My Adoptables

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My Adoptables

Postby Mossbrook » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:20 am

"I walk a lonely road,
The only one that I have ever known.
Don't know where it goes,
But it's home to me and I walk alone.

I walk this empty street,
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
When the city sleeps,
And I'm the only one and I walk alone."
------- Green Day

I am looking to adopt...
Kennel number:
Calli Kardia (Calli for short)
Meaning- Calli Kardia means beautiful heart in Greek
Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:
I made my fursona up when I started reading the Warrior Cat series, but that was many years ago. I still use her for Warrior Cat RPs, but I really have been looking for another fursona. I have begun to like rats recently, and I even have two pet rats. This little rat looked so cute I couldn't help making this form! I am hoping to make her my new fursona, and probably write a story about her in my free time.
Calli is a very friendly rat. She never meets anyone without a smile on her muzzle and a friendly greeting. Everyone she has ever met things she is kind, except for her old colony. They use to think she was the most well-mannered rat in New York, but when they saw her with her new appearance they seemed to forgot everything they ever knew about her. Calli is shy, and tends to be very self -conscious. They only rat she feels like she can be herself around is Rayy, who seems to bring out her brave side. She can be fearless around him, but she is scared of humans no matter what. They have brought nothing but terror to her life, and she will never forget that. She is very loyal to the nine other rats in her colony. Also, she always keeps her word. She promised the 2nd youngest rat in her litter, Tibby, that she would visit him once a week. No matter what could stand in her way, there is no way she would ever break that promise. Although her life is a happy one now, it hasn't always been. Most of her childhood was about fighting for what she needed to survive. And after she was rejected from the old colony, Calli spent most of her time sulking. Finding her friends didn't even cross her mind. She became someone who never talked, and thought about her past every second of the day. She didn't think anything could make her life better. She was lonely, and felt like she was alone in the world with no one to cheer her up. Now she is a gleeful rat, but memories of her past still haunt her. Rayy seems to make everything in her life better. He has gone through many of the same hardships Calli has, and she feels safe around him. She doesn't want to admit it, but she has a crush on him.
- Friendship
- Swimming
- Her old colony
- Life
- Loyalty
- Being social
- Baby rats. She finds them adorable
- Humans
- Captivity
- Labs
- Sorrowful memories
- Annoying or clueless rats
Calli was born in the sewers of New York. She was the runt of a litter of 15. She was a small, light brown female with black eyes. She lived in a colony made up of her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and many cousins. There were many colonies in the sewers of New York, and they all had to fight for food. Most colonies ate trash, but Calli's family was different. They didn't want trash, they wanted human food. All the mature rats in her colony would go out at night and steal from restaurants around New York. Calli had a hard time growing up, for she wasn't only the runt of the litter, but the smallest in her colony. She had to fight through the crowds of mice to get to the food that was brought home. Calli was the kindest rat in her colony, even if she was the smallest. That was when she was given the name Calli Kardia, so that everyone would know of her kind heart. She spent her whole childhood trying to survive within a family of thousands. It was miserable, but poor Calli tried to make the best of it. Within a month, Calli and her fourteen siblings were almost young adults. They were old enough to go out at night with the others. The colony allowed for them to go to a restaurant of choice, with the first born as leader. The first born, Velox, named for his swiftness, lead the fifteen of them into a restaurant where they began stealing. They gathered all they could carry, but right when they were about to leave the lights flickered on and a human appeared. All the rats scurried to get out, but the second youngest, a male named Tibby, was not fast enough. He was about to get picked up by a human, but Calli couldn't bear it. Tibby had a future while she did not. She dreamed of being leader of the colony someday, but that would never happen. She pushed Tibby out of the way as the human picked her up. Tibby looked up at her, his eyes full of thanks and terror. "Go!" Calli screeched, motioning for him to leave. Tibby scurried out with the others, leaving her alone in the human's hand. It walked over to a closet and opened the door. Then Calli's black eyes widened in horror. There was a cage in the closet, along with poison and traps. She squeaked and struggled, but the human put her into the cage. She curled up in the corner, feeling alone and defeated. She lay there for what seemed like hours, until she finally drifted off to sleep.
