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⚔️ ~ The Feline's Iliad

Postby espen. » Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:40 am




name - bachilles
companion - hatroclus

- 12, 824 words -

theme songs
worship, war of hearts


Morganus, Buoyar
Cupine, Garic

Stoic Crescent
Shining Abalone

idea behind the story
essentially i wanted a percy jackson-like story
where the main character was thrown into a
strange new world, basically defenseless
and somehow makes it out alive and thrives
only to force his oppressors / enemies to take
responsibilities for their actions
also inspired by Beowulf and The Iliad

I will say, that this concept didn't stick too well, and
many things were changed along the way.
My writing style also probably fluctuated between
chapters, so I apologize for that as well.

fontspace, The Iliad, Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney
forest pixel, grass divider, name combiner, viking town names
roman town names, vines, sunflower, blue divider
coral pixel, seashell divider, snow divider
icicles, ocean circle

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⚔️ ~ The Gallery

Postby espen. » Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:35 am

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⚔️ ~ The War Planning

Postby espen. » Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:16 am


Outline: OMG THERE IS A STORM BREWING IN HIS HEART! there's a coming apocalypse foretold by the prophets

I - Introduction
    1. Set the scene
      a. Town
      b. biome
      c. kingdom's deity
      d. most prevalent deity in biome
        d1. example - Morganus for Ophigar / Grass midland biome
      e. Background w/ friend like childhood games + memories
    2. Introduce MC and his daily life
      a. Include religious activities
      b. Include best friend, Hatroclus

II - Plot point 1
    1. His town is attacked, he + friend survive by running in cowardice
    2. Blames himself for not staying and fighting
      a. Friend comforts him
    3. Perhaps he's made for more? There must be a reason he lived
    4. Decides to go out into the world to find his purpose
      a. Fights monsters
III - Monsters
    1. Bear - Grasslands - Morganus helps
      a. Hatroclus severely injured but survives
    2. Pack of wolves - Grasslands - Ophigar - Garic is jealous of Bachilles' popularity + hinders him - Garic has given up honor among the gods and a seat on the deity counsel to help the small town, they're forgetting about him and his sacrifices
      a. Hatroclus forced to skip out on battle
    3. Sea Serpent - Desert biome coast - Buoyar aids - month long journey, hears tales of gods' wrath and negligence of towns, famines and they did nothing
      a. Hatroclus told to stay behind, but rows out on a little boat to help Bachilles, who's struggling
      b. Dies + burial at sea
        b1. Funeral pyre on boat w/ flaming arrow
      c. Bachilles moves on to Tundra biome
IV - Plot Point 2
    1. Mourning
      a. Bachilles feels lost w/o best friend
    2. Savior
      a. Cupine, goddess of love, takes pity on Bachilles
      b. Resurrects Hatroclus as a snowy owl, her sacred animal
    3. Determination
      a. Seeing his best friend fuels Bachilles to take on the more monsters
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⚔️ ~ Selasorba

Postby espen. » Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:16 am



~~~~~~[ 770 words ] Selasorba was my home. It was regal to most, with its towering marble pillars and decadent houses filled with posh decor. Most wouldn't dare soil their opinion of it by looking just a tad closer. The truth of this divine town was spattered with blood and violence. It was built on death and thrived on discourse. The white was bleached clean of the red. We were a war-thirsty population; we practically worshipped those who fought and disregarded those who chose peaceful occupations. If you had a temper, you had a place.

~~~~~~"Bachilles!" His voice ran through the echoing halls, bouncing from one pearly pillar to the next until it hit my ears, processing in my brain. The pure joy that rang in his voice sent a shiver up my spine, a smile playing on my muzzle. Hatroclus had been my closest friend since before my first memory. We did everything together, from hunting to gathering. In our youth, we climbed fig trees and ate their bearings. We splashed in the salty tide, chasing minnows and collecting shells. As the sun and moon turned, we grew into strong and capable tomcats. Our previously innocent and childlike enjoyment of each other blossomed into something more. A deep connection, a type of which we couldn't place. We'd never known romantic love before, barely familial, as my father was often distant, and my mother gone. We had only each other, but it was more than I could have ever wished for.

~~~~~~Hatroclus and his golden-specked pelt brushed against him. He was adorned with customary white robes, clipped on his left shoulder by a golden laurel brooch. He had a torn ear, a climbing accident, and minor scars strewn across his body. The silks lightly covered his bursts of color; his white fur blended in. My metallic pelt was more envious to most, but I preferred his subtle beauty. The way his nose bridge sloped opposite his face; the way his bright eyes drew you in. Even his torn ear was ravishing in my eyes; it was a reminder of how much he meant to me. I had almost lost him that day. A sudden pressure on my nose startled me from that dark haze of remembrance. Two glowing golden eyes peered into my rustic ambers. I smiled, warmth and playfulness filling my chest.

~~~~~~"What would you like to do today, 'Chilles?" he asked me, his Selasorban accent causing a flow between his words. It was like honey to my ears: smooth, comforting, and ever so sweet. Hatroclus nudged me, clearing the glaze over my eyes.

~~~~~~As I smirked at him, I knew today would be eventful.


