Will still wasn't certain that this wasn't a dream. The stranger being here was almost comforting, in a sense. Being alone with his thoughts in this place was not pleasant; it felt like something was listening to them, stirring them around, waiting for something specific to jump on, like when he had been trying to remember where he'd last been. That was probably just paranoia in some form or another, some sort of nervous response to the sudden stress of this situation. Being with someone else would be better than being alone - not that Will usually minded solitude, but this case was somewhat different.
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( 002 ) - percival

Postby Ploegy » Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:54 am

      xxxmale sixteen years old four knights of the apocalypse tagged: diluc

      The grumpy tone that he was met with caused a pouty expression to form upon Percival's face, though that was the extent of it and it quick changed as the other approached to offer a hand. As quickly as the pout had formed, the teen's eyes gleamed with a childish bliss and a grin crossed his face. Taking hold of it, the smaller built boy climbed to his feet and quickly shook he snow off himself. "Being careful in the snow isn't as much fun, though," he mused, letting a laugh accompany his words. If it hadn't been clear before, it was certainly clear now; Percy had little interest in taking the careful route. Perhaps it was reckless of him, but it was how he was. His energy simply wouldn't allow him to be any other way. Besides, if he had been careful, he might have lost Diluc. In his eyes that was far worse than taking a tumble, especially since he took no injuries because of it. Still, he appreciated the strange for looking out for him. It sort of reminded him of how Sin was, although this was another human and not a fox. Not to mention Sin was often more cocky about things too. Even so, the fox looked out for him in the same manner.

      Pushing the thought of Sin aside, Percival snapped back to reality when Diluc continued on and asked him if he knew where they were. It was strange to hear the same question he had fired at him instead and as a result, it left a dumbfounded look upon the teen's face. He couldn't even find an answer to the first question let alone the next one that was asked. Admittedly, while he had noticed the emptiness of the town, he had paid little attention to it, finding it unnecessary to focus on. Had it actually been important after all? It seemed so.

      "Where are we?" he repeated, as he pondered the question himself. Looking around, Percival couldn't come up with an answer that satisfied himself. "Honestly, I'm not so sure. I was going to ask the same thing." If he had known, it would have been a miracle given his inexperience with even the world which he lived. His knowledge of location wasn't vast by any means. If anything, he'd only be able to pick out his home and maybe the gorge where he met Nasiens. It certainly wasn't anything impressive, but that was what growing up in isolation did to him. He didn't mind all too much, though in the moment, it did make him feel rather useless. Deciding not to focus too much on it, Percy moved to the second question he had been asked. "And I'm not sure why this place is empty either. I've only been to a couple villages in my life and they're always so lively compared to this one."

      Wrinkling his nose as he once again pondered the question, a thought hit him that caused his eyes to grow wide. "Maybe one of King Arthur's knights is here and cleared the place out so he can try and kill me!" the boy panicked. It was something that could theoretically happen, though the more Percival thought it over, the less likely he deemed it to be. It would have been difficult for one of the knights to separate him from his companions and then throw him in some village that they had emptied just to kill him. "Actually, that sounds dumb. They'd just kill me on the spot if they got the chance." The boy didn't even care to elaborate on what he had said as his mind went back to brewing up possible ideas on why the town might be abandoned. What reasons could there be? Resting his index finger on his chin in thought, a soft hum escaped his lips before, yet again his face lit up, indicating that another idea had come to mind.

      "Do you think monsters scared the people away? Or maybe the town's been cursed by some crazy wizard? Or maybe they're just shy and staying inside!" Percival babbled on, spouting out whatever possibility came to his mind. There was no certainty behind any of them, but maybe one of them could be true. It hadn't even crossed his mind that Diluc might not be as interested in his theories. Instead, he found himself turning back to the older male with a look of genuine curiosity painted on his face. "Should we figured out what is going on here?"
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Re: snowbrooke's curse v2.0 •❄• multifandom •❄• open & accep