Calli woke up to find herself into a room with white walls and checkered tile. Her cage was on a gray colored counter, along with nine other cages with a rat in each. She blinked in confusion and said into the somewhat empty room, "Where am I?" A gray rat from the cage beside her looked up. "Your in a lab. Like the rest of us." He replied, his voice slightly fearful. Calli looked around at the other rats to see that they all looked scared. They all looked like runts, like her, and they all had solid fur colors. They were either white, gray, black, or different shades of brown. Why would anyone want runts like us? She asked herself before turning to the gray rat. He shrugged and opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by the sound of a door knob being turned. All the rats turned their attention to the door as two humans in white walked in. One of them walked over to the cages and observed the ten rats while the other walked over to a cabinet. It pulled a needle with clear liquid in it. That's when all the rats started to freak out. Calli didn't know what it was, but it was sharp and the others were scared of it. Calli scampered frantically around her cage, looking for a way out. The human with the needle walked over to the cages and spoke with the other man before reaching towards Calli's cage. She glanced over at the gray rat who looked at her with sorrowful eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered as the cage was unlocked. The human whose hands were free picked up Calli, who was still staring at the gray rat hopefully. The human held her while the needle came closer and closer. Calli let out a squeak and struggled, but she knew it was helpless. She felt the needle sink into her skin and the world went black.
Calli's eyes flickered open to find herself in a dark room. All her muscles ached and she had a terrible headache. She groaned and blinked her eyes once more. Then she noticed something strange: she could see perfectly in the dark. Rats could normally see in the dark, but there had to be a little bit of light in the background. This room was completely dark, and she could see. Calli looked around to find herself in a cage, with all other nine rats. The others were asleep, except for the gray rat. Yet, he looked incrediblly different. His eyes were a dull green instead of black, and he had neon green spiral markings all over his gray fur. When he spotted Calli, he stared at her. "What happened to you?" She asked in a whisper. He blinked in confusion and padded up to her curiously. "I would ask the same to you. You have blue eyes and electric blue markings! And you don't look like a runt anymore!" He exclaimed as he stared at her in disbelief. Calli froze, and for a moment she forgot to breath. She padded over to the other side of the cage, for there was a mirror lying down on the counter. When she looked at the mirror, she gasped. The other rat was right, she did look strange. Dread filled her, yet she felt joy as well. She wasn't the size of a runt anymore! She was almost as tall as Velox! The other rat joined her by the mirror, and he seemed to have the same reaction. Then Calli looked at the other eight rats. They all looked like her and the gray rat, but they all had different designs and patterns. Calli didn't know if she should be in awe or full of terror. Sighing, she asked, "What's your name?" The gray rat looked over at her and smiled. "My name is Rayy, although I'm not sure it fits me anymore. What about you?" She managed a small smile back before replying, "Calli. Nice to meet you, Rayy." Rayy's formerly scared looking eyes were now delighted as he said, "It's nice to meet you too, Calli." Hours went past as they told each other their stories. Calli went first, and then it was Rayy's turn. Rayy was the runt of a litter of five, an unusually small one for a rat. He lived in a large colony, made up of many different families. He had gone out alone to explore the streets of New York when he was captured. When they were both done, all the rats were awake. They quickly figured out they were different. "Now we need to escape," a large black rat with red eyes and markings announced. Calli suddenly felt full of excitement. She could go back to her family, and so could Rayy! All the rats were murmuring happily, explaining about getting to go