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Tracker Dog Prompt

Postby werepickle » Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:30 pm


Anubis (other tracker dog mentioned in this prompt)

Petty bickering. That’s all Tutelary heard whilst he was trying to have some well deserved rest. He occasionally picked up some words but did his best to ignore the constant arguing that was afoot. A familiar scent soon flooded his nostrils as he heard his handler speak with a gentle tone. ‘Today you’re going to work with Anubis. He is another tracker dog who specialises in finding lost people. The current circumstances are too dangerous for a handler to go along with their tracker so you’ll be replacing them’. Tutelary let a small huff escape from his mouth before he a small jingle reached his ears. ‘You and Anubis are both wearing bell collars to help locate each other if you get lost’ his handle spoke whilst gently stroking his head. The familiar click he’d grown accustomed to was soon heard and slowly rose and stretched and padded over to his station and soon a gruff voice reached his ears ‘Right let’s get you sorted for you job’.

~ 1 hour later ~
Tutelary jumped from the tray of the vehicle and his paws were instantly met with a grainy hot feeling. ‘Sand, great’ he thought unhappy about the arrangement. A faint smell flooded his nostrils and he suddenly knew why the handler was taken off the assignment. ‘Sandstorm is coming in soon’ he thought hoping they wouldn’t be caught in it. He soon felt a brush against his hide and realised it was Anubis. ‘Ok you guys are out to find a missing person’. spoke his handler. A deep bark was heard from Anubis as if he confirmed he knew what his mission was. Suddenly Anubis took off, clear he had a faint scent of the person and Tutelary raced after him, surprised at how nimble Anubis was. Soon the click click of the car engine was nothing more than a mere noise and all was heard was the sound of their paws padding softly in the grainy sands. The silence was enough to send anyone mad, but he admired the ferocity of Anubis’s will to find the person. Feeling the wind picking up, flinging pebbles of sand against his hide, he wished they would find the person soon, fear of being caught in the sandstorm nibbled in at his mind. After what felt like mere hours, an excited yap escaped from Anubis’s mouth as he bolted towards a lone cactus, a misshapen image lay next to it. A huge gust of wind tore across the desert and a painful yelp echoed throughout the desert. Ears pricked up, he soon smelt the tang of blood as he rushed to Anubis’s side and soon located the problem. The strong winds tore of a piece of cactus and unfortunately landed on poor Anubis. A wave of sorrow washed across Tutelary, unsure of what to do. Soon his mind clicked and calmly reassured Anubis with a lick on his muzzle and bent down to help the person to there feet, but with the weak state they were left in was soon a tedious task. Realising the dangerous situation they had now become intangled in, Tutelary sent out small clicks and a rough shape soon showed up in his mind. Beckoning Anubis to follow the trio amble over to what soon became clear was a cave and made their way inside. Met with darkness, they found some rocks to use as shelter and made themselves as comfortable as they could. As soon as they were settled, howling winds reached his ears as the sandstorm seemed to settle, clear it wasn’t going to leave in a hurry. A troubling thought floated into his mind ‘How are we going to get back to the truck now’. Knowing only one solution, he activated his GPS tracker hoping his handlers would be able to find them once the storm settled. With Anubis out of action, Tutelary soon set up post as close as he could to the mouth of the cave, persistent to stop anything from entering if it meant risking his life. And so began the tedious hours of waiting, growling at anything that dared move in his way. Many hours passed, he could feel himself grow tired and weak but refused to give in to the pressure of sleep. As night turned to day his ears perked to to slight sound of a familiar click click of an engine. Teeth bared and his posture became rigid unsure of what threat was outside. Just as he was about to lunge a scent filled his nose and a reassuring voice graced his ears ‘Tutelary my boy you’re ok’ and soon a pair of arms wrapped around his neck. Slumping into his handler he gave a weak thump of his tail, and once released weakly padded over to where Anubis and the person lay trying to recover from their injuries. ‘You’ve done an outstanding job Tut, you’ve earned yourself a well deserved rest’ his handler spoke, and soon he felt himself being lifted and placed into the back of the car, sounds of various footsteps moving back and forth. Finally being able to rest he soon let himself succumb to slumber, feeling his muscles relax and the worries wash away from him.
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Tracker Dog Prompt #2

Postby werepickle » Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:18 pm

It started of as any other typical morning. The seagulls cawing overhead desperate for a morsel, the waves slapping against the rough pier as the sound of footsteps soon mingled into the noise. The air was warm yet had a cool breeze which swept across the pier as the silhouettes of two figures danced on the wooden boards. The salty breeze filled Ikatere's nostrils, tongue lolling out eager for todays mission. He heard of the coral bleaching that was affecting the small coral reef near his homeland and felt a pang of hurt and annoyance flow through him. Hearing the all to familiar chime of the boats bell he picked up his pace and was soon greeted with his handlers boat 'Buoy o Buoy'. The rusted red boat sat swaying in the ocean, and after a small jump Ikatere was soon on board. Padding into the cabin he was met with room he grew up in. Various charts littered with numbers and words lined the left wall, whilst a computer buzzed idly on the right hand, which was covered in a haphazard pile of notes and research papers. Feeling a bit claustrophobic he padded back out in the open skies the seemed to loom above him. Walking down a small set of stairs, many thoughts raced through his head, eager for his first mission after the many weeks of training, he flopped himself onto the rusted metal plate and rested his head on the edge, one paw in the water as he watched the fish swim around waiting for the journey to start.

