-ˏˋ just an illusion, after all ˊˎ-

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-ˏˋ just an illusion, after all ˊˎ-

Postby kyeza » Fri May 05, 2023 5:43 pm


    few who have journeyed this far have returned to tell the tale, yet many
    legends surround that which lies beyond the claws of the clouds. many
    have heard whispers of a vast, sunswept wasteland, no green in sight,
    not a cloud in the deep cerulean sky; towering spirit-like apparitions and
    ghost clans; wavering mirages of gold-dusted cities; bones strewn
    across the ashen terrain, ivory ornaments discarded as if rubbish
    without a second thought.

            xxx — the legend
            xxx — the beginning
            xxx — the strangers
            xxx — the journey
            xxx — the beyond

Last edited by kyeza on Sat Nov 18, 2023 6:51 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby kyeza » Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:00 am


    "tidefoam! tidefoam! tell us about the farlands again!" a small, breathy voice chirps. twin tails swish against the mossy forest floor, sweeping aside dry leaves with a crunch.

    several apprentices have gathered around their elder—who just finished telling the captivating story of the bloody battle against the rogues—underneath the ancient oak, its great canopy above providing the scene with a pleasant degree of protection from the glaring sun above.

    a chorus of youthful voices concurs. "again! again!"

    "but you've all heard it a million times already," sighing, the elder relents. "once more couldn't hurt, i suppose." hailpaw rests their head on their silver paw, eyes glimmering intently, ears perked. "it all originated with a certain flaxen-furred traveler...

          goldensun. a cat with fur woven like the most ornate cloak from pure gold, glimmering under stray rays of sunlight. goldensun had always dreamed of traversing the great unknown, the lands lying beyond the boundaries of clan life. one night, a vivid vision of endless sand—radiant as his fur, bowing down to the cloudless heavens above—filled his mind. from that night on, it invaded every single one of his dreams: falling from great heights into the clutches of the scorching sand below, drowning in a river of liquid gold. it was all he could think about. it was consuming him. calling to him. he would traverse miles and miles of lawless land, do anything to find it. to feel the gilded terrain beneath his paws. to end these haunting nightmares. and so, he set off. not a word spoken to his friends, family, lover. abandoned. he crossed rushing rivers and vast valleys, fending off bloodthirsty beasts, all in an effort to find the incandescent, golden sands of his visions. eventually, he grew weary of his search. nearing the point of turning tail and coming home empty handed, still plagued by the azure-gold lands of his dreams, for some reason his paws kept carrying him onwards. after trekking to the tip of a mountain's cloud-piercing claw, he finally caught a glimpse of that which he had been desperately pursuing. he stood, agape, taking it all in. he'd made it! he'd finally found it! with a sudden gust of wind, his gilded body was sent plummeting off the edge, into the aurelian depths below. ultimately, his all-consuming ambitions would lead to his demise, as the visions once predicted."

    "what happened to him, tidefoam?" hailpaw inquires, head tilted from its perch on his paw.

    sea blue-coral eyes drift to his lounging figure as the elder shifts his multi-colored gaze in their direction. "well, legend has it that his spirit still wanders to this day, bound to the gilded sands and ghostly, gold-dusted palaces of the lands beyond the mountains."

    the crowd of apprentices gasp, eyes wide. "does that mean he can come back to haunt us?!" gingerpaw gulps, her sorrel tail flicking nervously.

    "now, now, simmer down. his soul is bound to the sands, remember? he couldn't cross the mountains. he can't harm us. don't you go seeking him out though, or you may not live to tell the tale!"

Last edited by kyeza on Sat Nov 18, 2023 6:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kyeza » Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:28 am


    "one blueberry muffin and an almond croissant please," hailpaw requests, the corners of his mouth turning upward in a polite smile.