home. The black rat cleared his throat to make the group quiet down. "We can do this right now if we can be quick about it. Does anyone know how to unlock a cage?" An awkward moment of silence followed. All the rats had been captured and their colony. None of them knew anything about human technology. "I do," a rasping voice replied. Calli looked over to see an albino rat with yellow eyes and markings raising his paw. "Good!" The black rat bellowed with a grin. "How did you learn that?" The crazy looking white rat hesitated. He looked so unusually that it was not hard to imagine him with the pink eyes of a crazed albino rat. "All nine of you had a colony, I didn't," he began. "I was bred for being a lab rat, and this isn't the first time I have been experimented on. After awhile, I began to learn about human technology." The black rat's grin grew and he was about to speak, but he was interrupted by a female dark brown rat with purple marking. "I'm a master escape artist, or at least as good as a rat can be. I've broken my friends and I out of plenty of pet stores." The black rat nodded and looked at the albino rat. "You two may begin." The albino rat padded over to the cage and got up on his hind legs. Calli watched in amazement as he gripped the cage bars tightly with his front left paw. Then he did something when his right paw on the lock and Calli heard it click open. The black rat chuckled. "Great! Now Glinna, it's your turn." The dark brown rat nodded and padded up to the unlocked cage door. She took a step back before pushing off with her hind legs and jumping out of the cage. She fell through the air before landing on all fours. "Come on, Brody! Rammor, you too!" The black rat, Brody, followed her example, but didn't land as gracefully as Glinna. Then Rammor, the albino rat, went next. Rayy went next, followed by all the others until Calli was left inthe cage. She slowly padded up to the edge of the cage and looked down. "I'll catch you!" Rayy called up to her. His offer made her feel a little bit better, so she jumped off. To her surprise, she landed safely on Rayy's back. He smiled at her as she slide off his back. "That wasn't so hard," he said in a soothing voice. Calli nodded just as Glinna spoke up. "Alright, so we need to made a whole in the base board. Help me chew one." She commands the group. Then she began to use her teeth to chip away pieces of the wooden base board. All of the ten rats joined in, and they chewed until their jaws were numb. "Great job! Just a little more!" Brody exclaimed just as the light came on. Calli looked up to see a human standing in the doorway. "Hurry!" Rammor squealed. They continued, but they just weren't fast enough. Calli panicked for a moment, for more humans were beginning to come in the room, screaming. Without thinking, Calli threw herself at the place on the base boards where they had been chewing. She heard a snap as the wood broke, opening up the whole. "Good thinking!" Brody complemented her. "Now come on!" He lead the way as the rats scampered out of the lab and left it behind them forever. They traveled through the walls for hours, until an entrance to the sewers came into view. "This is where we leave each other," Brody spoke in a sorrowful voice. Even though she had only known them for a few days, Calli had been through so much with these rats and didn't wish to leave them. Yet, she had a family to go back to. All the rats were about to split up, but were stopped by Rammor. "I don't have a colony to go back to," he whispered, his lemon yellow eyes were sorrowful. "I doubt my colony will want me back," Brody spoke up. "I have done things in the past that will make them think twice about my return. You can start our own colony, Rammor." The albino rat's face lit up with delight. "Really?!" He exclaimed, getting a nod from Brody. "Does anyone else wish to join?" The black rat asked. A male dark gray rat with pink eyes and markings, Oxyus, and a female cream rat with olive colored eyes and markings, Pacis, padded to Brody's side. The black rat nodded and the four of them walked away. The other six watched them leave before beginning to depart. Calli glanced at Rayy. "Thanks for everything," she whispered with a sad smile. Rayy managed a small grin and nudged her with his muzzle. "I'll see ya around, Calli," he said before padding off. Calli didn't even want to move. Rayy had been the only rat that had ever cared for her at all. She wipped away a small tear with her front paw before padding off in the direction her colony lived in. She traveled until the sun shown through the entrances to the New York sewers. That was when the familiar territory of her colony came into view. She looked around, but she couldn't see anyone. Then a small flash of brown caught her eyes and she turned around to see