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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby Schuyler » Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:45 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: June 5, 2011

How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 12,070

Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval: Yes, I am old enough, and I have no issues with viewing and treating adult content maturely and responsibly.

How many days a week do you usually visit CS?: Every day. Occasionally I'm only able to come on for a short time, but it is very unusual for me to miss a day completely.

How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit?: The amount of time I spend varies and is usually scattered across the day, but most days I believe I do spend a minimum of two hours on CS. Whenever I have spare time throughout the day, I come online either with my computer at home or my phone while away, and I'll often sit here at night for three to four hours before I go to bed. I don't always post, but I'm browsing all the time.

Have you moderated on any other forums before?: I'm afraid not. The only experience I have running a website has been on a few sites I made myself (that unfortunately didn't get very far.)

Why do you want to be a moderator for CS?

    I believe I have a lot I can bring to the site, and I always strive to challenge myself and do as much as I can. I've applied to be a General Helper before, which I think is the best place to start for someone like me who hasn't had any prior experience in a "higher" position, but I also think I would be very useful as a moderator. While answering questions and helping in the ways a General Helper can is absolutely an important task, I've been doing that already and having a mod position would allow me to try my hand at many more in-depth duties for CS.

    I like to make myself approachable and let others know they can come to me any time they need help with something or just want to speak to someone who will listen, and I think being a staff member would show people they can do just that. I've spent a lot of time already stalking the Help forum and answering questions where I can or supporting/refuting suggestions, so I'm quite familiar with the site rules as well as giving advice or help in a way that is thorough but simple to understand.

    I also believe it's important to keep CS a safe and fun environment for everyone, children and adults alike, and so I want to do everything I can to get rid of any inappropriate material and spam that shows up in the forums.

Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position?

  1. I can speak German--not perfectly (yet), but well enough to explain things and carry on a good quality conversation. Following and contributing to the German thread in the International Board has also helped me improve a lot and learn what different aspects of the site are called in German.

    • Of course, I also speak fluent and advanced English as my native language.
  2. I'm knowledgeable about BBCode, including how to post images, link words and images, make layered lists with numbers or bullets like I'm doing here, and more.
  3. I believe I'm generally a very understanding and responsible person. Even when someone says something that makes me fume and grit my teeth, I don't respond that way. Sometimes I will temporarily "walk away" from the situation if I don't feel I can answer maturely or if there's no reason for me to say anything. When I do reply, I make sure to keep my words constructive and explain my view in a reasonable manner; I never get into throwing pointless insults back and forth with someone. If I see I've made a mistake or hurt someone's feelings, I always try to acknowledge the fault and apologize for it.

    • I also can't help but look at every conflict from both sides, even when I'm one of the people involved, which can be annoying at times but also keeps me relatively unbiased. I try to approach arguments thinking "What can we do to resolve this?" rather than "How can I prove I'm right and you're wrong?" Admittedly, I'm not able to stick to that all the time, but I try my hardest, and if I realize I'm slipping, I can usually stop myself.
  4. Finally, over the past three years I've learned my way around the entire site: how everything works, what's allowed and what isn't, and how to find the most useful threads. I think I would have no problem answering the most common questions that would come up, and I can easily direct players to different guides, sections of the forum, and the help system if there's a question of problem I'm unable to manage myself.

    Also one more thing I didn't think about before but I think is worth mentioning is that I have mild Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. It doesn't affect anything online, but in real life I sometimes have trouble with things most people don't even think about, and I understand completely what it's like to feel different and even isolated at times. Living like this has helped me learn to see the good side of other people and appreciate them for who they are instead of judging them by their "covers." I believe this would also let me be a better moderator by helping me to keep an open mind and not jump to hasty conclusions about people or situations before I have a chance to consider every perspective.
Last edited by Schuyler on Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby wumbo. » Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:56 am

i have a question, are there any positions that allow +13 to enter?
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby Nadine » Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:01 am

wumbo. wrote:
i have a question, are there any positions that allow +13 to enter?