- 2hrs later-
Thankfully the seas were a lot calmer today, and Ikatere soon felt the thrum of the engines gradually slow down until the boat ceased to move. Hearing feet shuffling around and the clink of tanks he rose and strolled over to the pile of equipment and sat down waiting for the go. Soon he heard the word and followed closely behind his handler, and eagerly dived into the embrace of the ocean. He always adored the colourful reefs when he watched the videos as they raced on the screens, which buzzed with activity as each creature went about their day. He was excited to finally see the countless reefs, but unfortunately today was one of those were his wishes weren’t met. The coral which used to throw of so much colour, was instead replaced by chalky shades of white almost as if the life had been sucked dry. A sad whine emitted from Ikatere, looking desperately around for a hint of life. A small grey blur caught his attention and tentatively swam towards hoping it wasn't anything dangerous that lurked in these corals. Soon his eyes lit up in recognition and was enveloped in a feeling of curiosity and joy. A lone dugong was grazing on a small patch of sea grass. Cautiously diving towards them he decided to name them Duni whether they were going to be friends or not. Met with a chorus of chirps and whistles, Ikatere thought it was beautiful to listen to and did his best to reply. Soon the pair was gliding through the waters, playing a game of tag. After a few rounds, he had to give Duni a small nose bump, as he chirped to Duni aware that today was to be busy. He glided towards his handler and if to confirm his words, his handler was already busing collecting samples. And thats how the rest of his day went, as he’d follow his handler around as they collected vital samples, helping sea life that had been caught in the horrible human trash or simply stopping to say hi to critters. One occasion they were gifted the opportunity to watch as a manta ray glide through the waters, silent but yet angelic. Tapping her helmet, he knew that today was done and swam towards the surface, soon breaching through the invisible barrier to seemed to form. For the next week Ikatere and his handler would be out collecting samples, observing the wildlife and enjoying the tranquil ocean. For some they think his job and boring, mundane to an extent but for him he wouldn't have asked for a better job and wouldn't have it any other way.
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Postby werepickle » Sun Mar 19, 2023 2:02 pm


Amerigo lay staring at his reflection in the dirty puddle that lay in front of him. Home, it always plagued his mind. What was home and where was it. Amerigo never know what true home felt like, growing up on the streets he was never one to fit into a pack. He always was shifting from one place to another never really settling down unable to feel this so called ‘home’. Many thoughts ran through his mind but the one most troubling was finding where he belonged. Many have told of home being where one felt safe surrounded by warmth and love, feeling an overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy but for him all he felt was sadness and fear no matter where he traveled.


The night was cold and wet, and the downpour didn’t help lighten the mood. Amerigo lay in an old drain pipe listen to the steady thrum as the rain pelted the pipe sending echos throughout. Another stray soon crawled into the pipe wiping their wet fur against him. Giving a sigh of disapproval, he shifted slightly allowing room for the stray to lay down. Soon his head lay rested on his paws as he watched the outside world, the occasionally person rushing to avoid the rain.