Tibby. "Tibby!" Calli called to her brother. Tibby turned around and stared at her in disbelief. He seemed freaked out at her appearance, but a small smile grew on his muzzle. "Calli! You're alive!" He cried before running over to her and burying his muzzle in her shoulder. Calli smiled in delight for the first time in awhile. "Come on! Mum and dad need to know you're alive!" He urged as he began to pad away. She followed him into the main area of the colony territory where everyone was gathered. When she entered, they all turned to stare at her. She explained what had happened, but still only Tibby seemed happy about her returning. Shouts of "It's not natural!", "She's a monster!", "She's not the same Calli!", and more broke out among the crowd of her family. Even her own parents and siblings were shouting things. Tears grew in Calli's blue eyes as she listened. Then she turned around and ran out of eyeshot, not caring about anything anymore. All she wanted was to go home, but they had denied her! "Calli! Calli, wait!" Tibby's cry echoed through her ears. Then Tibby appeared beside her, his black eyes filled with tears. "You can't leave, Calli! You saved my life! Let me come too!" For a moment, Calli considered this. She wanted her brother once to come with her, but then she remembered why she went to the lab in the first place. Tibby had a life at the colony, and she did not. "No... You have to stay here, Tibby. But I promise to visit you every week." Calli replied with a shaky voice. Tibby sniffed, staring up at her with big eyes. "Under the restaurant you saved me at, this time of the week?" Tibby asked hopefully. Calli nodded and nudged her brother the way that Rayy had to her. "I promise. Now go," she said quietly. Tibby nodded and padded away slowly. The next few days Calli didn't know what to do. She roamed the sewers, trying to avoid all the colonies. She was filled with misery, and she felt like she had no purpose. She walked around for days, until one day there was a small flood. The pipe she was walking in was three-fourths filled with water. She fought to get to the top, and to her dismay she began to swim. Rats, weren't usually good swimmers, but she could do it without any struggle. She swam until she reached a dry pipe, where she fell asleep.
"Calli? Are you ok?" A voice echoed through her ears. Calli blinked her eyes open to see Rayy leaning over her with a concerned look on his face. "Rayy!" She squeaked happily as she hopped to her paws. The gray rat with bright green eyes and lime green spiral markings smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "What are you doing here?" Calli asked, too gleeful to be ask how he found her. "My colony rejected me. I joined Brody's colony. All the others have come back to join. All of them except for you," Rayy replied, making Calli blinked in surprise. Rayy was rejected too? All the lab rats had joined a colony. She was sad that none of them went back to their colony, but she was overjoyed that she could see them all again, and better yet be in a colony with them. "Can I join?" Calli asked, her eyes full of hope. Rayy chuckled, his green eyes sparkling. "Of course! You're one of us too! Come on," he replied before padding away. Calli had heard 'Come on' alot lately, but this was the only one that really meant anything to her. She followed Rayy to a place where the pipes became wider, and that was where the eight other lab rats were. Unlike her family, they were over joyed to see her. She joined the colony, and kept her promise to meet Tibby every week. But it hasn't been long since she was rejoined with Rayy and the others. Calli is still concerned about the humans finding them, but at least now she didn't feel so alone. She didn't feel like she was alone anymore, for there were nine other rats who had gone through the same thing. Or had all been rejected at least.
Will add!
Members of the Colony
• Brody- male black rat with red eyes and markings. Leader.
• Rammor- male albino rat with yellow eyes and markings. Expert in Human Technology; Super Smart
• Glinna- female dark brown rat with violet eyes and markings, also unusually skinny even for a rat. Master Escape Artist.
• Rayy- male gray rat with green eyes and markings. Swiftest Rat Known to the Colonies.
• Calli- female light brown rat with blue eyes and markings. Best Swimmer Known to the Colonies.
• Oxyus- male dark gray rat with pink eyes and markings. Super Sharp Claws; Best at Fighting
• Audira- female pitch black rat with white eyes and markings. Has Unusally Good Hearing.
• Pacis- female cream colored rat with olive colored eyes and markings. A Peacemaker.
• Virum- female pale gray rat with orange eyes and markings. Incredible Healer.
• Kudo- male orange rat with beige eyes and markings. Strongest Rat Known to the Colonies.

