Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OPEN)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which are based on a book/movie/tv show/band e.g. Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, One Direction etc.
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Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OPEN)

Postby cacahuate16 » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:27 pm

-Tess Rules Apply
-NO God moding, exept if you're Rping an Egypcian God
-Agressivenees is allowed, but don't give too-many details when killing
-you must have my permission when killing another charrie
-you must have the charrie's owner permission when mating with their Charrie
- you can only have from 1to 5 special powers (depending on your specie), unless you become a God's Principal disciple.
- you can only become the pharao's first wife by becoming a normal wife and then he must choose you
-don't post till you're accepted
-write Darkness if you have read this
- only I can play the egipcian Gods (I might add someone else to play them latter on)
- this is a semi-literate RP, so try your best at Grammar and Spelling
-Write at least 3 lines per charrie's post
-Disciples can start with only 1 SPECIAL POWER
-you CAN'T start with special Abilities (and Nope they are not the same from Special Powers)
-you can't start as a Magician
-you CAN start as a disciple, but please in "History" write how you became a Disciple
- you CAN'T start as the Pharao's 1st wife, or as a Principal disciple
-only GODS can be older than a 10,000 years
- write Light instead of darkness if you read this
-when you torture/kill a charrie you must have my permission and don't give manny details
- you CAN'T start as a magician, you must earn the special powers
-I have the right to kick you out of the RP
- I have the right to not accept you if you didn't follow the rules in your form
- the God's tasks can vary from an essay, to a drawing, maby to gather people for the RP or something inside the RP but I'll NEVER ask you for pets or items
-3rd Person writting please (example: she did, she said , etc..)
-use parenthesis to talk about off-topic stuff
-If you're a God's Disciple you can't get powersfromother Gods (example: an Elite Hawkcan't get the nature control power from Osiris)
-Humans CAN'T kill disciples, but they can kill magicians.
-only gods, and other kinds of disciples can kill an immortal disciple
-Mortal disciples can be killed by magicians, by gods and by other kinds of disciples

In egypt a dark secret has been held for years. Only the pharao and those who are part of the secret know about it. Evil and goodness exist among every specie and God, so there is always a choise. Everyone must choose whiselly, especially in this dark times when nothing is assured.


GODS:(please node that gods would be roleplayed at the begining by myself, if you want to RP a God send me a PM and I'll tell you what would you need to do to become a God. I won't ask for pets or something like that, but I might ask you to take a Quiz about the God, or for an essay , or something so I can be sure you know wnough about the God you're willing to RP)

-Isis (Yearing Desire)
-Ra (cacahuate16)
-Anubis (cacahuate16)
-Neftis (cacahuate16)
-Horus (cacahuate16)
-Osiris (cacahuate16)
-Hathor (cacahuate16)
-Seth (cacahuate16)
-Thoth (cacahuate16)
-Ptah (cacahuate16)
-Sobek (cacahuate16)
-Amon (cacahuate16)
-Sekhement (Crabbiey)
-Apep (cacahuate16)
- Basset (snowstar1)

Pharaoh: Amunt
Pharaoh's First wife:
Pharaoh's Wifes: Neema, Aziza, Elí
Prince(ss): Echo , Asthor
Other Royals: (maximum of 3)

Court Laddyes:
Court Magician:
Pharao's Adviser:
Royal Guards: (maximum of 5)

Mayor Priest(ess):
other Priest(ess):
Protected Kids:

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):
Sun Worshipers :

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

NEFTIS TEMPLE (only women are allowed on Neftis' Temple)
Mayor Priestess:
Other Priestess:
Ladies of the strenght:

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess): Sahary
Mayor Agriculturist:

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):
Temple Dancers: Dalila
Temple Musicians: (maximum of 3)

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):
Wise Elders:

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):
Mayor Artisan:

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Basset's Temple
Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Apep's Temple
Mayor Priest(ess):
Other Priest(ess):

Minor Aristocrats:
Children: Maibe
Artisans: Akiiki
Tax Collectors:
Servants: Khepri

Humans: Maibe, Akiiki, Neema, Aziza, Echo
Magicians: Amunt, Asthor

Isis Disciples:
Isis Children Disciples:

Ra's Disciples:
Sun Worshipers:

Anubis' Disciples:
Mummy Disciples:

Neftis Disciples:
Horus Disciples:
Elite Hawks:

Osiris Disciples:
Nymphs: Sahary

Hathor'sDisciples: Dalila
Seth's Disciples:
Storm Causers:

Thoth's Disciples:
Wise Souls:

Ptah's Disciples:
The Gods' Artisan:

Sobek's Disciples:

Amon's Disciples:
Sekhment's Disciples:
Lioness Ladyes:

Basset's Disciples:
Apep's Disciples:
Principal Disciples: Elí

About the Gods:

Gods control everithing, they will occasionally go down to earth to have a little fun. The can talk with Priest(ess), and they are the only ones who can resurect a person, or give the power to someone to resurect a person. When a God makes a person resurect, that person will inmediatly become his or her Disciple, recieving especial powers, and they would also get the ability to talk to them so that they can fulfill the God's wishes

wife and sister of Osiris, enjoyed great magical powers. Among other good works to protect children, for which he was the most popular of the goddesses.
looks: http://www.vopus.org/es/images/articles ... o/isis.gif

sun god of Heliopolis, was god of the state during the dynasty V. I thought so the creator of men and Egyptians were called "the flock of Ra".
looks: http://xochipilli.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/rasvg.png

Jackal god of mummification, attended the rites for the dead was received in the hereafter. God holds the scepter of kings and gods.
looks: http://anubis.defsec.org/images/anubis.jpg

Isis sister, was a goddess of women. Its name means "Lady of the Fort" and was associated with the home of Osiris, who helped resurrect.
looks: http://www.mundomitologico.com/egipcios ... neftis.jpg

falcon-headed god, holding in his right hand the ankh, symbol of life. The pharaohs of Egypt ian to Hprus, son of Isis and Osiris.
looks: http://www.kanibel.com/Egipto/Dioses/Horus.jpg

god of earth and vegetation. His death symbolizes the annual drought, in its rebirth, the annual flooding of the Nile and the crops grow.
looks: http://elartedelahistoria.files.wordpre ... siris2.jpg

cow goddess of love, was also a goddess of joy, dance and music. When a child was born, the Hathors camed to decide their future
looks: http://www.elzodiacodehorus.com/images/ ... or.svg.png

was the lord of Upper Egypt and is depicted as a big-eared imaginary animal, like the donkey. Was linked to the desert and storms.
looks: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_77r11cikpVU/S ... 00/Set.png

appeared as a baboon, was the god of wisdom. associated withthe moon when the sun goes down, tries to dispel darkness with light. Also, he's the god of wisdom.
looks: http://www.egyptancient.net/images/thot.gif

local god of Memphis, is the patron of craftsmen. some legends say that brought life to all the kings of the world when he said their names.
looks: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_25qAGdIqT0g/T ... PTAH+2.jpg

crocodile god worshiped in the cities that depended on the water.
looks: http://www.donaldislost.com/wp-content/ ... /sobek.jpg

god of Thebes, generally represented as a man, or sometimes as a ram or goose.
looks: http://i26.tinypic.com/2dt2hzr.png

was originally the warrior goddess of Upper Egypt. She is depicted as a lioness, the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians. It was said that her breath created the desert.

was an evil god, the deification of darkness and chaos
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... Apep_1.jpg

a feline goddess of Ancient Egyptian religion who was worshipped at least since the Second Dynasty.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 3h8831.jpg

About the Ranks :

The Royal Family
he's the "king" of egypt, everyone must follow his rules. He has the final desicion in mostly every aspect of the egipcian's rules.

he's the favourite wife of the Pharao, she has privileges among the normal wifes.

they are the other wifes of the Pharao, they are treated as queens and they at times help the Pharao in his desicions.

they are the Pharao's sons/daugthers. The oldest prince will become Pharao when his father dies.

this are cousins, aunts, etc... that don't take much part in the Pharao's goverment, but they are very powerfull

Palace Workers

he's encharched of administrating everything at the palace.

he's encharged of keeping order in egypt, he judges citizens in the palace's court

they clean up everithing at the palace

they are incharged of fullfilling the Pharao's and his wifes needs

they made the food that is eaten in the palace

he helps to decide manny things based on magic and predictions. He interpretated the Pharao's dreams, and the God's dessires.

he's the Pharao's right hand and will help him in every decicion.

they protect the palace and the people who live in there


they directly talk with the gods. They are in charged of comunicating the God's wishes to the Pharao, the court magician, or the Pharao's adviser

they advise people about what the gods want. They can talk to the gods in dreams. They pray a lot to the gods.

these children where killed as an offer to the godness. They are inmortal and they have the same powers as Isis disciples, but they need to take other kid's souls in orther to stay young.

these people worship the sun, they learn it's cycles and interpretate its messages.

these people are in charged of making the mummification ritual as Anubis comands it.

this laddyes worship Neftis and look for favors of the godness in order to keep the Nation strong

he or she is an expert in this subject. He would personally ask Osiris for a better crop, or town people favors.

these people will predict the future of babys by asking Hathor for future sights.

these people are in charged of having Hathor's temple always with dancing and music. So that Hathor would bring happyness to Egypt

these people are in charged of giving advise acording to Thot's will and tghoughts

he or she is an expert Craftman, he would personally ask Ptah for favors in return from art.