Postby ∂αмє υмвяα » Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:27 pm

    [Achlys Dade] [Female] [Age: 17] [Fandom: MHA] [tags; open] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
    She felt cold. More so then usual, sure it snowed in Japan time to time, but this cold was biting through the clothes of her hero suit. With a slight gasp, her black eyes opened to see a white landscape with fresh flurries adding upon the snow that was already on the ground. A shiver broke through her thoughts as she stood up in an attempt to warm herself. The cold that was bitting through her coat, and through the under layers of her suit, felt similar to the ice that Todoroki used when they where training together with class 1-A. Speaking of which, where exactly are her classmates? Black orbs looked around trying to find signs that her classmates where around, sure she would’ve called out to them in attempt to locate each other, but in an unfamiliar situation and location with everything being a threat, she didn’t want to risk it.

    As she walked along the snowy landscape, she tried to remember how in the world she ended up in this situation. But her memories where scattered like pieces of glass that where scattered on the ground, every time she tried to look backwards in her mind, there was like a mental block stopping her from doing so. Though not all way lost in her search of memories, something had slipped like sand in one’s hand. With a slight gasp, Achlys groaned as she saw bits of a fight with faces she was familiar with. ‘The Leauge? How do they have something to do with this? Surely they would kill me on the spot rather than throwing me in the middle of a snow covered wasteland.’ she thought to herself.

    A lone howl of a wolf broke her out of her thoughts, and more howls joined in. There was a pack of wolves nearby, and that was a threat to her survival. With a quick flick of her wrist, a bow made out of shadows was summoned into her hands and a quiver of shadowed arrows appeared on her hip. Achlys took a glance into the forest and saw figures move about in the tree cover. She needed to move—she needed to find shelter, warmth and food.

    Her boots stepped through the snow, the snow crunching underneath her feet was monotonous, but warm lights soon reached Achlys’ vision. Lampposts where decorating the sides of sidewalks and streets, and from what she saw there where lights on in the houses, but where is everyone? Shouldn’t there be kids playing outside? This town just screams bad vibes to the young hero in training. However, if this was the only way she got back to her classmates, she’ll go through with whatever what is thrown at her. She’ll just have to keep her wits about her.

    Slinging her bow across her body, she approached the closest house near her, the sight of fireplace in the corner caught her eye as she looked through the window. A chill ran through her body as the wind blew harshly against her and the teen shivered and hugged her body to save some warmth. She needed to get inside before she got hyperthermia. Trying the door to the house, she found that it was locked. ’Odd. Why is it locked if there’s nobody here in town?’ she thought. Thankfully, when she tried to open the window, the window wasn’t locked and she climbed inside the house closing the window behind her. Finding some firewood next to the fireplace, she set to get a fire going and soon there was a nice warm fire in the room. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stay here. She had to find a way home, if that was even possible. Maybe there were others like her scattered in the town? She’d have to search later on when she got warmer.
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[ diluc. 003. ]

Postby molotov » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:35 pm

    𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐂 ──────────────────── 𓅓 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    xxxxxxxxxxxx [ male ] xxx xxx [ human ] xxx xxx [ genshin impact ] xxx xxx [ tags: percival ]
    diluc observed the kids face for any scrapes or bruises, seeing that he appeared unshaken from the accident he wasn’t too worried, though it didn’t hurt to be sure. the child beamed up at him with his offer to help, though diluc’s expression was intent on remaining a deep frown, it softened slightly in at least knowing he was okay. once the newcomer was back on his feet, the nobleman took a step back. “i’m sure falling flat on your face was quite worth the entertainment.” he responded coolly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. fun barely mattered in such dire circumstances, he hardly understood why running in icy conditions could be considered enjoyable to begin with. it occurred to him just how inexperienced he was with children, then again, out of all the possible outcomes he was expecting out of this place, this kid wasn’t one of them. could he kill an abyss mage in one fiery slash? certainly. could he infiltrate a fatui base? no problem - but deal with children and their blissfully ignorant minds? that was a task he realized he thoroughly struggled with.