    "of course," the cat behind the counter answers, giving them the total and holding their paw out for payment. offering them a woven bracelet and a colorful beaded necklace—which they appraise for a moment before accepting with a nod and smile—hail steps aside to wait for his pastries.

    their mentor, marigoldnose, had suggested taking a break from training to get a snack, specifically requesting an almond croissant. naturally, they'd sent hailpaw to the cafe alone rather than accompanying him, electing to sunbathe just out of range of the shade canopy of the ancient oak's great branches instead.

    out of spite, upon receiving the pastries, they decided they might as well sit and savor the muffin; marigoldnose could wait.

    finding a seat at an empty table for two and settling into the wooden chair, hail begins to eat his blueberry-bejeweled muffin. between bites, they gaze across the domestic cafe scene laid out in front of him: countless tables adorn the space, offering respite to weary paws; cats in an assortment of colors with varying levels of embellishment are scattered throughout, seated, waiting, serving; the front, designated by a low-cut wooden fence, opens up to the busy market street outside, bustling with activity and n-

    "aetherstar!" a shout echoes from the entrance to the cafe as a blur of indigo-copper fur rushes in and darts over to a nearby table at which the leader is seated. startled, hailpaw nearly jumps out of their skin, unpleasantly close to toppling over the edge of his seat.

    hail cannot help but eavesdrop on the conversation after that dramatic entrance. it seems he is not alone; this disruption has turned many heads in the room.

    the tall, twilight-adorned cat looks incredibly foreign, with what seems to be miniature stars twinkling in their pelt. they seem to be distraught, speaking in a rushed manner.

    "... a disturbance in the reality of this world-!" though he is not close enough to listen in on the whole conversation, hail catches bits and pieces, intrigued. whatever this outlander said has left the leader agape. after a brief pause, aether responds. "... as much as i don't want to believe your tales of divinity, i-"


    growing more and more interested, hail attempts to listen closer, somehow managing to make out their next few sentences nearly in full: "... will have a patrol and supplies prepared. the cloud-claws mountains lie in the north. i will allow no less than two of my best guardians and two adventurers who have ... though you are not of my clan, i cannot afford any injuries, my cats nor you."

    a patrol to the mountains? eyebrow raised, hailpaw ponders this information. they'd been told since they were a kit that the lands beyond the valley were harsh and unforgiving; in fact, they were rumored to be so dangerous that there'd been a ban on traversing past the black road. what good would a journey to the mountains be anyways? and why was it so important that aetherstar had to assign this outlander so many cats to accompany them?

    "... take russetspark, foxglove, finchflit, and crowhop—if they'll have you ... set out tomorrow at dawn. if it gets too dangerous, do not hesitate to turn back..." aether trails off. "those mountains lie in territory even we hesitate to explore."

    tomorrow at dawn? hail glances down at their paws. what if... what if i follow them? maybe... maybe i could actually see the farlands for myself...? i could be the first to live to tell the tale...!

    determined to set out on this adventure as well, even if they weren't allowed to—too young, too inexperienced, the list goes on—hailpaw resolved to sneak out behind them and join them on their journey from a distance, if he must.

    anything to see that azure-gold landscape with his own two eyes, to feel those gilded sands underneath their very own paws.

    • • • • • •

    a dove's call echoes out across the clearing, dainty and melodic, rebounding off of its perch in the widespread, sturdy branches of the ancient oak and reaching the depths of the dens surrounding it.

    hailpaw's eyes blearily open, blinking at the sheer brightness outside their den. they must've rolled over in the night, as the last thing he remembered was staring up at the sea glass art piece on the wall, imagining the adventure awaiting them. ...wait! the adventure! what time was it!? had they slept in too late!?! they spring up from their mossy nest, tail swishing apprehensively.

    scrambling through the entrance and into the clearing, hail is greeted by a vibrant scene, the hustle and bustle of post-dawn morning routines in full swing.

    i missed it! the dawn patrols definitely left already, hail agonizes. maybe i can still catch up? surely they couldn't have gotten far. i'd have to sneak out right now... i'm sure i can just catch something to eat later, right?

