Birthstone Event -- Create a Clan -- Kazin

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Birthstone Event -- Create a Clan -- Kazin

Postby Kazin » Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:07 pm

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April | Diamond --- "Understanding"

Postby Kazin » Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:07 pm

      ImageThis cat is talented in a great number of things, but others have often found their skills off-putting. What is this cat capable of? What is their greatest strength? And how could it be used to aid your clan in times of need?


      April | Diamond
        username: Kazin
        clan: ChaosClan
        - -
        cat's name: Snowbriar
        prompt fill:

        The skill of communication is nothing to take for granted. It's something that not many think about, but use everyday. There could be only minimal growth without communication, and plenty of misunderstandings that could have been solved by being able to recognize what the other party is trying to say. Snowbriar's early life was plagued with misinterpreted signals, with a lack of understanding, with the arrogance to not want to understand. Her life was torn apart because of the refusal to understand others who are different, and she vowed to make sure it never happened again.

        Snowbriar had always felt a connection to other parts of nature - the dirt and grass beneath her paws, the birds singing their songs in the treetops, and even the animals that were considered predators to her small group of rogues. She never ran from the dogs that were rampant around their group - instead, she tried to understand them. She learned their language, their rudimentary set of barks and yaps that the other cats just cringed at, shaking their heads at how primal the canines were. The young cat spent a lot of time listening, both to the grumbles of her family, and the discontent of the dogs. She grew to understand them, to learn their communication.. and to realize that they just wanted to be left alone, away from the antagonizing hisses of the cats.

        The day she first discovered she could understand the dogs, however, the others were not as keen about her abilities.

        "Hey, Pounce, can I talk to you?" Snow, as she was known as a rogue, was barely warrior age. Perhaps a year old, wanting to change the way her rogue group lived - in fear of an attack from the dogs, always trying to attack them first. "I found something out about the dogs." The usually stoic leader betrayed her apathy with a small glint of anger at the mention of the dogs. She gave a curt nod, not a cat of many words, flicking her tail to invite Snow inside of her den.

        "Speak," Pounce said sharply, sitting back on her haunches with what could only be a glare towards Snow. "I do not have all day."

        Snow shifted on her paws, not comfortable enough with the harsh leader to sit. "Well... it's just... I've been watching the dogs a lot lately. I know we're not supposed to," she added quickly, seeing a second flash of anger, this time directed at Snow herself, flicker in Pounce's eyes. "But it's been really informative! I know that they really just want to be left alone, and will leave us alone if we stop attacking them. They want to live in peace. I heard them say it!" Snow had to rise her voice against the growing yowl in Pounce's throat, a siren cutting off whatever Snow had wanted to say next.

        "Forbidden!" Pounce screeched, her claws digging into the soft dirt of her den. "You are doing forbidden work! And you are betraying your group! I could never believe that such primitive creatures are capable of thought, that they are capable of anything but causing us to live in fear! You are the reason they keep finding us! I want you out! OUT!" Pounce hurled herself at Snow, not meaning to do anything more than scare the young cat away - and it worked entirely. Snow's eyes grew wide, and she backed out of the den, not wanting to take her eyes off of the hissing leader.

        Without as much as a glance back at the shocked faces of the cats she had grown to love, Snow left. She turned her back on her group, just as they seemed to turn their backs on any sort of common sense.


        Snow set off on a path of loneliness, vowing to learn more about others around her. She would no longer let herself be pushed around by those who thought it was impossible for anything other than a cat to have a train of thought. She studied the birds next, never quite understanding what they were saying like she could with the dogs, but appreciating their communication style. Typically, the higher pitched and more melodic noises were that of light conversation, of the birds just saying hello to each other - at least that was what Snow gathered. The shorter calls followed by silence were warnings - usually made when the birds spotted Snow on the ground watching them. The birds seemed simpler, just enjoying filling the silence with their chirps and song. It made Snow feel at ease, feel like she had somewhere to be, even though she had no idea where her paws were taking her.

        As the temperatures started falling, Snow found herself wishing for a group again. Part of her longed to turn back, to return to life under Pounce's control, to continue fighting against the dogs that threatened them every day, but another stronger part of her said she was going somewhere important. She kept going, further away from the place she called home for so long, wandering until she found a new clan.

        Or rather, until they found her.

        "Halt!" The voice made Snow jump higher than she thought possible, whirling around while she was still in the air to see who had spoke. The voice didn't sound like a cat.

        "Hello," Snow said carefully, staring into the eyes of a medium sized dog. "I don't mean to cause any trouble. I was just passing through."

        It was the dog's turn to jump backwards, giving a small yip of fright, eyes widening with fear. "You! You can talk to me?! I didn't... I don't... cats can... what?!"