    he wasn’t sure what he was expecting from this boy, as if he were capable of giving a beneficial response. he could tell that even before the teen answered his questions he didn’t know, so it didn’t come as a shock to hear just that - until his mention of intending to ask the same of him. his eyes widened with slight surprise, about to interject in attempt to take the reigns of the conversation. though rather obliviously, the kid moved on from the topic to the second question, not seeming to grasp how peculiar it was for the both of them to be in the same predicament. before he could get a word in the boy continued to prattle forth, leaving diluc at even more of a loss for words. despite his desire to stay on topic, the child's words couldn’t help but peek his interest. “king arthur?” he repeated, struggling to interpret if the kid was being serious, or simply had an active imagination. the panic in his voice seemed genuine, but he didn’t look like someone who deemed a threat to a kingdom, playing pretend seemed more likely, and would explain the silly helmet and cape - though the sword was a different story, it didn’t faze him much. seeing as how the bomb wielding klee, often got herself into trouble due to her tendency to use explosives back in mondstadt, it wasn’t the first kid he had seen carrying a weapon. she was a naïve and reckless sort, much like this boy was giving the impression of. he crossed his arms, unconvinced. though he supposed their was no harm in indulging him. “wait a moment - these king’s knights you speak of, why are they trying to kill you?” he questioned, clearly doubtful. “is this some kind of game to you?”

    as the boy continued to throw his unnecessary theories for why the town was vacant, diluc could only remain silent and retreat to his own mind in order to ponder over their next corse of action. “it’s hard to determine the true reason quite yet.” he responded, gaze thoughtful as if he was actually taking the boys ideas into consideration “nothing good, that’s for certain..” he added under his breath, a vacant town could allude to a lot of things, none of them positive. unfortunately, given the climate, they had no choice but to retreat to it for eventual shelter. pausing as the young stranger suggested they investigate, diluc let out a exacerbated sigh, running a hand through his red hair and brushing off a few fresh snowflakes in the process, meeting the youngsters curious gaze. “i suppose we don’t have a choice.” he couldn’t just leave the kid out here, much as he wasn’t intent on babysitting either. “we’ll need to seek shelter eventually, but i would prefer to ensure the town isn’t running rampant with an unknown threat, first and foremost” he stated adjusting his gloves out of habit. “do you think you can tolerate the cold a little longer?” he froze a moment, suddenly alert, briefly he caught movement in his peripheral, like a shadow effortlessly dancing across the backdrop of the woods from behind the child, though as he raised his head to get a better look, nothing but an empty forest stared back. the wind could very well have blown up a flurry of fallen snow, giving the illusion of movement, though he wasn’t about to take his chances. evildoers could be lurking in the shadows for all he knew, preparing for a moment to strike from the darkness. his jaw tightened, eyes narrowing before he glanced back down at the kid. “just stay close, alright? we don’t know what’s out here, so it’s best to remain vigilant.”
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Re: snowbrooke's curse v2.0 •❄• multifandom •❄• open & accep

Postby InfectedHau » Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:45 pm

Raquel||Female||Revenant||Code Vein||Tagged: Will Graham
    "Man, I wish," Raquel said, stepping a bit closer now that they were sure they weren't going to kill each other. "This place is amazing! I haven't seen buildings like this since... well, I'm not sure when, but it's been a while." It probably looked mundane to the Raquel of untold years ago, but to the current Raquel the town was nothing short of wondrous. Streets lit like daytime in the dead of night, buildings unmarred by the remnants of the Queen's rampage, miasma-free air and not a Lost in sight. She thought. Those might still be around, some of them were a bit sneaky. "Shame that I've lost track of my friends though, if they were here we'd probably set up in one of these." A small part of her was a bit worried about where her friends had gotten to, but she wasn't unduly concerned. Louis, Mia, and Yakumo could fend for themselves just fine, and they probably wouldn't have any trouble protecting Rin. They'd probably make their way here eventually, if they weren't here already.

