Bringing the vast corners of Chicken Smoothie to your inbox
Welcome! We are the Chicken Smoothie News, the best way to know what's been going on in the CS realm! This site is absolutely massive, and who has time to stalk every thread to notice every little change and new thing? Well, we do. Our news source reports on all the newest aspects of CS and its user base.
What Is CSN?
Firstly, we will be offering exclusive interviews with well-known CS users and staff! Additionally, we will be monitoring rarity changes, trade trends, and other valuable aspects in the CS trading game, so if you're an avid trader who doesn't have time to keep up, it's sure to be helpful! If you know nothing about trading, it's bound to help too. We will also have art news, talk about featured artists in our news, and have a featured art piece! This can be beneficial if you're an artist needing some exposure or looking for new artists to follow. As well as new closed species, artist spotlights, and new up-and-coming artists to look out for!
We will also cover smaller bases on the site, such as roleplay updates, and even dress-up features. Even a sugar section to share positivity for users on the site for their good deeds, which deserve recognition. We will also offer a suggestion form if you'd like to see more things added to our monthly publishing!
If you'd like to support us, please
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to your signature! Anyone who adds a
stamp to their signature or trade rules
will get a spot in our "Contributers" section
of the newspaper itself!
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Is this Official/Allowed?
While it's not officially endorsed by CS, we have been given the green light to create this newspaper by the staff of CS! We have gotten all the proper permissions prior to starting this.
How Do I Suggest New Things?
We will have provided links below to each different suggestion form for you to add your input to! If you have any miscellaneous suggestions, we will also have a form for that.
I Have a Question That Wasn't Answered on this Page?
You are absolutely welcome to message me via CS PMs! I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
How Often Do You Release New Articles?
Ideally, they will release on the 1st of every month. There is also an option to receive PM updates from us in our subscribe form! If we have any delays, anyone with the update confirmation will receive that notice.
What Happens if I Sign Up After an Article is Published?
If you sign up after any articles are published, they will appear on our archive on this thread. They will not be PM'd to you, only future ones will! Anyone can access archived articles at any time, whether you sign up or not(however, it is appreciated)!
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[b]I'd like to get the monthly scoop![/b]
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Art Submissions
Submit your art for a chance to be featured!
Dress-up Submissions
Submit your dressups; we usually feature one or two on our main news pages!
Sugar Submissions
"Sugar" means to shout someone out in a positive way, such as, "sugar to Roanoke for gifting me!" So, if you know any CS users that deserve a shout-out for their kindness, be sure to send some sugar their way!
Advertisement Applications
Want your thread to be featured in our ads space? Read more here about how to become a CSN affiliate—all we ask is for you to advertise us back!
Is there someone you want us to interview, a topic you want us to cover, a new section, or other suggestions on how to make the CSN even better?
Would you like to become a CSN supporter to access all of those sweet perks or just to get more eyes on the newsletter, but couldn't quite find a stamp that matched your signature's vibe? You can now send daybreak. requests to make a banner or stamp according to your specifications. Get yours by clicking on the banner below and filling out the form!
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔Creator, Head Writer | Ellebee
"Heya! I'm the one who started this project, and I'm determined to bring all the fun and info of CS into one easy newsletter, I look forward to meeting and working with you all. You may also know me from the server I own, CSDS"Senior Researcher, Analyst | Highland
"Hey I’m Highland! I started playing cs in 2017! I love hoarding and collecting pets, and love dressing them up. You might also know me from CSDS as I’m a mod there!"Senior Researcher, Author's Assistant, Custom Stamp Artist | daybreak.
"Howdy! I’ve been a member of CS since 2008. This website and it’s community are very special to me. I am also a big fan of community newsletters. There’s always much of worthy of note and interest happening around here, and I’m excited chip into the community’s awareness of all these tidbits by joining CSN as a researcher!"Researcher | puffy
"hiii! i'm puffy. i've been on CS since 2013. i love seeing what the community comes up with, and i'm excited to be able to document it! :3"Researcher | wayhaught
"Hi! I'm wayhaught, and I've been on CS since 2011. My favorite part of CS is collecting and trading items, and I'm so excited to be a part of the CSN team!"Editor | Magpi3.14
"Hi! I'm Magpi3.14 and I love to edit! Thanks for taking the time to check out CSN 💜"Editor | Cade_ion
"Hi!! I’m Cade, I’ve been playing CS since August 2023 and I really enjoy art and collecting pets! ^^ ; you might also know me as a mod over on CSDS as well :3"
Interested in joining our team? Apply here! You are welcome to apply multiple times for multiple positions!
Open Positions:
Researcher/Insight Collector
Researchers/Insight collectors make up the main bulk of the team, they will ask users their opinions on intended topic points of the newspaper, research topics as requested, and more!
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