        Snow held back a laugh, sensing that this dog was not a threat. "Sorry for scaring you," she said, offering the dog a small smile of mediation. "Would you mind if I passed through?"

        "I... no, of course not. I was actually just trying to get you away anyhow. I... I've been kind of tired of seeing cats, and they usually just hiss at me and try to attack me, so honestly I was going to fight you and show you all a lesson..."

        "You all?" Snow asked, tilting her head slightly and sitting back on her haunches. "Are there more cats around here?"

        "Oh, you're not with them?" The dog rolled their eyes as they thought of the cats. "Yeah, there's an ungodly amount of cats around her. I think they're in what they call a 'clan.' There's a scent border not far to the east. They've been catching sight of me and trying to drive me away from their borders for a while... but I find it way more fun to annoy them." The dog offered a sheepish smile, though the impish look in their eyes told Snow they weren't really sorry at all.

        Snow didn't bother holding back her small laugh this time, enjoying herself around this dog. She had never gotten the opportunity to actually see if she could communicate with the creature, and she was glad to find that she could. Her mind trailing away briefly, she began to wonder what other animals she could understand... "Oh, I don't mind. Though maybe I could help that clan to understand you..." Snow let her voice trail off as she thought again. A clan... A new home?

        "Well, you let them know I won't bother them or steal their prey or anything. I just like this area and would prefer if I could live on the outskirts of their territory. Oh, and... if you ever feel like saying hi, I'll be glad to talk to you again! You're pretty cool.... for a cat, anyway." Another wide smile as the dog wagged its tail. "My name's Spirit, by the way."

        "Snow," the cat said, returning the dog's smile with another of her own. "Great to meet you. Thanks!"

        After a quick goodbye, the new friends parted ways - one to see if she could live a new life in a clan, and the other to enjoy their life on the outskirts of one.


        And so Snow became Snowbriar, a Scout of ChaosClan. She couldn't quite understand the grumpiness of the leader, or the strange way they lived in abandoned Twoleg monsters, but she was happy to have friends again. The clan cats didn't seem to mind that she could talk to dogs, agreeing to leave Spirit alone - and much to Snowbriar's surprise, they decided to take her along if they ever scented any other predator on any border, to attempt to get them to leave peacefully before attacking.

        It was progress towards a better world. A world of understand one another, and a world of peace. Snowbriar found herself happy for the first time in a very long time. Snowbriar found herself home.
Last edited by Kazin on Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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July | Ruby -- "Moonlight"

Postby Kazin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:23 pm

      ImageThis cat loves to experience the world around them. They’ve got a lot of life to spend and don’t want to miss a moment of it. Their energy is contagious. What do they drag your clan into doing? Does it become a regular activity?


      July | Ruby
        username: Kazin
        clan: ChaosClan
        - -
        cat's name: Raspberrysong
        prompt fill:

        It was no secret that Raspberrysong was an extroverted cat. She made friends easily, outgoing and kind, and she was well-liked by almost everyone. Even grumpy Raptorstar seemed to have a soft spot for her, rolling his eyes but smirking when he turned away. Her energy was contagious, and so were her adventure ideas... even if they didn't sound fun.

        In Greenleaf, it's no secret that the clan grows a bit lazier. Basking in the sun, enjoying the warmth... But even then, cats like Raspberrysong don't rest for long. She had places to see, things to do, and a whole entire life to live each day - so why waste it laying around? Raspberrysong usually chose a different cat each day to take along on her adventures, sometimes a small group, or sometimes just one other. She was never gone long, usually enjoying day trips so that she could be back in her comfortable nest by sundown, though she was known to disappear with someone else for a couple of days. It became a way of life for the clan, Raspberrysong's adventures.

        And soon, it would become a tradition.

        It started in Greenleaf. On the full moon, Raspberrysong insisted that a group of cats come with her to the top of the hill, to watch the birds. "It'll be easier to see them all in the moonlight," she explained as she walked, to the many cats following her,

        It was Gilaspike and Zephyrsnap who looked at each other, their eyes growing wide. "See what?" Gilaspike finally asked, their curiosity getting the better of them. It wasn't every day this many clan cats went out in the middle of the night.

        "The owls and bats, of course!" Raspberrysong chirped back, almost bird-like herself. Cats all around paused, glancing at each other and mumbling about wanting to go back. Yet, something about Raspberrysong's eagerness kept moving the small group forward... perhaps they'd see the magic of the owls and the bats if they kept going.

        The top of the hill sported a gorgeous view, no one could deny that. The territory bathed in moonlight gave the foliage a gentle glow, a slight breeze coming over the crest of the hill. "Beautiful," Raspberrysong breathed, more to herself than anyone else, though she caught the nods and murmurs of agreement from all around her. "If we look towards the treeline, we should see them." A dozen or so eyes followed Raspberrysong's instructions, looking out into the treeline. At first, nothing was happening, but then... the tell-tale sign of the bats, the high-pitched noises of echolocation, and the soft hoot from the owls... it wasn't long before silhouettes started swooping from the trees, across the moon, bathed in moonlight.