    The revenant held out a bandage-wrapped hand. "I'm Raquel," she said, fighting the urge to lick her fangs again. The smell of blood was even stronger up close, it was almost making her dizzy. It suddenly struck her that she didn't know how long it had been since she'd fed, and that her Blood Bead pouch was uncomfortably light. She'd have to ration it out, but even then rationing would only take her so far. He probably wouldn't mind, right? If it was a life-or-death situation, he'd probably understand. She'd definitely have to ask first though, she wasn't an animal. She hid her sudden hunger with a reassuring grin. "Wanna stick together until we can figure out where we are? Two heads is better than one, and four fists are better than two." Not that she was expecting him to do much fighting, if it came down to it. She was a living weapon, he was just a guy. Plus she didn't see a weapon on him, and bare hands were about as effective on the Lost as wet towels. She didn't mind, it wouldn't be her first time protecting a human.
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( 003 ) - percival

Postby Ploegy » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:07 am

      xxxmale sixteen years old four knights of the apocalypse tagged: diluc

      His statement on Arthur was met with confusion, something Percival was unfamiliar with when he spoke such a name. Most knew of Camelot's king and the name always was met with one of two reactions. The first was that of admiration and great respect. This was the one that confused the boy most, though it was hard to judge what the king was like given he had never me him in person before, but given how his knights acted, he felt he could at least form his own opinion on the man. The second was one of fear. If anything, this was the one he understood better. To think a man like him would have such powerful knights doing his bidding made it understandable why he was feared. He too must have great power. But, none of that mattered now since he was met with a new reaction. Actually, it was one he felt he could personally relate to. Living his life in isolation he hadn't had the slightest clue who King Arthur was either, but the name was quickly thrown in his face. Perhaps Diluc had lived his life in a similar manner then. It was an interesting thought, but there was no proof to back up his theory other than his unfamiliarity with Arthur. Before he could think to even ask about it though, the older male questioned what he had suggested. It was clear he doubted the boy's words and even claimed that he was messing around. That was enough to cause Percival to puff out his cheeks in irritation.

      "You know, I don't get it either, but he wants me dead!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms in he air as he spoke. "I lived my life all alone with my grandfather only to have him murdered by my father who is one of Arthur's knights. He tried killing me too. Then I leave home only to run into another knight that tries to kill me after seeing my magic awaken, but I was saved by a talking fox who told me I am one of the knights of the apocalypse! I don't know what prophecy it is or anything, but because I have the golden magic said to belong to one of them, and that is enough to deemed me a threat to King Arthur. I haven't done anything yet they say I'm going to destroy the world and must be killed!" While he was unaware of how crazy his story sounded, it was one of truth. If only Anne was here to confirm his tellings. Her magic would be useful in a time like this, but he couldn't rely on his friends here. He was alone. Well, kind of alone. He did have Diluc, but there was no telling how long their partnership would last, if he could even call it that. Looking at the older male, Percival finally allowed himself to calm back down and he dropped his arms back down. It wasn't like him to have such an outburst, but even so he recovered rather quickly from it for the childish smile returned to his lips. "But everything is going to be okay." It was such a simple statement, spoken with pure bliss, but it was genuine. It was clear the boy had a pure heart, even after everything he had gone through in recent days. His problems could wait until he knew what was going on in this place.

      While it was difficult to move on after such an information drop, Percival did his best to regain his focus on the issue at hand. Listening to Diluc, he gave a small nod of his head in agreement. He took found it important to ensure that there wasn't anything dangerous roaming he streets. "I'll be fine. I grew up in the cold." Even with that being said, it didn't mean his gear now was suited to protect him from chilling winds. The cloak could only provide so much protection. It'd have to be enough for now, unless his magic could somehow help him. The thought briefly crossed his mind, but he wasn't even sure where to start with tapping into it to begin with. It always sort of just happened. Even his golems usually appeared on accident. Unfortunately, using it whenever wasn't going to be possible. Not yet at least. He could only hope it would come to him if a situation arose. For now, he'd need to rely on his own strength and his swordplay. Hearing Diluc speak again, Percival gave yet another nod of his head. Falling in step behind the older male, he walked in silence, his eyes quickly scanning the area around them in hopes of finding something that might give them a clue as to what was going on.
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