The sound of giggling and laughter soon reached his ears and he rose and trekked out in search of the sound. He soon saw the warm light spill out onto the pavement and padded over to the windows and placed his paws on the sill and peered in. The family inside was laughing and smiling, happiness etched on their faces. Amerigo let out a sad whine and hopped down, and walking back to his packs hangout. Upon entering he soon came face to face with the leader and with harsh words, he soon learned once again he was to leave and never return. Tail between his legs he set out hoping to find another pack, hoping he could find his ‘home’. Soon days turned into nights as he wandered about, eating what little morsel he could find, avoiding the teens who threw rocks in his directions, snarling at predators who dared roam towards him. Soon weak and tired he collapsed in an old cardboard box happy to be off his feet, he listened to the thrum of engines and clicking of feet and soon fell into a deep slumber. Startled awake by the soft noise of sloshing, he peered up and saw an umbrella and soon a face appeared from underneath. He watched as she crouched down to his level and tentatively reached out a hand. Amerigo recoiled at the sudden action and sat trembling in the corner trying his best to become small. ‘It’s alright big guy’ she whispered softly. Soon a delicate smell reached his nose and he softly crawled forward, trying to identify the source of the smell. Sensing it was coming from her, he gently nosed her as if asking for the food. Slowly she reached out her hand and upon opening her palm, he spied the bits of dried meat that lay in the middle. In an instant he lunged forward and snatched the morsels and swallowed them whole. Whilst savouring the meat he soon felt a pressure around his neck and tried to escape. Twisting and pulling he tried his hardest to escape but soon felt the effort was useless. Scared and afraid, he timidly followed the human the rope occasionally going taunt as he tried to run. Soon a car came into view and she opened the door and tried to reassure him to get him inside. What felt like hours he soon had no choice but to oblige and tentatively hopped into the car thoughts racing through his mind. Soon the car vibrated awake and he watched as the city raced by and was replaced by green fields as far as the eye could see. Still exhausted he curled up and soon fell asleep, praying everything would turn out to be alright. Upon waking he noticed the dark starry sky, and the silence occasionally broken by the sound of crickets. Suddenly another noise broke his concentration….. dogs and a lot of them. Rising from where he lay, he noticed he was no longer in the car but outside in a fenced of area where he was meet with the cold breeze softly blowing. Staring up at the stars he silently prayed that wherever he was was home, where he could feel safe and maybe even loved.

There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits. - Robert Southey

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Postby werepickle » Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:39 pm

Barely light, a thick fog covered the ground like an eerie blanket. The occasionally chirp of a bird broke the silence and echoed across the grounds. Eldora’s ears perked at the small sound before resting upon her paws once again. Soon the soft pitter patter of paws interrupted the peace and then a face appeared in her kennel. ‘Psst Eldora are you awake’ ??. Slowly she opened her eyes to see Enki peering at her she tiredly replied ‘I am now’. ‘Ok follow me’ he whispered. She slowly rose and stretched before exiting the kennel and soon was walking side by side Enki. The pair ambled through the fog like spirits in the night, the silence making one’s hair stand on end. Enki soon turned to his right and began to walk through the dewy grass towards what looked like a mossy nest. The area was an open field tall grass scattered throughout the field with the occasionally bush breaking the scenery. Enki padded towards the mossy nest which was safely tucked under a tall oak tree and gestured for Eldora to sit next to him. ‘Now we be quiet and watch’ Enki whispered. As the two sat in silence, the field soon came to life. The eerie fog seemed to recede as the sun broke through the clouds and showered the grass in rays of gold. Soon the air around them seemed to come alive as a cacophony of chirps and tweets acted like an alarm awakening the rest of the fauna. Rabbits emerged from the earth as they basked in the warmth, snacking on the small patches of grass, butterflies and dragonflies flittered to and fro, the sky soon threw off hues of gold and blue showering what it could it rays of gold. A small breeze whistled through the field, rustling the leaves from nearby bushes. Eldora’s eyes widened in pure amazement as a small chuckle escaped Enki’s lips and proceeded to lay down head resting on his paws soon followed by Eldora. Seeing this for the first time she was stunned for words feeling like all her worries had washed away with the first light. A small snap of a nearby twigs snapped her out of her trance as a small brown rabbit hopped up to them not an ounce of fear in its eyes. ‘Hi friend’ Enki whispered ‘Dont be afraid Eldora they are friends’ he spoke. Soon another rabbit followed as the pair soon padded up to Eldora and snuggled between her paws and proceeded to clean themselves. Eldora’s tail started to wag, stirring up the stray leaves and twigs.

Soon time came for the duo to leave and they slowly rose, the rabbits long gone. Basking in the sun on their way back Eldora gazed at Enki and spoke ‘Do you mind if I accompany you each morning ??’. A small chuckle was heard before he replied ‘Of course not I’d love the company’.

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Postby werepickle » Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:32 am

It was a warm summers day, the soft breeze rustling the streamers and balloons that were tied throughout the backyard. A table stretched out filled with a variety of morsels, ready for consumption but not by humans. A small haphazard pile of colourful wrapped boxes lay at the end of the table waiting to be unwrapped. The soft melodies of songs broke the silence that usually hung around.

Eclipse was lead into the backyard, only to met with a wonderful suprise. Dogs of all sorts sat by, their heads all adorned with party hats, grins plastered on their faces some had their tongues hanging out. Walking towards the table he sat patiently as soon watched as the handlers walked out, carrying a huge cake and soon the smell of chicken and other delicious treats flooded his nose. Almost getting lost in the smells, his ears picked up the sounds of happy birthday as the humans started to sing and as the song concluded a cacophony of howls and barks rung out. He sat trembling almost drooling at the thought of enjoying the cake and what felt like an eternity he was soon allowed to dig into the cake. After polishing off the plate leaving nothing not even a crumb, a colourful box was soon placed in front and with his tail wagging soon tore into the box. He’d received new toys (which he’d share later) and some of the others brought small trinkets found whilst out and about. Most of the afternoon was spent playing games with the others, whilst the humans chattered amongst themselves the occasional laugh breaking through the choir if barks and yaps.

