( `` gnashing teeth `` [ kalon readopt ] )

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( `` gnashing teeth `` [ kalon readopt ] )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:08 pm


the wooded forest before you reaches out a snarl of branches, beckoning, tugging
you closer...


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( navigation )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:21 pm



( navigating the forest )
the path in the forest is thickly overgrown, with snarls of thorns pricking at your
ankles and branches caressing your cheeks. a flash of white catches your eye, t-
hough; it's a signpost, overcome with vines and leaves, barely readable. but it
will help you navigate nonetheless.
i. the beginning
ii. stolen
iii. into the woods
iv. returned
v. castle grounds

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( the beginning )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:40 pm



( the beginning, the basics )xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i. alyce ii. female iii. youngest of four siblings iv. homosexual v. five feet tall vi. slim
& delicate build vii. virgo viii. clever, sly, introverted, critical ix. nocturnal x. night
wanderer xi. moodboard

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( stolen )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:52 pm



alyce had been sleeping, breath gently stirring the hair that curled on the pillow
beneath her head. she'd always, even since she'd been an infant, been a peaceful
child, dozing softly and without a fuss, without noise or movement.

she'd been a deep sleeper, too, and perhaps that was why she hadn't heard them slip
through her open window, for the weather outside had been cool and pleasant late-
ly. their robes had only rustled softly against the finely furnished wooden floor that
made up alyce's room, their whispers to one another in a strange tongue that the p-
rincess would not have been able to decipher even if she had been awake.

she had stirred slightly when they lifted her without touch, with murmured hexes t-
hat lifted the young girl from her place of rest and into the air, pillowed atop noth-

the entire kingdom was asleep, for it was well past the moon's peak, and they had
known that would be the case, they had planned this, imagined every scenario po-
ssible, traced their route over and over again in the dirt that they'd been using as
a temporary map.

all in all, their plan had been perfect, and, when the sun reached its peak and aly-
ce, often the most early riser within the palace, had not come down to breakfast,
her parents had begun to fret, and venus's scream of horror had roused any within
the kingdom who had still been dreaming.

her daughter, her precious, precious daughter. she was gone, vanished into the ni-
ght, a breeze billowing the curtains inwards as if to caress venus, apologize for t-
heir betrayal, for letting alyce and her captors escape.

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( into the woods )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:00 pm



it had been nearly an entire year since alyce's parents had walked into her room
only to find her missing; she had settled nicely here, among these witches and
members of the coven, learning swiftly how to memorize spells and practice hexes.
she'd been taught to be nocturnal, to prowl during the night, to nap during sunhigh.

while the witches might have planned on how to get alyce out of the palace, they
had never considered how they were going to get her back in.

they had stolen her to prove a point, as for many years now witches had been ban-
ned within the kingdom; if the youngest princess were to return to the palace with
magical knowledge, they would be forced either to exile the young girl or to accept
witches into their ranks.

but the witches had been unable to return alyce to her family, for the day after aly-
ce went missing, the number of guards around the kingdom multiplied tremendously.

and so alyce lived in the forest all the way until she was sixteen years of age, learn-
ing and swiftly exceeding at all that the coven taught her of magic.

she was particularly skilled in nature magic, with an uncanny ability to manipulate
foliage and other organic elements with an unrivaled ease.

she fit right in.

Last edited by notwearingsocks on Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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( returned )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:41 pm



it was alyce who managed to smuggle herself back into the castle; at a mere sixteen
years of age, her magical ability already far surpassed that of the other members of
the coven, and so, after having heard whispered tales of her family back at the cast-
le, an overwhelming curiosity overcame alyce.

even as a young girl, she had been an expert at wedging her rather small form into t-
iny nooks and crannies, making her the best out of all four siblings at hide-and-seek,
and with magic now on her side, it was an easy feat to disguise herself and walk un-
opposed into the palace that she'd grown up in.

shrouded within a dirty, leaf-ridden cloak, a whispered enchantment, a murmured h-
ex, prevented the guards at the gate from seeing her, and those within the high-dis-
trict city surrounding the palace were oblivious, too.

the palace was battered with rain, and thunder followed alyce's path as she slipped
between the guards before the doors; the heavy wooden doors slammed open, and
suddenly the girl in the cloak was visible and suddenly there were no less than a d-
ozen short swords pointed at her, all aiming to kill, and suddenly there they were,
her parents, her siblings.

alyce's mother fainted.

alyce's father froze.

one of alyce's siblings screamed.

and a sword was driven into alyce's stomach.