    after a moment's deliberation, standing awkwardly in the entrance to his den, caught in a quandary, they opt to rush out of camp before it's too late. a longing glance at the market and one big breath of the scent of freshly-baked goods later, hail pivots on their paws and darts behind their den. his sage green eyes scan the bracken, searching for something. aha! pushing aside a particular branch with their paw, he squeezes through the gap it creates, sharp twigs poking into their sides.

    yanking himself free of the troublesome bracken, hail grins to himself. this was exhilarating. it wasn't every day they escaped camp and their responsibilities to go on a dangerous journey to find goldensun's ghost, to pay a visit to the farlands: the mythical land beyond the mountains from the legends recited to him since he was a kit.

    now... where did they go? to the north, i'd assume. if i follow the wanderer's way toward the valley, i should catch up with them quick, hailpaw surmises. and so, they begin to trek north.

    before long, they come across the web of intertwining paths of morning mist-moist soil, adorned by wooden signs at every turn and pawprints detailing its many wayfarers' every move, telling every story from awe-inspiring adventures to lackluster training grounds-bound trudges. his tale would not be a menial one; he refused to let it be.

    the patrol is not difficult to track in the slightest. the outlander smells so peculiar—some kind of unearthly, unfamiliar berry-like scent that hail is unable to place—that they're hard to miss. as he catches up, hailpaw notices that the patrol is also rather loud, with foxglove talking up a storm and crowhop throwing in the occasional sarcastic jab at him. 'omen,' as he learns they are called, the outlander, seems to remain mostly quiet aside from the odd response to one of finchflit's soft-spoken comments, while russetspark stays largely stoic.

    • • • • • •

    a pair of small grey ears perk as lilting birdsong drifts by on the breeze, bells on a windchime, drawing their attention. hail hadn't eaten yet today and it was already around lunchtime. as the sun peaked in the sky, the patrol had decided to settle down temporarily to hunt. well... most of them were hunting. they'd apparently decided against omen hunting—as they somehow seemed to have no experience whatsoever—so the sunset-furred outlander was left behind to set up camp while the other four trekked out to find prey.

    hail had been trailing them mindlessly, losing track of time, until they'd abruptly decided to take a small break. he hadn't noticed until he was way too close for comfort and had to skitter into the bushes, praying he was downwind so that their scent didn't carry.

    upon crossing the shallow river separating home from the unknown, winding forest paths faded into tall grass and vibrant flowers as tree cover dwindled, narrowed down to the occasional tree, lending to them a not-so-ideal environment for hunting. hailpaw was much more used to the empty forest floor and cover of bushes and bracken and oaks than the blindfolded game of hide-and-seek he was playing with his prey in the endless foliage.

    finally spotting a hint of vermilion behind a verdant curtain, hail lowers into a crouch, eyes laser-focused on where the movement was a mere moment ago. inching forward, silent, just another whisper of the leaves in the wind. the barrier of grass parts once more, giving him one more glimpse of the cardinal. haunches up, they make their way forward, slowly, soundlessly, tasting the air-

    "wait!" the bird flutters off in a panic. hail jumps backwards, startled, as a voice cleanly breaks through the gentle silence, a claw piercing an unsuspecting leaf.

    glancing around wildly, hail takes notice of the brightly-colored apricot tom slotting himself in front of them, cutting off their path to the cardinal. eyes widening slightly, he notices the flamboyant birds adorning this stranger's head and shoulder: one larger, striped, black and white, day and night; and one smaller, nightfall fading into sunrise.

    "can't be out here taking the little ones," he states carefully, watching hailpaw freeze in place before swallowing anxiously and nodding. "i-i'm sorry," they manage.

    a small grin erupts from their previously indecipherable face, sage green eyes gentle, twinkling with amusement. "i know you meant no harm."