Forever Flowing
Forever Flowing
Fox by SarahSaphire
Forever Flowing is a caring fox who loves to swim. She is either kind or curious about everyone she meets. She listens more then she talks, but when she gets the chance she will yip to her heart's contint.
Forever Flowing never knew her father, but yet she grew up happily with her mother in the forest, but that was not the right place for her. Humans broke into her den, killed her mother, and stole her. They tried to put her in a cage in the back of their car, but after alot of struggling she got free and ran into the forest. Alone and scared, she had no idea what to do until she crossed paths with a raccoon. The strange creature befriended her and they soon started helping each other survive. Forever Flowing has been happy ever since, and the raccoon ever found a small pond she could swim in. Delighted, Forever Flowing decided to keep that happy life forever. That is where she got her perminate name, Forever Flowing, because she choice to forever live the happy life with the raccoon and her amazing pond.
I, Mossbrook, promise to take care of Forever Flowing and give them the
love and affection that every character deserves.

Kennel number:
Fennec Fox
Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:
I want to make a roleplay character after him. I think it would be fun.
He is kind and caring towards his friends, but is grumpy and sly in general. Coon loves to cause trouble which makes him cautious and alert as well. He is a quiet fennec fox and adores causing others discomfort. Coon is also intellegent. He's not mean, he's just suspious of everyone.
The a navy blue bandana he found while sneaking around twon one day. He also likes looking at the flames in the campsites of people who visit the forest he lives in.
Water, bear, cats, human houses, human junk, and horses. Mostly horses.
Coon grew up with his parents, but his mother died when he was 2 months old. His dad had a chance to teach him how to survive and their last lesson went a little like this.
The small fennec fox glanced up at the adult fox whose muzzle wouldn't stop blurtting out words. Please stop it all ready, dad. The young fox thought with a grumble as his father padded towards a paint horse gazing nearby. "You see,Coon, this is a horse. He's a stallon, so you mustn't get to close to him. I have been doing this for year, so I know how to handle these sort of things." The old adult fennec fox boast as he continued his speech. Coon rolled his soft blue eyes at his kin and turned his head towards the ush forest. "I can't wait to go there someday,"He whispered. As day dreams began to fill his mind, a blood curtling screech echoed through his over sized ears. As Coon whirled around, dread covered his heart and a bellow left his jaw. "No, father!" He yelled when he saw the stallon lifting up it's hoof and stomping on Coon's father. His dad bacame limp and his eyes grew dull and painful. The sight was too gruesome for Coon, but he howled and leaped at the horse. His mud-stained claws dug into the stallon's back. It whinned and easily threw the tiny fox off. Coon was forced to flee, but as he raced into the forest he looked at his father for the last time. The wounded fox weakly reached torwards his son before the paint ave a fatal blew to the fennec fox's small head. Coon quickly turned forward so that he wouldn't have to see his father's last breath. A large tear slithered down Coon's face as he dartted away from the meadow.
So he lived alone, with no friend in the world, living in the forest and sneaking into the human neighborhoods every once and awhile. One day he came across a navy blue bandana whiletrying to get into a human backyard. He instantly grew fond of it. That one thing made him want to change his life. He made a friend, a little sparrow, and his new hobby became staring at the flames of campfires. It was rare to see the campers so he learned to enjoy it while it lasted. The sparrow and him found adventures to go on and finds out that there are bears wanting scare away the campers, which gives the great sorrow, but they can't do anything about it. The bears would kill them easily if they tried.
If it's ok, I would like to add a navy blue bandana around his neck.

