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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2014

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:33 am



███ ███ ███ ███ ███


September Release
2014 Sept Pet Discussion Thread - Multistaffs Included

28 Staff Members Participated:
Atwood -●- Bentley -●- bel racat -●- Bernouli -●- Captain Kaycee -●- cataract -●- Cloudsong
DoctorDraca -●- Fiery Gatoh -●- Graham -●- Hekomi -●- Jadeghost -●- Liddi -●- Lilian Nightshade
MetallicDragon -●- OrchidSprig -●- PitchBlack -●- Pluma -●- Saikiyo -●- sketchi -●- Solloby
Soulwings -●- TheCalicoTabby -●- Tyr -●- Vampiric -●- Verdana -●- versicolor -●- Yağmur

Tyr designed the puppy blanket this year.

Litters are in the same order as displayed in the Archives.



    "I must say, I have realized recently that simplicity is a beautiful thing. C:" (source)

    "I didn't have a lot of time this year to do edits and I really wanted to make a simple dog anyway. I also chose orange eyes because they stood out so well from the purple and orange is my favorite color. Anyways, thanks for the nice comments about her. C:" (source)

    "I actually quite like this lady, was simple yet had that snowyish design on her back that I love. This dog more accurately represented my style in coloring and eyes that stand out." (source)


Orchid Sprig

    "Nope. No name, story, or set gender. I'd prefer you all to do that yourselves <3" (source)

    "I'm glad to see positive comments about her. And just to clarify, the "I <3 Paint!" has nothing to do with the Paint program xD I don't even own it. The pixilation on last year's dog was just from me being a terrible artist. I added it because I wanted to do a paint splatter dog (on my second attempt at making my staffie), but I didn't want the paint on the pup too since the dog is fairly plain. So I added words to the pup to hint at the adult. Then, I kept the words on the adult because I liked the touch it gives. Also, I didn't do a fluffy tail this year because, sadly, I just didn't have time." (source)


" Floogle "

    ● Pluma confirms their dog's name is Floogle. (source)

    "The melty parts are not feathers~" (source)

    "I based it on a goldfish/butterfly koi theme x3 And I personally, think he looks the best on a light blue background, to see the tail details~" (source)


Name N/A

No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Platinum "

    ● TheCalicoTabby confirms their dog's name is Platinum. (source)

    "I named her after a metal because of the metal/headbanging jokes the gifs started—platinum, specifically, just because I like the sound of it. She didn't have a name before then." (source)

    "I named her after a metal as a nod to the metal/headbanging idea. That's also why I dressed her up with headphones. I choose Platinum, specifically, because I liked the sound of the word. C:
    If I'd put more thought into it, I'd probably have chosen something related to spots, raccoons, or the idea of resting--but she got the name Platinum on impulse, and that's the name that stuck!"

    "Looks like Platinum's grown out of her headbanging childhood, and is now much more chill. Still loves music, though!" (source)

    ● When asked how long it took to complete their dog: "I didn't really keep track, but at least an hour or more for the initial edits and design. I kept going back to it to tweak the colouring, shading, and lines for quite a while after that—the tail in particular needed a lot of touch ups before I was happy with it." (source)

    ● When asked "Will the clothes be refitted to fit her in the future?": "Probably not, sorry! She's still counted as a dog, so items will convert to normal dog items on her.
    That's the price of having a lot of edits. ^^;

    There are still things that should fit her, though! Her head, neck, and tail are largely unedited, so she can wear held in mouth items, wigs, hats, collars, and tail bands fine. Plus items that don't need to be converted (like most non-clothing objects) still work fine. C:"

    "I mostly just wanted to try putting the current lines in a completely new pose while otherwise changing them as little as possible—mostly just by moving/rotating bits of the original lineart. The markings are just something simple I thought would look nice; the edits were the point of the pet, so I didn't want to distract from them too much with a crazy design!

    Also, random fact: everything about the dog used the colour palette! The eyes, the CS tag, the lines—even the shading and highlights (though those layers were still set to multiply/screen, respectively)."


" Aries "

    ● Lacuna confirms their pup's name is Aries. (source)

    "Whatever you're saying, I doubt my dog is listening." (source)

    "Could the pup share a trait with the cat closest to me?
    I'll tell you that's true, but you'll have to see:
    If it's one? Maybe two? Perhaps even three?"

    "There are some things in life that get larger with age--
    Your ears never stop; in time your height remains."

    "The location doesn't matter;
    it's all in the deception--
    The wolf hides in a phrase
    of Matthew's conception."

    "The young wolf picked through the flock, knocking through the grass and making sure that their makeshift horns did not slide from their ears, though it often happened. It was hard to hear around the crafted spirals that had been affixed to their head by a well-meaning shepherd. In truth, the wolf did not look that much like a ram, but it was enough to fool the flock they had taken up residence in. The wolf was young, and small--the runt of the litter and it seemed that they would not grow any larger. They had been kicked from the pack after the Alpha had decided they were more of a burden than an asset to their relatives. Starving, they had wandered through the woods until the shepherd had taken them in and done his best to help the young wolf blend in with his charges. Now, they had a safe place to live until they were strong enough to travel on their own. What would the young wolf want to see of the world then? They didn't yet know." (first part of story here)

    "The frost cracked under the young wolf's feet, reminding them that it was not yet spring. Nights were still dangerous and cold, but Aries knew that they needed to get away from the herd. The sheep had been like family to Aries for most of their young life, but they didn't want to hide among the flock anymore, even though the fluffy bodies provided welcome heat huddled together in the winter. Aries looked out through the meadow they were crossing, mindful of the horns on their head. They almost never slid off any more, and the shepherd had made them a new pair that matched their unique coloring. The wolf had stopped growing, remaining childlike in size, but the shepherd had wanted to commemorate Aries' first year by granting them the spiral of horns they would have grown had they been a sheep..." (full second part of story here)

    ● The mid-stage pup has 'Wiltshire' written over it's back: "The Wiltshire Horn is a type of sheep that grows spiral horns. (:" (source)

    "My very first CS pet! Designed in GIMP with a trackpad." (source)


bel racat
" Babbu "

    ● bel racat confirms their dog's name is Babbu. (source)

    "My dog was inspired by animals!" (source)

    "This is a first for me too!
    First pet I designed, and first staff litter I had a pet in, haha!"

    ● Babbu was inspired by: "...an Eagle, a Peacock, and a Raccoon..." (source)


" Azazel "

    ● Saikiyo confirms their pup's name is Azazel. "(Azazel's just my name for him, call him whatever you like)" (source)

    "Azazel is a term for fallen angel. I also really like the sound of it...It's pretty...Eh heh heh.... He has an mischievous grin." (source)

    "I was aiming for a puppet theme, but it ended up looking nothing like a puppet." (source)

    "My dog has nothing to do with Supernatural...
    ...It doesn't have too much of a theme other than I doodled. (I mentioned puppet, but that was a starting point that I didn't follow through)"

    "Story time!

    Let’s make a deal.”

    “Not a very angelic thing to say, Lailah.”

    “It’s been a long time since I’ve been anything remotely ‘angelic’.” The dog faced creature, ‘Lailah’ rolled his eyes. “Your lectures are not going to make me return, Uriel.”

    “Come home. This whole mess can be undone.” Uriel pleated. “All can be forgiven if you just come home, I’m sure father-”

    “Father?” Lailah snapped. “He’s the one who sent me here! He burnt off my wings!”

    “But if anyone can return your grace, it’s father!”

    “You think if I grovel and plea with ‘father’ he will give me a new set of wings and grace? That is not how it works, Uriel!” Lailah growled as he paced the garden, his smoke-like tail curling around in the thorny rose stalks. “I am irredeemable.”

    “Everyone is capable of redeeming themselves...”"
    (see the full story here)

    "I didn't add any clothes or what not to him, so, you guys have to dress him up like heaven's leader." (source)


" Caer "

    ● Desmond confirms their dog's name is Caer. (source)

    "My dog shouldn't have trouble seeing much." (source)

    "Fledgling deities and powered creatures are always fascinating creatures, still awkwardly learning their strength not unlike adolescent puppies still learning the length of their legs. And if they have a few extra limbs to figure out, all the more trouble for them. There was always not only the issue of stumbling or accidentally hitting others with a stray leg, arm or disobedient head or tail, but inadvertently vaporizing an unfortunately placed tree. Or house. Or, in some (unforgettable) cases, a good part of the closest village.

    Said deity was, most assuredly, trained to restrain themselves very quickly after that.

    However, despite everything, they still managed to finally grow into themselves and take their place in the pantheon, giving or taking commands to sustain the balance of life that, in turn, ensured their own existence..."
    (see the full story here)

    "And yup, those are dream clouds. Whether they're from Caer or are to be delivered to some lucky/unfortunate (depending on your viewpoint) soul in the wild, is up to everyone to decide on their own." (source)


" Arabella "

    ● Jadeghost confirms their dog's name is Arabella. (source)

    "My dog wasn't really inspired by anything in particular. Originally I had the adult done without the broken heart or the writing on it, but after some thought I wanted to put some of my personal self into my dog this year. Without going too far into it, I've had a really stressful year to say the least. The hidden message is a reminder to me and anyone else who needs it that things DO get better. It just takes time. " (source)

    ● If you look closely behind the puppy, it says 'Be' in faint lettering, and on the adult it says 'Strong' in faint lettering.


Metallic Dragon
" Fifi "

    ● Metallic Dragon confirms their dog's name is Fifi. (source)

    "Little thieves and tabby cats
    Fallen leaves then golden mats
    What luck have i, this little one
    To escape my fate and be redone"

    "...Yes, the first line refers first to Oliver Twist, then to Oliver and company."(source)

    "She did not remember what her mother looked like, though the matron said she was beautiful. The pup glanced back at the orphanage once more before continuing her mad dash away from the cold stone walls that had held her for as long as she could remember. The air was chill as it crept through the thin and ragged fabric of the tunic she'd borrowed from one of the other orphans before sneaking out the window and squeezing herself through a hole in the wall surrounding the old building..." (see the full first part of the story here) -- (and the full second part of the story here)


" Faun "

    ● Solloby confirms their dog's name is Faun. (source)

    "My staff dog this year has at least one thing in common with or similar to each of my past staff pets c:" (source)


" Hayalet "

    ● Yağmur confirms their dog's name is Hayalet. (source)

    "Hayalet means ghost in English. My dog is a ghost. It's not very obvious in the puppy stage though." (source)

    "I wish I could write a cool story for you guys like the other artists did but I am no writer XD" (source)


" Jagger "

    ● Atwood confirms their dog's name is Jagger. (source)

    "The markings kind of remind me of a Rorschach ink blot - I keep trying to pick out hidden images in them X3" (source)

    "Well, I can at least tell you that Jagger will not be a PPS. :3 I'll miss his puppy stage a bit, but he's pretty keen to grow up. He has big plans for the future... and they all involve sheep. Big sheep, little sheep, black sheep, robot sheep, all things sheep. Sheep are really about all that Jagger thinks about, and he can hardly wait until he's old enough to get his own flock and fulfill his destiny as a sheep-herding collie like his ancestors before him. There will be herding trials to win, wolves to fight off, daring rescues of newborn lambs to be made, maybe the occasional retrieval of boys who've fallen down wells, but all of that will have to wait until he's older and able to run without tripping over his own paws. Every morning he sneaks out of the puppy house while the others are still sleeping just to watch the sheep in the fields, anticipating the day when his dreams will finally come true.... " (source)

Last edited by Magen on Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:22 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2014 Cont.

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:34 am

2014 Continued

Captain Kaycee
" Tulvir "

    ● Captain Kaycee confirms their dog's name is Tulvir. "(or Tulvire, if you want the extra -eh sound)" (source)

    "I linger in the darkness, high up in the night.
    My eyes will guide me, as they see the light."

    "It is my first time really working on major lineart edits (I don't count the one from 2011 to be major because this one took me a LONG time XD). He may seem plain now, but I assure you there are still a few tricks up my sleeves.
    Trust me, I'm not an artist OTL I simply love dragons and finally mustered up the courage to create a CS dragon and thought the staff litter would be a perfect opportunity. <3"

    "He has an intense fear of spiders." (source)

    "oh my god I really made him a lot like Spyro didn't I? .____.;
    I seriously did not intend for that to happen omg. My childhood of Spyro must have snuck up on me when I drew him ;w;"

    "He was alone.
    Completely and utterly alone.
    Tulvir was now the last of his kind. With the age of dragons finally over, he found himself roaming quietly across the lands with nothing but his satchel and a little white bird that had started to follow him only a couple months ago. It was enough company for him, but nothing like the age of dragons. What had happened to his family? His mother, who had protected him for so long, only to disappear without a trace. And what of the Great Elder, a dragon who had taught him everything he knew of the human world? Had the humans been the ones to cause this? ..."
    (see the full first part of the story here) -- (see the full second part of the story here)

    "He's more of a sea dragon because originally he was actually going to be like the Loch Ness Monster xD " (source)


" Deirdre "

    ● versicolor confirms their dog's name is Deirdre. (source)

    "lol guys there are two wings the darker purple part is supposed to be the other one (it's the inside of it tho, so it's just dark purple) but I can see how it would look like just one. cx just wanted to clear that up a lil bit, I know my wings drawing skills ain't perfect" (source)


" Móðolfr "

    ● Graham confirms their dog's name is Móðolfr. (source)

    "Móðolfr = Moe-thy-ole-fr or, when not broken down/slowed down, Moethy-olfr." (source)

    "Móðolfr is a combination of the Norse naming elements 'Ulf' (meaning wolf) and 'Mod' (meaning either courage or wrath).
    This little one is bullied as a youngster for his eccentric appearance, but courageous nonetheless. When he grows, however, you might just see some wrath and bitterness in his eyes."