    "can't ever be to careful though, ay?" a second voice queries, more gravelly and with some sort of accent hail is unable to place. whipping around, he starts at the sight of a pale, furless tom with a skull over his head directly beside him, his own face paling at the realization that he's surrounded. "p-please don't hurt me-"

    "now, now, settle down. we ain't gonna do you no harm, youngin'." the newcomer places a paw on his shoulder, firm yet well-meaning, but the added weight tips hail slightly off-balance and sends him toppling onto the grassy floor as his single front leg gives out.

    sheepishly, the skull-faced one mutters, "my bad, kiddo." the flashy tom scampers over, birds clutching his fur tighter to hold on, and offers him a paw apologetically. "take it lightly. he means well, but he's blind as a bat. the name's chase, and this is bones, who is sorry-" he elbows his friend in the shoulder, "-by the way."

    "sorry, kid. truly can't see nothin'. got no eyes, see?" he points to where his eyes should be, two uncanny cavities in their place. as they pull themself up with chase's help and shake off the dirt clinging to their fur, hail's gaze drifts from bones' sightless skull-cloaked face to his twine necklace with beads in the shape of what seems to be more small bones. nodding understandingly, he answers the unspoken question of his own name: "it's okay. i'm hailpaw."

    thoughtfully, chase looks them up and down before meeting his similarly viridescent eyes. "look, we know you're after something. you wouldn't be this far from home if you weren't. a taste of fresh air, an adventure, a story to tell. we're here to make that happen."

Last edited by kyeza on Sat Nov 18, 2023 6:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby kyeza » Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:18 am


    "... and then he kicked me out! can you believe it!?" hailpaw watched, head tilted, as chase distractedly untied the knot to a rope tied around a fallen log.

    walking back with the peculiar pair to their makeshift camp nearby, hail had learned quite a bit about them. as they quickly discovered, chase loved to talk. he was a wandering trader and, as a result, had countless stories to tell about his adventures. he turned out to be a very captivating speaker, tales and words used to tell them alike fascinating him as they listened, allured.

    when they'd first made it to the small clearing in the tall grass, fallen log in the center, he was a bit startled. a great, hooved creature awaited them, tied to the log. amongst its antlers were several gilded cages and across its back was some sort of seat-shaped piece of leather with what seemed to be some sort of bag on either side.

    chase was a wandering trader after all, which made hail wonder why he hadn't seen it coming; where were his wares? his supplies? how would he carry them all himself? jadeclan had plenty of traveling merchants, many with their own form of transportation, elk quite common among them. chase had introduced his companion as ajax and, upon inquiry, explained that on his back was a 'saddle' to help him balance when sitting upon it.

    currently, the lively apricot tom and his sightless partner are preparing to continue their journey, this time with a new goal in mind.

    "how did you guys find me?" hail asks curiously, as chase wraps up his current rambles on how him and bones had met.

    bones turns his head toward the sound of his voice from where he stands on the log, packing up supplies. "we heard 'em from a mile away. their ruckus was stirrin' up the prey 'round here. we kept an eye on 'em from a distance... can't get too close," he pauses, a grimace on his face. "why is that?" hail questions.

    "well y'see, kid... i'm from what you lot call the farlands a-"

    hailpaw inhales sharply. "y-you live there!?"

    chase chuckles. "let him finish, and you'll find out soon enough," he teases. "right, sorry." hail mumbles, dipping their head.

    "i used to. now i travel th' world with this one 'ere and help him make some coin." bones answers. "anyways. we spotted you trailing 'em not long after. you lot ain't real big fans of the unknown, though, and my homeland's definitely up there on your not-to-visit list. so i keep my distance." he continues, nodding in chase's direction. "my husband here can go pay 'em a visit, though. might even pay up for some supplies, eh?"

    "husband?" hail asks, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity. "that's right," chase nods, a warm smile on his lips as he abandons his place by ajax and pads over to nuzzle bones' neck.

    "been together as long as i can remember. a peaceful life it is, mere wanderers. this guy hasn't left my side since he kicked me out that fateful day. as grumpy as this old man seems, he's actually quite sweet. the love of my life," he blinks slowly up at bones, who, despite being unable to see, seems fond of the gesture and bends his head down to touch noses with him.

