Hrvatska *0*

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Hrvatska *0*

Postby Dr. Mirtachu » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:14 am


Nes o svakome od nas/Something about us:
.mina. - Iz Zagreba, obožavam Big Bang Theory, malo sam mutava xD
Sinamy - Ja sam ona koja se nikad ne predstavlja kad neko dođe. I onda se pojavim par stranica kasnije.
Zoey - Ja sam Karla,iz Zagreba.Pegasister sam. ^^
Dr. Mirtachu - Ja sam inace vremenski putnik i on-line 7/24. Previse pricam i ne razmisljam o tome kaj bum rekla. Iz Zagreba sam, a imam i neke rodbine s Gallifreya. Upisala sam srednju veterinarsku, al kad narastem bit cu televizor!
Foxanna - Vozdra, ljudeki, ja sam Ana iz Vinkovaca. Uzasno sam kreativni tip, imam mnogo talenta, ali zato nemam bas najljepsi zivot (zanemarite zadnje). Posebna sam, volim YouTube <3, muziku, zivotinje, citanje, plesanje, pjevanje, sviranje, izradjivanje, glumu itd. Inace sam sramezljiva no cini se da se svima "svidjam". I jos jedna stvar - obozavam azijske ljude i internetske prijatelje. (Ocito su mi internetski frendovi bolji jer skoro pa nemam pravih.) Nolajfer sam veliki.
Nessie - Bok, ja sam Dora iz Zagreba, imam 17 godina i osjećam se staro među ovom ekipom. ;o; (ma šalim se, volim ja njih) Obožavam sve to je slatko (bilo doslovno ili preneseno) i fluffy... i ptice. Volim čitat (Vampire Diaries, The Infernal Devices, Hush,Hush, Angelfire, Delirium, ... ima tog puno xD) crtat, slušat glazbu i skupljat prije spomenute slatke stvari koje ničem ne služe. Planiram živjet s mačakama jer sam forever alone. ९(ेД॔)७
Nikanina - Bok.^3^ Ja sam Nikolina,imam 13 godina,živim u ZG-u...Ja sam..Tiha,povučena,bez samopouzdanja,strašljiva,draga,nježna,inače sam tužna..Kada sam vesela onda sam totalno random i luda(I dosadna ;_;).xD Pegasestra sam,volim crtat(Heh..Trudim se.;_;),slušat glazbu,ptice(Jako opsjednuta ptičicama ♥.^^),i ostale životinje osim nekih kukaca.x3
Rochendil - Ciao, ja sam Filip iz Vinkovaca, jedan sam od rijetkih koji vole One Direction (nisam gay a, ni straight).
Volim uciti strane jezike, zasada imam engleski, njemacki i japanski malo ucim od najbolje prijateljice, na jesen idem na francuski, volim citati-kako koje knjige-, trenutno Kuca Noci i Luna. Volim pjevati i plesati, jos vise volim raditi ekstravagantne stvari medu prijateljima s kojima sam otpusten, previse pricam na stranim jezicima, polako zaboravljam hrv. I odlican sam u prestrasivanju ljudi.
Maggy Potter - Ja sam Magdalena iz Zaprešića.Ja sam najveći stalker kojeg možete naći,neznam,BILOGDJE.Uglavnom stalkam Oekaki i Youtube.Ja sam STARKID i Potthead,i ponekad ih počnem quotat bez (vidljivog) razloga,što se može prepoznad po velikim slovima,quotu i/ili po ~*insertnamehere*.Ponekad postam videe sebe kak zavijam ((iliti pjevam)) i sviram klavir.Pišem pjesme i knjige,ali nikad ništa ne završim.Non stop sam onlajn,sa kratkim pauzama za ručak i večeru.Svakom loncu poklopac,to sam ja!!
thundershock ;; - Ja san Katarina, zivin u Splitu, jedna san od najmladjih na ovom topicu i meni je u kuci od tehnologije stalno nesto pokvareno. U stvarnosti san okruzena ljudima koji previse dramatiziraju oko fejsa pa se zbog toga pravin da neman zivot, dok zapravo radin ciste p*zdarije po kvartu, ukljucujuci paljenje papira, pucanje petardi, gadjanje prolaznika jajima i takve stvari. Iman uzasno puno fandoma jer mi 50% zivota ovisi o kompicu, anime-u, fanficima i RPanju, tako da pronalazin nove fandome svaki drugi dan. Kao sto rekoh, zivot mi ovisi o RPanju i ne mogu zamislit zivot bez pisanja; uvik san spremna na nove RPove pa slobodno me pitajte ako ocete 1x1. Upozorenje: ja san vrlo lijena pa mi odgovori vrlo sporo stizu.
Mogla bi pricat o sebi jos 453466876794574 sati pa cu se zaustavit' tu.