People in the City

these are minor royals and have the highest power in the city. They directly respond to the Pharao

these people make the law be fullfilled in the city.

these are the little ones who live in the city

these people dance in the mayor plaza

these people make art for the aristocrats, or temples

they document everything, and write storys about what they see or think

they plant the seeds to harvest, and raise animals. then they sell them to merchants

they collect the tax for the Pharao

they make furniture out of wood, rocks or annything they can find

they buy things from the agriculturist, artisans, carpenters, fisherman, etc.. and then sell them to people or other towns and citys

they look for fish in the Nile river, and often make long journeys to get fish from the ocean

they have boats and usually help merchants or fisherman with their jobs, for money off course.

they are incharged of teaching new skills to children

they are in charged of keeping the houses of the Minor Aristocrats and rich people neat.

they do all the hard work, they have no rights and no word.

About the Species:

most of them don't know about the existence of other species. those who know usually go to the temple of the god that they want to follow so that when they die that god will resurect them. they don't have anny special power or task.
this kind of humans can have 1 to 5 especial powers. Magicians are NOT inmortal. To become a magician your character needs to ask a God (when they come down to earth) to give them 1 of their abilities (the God will choose wich ability to give) in exchange for a favor or something. Please realize that speciall abilities that magicians have, will be lost once they die, but they can be resurected and choose the same ability. MAGICIANS CAN'T KILL IMMORTAL DISCIPLES.

- your charries can only become Disciples when they die
- if a human is choosen to become a disciple and he rejects that chance, he would inmediatly go to be judged by Osiris, to see if he would go to Hell or Heaven. Once he has crossed he would no longer RP.
-Disciples choose 1 speciall power (exept for the one that's very hard to get) and can gain more by fullfilling tasks.
- for a God to choose a human to become their disciple he must have prayed a lot on an specific temple, or done a special favor.
-There are some Magicians that have Special powers from different Gods, when they die he must choose one of them to become their disciple, but he'll loose the other God's ability.
- if a human didn't do anny favor nor did he prayed, and wants to become a disciple he must ask Osiris for pity, if the God agrees then he'll become his disciple. Also he could ask him to call another God, but that God would be less likely to accept. Either of the Gods will ask the Human for a difficult task to prove loyalty so he can join them.
-Disciples can't be killed by humans, they can only be killed by magicians, other disciples or Gods

there are two kinds of Isis disciples, normal disciples and Children disciples. Isis Disciples can control the elements (water, fire, air, earth, metal , rock and wood), they are immortal and can have 1 special power if they fullfill . To become a Normal Disciple of Isis your charracter must die and be resurected by Isis. Children Disciples are protected by Isis, they are inmortal, but to stay young they need to take children's souls. Children Disciples also control elements, and they have the power to take other Childre'ns souls. Children disciples can have 1or 2 special powers, to obtain a power they must give Isis 2 children soul in exchange for one of her magical abilities. To become a Children disciple your charrie's soul must have been taken by Isis herself when she comes to the world. Isis' Principal Disciple obtains ALL the special powers that Isis can give, plus the power of resurecting death People into Isis Disciples. to become Isis Principal disciple you must be choosen by her, after being choosed you would be asked for a task that you'll neeed to fullfill in order to become her Principal Disciple.
Special Powers your Charries can earn from Isis (rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
- Mind Reading
- Element controling (one or many elements)
- Flying Power
- Possession of another individual (very hard to get)

There are 2 kinds of Ra's disciples Ra's Disciples and Sun Worshiper Disciples. Ra's Disciples can turn into anny object (hammer, rock, a table...)(while they become an object they can still move (wich means that the object will move as well), they are inmortal and can have 1 special power. They can variate the size of their animal from 2cm to 2 meters. To become a Ra's Disciple your charrie must die and be resurrected by Ra. Sun Worshiper Disciples are Ra's favourite disciples, they can morph into Objects and can also control climate, they are immortal. Sun Worshipers can have 1 special power. Sun Worshiper Disciples must hide in the temple or inside their houses when the night comes, or else they would become dust with the power of the moon. To Become a Sun worshiper, you must die as a sacrifice to Ra or have done a very special favor to Ra, sides he must choose you. Ra's Principal Disciple obtains ALL especial powers that Ra can give, and the power of resurecting death people into Ra's Disciples. to become Ra's Principal Disciple he must choose you, then he'll ask you for a task that you'll need to fullfill.
Special Powers your Charries can earn from RA (rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-Climate controling
-Object shape-shifting
-Super speed
-making statues come to life (very hard to get)

There are 2 types of Anubi's Disciples, Anubis' Normal Disciples and Mummy Disciples. Anubis' Normal Disciples can turn into anny canine animal (wolfs, domestic dogs, jackals, etc..) they can variate their animal's side from 2cm to 2 meters.They are inmortal and can have 1 special power. To become an Anubis' Disciple you need to die and be resurected by Anubis. Mummy Disciples are the ones who appear dressed up as Anubis when the mummyfication starts, they are NOT inmortal so they would eventually die, They can also turn into canines that vary from 1cm to 3 meters, they can have 1 or 2 special powers.To become a Mummy disciple you must have made a mayor favor to Anubis, and you must have been a mummyfier in the temple. Anubis' Principal Disciple must have been a Mummy Disciple. He has ALL Special powers Anubis can give plus the power to resurect death people into Anubis' disciples.
Special Powers Anubis can Give (you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-Resurection (they can resurect people that is death, they will be resurected at the age that they died)
-Canine animal shape-shiftig
-Super strength
-immortality ( please node that if a mummyfier doesn't die he can't become Anubis' principal disciple)
- Torture Power (there are 3 types of tortures, mental, physical and external each of them has a specific spell that they must say, Anubis will only give 1 of the spells to those who earn this power, VERY HARD TO GET)