        It truly was beautiful.

        Thanks to Raspberrysong, every full moon, providing the weather allowed, a group of cats would travel to the top of the hill to watch the other creatures of the forest. To be observers for once, rather than enforcers. To finally be able to live in peace with everything else around them. It was soothing, and they would be forever grateful for Raspberrysong's sense of adventure.
Last edited by Kazin on Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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March | Aquamarine --- "Freeze"

Postby Kazin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:24 pm

      ImageThis cat comes from a bit of a troubled past - for a time, things were too chaotic and too difficult to deal with, so they fled as soon as possible. Supposedly, they've found solace in your clan. How has your clan helped to heal this cat? And how are they repaying the favor?


      March | Aquamarine
        username: Kazin
        clan: ChaosClan
        - -
        cat's name: Hurricanespots
        prompt fill:

        Once upon a time, Hurricanespots would have shut down whenever anything difficult came his way. It wasn't so distant in his past that his instincts had told him in the 'fight or flight' reaction, the answer was always 'freeze' instead. There was no fight, no flight, just a generic shutdown. Eventually, Hurricanespots grew tired of the stress, tired of the anger, tired of the freak outs... and finally he told his brain the answer was to flee instead of freeze.

        Hurricanespots doesn't like to tell the story of his past. He often avoids the topic, averting his gaze and changing the subject, no matter who was asking. Even when he joined ChaosClan, he refused to let anyone know where he came from. It was almost enough for Songbirdstar to deny him entry into the clan, not wanting to deal with a cat who might be leading more trouble's in than the clan needed.

        "I'm afraid you're overstaying your welcome, Hurricane." Songbirdstar didn't say her statement unkindly, but Hurricane still flinched. It still stung, to be kicked out of the place you retreated to. "You've done nothing wrong, but if you are on the run from others... we don't want to bring war to ChaosClan."

        Hurricane hung his head, shaking it slowly. "I'm not on the run," he said weakly, unconvincing. "I promise."

        Sighing, Songbirdstar sat back, wrapping her tail around her paws as she studied the smaller cat. Even in the short stay he had with ChaosClan, he looked healthier - his fur wasn't matted or tangled from lack of bathing, his eyes were brighter, and he looked happier. Part of her longed to understand the tom, to continue helping him, her driving factor to wanting to be a leader of this clan. "Hurricane... I don't want to make you tell me what happened. I really don't. I just want to know if we need to be worried about others coming to find you, coming to fight our clan."

        "No one should be missing me," the tom said, a little bit of energy returning to his voice. "I am certain of that. Plus, if anyone comes looking for me, I promise I'll turn myself in. I promise."

        The two cats met each other's gaze. Nothing but sincerity in both their eyes. Songbirdstar let out one nod, sealing Hurricane's fate as a member of ChaosClan. Hurricanespots.


        "No, Hurricanespots, that's not how you play at all!" Fireflyglint gave a huff, seemingly frustrated, but there was a large spark of amusement behind her eyes. "Honestly, sometimes you seem like you don't know how to have fun." Playfully, she pushed the tom with her paw, causing him to sputter. Maybe I don't know how to play or have fun, he sighed to himself. But underneath that sigh was a smile. A laugh. He might not have known how, but he was certainly learning, thanks to the friends he had made in this clan.

        "Let's just start again," Sulphurstripe called out, bouncing on his feet to get the game started again. "I want Hurricanespots on my team this time." The spotted tom's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening. Sulphurstripe... wanted him... on his team? Almost in a daze, Hurricane made his way towards the other side of the dirt clearing, nodding to the smiling tom. "You're a great goalie and defender," Sulphurstripe whispered to the new member of ChaosClan. "Fireflyglint thinks you're going to be up front, so let's surprise her and you can keep the moss ball out of the goal, ok?" Hurricane nodded, determined. As Zephyrsnap called the game to start again, watching from the sidelines and acting as the referee of sorts, Hurricane feigned forward, falling back as Fireflyglint and her team took the bait, coming forward to try and meet Hurricanespots. The younger she-cat let out a frustrated yell as she realized Hurricanespots was going to hang back, and finally, for the first time in a very long time, Hurricanespots felt himself smile.