    "What even are you?"
    "Who invited you? No one wants an outcast like you here!"
    Quietly the pup averted his gaze, phantom tail tucked between his legs. "I.. I'm sorry, I really am." He couldn't hold back the tears now, giving a small sob. The other pets took this as fuel, continuing to mercilessly pick at him.

    If only they knew what a monster they were creating."

    ● Graham provided some art: *art* *art*

    "Well, I can affirm that the Wendigo from NBC's Hannibal was an influence in design. :D My u/n is Graham for a reason, haha. And I loved Hellsing as a kid, so maybe that actually had an influence too." (source)

    "I know the antlers are a little off! I know it's REALLY WEIRD, but the antlers are actually growing out of the back of his head/neck." (source)

    "I actually do have reasoning in the antlers changing places... Mod's body is constantly changing; the eyes on his arms open and close; sometimes closing up for good, and more appearing elsewhere. Sometimes he has eyes on his back legs, sometimes he has eyes on his throat underneath the fluffiness. That being said: there are holes on his back where horns/antlers are sprouting up. These holes are like the eyes in the fact that they open up in random places, sprout horns/antlers, and can close back up and cut the horns/antlers off when they do. His original horns reverted back into his skull and the holes closed up; ones on the back of his neck opening up and growling a lot longer than his horns and antlers usually do.
    If he had a next stage, his antlers would actually be gone and the horns on his back might grow bigger. If he had another stage after that, the eyes probably would've shifted to his back legs, and he might not have any horns or antlers anywhere!

    THIS SOUNDS SO WEIRD... Sorry, y'all. :'D I'm a big fan of big ol' creepy monsters that are constantly changing."

    "They say that the eyes are the window to the soul..." (source)


" Khorne "

    ● DoctorDraca confirms their dog's nickname is Khorne. (source)

    "He/she'll be at the vanguard. Also a pro tip for anyone: use a darker background on the dog." (source)

    ● DoctorDraca provides an art piece: *art*

    "Everything needs more skulls.
    I nicknamed the dog Khorne because the filename is literally 'SKULLSFORTHESKULLTHRONE.psd'. So the dog got inevitably stuck with the name Khorne despite not having anything in common with the god from Warhammer 40k. Guess they're just a wannabe dog. 8D"



    Verdana: "I didn't really name my pup :'D" (source)

    "I'm so glad that so many of you guys like my staff pup! Thank you all! I give you lot free license to come up with names, backgrounds, histories, etc., for him/her. I cooouuuld give you my own take on it, but that wouldn't be any fun. Besides, I think you could do better." (source)

    "My dog uses ALL the colours" (source)


" Pom "

    ● Vampiric confirms their dog's nickname is Pom. (source)

    "Sorry I don't have a story for you, but I can divulge a little information about the concept behind it.

    The Pom Tailmouth (or Pompom Tailmouth) is, as name suggets, similar in appearance and look to a pomeranian. It is however larger in size, has excellent hearing, and for the most part.. is very subdued. it is only when it's tail 'awakens' that it becomes noisy.. and the noise is purely from the very talkative and yappy tail. Despite the tail being too short and fluffy to reach anything, it can still be very territorial and aggressive if you don't train it right. I wouldn't put your hand near the back end, if I were you..."


Name N/A

    ● Many users were referring to this dog as "Spider Queen."

No other information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Skerple "

    ● Tyr confirms their pup's name is Skerple. (source)

    " The owl is mine, and was inspired by an owl that a raptor center lost because of vandalism..." (source)


" Theodora "

    ● Hekomi confirms their pup's name is Theodora. (source)

    "My dog shows how indecisive I am." (source)

    "She's inspired from Byzantine culture, and while I would have loved to do filigree on her... I'm not an artist. I do my best with edits, and I just like to have fun with things. She may not be everyone's cup of tea, and she certainly may not be as amazing as other staff dogs, but it's nice to look back on the pets I've made and see my art improving! " (source)


Fiery Gatoh
Name N/A

No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Genie Koda "

    ● Bernouli confirms their dog's name is Genie Koda. (source)

    ● User comment: "The first thing I thought of when I saw it was the Genie from Alladin, and with the ghost-like aura surrounding it, I could definitely see it being a tribute to him. I didn't know what the Koda was, but after Googling it, Batty Koda seems to have been played by Robin Williams as well. Maybe the ghost aura are the bat wings? If this is a Robin Williams tribute, the eyes are absolutely perfect. Quiet, but with that subtle twinkle that makes everything better."
    "Yes, this is my tribute to Robin. It is nice that you noticed his eyes as well."


" Scorpio "

    ● SoulWings confirms their dog's name is Scorpio. (source)

    "there really is no fooling you guys.....or maybe it's just that i love fully and tail edits....and very grumpy faces...

    IDEK....but yah this is my Scorpion/Tiger/Wolf dog thing thing...yep."

    "Note: The Tail stinger is upside down yes, but i did it that was for a reason. [it's more logical for a dog to have it that way becuase it will be more likely to swing it's tail to the side for a attack] but anyway XD

    YES, but Scorpio.. thought you are missing a detail friends XD it's stripes.

    Truly, are Fearless as a Lion, Strong as a Tiger, and Deadly Scorpion, witht he cunning of a dog thrown in. you know.

    glad to see you all like him though~"


" Cloudfur / Key "

    ● sketchi confirms their dog's name is (the) Cloudfur. (I'd also like to point out that many users were referring to this dog as "Key") (source)

    "Meet the Cloudfur.
    Cloudfurs are a subspecies of Canis lupus with the peculiar trait of hollow bones. This, combined with their fluffy mane, allows them to imitate flying through a series of controlled jumps and gentle floating. Many have wing-like protrusions from their fluffy mane, but as there's no bones or muscles inside this is purely aesthetic.

    Very rarely, cloudfurs with working wings may be born, granting the ability of true flight. Cloudfurs with this mutation generally end up as pack leaders - if they can get through all the teasing and jealousy from others throughout puphood.

    ✦Cloudfurs won't be injured from falls of any height, so long as they're not carrying anything.
    ✦The average fullgrown cloudfur can carry the weight of approximately one large pillow while still floating at a safe speed. This is about the weight of a teenage cloudfur, or a really skinny fullgrown one.
    ✦A fullgrown cloudfur capable of true flight is still only able to carry the weight of about two large pillows; around the weight of an average fullgrown male.
    ✦Cloudfurs are extremely fragile due to their delicate bones, which can be broken from excessive hugging. They are not recommended as pets for young children.

    ✦Cloudfurs can not support the weight of a human rider, not even a child, so do not attempt to ride your cloudfur!"

    "when I saw the color palette this year I thought it was perfect for clouds (the "white" fur on my pet has no shading layers, it's just 3 of the original colors on 100% opacity), so when I made the bunny cloud item I just used the same palette again!" (source)

    ● User comment: "Look at the chickensmoothie watermark. Certain letters are a lighter colour. The c, h ,i ,k ,e , s and t are all the light purpley grey colour instead of the darker purple. If you rearrange those letters, they spell out Sketchi!"
    "you got me! I thought it'd take much longer to figure out, since the colors are so subtle and nobody looks at the tag. when I realized you can't spell chickensmoothie without sketchi I couldn't resist. bwahahahaha"

    ● User comment: "...but the fact that they didn't get the full smile compared to how happy they were as pups made them look a bit sad to me."
    "...actually originally the adult was full-smiling same as the kid, but it was soooo cheesy I had to cut it out. >> you're very observant though."


Lilian Nightshade
" Selkine & Chubs "

    ● Lilian Nightshade confirms their dog's name is Selkine. (source)

    ● "In case anybody is wondering... I like to call the baby Chubs x)." (source)

    "To be honest I actually didn't want to make a staff dog at first because I hate coloring the dog lineart, ugh. I can't design well with it and so I struggled a lot to make my staff dog." (source)

    "*nervous chuckle* I'm a mix of restless, terrified and excited. This is my very first staff dog and, besides the fact it's a frickin' dog, it still feels absolutely surreal to me that I'm actually part of the CS staff now and got to make one in the first place... Plus, unlike with my monthly pets, this dog felt much more special to design since it's something so personal to me, and with this I can't help but feel nervous about how well received it will be by the community. After all, everyone's expectations are always super high for the staff litter." (source)

    "Like several people pointed out, I did take inspiration on the Selkie myth to design her. In fact, I like to call her Selkine. She is meant to be some sort of nature spirit of fertility and motherhood... I really struggled to come up with her concept, she is my very first staff dog, after all. But well, being a mother one day really is one of my biggest dreams(if not the biggest), so if I was going to represent myself in any way for my staff dog, it would be through that ^^." (source)


End of 2014 Staff Dogs



Continue Below to 2015 Staff Dogs

Last edited by Magen on Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2015

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:34 am



███ ███ ███ ███ ███

September Release
2015 Staff Litter Discussion Thread [V1]
2015 Staff Litter Discussion Thread [V2]

27 Staff Members Participated:
-●- Atwood -●- bel racat -●- Berkshire -●- Bernouli -●- Pandle -●- Chia -●- Desmond
DoctorDraca -●- Ethulai -●- Fiery Gotah -●- Jadeghost -●- Lacuna -●- Lilian Nightshade
Metallic Dragon -●- Nadine -●- Orchid Sprig -●- PitchBlack -●- Saikiyo -●- Schuylur
sketchi -●- Solloby -●- sphynx -●- Vampiric -●- Verdana -●- Yağmur

sketchi designed the blanket.

Litters are in the same order as displayed in the Archives.



    ● In reference to a name, Pandle says: "you're free to come up with your own c:" (source)


Orchid Sprig

    "Yes, she has ocelot markings and light purple eyes. I was stuck deciding what to make this year, because even though I enjoyed this palette, the second I started working with it, I had problems. Eventually I decided to do a more personal dog, and I came up with this guy/girl. I refuse to give a set name to my pup; I'd much rather you name it yourself." (source)

    "And for those wondering, yes, it is from the multiple-tailed lineart. It is a lot easier to use preexisting lines than to do a full edit at my lower skill level." (source)

    "I used the same lines as 2012..." (source)


Fiery Gatoh

No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


bel racat
" Anika "

    ● bel racat confirms their dog's name is Anika. (text is transparent in post) (source)

    "mine is henna patterns, yes." (source)

    "this is mine, but it is themed after indian culture, not yemen. ^^
    anika, in sanskrit, means graceful, brilliance, or 'sweet-faced', something which i think embodied my dog this year (which will be shown more once we get the stories out).
    i may be making the journey to india this spring, so i have been studying the culture more, thus it influenced me. as well, i have always loved henna designs, i think they are gorgeous and elegant.

    as well, the spices hint has to do with the fact that in history, india was very well known for its spices and such, to the point that several explorers tried to find a more accessible route there."


" Aurora "

    ● Nadine confirms their dog's name is Aurora. (source)

    "I used all 5 colors from the palette." (source)

    "My pup, known as 'Aurora', did have some markings shared with my first litter. " (source)



    "Since it seems that you all might be losing the trail
    My pup has four paws, two ears and a tail
    No edits on toddler, but a handful when grown
    No insects or mushrooms (but a fanciful tone).

    The middle stage isn’t too flashy, I know
    But it uses five colours, though when it does grow –
    The design on my puppy does not quite reflect
    The patterns on grown-up, as you may expect.

    Think about sunshine and warm, balmy seas
    Bright splashes of fire, and wind in tall trees
    Think of mosaics, paisley, patterns in sand
    Long stretches of paradise, unblemished land."


Name N/A

No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Morningstar "

    ● Schuyler confirms their dog's name is Morningstar. (source)

    "...my dog has all five colors of the palette visibly incorporated into its design. :3 " (see the full story here)

    "I always start with the final stage on things like this and then work backwards because whichever one I do first is the one I put the most effort and love into. I absolutely hate trying to recreate a design once I've gotten it worked out in one stage, so the stage(s) I don't do first often end up being half-hearted and sloppy, or I just simplify everything." (source)

    "Afraid I don't have a story or anything like that planned out, so instead you get some background information and whatever else I feel like rambling on about. If anyone wants to make up their own story, I'd love to hear it!

    I had originally planned on just making some kind of creepy bone-winged doggy-thing, mostly because I fail miserably at drawing fully-feathered wings, but one thing led to another and I eventually ended up going more or less with the concept of a fallen angel. As I said, he was not supposed to be directly based on anything from Supernatural -- well, besides the angel part in general -- nor was he supposed to be in any way a representation of Lucifer specifically even though I decided to use the name Morningstar.

    The idea I had with the transparency and glow is that the wings are a memory of what he's lost and exist only in his mind, so they aren't truly there in reality. I thought about adding a halo of some kind, too, but I'm not a big fan of halos myself and it didn't seem altogether proper with a fallen angel. I also thought it would be nice if the pet could be left more open to interpretation for anyone who might not want to see it as an angel for religious reasons or what have you."


Metallic Dragon

    ● In reference to a name, Metallic Dragon says: "I actually didn't have one this year, i do think of him as a male though. I'm sure you guys can come up with a good creative name for him" (source)

    "I used all the colors in my dog in some way" (source)


" Arion "

    ● Solloby confirms their dog's name is Arion. (source)

    "He's a water mage who lives in a castle, now that he has completed his training he has his helmet and staff and is ready to take on the world!" (source)


" Ziggi "

    ● Lacuna confirms their dog's name is Ziggi. (source)

    ● Some interesting hints relating to Lacuna's pup design/personality:
    "I used every color.
    I don't like the traditional smile. I'd probably never make a pet with it.
    My pup said he listened to some sick jamz and I called him a hipster because he played the records backwards."

