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study3 by catthias

Artist catthias [gallery]
Time spent 6 hours, 53 minutes
Drawing sessions 6
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Postby catthias » Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:58 am

HIII CHICKENSMOOTHIE its been a bit ig lolol

nyway i realized ive never drawn a cat on here which is v silly
started workin on this fella like last year n finally wanted 2 finish him!!!

ref 4 this drawing is from lucas pezeta on pexels, tysmmmm!! linklink

(oh yea forgot 2 sign it lol ill go back n do that later)

edit edit edit bc i just saw staff?? featured this on the front page?? wHAT are u serious immgsmdjsgs ;;;;; im crying idk what to say i. thank u so much @staff???? this like made my year ;;;
Last edited by catthias on Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: study3

Postby razr » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:06 am

??? THIS IS WILD??? realism is so impressive πŸ™ i love this
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Re: study3

Postby emblo » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:26 am

this looks amazing!!
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Re: study3

Postby doreet » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:50 am

Hi this kitty is so beautiful as well as realistic; that is not always the case with realism. I'd love to paint my Burmese Bella,and I have several photos of her on my phone;so you just upload your photo to the computer to copy your kitty?I'm not as good at android photos and transfers to computer, but you really inspired me with your painting.(I usually get photos of Bella's backside lying down,she's hard to pose.Now I really respect those wild life photographers!)--So I'll go ahead and try to do that.We're lucky we have such good art-software on here,I wish I privately owned it too!You know the site could raise money by selling programs to people?--Its a thought.--Thanks for painting this beautiful picture here.--Doreet :)
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Re: study3

Postby Sealipup » Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:50 am

    My cat jumped up to see when I clicked on this post LOL she approves, this is really great!!! :3

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Re: study3

Postby Nerve » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:14 pm

this looks like a p i c t u r e oh my goodness
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Re: study3

Postby woes » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:34 pm

This is gorgeous holy cow??? Absolutely fantastic work!! >:O
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Re: study3

Postby gardog » Mon Jan 15, 2024 8:40 pm

I don't think I'll ever understand how anyone has the patience to do realism

This looks I N C R E D I B L E :0

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Re: study3

Postby Sorawarriorcatfan » Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:39 am

HOW- WHAT- WHA- WHAT THE- HOWHA- ok your good. Like rlly good. Like rlly rlly good. HOW DID YOU DO THIS?
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Re: study3

Postby dragonspine » Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:58 am

this is so awesome!?? :D love the attention to detail

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