Yes, there are many positions opportunities available as stated on the front page, just keep an eye out on the Global Announcements to see what may open next and read the requirements.

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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby beemo » Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:29 am

    What date did you register as a CS member?: December 17th, 2011

    How many posts have you made in the forum: 10736

    Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval?: Of course, there aren't many things that bother me at all.

    How many days a week do you usually visit CS?: I'm on Chicken Smoothie every single day, I don't think I've missed a day for the last year, possibly more.

    How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? I'm on quite a bit, which is sad to admit, kind of makes it seem like I don't have a life. I'm on at least 3 hours everyday though.

    Have you moderated on any other forums before? I have not, no. This would be my first time.

    Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS?: I see a lot of things on Chicken Smoothie that I would love to just be able to take care of instead of reporting. I can send in more than ten reports some days and I feel like it's kind of annoying to the moderators. It would be much easier to just take care of things myself. I know the rules pretty well and follow them, it's pretty easy for me to just read a post now and know that it's against the rules or out of place.

    Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position? Unfortunately I don't know any foreign languages, but I can be very patient with people and can be very helpful. I respond to almost all of my messages and have helped around the community quite a bit.

    Thanks! c:
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby Free Shade » Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:54 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: May 6, 2013

How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 2528

Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval: Yes. As a mature person i understand that with this job i will most likely be exposed to adult content and that i will have to deal with it in a professional and calm manner.

How many days a week do you usually visit CS? I tend to get on ChickenSmoothie at least 5 days a week. While i cannot get online much on Saturdays, i have every other day free to spend on here.

How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? Easily 5-10 hours. As i have a lot of free time, I like to browse through the art and forums here on CS even though i may not post.

Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them:
Sadly, I have not.

Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS? I want to be a moderator for CS so that i can try and make our community here a little bit better by helping others and enforcing site rules.

Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position?
1: In high school, i was the co-head of our Theatre department. Though that does not sound like it is an amazing feat, i assure you it takes a lot of patience and being level headed to be able to sort out the disputes between two people who think their issue is more important. I was always know for sitting each person down and calmly talking to both of them, no matter how much they yelled at me or hated me, i would explain to them what they did wrong, how to fix this issue for next time, and send them on their merry way. Though i had quite a few people who hated me, I understood why they did and i accepted that not everyone is going to like me.

2: My first job was in a restaurant as a waitress. Over the year i spent working there, i realized that customers are not always the nicest and can sometimes be rude. But as a waitress, I could not just be rude back to this person, or get angry. Instead, when i had gotten those customers, I always took a deep breath, smiled and tried to help them as much as i could. When the customers got too out of hand, I would go and get my manager and explain the situation to him and get his advice on what to do.
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby Kyar » Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:16 am

What date did you register as a CS member?: April 1st 2012
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): As of right now 11,582 :)
Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval: Absolutely. I've run into this kind of content here in the past and I would be more than happy to find and get rid of it no matter the nature.
How many days a week do you usually visit CS? Every day lol. Very rarely I'll miss a day but it's definitely not often.
How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? Lately the number has been down a bit since I have been helping with family but getting back to school I expect it to increase to around 5 or more hours again. :)
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them I haven't seriously moderated anything offsite before - no. :)
Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS? *rubs hands together* Alright lol. Where do I begin? I have to admit - as soon as I saw this thread up my heart rate just about doubled. I've been thinking about it more and more lately. Becoming a GH has given me a taste of what it can be like and I just can't get enough! Despite being busy I'm addicted to the ticket system and love answering questions and directing users where they need to go. I wouldn't call myself report-happy but I don't hesitate to report any spam, double posting, or language issues I come across. It would be nice to just be able to delete it myself - but that's not the main reason I want to be a mod.

Since I joined the game I got very involved with trading and Hekomi became a great resource to me. She and I never talked much but I admired her (and still do!) and at times was even afraid to PM her because of it. She was the first moderator I ever really encountered and inspired me. Ever since then it has been a dream of mine to be a moderator. I feel like I've applied before (or wanted to) but I can't remember exactly between applying to become a GH twice lol.