    "I made my adult first. Last year I started with the pup... and then it stayed a pup because I did not have the skills to recreate it as an adult." (source)

    "I don't really consider Ziggi a dragon but I made the hint mean dragon because everyone was calling him dragon pup. He's more of a lizard. Ziggi is semi a reference to David Bowie but not for any particular reason other than I like him (and maybe Ziggi can be a Martian)." (source)

    "I did not write a story for this one as far as I can tell, and it was a totally random design. I was just trying to push myself creatively!" (source)


" Karoola "

    ● Ethulai confirms their dog's name is Karoola.(the text is transparent) (source)

    "I thought I would pay homage to my country of birth" (source)

    "As you've heard me mention before, he is based on a bunyip and his dot pattern is in tribute to the wonderful Indigenous Australian dot paintings.
    I'm sorry for the brightness, but since I wasn't too keen on the palette I thought I would just make something quite eye-burning :lol:
    This is the first time I seriously messed around with digital art so I know there are a few mistakes but I'm hoping with enough practice I'll get better in the future."

    "I thought I would share a funny poem about bunyips written by an Australian children's book author.

    The Bunyips - by Doug Macleod

    At Murray Bridge the bunyips wait
    For visitors from interstate
    Then up they leap, a sight so strange
    And always out of camera range.

    The tourists in their mad despair
    Start seeing bunyips everywhere
    And all the locals join the fun
    Saying, “Bunyips? Pull the other one!”

    “What rubbish! Bunyips don’t exist!
    You must be going round the twist!”
    And sure enough, the tourists flee
    For fear they’ve lost their sanity.

    While Murray Bridge is all aglow
    With cries of “Thought they’d never go!”
    And all along the Murray sands
    Are men and bunyips shaking hands.

    As an explanation - South Australia (where this poem is set) has an ongoing rivalry with our border state Victoria.
    'Pull the other one' = 'I don't think so!'
    'Round the twist' = going crazy (also a really famous Australian TV series based on fantasy stories written by Paul Jennings, a much loved Australian children's author also)."


" Ennir "

    ● sketchi confirms their dog's name is Ennir. (source)

    "...if anyone had made the connection with my custom (Rinne in my sig all along), I would've fessed up immediately. :p

    For the past year people kept PMing me about my custom and how they could get one etc so I decided to just let everyone have Rinne's younger sibling in this litter. :) Hope you guys enjoy!"
    (Rinne [no items] for context) - (Rinne's page)


" Opal "

    ● Pluma confirms their dog's name is Opal. (source)

    "To clear up a few questions. She is not supposed to have a dragon snout or in any other way resemblance a dragon, nor is she supposed to be inspired by MLP in any way, at all, though it's fine if you want to call her an alicorn.

    I wanted to stick with my 'animal' theme I have had going from the start, but couldn't quite come up with an animal this year. Decided to go the route with a mythical animal instead then.

    The most inspiration I have gotten was actually from The Last Unicorn. I love that movie and that's why that Opal more got the looks of a traditional unicorn, with the split hooves and the tail. I also got inspiration from the unicorns in the "Mia and Me" series. I love the style in that series and the way the unicorns were designed.

    So as said. No dragons in there, at all :P

    She's definitely my favorite of my staff pets so far! I love to see the improvements I have made, just looking one year back at her brother, Floogle~"

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2015 Cont.

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:35 am

2015 Continued

" Seinastur " / " Seinn "

    ● Agapetos confirms their dog's name is Seinastur/Seinn. (source)

    "I will say there's a reason my pup has two names; both have similar meanings, but one of them is more specific to him. (-:" (source)

    "One meaning is late/tardy. The other is something else. :-D"
    User: "Slow"
    "Ding ding ding, we have a winner !!"

    "...the dog is constantly leaking Aqua regia, and the plumes of smoke that rise from the vents in its sides are the same substance.
    This puppy isn't only horrifying to look at, but would definitely kill you very fast if it were around you. Albeit on accident. (-:
    Seinastur loves you, though. He definitely loves you. Even if you can't touch him."

    "He had eye holes as a pup, so the stalks developed out of holes. :D When he's upset, they can retract back into his skull, giving him 'normal' eyes.
    While I did take a slug as inspiration, he's not based entirely on one. I like to create monsters in my downtime, so he's just another mishmash monster-y dude that my mind spawned, haha."

    "The animal he is based on is within the phylum Mollusca." (source)


" Lir "

    ● Desmond confirms their dog's name is Lir. (source)

    ● Here's more of Caer's (Desmond's 2014 staff pup) story, where Lir comes in: "Caer did not often have trouble crossing The Great Sea. It was a large body of water, sure, but the waves were usually passable, the winds rarely more than a light gale. And though the ether was an overlaying dimension, separate from the mortal realm, it could still be affected by certain things – and few were more “certain” than water.

    Water, which was very, very good at logging feathers and making flight through the darkened ether near-impossible. The dream, already ragged on one edge from a battle with a fanged monster in a forest left far behind, was just about drowned out, the hope dying within it. It would be worthless, but… Caer could not give up."
    (see the full story here)

    "I went more for a wild goat feel than domestic, and wild goats have big - and sometimes not entirely even (sometimes damage, sometimes just normal wear and whatnot) - horns. ^^; To me, Lir's a creature of the wild, not of man, why would the goat half be of a short-haired, short-horned, livestock goaty? Nahhhh, the big horns and thick fur are better for protection out there." (source)

    ● User question: "Am I the only one wondering what happened to the back legs of the pup?"
    Desmond: "They disappeared. xD
    Really, I didn't want to start out with the back half being fishy, when I started on the midstage - I wanted the tail to be a surprise. That, and the original legend, as I remember it, with Caprocornus, involved him panicking and turning into a goat - before jumping into a river and going half-fish instead.

    I guess you can assume they turned into the pelvic fins? They're around the right area, at any rate, and are kinda limb-y. Fish can move them around to help them swim around - or, as in my betta's case, he also uses them to make him appear larger when he displays, or to lean on when he's sleepy. <3"

    ● In relation to a Capricorn theme:
    Desmond: "There are quite a few legends, that's just the variation I learned first, and so it's the one I remember best. ^^; There's another that involves Pricus, and I think there's one other, but that one's slipped my mind entirely.
    I'm pretty sure there's a legend for every sign in the zodiac (mine, Aries, for example, involves Jason and the Argonauts, as well as being a variation of Ares).

    In Lir's story, I wanted to touch the legend, but otherwise have it as a new, separate thing for the pet. So, Caer's creator, the god of dreams/night/sleep/hope, tells Caer about the moment of panic, and puts the goatfish in the sky, like Capricorn. But nothing in the old tales tell of any redemption-seeking, or protection, or anything like that; instead, in the version I remember, Zeus was just too amused and put him up in the sky because he thought it was funny. xD"

    ● In relation to Desmond's Winchester mention:
    User comment: "I believe it's because their Betta fish is named Winchester and the tail is based off of that?"
    Desmond: "Yup, Winchester is my betta. ^^; He was named both for Supernatural, and the fact that he lives in a western-themed room... so, the Winchester rifle."


" Aiyana "

    ● Jadeghost confirms their dog's name is Aiyana. (source)

    "Truthfully, I don't like her very much, which I attribute a little to the palette. I originally really liked the colors and voted highly for it, but when it came time to design my dog I just couldn't come up with anything I liked, and pulled together something at the last minute (and even then I still changed it a couple times >.< ). I like working with palettes that have more of a variety of lighter and darker shades to work with, rather than two colors with shades incredibly similar looking to the eye.
    Still, I wanted to participate, and I stuck with my theme of gardens/flowers, this time going with the lily. Not sure if anyone noticed, but honestly the whole "flower" thing came from what I named my hoard group for all my staff dogs (located here), and me being too lazy to change it, lol.
    I wanted to mess with you guys more with the hints like I did last year, but I knew my dog would be incredibly obvious to everyone once she reached her adult stage. I know she's still very simple compared to most staff dogs, but I am finally gaining a little confidence with the lines, and maybe next year will be the year I go for something a bit crazier...maybe. For now, less is more when it comes to my designs!"

    ● When asked by a user why Jadeghost chose that name for their pup: "-shrugs-
    I liked the name, I found it when I was searching for names by meanings. The origin (native american) and meaning really seemed like they just fit. I've been doing a lot of study and have grown in my understanding of native american culture and customs in the past year, so even though my dog has nothing to do with native american inspiration I just thought it fit. I tend to base my dogs and their names off of my experiences throughout my personal year."


" Ryu "

    ● Bernouli confirms their dog's name: "I named him after my pet leopard gecko Ryu" (source)

    "It's not a scorpion, I just can't draw. It's a Fire gecko forest spirit/god thing." (source)


" Siloso "

    ● Yağmur confirms her dog's name is Siloso. (source)

    "I like feminine things but my staff pet this year isn't very feminine." (source)

    "I can't believe you all thought it was a seal or a sea lion. Were the scales really that unnoticeable? :lol:
    Today's staff pet is all me, his name is Siloso and he is based of the merlion statues here in Singapore.
    I have a photo of the one spitting out water
    I also can't believe no one figured that the mod who lives in Singapore would be responsible for the merlion dog lol

    As a child the merlion struck a lot of interest in me. I especially liked the big statue found at Sentosa island so when I figured I could draw water with this year's palette, I went for it! This is year is also a significant year for Singapore, it's Singapore's 50th year of independence and it's a big deal here. I am really proud of my staff pet this year."



    DoctorDraca: "In case anyone is wondering: the dog has no name. I never got around to assigning them one. Though based on the CS01 maybe the dog could be referred to as Swan. You're free to pick a name, though." (source)


" Norinia "

    ● Vampiric confirms their dog's name is Norinia. (source)

    "Completely unhelpful vampy trivia #4; Unlike the past 4 years, this year's dog of mine only had 1 design. I never revised it nor changed it. My first sketch was the resulting pet :) This has not happened since 2010." (source)

    "Mother.. Father.. Brothers. How does one run a kingdom with a broken heart? Can a child truly command such power on inexperience? If only such magic existed so as to return you to me...

    I have such a cross to bear, and many duties to uphold, but I do not yet posess the strength.

    What I do posess is all I have left of you.

    Mother's shawl, and her brooch which Father ventured to get for her. My beads.. which my brothers kindly gave to me for my hair. My trinkets.. all I have that remains of you all after the tragedy. I must leave now.. I must find my way in this world without you lest the same fate befall me too.

    I need you... I miss you all.


    I have returned.

    I am not the pup I once was.

    The years have seen me well, mother. I have found instruction and learned to control that which came to me of age. My magic is stable and great in power.

    I stand alone, and yet with my people I shall never be alone again. I take my rightful seat through word and name, and claim my kingdom by my actions henceforth.

    May the magic inside me grow and lead me, and my family.. they will guide me from the heavens as they always have done. One day, I shall see you all again, when I am ready.

    Et lux in tenebris lucet..."

    ● User Question: "Vampiric, are you a Throne of Glass fan?
    This seems like this is inspired by it, that story made it even more likely..."
    Vampiric: "I am content Norinia has grown finally, my silence was a struggle xD She was inspired by a lot of things, that series was 1 of them."


" Keeper "

    ● Saikiyo confirms their dog's name is Keeper. (source)

    "The characters behind it is '鸡冰沙'" (pic shown) (source)

    "Random thing about my dog, most of you have picked up he's part dragon, he's also part Chinese fu dog ^^" (source)



    ● Atwood confirms their dog's name is Reynir. (source)

    Atwood: "One thing about my pup I thought might be of interest to note (though it's not meant as a hint in any way) is that he's from the same world as my 2013 staff dog, Kol. They don't have any actual association with each other (yet?) but Kol has probably seen relatives of this year's pup at some point in his travels. :3" (source)

    Atwood: "I do really like low-saturation colours and natural designs, so most of my pets are along those lines. ^^ Of course, I don't have much chance with this year's palette of getting a neutrally-coloured design out of it. X3" (source)


" Chenaanah "

    ● Berkshire confirms their dog's name is Chenaanah. (source)

    "Ah, Chena...
    As much as I would like to write a fantastic and beautiful story for this pet, I can't. Because her story is my story.
    It's one of those things that just sort of happens, you know? If you've made art before you'll know what I mean. I had a plan for this ridiculously edited thing with big ears and fluff everywhere but it didn't feel right. At first I ignored the broken bottle idea because it was so simple and wouldn't stand up to the rest of the staff litter. But I gave in and doodled it up. Then I added some hair (taking away the headfluff to get the smooth glass look was a terrible idea and needed covering). When I added the wings, I realized what I was doing.

    I didn't realize it until I was nearly done, but I had somehow made a design that reflected everything I've been through this year. Recently, my offline life changed dramatically. I went through some pretty nasty things and came out a different person afterwards. I can't stay the same forever. Can't be an innocent pup anymore.

    Turns out, sometimes you have to break before you can change.
    And sometimes, change means that you grow wings."

    "The substance inside is pretty ambiguous, so call it sand, liquid, sap, or whatever you like!" (source)

    ● User comment: "the phrase what doesn't kill you makes you stronger comes to mind when I see this."
    Berkshire: "That and this song have been stuck in my head, heh."



No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


Lilian Nightshade
" Lucille "

    ● Lilian Nightshade confirms their dog's name is Lucille. (source)

    "Poor little puppy was not happy... not happy at all.
    For beneath the blanket she hid a secret, the poor thing was simply not normal.