there is only 1 kind of Nefti's disciples. Neftis' Disciples can Travel in time, they are immortal and can have 1to 3 special powers. Since Neftis is the godness of women, only women can become disciples or recive special powers. Neftis Principal Disciple is inmortal and has every special power Neftis can give, she can also resurrect the death into Neftis' Disciples.
Special Gives Neftis can Give (remember she only gives them to women)(you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-Time traveling
- mood controling
- insect shape-shifting (from 2 cm to 2 meters)
- Shields (can make shields of energy)
- Sonic Vibrations (can make sonic vibrations that would hurt the enemy)
- Transportation (the ability to move yourself or an object from one place to another) (Very Hard to Get)

There are two kinds of Horus disciples; Horus Disciples and the Elite Hawks. Horus Disciples can turn into anny bird (eagle, hawk, chicken, etc..), they are immortal and can have 1 or2 special powers. To become a Horus Disciple your charrie must be resurected by Horus. The Elite Hawks are inmortal, can turn to anny kind of bird or human , but their usual form is a hybrid (1/2 human 1/2 Hawk). They are prepared for war and are super strong and Fast, but they can only have 1 special power. Horus Principal Discipleisimmortal, she/he has all the special abilities Horus can give, plus the power to resurect people into Horus' disciples.
Special Powers that Horus can Give (you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
- Bird shape-shifting
- Battle Death Flock (they can make death soldiers rise when they're on battle so they can help them to fight)
- Life Flames (they can make flames out of air to burn their enemys alive)
- Terremote making (they can make little Terremotes so that some things (or people) may fall)
- Instant Death (they can make an enemy dye in days when eclypses occur) (Very Hard to get)

There are two types of Osiris Disciples; Osiris Disciples and Nymphs. Osiris Disciples can controll nature (animals , plants, water and climate), they are inmortal and can only have 1 special power. To become an Osiris Disciple your character must be resurrected by Osiris. Nymphs Nymphs are inmortal, they can control nature and they can turn into nature (they can become living trees, water, a cloud or an animal, but they can't change their size as usuall shape shifters), Nymphs can't have anny special Power. To become a Nymph your charrie must be a women and must be turned while living by Osiris in the drowning of the Nile. Osiris Principal Disciple has all the qualities of a nymph plus the rest of Osiris' special powers and the power to resurrect death people into Osiris' Disciples. He or She can also judge death people who aren't devotee to an specific God (wich means he or she could send someone directly to heaven / hell, or ask a God to make them their disciple).
Special Powers Osiris can Give(you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
- Nature control
- turning into nature
- station control (as making summer to winter, etc..)
-Invisibility (you can make yourself, or another object/person, invisible) (very hard to get)

There's only 1 kind of Hathor's Disciples. Hathor's disciples are inmortal, they can create the love illussion(wich means they can make one persone temporally fall for another person) and they can also predict the future. Hathor'sdisciples mayhave only 1 special power.To become a Hathor's disciple your character must be resurected by Hathor. Hathor's Principal Disciple has all Hathor's special powers, plus the power toreaurrect people into Hathor's Disciples.
Hathor's special powers (you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
- Love Ilussion
- Future Prediction
- Truth spell (this'll make anny one say their darkest secrets)
- Element shape-shifting (allows you to turn into water, fire, air, earth, wood,rock, metal or a mixture of these)
- Dark instruments (allows you to play a song in an instument that could rather harm, kill or torture an individual) (Very hard to get)

there are two kinds of Seth's Disciples; Seth's Disciples and Storm Causers. Seth's disciples can make Things and Illusions out of sand (this objects vary from sand Castles, to sand food, false Oasis, and sand monsters among other) they mostly use their powers for bothering travellers who are lost in the desert. Seth's disciples are inmortal , and can have 1 or 2 special powers. To become a Seth's disciple your charracter must be resurected by Seth and choose to be aSeth's disciple rather thana Storm causer. Storm Causerscan create the most awfull storms,from a hurracane to a sand storm these guys can make the cituation miserable by saying a few words. They are Immortal and can have 1 or two powers. To become a Storm Causer your charracter needs to be resurrected by Seth and choose to be a Storm causer rather than a Seth's disciple. Seth's Principal Disciplehe enjoys both the sand Illusion/construction power from Seth's disciplesand the Stormmaking power of the Storm makers, plus all the other special powers Seth can give and the ability to resurrect death people into Seth's disciples.
Special Powers Seth can Give (you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-Sand Illusion/Construction
- Stormmaking
- Toxic Power (you can intoxicate someone with a storm or a sand Illusion/Construction)
- Unconfortable Hours (this powerallows you tomake people feel things worst than they are, example: you can make a traveller feel like he's at 50°C when he's only at 30°C)
-Asphixia (this power allows you to make another person's breath stop) (very hard to get)