~~~~~~We stifled our childish giggling as we passed my father's council room. It was open-aired and rounded out with the same white pillars as the rest of our palace. Cushions and a banquet table were filled with grey cats and fresh food. Gruff murmurs bounced from the pillars, none of them, in particular, snagging my ear. My head flickered to Hatroclus at my side. He was frozen, muscles tensed. Icy fear and anxiety shattered my light heart as the lights in his eyes seemed to dim. I trailed a few pawsteps back to crouch adjacent to him, nudging his white flank. Hatroclus didn't move his body, only his ears, catching waves of audio. I perked my folded ears as much as they allowed, paying close attention to the elders' speech.

~~~~~~"This is quite troubling, my lord. We must act quickly; make more sacrifices. Perhaps the gods will notice our peril."

~~~~~~"No." The stern answer came from an equally stern being. My father. His pelt was scuffed up and a bristly grey. His sea-green eyes were the only reminder of his past youth. The cats around him shifted uncomfortably. "We must prepare for the worst. If the gods have not answered us now, who is to say they ever will?"

~~~~~~A silence followed, accompanied by my hoarse breathing side by side with Hatroclus'. They were speaking of the omen. My heart grew ever more icy. The prophets had been repeating the same message since before my birth. They served only one master, Morganus, god of prophecy, but even he had only a slight idea of what the vessels meant. The disturbingly quaint message came in the form of a nursery rhyme, adding to the uneasiness in both the deliverers and receivers. I shook my fluffy head, forcefully pushing such dark thoughts away, and I nudged Hatroclus once more. We shouldn't dwell on things that don't concern us. Besides, nothing had come of the prophecy; clearly, the vessels were wrong.
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⚔️ ~ Selasorba - Dusk

Postby espen. » Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:13 am



~~~~~~[ 1,966 words ] The prophets were never wrong. I was. Mortals were. Always. I refused to bring up the subject again with Hatroclus. It was too much for my brain to handle; all I wanted to do was climb trees and bathe in the sun on the shore. Our paws hit pounded the beaten dirt roads as we raced through the marble town placed outside of the palace. The sun was high, casting our warm shadows in front of us. Hatroclus gave a quick laugh as he sprinted farther in front of me, robes billowing against the rushing air. The light weaved itself through his adornments; it ran past the buildings and in and out of the tree leaves.

~~~~~~By the time we had gotten to our faraway destination, the sun was directly above us. Shade bloomed from beneath massive trees, but we weren't interested in the sunny leisure so much as the ever-warming sea ahead of our eyes. The first plunge was shocking and cold; my fur stood on end, making my coat appear much fluffier than before. Hatroclus giggled in his sweet way and splashed my upper legs playfully. I accepted the challenge, lunging at the water, feeling the liquid be displaced and my paws sinking once again into the rough, wet sand. His eyes gleamed with newfound determination. Mine followed suit.


~~~~~~The moon was just barely peeking over the horizon as we settled down for our journey back to the palace. I was curled against my love, surrounded by a protective shield of his honey-glazed scent. His breathing was slow and dreamlike; his mind was elsewhere. My eyelids drooped halfway down as I was beginning to be lifted away to sleep. The dusky air was still, only interrupted by the unusually soft buzz of cicadas. The beat of the wild underlings was normally overwhelming...I brushed off the concern growing in my mind, and let it fall away once more.

~~~~~~A horn sounded. It slid through the insect humdrum and hit my ears, piercing. If sounds were pictures, my ears would have been cut through with a bright, red-orange slash. Hatroclus started, his breath hitching. I temporarily struggled to get up, my mind frazzled. That horn never meant anything pleasant. My muscles tensed as I leaped up to one side of Hatroclus, slightly ahead of him. Combat had always been more of my thing. I was raised a prince but was trained a soldier. My counterpart merely watched and sparred a tad with me. Another blast from the horn. Instinctively, I looked to make sure Hatroclus was safe. He stared back at me, his golden eyes wide with concern.

~~~~~~He had a question in his eyes. I nodded.


~~~~~~The plague started with cattle falling ill and dying. It struck the fields next. It was like a rabid beast, a massive black cloud pummeling all of the wealth and stability of Selasorba. Our armies may have been able to fend off ten times our forces, but the dark haze of uncertainty wasn't a bloodletting enemy.

~~~~~~The lower classes of Selasorba, the farmers and landowners, fell soon after their livestock and crops. Just as a tower with a weak base falls, our entire city crumbled under the weight of hunger and helplessness. My father, his pelt growing ever more grey with each passing day, tried his best. Our doors were opened to the weak and starving, the displaced and desperate. My heart heaved everytime my eyes were laid upon the thin bodies of my people. My mind buzzed with the infinite possibilities of our future, but it all centered on one thought: where were our gods?

~~~~~~Cats began scrounging the dirt for flecks of wheat, raiding the nearby forests for berries, all just to burn in sacrifice to our patron god. There was never a reply. Not so much as a drop of water from the sky was gifted to us. A full moon in to the disaster the outskirts of the marble town were dusted over with a tinge of brown. It was a ghost town.

~~~~~~Inside the palace was worse. Servants ran to and fro. Chaos erupted whenever a mother, child, or sibling passed. I stayed in the guest room, having given up mine to the most vulnerable. My days were long and agonizing, spent mostly talking to Hatroclus.

~~~~~~I lounged on the bed, fluffy from our finest nest materials. The soft white tom sat in the corner of the room, strumming the strings of a lyre. The notes floated through the air, light with grace and serenity of another time.

~~~~~~"Will this ever end?" My mouth spoke the words before my brain could register the consequences of the deed. Hatroclus stopped. He looked up, golden eyes meeting mine.

~~~~~~"I...I don't know, 'Chilles. I really don't."

