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[ o e k a k i - m o d e r a t o r - a p p l i c a t i o n ]

Postby diamonds;; » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:34 am

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o e k a k i - m o d e r a t o r - a p p l i c a t i o n

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What date did you register as a CS member?

- Saturday 26th Febuary, 2011 at 8:15 pm

However; I was a un-registered member before that date for around two months, finding the website in december from searching wolf images on google. Quite a random find. It changed my life, however.


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How many posts have you made in the forum?

- 2442 at this moment in time.

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How many days a week do you usually visit CS?

- Everyday. It is everyday unless I am on Holiday which I will warn you about with a week’s notice, but that is very rarely. If a holiday is planned, and at the time of waiting for the flight to land back the airport, I will almost likely be on CS saying my good byes! However is the hotel I am in has WiFi, I will also try to get on to answer some questions/reports.

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How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit?

- The least amount of time would probably be about five hours per day, and the maximum eighteen. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday I will be on for a larger amount of time, over fourteen hours a day. The most I have been on Chicken Smoothie was between fifteen to eighteen hours. My time is very flexible, and I normally spend time sorting pets, trading, PMing or posting on Oekaki. On school days, I am on for a lot less, for about a period of about seven or eight hours. I am very active in the creativity, Oekaki, Role-playing and just simply having a rest in the games forums. I have an obsession.

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Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them;

- Yes, I moderate in this forum here and the proud owner of four semi-successful [[most died a few weeks after the first post, and each letter is a link to all of them]] public role-plays that I mod around accepting forms and whatnot. There are three oneXone rps, but they don't count. I help people sometimes on CS, when they ask me a question and I always try my best to answer it as edjucated as possible. Also, when a COPPA'D or new member send me an unfair trade, i cancel it with a message on ways how they can improve trading, not only with me but in the future. I am a to-be moderator of this website, if i can prove my activity. I am also the proud owner of this cs army. Another thing that I have help to mod, is this thread, a WoI litter. I answered several questions and tried to help to refrain spam. I also help to mod, to an extent, here and here. I am the founder of this and this contest and this warrior cat gathering thread. This is a link to a role-play that I created for AmigoGirl for her species, Raphael Splashers as I wasthe role-play manager. Oh and here is a link to my failed auction offering two full sets of sea horses. So yes, I do have quite a bit of experience with modding, no only in CS but other places too c:

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Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw?

- Yes, I have recently. I will be using it often now as I have got a style. [[ somehow, I made one ]] Though I am not the best digital artist, I am a quite a good tranditional artist with my pen, pencil and paper and I do have a passion for it, as I draw for about an hour every day.

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Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there?

- Yes, every day for twenty, thirty minutes or so and I also stalk a few artists. Most of the time I browse the Intermidate board, but I often look in others too. I do admire the sheer amount of talent chicken smoothie has in it's community. I post often on Oekaki works with comments and ways how they can improve. Sometimes I search the boards for around an hour everyday, but at the very minimum it is twenty minutes.

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Now the important question; Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS?