there are two kinds of Thoth's disciples; Thoth's disciples and the Wise Souls. Thoth's Disciples can turn into anny mammal that is not felinne or canine (elephants,horses, Bears, jirafes, etc..) variating their size from 1 cm to 4 meters. Thoth's Disciples are immortal and might have 1 or 2 special powers. To become a Thoth's Disciple you must die and be resurrected by Toth. Wise Souls can shape-shift intoanny mammal that is not a feline or a canine variating their size from 2cm to 3 meters, they can also get to know by the Knowledge power evry aspect about a thing or person, including their past and their compositios, but they can't see their future. Wise Souls are NOT immortal, but they can live up to 150 years, wise Souls can have 1 special power. Thoth's Principal Disciple has the Wise Soul powers, plus all the special abilities of thoth, plus the power of resurecting death people into Thoth's Disciples.
Thoth's Special Powers (you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
- mammal shape-shifting
- knowledge power
-Tracking (you can track a person that's far a way by their aura (the energy that is unique in each organism))
- Karma control (you can affect another person's energy so that good or bad stuff happensto them)
-Mind Controlling (you can make other people see whatyou want them to see) (very hard to obtain)

There's only 1 kind of Ptah's Disciples. Ptha's Disciples can shape shift into anny imaginary creature (dragons, spinxs, gosth, vampires, werewolfs, chupacabras xD, among others), they are NOT inmortal, and they can also have form 1 or 2 special powers. To become a Ptah's Disciple your character must die and be resurected by Ptah himself. The God's Artisan is Ptah's Principal disciple, he has all Ptah's abilitys and he posseses all Glory pieces. He also creates the glory pieces. By becoming the Gods' Artisan,you get the task to fullfill the Gods' art wishes, by doing this a Gods' Artisan can earn special things from the Gods. To become the Gods' Artisan all Gods must choose your charrie for his/her artician abilities, The Gods' Artisan doesn't have to be a disciple of Ptah.
Special Powers Ptah can Give(you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-mythological shape-shifting
-multiplication power (many versions ofyourself appear, from 1 clon to a 100 clons only,this requires practice)
- Flexibility (lets you strech as a rubber band)
- 12 glory pieces (these are 12 master pieces that an artisian can make, Path will only give the instructions of one of them per special power (you'll have to put glory pice and a number from 1 to 7 (depending on what Ptah choose to give your charrie) in the special power section of the forms). This master Pieces are
1- Ptah's statue : gives a mithologycal creature as a warrior pet who will help on battle, to the person who has it in their home
2- Anubis statue: gives immortality to the person who has it in their home
3-Osiris's drawing: gives invisibility to the person who has it in their pocket/backpack
4-Horus' eye: gives super strenght to the person who have it printed on their skin
5-Hathor's tunic: makes the person who's wearing it supper atractive
6- Nefti's Necklass: allows the person who wears it to travel to anny part of the world
7- Isis' Potion: with one drop given to a person, it allows you to possess him/her for 1minute to 5 hours
8- Ra's Staute: comes to life so it will help the weakest to gain the greatest battles
9-Seth's ring: allows your charrie to torture a person with the Uncomfortable Hours power when that person is less than a mile away from you, it only works while you have the ring on your finguer.
10- Sobek's bracelet: allows a person to stay for an indefinite time under water while they are wearing it
11- Amon's shoes: allows a person to run faster while they wear them
12- Thoth's coat: allows to use the mind-control power while wearing it.)
(Very Hard to get)

there are two kinds of Sobek's disciple: Sobek's disciples and Leviatans. Sobek's Disciples can turn into anny reptile or aquatic animal (cocodriles, snakes, fish, etc..) variating their sizes from 1cm to 3 meters. Sobek's Disciples are inmortal and can have 1 or 2 special powers. To become a Sobek's Disciple your character must die and be resurected by Sobek. Leviatans can turn into anny reptileor aquatic animal, they can also control reptiles and aquatic animals. They can control and become the water element (water in al forms; Ice, vapor and water) , they are immortal and they Can't have anny special powers. To Become a Leviatan a priest in Sobek's temple must die and be resurected by Sobek. Sobek's Principal Disciple has every ability that the Leviatans have plus Sobek's special abilitys, andthe power of resurrecting people into Sobek's disciples. to become Sobek's Principal Disciple your charrie must first be a Leviatan, and Sobek will choose among them.
Special Powers Sobek can give (you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-Reptile and aquatic creatures shape-shifting
-Reptile and Aquatic creatures controling
-Water Element Control
- Turn into Water Element
-Melting (allows you to melt something or somebody) (very hard to get)

