The Great CS Cake Contest! Winners announced!

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The Great CS Cake Contest! Winners announced!

Postby Tess » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:21 pm


Okay, we've got the results from our 8 judges now so we're ready to announce the winners!

We received a LOT of incredible entries, so it was very hard to narrow it down to just a few. With over 575 entries received, obviously not everyone can win, but I hope you won't be too disappointed if you missed out this time.

All of the entries (and the winning cakes) can be viewed in this gallery:
You can click any cake to see larger photos (and more photos) of the cake.

The winners were:

1st Place
Kat and Bastet4

2nd Place:
chubbymanatee (and sister friend Whim)

3rd Place:
IcePaw98, DemonChild, and pairofwings

Runner ups:
Knoere, DesertSunset, redsmoothie, Arerona-of-Mithlond, NocturnAlice66, ilovekahlee, Tyr, Vaporeon13, LittleMonster<3, CSFan

We will contact the prize winners directly, but the rest of you who sent in a valid entry will automatically receive the cake item prize pack thanks for entering, and I hope you'll enjoy the items!
Update May 1st: We are no longer accepting entries for the contest.
Please allow a few weeks for judges to score the cakes and select the winners.
We will announce the winners ASAP.

You can check on the progress of your entry here.

Chicken Smoothie is celebrating its 3rd birthday in April, and birthdays require CAKE!

Rules and Entry Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions

We are holding an official CS cake-decorating contest :D that's right, we want you to decorate a REAL cake, CS-style, and send in your photos! April 30th is the latest date that entries will be accepted, so you must get your entries in before Midnight on April 30th to be accepted (any timezone)

Prizes will be awarded to cakes judged to be the most creative, relevant, and attractive :) There will be grand prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. If we get enough entries, there will also be some cakes marked as runner-up, which will earn a small prize too!

Before entering, make sure to read the rules and entry requirements!

And by the way, entering a cake image that you stole from somewhere else will get you banned. Make a cake yourself, or don't enter.
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Tess » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:28 pm

Amazon vouchers, CS pinback buttons, C$, limited-release cake items, and a custom up for grabs!


1st Place prize pack contains:
  1. An Amazon voucher for the value of US $80
  2. 10 official CS pinback buttons
  3. One '1st place' CS cake magnet button
  4. A custom CS pet of your own design, made for you on one of the current CS species linearts - must be your own design, and can't be based on a copyrighted character.
  5. 400 Chicken Dollars (C$400)
  6. Complete set of CS 'Build your own Cake' items.

2nd Place prize pack contains:
  1. An Amazon voucher for the value of US $65
  2. 10 official CS pinback buttons
  3. One '2nd place' CS cake magnet button
  4. 300 Chicken Dollars (C$300)
  5. Complete set of CS 'Build your own Cake' items.

3rd Place prize pack contains:
  1. An Amazon voucher for the value of US $50
  2. 10 official CS pinback buttons
  3. One '3rd place' CS cake magnet button
  4. 300 Chicken Dollars (C$300)
  5. Complete set of CS 'Build your own Cake' items.

Runner up: If we get enough entries, we may name a number of cakes as runners up.
  1. 10 official CS pinback buttons
  2. 150 Chicken Dollars (C$150)
  3. Complete set of CS 'Build your own Cake' items.

Participation Prize: This will be given to everyone for entering the contest, as long as the entry is accepted as a valid contribution! Prize will be delivered at the end of the contest, after we have chosen the winners.
  1. Complete set of CS 'Build your own Cake' items.
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Tess » Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:44 pm

How to enter:

Before making your cake, please read this whole topic very carefully. If you are making your cake with the help of friends and family, ask them to read through the topic with you.


Are you ready to enter? Click here to submit your entry.

The rules:
  1. Your friends/family can help you make your entry, but you must be heavily involved in the cake's creation/decoration yourself! Do not get someone else to do all the work for you.
  2. Your cake must be relevant to the theme, and you will be scored on this! What we mean is, your cake should clearly be designed to celebrate Chicken Smoothie, and preferably also the fact that it's a 3rd birthday. If your cake has nothing to symbolize either of these things, you will not win a prize.
  3. The cake and it's decorations should be mostly edible, and not just made from things like plastic figures or drawings on paper. However, it is okay to use toothpicks or similar items to hold together tricky decorations, and of course, candles!
  4. Do not use 'icing printers' or anything similar to get a printed edible image - we want you to really 'draw' or create the design manually on the cake itself. (for example of a printed icing design see: this one and this one. )
  5. It is okay to use a store-bought base for the cake instead of baking your own, but all shaping/icing/decorations need to be done by yourself (or with the help of friends/family). This isn't a taste contest, it is purely based on appearances, and your decorating is the most important part!
  6. It is okay to make cupcakes instead of a whole cake, although with less design space you will need to come up with something special to stand out!
  7. Please do not post your cake for everyone to see on the forum, submit it to us using the submission page. If you share it with the general population it may interfere with judging, and other people might steal your ideas! We may post some entries for you to see during the contest, but we will remove usernames so that judges don't know who made which cake.