- -

it was an accident, it would be revealed later; one of the guards panicked at the
scream, and lunged forward, acting upon sheer instinct and the desire to protect.

he was the only resident in the hospital that night, for alyce had saved her own l-
ife, a shout ripped from her throat taking the form of a hex, protecting herself so
powerfully that the guard was thrown nearly twenty feet into the air and, upon l-
anding, broke three ribs.

her family broke from their astonishment at this blatant use of magic, gaping, m-
ouths falling open and eyes widening.

what were they do do, except welcome this newly powerful witch back into the p-

the royal family lived in a constant state of fear, then, worried that if alyce did n-
ot get her way, then they, too, would be in the medical wing.

witches and wizards alike were once more allowed to reside within the castle gr-
ounds; magic ran rampant, with ever-burning fires lighting front gardens and en-
chanted plants producing the most succulent fruit within the kingdom, though m-
any were too afraid of magic to consume the fruit.

all of this was wonderful, in alyce's opinion; she essentially controlled her entire
family, making her the supreme ruler of the kingdom, despite her young age; su-
re, her eldest brother had to play pretend and act princely, but she pulled the s-
trings, she made the decisions.

power felt so good.

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( castle grounds )

Postby notwearingsocks » Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:15 am



since the return of the princess, curious cityfolk and even nosy reporters had fl-
ooded the area, all eager to catch a glimpse of the princess, to ask her a few c-
hoice questions.

one such reporter, a kalon with an enchanted quill that hovered patiently above
a scroll, crossed her legs delicately as she gazed at the princess from across the
table between them. she had likely purchased the quill from a witch or a wizard,
and the magic was familiar to alyce, comforting, even. her family was not with
her; the members of the kingdom wanted to hear only about alyce, her myster-
ious disappearance, and her sudden return.

"so, alyce," the reporter began, leaning forward slightly as if to catch every move
that the princess made. "have you enjoyed being back at the castle? it's been a

"it has," alyce agreed, though she paused to consider the question. this interview
would be how she was portrayed for the entire kingdom. "i have enjoyed... cert-
ain aspects of being back."
like being in control of the palace, she thought inwar-
dly, her hair curling against the nape of her neck as she tipped her head upwards
to gaze at the crystal chandelier that glimmered from above.

the magical quill scratched against the parchment rapidly, taking swift notes e-
ven as the reporter once again began questioning alyce. alyce couldn't even r-
emember this woman's name; annie? ally? something cutesy and feminine and
annoying, she was sure.

"and what has your family thought about your return?" annie-or-whatever inq-
uired, her eyes scrutinizing as she gazed about, the rest of the royal family n-
owhere in sight.

"they have welcomed me with open arms," alyce murmured; that was for sure.
they were scared half out of their wits anytime she entered a room, and the o-
nly time they were safe was when alyce was at the market or taking a walk.

"wonderful," annie replied, leaning back in her cushioned seat. "you are a signi-
ficant icon for many magicfolk; how do you feel about being the hero of so ma-
ny people?"

alyce shrugged noncommittally, her eyes roaming once more; she seemed to be
refusing to make eye contact with this dreadful woman, though it was not beca-
use of intimidation or fear, but rather the utter annoyance that this reporter d-
rew forth. "it's fine," she spoke slowly.

the quill scratched and the woman hummed, pursing her lips briefly. "and how do
you feel about your status within the kingdom? is it overwhelming? do you wish y-
ou were closer with your people? do you enjoy being handed everything on a sil-
ver platter?"
it was a sugar coated jibe at the princess for being so spoiled, and
yet alyce only released a small, derisive laugh.

"i thoroughly enjoy my status as princess," she answered this question more will-
ingly, waving a hand slightly as she spoke (the reporter flinched slightly at the m-
ovement, perhaps worried that she might be hexed or cursed). "i find it incredi-
bly... rewarding,"
alyce's voice was almost a purr as she thought of the mounds
of gold that she had access to. she had become almost conceited with her time
in the castle, preferring golden cauldrons to brass, decorating her room with
silver draperies and wearing dangly bracelets upon her wiry wrists.

with a final flourish midair, the quill ceased it's writing and annie folded the par-
chment into a tiny clutch at her hip, standing abruptly. "well, princess, i thank y-
ou sincerely for your cooperation; it was a lovely interview and i am sure that t-
he kingdom will have far less unanswered questions."
extending a hand, annie s-
miled brightly; alyce stared at her for a long moment, unmoving, and, after a w-
hile, annie's hand began to waver before she dropped it once more to her side,
clearing her throat.

"it was a pleasure," alyce spoke her final words before turning and sauntering away.

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