- I want to be a oekaki moderator for CS to make the commuinity to be a better place. I don't like bullies, and I know what it feels like to having been picked on everyday. In the end it stopped, but it happened for a year so i would patrol the Oekaki boards to help stop that. Art theft is something that I hate, and I have stopped it a few times; two of them was stealing a character description, and the other was someone that used someone's DA peice of art, and used it as a banner. Also, the other day, I was browsing the Oekaki boards and I found a nasty comment that someone had put on this artist's drawing. Someone else, later on, put a comment like that and I immediately reported it. Once the comments had been deleted, I was very thankful, and the artist must have been aswell, that an Oekaki moderator had deleted. I want to do that thing to maybe help one person at a time be happier. When I look up to the moderators, and think; wow, they have dedicated their time to make CS a better place, and I want to be one like them. So basically the moderators are my role-models. I want to be an Oekaki moderator to help Chicken smoothie be a more friendly, tider and an overall a better place than it already is so that newer members can enjoy it as much as I do. Another reason is that this site has gave me so many memories. I have made many, many friends on here and I look back at when we first met. I want to... give something back to this wide community. They are so many kind people on here, and very few bad users, and I want to help to stop them. I know that they will always be one bad person, yet I just won't to help this fast growing website to be a better place for all users, not just myself. I admire the mods, how they put away their own spare time to help people on a virtual site that they don't even know. Its just selfless of them, and I think with many users drawing on Oekaki Fiery Gatoh needs more help. Even with Leurai, who did a fantasitic job, they needed potentional moderators to get through more of the reported topics. I have handeled art theft several times, and I know how to deal with it. I just want to help, and give back to Chicken Smoothie. I have matured massively over months, and I can't believe the person who made this account. CS as helped me so much to become a better person. The things that I have done wrong in my life, I want to forget about that and move on.
Though I have been on CS for just over half a year, its become a part of me. So many memories, so many friends. Over the months, I have realised that I can help even more people than I am now, and I am orginasing a large charity fundraising event that has aldready raised over £31 / $31. I sponser several causes, five to be exact, yet I want to help more people. Earlier this year, my mum and her friend did a charity ball for Francis House, Childrens Hospice. They raised over £5000 / $5000. I helped in the background by putting together letters and posters, simple things like that. It may not be much, but I can say 'I was a apart of that' or 'I helped doing that'. I like to help. Simple as that. Moderators have very busy lives, I can see that, so a new and active member to the team would be good. I am active and very familiar to the rules. I also have real life friends on Chicken Smoothie. They are very close to me, and I want to make their time on here good, not filled with nasty comments. I was the one who reffered them to this website. The words I used was 'its a really fun site and everyone is dead kind'. I want CS to keep that reputation. I like things to be clean and tidy, and to help people in any way I can. There is a number of reasons, as explained above that I want to be an Oekaki Moderator for Chicken Smoothie, and I hope you choose the best user for this job, even if it not be me. I hate the fact that people unlawfully steal, copy or trace things, and I want to stop it. That's another reason why I want to be a Oekaki moderator for Chicken Smoothie.
Art it something that I love, and have a passion for it. There is only fourty drawings in my Oekaki Gallery, but I draw a lot more often; traditionally. I am also a song writer, and a author for many of my personal stories. I am a creative person with an large imagination as many people have said in the past. Oekaki, doodle or scribble, is something that I do all the time. I have many un-completed scetches, doodles and scribbles that will probably never will be completed but they still mean a lot to me. Creativity is something that matters to me greatly, and I want to be an a Oekaki moderator for CS because I want to protect the art from art thieves, stealers, tracers. CS has got such a large and sheer amount of talent, and people should not be afraid to post their art because of art thieves. I want to be a Oekaki Moderator for CS because I want to keep the boards in that section at least clean and safe. That is was being a moderator is all about. It's about putting other people first, before your self to keep them safe and happy. I am willing to dedicate my time, that many mods do now and have done in the past, to be a part of that team what keeps this community safe. Thank you.

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Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position?

- Yes, I think I can pull out a few! During arguments and disputes I will view both sides of it and then decide what is the best way to handle it. I help look after to my two younger cousins, the youngest who is two and the oldest who is four. It’s almost everyday for about five hours per day that I am with them, and you have to have a lot of patience. Most people in my year at school are younger than me, and I often help them so I have had experience with younger children. Most people come to me for help or ideas and I give them the best answer I can. I am a level headed and respectful person, not only on cs but on rc [royal creed], cp[club penguin], in real life and all round. My activity could help individual questions and reports to be answered quickly and be seen to. I could get through a lot more than some other Oekaki mini-mods that may spend lesser time of Chicken smoothie. I also have a large amount of patience with people, rarely having to flip out at them. I can handle decisions with pure maturity, and if need be, or called to the matter, I would happily help other mini-mod that are clearly in a troubled state or do not know what to do with the situation. I can speak many different languages, so if need be I can translate. And yes, I can get strict sometimes but if people follow the rules, why is there any need? And if someone constantly does something wrong, I will just tell them calmly what they are doing, and how they can improve. Now in spite of my age [not in high school] I am strangly good with words, and typing them, I rarely seem not to have a word. [I'm a chatter box xD] So yes, I am good with words, and quite polite and kind. I can be helpful, though I may be annoying at some times when I eat Orange Smarites, My favourite football team win or when I have ice cream but I will refrain myself. Eh, it happens. And I am sonmetimes considered to be quite a character, with a good sense of humour says my friends [I don't know if they were still talking about me at the time]. I also like to keep things tidy, and neat, and mostly enjoy answering questions. I also want to feel more responsibility and commit myself to help people in need. I am often found PMing the some of the newest Chicken smoothie members with the best ways for them to settle in and learn about the website, and posting warm welcomes aswell as a guide in the introduction board. I have helped many people in the past, in many different ways and I would like to continue with my efforts and I have just been a generous person since a young age. I am a generally nice and caring person and it takes me a lot to flip out at someone, so I think I am right for this position. In the simplest ways I will help someone with all of my power at the moment in time even just in the simplest ways such as giving them tips or advice or just pointing them into the right direction. No matter what the problem, I will help to solve it. I like to be involved with a lot of things, not just sports and role-plays, things that I commit myself to and feeling more responsibility. I know this is a very complex job, at it is very rewarding for many other cs members and I am willing to handle that, dediate my time for others. As a moderator, you hold the rules in your hands. I am very mature for my age, serious, respectful, friendly and patient, so I think I am right for this job.