~~~~~~The bed squeaked as I got up and made my way to my friend, never breaking eye contact. (Author's note: really wishing I could write these two as humans, cause like how a cat strums a lyre, I got no idea :sob: and cats can't kiss?? but just know, if I could, these chapters would be full of dumb fluff c: ) My ears drifted back as I closed my eyes and licked his forehead. A soft purr started in his fluffy chest, radiating onto me as he leaned his head onto my shoulder. Warmth pleasantly enveloped the both of us as we stayed there, temporarily forgetting the external chaos. Many days and nights were spent basking in the other's company, refusing to go outside where we would only be in the way. Our time together was like a dimly lit flame in the vast void of death.


~~~~~~A guard knocked on my door, beckoning me. My short ears perked up and I flickered my gaze to Hatroclus, signaling for him to hide out of sight. My father was unpleasantly strict about who I let onto the palace grounds, especially into my personal chambers. Although Hatroclus was a clear friend of mine since kittenhood, the king never fully trusted non-royals.

~~~~~~"Come in!"

~~~~~~The armored guard pushed open the door and stared blankly ahead. "The King requests that you go to his council room."

~~~~~~I nodded and the guard left, closing the wooden door behind him. Hatroclus had a raised eyebrow, sitting in the shadows of where the door previously was. I shrugged my silvery shoulders. He helped me get ready to meet my father, adorning me with a golden laurel crown, the symbol of a Selasorban prince. With one last affectionate word, I strutted out of the room and towards my destination.

~~~~~~Down the thick-aired marble hallways, my paws padded the cold stone. Selasorban felines littered the ground, leaving a jagged and thin string of a walkway for me to traverse. It was a wonder how the floor stayed frigid with so many bodies in contact with it. The archway to the rounded, open-aired council room came into view. The once intimidating and majestic structure looks sad and cramped as if the sky itself was being constrained. A slightly wider path was ahead of me than in the hallways. I kept my gaze on my father at the other end of the room, sitting on his marble throne. The large, round, feasting table was covered in wounded and ill cats, along with scarce medical supplies. I reached the throne and my father gazed down at me with his wise eyes.

~~~~~~With an ominous, booming, and royal tone, he said, "Bachilles, my son. You know how times are for Selasorba right now, correct?" I nodded, with a raised eyebrow. How could I possibly not notice? A feeling tugged at my mind. Something felt off in his voice. "And you are aware of your status?" I repeated my previous motion. His voice had dropped that familiar kingly edge. It was warmer. "Then I hope it is by no surprise that you are very important. To me. And my kingdom. Our lineage." I blinked. Yes, of course, I knew this. I was the only heir to the Selasorban throne and my father's only child. The silvering tom paused. "I think it would be best if you left the city." My eyes grew wide, my mouth parted slightly in pure shock. It felt as though my entire body stopped working. Like my blood stopped flowing. "It seems to be the best course of action not only to preserve our family's name, but also to ensure that Selasorba will have a king to rebuild after this plague passes."

~~~~~~My body felt incapable of moving. "What if the gods don't help? What if they don't move the plague? What if it stays like this forever? What if--" He stopped me with a stern gaze. "No. I won't go. I can't leave. Selasorba is my home. I have no experience outside of the city! I'll be lost!"

~~~~~~The king of Selasorba's gaze went from stern to cold and commanding. "I order you to leave the city as soon as you are packed. My best guards will go with you."

~~~~~~My claws gripped the smooth floor. My heart felt like it was being clawed out. I couldn't leave. This was my only home; it was the only place I had ever known. Surely my father wouldn't cast me out. Then came the same voice as before.

~~~~~~"Bring Hatroclus. The boy seems to be quite close with you."


~~~~~~The morning after the order I was dragged out of the majestic palace, unconscious. The guards didn't bother to pack anything more than what would fit in my satchel. Hatroclus did the same for his. We had talked it over last night, and I refused to believe in the plan.

~~~~~~The group passed through the dusty ghost town and arrived at the edge of the wilderness. Civilization met wild mother nature. My body was numb and I felt nothing as the guard dragging me passed through the threshold. Hours passed of the frail guard pulling my fullbody weight until we stopped for a rest. The shade of the willow tree was soothing. Hatroclus laid down beside me, grooming the top of my head. I twitched my stubby tail.

~~~~~~"Wh-what happened? Where am I?" My eyes followed my tail as my body regained control over movement. The fog cleared in my brain and terror struck my heart. I was no longer in Selasorba. I felt as though the entirety of reality was behind me, and I was waking into a horrible, twisted fantasy. A sweet scent wafted over me as a warm body pressed further into my silver flank.

~~~~~~"It'll be ok. I'm right here, my dear."

~~~~~~The soft voice was warm on my ear and I lifted my gaze to the trees. My only choices were to go into the unknown parts of the world or suffer a slow and painful death in my home. Despite my previous protests, I wasn't given a choice.

~~~~~~A wail grew in my throat as large and powerful sobs overtook me. "No! NO NO NO! Hatroclus why? Why did you let them do this to me?" I sprang up before my mind was told my body to. My large silver head swung around in confusion and anger. The fur on my hackles rose as I bared my teeth toward my love. I told him I didn't want to go. I told everyone. Why was this happening? I didn't want to leave. I didn't care if I had died amongst the squalor of the palace. At least I would have died in the familiar.

~~~~~~Hatroclus' golden eyes were stuck on me, full of love and concern. He stepped forward, and I gripped the ground with my claws.

