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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby Nadine » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:14 am

SummerLoveZ wrote:
Hey there. I have a serious question to ask about applying. I am going to be 16 in two weeks. Since my birthday is so close, am I allowed to apply?

Tess wrote:No, I'm sorry, but if you're not 16 at the time of applying then your application will not be considered.

It may seem stupid to exclude people when they're just a few weeks or months away from being 16, but that's the youngest age we would be willing to accept, and we'll prefer people even older than that. If you're not even 16 yet then you'd have a hard time competing against older applicants that meet all the criteria.

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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby SaltyTrigger » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:18 am

(Do NOT apply if you are aged 15 or younger, no excuses.)
What date did you register as a CS member?: December 1, 2011
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying):1121
How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day? 7 days a week and about 3-6 hours a day. I have it on my phone so I'm able to be reached at any time.
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them. Not on CS.
Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? If there are any places in particular, please link to them. Yes. TimberWood, and Spectrum
Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before? Yes
Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS? I love to roleplay and I know the rules. I have had one warning before but it was because I wasn't aware that you couldn't use the images from google.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) (for example have you run your own roleplay website before, or have you had any experience in peer mediation?) I have experience running my own roleplay site and I was a peer mediator when I was in High School and Mid-High. I love helping and keeping everything in order.
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby saige. » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:16 pm

      What date did you register as a CS member?:
      I joined Chickensmoothie on February 4th, 2010. It'll be three years in just a few weeks from now.
      How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying):
      At the time of creating this post, I have made 15,119
      How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day?
      Although I do not post every day, I generally am on all days of the week. Admittedly my activity did drop for a time due to an art project that consumed a large portion of my day, but now that has passed and finals are over, I finally have time to regain my activity and be a part of the community once more. Now that I am back once again, my hours will return to a constant 3-6 hours on weekdays and maybe 9+ hours on weekends.
      Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them
      I have moderated sites one of my best friends created in the past, but since the only members of said site were our close friends and us of course, no real moderating was put into place, as it was not needed. The sites died fairly quickly and the links to them were lost over time.
      Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? If there are any places in particular, please link to them.
      Chickensmoothie was the first place I participated in when it came to roleplaying and where I was first introduced to it. I did attempt to branch out and joined a still-active group on deviantART, which I am no longer part of. Other sites I attended include a few WetPaint sites whose names I have long forgotten and they most likely do not exist anymore, and the few sites my friend created which I was a moderator for.
      Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before?
      Hundreds I'm sure. In the beginning years of my time on Chickensmoothie, I had joined many of the more illiterate ones, as that was the limit of my talent at the time. As the days progressed, I bettered myself as a role player to the point where I currently consider myself a literate [perhaps a lower one by my standards] and still joined more to keep improving. Currently I am not part of any that are public, but I do wish to join some soon as the threads catch my eye.
      Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS?
      For the nearly three years I have been on Chickensmoothie, I've always felt as if I should give back to the community that provided all the friends I know today that I hold dear to my heart and for introducing me to the wonders of role playing to begin with. Being able to write and create with others in a manner that we all can enjoy has helped me to become a better writer and overall better person, as odd as that may sound.
      In the past I have seen many good people be robbed of their creations, whether it's an idea, a character, or even a format, by users with a guilt-free conscious and used pitifully to try and make themselves seem like worthy people. Speaking from experience when having to handle with theft on multiple accounts, whether it was something stolen from myself or from a dear friend, I will not stand to see anything like that progress further and ruin an environment for someone. Stopping theft is a main goal of mine that I wish to achieve. With the help from the innocent who wish to see the injustices stopped as much as I do, I want to make Chickensmoothie a website where anyone can role play freely without having to fret over someone stealing their hard work and claiming it as their own.
      In addition to this, I would also like to perhaps educate some of the users on what should be and should not be in their posts they make on role plays. Finding some posts in the past, inappropriate situations and circumstances occurred and unfortunately they were not caught right away, or at all to my knowledge. If I were to become a role playing moderator, I would inform and correct those who make mistakes so a repeat of those actions do not happen again where younger children are at risk of being exposed to profanities and certain extremes of violence.

      Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position
      As a given, unbiasedness will of course be included in what I can bring to the position, as it should be the skill of all moderators who look after a forum. A small little talent I do take pride in, as well as be a touch ashamed of, is sleuthing. I have a tendency to look into situations to get the facts I need, or information I am seeking to give to another in order to shed some light onto a situation. Say a problem arises and someone is in need of some evidence to better understand what is going on or about another person [reasons as such being the person could be suspected of theft in the past and the person wanting information wants to be sure about their suspicion]. I will gladly look into the details for them and help to fix the problem. I admit that explanation was a little foggy, but in general I could consider myself to be a bit of a 'private investigator', if that helps clear up any confusion.
      Aside from that any skill or talent that would be required of me would be the obvious duties and abilities to be asked for from any other monitor of this site.

      --thank you in advance for the consideration,
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby corvidous » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:35 pm

I apologize before hand for any coding errors, spelling errors, or the such. I'm typing this up on an IPad.
Thank you for the opportunity as well~

What date did you register as a CS member?:
June 11th, 2011.
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 4,881
How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day?;
I visit every day, unless my Internet is down, which happens rarely, and can be easily fixed. I spend anywhere from three hours to six hours on CS a day, and other websites such as Felisfire.
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them;
I have moderated on a role playing website called Sunwolves, which was of high literacy levels. Due to inactivity of the site and its normal members, the site soon died, and was removed from the host server. I moderated for about two months before it went under.
Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? If there are any places in particular, please link to them;
I have- You can find me in theWarrior Books forums as Erikon. I've helped answer questions and douse the drama that has been caused by their yearly competition.
Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before?;
I have! Not many recently, I admit, due to issues in real life, but I have actively taken part in many role-plays before. I created my own roleplays a while ago, but they ultimately flopped.
Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS?
I want to give back to the community and help improve the roleplaying boards' reputation and make it more attractive to all crowds and levels of roleplaying. Right now, the boards don't appeal to all levels nor do they have the best reputation overall. I would love to help change this.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position;
I was a peer-mediator in middle and high school, and grew up with four siblings, so I posses some moderating skills. I have been a moderator on a website before {Sunwolves} and have actively participated in role-playes before.


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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby Ohkami » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:27 pm

1.What date did you register as a CS member?: July 24, 2010.
2.How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 1,275 post.
3.How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day? Normally seven days a week. On weekdays, I would say I am on about 3-4 hours after work. During the weekdays it depends, but normally 5+ hours.
4.Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them No.
5.Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? Yes. I used to play on RPGs all the time. These included the old web-based RPGs and e-mail RPGs. I ahve not played on any in about seven years now, so do not know of the URLs anymore, sadly. Also, I know that many of them are no longer up and running.
6.Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before? Yes. I'm in about four as of this post.
7.Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS? The rules on here, are here due to the age of some people on CS. Due to this, I'm okay with them, and would like to keep the site child-friendly. Also, if the rules are broken, then the RPG forums could be forced to shut-down if no one is ehre to help keep things in order. Due to this, it would be an honor to help out. Even just helping out people not seeing what they are doing is wrong.
8.Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position?: I have owned and managed four of my own RPGs, and was force, at times, to settle things OOC both with OOC and IC conflicts. I no longer own any of these, due to the time it took to keep them ready and up. Only one of the RPGs had a co-owner. Two were web-site based, one e-mail, and the other was forum-like. I also feel like I am fair, open, and willing to hear people out, but also one to let take action when needed.
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby mundy » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:42 pm

1.What date did you register as a CS member?: Apr 03, 2009.
2.How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 12052
3.How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day?: I always check at least once a day, but when I do have reason to post or other reason to be on, it's for several hours stretched along the day.
4.Have you moderated on any other forums before? This Club, This RP.
5.Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? Yes, Mainly through AIM or Tumblr. (Tumblr example: X
6.Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before?: More than I could count.
7.Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS?: Considering how long I've been a member and participated in the RP threads, I can definitely vouch for the need of good moderating over some specific types of topics. (art theft; explicit content, etc.)
8.Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position: Repeated Peer Mediation between friends or other roleplayers, Moderation and High reading level/writing level.
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby LunaWolf28 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:05 pm

What date did you register as a CS member?: Jun 20, 2009

How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 1000

How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day? Every day, pretty much all day. I'm always on if I can be.