Entry Requirements:
  1. You must submit at least two photos of your cake. You need to take at least one progress shot, showing your cake partway through the decorating stage, as well as a shot of the cake when completed. This requirement is to help prove to us that you were properly involved in the cake-making process. If you submit your entry without the progress shot, entry will be at our discretion and is not guaranteed so DO NOT FORGET.
  2. In all pics, your cake should be photographed alongside a piece of paper which says 'Chicken Smoothie' and your username. This requirement is to help prove to us that you really made the cake and didn't find it on google images. If you submit your cake without the username slip, entry will be at our discretion and is not guaranteed so DO NOT FORGET.
  3. One entry (one cake, or one group of cupcakes) per user. If you do make more than one cake before the contest has ended, you can get us to swap your entry for the one you are most proud of. But you cannot change your entry after the contest has closed for judging.
  4. Are you ready to enter? Click here to submit your entry.
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Tess » Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:26 pm

Frequently Asked Questions:

Please read these, and the other info posts, before asking questions.

Help! Tess, where do I send my cake?
You don't send the cake anywhere, all we want you to send is photos of the cake.

Where will my entry appear?
Once the competition is over, we'll be posting a gallery of all the valid submissions we received on our website.

I made a really nice cake for the contest but I don't have a digital camera, how do I show it to you?
I'm really sorry, but unless you can upload a photo for us to look at online, we can't accept your entry. You might be able to borrow a camera from a friend or from school/work - ask around before you make your entry.

Oops... I forgot to take the 'in progress' photo of the cake before it was finished... what do I do now?
Upload your completed cake entry photo anyway, and wait for an admin to get in touch. We might be able to accept your entry without a progress shot, or we might ask you for more information. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee that we'll still accept your entry.

Oops... I forgot to put my username slip in the photos, and I've eaten the cake now. What do I do?
Upload your entry photos anyway, and wait for an admin to get in touch. We might be able to accept your entry without the username slip, or we might ask you for more information. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee that we'll still accept your entry.
If you've forgotten, but still have all or some of the cake left, just take more photos!

I'm not from the United States... how will the prizes work for me?
We will offer the same prizes no matter where you live, but the Amazon voucher can be adjusted for the non-US Amazon websites: Amazon Canada, Amazon China, Amazon France, Amazon Germany, Amazon Italy, Amazon Japan, and Amazon UK. The value of the voucher you'll receive will be converted to the local currency.
Amazon will ship to most places around the world (even if it's not specified for your country), but if you are able to pick a local Amazon site then you can get cheaper/free shipping on some of the items.

I want to make something kind of like the one you made for the example images... how did you do that?
I got some soft white/marzipan icing and molded the character, cake, and 'plate' by hand. I let them dry for a day and then painted them with food coloring. The cake is just a regular vanilla cake with white icing, and I piped the edge using a plastic bag full of icing with a special tip to squeeze the icing out of. It was my first time doing all those things so the end result isn't perfect, but I'm sure you can do better!

Do I have to make figures to go on the cake like you did?
No! You can decorate your cake however you want to! I'd recommend getting some icing pens if you plan to draw a picture onto the cake instead :)

I am a COPPA member, can I enter the contest?
Yes, you can enter the contest. If your photos of your cake also show your face, we won't publish the photos online unless you're clearly standing next to your parent or guardian (and they give you permission to post it). If you are one of the winners of the competition and the photo doesn't also contain your parent or guardian, we would blur your face out of the photo when we display it on our website.

Some of our prizes require us to ask you for your shipping address to be delivered. If you are a COPPA user, then you must first get your parents to fax us the COPPA permission slip. If you don't want to give us your address, we can just send you the prizes that don't require an address (such as the Amazon voucher and C$)

We will contact you to arrange this if you are one of the winners, so you don't need to worry about this now.

I'm not allowed to share my postal address, so what happens if I win?
That is okay, we can send amazon gift vouchers by email, and the other prizes will be applied to your CS account without any further information required. For the pinback buttons to be sent we will require a postal address, but if you can't give us an address then you might nominate another member to receive the prize instead.

Can you ship the prize to..?
Yes, we can ship the prizes anywhere in the world. We're in New Zealand, so everywhere is overseas for us :lol:

When does the contest end?
No more entries will be accepted after April 30th.

If my friend helps me make the cake, can we win two prizes?
No, one entry = one chance at a prize, you would have to share anything you might win. If you don't like that idea, make more than one cake and enter one each.

I really just want those buttons! Can I buy them?
They're not available for sale yet, but they might be in the future. Because we live in New Zealand, it's difficult to sell things to overseas buyers without the shipping price turning people away. We are still considering our options, but we have hopes to get them in the store eventually.

Did you get my entry?
Please return to the submission page. When you view that page, it shows you exactly the entry that you have submitted and allows you to make changes to it. If you don't see your entry there, we don't have it, please submit it again.

If you navigated away before it finished saving, we definitely don't have your entry. You need to wait for it to finish saving. If you're attaching a lot of photos, attach just one photo at a time and "save" each time. That way it will save much faster. You can save as many times as you like.
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Nick » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:33 am

Remember: This isn't the place to submit your entry! Submit your entry on the submission page!
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Fray <3 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:46 am

If we cannot bake a REAL cake, can we use play dough to make our cakes?
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Tess » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:47 am

no, this is a cake contest.
3. The cake and it's decorations should be mostly edible, and not just made from things like plastic figures or drawings on paper. However, it is okay to use toothpicks or similar items to hold together tricky decorations, and of course, candles!
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Fray <3 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:48 am

Okay, I will see if I can bake a real cake, but I don't know if I'll be able to. Lets see what I can do... :roll:
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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby SugarCooki + Birdfly » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:50 am

OMG! Sounds Fun. *Grabs Eggs and Flour.*

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Re: The Great CS Cake Contest!

Postby Seasonal » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:50 am

This is the best idea for a contest ever! c: I'll definitely enter if I get the chance.

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