    "you're probably right, though," chase remarks thoughtfully. "i might have to drop by and see if they'd like to buy anything when they stop for the night. you two would have to stay behind."

    turning his attention back to hailpaw, he quirks an eyebrow. "anyways, why are you following them, hail? what are you after?"

    drawing in a breath, they reluctantly begin, "i-i'm following them to the mountains. i've always dreamed of seeing the farlands for myself, since i was a kit listening to the tales of the elders." he glances at bones. "i didn't know that there were actually cats from there... we've always been told that it's deserted and desolate, and that anyone seen there is a ghost and must be avoided or else they'll make you an offer you can't refuse and you'll be stuck there forever too."

    the pale tom grunts. "ever since the cataclysm, yes. there ain't many like me. my ma was one of th' few desert dwellers left. now it's just lil' old me. i can take ya there, but it's a ghost town now. literally."

    • • • • • •

    though skeptical at first, hail had quickly gotten used to the pair's presence. they certainly made for an odd trio: a grumbly skull-faced ghost of sorts, an overly-talkative, exuberant bird enthusiast, and a deformed, tiny apprentice with big dreams. somewhere along the way, another one of chase's birds—a little jay by the name of afina—had made herself at home on top of his head.

    from his perch on ajax's back, just behind the saddle where the other two were sat, he could see everything for miles. the cerulean sky, vast and cloud-speckled, willow wisps in the open water, stretched for as far as the eye could see. aside from the occasional tree, the majority of the valley remained open.

    the tall grass provided excellent cover for cats on the ground, but while sitting atop the great elk, they were in plain sight. thankfully, the patrol had no reason to be wary of a traveling merchant.

    eventually, dusk approached as the sun slipped down toward the horizon in the west. both the patrol and hail's entourage slowed to a stop for the night, chase leaving the other two to set up camp while he rode off to pay the patrol a visit and hopefully sell some supplies. unfolding the soft blankets bones had grabbed from the saddlebags before his husband left, hailpaw glances around for a suitable place to put them.

    deciding on a nearby bush, he layers them, forming a thick barrier from the dirt below; pastel yellow and white, baby blue and grey, sage green.

    when chase returns with ajax, coin pouch jingling as he holds it up, swinging with each step of the giant creature beneath him, the trio settles down for the night. bones had been making dinner while hail set everything else out, and a mouthwatering scent wafts across the makeshift camp from the fire where he's situated.

    hail's eyes light up, reflective of the flames in front of them, as bones describes what he'd made: grilled rabbit with roasted carrots. the different types of food are definitely one of hailpaw's favorite parts about jadeclan; there were so many ways to use each ingredient that it was hardly ever necessary to eat their prey raw anymore.

    they eat in pleasant, companionable silence, the fire crackling from its place within the circle of rocks.

    it turns out bones is an excellent cook; he explains how years in the 'desert' forced him to get creative with his meals, or else he'd be eating raw lizard much more often than he'd like. years of practice with fire later, he'd taught himself how to grill and fry his prey. experience with new herbs and ingredients and cooking methods from his travels with chase served to further hone his skills.

    apparently, he'd also made them some rabbit jerky and roasted sunflower seeds for later on in their journey, which he promptly placed in the saddlebag designated for food.

    after finishing eating and putting out the already-wavering flames, hail shows them to the pile of blankets hidden in the bushes. as the other two settle near the middle, hailpaw sidles toward one of the edges and eases down onto the plush floor. he could feel chase's eyes on his back, but tries to pay little mind to the pair's faint whispering and instead watches the stars twinkling in the ink black sky through the small, wind-blown gaps in the leafy roof.

    a little while later and the sound of the cheerful ginger tom's soft snores drifts to his ears. the chill of the crepuscular night air was beginning to take its toll, a shiver creeping its way down their spine.

    "c'mere, kid. no sense in sleepin' alone," bones huffs, evidently still awake after chase expressed his concerns about hail's solitude. reluctantly, hailpaw lifts himself to his paws and pads over to their entwined forms. bones lifts a paw, opening up a spot for them next to chase's head. lowering himself down gently, as to not wake chase, he whispers a 'thank you' to bones and sighs, soaking in the pair's warmth.