~~~~~~"Bachilles, listen to me. Something happened last night."

~~~~~~My eyes grew wide as my anger subsided and made way for curiosity.
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⚔️ ~ The Wild

Postby espen. » Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:24 am



~~~~~~[ 1,274 words ] The night I was scheduled to leave Selasorba, a massive cold front swept across the city. The marble floors of the palace soaked up the frosty air like a thirsty sapling. Fires of old, tattered clothes ravaged the air in the building, choking cats. The bittersweet situation resulted in even more fatalities. Hatroclus's eyes watered as he recalled this to me.

~~~~~~The only response I gave was silence. I should have stayed. I should have fought for my people. Why did I get to live? Anger flared in my chest as I say under the willow tree. My large, fluffy paws lifted up my silvery body. Hatroclus looked up with pain in his eyes. I snarled an unrecognizable remark as I left the shade of the tree and wandered into a berry patch, claws digging into the soft soil.

~~~~~~As the thorns of the bushes clawed at my coat, my mind raced. Foolish father! I dug my claws further into the dirt, making an imprint. How dare he decide something so big for me! I slashed at a thin branch in my path. It fell to the ground. Why does he get to decide the value of my life? Why did I survive? Why was I allowed the best chance while kittens starved and froze before us? I quickened my pace as I neared a clearing, my coat now caked in berries and thorns. A sunbaked, smooth stone sat in the center of an angelic grassy circle. I went up to the rock and fell upon it, suddenly drained from by my thoughts and emotions. I closed my eyes and felt my body soak up the warmth as my mind drifted.


~~~~~~The endless possibilities of dreaming unfurled beyond my brain. A misted version of my body floated through a black void, curled and adorned with purple and violet smoke. Morganus was our deity of prophecies, shadows, and dreams; every night he sends his mortal subjects on harrowing journeys through their minds. Tonight, I was pulled into an unfamiliar scene.

~~~~~~Pillars stood amongst golden-tinged clouds and there was a light shining at such an angle that the pillars cast mighty shadows. Everything was the brightest white marble, sculpted to perfection. Upon each pillar was a floating sigil. One burned bright orange, flames licking at the sides. Another radiated life and energy, with weeds and wildflowers growing from it. There were many, many more, for all forms of the world. Three thicker pillars stood closer to me. The center sigil was made of clouds, with lightning and electricity dancing from one tuft of water vapor to the next. To the right was one of water, coral, and abalone. To the left of the middle sigil was a startling dark figure. They were vaguely feline, but seemingly made of gaseous material; it was never fully solid. An aura and scent of death unfurled around me, but never rushed my adrenaline. No menacing aura came from this encounter. Bright orange eyes pierced through the deep purple shadow, sending out an opposing light. A voice boomed from the figure.

~~~~~~"I am Morganus and I have come to claim you, dear Bachilles." As the words spilled from the now-formed maw of the beast, shivers went up my spine and I had to place my airy paws on the ground to keep from floating off.

~~~~~~"You will be a great hero, little one. You will rise above the ranks of others and lead your followers into a glorious battle! Statues will be made, masterpieces crafted, and-" I cleared my throat, sensing that this wouldn't end anytime soon.

~~~~~~"My lord, Morganus, god of shadows and prophecy, I'm afraid you're mistaken. I dipped my head both in fear and respect. "I am no great hero. I have fled my country when it needed me most. I bring shame to my family name, my lord..."

~~~~~~The god seemed disapproving of my words. They blinked and shook off any confusion from their expression and they continued, "How about I make a deal with you, little one?" A smirk appeared on that muzzle. "I will provide you with all the necessary supplies for your journey, and in return, you will fulfill the role of my sponsored hero. I will guide you on a path of glory, and you can redeem yourself."

~~~~~~I paused and thought. The idea of a broken hero from a noble city running around doing a gods errands sounded strange. Yet, a glorified hero sounded rewarding. Tempting, even. "What kind of things would I do for you, my lord?"

~~~~~~Morganus gazed into my eyes, theirs growing ever brighter. "Why fight, of course. Fight for those you could not protect. You may not be able to control the things past, but I can help you with things to come."

~~~~~~I opened my mouth to question these claims when my airy dream form was sucked back into consciousness. Something was pushing against me in the real world.


~~~~~~I awoke to Hatroclus nudging my horizontal body, nose pressed into my side. I looked at his, turning my head. Something felt off. I got up and felt a slight weight on my neck. At the same time, Hatroclus's eyes grew wider, staring at the same spot that caught my attention.

~~~~~~A bronze-colored scarf hung from my silver and gold neck, accented with creamy milk-white and sparkling in the sunlight.

~~~~~~"It matches your eyes."

~~~~~~I looked up at him, any past anger or confusion towards my predicament lost. I just smiled. He looked up at me with those large, innocent eyes filled with awe. I took a step toward Hatroclus, but he beckoned me backward as he himself stepped up onto the rock. I coiled my body around him as he shrank into a ball. My eyes closed. The new scarf felt almost cold against me, and the color sang of former glory, faded into muteness.

~~~~~~"I like it."


~~~~~~"I like it. It suits you." A pause came. I knew he was debating whether to ask me something. "And your eyes." Another pause. "Did I ever tell you about your eyes?"

~~~~~~I chuckled lightly, curling closer to him and feeling his soft fur rubbing against my belly. "No. Do tell, dear."

~~~~~~"Your eyes are like the last burning embers of a fire. Like finished bronze armor. They remind me of a worthy and resilient warrior."