There's only 1 kind of Amon's Disciples. Amon's Disciples are inmortal, they have the protection power (wich allows them to heal quickly, to cancel other superpowers momentarilly and to create shields with energy) they can have 1 special power. To become an Amon's Disciple, your character must have died and be resurrected by Amon. Amon's Principal Disciple has all the abilitiesthat Amon can give, plus the ability toresurect death people into Amon's Disciples, they are immortal. To become Amon's Principal Discipl, he must choose you and you mjst complete a task given by himself.
Special Powers Amon can Give(you earn them rather by becoming magicians, by becoming disciples, or by fullfilling a task as dicsiples)
-Protection power
- Absortion (the power to adquire another's special abilities while they are less than amileaway from you)
- super vision (allows your charrie to see in the dark, trough stuff and very far away)
- Adaptation (allows you to get special adaptations to resist or respond to an atack)
-Darkness (allows you to control evil forces) (very hard to get)

There are two kinds of Sekhment's disciples; Sekhment's disciples and Lioness Ladyes. Sehkment's Disciples can shape-shift into anny Feline animal variating it's size form 2 cm to 5 meters, they are immortal and can have 1or2 special powers. To become a Sekhment's Disciple your character must die and be resurrected by Sekhment. Laioness Ladyes are NOT immortal, they can have 1 special power. They can Shape-Shift into anny Feline animal (lions, tiger, etc) variating it's size from 2cm to 5 meters, they can also create Acid out of the enviroment. To become a Lioness Lady, your character must be a female, and she must be resurected and choosen by Sekhment. Lioness Ladys can have up to 1 special power . Sekhments Principal Disciple: has all the Powers that Sekhment can give, and is immortal. To become Sekhment's Principal Disciple your charrie must have been a Lioness Lady who died and turned into her Principal Disciple.
Special Powers Sehkment can Give
- Feline-animmal shape-shifting
-acid generation
-immortality (please node that if a Lioness Lady doesn't die she can't become her principal Disciple)
- Mediumship (ability to talk with the death/gods/animals and plants)
- detonation (the ability to explode anny object that is nearby) (very hard to get)

There's only one kind of Apep's Disciples. Apep's disciples are immortal, and can't have special powers. Apep's disciples can turn into anny poisonous creature (snakes, spiders, etc..) variating thewir size from 4 cm to 5 meters. Apep's disciples can also become demons and can temporally make others become demos as well. Apep's Principal disciple has all the abilities of an Apep disciple plus the ability to resurrect other people into Apep's disciples.
Special Powers Apep can Give
- poisonous creature shape-shifting
- demon shape-shifting
- demon shape shifting controling (making others to turn into demos for a period of time)

there's only one kind of baset's disciples. Baset's Disciples have the smae powers that Sekhmen'ts disciples, plus de ability to camuflage Baset's disciples are immortal, and can't have special powers. Basset's Principal disciple has all Baset's disciples abilityes, plus de ability to resurect people into a Baset disciple.

Special Abilities Every God can Give (they don't count as special powers, and you might have an unlimited number of them, but you can't start with them. You must earn them. Humans CAN have abilities.)

Ability to enhance or weaken the powers of others.

Ability to sense or recognize superhuman powers.

Ability to heal rapidly from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character.

Ability to take on one ability of a close by animal (not further than 1 mileaway from you)

Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present

Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound

Ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts.

Ability to temporarily merge two beings into a single being, which results in a completely new and stronger being.

Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured.

Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal human

Ability to crawl on vertical and horizontal surfaces

Ability to understand any form of language

Ability to read or sense the emotions ((do not confuse with mind reading, these only allows you to sence a person's mood)

Ability to relate details about the past or future condition of an object or location, by touching it.(it doesn't work on living organisms)

Ability to increase or decrease the natural density of an object . (again, it doesn't work on living things)

Ability to disintegrate matter through touch. (again, it doesn't work on living things)

Ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions for 1second to 3 hours.

Ability to phase through solid matter without harm. (means going trough a solid thing, as a gosth does :D)

Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles.

Ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields.

Ability to increase or decrease mass in an object.

Ability to alter probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things to not happen

Ability to manipulate sound. (make it louder, silent, etc..)

Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it

Ability to control, generate or absorb electric fields.

Ability to expel various forms of energy from the body.

Ability to create complex shapes (such as giant boxing gloves or cages) or even functional machinery (such as fire extinguishers or laser rifles) out of solid energy, the objects will dissapear in less than an hour and can't kill but they can seriously harm.

Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy.

ability to be at to places at once.