        Was this what it was like to have a home? To have cats that cared about you, more than just caring about you catching enough prey? He had finally found friends. He finally found out what it meant to be alive. Hurricanespots vowed to never let anything happen to any of these cats. No matter what.
Last edited by Kazin on Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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September | Sapphire --- "Honesty"

Postby Kazin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:25 pm

      ImageThis cat prides themselves on being forthright and honest – and they tend to hold the same standards for every other cat. They can’t stand to watch as devious, selfish schemes play out before them. What was a scandal they might have uncovered or came out about? What was the aftermath?


      September | Sapphire
        username: Kazin
        clan: ChaosClan
        - -
        cat's name: Bluespark
        prompt fill:

        It's always in the eyes. Dishonesty, deceit... trickery. Bluespark has always been a bit more perceptive than others, a bit more observant. He sees the schemes, sees the plots, and he uncovers the truth. Honesty has always been the single most important quality to the tom, and he holds that belief to others as well; if they can't be honest about something, then what are they doing in a clan where they need to be trusted?

        From the moment he laid his gaze on Buzzardshade, Bluespark knew the tom was up to no good. He had the eyes, the look, and just the air about him that screeched I'm plotting something. Even as Bluespark went from rogue to Hunter of Chaosclan, he kept his gaze on Buzzardshade. He vowed to uncover the sneaky truth about the tom. He had to.

        It wasn't easy to keep tabs on a cat as sneaky as Buzzardshade. Bluespark had learned that the hard way, having to perfect the art of stealth. He smirked to himself now, how it all came so easily - the shadows were his friends. The grass hiding his pelt, even though it stood out in color. Buzzardshade looked around as he slinked into the shadows himself, but Bluespark was unseen. Of course he was.

        "Where are you going," Bluespark whispered to himself, eyes narrowing as he saw Buzzardshade let down his guard. He had his sights set on a Monster on the outskirts of the camp, one that had only been recently occupied; Bluespark himself lived in one not far from it, which was the reason he knew this one hadn't been inhabited for long. The occupants had only just moved in, though with a start Bluespark realized that it was Buzzardshade and another, Petalsong, who lived there.

        The tom sat straight up, not caring if he was seen. Petalsong. She was Raptorstar's mate, was she not? At least, that was what Songbirdstar told the new cat once he arrived, gazing at Petalsong from across the clearing. He thought she was pretty, sure, but spoken for. Songbirdstar told him not to waste his time, and he wasn't going to. But now? Buzzardshade? Raptorstar's apparent brother?

        The truth had to come out. He had to tell someone.

        He would choose Songbirdstar. She would know what to do with the information, how to break it to Raptorstar. It wasn't going to be easy, but Bluespark knew it needed to happen.

        He would choose honesty over lies any day. It only prevented cats from getting more hurt in the long run.
Last edited by Kazin on Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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May | Emerald --- "Don't Leave"

Postby Kazin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:26 pm

      ImageThis cat has gone out searching for chapter after chapter in the story of their life. They’ve never before settled down in one place. What about your clan has them sticking around past their normal departure and looking forward to the next phase in their life?


      May | Emerald
        username: Kazin
        clan: ChaosClan
        - -
        cat's name: Mosspond
        prompt fill:

        He had been planning to leave, to ignore the others that had grown to consider him a friend. It wasn't as if he had any friends; no, Mosspond was his only friend. He had himself and no one else, right? It had always been that way. Traveling from place to place, he had never felt like he belonged.

        But if he didn't belong anywhere, why did this place feel so different? Feel so much like... home? Was it really those two words? Could two words mean so much? Mosspond used to think that words had no worth. They were meaningless, empty thoughts that reached someone's ears for no reason. Really, if he could go his life without talking, he would, but it wasn't practical, especially when he lived in a clan.

        But those two words... they filled him with stronger emotions than he ever felt possible. Such simple, meaningless words they would be... but coming from their mouth...

        Everything had meaning.

        "Don't leave." Basilthorn's voice hadn't risen to anything more than a whisper. Really, Mosspond wasn't even sure if they meant him to hear them. But he did, his ears twitched, his heart stopping for a moment. His mind focused on those two words, those two small words. They barely broke the surface of the air, but they nearly broke Mosspond's heart.

        Maybe it wasn't the words after all. Maybe instead it was the emotion behind them, the cracked voice, the heartbreak. Mosspond couldn't be the reason for the sadness, and especially not Basilthorn's sadness. He would do anything in his power to keep Basilthorn safe, to help them be happy, to help them feel like they are enough. Hadn't he spent countless nights in the past moon doing just that? He was a fool. He couldn't leave. He wouldn't be able to leave them.

        Mosspond found a friend. Found someone who he might even consider more than a friend. He found Basilthorn.

        From the moment those two words came out of Basilthorn's mouth, Mosspond knew he wouldn't leave again. He had found a home. He was here.

        "I won't," he whispered back, turning to nudge his nose against Basilthorn's side. They had each other. They needed each other.

        He wouldn't leave.
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