    "...yes, she is a centaur, which means she walks on four legs, not six. I simply maintained the dog paws instead of giving her human-like hands. I also know the point where the bodies meet is a bit awkward, but I wanted to keep the original dog lines as untouched as possible on the upper body. It was a very tricky thing to do, but I think it turned out decent looking." (source)

    "The tail is a standard dog tail for the original lines. At first I wanted to give her a horse tail, but I thought using the original lines for it would be a more interesting touch, this pet is already so edited after all." (source)


" Hikaru "

    ”Hikaru <3. I loved this when I first made it. One of my favorite colors is orange and I love fish designs so when we decided on that color palette I was very happy. I did mess up with all the transparent bubbles and wish like heck I would have made them all with white like that tiny one next to his back. But, I can’t change him now, so oh well..” (source)


End of 2015 Staff Dogs



Continue Below to 2016 Staff Dogs

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2016

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:36 am



███ ███ ███ ███ ███


September Release
2016 Staff Litter Discussion Thread

30 Staff Members Participated:
Atwood -●- bel racat -●- Berkshire -●- Bernouli -●- Coalchaser -●- Dia. -●- Desmond -●- DoctorDraca
Ethulai -●- Fiery Gatoh -●- Jadeghost -●- Lacuna -●- Lilian Nightshade
Metallic Dragon -●- Nadine -●- Pandle -●- Pluma -●- raey -●- Rainpelt -●- Saikiyo -●- Schuyler
Siberian -●- sketchi -●- Solarizing -●- Solloby -●- Swiftalu -●- Vampiric -●- Verdana -●- Vhenan -●- Yağmur


Litters are in the same order as displayed in the Archives.


" Eitan "

    Rainpelt: "So I'm relatively new at this whole reveal thing, but... yes! This little hum-bug is Eitan." (source)



    Schuyler: "My dog has no name." (source)

    "For those of you wanting to know the story behind it, well ... I sat down with the palette and started doodling. Some hours later, I had this creature sitting in front of me. I wish I had an amazing story to tell you all, but I'm afraid that's really all there was to it. ^^" I think I started with the feathers, then drew the bands around the body, and then the snake theme kind of just clicked into place after that. It's not inspired by or meant to represent anything specific, though I like the connection some people made to native American art. That wasn't actually intentional, but I guess it does have that kind of look, doesn't it? :)" (source)

    "Believe it or not, this is a 100% literal hint: my pup did indeed have my name written on it, so to speak! Anyone find it? You'll have to look very carefully! (source) It's literally a word written on the dog: it's very hard to see, but you'll know it as soon as you find it. P.S. It's on the pup, not the adult, so make sure you're looking at the right stage. ;) There's nothing hidden on the adult." (source)

    "Referring to the colors, the logical part being that the color changes from pup to adult had a method to them. I hate having to recreate the final design, which I draw first, on the pup, so this time I decided to mix things up: I took each color on the adult and used the next color on the palette for the markings on the pup. So dark red markings became light red, orange became yellow, yellow became green, and so on. Then after all that was done, I rationalized it as being like a snake shedding its skin and growing a new one with different colors. :P" (source)

    "...a little misleading, but I like to picture the dog as having yellow eyes when open!" (source)


Fiery Gatoh

No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Scorch "

    ● Solloby reveals their dog's name as Scorch. (source)

    "The markings on the back represent scales. This palette was difficult to work with because I hate orange and while I like green, the particular shade from this palette seemed to clash with some of the other colours so I wasn't sure how to use it effectively. I was playing with the red shades but couldn't think of any good edits to make, so I ended up going for a fire theme which translated into a dragon. When the dog was finished there was quite a feeling of impish devil too, and the pebble toes remind me of a satyr. " (source)


" Ezra "

    ● Nadine reveals their dog's name as Ezra; "aka 'Space Raccoon'" (source)

    "I've been quite occupied with things and didn't have much time from making him and then coming up with hints. I'm glad to see the mostly positive reception with this bab, it makes me happy to see that. It took me some time to come up with something that I was even remotely happy enough to release as mine.

    To follow up with the critiques/criticism on the wings and tail. I was trying to go for a galaxy-esque look with the flow and sparkling stars, but I can't say my skills with the lineart have gotten to the point that I could pull off the edit in the way I imagined it. As for the wings, I am very well aware that the lineart is uneven and that it's very choppy in spots, I don't make pets often, let alone any with edits. I am hoping to get better with practice so that my edits are more smooth in the future. ^^; "


" Etessia & Jack "

    ● raey reveals their dog's name as Etessia and the butterfly as Jack. (source)

    ● raey shares their pup's story with us: "She was flying, her wings strong and silent with feathers made of starlight. Around her swirled the soothing night; a storm of deep blues; an endless ocean full of stars, dreams, and hopes.
    Wings moved without the slightest efforts, carrying her deeper and deeper into the warm hands of the darkness until all she could see was the golden sparks of the stars as she passed them.
    Faster and faster, deeper and deeper until the sky around her exploded into light..."
    (view the full story here)


" Artemis "

    "My pupper, based on the greek goddess, Artemis~" (source)

    "Even if I hadn't revealed my pup already, I'm pretty sure the adult stage would have blown my cover right away. I love doing detailed designs and I have a weakness for "pretty" and bright designs. Can you tell I'm a big fan of magical girls anime?

    I had originally planned to make some sort of mythical creature and was working around the idea of a Peryton, though after sketching a bit, I ended up with a better idea. Wanting to try incorporate my favorite goddess, Artemis, into the dog.

    The wings and vines of course is, to show off Artemis being a goddess of the wilderness. The deer features, for her sacred animal, the stag. Also the moon head piece, for being a goddess of the moon.

    I am still torn between who I like more! Opal or new little sister, Artemis."

    "Artemis is the goddess of the moon, the hunt, wilderness, wild animals and protector of young girls. She is my favorite goddess and has always been." (source)


" Khali "

    ● Ethulai reveals her pups name as खाली


    [void, devoid].

    "Perhaps because I do not have an artistic background I do not know what works best but I did want to mention, since a couple of users have noticed, that the stark monotone halos were done deliberately. It was not because I ran out of time - we had plenty of time! The only 'thorn' that has any shading at all is the one wrapped around Khali's eye. I was trying to attempt to make the halos look 'otherworldly' or not a part of him to go with the story I had in mind.

    Also I hate shading and having quite figured out how it works yet. I will consider proper shading in future if I am lucky enough to be a part of any future staff litters ^^"

    ● Ethulai shares Khali's story with us: "Lord Shiva rose from his throne on Mount Kailash and prepared for his annual journey. He was to survey the kingdom that he ruled and check upon the progress of his people and the beasts of the land. He polished and checked over his trishula carefully, making sure his weapon was in perfect condition in the event of coming across any troublesome devas and asuras as he travelled. He packed his treasured damaru and bade farewell to his wife Parvati and their two sons Ganesha and Kartikeya. With ever-loyal Vasuki curled protectively around his neck, Shiva mounted the bull Nandī and began his descent off the mountain..." (view the full first part of the story here) (and the full second part here)

    "Sorry to those who were a little disturbed with Khali, those that know me understand I have an unhealthy obsession with all things mythology and Halloween <3" (source)


bel racat
" Yakone' "

    ● bel racat reveals her dog's name as Yakone'. (source)

    "Yakone' is based on Inuit culture, as she hails from the great white north. Thus, as she grows, you will see a little more the influence on her.
    The red scarf stands for the Red Aurora, which is what she is named after.
    The polar bear is her best friend, and has a similar tail.
    The blizzard reminds her of home.
    The parka represents her love of the cold, with the white representing the pure snow."

    ● bel racat shares Yakone's story with us: "The snow swirled on the frozen tundra, the darkness making the drifts seem ominous in the night. It was an eternal darkness, one brought on by the tilt of the earth in regards to the location of the northern lands. Winter plunged them into darkness for months on end, the bright rays of the shining sun become naught but a distant fond memory. The only lights that graced the residents of the far northern town of Barrow, Alaska, were the light of the Aurora Borealis, the ancestors’ way of reminding the Inuit people that the darkness was not forever, and that their people were always remembered.
    It was under one of these aurora’s that Yakone’ was born, her mother a husky used to pull the great sleds that helped the people traverse the rugged land. Her striking red pelt set her apart from her brothers and sisters, and the elders said it was because the pup was born under a rare red aurora, and thus it was for this she was given her name. The lights dazzled the sky the night of her whelping, lighting up the arid tundra in a great display of beauty. And thus, it was even then Yakone’ was known as the beauty of Barrow.
    Unlike her siblings, Yakone’ was rarely used for the sled, not only due to her rare coat of red, but because of the fact that she had found her niche as a member of the town. No one person laid claim to her, as she belonged to them all, a true peoples dog in that sense. Yakone’ was known by all, and all she loved, thriving in the winter climate and helping people see the beauty and hope in it as well. It was a tragedy within the town when the long puff of a tail Yakone’ bore was run over by a sled, causing it to be shortened tremendously, almost looking like the tail of one of the polar bears in the area. While all held their breath to see how she handled it, Yakone’ could only wag her new stump, not letting it slow her at all.

    As the eternal night grew into an eternal day, Yakone’ as well aged, her coat going from being cute puppy fluff, to the thick coat of the northern huskies. However, it stayed soft to the touch, her puff of a tail not impeding her beauty in the slightest, but possibly even enhancing her uniqueness. There was one issue though, in the fact that her uniqueness and beauty had started to count against her, in a certain fashion. Although the people of the town cherished her, some of the other dogs had begin to bare resentment to her because of this treatment.
    --It became rather lonely for Yakone’, and for all the beauty in the world, she would give it all just to be able to run with her friends. She still slept with the sled dogs, but she could feel that she was not accepted as part of the brother and sisterhood they had formed. Thus, she began wandering, withdrawing into herself, becoming more inclined to a life of solitude. That is, until, one day on the ice. "
    (view the full story here)

    "Yakone' is also female." (source)


" Promise "

    ● Berkshire reveals their dog's name as Promise. (source)

    "So now, I want you to take a look around at all the wonderful staff pets that have grown. All the shapes, colors, personalities... Everything is so unique. And they all came from one little pup. One pup with so much potential. Most of the users on CS are kids and young adults, trying to figure out what you want to be in life, worrying that you won't be enough. You are enough, trust me. Even if life is confusing now, remember that you are filled with so much potential, you are filled with unlimited...


    This year I did a lot of growing up, but at the same time, I realized I have so much life ahead of me. That's a lot of time to figure out how and what I want to do. I may change my mind a million times, and that's ok. I've chosen a path now, set off on a grand adventure.

    You can too! Remember, no matter how old you are, it's never too late for a new start. Your life is valuable, you are worth it. Not just for what you can become, but for what you are now.

    So chase your dreams, chase down the possibilities, don't stop imagining what could be. Life is hard, but you'll make it. Keep dreaming, and remember, I love you."

    "I started the design just for fun, but gradually realized that it had a personal meaning to me." (source)

    "Also I should confirm, this pup is mostly maned wolf! (image)

    With a bit of fennec fox inspiration to embellish the ear size. And the fact that maned wolf pups are brown and have wee little ears.

    But yeah, it's a maned wolf ^^"

    ● Q: "I'm wondering why this pet doesn't have PPS on it if it isn't going to grow anymore.
    Ive been waiting and waiting for it to grow but it hasn't and I'm only just now finding out that its done growing...?"
    Berkshire: "I consider the tag a bit cluttersome so I only include it on normal/holiday litters. For my staff pet ? I get the freedom of not putting it there."


Name N/A

    Yağmur: "My adult has something to do with roses" (source)


" Soláthraí "

    ● Desmond reveals their pups name as Soláthraí. (Provider) (source)

    "Caer knew nothing of time. It was a mortal construct, designed to keep track of one’s own existence before they withered into the ether, swept up either by the darkness that continued to permeate the world or led into peace by the Guides. Caer and the Brethren, they all existed outside such things, their existence immeasurable by any points of reference that could be understood by creatures whose lives came and went like the light of the firefly in the vastness of the cosmos." (see the full story here)

    "He wasn’t inspired by anything in particular (except maybe my trip to Texas this summer - I saw a whoooole lot of cattle), but the Red Bull thing did make me laugh at first, after I realized what I’d just made, so I ran with it. ^^; Also, while working on his back legs and anatomy, I found out that cattle actually do sometimes sit on their rumps, and that was a wonderful, wonderful hour or so spent looking at literal sitting bulls." (source)

    ● Q: "I MUST KNOW is the bull type pet a supernatural reference"
    Desmond: "I honestly didn't mean to but it seems to have ended up that way anyway, lol."


" Keli "

    ● Atwood reveals their dog's name as Keli. (source)

    "Keli is a golden colour and also is a very hopeful pup, as suggested by her expression." (source)

    "Keli's necklace is, in fact, a seed loosely based on a Virginia creeper seed." (source)

    "I'll be nice and let you know that there is absolutely nothing visible of the original floppy ears on my adult dog apart from a single hair tuft that's at a sliiiiiiiightly different angle than the point/perk-eared lines." (source)

    ● In response to an Ask the Staff question: "I'm actually not sure how long it took me to get the adult's design, as my method is to basically scribble over the dog over and over with the various colours until some squiggle catches my interest to develop further. I think I worked on the adult over about three days before I had something I liked, and then I did the pup in about fifteen minutes. I do really like how Keli came out in the end. :3" (source)

    "Noting that this is my third staff pet to use the fully flop-eared lines (the other two using the perk-eared and point-eared lines). X3" (source)

    "Andrew (the character in my avatar) is not connected to my staff pet." (source)


" Theo "

    Dia.: "His name is Theo and yes, he is hedgie-based. <3 Like Thea, but masculine. ^^;" (source)



    Vampiric: "You can name it whatever you like :)"(source)

    "Srsly though my adult alone had almost 50 layers. Worth it. Promise." (source)

    "Don't really have a story for her, other than I wanted to do a magical girl.. but not a stereotypical frufru tutu girly one. So you get a strong female knight magical girl instead. T..tada? I guess you can make your own animu back stories~" (source)

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2016 Cont.