I understand that in becoming a mod I will inherently bring in a lot of hate from frustrated users and I'm fully prepared to handle that. Since I've joined the site everyone has been incredibly kind to me and I've been fortunate to have a completely clean foes list for over a year. Though it is rare I do find users who are frustrated with me because of my marionette hoard and although it is disappointing to see this I completely understand. I can't help but want this job - it would be absolutely amazing.

When the Trade rant thread was first locked and the no reply rule added I was very upset - and I tried time and time again to get the rule revoked. As I'm watching the thread now I can see the reasoning behind it and I understand that as hard as it may be - choices need to be made for the site's sake and for the sake of all players. I want to be a part of helping the community grow and making it a pleasant experience for each and every user as best I can. I've wanted this job for such a long time and I would be absolutely honored to even be considered. :)

Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position? I was originally going to school for social work but though I have now changed my path I was able to take a class that centered on conflict resolution. I believe that has helped me improve my skills immensely. In addition I won't say I'm fluent but I speak Spanish quite well. Since becoming a GH I have had users PM me about fights that are going on between them (occasionally I get messages from both sides!) and have done what I can to simmer down the hostility and have advised them on what behavior involved could be considered reportable.

I also believe that the short time I have been a GH has been a great help. I have gotten to understand the rules and the system behind this site on a whole different level and am having an amazing time doing so. Don't get me wrong - becoming a GH has been one of the best experiences I've had on this site and I'm incredibly fortunate to have been given this chance. Considering I've only been part of the "staff" for a short time I can't say I really expect to move up so quickly - but I can't help applying. :) I'd like to thank Tess so much for this incredible opportunity and the opportunities I've already been given - I love CS to bits and I'm honored to be able to have a part in it. :) Thank you so much - and good luck to all! :)

I knew there was something I was forgetting lol. Of course - as soon as I hit submit. :) I also wanted to add that being a member of the LGBT community growing up in a small town I've certainly felt what it's like to be hated for a title, a label, or a belief. I've learned over the years to be strong and stand up for not only my beliefs but for myself. I feel this has given me more than the strength required to enforce site rules despite lashing out from users - no matter the reason. :) Once again - good luck to all and thank you so much for considering. :)
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby dogs » Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:52 pm

    What date did you register as a CS member?: tuesday november 15th, 2011. three years already. im suprised! but knowing me, if i get caught in something, time flies...

    How many posts have you made in the forum: 24,831 as of this post! sad to admit lol! but yet, i am here and still showing my cs support. i didnt even realize i had so many posts until now, man! ;v;

    Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval? of course! i am around this content all the time {not on cs} but i am around it often on some of my video games and ect...

    How many days a week do you usually visit CS?: days a week? seven. unless i have family buisness. hours a week? at least 28. that's four for each day. but then again, school is starting soon and i will unfortunately be on only 4;pm to 12;am eastern standard time on weekdays and 3;pm to 11;am on weekends unless im busy. i work a family buisness too over the weekends, so..

    How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit? again, {because i didnt realize there was this question} at least 28.

    Have you moderated on any other forums before? as i mentioned earlier, i moderate some of the servers on video games. oh, and lemme tell ya! *raspy voice* those rascals are quite a handful! i mute for spam, cursing, harassment, bullying, explicit content, ect. so yes, i have some experience.

    Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS?: i believe that no one should be exposed to bad content, as listed above. i personally love helping out on child friendly sites and think i would make a pretty okay global mod. when i was a young child, {my parents raced cars} i was not a fan of the language displayed around me, and im still not. i know the feeling and i don't want children to feel that on cs.

    two. i don't think people understand that there are little kids everywhere. everywhere. i joined facebook at an early age and was shown into the world of gore and erotic roleplay. i immediately quit after i got in trouble with my parents. *shiver* that honestly ruined my childhood a bit! but there's that.

    three. i will say that i am a speaker at middle schools. an inspirational speaker, if you will. i explain to some people that the world isn't perfect, you aren't perfect, and neither is anyone else. basically--i have an insanely low tolerance for bullying. lets just say a microscopic tolerance. bullying is not okay and i want to stop any arguing/bullying i find on cs!