Custom Form
Username: Mossbrook
Pets Name: Sunset
Pets Gender: Male
Background Design ( optional) : None
What expression do you want your pet to have? : A smile and widened eyes
Referance: Image
Extra Items and Details: None
Who would you like to make it? ( the payment will be sent to the artist you choose): Dattebayo

Midnight and Myst
-Kennel number-
Midnight and Myst
Midnight = Wolf
Myst = Ghost Wolf
-Why do you want this animal(s) and what will you do for it?-
I'm working on putting a picture of them and some of the other foxes or wolves I have adopted in my siggie, but I don't have much free time so that might take awhile. I am also making an roleplay for wolves and foxes so I would love to use them in that or other roleplays. I'll make art about them, and I love to write stories so I can write a story about them as well.
Midnight = Midnight was always a joyful wolf, and he has always loved Myst since the day he met her. He is most sorrowful that he can't really be with Myst, that his dream of having a happy life with her will never really happen. Yet she talks to him, but she can't touch him or hunt with him. She can't hold onto anything for she is a ghost. Midnight hates that his life with Myst is limited. He wants nothing more then to have a happy life with her. But this dream could never be reality, and Midnight could not seem to bare this, which brings him even more heartache.
Myst = Myst is not as sorrowful as Midnight. She knows she is dead, and that can not change. She only feels happiness, love, and pity. Pity for Midnight. That he is alive, for if he were dead they could live a life that they could never have lived alive. When you are dead, their is no more pain or suffering. Everything is perfect--if you don't hang out with the living. She loves Midnight, and can't bear to leave him, but he is to alone. He knows no one but her.
Midnight = Myst, hunting, solitude, freedom, darkness, talking, the moon, night time, stars, beauty, family
Myst = Midnight, being a ghost, darkness, freedom, loyalty, friendship, socailizing, beauty, life, family
Midnight = His past, other alive wolves, bears, socializing, humans, conflict, death
Myst = Her past, Midnight's solitude, solitude, bears, humans, being alive
Midnight and Myst were both born in a deep and dark cave, with many twisting tunnels. Their mothers were good friends who both happened to have their pups around the same time, and they wanted them to be safe from danger while they grew up, so they raised them in the cave. Midnight had one brother, and they were older than Myst and her brother and sister by a day or two. Midnight's brother was the runt of the litter and Myst's siblings were younger then her as well. The two mothers started to train the cubs one day, they split up while the sun was high out side. Myst's mother was better with children, so she would take Fog and Brook, Myst's litter mates, and Falcon, Midnight's brother, to teach. Midnight's mother was a better teacher, but she didn't care as much about the pups' feeling so she was stuck with Midnight and Myst. To start off their first day of training, the litters' fathers came to talk to them. They left, promising to take the pups out hunting in the daylight soon enough. Then they split up to leave the main hollow of the cave. They did this for a year and a half, learning how to see in the shadows of the dark, how to fight, how to hunt, and how to survive the wild until they were all grown up and their mothers and fathers left them. Fog, Brook, and Falcon were happily to live their own lives, and they parted in different ways. But Midnight and Myst remained together. Their friendship was unbreakable. They even liked each other more then friends... But that didn't matter. Not now. They had to find a place to live. They search all day for a whole week until they found a perfect den. It was a small cave, compared to the one they grew up in, under a hill. it had only one entrance, and it was beautiful. Although Midnight and Myst crushed on each other, they thought of themselves more as partners. Myst was snow white and Midnight was pitch black, with white markings. They hunted every night at dawn, for another half a year. They were two years old, adults in dog years, when a bear attacked their den. They only thing they could do was fight. They dodge they attacks the bear struck at them, but they were to slow to make any their own. Midnight darted at the bear trying, to get on top of it, but the bear flung him off. Then it walked up to him to kill him, but the bear didn't have a chance. Pearly white teeth clamped around the bear's neck as Myst attacked it, but the bear swung her off, and she hit a tree. Myst let out a yowl of pain before collapsing. Out raged, Midnight raced towards the bear and bit its