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:37 am


2016 Continued


" Lysandra "

    Jadeghost: "My dog's name is Lysandra." (source)

    Jadeghost: "I was surprised to see that more people were guessing me from my pup rather than my adult. I designed the pup rather quickly, and didn't really give any thought to how it might be obvious it was mine based on the markings I seem to like. I think the adult threw people off because I was indeed more adventurous this year, and tried my hand at serious line edits for the first time.

    There was some criticism surrounding the wings, and even now I know they aren't perfect. I completely redid them several times and got some much needed help from Swiftalu, but you all have to remember that I'm not an artist and it took me 3 years of staff dogs to even attempt line edits like this. I'm quite proud with how they ended up turning out, and this might be my favorite staff dog design yet. I'm quite flattered with how many people seemed to like her as she is!

    As for my hints, I know I didn't drop many. I tried to think of a creative riddle for you all to solve, but school has been taking up a lot of my time, and I'm also still in the process of moving. The TRUE theme of surrounding the design is "freedom." No one seemed to comment on what the flowers actually were, and they were yellow tulips, a flower said to have a very strong connection with freedom. The wings were also based off of eagle's wings. Again, I didn't really expect anyone to figure that out without hints, but you all were solving much harder hints every day so I wondered if anyone would ever catch on. The lyrics I hinted at referred to both the wings and the theme of freedom. The name "Lysandra" means 'one who has been freed.' Again, surprised that wasn't caught on to, but the name isn't a common one and can have several meanings depending on how you look at it. "

    Jadeghost: "Unfortunately I don't have any time to write a story, and there really isn't one to begin with. The significance of the theme is pretty personal to me and I don't really want to get into it here, so just know that's she's pretty special regardless!" (source)


Metallic Dragon

    Metallic Dragon: "Sorry guys, i don't have a name or story for my tiger. She's just what came to my head when i saw the chosen palette.
    Which, side note, i actually hated the palette until i saw a couple of designs that some of the other staffers posted. The gorgeous gradients inspired me and my tiger was born."



No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Beatrix "

    ● Swiftalu tells us their dog's name is Beatrix. (source)

    "Beatrix kinda randomly popped in my head! I had no set name for my dog at first but thought of Beatrice later on and how it sorta fit. Then I just mixed it to Beatrix since I liked the ring. xD" (source)

    "I wanted to go for a painterly style this year, something that screamed my style in comparison to the puppy (Since if I did paint the pup it would be wayyy too obvious lol). Also I like making soft and fluffy thing, so kudos to some of you for spotting my style immediately." (source)



    "Hehe, I'm glad ïṉкɾєαℓṃ noticed the blanket's subtle reappearance =) Yep, my guy is incarnate chaos, but I'm planning on making more precise and clean pets in the future, I promise <3 The rough style isn't for everyone (not even for myself sometimes) so I'm going to move away from it a bit. But what I've been noticing with my wilder designs is that people find their own stories or ideas in it. That's really cool that you guys do that.

    Originally I was aiming to make a coyote, and using the colors and boldness to represent his desert background. I was inspired by Mexican folk art like this and this. Aztec/Mayan themes or designs were definitely part of my ideas, too.

    Earlier some people mentioned the chupacabra resemblance the pup gave off. Funny enough, I didn't at all intend for my pup to be spooky! I didn't know what a chupacabra was until I looked it up, either! :lol: Strange how my staff dog gave off a vibe I never intended or saw in it!

    ● Solarizing unofficially named their personal pup Texo, but never wrote a post saying it officially. ^^


" Ayawamat "

    ● Vhenan reveals their dog's name is Ayawamat. (source)

    ● Vhenan's story for Ayawamat:

    "It was dark when I was born, but it was not night. I do not remember much about that day, except for the stark darkness, the hushed whispers, hiding and unease to leave our homes. My parents were instructed to give me up; a baby born during the sun's rebirth was a bad omen, one meant to cause trouble, to tear the world asunder. If I could've even spoken for myself I would've fought to stay. I could not, though, and found myself given away.

    The Hopi tribe who took me in did not believe in the same superstition about the sun's rebirth. It was not a bad omen to them, but something we celebrated, the sun renewing herself to help our crops and livelihood. Here, I was a baby as any other-- raised by loving parents, fashioned into a resourceful boy. My parents named me Ayawamat, as I was quick to follow orders; something they claimed was noteworthy, my best trait. I was always so eager to please, to make my elders smile and proud.

    When I was sixteen, it had been determined I was to undergo a ritual to become to the tribe as blood birth into it would've made me. I was meant to meet a Kachina spirit and converse with him, ask his acceptance into the tribe. I wish it would've gone that easy."
    (read the rest of the story here!)

    Vhenan: " I won't be able to finish my pup's story; I'm sorry. I just don't have the time or the spoons for it. )-:" (source)

    Vhenan: "Mine's Kuroshitsuji themed. Just letting it go now, my dog is actually Grell Sutcliff, the best anime character ever." (source)

    Vhenan: "All of my pups are ambiguous in gender, but the characters I create often or not are either male or nonbinary. Not to say that should, at all, disinclude any "feminine" dogs. I've been known to crossdress and there's no shame in feminine men; or masculine ladies, while on that thought!" (source)


" Ruffian "

    ● Here's a excerpt of Lacuna's story for their dog: "Though a child may find their stuffed animal to be the most special of all, it is no secret that before they came home they were just one of thousands, mass produced and sitting on a toy store shelf. There's no life to them then, dull plastic eyes and pristine stitching, stuffing never slept on or cuddled. Still you may find them cute--that's how they get to go home--Imagebut truly, they are nothing special.

    When Ruffian came home to Liddi he was just that way--she had picked him out for his potential, and her childish hand loved to stroke his soft, satiny fur marked with a red-orange glow. His green fur was special as well, its texture more like felt. She took Ruffian everywhere, carrying him in cars and on trains, on buses and through the sky on airplanes. They saw many places together and "Ruffy," as she affectionately called him, loved them all, even if he did get dropped on the sand at the beach or rained on in a mountain thunderstorm. "
    (read the full story here!)

    "Though of course I don't have a plushie that looks like Ruffy, and none of my plushies ever came to life, the rest of the story is based on things that actually happened to me and my plushies (especially poor Big Bird, rest his old soul). I love them so much!" (source)



    Siberian: "I had steampunk in mind when creating this cyborg doggo (;

    I don't really have a name for this pup, unfortunately, so feel free to call it whatever you like! I unfortunately don't have much of a story either, besides the fact that between the pup and adult stage the dog built itself some new limbs."


" Applegrit "

    Sketchi: "I named it Applegrit btw." (source)


" Yako Kasai Ashlyn / Ash "

    Bernouli: "I'm disappointed literally nobody figured out there was a scary face in the "flame" on the puppy stage... : (

    A Nogitsune, or Yako (field fox). Of the 13 species of kitsune, he is a Yako Kasai (fire). When a Kitsune has lived for 100 years, it gains its ninth tail and becomes gold or white. It becomes omniscient, and gains the ability to see and hear anything happening in the world.

    It wasn't directly inspired by any characters from Okami, but that being my all time favorite PS2 game ever, it's one of the reasons I love Kitsune and Japanese mythology so much.

    I don't have a story, but I made this pet in remembrance of my dog Ashlyn, probably the best dog in my whole world. I named her after a character from one of my favorite game series, Jak and Daxter. I hope she knows how much I love and miss her."

    Bernouli in reference to their dog's name: "Ash; after my dog who passed last March." (source)


" Tyton "

    Saikiyo: "His name is Tyton!" (source)


" Mallory "

    DoctorDraca: "my dog's name is Mallory." (source)

    DoctorDraca: "In case you're wondering how a beauty mask turned into a flaming skull: Murphy's law, my dudes.
    Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

    And it went plenty wrong. 8D"


" Dayo "

    Verdana: "Name is Dayo, story... ambiguous. I leave it to you lot to make up. The basic plotline for this dog is that it wanted to be a knight in a fantasy realm, but failed its training and was forced to learn the arcane arts instead. Imagine it as a bit of a chaotic good character, wanting to help but being a bit wild about it." (source)

    ● One of Verdana's interesting hints: "Magic is in the eye of the beholder. " (source)

    ● Verdana answers some interview questions, and in reference to gender states: "Entirely up to all of you. I started to think of mine as male, but it's not specific or clear." (source)



    "My pup doesn't have a name."(source)

    Pandle: "A lot of people thought the lucky number 8 had connections to Chinese culture, but actually it's in reference to the atomic number of oxygen. I suppose it's not so much the pup's lucky number, as it is our lucky number. It connects to Erwin Shrodinger's book 'What is life' because the photosynthesis by cynobacteria are thought to have enabled life on Earth (as we know it today at least) by producing the Great Oxidation Event. The strings to photosynthesis connect, of course, to the tree design.

    I actually didn't get a chance to complete an adult stage, which I'd planned to do as the design in full bloom, because I moved to Hong Kong in August. Nonetheless I'm quite happy with the final outcome, and I think next year I'll take another step closer towards the more intricate and elegant designs that other staff are able to produce. "

    "I was reading Erwin Shrodinger's (1944) book 'What is life?' when I started making my pup. It was very inspiring." (source)


Lilian Nightshade
" Lychee "

    ● Lilian Nightshade names their dog Lychee. (source)

    Lilian says: "he has a heavy influence from Japanese folklore" (source)

    "Yes, he is a Baku... or my own creative take on it XD. Although I've always liked Yokais and their stories, I've never been a fan of the way they were shown in illustrations(both ancient and modern) because they looked a bit bland to me, too much like generic demons for my taste, if you know what I mean. So I decided to pick a yokai I liked and experiment a bit. He doesn't have a name, though. I did nickname him Fluffy Strawberry, but I feel like he should have a decent japanese name, and since I've never been a fan of japanese names I can't really come up with a good one. You're free to make suggestions if you'd like.

    I found it hilarious that so many people thought the fox/maned wolf was mine, because to me the style looked completely different. Regardless I simply rolled with it for the sake of amusement XD. He did skip the pup stage, though, because unfortunately my computer crashed a while ago(I'm using my old computer right now) and I couldn't work on it... but honestly, I was already uneasy about making one in the first place. I wasn't happy with the concept sketch I had for it and usually the fun of a pup stage comes from watching the users trying to guess its artist, which isn't a possibility with my obvious style. With this, I didn't really care that much about not having a middle stage this year."


End of 2016 Staff Dogs



Continue Below to 2017 Staff Dogs

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2017

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:37 am



███ ███ ███ ███ ███


September Release
2017 Staff Litter Discussion Thread

27 Staff Members Participated:
Atwood -●- Bernouli -●- Coalchaser -●- Desmond -●- Dia. -●- EmberWolf -●- Ethulai
Fiery Gatoh -●- Jayfrost -●- kerstin -●- Lacuna -●- Lilian Nightshade -●- Metallic Dragon
Nadine -●- Pluma -●- Raey -●- Raire -●- Saikiyo -●- Schuyler -●- Seasonal -●- Simon
sketchi -●- Swiftalu -●- Solloby -●- Vampiric -●- Verdana -●- Yağmur

Simon designed the newborn this year.

Litters are in the same order as displayed in the Archives.


Fiery Gatoh

    ● Fiery Gotah answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "What flavour would you say best describes your pup?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "Chocolate!" (source)

    xxQ: "What is their favourite time of day?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "Early morning" (source)

    xxQ: "Do they have a favourite fruit? If so what is it?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "Blueberries" (source)

    xxQ: "What would be their favourite subject in school?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "Art" (source)

    xxQ: "Do they like history?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "The history of food maybe" (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of biome would you be likely to find your pup in?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "A cafe" (source)

    xxQ: "If your pet was a CS user what pet(s) would they hoard?"
    xxFiery Gotah: " This adorable little guy" (source)

    xxQ: "Would they prefer living in the country or the city?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "City" (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of magazines would they read?"
    xxFiery Gotah: "Woman's Weekly Food" (source)



    "I haven't quite figured all the little details about this one yet like the back story but I'll say that I definitely love how this one came out! c:" (source)


" Boscoe "

    ● Coalchaser reveals their dog's name is Boscoe!(source)

    ● Coalchaser answers a question about their pup:

    xxQ: "What one adjective would you use to describe your pup?"
    xxCoalchaser: "Scruffy :3" (source)


" Gelata "

    ● Pluma tells us their dog's name is Gelata.
    xx"I had a real struggle with this palette at first. I love briiiight colors, blue, green, red, all that jazz. Then we get a palette with brown. Just.... Brown. It was horrible for me. At first. I had a hard time figuring out what to do with such a 'boring' palette and when I felt I had an idea, another staff presented their pupper, with similar design.