    • • • • • •


    hail blinks open bleary eyes, strangely content. a weight lifts itself off of their shoulder as soft fur brushes against his side. lifting his head to look around, his eyes widen slightly. they'd ended up falling asleep with bones and chase after laying down near them for warmth, intending to get up just a few moments later.

    embarrassed, hailpaw slips free of their all-too-welcoming grasp and under the branch-ridden barrier separating them from the outside world. with a parting pat to ajax, he sprints off to check on the patrol. he hadn't heard their bickering in far too long; something wasn't right.

    reaching the spot where chase said they'd set up camp for the night, hail stops abruptly, realizing he was right. they'd already left!

    they scurry into the small, flattened grass clearing where the patrol had once been, sniffing around for signs of how long ago they'd left. if only there was a tree nearby, he'd climb it for a better vantage point and would probably be able to spot them. lost in his thoughts, they fail to notice the rustling of grass behind them.

    "you're a little mirage, ya know?" bones' gruff voice remarks, startling them. chase chuckles, bob tail swishing. "little mirage... i like that."

    hail ducks his head, embarrassed that they'd come looking for him since he'd left without a word. he was planning to go back, after all. though, they don't know me to well, he supposes. for all they know, i could be planning to ditch them without a second thought. for some reason, the thought made them sad, despite barely knowing the pair himself.

    "i just wanted to check on them. i was gonna come back, you didn't have to follow..." hail mutters, sheepish. "but... they left already! i-i'm not sure how long ago, but-"

    "relax, mirage," chase interjects. "we don't need to follow them anymore, do we? you have us now. we can take you where you wanna go. plus, they aren't even heading the same direction. i talked to them. once they get to the black road, they're crossing it. we need to follow it 'til the tunnel to get to the farlands."

    "tunnel..?" hail murmurs, bemused.

    the ginger tom nods, bird skull charm on his necklace jostling with the movement. "if you follow the black road to its origins, it takes you underneath the mountains. some sort of cave system, i think? not sure," he comments. "but anyways, it goes below the mountains, which is a much easier route to the farlands than crossing over them."

    "the path aboveground is treacherous an' definitely not somethin' you wanna follow," bones adds with a quick, dismissive shake of his head. "however... th' tunnel ain't much better. there's a buncha rogues who claimed it as their own. quite fittin' for the only two routes to the land of th' dead to be deadly themselves, eh?"

    "luckily," chase continues, "the two of us have pretty good relations with the cat they call their leader. these rogues call themselves the keepers of the night; their hierarchy is actually pretty interesting, th-"

    resting a pale, claw-studded paw on one of chase's, the sightless tom interjects gently. "now ain't the time for lore, love. we ain't got all day. gotta get goin' if we wanna make it to the black road 'fore nightfall."

    chase's gaze softens. "right. let's get back to camp and pack up then, shall we? time to get this show on the road."

    • • • • • •

    it only took them about half the day to reach the black road on ajax's back. from there, they followed the charcoal path, scorching hot to the touch, remaining in the soft grass beside it so as to not get burnt to a crisp.

    hail recalled wondering how omen's group managed to cross over to follow their own path. chase had quelled his curiosity rather quickly, answering his inquiry, saying that they likely waited until after nightfall for the black stone to cool down enough for them to walk across.

    that was the only instance he could remember thinking about them since they'd parted. their journey had swiftly become irrelevant; hail had bigger things to worry about now, a story of his own to tell.

    the trio traveled on for several days, stopping only for the occasional hunt or to settle down for the night—each of which hail 'reluctantly' spent smothered by the pair's affection. they maintained a pretty good pace; the rations bones had been preparing each time they stopped had definitely come in handy, saving them a great deal of time they would've otherwise had to spend hunting.

    at some point along the way, hail had begun to realize that this was the closest he'd ever come to feeling like a part of a family.