throat, killing it as Myst had tried. He padded to Myst's side to find her almost dead. "Midnight..." She rasped, getting a concerned glance from Midnight. "What?" He asked, paniced. Myst managed a faint smile before lying her head down and whispering, "I love you. Don't ever forget that I will never forget you." A salty tear dripped from Midnight's face as he whimpered, "Please don't go. Don't leave me behind." Myst began to stare blankly into space, btu she managed her last few words. "But I must." Midnight was so shocked at his soul mate's sudden death that he didn't know what else to do except for go back to his den in sorrow. When night fell he padded out, his eyes stung with tears. He sat down by the tree, but to his surprise Myst's body was gone. Sadly, he lifted his muzzle and howled hoping to contact Fog, Brook, or Falcon. Suddenly, a sweet howl of a wolf responded. He looked beside him to see a ghostly version of Myst sitting beside him, and a few chains wrapped around her. He was sad she was dead, but happily he could still see her. So he went back to his den and the ghost of Myst followed. That night they both slept in the den, but Myst was gone in the morning. As he emerged from the den the wind whispered in his ear, I walk at your side, my love. So that is where he is now. Spending his days with the ghost of Myst and he is soon to find new friends as well.
-Roleplay Sample-
(I am just adding this for fun.)
A small yip of joy echoed throughout the deep tunnels in the undergrowth. The excited squeak was followed by a silent scolding, for the Midnight's mother did not wish for a fox to hear them. "Did you know that foxes could come in here any moment and kill you two?!" The brown wolf growled quietly, her cream tipped tail flicked as she became annoyed. The half grown wolf pup coward, racing behind a black wolf with white markings. The black wolf pup stared up at his mother in pity, hoping she would choose not to nag at Myst any longer. The shaggy brown wolf rolled her eyes, shifting her cream colored paws. "Let's just get on with it, shall we? Remember, when you are fighting always be prepared to snap your jaws shut. Your teeth are your best weapon in a fight, for we can not move our fron legs as cats can. Let's try it. Myst, come over here please," the mother said softly. The snow white wolf hid her face behind Midnight, her blue eyees shining with fear. The small, sleek black pup turned around to face his friend. "It's ok, Myst." he whispered as he nudged her with his wet, black nose. "She won't hurt you." The pure white wolf pup whimpered and replied, "I trust you, really I do, but I don't trust her." The tiny black wolf cocked his head t the side and whispered, "None of us trust her, but she's harmless." Myst giggled slightly as stared into her friend's eyes. He seemed like he had really believed what he had said. If he thinks that is true, then I do as well. She told herself. She gave her head a small nod before slowly padding over to the brown adult wolf.
I'll try to add this if I have time.
I will also PM TigressJaguiar if I get them because that is what it says she wants the person who adopts them to do.

Username ; - Mossbrook
Why you want this immortal cat ; - Because immortal cats sounds like a great idea, and I would love to roleplay such a fantastic animal!
Did you read the rules? ; - Yes, I did.
Story (optional but boost) ; - She was the cat of a widow, and she loved her dearly, until she heard of this new potion. Then she ran away from her house and went to the lab to drink the potion. Then she became immortal, and was sent to the world of immortal cats. She emerged from the world for immortal cats with the others and her first thought was wondering what happened to the widow, but she was immortal so there is no way the widow was still alive.

(I'll add my Battle Cats later.)
Last edited by Mossbrook on Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:45 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Nickname: Mossy!
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Favorite Movie: Vampire Academy, the Butterfly Effect
Favorite TV Show: Scream Queens
The Song in My Head: Somebody to Die For by Hurts
Fursona: Calli Karda (Tattoo Rat)



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Re: My Adoptables

Postby i love silverstream » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:20 am

i want her
i used to be hmstar and i love silverstream is ganna soon be love da froggy!
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i love silverstream
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Re: My Adoptables

Postby Mossbrook » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:24 am

Sorry, but I'm not giving her away.
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