    Eventually I just random doodled and then built onto it, until I got this lady out of it. Then I got her colored and you know what? She is one of my fav pets of mine today. So you can be surprised."

    xx"The hair is inspired from two colored soft serve ice cream (cold), while the body pattern is inspired from chocolate lace, on cakes (hot)."(source)

    ● Pluma describes their dog's gender:

    x -- "I would say definitely female. Or a very feminine male? I don't judge." (source)

    x -- "Well, as said, you can see this as a fine lady or a fancy gentleman. I do view her as female and no ladies splash around in the sea." (source)

    "Wonder what ideas you can get from this~ Might be obvious. Might be subtle. Might be a ref. Think think think~"
    x[Click for picture!] (source)

    ● In reference to a tea party:
    xxPluma: "Can my pupper come too? It loves tea and tea parties." (source)

    ● Pluma answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "Would your pup be more suited to the land or the sea?"
    xxPluma: "And this one ain't going into the sea. Staying on land." (source)

    xxQ: "What genre of music would your pup listen to/would you associate it with?"
    xxPluma: "Katy Perry :D? " (source)

    xxQ: "If your pup was stranded on an island, what is the one thing they would bring other than food/water?"
    xxPluma: "As for item, probably a tea set." (source)

    xxQ: "What flavour would you say best describes your pup?"
    xxPluma: "Pfffft really? Chocolate! Or... Maybe Vanilla...?" (source)

    xxQ: "What is their favourite time of day?"
    xxPluma: "Day." (source)

    xxQ: "Do they have a favourite fruit? If so what is it?"
    xxPluma: "Coconut" (source)

    xxQ: "What would be their favourite subject in school?"
    xxPluma: "Biology" (source)

    xxQ: " Do they like history?"
    xxPluma: "Nope." (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of biome would you be likely to find your pup in?"
    xxPluma: "Forest. Lots of flowers." (source)

    xxQ: "If your pet was a CS user what pet(s) would they hoard?"
    xxPluma: "All the pretty ones!" (source)

    xxQ: "Would they prefer living in the country or the city?"
    xxPluma: "Country." (source)


" Talhéphdwyn "

    ● Schulyer reveals their dog's name is Talhéphdwyn. (source)

    ● Schuyler answers a question about their dog:

    xxQ: "So what's Talhéphdwyn mean, and how's it pronounced? XD"
    xxSchuyler: "It's from a conlang I'm working on and means "not-covered/not-clothed one". c: (A conlang, if you don't know, is a constructed language, ie. a language purposely invented by someone, as opposed to one that has developed naturally over time. Think Klingon, Esperanto, Elvish, Dothraki, and so on.) So that's why I told you you didn't want to think too much about it. Unless you were familiar with my conlangs, which I seriously doubt any of y'all are, you weren't going to figure it out. xD It actually should be spelled "Talhëphdwyn", with "ë" instead of "é", but I keep accidentally typing it wrong, lol.

    For those of you who know IPA, it's pronounced [ˈtɬɛft.wɪn] or [ˈtɬɛf.dwɪn].
    For those who don't, it's a little hard to explain with English pronunciation because the "lh" is the sound /ɬ/, which is not found in English. It's the same as the double L in Welsh, sort of a mix between the English L and H sounds.
    The "a" is dropped, the "ë" is like in "bed", the "ph" is like an F, the "d" is like a T, and the other letters are about the same as how you would pronounce them in English, so altogether it sounds something like "tlheft-win".

    And if anyone is still wondering, "DIEWM" (pronounced [d͡ʒɛʊ̯m]) is also from my conlang and means "whose". The proper spelling is "dıëwm", but I wanted to avoid making it obviously not English so I could enjoy watching you all scramble around speculating, heh heh. >:3 Mostly just a bit of fun trolling, although if anyone had guessed that it might not actually be a "real" word and had spotted on my team bio that I say I'm a conlanger (think I've also mentioned it a couple times on the "Ask the Staff" thread), then you might have been able to connect it to me!

    Yes, I'm a hopeless language nerd. I know. x3"


" Lucille "

    ● Seasonal tells us her dog's name is Lucille. (source)

    "I honestly just made the design and said, "Hey, this kind of reminds me of a raccoon!" I was thinking about giving her some circles around her eyes but I passed. I love little critters like raccoons, squirrels, bunnies, etc. so it doesn't surprise me that I ended up adding one into my design without even thinking about it. :3" (source)

    "I was originally going to make my pet based on a sugar glider, but my hard drive crashed so I had to start from scratch a few weeks before the release. I thought the markings were slightly reminiscent of a raccoon and was going to give her ringed eyes, but I didn't want to take away from the eye color and I wanted people to be able to give her a personality rather than giving her a somber expression right off the bat. I love gradients so there was no way I could keep them off of the design." (source)


" Theodore "

    ● Solloby shares their dog's name: Theodore. (source)

    ● Solloby gives us some Theodore tips:

    xx"Theodore is soft." (source)

    xx"Theodore is cute ok." (source)

    xx"Theodore is a hard worker, he's always busy." (source)

    xx"Theodore doesn't have orange eyes because no." (source)

    xx "My puppy is sweet, not scary." (source)



    "I haven't given them an official name or a gender so you guys have all the power in your hands!!"(source)

    "this dear is indeed based on a shiba inu, aka my favorite dog breed" (source)

    ● kerstin answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "In a scale of 1 to 10, how weird/exotic/strange is your pup? "
    xxkerstin: "i don't think they're weird at all" (source)

    xxQ: "If you have to give your pup a place to live based on how it looks, where would they live?"
    xxkerstin: "in a house where they'd be given lots o' love" (source)

    xxQ: "Would you say your passion for comic books bled into your creation at all? C;"
    xxkerstin: "i wish!! if the palette was more forgiving then it might've o:" (source)

    xxQ: "What one adjective would you use to describe your pup?"
    xxkerstin: "sweet" (source)


Name N/A

    "The missing eyes is a reference to how button eyes on dolls are likely to pop off if they're played with too much (like on a child's adventure). However they are easy to sew back on. She's not missing her eyes, she probably has new ones (but he has them closed so you can't see)" (source)

    "The tail isn't like my other staff dogs as it's the only one without edits." (source)

    "Kids will often replace or forget about old toys when they get a new one or they get older. Which is 2 hints (sad story and 'loved me when I was young)" (source)

    ● After a user-mention of Saikiyo's dark and/or night themes: "I'm really into horror movies and goth stuff (though it's way too much effort to dress goth so I don't to it). I've always had a fascination with the morbid so I'll often make stuff that reflects that. I also get bad insomnia so I'm also pretty much nocturnal... I don't think I've mentioned this anywhere and I guess some of it is related to my dog (and many of my past staff dogs and litters)" (source)

    ● Saikiyo answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "What is your pup's bedside manner? "
    xxSaikiyo: "A good hug and maybe a cuddle♡" (source)

    xxQ: "If your pet could write a post on this forum, what would it be?"
    xxSaikiyo: ""Take me with you, please..."" (source)


" Aiden "

    Read Aiden's full story by Desmond here!

    ● "Symbolism
    Antlers: In many cultures, deer are tied to life and reincarnation, because of the hunt: Buddha is said to have been reincarnated as a deer. The Celtic Cernnunos - whose many roles included life - had antlers. Artemis has a strong tie to deer. Aidan is an agent of the being that takes care of life and death - so, some of you were kind of right in the reincarnation part, but not entirely there - but is itself a carrier of the dead. So, the third, fallen antler was given to show that.

    xWings: Moths are commonly attributed to night, death, and graveyards. Yet another death symbol." (source)

    "When I originally created Aidan, I wanted to take a different route than I had with the others, which I started with a half-baked plan and refined it until they came out the way they did. I loved the browns that we decided on this year, but I had a hard time coming up with ideas until I sat down and ran with it, focusing on the darker shades first, then taking on the lighter as I went. When I finished, I couldn’t get Moths to Flame (a Thrice song) out of my head, so that became my main hint for this year, and I finalized the idea that I had an agent of death on my hands. However, when Chester Bennington passed away, that idea… changed. Originally, his story was to show him in a more dangerous way, probably because of the mood in the last part of the Thrice song; finally, here was a creature that Caer could face -- maybe a misunderstood creature, maybe misguided, I hadn’t decided, but he was going to battle the Dreamer.
    Then we lost Chester, and I started listening to Linkin Park's last album with a more open heart to help the grieving process. Because of that, and because I needed more light to cling to, the story changed. Aidan became benevolent, a protector of souls, rather than a thief in the night that took without caution.

    Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do."

    ● Desmond answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "What's your pup's favorite time of day?"
    xxDesmond: "The gloaming." (source)

    xxQ: "What emotion would you say your pup is feeling?"
    xxDesmond: "Peace." (source)

    xxQ: "What flavour would you say best describes your pup?"
    xxDesmond: "Some kind of dusky blackberry, with a hint of smoky amber." (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of magazines would they read?"
    xxDesmond: "Ones that deal with worldwide issues, instead of personal "self improvement" or celeb gossip.
    xxThat kind of content is pretty useless for them." (source)

    xxQ: "What is your pup's favorite food?"
    xxDesmond: "Berries." (source)


Metallic Dragon
" Koda "

    "As for his name, I personally call him Koda, as a tribute to my heart rat." (source)

    "*pops in*
    xMy dog should not be eaten
    x*pops out*"

    ● Metallic Dragon answers some questions about their dog:

    xQ: "If your pet could write a post on this forum, what would it be?"
    xMetallic Dragon: "Oy58astkhgst6s68scycht
    xsraw7siouufchrsufcust e85ditvhura85a" (source)

    xxQ: "What flavour would you say best describes your pup?"
    xxMetallic Dragon: "All" (source)

    xxQ: " What is their favourite time of day?"
    xxMetallic Dragon: "Anytime" (source)

    xxQ: "What would be their favourite subject in school?"
    xxMetallic Dragon: "I don't think the teachers like them" (source)

    xxQ: "Who is their best friend(s) in this litter?"
    xxMetallic Dragon: "I don't think their best friend likes them either" (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of biome would you be likely to find your pup in?"
    xxMetallic Dragon: "A good one" (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of magazines would they read?"
    xxMetallic Dragon: "They don't like reading" (source)

    xxAnd more questions answered here!


" Dim Sumi "

    ● Bernouli tells us their dog's name is Dim Sumi. (source)

    ● Q: "Can you explain why the eyes changed from a cold blue to a fiery orange?"
    xBernouli: "I did the puppy first and then changed my mind because I thought the red looked better with the color palette." (source)

    "its supposed to look like sumi-e, I think I sorta got it close, lol." (source)


" Todd "

    "(btw, Todd's name is still Todd partly because I thought it was funny, mostly for confusion purposes)" (source)

    ● An interesting comment/hint Verdana gives on their pup: "Everything is edited, and nothing is edited." (source)

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2017 Cont.

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:38 am


2017 Continued


" Kalina "

    "Since all of my staff dogs have thus far ended up with K names, I'll splice my actual name (mostly, I will remove a u because it will sound silly otherwise) with the letter K and say that my pup's name is Kalina." (source)

    "She is a representation of the fact that I am getting married next year!" (source)

    "Even if my intention was to design her as a female, there's nothing that says she can't actually be transgender/[insert preferred gender here]. CS users are free to identify her however they wish!" (source)

    ● Ethulai answers some personal questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "What flavour would you say best describes your pup?"
    xxEthulai: " Krupnik" (source)

    xxQ: " What is their favourite time of day?"
    xxEthulai: "Evening" (source)

    xxQ: "What would be their favourite subject in school?"
    xxEthulai: "English" (source)

    xxQ: "Do they like history?"
    xxEthulai: "No" (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of biome would you be likely to find your pup in?"
    xxEthulai: "Enchanted Forest" (source)

    xxQ: "Would they prefer living in the country or the city?"
    xxEthulai: "In between" (source)

    xxQ: "What kind of magazines would they read?"
    xxEthulai: "At the moment, ones that are boring but necessary for inspiration" (source)

    xxAnd more questions answered here!


" Alanna "

    ● Lacuna reveals their pup's name to be Alanna, and also shares a story with us! (source)

    "From the time I was but a small sliver myself I was always fascinated with the moon. How it moved in bright days and on clouded nights, mingling with sunsets and reflecting sunshine. I wanted to put my fingers into each of its craters and caress them, reminding it that scars do not define anything because we are still being pulled along, one heavenly body orbiting another and another, out in the middle of the universe until the end of time..." (read the full story here!)

    ● Lacuna answers a question about her dog:

    xQ: What would your pup dress up as for Halloween?
    xLacuna: "She would dress up as a witch!" (source)

    "Let's make her birthday July 1st because that was a blue moon in 1996 so I can she can have been born on it. ^^ There was an eclipse visible in the US in 2012 that she could have been referring to in the story." (source)

    "Alanna is a character from Tamora Pierce's books, and she's my favorite author." (source)


” Latte ”

    "To me she's my little Latte but you guys can call her/him/them anything really. <3"(source)

    "I don't really have a cool story or anything to go with it, the inspiration for the adult/pup was bells since for some reason I really wanted to do bells. |D The pup does have a standard tail but the adult definitely doesn't!" (source)

    "She went through a lot of phases in editing, there was at least 2 other edit variations I ended up creating! However I managed to stick with this version instead, and I'm really pleased how it came out in the end! <3" (source)


” Pumpernickel ”

    ● Dia. confirms their dog's name is Pumpernickel.(source)

    "Pumpernickel is a skunk. Not a honey badger or anything. There's no particular reason I chose to go with a skunk... I just got the idea and ran with it!" (source)



    ”You can name it whatever you want."(source)

    "It is as some people suggested in that it's a composition/porcelain head and limbed doll with a cloth body and tail, wearing vintage sailor inspired garb." (source)

    "I laughed a lot drawing this. What does happen to those toys who get loved then left behind? The face turn factor was definitely the reason I did the whole pet in the first place." (source)


" Jarikai "

    ● Emberwolf confirms their dog's name is Jarikai. (source)

    "...It is based off of bat-eared foxes (my CS adoptable species, not the real species, but the adoptable species is obviously based off the real thing, they're just not quite the same). It was a huge part of my CS history and I got to know quite a few people on CS through them, some of which are still friends now! So naturally I wanted to do something that was apart of my CS life for my first staff pet." (source)

    "It was the name of the first BEF I ever kept for myself. It was a random name, I'm pretty sure." (source)

    ● This was Emberwolf's first time participating in the staff litter! (source)


" Autumn "

    ● Simon confirms their dog's name is Autumn. (source)

    "Fall is my favorite season and this color pallet really gave me an autumn vibe so I just went with it ^^
    xPretty happy with with how she turned out."