Have you moderated on any other forums before? as a general moderator. as a general board mod.

Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? iscribble and wajas, deviantart, and many others

Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before? A few, but to be honest I've mostly roleplayed outside of CS

Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS? I know the rules, I am on ALL the time, and vulgar or rude language does not upset me. I am confident I can handle situations. Since I have been an active member for so long I feel as though I need to give back to the community, and I am able, so why not.

Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) (for example have you run your own roleplay website before, or have you had any experience in peer mediation?)
I am always the go-to girl for situations that need smoothing out. I have a high reading/writing level for my age (17 yrs, 2 years in college.) I am a fair, open-minded person, and will hear everyone's side to a story before acting, but that does not mean I will hesitate to do what I need to do.

Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Best of luck to all others applying!
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby Q.U.ITTING » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:08 pm

What date did you register as a CS member?: July 31, 2012
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 312
How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day? I try to get on everyday for at least an hour.
Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them No
Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? If there are any places in particular, please link to them. No, not that I truly like.
Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before? Yes
Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS? I would like to be a mod for CS because I have seen some inappropriate things before, so I would just like to get a stop to it before it gets too late.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) No, sorry.
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby DarkSummerShimmer » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:08 pm

What date did you register as a CS member?: Feb 6, 2011
How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): (2415
How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day? everyday, depends on work hours but at least 2 hours a day
Have you moderated on any other forums before? [url][/url] I am co owner and co founder
Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? [url][/url].
Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before? Yes i love rping on here
Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS? I think I would be really go. i love checking new roleplays! i think that being a moderator would be a great way to find new roleplays.
Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position: I have owned many sites and have been co-owner to many sites as well.

Thank you for taking your time to consider me as a new Roleplay moderator.
I am finally back after a few month break from CS. In glad to be back and cant wait to rp with tons of people!
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Re: Roleplay Moderators - Now hiring! (age 16+)

Postby Bill » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:57 pm

1.What date did you register as a CS member?: Thu Jul 09, 2009

2.How many posts have you made in the forum (at the time of applying): 300 exactly! This will be my lucky 301st post.

3.How many days a week do you usually visit CS, and how many hours do you usually spend per day? I am on every day, and the time varies. Usually more then two hours, on and off. I take a few online classes so I always have a computer attached to my hip.

4.Have you moderated on any other forums before? If so, please link to them. I have not moderated any other forums before, but I am a moderator on the site DogDayzz

5.Have you participated in many roleplays outside of CS before? If there are any places in particular, please link to them. None outside of CS, all my role playing is done here, because the other sites I am on don’t allow it.

6.Have you participated in many roleplays on CS before? Yes, I would say more then six but less than 15.

7.Why do you want to be a roleplay moderator for CS? I think that being a CS roleplay mod would be a very fun and fulfilling. I would like to give back to the wonderful community of CS, and make sure it is a fun and safe environment for all of the members, whatever age they may be. I think my kind and outgoing personality would be a good fit with the rest of the staff, and I think that my people skills would also help when dealing with members. I think I could effectively and positively enforce the CS rules, and also teach the newer players the do’s and don’ts of the CS RP forum.

8.Can you think of any particular skills you can bring to the position (this is not required) I have previous moderation skills with the site DogDayzz. I have been a mod on the site for over a year, and love every moment of it! I was also a member of my high schools peer mediation group for a little under a year until I graduated. I would have loved to continue with it though!
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