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Anything Else?

- I would also like to say a big thanks to Tess, Nick and all the other Moderators, General Helpers, Arists ect. to make this site welcoming and freindly. Thank you also for making this opportunity for everyone of the caring CS members to post their applications for this job, and considering mine too. Thank you again,

- .imagination.

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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby Mikaze » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:37 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: (if it's less than 6 months ago, do not apply) March 11th, 2011, 6:15 pm, Its only 11 days away That I've been registered on here for 6 months, so hopefully tha doesn't matter.
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 1907 posts.
How many days a week do you usually visit CS? Oh every day of the week.
How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? Well I live in spain so from about 9:00 am spanish time to 9:30 PM Spanish time on all days, Maybe a bit later on Saturdays and Fridays!
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them: Yes, A long time ago, when I was quite young. But because that was such a long time ago, I can't remember the name of the site, Hopefully I will be becomeming A Moderator on TanatiaKiss (♥Sally-Sama♥'s Website.)
Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw? Oh yes, I love to draw on CS Oekaki, I havn't been drawing lately because my mouse was acting up. I should be getting a tablet soon. I love to colour other peoples linearts too. Its so fun.
Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there? Oh yes all the time, There are so many beautiful drawings we have on CS. It's incredible.
Now the important question: Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS? Well im a very active member here on CS, I love to help people, and people like me for that, I like to be a nice person and help out. The only time I art thefted was when I was fairly new and I didn't know much or many people. But now I've learnt my lesson and know nearly everything and every pet on CS. If someone rages back at me for me giving them a warning, I don't get offended easily, I can deal with hard words. If I see someone art thefting, I tell them it is wrong and give them a warning. Tell people to read the rules and follow them. And many people ask me 'How can I fit this picture into my signature?' and I'll tell me the answer. Im fast to replying to PM's if someone needs help with oekaki. When I see someone spamming, I'll stop them, tell them it's wrong and remove they're post. If a member does something wrong, I will warn them that they are going to get given a warning and tell them it is wrong what they have done. Every minute, I'll be out on the lookout for very rude and bad playing harrassing or bullying another player and report right back to you. And last but not least, I'd like to make friends with all the chicken smoothie staff.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position : I'm calm and can deal with bad things, I know how to control myself without going over the top.


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Postby Tess » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:40 am

lavapony wrote:Question:Do you have to be a certain age to apply?(real age not when you started)

nope :)
Click here if you need help from CS Staff or General Helpers!
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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby Pear » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:50 am

1. What date did you register as a CS member?: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:27 am
2. How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 2819
3. How many days a week do you usually visit CS? I usually visit every day, and some days I'm on more than others.
4. How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? It varies a lot, but I spend about 2-3 hours during the school days, and more on the weekends.
5. Have you moderated on any other forums before? I moderate a little on my sister's forum, but I don't have an account. I just use hers. x3 http://s4.zetaboards.com/Animalia_World_Forum/
6. Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw? Yah, I have :). I've been trying to use it more though.
7. Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there? I do on occasion :)
8. Now the important question: Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS? I'd love to help out people with their problems. I can keep a cool head often, since I don't like yelling or getting into arguments. I've never gotten a warning or anything here, so that's a plus. :)
Plus, I like to revisit the rules just to make sure I don't break them myself. So, then I could help others that have problems with the rules. I respect all players, and I would really like to help the community. Giving back help would really make me happy :).
9. Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position? I do, to both questions :). I am quick to respond to help requests, and I have good vocabulary and grammar skills so when editing posts, it will be correct.
Helping people here is what I would love, and it would bring me great joy :). I enjoy working with others, and I'm easy to get along with.
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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby Liru Kaulitz » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:56 am

I thought I'd give it. A try! I'm not the best at oekaki, but I do sometimes browse there for fun, just to see some of the artwork and things. :)

M y A p p l i c a t i o n ~ O e k a k i M o d e r a t o r


1: What date did you register as a CS member?:
Thursday, November 26,2009. 10:07 am.