    " I designed the blanket pup ^^ " (source)


" Royan & Eli "

    ● raey confirms their dog is named Royan and his little owl friend is named Eli. (source)

    ● An excerpt of raey's story:

    x“What do you think? Can we make it?”
    “Yeah I think so too. But I mean we could still try it?”
    “Hm. I am not sure.”
    “Oooouh ououh”
    “I thought about that too, I think.”
    Two heads moved first to the left, then to the right.
    “I think we should try it. I mean what could go wrong right?”
    Paws stumbled over the ground, muscles flexed, eyes were closed. In the very next moment when four paws were raised into the air, a faint screech filled the air, wings were spread and for just a second it felt like they were flying. The air was brushing through fur and feathers, carrying their hearts upon a light breeze...
    (view raey's post for the full story!)

    ● raey answers some personal questions about their Royan:

    xxQ: "What element would you consider your pup to be a part of?"
    xxraey: "Most likely earth, though he is for sure always dreaming of the sky^^." (source)

    xxQ: "What is your pup's favorite flower?"
    xxraey: "Sunflowers :3" (source)

    xxQ: "What is your puppy's favorite song?"
    xxraey: "Flight of the Silverbird - Two Steps From Hell" (source)

    xxQ: "How would you describe your pup if you could only describe them with a smell?"
    xxraey: "My pup is smelling after dark chocolate flavoured with orange
    xx(and I mean proper chocolate not that weird thing I heard about that claims to be chocolate but is just

    xxQ: "Is your staff pet based on an anything? If so, what? "
    xxraey: "Sadly not. Was a wild ride with it and ended up kinda random lol." (source)


" Zuki & Q "

    ● sketchi reveals that these two are based off her actual pets; Zuki the corgi and Q the hamster! (source: view for pictures!)

    "the ham you guys have already met, Q, the one hanging out in my sig for a while now... scroll down for sumptuous cuteness of Q licking my finger, being flat, and just being super tame. And yep she's a sapphire winter white... I adopted her from the SPCA this year, and she's just been the most delightful hamster in the world." (source)

    "Then, I was NOT planning on adopting any other animals at all, but when I went to buy hamster supplies in a shop I met eyes with this saddest, most soulful looking pup. I had no idea it was a corgi, as the ears were all droopy. We had to bring him home; he'd grown out of his puppy stage and his ears didn't show promise as a 'proper corgi'. He's now a beloved family pet that loves rides in bicycles, smiling, and people! His name is Zuki! At the time that I drew my staff pup, Zuki would only have one ear up (always the same ear), sometimes. Now both his ears are up..." (source)

    "I feel super lucky to meet these two wonderful little souls this year, and wanted to share with you guys. Usually prefer to draw fantasy things, but sometimes real life is better. :D" (source)


Lilian Nightshade
" Thalia & Sabriel "

    ● Lilian Nightshade confirms their dog is named Sabriel, and he is protecting Thalia, the smaller dog. (Thalia is the PPS to the left; then in front of Sabriel to the right)(source)

    ● An excerpt of Lilian's story:

    x"Who are you, and why won't you leave me alone?!" The little pup cried in frustration as she turned and snarled towards the odd creature who had been following her. Ever since he showed up from what seemed like thin air he wouldn't stop walking after her everywhere in complete silence, only speaking up whenever she addressed his presence. It was as if she had gained a second shadow... one very fluffy and with wings... (view Lilian's post for the full story!)

    "I was really surprised that some people considered Sabriel the "dragon outcome", because he is more bat-bear-dog monster than anything XD." (source)

    "Sabriel's design was actually heavily inspired on Hoary Bats (x,xx, xxx), which is easily my ultimate favorite bat species. Just take a minute to appreciate how friggin' fluffy it is! x3

    xAs for the rest of the design, I decided to go for natural looking patterns due to this year's palette having more natural, earthy colors. I focused mainly on African Wild Dog markings since they are simply gorgeous, plus some piebald on the wings. I couldn't resist adding a tiny heart to his chest, too, but it's very subtle and may be completely overlooked if you aren't paying attention.

    xI think this palette was my favorite so far due to its natural look. Until now we've had many palettes with bright, clashy colors, and thus I found this a very refreshing change of pace. Specially because it created a lot of what I call "cozy designs". These are basically designs that are very soothing and pleasant to the eye without any aggressive contrasts or flashy colors, the kind that you would admire while leaning back in your chair and sipping tea."

    "Fun fact, the original concept of this design did have both of them covered with arrows, with little Thalia having two stages: the first looking happy, and the second looking saddened with a bunch of arrows stuck to her fur. Later I ditched the idea because it was really edging CS's kid friendly line and also because Sabriel's design ended up looking way busier than I expected. The arrows would make it too cluttered." (source)

    "I also decided to post the backstory for my pup right when I claimed her because I thought if you guys already had the overall concept behind it in mind once Sabriel showed up, you'd look at this staff dog with a deeper perspective and respect instead of only finding out about the context later, you know?" (source)

    "At its core, the tale of Thalia and Sabriel is a brief reflection on what's been going on in my life in the past few years, and mainly 2017. This year has been absolute hell for my family and I... so many bad things keep happening..." "... It's rather fitting in a very morbid way that he happened to die in the same day my staff dog grew up, considering the context I made for it. Right now I'm beyond mentally exhausted, and I'm glad that I chose to share Thalia and Sabriel's story beforehand because in my current state I really doubt I'd be able to do so today." (source)


" Taavi "

    ● Atwood confirms their dog is named Taavi. (source)

    "Thanks for all the lovely comments on Taavi! <3 I'm glad you guys like him - I was worried he might come across too simple beside all his wonderful siblings, but I really wanted to make a true giant breed/mountain dog, and this palette was pretty much perfect for him. ^^ As many of you guessed, his colouration is mostly based on a Leonberger with influences of Caucasian Shepherd while his structure is a blend of Leonberger, Pyrenees and Bernese Mountain Dog.

    No particular backstory or anything with him - he's just my big floofy boi <333 For the two staff dogs of mine that he was particularly connected to, those were Jagger (from 2014, for being both a realistic dog and also fluffy) and Alberta (from 2011). With Alberta, she was my first staff dog and my first attempt at editing, and my original intention was to make her a big furry dog much like Taavi. In the end I didn't like how the edits were looking and the only significant edit that ended up staying in was her slightly fluffy ears, but she's something of a spiritual mother to Taavi. Alberta also has mountains on her, so she is literally a 'mountain' dog, and she is, of course, very Canadian, including being based in part on the song Canadian Sunrise. X3"


" Phaeras L'lopi "

    ● Raire confirms the full name for her dog is Phaeras L'lopi. (source)

    ● Raire shares a lot of details about her pup: (source)
    xHere's some excerpts below, but see the link for all the information that Raire provides.

    xx"I included almost all of my most favourite designs - stars, night sky, zebra stripes, spots, feathers and
    xxof course a bunny. Couldn't resist the star freckles."

    xx"I don't have a great backstory for him, but L'lopi - the bunny - is somehow very magical and can
    xxchange his position on the tail. Think about moving tattoos (most prominently featured in Moana as Mini-
    xxMaui).The stars on his neck (so the whole night sky part) also change."

    xx"His feathers are obviously not his own, it was a gift from somebody."

    xx"He was named after Alpha Leporis and the hare constellation.
    xxAmidst the stars on his shoulder is the actual constellation."

    "Jayfrosts Ari is my pups cuddle buddy. ;3" (source)[/color]

    "The feathers on my staff dog come from Jayfrosts pup. We did mention the connection between Phaer and Ari back then.
    They're best friends and also grew up from newborn to 2nd stage on the same day."


" Ari "

    ● Jayfrost confirms their dog is named Ari. (source)

    "I wonder if his dream to fly will come true?" (source)


" Hazel "

    ● After some user-made suggestions, Yağmur named this pup Hazel, but Toffee was a close second! (source)

    "Sorry I don't have an interesting story or deep meaning behind my staff dog.
    xxThis was the only idea I got with the palette XD" (source)


End of 2017 Staff Dogs



Continue Below to 2018 Staff Dogs

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2018

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:40 am



███ ███ ███ ███ ███


September Release
2018 Staff Litter Discussion Thread

32 Staff Members Participated:
Aquila Fuga -●- Bernouli -●- Cerru -●- Coalchaser -●- Dama -●- Desmond
Dia. -●- EmberWolf -●- Fiery Gatoh -●- Jayfrost -●- juice box. -●- katsue
kerstin -●- Lacuna -●- Metallic Dragon -●- Nadine -●- Pi. -●- Pluma -●- raey
Raire -●- Saikiyo -●- Schuyler -●- Seasonal -●- Simon -●- sketchi -●- Solloby
Swiftalu -●- tarkeli -●- Vampiric -●- Yağmur -●- Zeena -●- Zelery

Swiftalu designed the newborn this year.

2018 Fanart

Litters are in the same order as displayed in the Archives.


" Asteria "

    ● Zeena confirms their dog's name is Asteria. (source)

    "Her name is Asteria, based off the Greek goddess of falling stars. She has 4 hidden stars on her body as a little "hide and seek" game. ^^
    She's based off of the theme of "reaching for the stars" since this year was a big year for me as I finally reached my lifelong dream. I figured I should give her a positive message, so she's just a quick reminder that anything is possible and to keep your dreams big!
    And yes, that is the moon behind her (though I'm not the best artist by any means so I can see how it looks like a bubble or something xD).
    Finally to confirm the hints I've been giving, the song "We Are Stars" by Virginia to Vegas was released on January 7th, 2014. I thought the song would tie well into her adult form."

    ● Zeena answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "Does your pup prefer coffee, tea or hot chocolate?"
    xxZeena: "She definitely prefers hot chocolate, but tea isn't bad every now and then." (source)

    xxQ: "Does your dog like jewelry?"
    xxZeena: "She likes the shiny pieces of jewelry, but generally doesn't wear much." (source)

    xxQ: "Does your pup like music?"
    xxZeena: "Of course!" (source)


Name N/A

    "My pup is based on someone/something close in my life." (source)

    "I very loosely based them off of my crested gecko Squish!" (source)


Name N/A

    "I don't really have a story behind this one, but yep, he's mine. My hints this year were pretty straightforward, so I guess not much further explanation is needed for them. Nobody got the meaning of "What has changed has not," though, but I don't feel like dragging this out any more and it doesn't seem you needed it, anyway. ^^ I was simply referring to the lack of edits: all my staff dogs in the past had a minor edit to the original lines somewhere, but this one doesn't -- thus, the change is that there's no change." (source)

    ● Schuyler answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "If your pup were to stumble upon a dragon, would they be bold and try to fight it or run away/hide?"
    xxSchuyler: "Hmm, I could see mine being a pretty bold fighter! Might depend on the size of the dragon, though.
    xxI mean, are we talking Mushu or Smaug here ... ?" (source)

    xxQ: "What's your pup's favorite music genre?"
    xxSchuyler: "Probably listens to a bit of everything." (source)


juice box.
" Sugar "

    ● juice box. confirms their dog's name is Sugar. (source)

    ● juice box. answers a question about their dog:

    xxQ: "Would your pup be an angel or a devil?"
    xxjuice box.: "Angel!" (source)


" Hanamaru "

    "Hanamaru, which means flower circle in Japanese, is definitely one of the dogs I enjoyed making the most ^^" (source)

    "I enjoyed working with this year's colors and decided to stick with something simple this year! c: " (source)

    "Her markings are actually inspired by henna tattoos! " (source)


" Clarice "

    ● Seasonal confirms their dog's name is Clarice. (source)

    "She also grew up on my 10th CS anniversary - not planned, but definitely a really sweet surprise! I didn't think that I'd ever get to make a CS pet 10 years ago, let alone be a moderator. I can honestly say that making a pet and being a mod were both huge dreams of mine and I am so happy to be able to live them out. CS is a huge part of my life and I hope for things to stay that way for a very long time." (source)


" Desy "

    ● Merilin confirms their dog's name is Desy. (source)

    "My dog isn't insecure and likes to show off what it has" (source)

    "She loves walking around and showing off her soft socks. Even though she looks grown up, she's actually a teenager (which is why she doesn't want to wear socks on her back paws, a small act of rebellion)... And about the tongue/marking thing: I wanted it to be a tongue at first, but it didn't look nice. So I just did a marking that looks kind of like a tongue :D" (source)


" Sahara "

    ● Dama confirms their dog's name is Sahara. (source)

    "Personally, I think mine seems more feminine." (source)

    "This is indeed my sleepy girl, Sahara! I originally wanted to create a pup based around the Force India F1 team, since the colour palette was quite similar to theirs, but I could never get it to work right so the idea was scrapped. I still wanted to have some kind of F1 tie to her though, so that's why I ended up settling with the former Force India name ^^

    Eventually though, I went with a night / sleeping theme. I'm a bit of a night owl on occasions so she's kinda like me in that sense lol. Ironically too, she was born at 3 in the morning, so that's also quite fitting."

    ● Dama answers a question about their dog:

    xxQ: "Dama, does Lord Hurons song The Night We Met have anything to do with your pup? Also does I Love to Love by
    xxTina Charles have to do with anything too?"
    xxDama: "Yes they do ^^ But don't overthink it all too much! There's something that all of these songs have in
    xxcommon, other than the fact they're all very good songs lol" (source)


Name N/A

No information available at this time.
(Able to fill in some blanks?)


" Marshmallow "

    ● Swiftalu confirms their dog's name is Marshmallow. (source)

    "Also or the neck thing... I've always imagined it as scales like on the front of a dragon and imagined the neck would actually bend like an accordion too. c:" (source)

    ● Swiftalu answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "Can I offer you cookies in exchange for knowing whether your puppy prefers sweet or salty foods?"
    xxSwiftalu: "...they would probably prefer sweet foods. o:" (source)

    xxQ: "Where would your pup go on vacation and what would they do there?"
    xxSwiftalu: "Probably somewhere that is out of this world, dunno what they would do though" (source)

    xxQ: "does your pup prefer indoors or outdoors?"
    xxSwiftalu: "Definitely outdoors" (source)



    "just like last year, i have left stuff like that up to you to decide c:
    their gender, their name, even their personality - you've got the power!"