~~~~~~"Oh. My dear, I'm not worthy. I'm not a soldier. I'm a coward who let my father steal me from my home. From my duty as a prince." My heart dropped like a stone in a stream. I'd ruined the mood, I just knew it.

~~~~~~"No, no I don't believe that." He shifted to look me in the eye, and his eyes told me everything I needed to know. He would love me forever. He would love every mistake I made and every decision, so long as he could come back to me at the end of the day. My eyes watered as my heart swelled.

~~~~~~"I-" The tears burst from my bronze-gold eyes and my body began to shake. The warmth of the stone was forgotten as the scarf around me seemed to tighten. I don't deserve you.

~~~~~~Hatroclus simply got up and repositioned himself to lick my forehead soothingly. The rest of the day was spent calming me down and explaining how I'd received the scarf. My lover seemed somewhat hesitant about my new quest, but he kept listening to my dreamy encounter, nodding. Together we weighed the pros and cons of the journey a head of us. Eventually, we decided.

~~~~~~It was better to change the future than the past.

(AN: I'm dying, I've written 4010 words :sobs: why do I do this to myself)
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⚔️ ~ Ophigar - The Fight

Postby espen. » Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:10 am


~~~~~~[ 1,836 words ] The next day we set out for our new adventure, the sun high in the sapphire sky. The white-tipped edge of my new scarf ruffled in the wind. A voice followed on the air currents, telling me my destination. With a quick word to our guard, Hatroclus and I packed up and started on our way, with the soldier trailing behind.

~~~~~~Roads of beaten dirt, grass, and leaf clutter came and went, but my fatigue never ceased. Every paw step felt heavier the closer we got to our village destination. My neck drooped and my tail went with it. Hatroclus offered to slow his pace, but I brushed off the request, trying my best to ignore the pain. Over hills and through valleys we went, spending the rest of the week traveling. Along the way, we set up campfires and told stories from our kittenhood. I learned my guard's name was Stoic Crescent, and he was fairly new on the job. We laughed, we cried, and we remembered together. Day after day, we grew closer.

~~~~~~Of course, with every success came another challenge. As the sun came up, Hatroclus's warmth left my nest, stirring the dream fog from my head. I lifted my head up, feeling the cold seep onto my fur-flat cheek.

~~~~~~"Where are you going, my dear?" His golden eyes looked back, looking expectantly at me.

~~~~~~"I just thought I'd gather something simple for breakfast," he replied, softening his gaze and turning back towards the tent entrance. I let my head loll back into its dent.

~~~~~~The sun climbed higher and eventually, my body felt rigid and stiff enough to force me fully awake. I padded out of the tent, stretching on my way to the center of our camp. A faint sound peaked my interest, and I swiveled my ears toward it. The audio was unnatural, not a common forest sound. It became louder, and I could make out panic and terror. I froze, my blood running cold as I realized it was a yowl. Feline.

~~~~~~The chaotic brushes of leaves against fur and paws came next as my love ran through the foliage. Hatroclus's peaceful eyes were awake with a rush of adrenaline and he barreled past me. A growl and heavy, heavy steps followed. I was still frozen in place, my mind merely comprehending movement, not processing anything more. Crescent came out of nowhere as the bear broke through the last line of plant defense.

~~~~~~The caniform creature bared its massive fangs, swiping at the form of Crescent. He dodges to the side, the bear claws meeting only air. A feline swipe to the side, and growl from the bear jolts me awake as another massive paw comes at me. I roll to the side, and jump into action. Stoic Crescent continued to bait, swipe, and flee. I wond my muscles up and leapt onto the bear's back, digging my claws in and bitting the hide as hard as I could. The uneven, furry brown ground beneath my paws shifted, as skin rolled over muscle and bone. I lost my footing, claws ripping out of the fur, and my ribs crashing against the ground. Another yowl came from behind me. A creamy white shape jumped over my airless body and Hatroclus came into the battle.

~~~~~~My eyes widened as my lungs searched for air. Hatroclus had never been gifted at battle, and now was certainly not the time to practice. I forced my big paws under me and I launched myself at the bear again, silently praying to Morganus. My love slashed and clawed, barely escaping the bear's swipes. Each time, he was slower and slower. Breathless, I turned to find him in the flurry of action, only to see a spray of red. The world spun as I followed the trail of scarlet. It ended on a body. My paws moved by themselves toward the figure on the ground. A light flashed above me, blinding the surrounding fauna, including me.

~~~~~~A high-pitched ringing came into my ears as I blindly stumbled in the same direction, tripping over the body. My muzzle landed in the still-warm fur, comforting me little. The forest's natural ambience faded out. The sounds of Stoic Crescent and the bear followed suit. Vaguely, the sound of a ripping treebranch came from somewhere behind me. I didn't open my eyes as I lifted my head from the fur. The world around me was fuzzy, out of focus. Not important. I opened my bronze eyes just enough to see Hatroclus in front of me. A claw felt wrenched in my heart, then...black. My vision further blurred as the memory of a pain on the back of my head drifted away.

~~~~~~My mind's eye showed me a purple-misted figure smiling down on me. Morganus.