2: How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying):

3: How many days a week do you usually visit CS?:

4: How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit?::
3-5, sometime more.

5: Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them::
Unforunately not.

6: Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw?::
Yes. Even if they haven't always been good, I do like to use oekaki often.

7: Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there?::
Oh yes. Lots. I enjoy browsing all the oekaki forums all the time to observe the art.

8: Now the important question: Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS?::
Okay, that's more challenging. Well, I've had a good almost three years here on CS, and I'd like to give back to our community by taking on responsibilities like this. Helping out the site would make me feel like I really was doing something that all of CS benefits from. But I also love to browse the oekaki boards just for Fun, and I think that's a good habit if I want this job. I would be there quite often, just looking. I see some amazing art, and I could be able to correct any users while I did so. This would be a great opportunity for me, and I thank you for the chance to give back to the site for all the fun it's given me.

9: Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) (for example have you had any experience in peer mediation?)::
Well, let's see...I have been a teacher at the camp at my church, so I know how to feel with misbehaving and that sort of thing. I am also considered a leader by my family and friends, so it's easy for me to take charge and be comfortable with lots of responsibilities. I also know how to use oekaki pretty well, so I could answer any questions users might have. Thank you for the opportunity to become part of the team! I can't wait to see the winners!
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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby Mikaze » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:57 am

I've been on CS for 6months in 10 days, Is the application still valid? A few days won't hurt.

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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby Applesky » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:05 am

    I think Tess will say no, because if she makes an acception for you,even if it is only 10 days, she will have to make acceptions for other people aswell. ^^

    //feel free to say different,Tess
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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby AtomicMilkshake » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:13 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: March 19th 2010
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): Right now b7982
How many days a week do you usually visit CS? 7 days a week, for sure, never missed a day.
How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? I log on a lot of times in one day, so to add them all up, about 4-5 hours.
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them I have :3 A sight named 'Jar of stars' but is no longer active.
Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw? It is where I draw mainly. ^^
Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there? Yes, I always do. :3
Now the important question: Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS? I want do be a moderator because I support the uniqueness of art, and would like to help prevent art theft on our oekaki boards. I spend a lot of my time here on CS, mostly browsing and drawing on the oekaki, and admiring the great work here, even if I don't comment myself. The oekaki is my favourite place to be on CS. drawing is my passion, and making each piece unique is very important. I do not like to see art theft anywhere, and if I do on the oekaki board, I always report it. I will also help with useful critique to CS users finding trouble drawing or are unable to figure out the art program, or judging when they ask if their artwork is worth the intermediate forum. I think this job will help me in a lot of ways, to appreciate art and to help the young artists around me. ^^
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) (for example have you had any experience in peer mediation?) I myself am an artist, and draw on the oekaki very often as it's my favourite program to work with, so I understand well how the program works, and can bring this to help struggling artists. I don't collect pets anymore, nor trade, so this will give me a lot of my CS time to help around the oekaki. I do it anyway, mod or not. ^^
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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby Rollington » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:32 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: Sat Jan 01, 2011

How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 711

How many days a week do you usually visit CS?: Normally it's all 7 but i do occasionally get a ton of homework.

How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? On a regular day at least four.

Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them

Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw? Yes Mostly contests and the sometimes in begginer.

Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there?
Yes I do

Now the important question: Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS? It really bothers me when people are putting down some one elses art or just disrupting the peace.

Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position: Well my friends tell me it's impossoble for them to be mad around me. I dont know if it works thtough the internet or counts as a skill though. I was also a "leader" at me old elemantary school dealing with angry children and their issues, and in my opinion most arguments are child like. So i would hope that counts as a skill.
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Re: Oekaki Moderator - job applications now open!

Postby e.mbr » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:46 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: June, 22, 2010
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 1460
How many days a week do you usually visit CS? Every Day
How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? 2+ hours. Week Days On week ends 5-6+
Have you moderated on any other forums before? http://pokemon.team-talk.net/
Have you ever used the CS oekaki to draw? Yes Manny times
Do you ever spend much time browsing the oekaki board just to look at the art posted there? Yes
Now the important question: Why do you want to be an oekaki moderator for CS? Because I Love to help out where ever I can. And Spend a lot of time on it.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position: Yes, I have, In my school I was peer mentor and a group leader. Also My leader ship came in handy when I was volunteering at a Summer Camp
Last edited by e.mbr on Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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