Ability to create wormholes, portation "discs" or other spatial portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations. (if you get hitten while creating a portal you'll have to start all over)


Aparent Age: (only for inmortals, less than 10,000 years please)
Real Age:
Special Powers:
Sexual Orientation:
Rank: (the specie doesn't have annything to do with this, just a friendly reminder ;) )
Special Powers: (you can't start with them but you can say (desired) and the power, so that the God/ness will hear you)
History: (if your charrie is a human just tell us the basics, but if your charrie is a disciple please give at least 5 lines and explain how he died and how he resurected. Also explain what he did in order for the God to resurect him,and if you have a special power please write at least 4 lines about how you gotit and what God gave it to you)
Personality: (at least 3 lines)
looks: (picture or a detail description of at least 3 lines that includes; hair color and cut, skin tone, eye color, body proportion, anny particual aspects (ass scars freckles etc..) and their usuall way of dressing)
devotee to: (please write the name of a God, or none if he has not an specific devotion.)
Crush: (yes it can be from a different specie)
Boyfriend / Girlfriend: (yes it can be from a different specie)
Husband/Wife: (yes it can be from a different specie)
Children: (children are ALWAYS born human, exept if it is the son of a God then hell be a deity (PM me to see the specifics about hybrid children if you have one) )

((if you have anny doubths please PM me))

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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby cacahuate16 » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:32 pm

((My forms

Name: Amunt
Nicknames: Just Amunt
Gender: Male
Aparent Age: he's a mortal
Real Age: 25
Specie: Magician
Special Powers: Feline animal shape-shifting, Climate control
Special Abilities: Power Augmentation, Echolocation, Animal Mimicry, Accelerating Healing, Super Senses
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Rank: Pharao
History: He's the son of Agmen (the Pharao that was before him) and Sorthe his first wife. When his father died he took the Throne. He knows about the secret Species and Disciples, since all Pharaos are resurected by Ra. He hasn't married yet, wich means he hasn't choosen his first wife either. He rules over Egypt. He has an Evil Brother Asthor, who wants the Throne for himself.
Personality: He's serious and at times mysterious. He's agoodlider and knows how to convince people. He's good in battle and likes to learn new stuff. He's kind to all of the cityzens he might find. The preassure of his dessicions may lead him to take not-so good descicions but he always tryes his best. He is good in his religion and visits the temple of Ra (since Ra is the one who protects the Pharao) at least once a week.
looks: http://downloads.khinsider.com/wallpape ... -qpriu.jpg
devotee to: Ra
Crush: Echo
Boyfriend / Girlfriend: open
First Wife: looking
Wifes: Neema
Children: none yet but needs to have a kid so he can rule when he dies
Enemys: his Evil Brother Asthor
Friends: his sister Sahary

Name: Asthor
Nicknames: Ast
Gender: Male
Aparent Age: he's a mortal
Real Age: 30
Specie: Magician
Special Powers: Storm making , Uncomfortable Hours
Special Abilities: none yet
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Rank: Prince
History: He's the son of Agmen and Tascary, one of the Pharao's wifes. He thinks he should rule since he's Older than Amunt, but he's also evil and has no touch with people. He's planing a conspiracy to kill Amunt but this must be kept secret.
Personality: He's Evil and Agressive at Times. He likes power and the "earth pleasures" (wich means women, dancing, eating, among others) as he calls them. He'll torture or kill any one who is on his way. He doesn'tlike to be bothered by lower rank people, and very harshly obeys the Pharao's Orders. He makes his own rules and lives with them. He fakes to be his brother's friend, but it is well known that he's an evil soul.
looks: http://www.empireonline.com/images/feat ... cast/2.jpg
devotee to: Seth
Crush: Echo
Boyfriend / Girlfriend: he has many
Husband/Wife: yeah sure as if he was going to tye himself to a person :roll:
Children: ceirtainly NOT
Enemys: his brother Amunt
Friends: he only needs himself

Name: Sahary
Nicknames: Sary
Gender: female
Aparent Age: 19
Real Age: 32
Specie: Nymph
Special Powers: nature control, turning into nature
Special Abilities: none yet
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Rank: Osiris' Temple Priestess
History: She's Amunt's and Asthor's sister, she died at a really young age (19) and was resurected by Osiris. She is a princess, but she can't officially be one since she was resurected by Osiris. She died because someone poisoned her wine glass at her weding. Her husband also died but wasn't resurected. She is looking for revenge. Only Amunt knows what she is. She keeps her identity secret for her own safty, besides it is not the time for humans to know about them.
Personality: Sahary is kind, she cares for all of the people. But sas everything she also has a dark side. She can get to be very agressive, she is also a person who will claim a revenge against who ever bothered her. She has a really big pride, and no one can take her away from that. She is very intelligent, and knows how to do the "word" art, as she names it. She has a strong mind, and she can be stuborned at timers.
looks: http://elojodeltuerto.com/blog/wp-conte ... taylor.jpg
devotee to: Osiris
Crush: none yet
Boyfriend / Girlfriend: none yet
Husband/Wife: none yet
Children: none yet
Enemys: unly the one who poisoned her and her husband, but she's not sure about who he or she is
Friends: Amunt
I'll add morelatter, I'm tyredright now xD ))
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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby cacahuate16 » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:56 pm

Come on guys I spent lostsof time on this one U.U
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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby Agent Shark » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:43 am

(i can see that..and i am reading a book that has thease gods in it so im learning about the gods, but im still new to this kinda rp)