~~~~~~In the aftermath of the battle, I awoke to a sore and swollen body. Hatroclus was curled up in the corner of my tent, body wrecked from the scurmish. His soft, delicate stomach had been slashed; a light pink scar twisted over the once beautiful fur. Stoic Crescent checked on my often, bringing food and herbs to help with numbness. I noticed his ear had been torn, but I didn't bother mentioning it, my mind swimming with Hatroclus. After a week of constant rest, we had to keep moving. The nights on the road were tiresome and sprinkled with accounts of that day. A blinding purple flash had driven the bear away, and Stoic Crescent had managed to pack Hatroclus' wounds to stop the bleeding. I knew Morganus had helped us, but my eyes were glazed over with numb thoughts and mundane feelings.

~~~~~~My paws met the soft soil with every step up the mighty, grassy hill. I finally reached its crest and my breath stopped. Before me lay a starkly different scene. The village was dotted with charred wood buildings, crumbling from age and use. Bonfires roared in the town square, burning horrible smelling objects. The stench caught on a breeze and was lifted to my nose. I held back a gag as Hatroclus arrived beside me. He gasped and his soft ears went back, mouth agape. Crescent didn't bother looking.

~~~~~~We headed down the bright green hill, slowly approaching the dark village. The ground underpaw transformed from soft, long blades, to pointed chips of rock. A few villagers looked up momentarily from their work. I strolled through the buildings to reach the town square, braving the stench to make a point.

~~~~~~"Ask them. Ask them what they burn," whispered the immortal voice in my head. I sized up the bonfire, feeling the unholy heat radiating off of it.

~~~~~~"What do you burn, villagers?" I boomed, my eyes serious. An elderly looking cat rose from the woodwork of villagers and limped over to me. He had scraggly ears and limbs, fur matted in all directions. One eye donned a gloomy cloud: blindness.

~~~~~~"We burn our last sacrifices, stranger, for our patron, Garic, has forsaken us. But that is no concern of yours; you are a visitor. You can leave whenever you wish."

~~~~~~I narrowed my eyes in question, and beckoned him with, "Why do you believe this?"

~~~~~~He then offered my eyes his leg. A cold jolt ran through me as I gazed on the horror.

~~~~~~An enormous canine fang was lodged in his upper leg; infection clearly ran rampart through his body. My own felt numb as my mind raced, eyes growing ever wider.

~~~~~~"It was almost two moons ago when it started. First our meager flocks, then our grains. And that's when our patron went silent. Our Oracle felt his connection go quiet, then the wolves came." Ice flowed through me once more, replenishing my terror. "He's described it to us as Garic wants to help, but something holds him back. Clearly some wrong has been committed on our end, we all thought. So I had everyone confess their wrongs and trespasses. Nothing changed. The wolves kept coming. They ate our remaining livestock, trampled our small farms, and ravaged our families." The tom's eyes glowed with trauma as he recounted the last moons.

~~~~~~An old she-cat slowly walked up to the matching tom as he broke down in violent sobs. She guided him away, gently whispering to him. I turned my body and squared off the townsfolk, looking at their frail conditions.

~~~~~~One thought passed through my mind...

~~~~~~I'm not alone.


~~~~~~After the scout had returned with the den's location, I got to work with the troops. By asking around and reassuring felines, I'd managed to understand that before the plague and famine, the town, Ophigar, was a robust outpost, ruled by a wise lineage. The strongest among them had wanted to fight against the wolves, but were inexperienced leaders. I rounded up the fittest and explained my plan.

~~~~~~Hatroclus stood quietly beside me as I barked my orders and ideas to the soldiers. The first group would draw the wovles out; the second would go in and look for vulnerable. Then this, then that, I said, until they understood and worked through the knots. Weapons were polished and armor resized as anticipation for the next day rose. The soft, white tom cat kept glancing at me with a slight smirk.

~~~~~~After the bulk of the work was done, I met Stoic Crescent in between two buildings: our camp. He'd set up three king-sized tents and got a fire going. I nodded politely to him, but padded past the cooking dinner and into my tent. Heaving a sigh, I paused, sensing a presence behind me.

~~~~~~Hatroclus looked up with his golden eyes and smiled warmly, clearly adoring my sight. Any emotional mark of his previous injury had left.

~~~~~~"What?" I questioned with a slight laugh. He was often a confusing tomcat to me, never ceasing to be baffling.

~~~~~~"You're just so happy, 'Chilles... I was getting worried on the journey here. You were scaring me...to be honest. You were so distant from me, but now you're more you than ever. The way your eyes light up when somecat asks a question. The way you direct them all towards one goal..."

~~~~~~I looked at him, confused. I hadn't felt any different about my changed circumstance. I merely saw it as the right thing to do. The thing Morganus wanted me to do. Even if I hadn't had the god parroting on my shoulder, I would've helped the Ophigarians. I understood their pain, their hopelessness, and I could finally fix it.

~~~~~~"You're strange, you know that, my love? You notice the details that others gloss over. You change the perspective of something so seemingly simple." He smiled wider and laughed, padding over to a bag in the corner of my tent. He teased out a willow bark lyre, etched in gold. I followed the feline as he sat down on my nest, beginning to strum a sweet melody. I curled up in front of him, my back to the tent flap, as I listened, entranced.

(Banging my head against my desk /j why is this so long. trying so hard to make it dramatic, but it sounds dumb in my head :sobbing:)
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⚔️ ~ The Council

Postby espen. » Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:57 am



~~~~~~[ 405 words ] A large grey and white tom leaped onto a low-standing marble pillar, darkly veined. He sat, showing off a large scar on his spine, and looking up at the felines perched on the higher marble pillar. The council of the gods we debating over minor inconveniences, per usual.