    back home, he hadn't really had anyone to turn to when things went south. their friends had been a bit distant at best, never quite making him feel at home.

    his mother, the only actual family member he'd ever known, was not exactly someone he considered true family. a traveler, she'd left him with the clan after birth to continue on her journey and very rarely would he see her after, given she was passing through and chose to sell her wares in the marketplace for a few days before leaving once more.

    bones and chase, though complete strangers a mere few days before, were quickly becoming more than companions to him. they cared for them like no other; they listened, they cared, and, most important of all, had been willing to drop everything to help him see his dreams come true from the moment they'd spotted him.

    somehow, they'd come to be a kind of found family, this peculiar trio. despite all their oddities and the couple's bickering, hail took comfort in their presence. he felt seen, appreciated... loved, even.

    it was stranger, still, that he could so easily bring himself to say that. he'd known them for a few days, for jade's sake!

    but somehow, in some way or another, it just felt right.

    he'd found his home.

Last edited by kyeza on Sat Nov 18, 2023 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kyeza » Sat Jun 24, 2023 11:51 am


    as they neared the mountains, the climate changed completely. hail, being used to temperate forest air and hot, sandy shores, was rather shocked. the ground had suddenly become pebbled, greenery sparse, and a distinct chill hovered in the crisp mountain air, afloat, drifting down from its lofty, snow-speckled peaks.

    the journey itself truly didn't take them long. with ajax's size and stamina, they covered more ground from dawn to sunhigh at a walk than a cat could run in a full day.

    chase had spent much of it explaining the detailed mythology and geography of the "old world" of the farlands and its gods, with the occasional interjection from bones. apparently, its ancient residents worshipped several deities. their main god was the god of war, al-ahmar.

    their god of life, al-hayaa, supposedly symbolized day, while his counterpart, al-nihiya, stood for both death and the night.

    they also worshipped the goddess of water, al-haja, which hail supposed made sense, as water was what was keeping them alive in such arid conditions. chase's personal favorite, naturally, was al-khayr, their god of wisdom and inventions, representing scholars and inventors and merchants alike.

    while that was their main pantheon, there were also others. they believed ar-raiyu controlled dreams and fate, praying to them for felicity and saying that any misfortune had occurred because they'd affronted the deity in some way. kaafir, on the contrary, seemed to be a god of chaos. he was said to be responsible for misery and mayhem, calamity and catastrophe.

    the two were direct opposites, contenders; ar-raiyu was beloved and cherished, worshipped on the daily, while kaafir was a dissenter, name cursed with every hardship faced. they were said to despise each other and prey on the other's downfall with each passing day. however, there was a whispered legend, a tale as old as time, that the two were once forbidden lovers, struck down from the heavens and forced into a unending rivalry as punishment.

    while the main gods were worshipped in the grave of the gods, the age-old, colossal, golden-peaked pyramid in the very center of the desert, this certainly did not include kaafir or his rival.

    chase mentioned an ancient myth that upon what was once the setekh plateau stood a second, smaller pyramid, meant to worship ar-raiyu, an ode to lost dreams. with the coming of the cataclysm, the plateau was fractured; half, felled, became what was now known as lower setekh, while the other half, still standing, became upper setekh. the pyramid, lost to time, was said to have been obliterated, fate itself finally snuffed out by the force of chaos.

    he'd also explained that the open desert, called the dunes of deshret, did not immediately follow the other side of the tunnel. instead, they would emerge onto the upper part of the time-worn plateau and would have to make their way down to the sunken desert floor of lower setekh from there.

    then, they'd follow the 'tariq kabir,' the main road through the desert linking each of the noteworthy destinations, so as to prevent travelers from roaming freely and losing their way, ending up a lost soul, wandering forever. chase was sure to mention that, should they stray from the path, they'd likely never find it again.