Metallic Dragon
" Lady "

    ● Metallic Dragon confirms their dog's name is Lady. (source)

    "Few fun facts about her:
    I actually made the adult edits several years ago for a different staff dog, didn't end up using them, and then adjusted them a little bit this year for this litter. That's why the general style is less like Koda and more like my older dogs.

    She also originally had very long flowing hair that I ended up removing because tbh I don't care much for adding human hair to animals. Even her bangs are pushing it still, but i wanted to keep her shorter curls in the back and re-editing the face to remove the bangs was a hassle.

    I didn't like her very much, even up to a week or two ago. When her pup phase got almost no discussion, I started to view her as a bit of an outcast. Growing up I felt like kind of the odd duck at school and even among my friends so I really started to relate to her near-invisible status amongst the rest of the litter.
    She gained a personality and some headcanoning(along with the above art) followed and now, her overall vibe has made her one of my favorite staff dogs I've created. She doesn't have an official name though, at least nothing planned. I'll probably end up just calling her Lady because she reminded so many of you of Lady and the Tramp."

    (Song) (source)


Name N/A

    "Thanks for the lovely comments, it means a lot. For my first staff dog, I'm proud of how this one turned out. It took me so long to figure out a design I was happy with, and I found working with the dog lines much harder than making my GH cats in the past!" (source)


" Dorje "

    ● Desmond confirms their dog's name is Dorje. (source)

    "(Pronounced, for any curious, DOOR-sjay - using the softer j sound found in the "Tarjay" mispronunciation of Target.)...Dorje does have an arc in my story that I write every year" (source)

    "Bloop :D" (all Desmond's staff dog stories together) (source)and (Dorje's story only)

    "I'll say that he's not based off of a specific character or story element, due to copyright. ^^;; I reference games because it's the last time I encountered what he was inspired by... but honestly, I could have encountered it pretty much anywhere else." (source)

    "... Now that it's finally clicked in my head, it also has ties to my favorite movie. Kinda.
    Tilt your head and squint a bit, it's there."


" Spring "

    ● Simon confirms their dog's name is Spring. (source)

    "She is sisters with my outcome from last year.

    Autumn and Spring <3"


" Nimbus "

    ● EmberWolf confirms their dog's name is Nimbus. (source)

    "When I first saw the palette, I immediately thought of soft clouds and just ran with it." (source)

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Staff Dog Resource Guide: 2018 Cont.

Postby Magen » Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:41 am


2018 Continued


" Schnell "

    ● tarkeli confirms their dog's name is Schnell. (source)

    ● Schell is based off a car. (source)

    ● tarkeli answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "does your pup like to skydive? or perhaps they like to snorkel or even play tennis? but most importantly is your
    xxpup a risk taker or a stay safe type of pup? "
    xxtarkeli: "I would say he's certainly more of a risk taker than a play it safe kind of pup. After all - he's The
    xxFlash and fights crime in his free time(lol - he wishes). He's not too keen on skydiving or tennis, but he thinks
    xxsnorkeling sounds like a lot of fun." (source)

    xxQ: "Does Schnell have a goofy or a serious personality?"
    xxtarkeli: "Definitely goofy. He's the opposite of Khaos in almost every way in that regard. I wonder if they would
    xxget along..." (source)


" Kalliope "

    "Kalliope is the chief of all muses, and the muse of epic poetry. I chose this name for my own love of poetry and writing, though I like to think that the character loves it for its beauty and strength." (source)

    "Kalliope put the finishing touches on the day's offerings, dropping rainbow sprinkles onto her perfect desserts and setting up her hand-painted list of prices. Other vendors prepared around her as well, everyone excited for the day's festivities. Arts, crafts, flags, facepaint, and food--anything one could want on a beautiful fall day of celebration. Kalliope herself wore a pastel pink, blue, and white flowered apron over her clothes to protect them from wayward frosting, while others wore a myriad of color combinations to show their joy. She saw someone walking by in a purple, blue, and pink cape that she especially liked.

    It hadn't always been like this, Kalliope reflected as she smiled at her customers and the day really got going. The way that some of them looked nervous, or very young, brought back her own memories. She saw them hold hands in corners, even though no one would have questioned their actions in this place. If a few cupcakes left the table without her opening the cash box, well, that was just the way it had to be sometimes, right? This was a time of happiness, and Kalliope would do anything to spread more to those who weren't quite sure if they were feeling it..."
    (see the full story here)

    ● Some of Lacuna's hints were related to her dog's looks.
    Lacuna: "Egg whites: This has always referred to how her tail looks like meringue, but her tail was a little tuft of hair the whole time!
    666H43: color code FFF8DC "cornsilk" to make a food reference to her long hair as an adult.
    "don't forget me": the blue forget me not flower (which is edible and also a pun on "flour").
    cocoa pods image: the sprinklings of "cocoa" (brown markings) on her body...

    "I chose to suggest this palette both because I love pink and we've never used it before, and because of its use of colors very close to the trans pride colors. I was overjoyed that a majority of the rest of the staff liked it, and that we ended up using it this year. Though the story above is not that of my own family, and many things about them are different, the characters do have some basis in real life as myself (Alice) and my wife (Kalliope). I'm incredibly proud of my wife's journey and wanted to celebrate it!" (source)

    ● Lacuna answers a question about their dog:

    xxQ: "Does your pup like hot chocolate?
    xxLacuna: "Absolutely!" (source)

    "I suggested this palette, and I did so partially because it looks like the trans flag." (source)


" Rancid "

    ● Yağmur confirms their dog's name is Rancid. (source)

    "I am glad you like her! Sorry I don’t have any story to go with her." (source)

    ● Yağmur answers a question about their dog:

    xxQ: "What would your pets browser history be?
    xxYağmur: "Hmm, I think she'd be looking up recipes for meringue and probably run a pastel aesthetic blog." (source)


" Pazu "


Fiery Gatoh
" Neo "

    ● Fiery Gatoh confirms their dog's name is Neo. (source, also art!)

    ● There's a small message written on the pink part of Neo's tail, it says "sto lat":
    User comment: "In Poland there's a song we sing called Sto Lat, it's basically for good wishing and it's how you express 'Happy Birthday' to someone too. I'm going to take a wild guess and say your pup is based on ice cream or cake, Fiery? Or perhaps a mix of both."
    Fiery Gotah: "Neo was inspired by ice cream and the fact that CS has been going for 10 years ^^ I wanted her design to be light-hearted and fun to celebrate!"


" Kaara and Arteios "

    ● raey confirms their dog's name is Kaara and her spirit companion is named Arteios. (source)

    "And as guess right, the little one is my personal homage to Hollow Knight. A game I learned to love and hate (everyone who played it knows what I mean). Ori and the Blind Forest has been the game that really got me into gaming. And when Jayfrost and Swiftalu forced me to start Hollow Knight because of my undying love for Ori, I first was a bit insecure but it took me not even five minutes to fall in love with the game. I am not even done yet, just because I personally love just running around the world of Hollow Nest, without actually doing what I should do (like certain boss fights lol). But yes, this game has touched me in a lot a ways. Not only the graphics but the music and the way of story telling in this game have left a deep impression on me so I wanted to pay this game a tribute.
    The little spirit companion/vessel friend is however not based on a specific character, but more inspired by some unspecific elements of the different characters you meet in Hollow Knight."


" Sirena "

    ● Pluma confirms their dog's name is Sirena. (source)

    "When we decided on the palette, my very first thought was "Neapolitan ice cream!". I had already made an ice cream themed doggo last year, but then decided ".... I could make her a sister!" and her design pretty much popped into my head immediately.

    I wanted her to be the younger and little more mischievous sister, thus you see her blep tongue. She looks up a lot to her big sis, Gelata."
    (source, and art!)

    ● Pluma answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "What Hogwarts house would your pup be sorted into?"
    xxPluma: "I can see her being either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff " (source)

    xxQ: "What is your pups favorite shape?"
    xxPluma: "She likes round shapes :3" (source)

    xxQ: "Does your pup prefer reading books or watching movies?"
    xxPluma: " She is a movie gal. No patience for books." (source)

    xxQ: "If your puppy had a theme-song, what would it be?"
    xxPluma: "Ohhh I can see mine be a Disney princess nerd! So something like Part of Your World, How Far I'll Go
    xx or When Will My Life Begin-ish " (source)

    xxQ: "Does your pup like flowers?"
    xx"It likes all kinds of plants"

    xxQ: "Does your pup watch horror movies or are they a scaredy cat?"
    xx"It's not a big fan of scary movies."

    xxQ: "Does your pup prefer cupcakes or muffins?"
    xx"It prefers muffins! If it's the kind with a more moist texture and not too dry."(source)


" Azalea "

    ● Coalchaser confirms their dog's name is Azalea.
    Coalchaser: "nothing too creative, just happens to be my favorite flower. c:"
    (source, and art!)

    ● Coalchaser answers some questions about their pup:

    xxQ: "Does your dog browse the internet all day looking at food?"
    xxCoalchaser: "She has a pinterest dedicated to cupcakes and cookies" (source)

    xxQ: "Does your dog play a musical instrument?"
    xxCoalchaser: "She is not particularly musically inclined" (source)

    xxQ: "Can your pup balance more than 15 cookies on its nose?"
    xxCoalchaser: "Nah, she would end up eating them instead." (source)

    xxQ: "Can your pup climb trees?"
    xxCoalchaser: "She could climb a tree, but I doubt she would." (source)


" Oscar "

    ● Dia. confirms their dog's name is Oscar. (source)

    "He has a friend in the litter with whom he speaks morse code." (source)

    ● Dia. answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "How would your pup help feed others?"
    xxDia.: "He's pretty fond of leftovers, so he'd share those." (source)

    xxQ: "Does your pup like the limelight?"
    xxDia.: "Nope, no thanks." (source)

    xxQ: "If your pup was stuck on a boat adrift with a few others, would your pup be worried about going hungry? "
    xxDia.: "I think he'd be fine." (source)

    xxQ: "What is your pups favorite snack?"
    xxDia.: "Pizza." (source)

    xxQ: "Does your pup like cats?"
    xxDia.: "Meow." (source)


" Demi "

    ● sketchi confirms their dog's name is Demi. (source)

    "...this is his adult human form:" (source; it's art!)

    "oh no you made him all embarrassed now D:" (source; it's more art)

    "my pup is definitely not french" (source)

    "Demi is a lesser demon with an assortment of weak abilities, such as gliding short distances with his stubby wings, scratching glass with his diamond-tough horns, and, the one he likes to flash the most, teleporting small (non-living) objects within his sight.

    However, his greatest gift, the reason he always gets sent to the front lines despite his scrappy powers, is his ability to revive. Whenever he dies he will teleport back to the last place he was safe, alive again (barely). This is extremely useful for getting enemy intel, and he's been an indispensable tool in securing many victories. Nobody really understands how his ability works, but he prefers not to die as much as possible. It isn't the physical pain he minds so much (though he doesn't enjoy it), but rather the memories he's lost. Each time he dies, he also loses a happy memory, sometimes completely forgetting a person he loves..."
    (see the full story here; and also lots more art!)

    "thanks guys, I'm glad you like him! he was one of the easiest staff dogs I made, spent the shortest amount of time compared to previous outcomes but practically drew himself." (source)


" Deku "

    ● Bernouli confirms their dog's name is Deku. (source)

    "It's not based on the moon rabbit. He's protects the spirits of the forest (like the Deku tree) and the ball is actually a glass vial with magic in it I guess?

    I don't know why I made it a rabbit, it just seemed the most foresty to me.

    It's not intentionally modeled after Deku from Boku no Hero, I just noticed afterward that the ears looked like Deku's hood ears so I was like yeah ok I'm just gonna roll with that really vague hint. "

    "The ball isn't sticking out OF his back, it's floating behind the back. " (source)


" Kirej "

    ● Raire confirms their dog's name is Kirej. (source)

    "I figured out the name for mine while goofing around with another staff member, hahaha." (source)

    ● Raire says their pet is trans. (source)

    "Kirej is tired.
    They are tired of the world, of the negativity, of the anger, of the hate and the lack of understanding.
    By now, they're more indifferent towards it and try to live without thinking too much about it..."
    (source; lots more information! ^^)

    "...my grown pupper will be splooting" (source)


" Chika "

    ● Jayfrost confirms their dog's name is Chika. (source)

    "I'd say my outcome is somewhat more feminine. C:" (source)

    " I wonder what she is daydreaming about? ♥" (source)

    "She loves her gf, flowers, and her best friend Kirej!" (source)

    ● Jayfrost answers some questions about their dog:

    xxQ: "Does your outcome seem to be more feminine, masculine, or neutral?"
    xxJayfrost: "I'd say my outcome is somewhat more feminine. C:" (source)

    xxQ: "Can you tell us if your dog would be an the oldest child, the middle child, the youngest child, or an only child?"
    xxJayfrost: "I'd consider her an only child!" (source)

    xxQ: "What is your pup's favorite activity on a rainy day?"
    xxJayfrost: "In light rain she's most likely to be found tending to her various plants, but if the weather is more
    xxsevere then she enjoys just sitting and watching the storm!" (source)


Name N/A

    "I solemnly swear that my dog next year will not be wearing shoes." (source)

    "I hated this palette and everything it stood for. I can't do pink/pastel, my brain doesn't function this way." (source)


" Mittens "

    ● Solloby confirms their pup's name is Mittens. (source)


Name N/A

    "I think my outcome would really like flowers" (source)

    "he's not just a deer, he's a faun" (source)


End of 2018 Staff Dogs


Last edited by Magen on Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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