~~~~~~Garic's eyelids drooped as he listened to his fellow immortals talk of the new tide schedule with Buoyar, god of the sea. They rambled and rambled, until finally, Morganus entered the room with a flourish of magenta smoke and mist, curling around his purple-tinged fur. They looked smug.

~~~~~~As the newly arrived feline waltzed up to their tall pillar, the sea god, Buoyar, inquired about their expression.

~~~~~~"Why do you look like you've just won a crab race, Morganus?" snarled Buoyar. "With a lobster. On land." The sea god never really enjoyed the meetings, let alone looking at the other gods, fellow primordials or not, but he could nearly always muster an aquatic joke.

~~~~~~"I just aided an up-and-coming hero on his journey toward greatness." He sat down with a puff of smoke. "I'm interested in what he'll be doing next. Although I must admit, I did send him on a course for Ophigar." With the last word, the primordial deity's eyes glided over to the lower-ranked god, Garic. They didn't seem particularly conniving, just curious.

~~~~~~He responded with a glare. Morganus knew how much Garic has given up for that town. The gods' ranks in the council were influenced by the economic and political health of their patron cities. Garic saw the promise in lowly Ophigar and sacrificed his dignity and rank to nurture the small town. The other gods had never understood his choice and often heckled him for it. But there was something promising about the nobles there, no matter how poor the city may have seemed.

~~~~~~"We aren't interfering with the natural course of things, are we Morganus?" boomed a voice shrowded in bright golden light. Even as immortals, there were rules. Rules that dictated they couldn't interfere too greatly in the ultimate timeline of the world.

~~~~~~Morganus chuckled and smiled gently. The conversation over trifling things continued.

~~~~~~"Interesting." The patron of Ophigar made a mental note to check on his town, hoping that not too many cats had died. As a low-ranking god, he couldn't risk breaking too many rules, lest he be cast out and stripped of his powers, completely useless.
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⚔️ ~ Ophigar - The Pack

Postby espen. » Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:06 am


~~~~~~[ 1,258 words ]The crowd of mangled, dirty, and armored cats clanked and banged all the way to the wolf den. Thin legs desperately supported thick layered plates of armor, beaten into their vaguely feline shape. The armor looked like a husk, but the cats themselves were the real lifeless bunch.

~~~~~~I headed the mass of marching cats, my pelt coated in ill-fitting armor, just like the rest. Hatroclus had been forced to stay back at my pleading voice; I couldn't stomach seeing him injured again. I pushed away the deep, growing hole of despair in my chest as best as I could. I had to focus on the coming battle.

~~~~~~The den was in the middle of a small valley. Thank the gods it was small enough for a cat to reasonably run across without tiring...Although, these weren't the fittest cats. I glanced at my troops, hardening my gaze so not to show any fear. The mask was for their sake, not mine, I told myself.

~~~~~~"Let us commence the plan, soldiers!" Half of the cats split off from the group, skirting the outside of the lime-green valley. It was painful to look at such a bright and vibrant hue, especially after the scorched black shacks of Ophigar. The first group sent a few felines closer to the den with a measly piece of raw meat at the helm. I couldn't hear anything, but I saw the cats scatter to the nearby grove of trees, taunting the canines all the while. It was our turn.

~~~~~~The second group, including me, charged forward, paws thudding on the soft grass as a writhing mass lurched toward the den amongst leaf litter and brush. We arrived at the hole in the ground and the designated soldiers lined up behind me, swords drawn and at the ready. I charged in first and was met with a shockingly dark atmosphere.

~~~~~~The air was dense with moisture and darkness. Roots hung from the low ceiling and underpaw the ground was soft. My pace had slowed, so I picked it back up and trotted into the den, my amber eyes slowly adjusting. As clarity returned, I was met with a long snout in front of mine. The black nose on the tip was as big as my whole muzzle. Bronze eyes trailed up the feature and were met with striking black eyes, glazed with a protective nature.

~~~~~~I craned my neck and bit down on the nose. The large wolf yelped and backed up. It was protecting something furry and small. Pups. The soldiers around me swarmed forward, overwhelming the wolf as more came into view. I launched into battle, trying desperately to get to the pups, hoping they would be the key to ending this quickly.

~~~~~~I ducked under a canine, rolled to the left to dodge a tail, and hissed viciously at snapping jaws. Tails were pulled, paws were clamped with jaws, and eyes were scratched. My heart was racing as I neared the other end of the den. The pups were cowering in a small crevice, mostly concealed by the soft soil and dank air. The blood in my veins felt thick and heavy as I neared them even more. I locked eyes with one of them and drew my longsword.

~~~~~~I bit my lip and charged, swinging up my blade, readying myself for the bloody hit, but it never came. My body crumpled as I was hit from my flank, crashing into the soft earth wall that no longer felt soft. A growl hit my ears, mixing with hot, rank breath, as the wolf stood over me, enraged. A soldier yowled for backup and rushed to aid me, nipping at the haunches of the wolf. It swung its head backward and snapped at the feline. The air was knocked out of me, but I managed to stand in time to see the wolves fall back to retrieve the pups, then rush the lines of soldiers once more, breaking through with sheer brute force. Suddenly the air stilled.


~~~~~~Wheezing bodies scattered the floor of the den. The injured were carried out by medics as the first group of cats were recovered from their arboreal perches. I was relieved to be informed that there were very few injuries in the first group. Sadly, the second wasn't quite as lucky.