Aparent Age: mortal
Real Age:23
Specie:(how to we become a Magician?) human i guess fior now
Special Powers:no
SpecialAbilities:not really
Sexual Orientation: straight
Rank: Maid?
Special Powers: she wishes
Personality: Echo is soft tord all animals and would only hurt them if her life depended on it.Echo is nerves at times when speaking to others that rank higher then her it to most, it makes her seem weak,frial and scared, which is not at all her, when she had free time she finds a place no one will look for her at and she practices self defence in case of something, she keeps itr a secret, telling no one, only one person knew about it, and it was her sister who passed away after her father.Echo can be quite snappy to those who try and forse her to do something she wont do.But watch out is sensitive about sertain things
looks:Echo has redish brown hair with copper streaks that she kepps a bit lower then her sholders and never puts up, it is wavy and strait so she has to keep it brushed or she looekd like a person that just got out of bed.She has a few freckles but not many, she had a litelly taned skin, she has blue eyes, but you wount know that unless she looked you in the face(im looking for a pic, so ill add more later if i cant find one)
devotee to:Bast:cat godess
Boyfriend / Girlfriend:none
Husband/Wife: none
Enemys:echo?..nah, that is unless you make her your enemy
Friends:none, her sister was her only friend and no one botehrs to even notice her unless they need something done,or cleaned
Other:She has a cat, named teacup she had recued from some boys who desided 'toss the kitten' was fun
Also:I have a prossesing disprder(im NOT lieing) so sometimes while im typeing the words i had sudenlly just dissaper litraly so i may sit there for a while and have only two setanses, but im usally good at comeing up with something to go with what i had, and sometimes, (since mirosoft word if haveing issus) i dont spell things, but i try my best

Light! (or is it darkness?)
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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby cacahuate16 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:04 am

((accepted, Light is ok :D. and to become a magician you need to adquire a special power from a God. A God'll give a special power to a human when they come down to earth, they'll give them a task and if the human fullfills it then that human can become a magician:) ))
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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby Agent Shark » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:08 am

(sweet, echo is hardlly echo with out haveing some kind of power (in most rps that involes and human, she alwas has some sort of power XD)

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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby cacahuate16 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:12 am

((xD to get a power you can go to a God's temple and ask the God to give you a task as well, you can see the listed powers each God can give in "Species", sides there are special abilityes all Gods can give ))
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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby cacahuate16 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:34 pm

Amunt sat in his Throne, he was thinking and thinking about the problems his kingdom had. He was scared to loose all that he had, his family. For everithing else didn't quite matter. Power goes and so does money. He thought about Sahary "maby" he wispered as he tought about turning into a disciple, so he could rule egypt with more ease. He sighed at the idea, life wasn't easy and he shall never think that agin, for suicide was against his believes.

Asthor was walking in the town, he looked for a victim. He turned and turned arround, he saw a women (Echo) and tought she was beautiful. He aproached her leaning in a wall with his hand. once he saw her face he recognized her, Echo, the palace's maid. "what are you doing here?" he asked trying to trick her, for he liked her. He knew his brother Amunt liked her as well, so it gaved him a plus. He gets the girl, and hurts his brother at once. He only needed that one move, he hadn't discovered yet. Or so he tought.

Sahary was in Osiris' Temple praying as usual. Osiris camed to her, he appeared in his human form. He putted his hand on her shoulder. Sahary kneeled down "My lord" she said. Osiris looked at her eyes and used the mind-invasion ability. "what's wrong?" he asked on her head. "I'm worried about Amunt" She answered in her toughts. "you shall not worry for Ra is with him" Osiris said in her head, he knew that Ra was a good god who cared for them "but he shall be carefull, for someone close to him has been tought by Seth" he said refering to Asthor. "Who?" Sahary said outloud, just then Osiris dissapeared in a purple cloud. Sahary runned towards the Palace, she needed to inform Amunt.
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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby Agent Shark » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:46 pm

Echo had been walking along, a basket with suplys in her arm as she wlaked threw down.A teen age boy ran up and knocked the basket out of her hand and echo sighed and bent down, picking up the mess and putingthe stuff back on her basket when she herd a voice "what are you doing here?", it suprised her and she stood up quicklly and turned, wondering who in the world would talk to her and she seen who it was."hello" she said calmlly, steping to the sides to avode some of the teenage boys

(ok, im not sure if hey bow or something, so if they do, just let me know and ill edit it XD)

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Re: Dark Egypt (Egypcian RP, super powers, war, semi-lit, OP

Postby cacahuate16 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:50 pm

((nee it isn't nessesary :) ))

Asthor looked at her and said "I was going to find a new slave, Amunt killed the last one I bought" He said trying to make his brother look awfull in Echo's eyes. He smiled at her and caressed her cheek "although I think I found something more interesting I guess" he said as he chunckled. "Come'on you know who I am, in a way I'm also your boss" he said as he took her by her waist.
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