    Can you think of any skills you can bring to cs? i speak fluent latin and italian. i am currently attempting german. im trying to master many languages. my goal is to be fluent in 10+ language...cuz hey, you know, what if you run into a group of people speaking czech, german, italian, english, ect and you need to understand them? *laughs* heh. it could happen! but any who, i also know how to have fun but also enforce the rules at the same time!

    thanks, pooh.
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby Shian » Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:15 pm

What date did you register as a CS member?:
Oct 2008

How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): (if it's less than 300, do not apply)

Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval: (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the first post again)

How many days a week do you usually visit CS?
All of them

How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit?
A few hours. I pepper myself throughout the day and it's the first thing I do when I get up in the morning.

Have you moderated on any other forums before?
I have, but they are small, so there's not too much trouble going on aside from the bots.

Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS?
Because I've wanted to since 2008. I know full well what the position means. It's something I've always been interested in as it's much easier to be able to move a topic myself than it is to send in many reports throughout the day.
I love answering questions about the site and helping others out when they're having troubles or can't find something or don't understand one of the board rules.
The bottom line for me is to keep the forums safe for anyone reading and organized as well as it can be.

I've been as active in the CS community as I can be because it's where I always return to. I've always wanted to do more and I will continue to do more in whatever capacity I end up in. Even if that just means I help bring a second Christmas when it is needed and write guides for anything I can think of to make the site an easier place to navigate.

Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) (for example do you speak any other languages, or have you had any experience in peer mediation?)
I've been "Middle Management" for four years and I'm in my third year of Japanese.
I've had many users over the years PM me for advice or clarification on a rule or "what would I do" scenarios because they're afraid to ask a mod or GH and the users are quite grateful with my answer that explains it in detail.
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby luxray; » Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:05 pm

What date did you register as a CS member?:
Around June 2011 c:
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying):
Almost 19000, and it probably will be up to that by the time you check this.
Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval:
How many days a week do you usually visit CS?
Everyday, unless there is an outstanding circumstance that requires me to be off for the whole day.
How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit?
At least 3, and usually it's 4-6, more on weekends.
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them
Yes, but they've all fallen apart, for one reason or another. I'm also the Head Mod on several Minecraft servers, which may not sound that impressive, but I need to filter through spam and bad language and everything else, as well as deal with people there.
Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS?
I want to be able to give back to this great community. I've felt at home here ever since I first joined, and I want to help out with the website by becoming a moderator. I've been an active member of the community for awhile now, (excluding a period of time that I took off due to a family emergency) so I think I am qualified to become a moderator here, and I'm up for the challenge, since I love helping people out!
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position?
I've taken courses on peer mediation, and because of those classes, which were very recent, maybe a few months ago, I feel like I've become very level-headed and better with dealing with people c: Also, I'm very good at answering questions about the site, because I've been here so long.

Thank you!
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Re: Global Mods wanted - apply within!

Postby Tru » Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:00 pm

What date did you register as a CS member?: (if it's less than 8 months ago, do not apply)
October 4th, 2008
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): (if it's less than 300, do not apply)
Without posting your age, are you old enough (and willing) to risk seeing adult content when screening posts that are waiting for moderator approval: (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the first post again)
I am
How many days a week do you usually visit CS?
How many hours per day do you usually spend on CS, on a day that you do visit?
A minimum of 3 hours, though normally more.
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them
I have, but the sites have long since been deleted.
Now the important question: Why do you want to be a moderator for CS?
As a long time member of the community, I wish to give more back to it. I see problem areas and things like art theft that I feel I can be a greater asset to than just pressing the report button. I am a hard worker and and just wish to make this community a better and safer place for all members.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) (for example do you speak any other languages, or have you had any experience in peer mediation?)
I have been a peer moderator since my high school years as well as being a counselor at local camps. I know how to talk to people and try to calmly and rationally to try and get them to understand the situation. Even if I am yelled at, I can keep a cool head. I know some Spanish and am currently learning more.
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