Soon day turned to night as the humans packed up and herded everyone back to their right kennels, Eclipse fell asleep with a smile on his face wishing the next birthday would be as fun and eventful.
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A Tale Of New Beginnings

Postby werepickle » Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:42 am

Deidre's life has been one of mystery and adventure and if not for the photobook that came with Deidre many wouldn't know her background. Not much is documented of her younger years but rumors that have floated around believe she was born in a herd of wild horse, where exactly no one knows. As she grew into her teen years she travelled from circus to circus many excuses as to why she couldn't stay. Some complained she didn't listen, she was too ugly, too lanky and so forth. Soon circus performing became a thing of the past and she was sold to a lone farm that specialized in carriage tours. For a while, Deidre loved it drinking in the new sounds and sights not knowing where her travels would take her. And just like the circus they soon died being replaced by noisy and dirty vehicles. Spending time in the paddocks wasnt so bad for her, but she felt a calling like she was destined to be elsewhere. As a few years passed, her owners grew old and wasnt able to provide ample care for her, and with sorrow in their hearts drove her to a near by auction hoping she'd find a new loving home. Deidre watched as many passed sneering at her or throwing snide glances her way not interested in a 'old' horse and trudged away looking for healthier horses. Soon a gentle whistle reached her ears and slowly glanced upwards and saw a young women gently holding her hand out stretched in the stall. Unsure of how to act she timidly padded towards the hand expecting her to take her hand back. As Deidre grew closer the women didnt waiver and she gently nuzzled her head into the hand and soon felt the hand stroke her nose. Soon the women withdrew her hand and started speaking some others that showed up and after a tense back and forth of talking, the women faced her a grin plastered on her face as she spoke 'Your coming with me'. After being loaded into the trailer, she saw her old owners through the small slit, as the trio exchanged happy words the elderly couple handed the younger lady and old worn leather book and soon trudged out of sight (380 words)
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Range Trotter Prompt

Postby werepickle » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:40 am

Translation from German

My dearest llama,

Words cannot express how much I truly appreciate you coming into my life like the surprise french fries at the bottom of a McDonalds bag. You were there to lend me your wisdom when things got difficult and you gave me the courage to push my limits when things seemed scary. I love our endless conversations about nothing in particular or learning things about your hometown. You are a fun and caring person, which I am grateful for because I know that if I ever need a friend when things get tough, you are there. I hope our friendship blossoms with many adventures and stories over the years.

Kind regards, Pickle.
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Beaumont Collie Prompt

Postby werepickle » Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:35 pm

‘Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.’

Adopted from the Visigothic Kingdom, Ferdinand is Germanic in origin and means "bold voyager," from the elements farð, "journey," and nanth, meaning "courage."

Ferdinand was a true free spirit, always brimming with enthusiasm and joy. Known for his infectious grin, he lived each day to the fullest, embracing every moment with a childlike wonder. With a spring in his step and a grin that could light up a room, Ferdinand was known far and wide for his boundless enthusiasm and zest for life. Whether he was trekking through lush forests, wandering bustling city streets, or simply sitting and watching the world go by, he approached each new experience with a childlike sense of wonder. Yet beneath Ferdinand's joyful demeanor lay a more introspective side. While he reveled in the thrill of the journey, he also cherished the moments of solitude that traveling afforded him. It was during these quiet times that his overactive mind would drift, contemplating the mysteries of the universe and searching for deeper meaning in the experiences that filled his days. Yet no matter how far Ferdinand's wanderlust took him, or how much time he spent lost in his own reflections, his joyful spirit always shone through. It was this infectious enthusiasm, combined with his thirst for adventure and self-discovery, that made Ferdinand's journey through life a truly remarkable one.

Ferdinand was a true free spirit, always brimming with enthusiasm and joy. Known for his infectious grin, he lived each day to the fullest, embracing every moment with a childlike wonder. With a spring in his step and a grin that could light up a room, Ferdinand was known far and wide for his boundless enthusiasm and zest for life. Whether he was trekking through lush forests, wandering bustling city streets, or simply sitting and watching the world go by, he approached each new experience with a childlike sense of wonder. Yet beneath Ferdinand's joyful demeanor lay a more introspective side. While he reveled in the thrill of the journey, he also cherished the moments of solitude that traveling afforded him. It was during these quiet times that his overactive mind would drift, contemplating the mysteries of the universe and searching for deeper meaning in the experiences that filled his days. Yet no matter how far Ferdinand's wanderlust took him, or how much time he spent lost in his own reflections, his joyful spirit always shone through. It was this infectious enthusiasm, combined with his thirst for adventure and self-discovery, that made Ferdinand's journey through life a truly remarkable one.

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