kratki podsjetnik koji vrijedi 10-ak dana:
• uskoro dolazimo do 900 stranica i bilo bi ok da updateate svoj opis malo!
• saljite ga u box- dodajte nesto, skratite ili preuredite! ^^
• zbog krsenja siguronosnih pravila molim vas da uklonite svoja imena ukoliko ste ih predhodno napisali!
• ukoliko imate sto za dodati da bi poboljsali uvodni post ili ako imate primjedbe na moje ideje, slobodno saljite pm.
• takoder cu od sada nadalje brisati opise usera koji nisu toliko često na topicu a imaju svoj opis u prvom postu.

Ovu temu je originalno napravila/This topic was originally done by .mina.

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Za nostalgicare; stare teme!/For nostalgics; older topics!
1. 2. 3. 4.

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Sada postajte!/Post away!

Guys, if you're not Croatian, don't spam this thread panicking on how you can't understand this language.
And don't even try to use Google translate, it messes up the grammar and stuff. Croatian is much more complicated than you think.
Last edited by Dr. Mirtachu on Sat May 04, 2013 7:17 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Plok » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:14 am

Semper Primus bua!

Dragi stalkeri dobrije dosli na naš prekrašni topic!
Tu se prica o svakakvim temama a pol ih necete nit skuzit ko ni ja al ae.

Ja sam njab!
Last edited by Plok on Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!
You know, in our lives we are not readers but we are writers, the least we could do is change the ending
Dying means to be gone. And what goes, is not your pain, but your existence itself. But in your mind, you think that you’d have a sense of “nothing” after you die. How can you call that “nothing”? In other words, you don't even have an idea of what death is really like.

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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Dr. Mirtachu » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:15 am

ovo je novi topic, stari ce uskoro biti zakljucan!

this is our new topic, last one will be closed soon!
post away!

strollal si me plok ;3;
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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Plok » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:15 am

What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!
You know, in our lives we are not readers but we are writers, the least we could do is change the ending
Dying means to be gone. And what goes, is not your pain, but your existence itself. But in your mind, you think that you’d have a sense of “nothing” after you die. How can you call that “nothing”? In other words, you don't even have an idea of what death is really like.

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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby deadeye » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:16 am

~Tako treba Plok! XD ~
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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Plok » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:16 am

moram si osigurat mjesto
What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!
You know, in our lives we are not readers but we are writers, the least we could do is change the ending
Dying means to be gone. And what goes, is not your pain, but your existence itself. But in your mind, you think that you’d have a sense of “nothing” after you die. How can you call that “nothing”? In other words, you don't even have an idea of what death is really like.

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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Dr. Mirtachu » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:17 am

kao sto sam prorekla, novi topic je napravljen u 10. mjesecu.
*smarti pents

plok xD
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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Plok » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:18 am

bas je bjutiful cuko
What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live! The tales we tell ourselves!
You know, in our lives we are not readers but we are writers, the least we could do is change the ending
Dying means to be gone. And what goes, is not your pain, but your existence itself. But in your mind, you think that you’d have a sense of “nothing” after you die. How can you call that “nothing”? In other words, you don't even have an idea of what death is really like.

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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby deadeye » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:19 am

~@Plok - Pa nego XD ~
~Mrt - Lijep pes :thumbup: ~
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Re: Hrvatska *0*

Postby Foxanna » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:19 am

Nije u devetom nego sestom mjesecu, Mirtek xD
*igra Pokemon Yellow* Sve samo ne ucenje, ha Ana? xP

Aaa, predivan peso :3
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