~~~~~~I paced the floor of the den, my paws imprinting on the earth with every step. A few of the higher-ranked cats of Ophigar sat in a half circle in front of my pacing. They were discussing measures to keep the wolves away. I think we settled on burning the den and collapsing it. My thoughts were elsewhere.

~~~~~~All through the day, my mind felt filled with cotton, completely useless and numb. Those wolves. Their den. Their pups. It was all too much. Violence was never something I thought I'd have to deal with. Part of me had hoped as king my reign would be peaceful, but of course, I was foolish. Peace never comes without conflict. Events and celebrations blurred past me as I grappled with these thoughts. I was ready to kill wolf pups. I was ready to be the sole reason a bloodline ended. What if the roles were reversed? They had been. The plagues and the famines had been my wolves. They sought out every single weak link and demolished it, ravaging it with pure evil. Was I any different?

~~~~~~A cream and striped cat rushed toward me as the newest event took place. It was later in the day, nearly nighttime, as a clean bonfire roared in front of my eyes. I saw no flames, only Hatroclus. His bright eyes reflected no hardship and he greeted me with customary licks and nudges. A blossom of heart and love bloomed in my chest as he curled around me like a scarf. No, I was different. The plague killed for no reason; I fought for those who couldn't.

~~~~~~"'Chilles, I've heard the townsfolk praise you higher than their patron, Garic. You simply must tell me all the details tonight!"

~~~~~~The gods. Where were they in all of this? High and mighty, that's where. They sat upon their glowing thrones, dining on immortal beverages and food, as their mortals fell from hunger and illness. They chose to forsake us, and they were the cause for our suffering. The love warped into hatred as I abruptly got up, muttered something to Hatroclus, and made my way to our tent. Villagers stumbled toward me and thanked me greatly. I heard none of it, my eyes trained forward with a deep-set glare. They had all the power in the known universe to help us, but they chose to let us be destroyed. My head ripped through the tent flap and my body was enveloped with darkness. I slumped onto my nest with a sizeable huff and began to replay the past events in my head.

~~~~~~We attacked. The wolves fled. We gathered the injured and headed back. The same fragile cat that had greeted me on the first day had arranged festivities on my behalf. Symbols of Garic were torn down and replaced with my scarf's color: a worn orange. I was so caught up in the celebrations that the day flew by, landing me in front of that bonfire at dusk. I may have saved these cats from the wolves, but what about their god? They prematurely celebrated my existence, blissfully unaware of the rage of the gods. I had to leave as soon as possible.
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⚔️ ~ The Wild

Postby espen. » Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:09 am



~~~~~~[ 624 words ] Ever since that victory over the wolves, my mind raced with infinite possibilities. Anxiety flooded my veins and intrusive thoughts plagued my days and nights. Hatroclus very clearly saw my distress and voiced it to Stoic Crescent, who had led the first group in the attack. They decided it was best to move on. Perhaps the mundanity of the road would keep stress from my mind. I doubted it.


~~~~~~A month we had been on the road. We decided to head east, towards the coast. Along the way we fought more and more demons: some were minor, others were not. The larger threats haunted me days after the bloody victory. At every village stop we made, more and more of the same stories floated toward our ears. Famines struck. Cattle died. Illness! Dark days! Hopeless! Where are the gods? I clenched my jaw and stared at Hatroclus, unblinking. He nodded and would always escort me out of the inn's bar, worry striking his soft features. I laid bedridden most days, barely drinking water, barely sleeping.

~~~~~~The gods had abandoned us and I was completely useless to stop the destruction of these cats. Morganus had seldom been directing me along the way, and I was thankful for it. I'd rather not listen to an immortal's voice with all of my violent thoughts swirling about. I was constantly torn between wonder and anger. What kept the gods from helping us? We praised them daily, worshipped them, did their bidding, and when we needed them most, they left.

~~~~~~The fresh sea air ruffled my silver fur as we approached our final destination. It was a coastal town with a name I didn't care much to remember. As we approached the outskirts of the village, I lifted my head and mustered enough feeling to put on a brave and stoic face of a cat much older than me.

~~~~~~Sand gave way under my paws as I padded into the village, my scarf swaying in the soft breeze. Stoic Crescent and Hatroclus hung back slightly, observing the inhabitants. The ocean's waves crashed somewhere beyond our sight. These cats looked sleeker than the previous ones, their pelts shining like wet fish. They looked as if they could cut through the water like a knife. A decorated, cat stepped toward me from the opening of a large, round hut. They were a light silver, spotted with dark circles, and layers upon layers of shining, delicate jewelry adorned their neck. It shimmered in the light and clinked against the other beads and pendants. The feline's right ear was pierced with a thin disk of reflective material.

~~~~~~"We come in peace, fellow felines. I am Bachilles of Sela--" My booming voice was cut off by another, vaguely feminine but stern.

~~~~~~"We have heard of you, Bachilles of Selasorba. Tales of your heroic deeds have traveled far and wide, reaching us even here."

~~~~~~I dipped my head solemnly, as the clear leader of the village stepped forward once more, her jewelry swaying. I felt a slight shift in the sand as Hatroclus and Crescent bowed deeper. The silver feline circled us slowly, taking in our battered and rugged sight. Crescent's ear had been permanently altered; Hatroclus' stomach was forever marred, and my pelt was riddled with unkempt waves of fur from mistreatment and scars. My scarf hung low on my neck, flapping in the soft ocean breeze.

~~~~~~"I believe it is in my right to assume you are here to help us," she side-eyed me, coming full circle back to the front of me. "We have a peculiar sea serpent problem." I lifted my head in surprise, eyes widening. A certain dread-coated stone fell into the deep pits of my stomach. This was different.

( hehe sea serpent time <: )
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