    though not in their itinerary, this road could also take them to the saguaro flats, a forest of cacti; the grave of the gods; and caravan ribat, a small, abandoned, mobile town of travelers and traders, almost similar to jadeclan in a way. its inhabitants used to move their 'camel-drawn' caravans, whatever that meant, as a group, roaming the desert, a migrating flock of merchants, untethered, settling down only temporarily.

    they would instead have to follow the road to the taj alma, the biggest and one of few oases in the desert. there, they'd restock supplies, refilling on water and rations, before trekking on.

    this would take them to pardis dhyai, their final destination.

    as he'd expressed that he was unsure of what exactly they were searching for, bones and chase had decided on where to take them, saying that this would certainly give him a tale to tell.

    chase had explained that it was known to once have been an incredibly advanced civilization, ahead of its time, but the sheer arrogance and hubris of its inhabitants had displeased the gods. because of this, they smited it, eradicating everything in a wide radius.

    this was supposedly why the desert was placed where it is today, directly next to a snow-bespeckled mountain, littered with skeletons—it'd once been lush and green, but the greed of its citizens brought it nothing but desolation, ash and bones.

    before long, hail could spot the tunnel bones and chase had spoken of. they soon reached the foot of the mountain. dismounting ajax and taking a moment to dip down into a long, relieving stretch, hail glances up at the mountain in front of them for the first time. it sure was a sight to see.

    snow-capped peaks reach for the darkening sky, ever-keen claws threatening to tear a hole in the heavens and yank out the moon themselves if it didn't rise fast enough.

    i see why they call them the claws of the clouds...

    they were in the open, on foot, walking alongside ajax, so it was clear that the rogues had seen them coming for a while now. they found themselves greeted by an unwelcoming command from the leader of a patrol sent to intercept them. "halt."

    paws freezing in place, slightly worried, but with faith in bones and chase's connections, hail's eyes widen at the cats in front of him.

    "state your business," an inky black she-cat with bone pieces around her neck demands, evidently in charge.

    chase steps forward, dipping his head out of respect for a moment before looking her in the eyes. "chase, bones," he nods at his partner. "we're passing through with this little one, but we have business with rekha to attend to first."

    "nice to see you two 'round these parts again," the she-cat nods approvingly, a sudden switch in demeanor. turning to hail, she puts a paw on her chest. "nyssa. you?"

    "h-hail," they manage, not returning the gesture so as to not topple over on two legs.

    her startling amber eyes rake over him, appraising. "a pleasure," she says, turning back to address chase. she must've liked what she saw. "we'll escort you to rekha. come."

    the trio trails the patrol, chase side by side with nyssa, deep in friendly conversation. much to hail's relief, bones remains at his side. "th' rogues' leader's called rekha. this one 'ere is her second in command, her girlfriend nyssa." he grunts. "known 'em as long as i can remember. these rogues might not take kindly to yer kind, but they welcome desert folks... what few'a us are left, that is."

    stepping onto the black road, which thankfully wasn't at peak heat levels due to it being near-dusk, they follow it the short distance to the tunnel.

    at the mouth of the tunnel, some type of metal grid situates itself on the newly gravely floor. "railroad," bones huffs, though hail has no idea what that means. scrawled across the top of the cave entrance, etched into the stone and following the curve, was the word 'irongarde.' hail glances up at bones questioningly.

    "their territory. they're th' guardians of the treasures of this 'ere cave system," he answers briefly.

    rounding a stone-walled, torchlit corner, the group comes face to face with a divergence in the path. while the route ahead slopes gently down into a dark abyss, 'railroad' and all, nyssa doesn't hesitate to lead them to the left. they emerge into a wide cave with a lofty ceiling, stalactites hanging like icicles, glistening and dripping with subterranean moisture.

    it's not long before hail spots rekha; the leader has an air of authority, sat just beyond the entranceway in front of the small crowd gathered. nyssa pads over, pausing to touch noses, before sitting down beside her. the cats behind them watch, intrigued, those who haven't flocked to the action pausing their activities to observe.

    "welcome, old friends, little one," the dark grey tabby remarks, voice smooth yet assertive, "to irongarde."

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