FooPets is FREE! + New pet is here!

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FooPets is FREE! + New pet is here!

Postby bait » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:41 am

      Update 12/21

      New pet is here. It's quite ugly... a chinese crested.

      Update 12/11/14

      If you weren't aware, FooPets has now been free for close to a month now!
      Yes- you should be able to sign into your account.
      Free members currently can't sell or gift pets or items. It is being taken into consideration

      A NEW PET has been announced to launch this week also!


      Anyone on CS a current or previous member of FooPets?

      If you're a previous member and haven't been on lately (or for a while), I thought I should update you guys.

          The Admins are finally making a change on the site. There's been so many updates. The site crashed recently, and since then, DrRon has been fixing things and updating.

          Here's a list of improvements:
            - FREE MEMBERS!
            - 1 year clubfoo memberships
            - user to user sales are back!
            - new site layout, similar to the one from 2009/2010
            - a new chat system has been added (meebo was shut down in 2012 or 2013)
            - the arcade has been fixed (FD pools weren't working for a while)
            - Dynamic items (the moving and sound items for scenes) have been fixed
            - speed of the site has been boosted and is still being worked on
            - pictures are now allowed in the forums (they were previously forbidden)
            - Ron is now working full time with Foo

            and more importantly, Ron is thinking about allowing free users again, but with limited abilities.
            I'm not sure if this will actually happen due to all the things about hacking, cheating, limiting the free accounts, and etc have to be taken into consideration. so do not take my word that this will happen, because it may not.

          If anyone wants to see screenshots of the site, or wants to hear more about it, etc, send me a PM! (:
Last edited by bait on Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby Mys » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:04 pm

Oh.....really? Unfortunately haha I don't think I can login to my old account ^__^; Like even just to be greeted by the get clubfoo message.

Well it'd be great if they changed the horrendous color scheme they suddenly changed it to. Burns your eyes.
Glad to see a chat function back again. I did miss that feature.
WAAAIT they banned images too at some point? o___o Don't remember that one.

Limited...abilities? I could see having a limit of how many pets you could have or something of that sort? He better not limit it so much it isn't worth playing for free which sucks.

Btw the site still looks just as bad as I remember it before it closed? Or....did it get worse? I wanted to punch someone when I saw the overly bright colors get slapped on. Preferred the old backgrounds. Honestly even if I could log back in I don't think I'd stay. Almost all my friends I'm sure either don't play anymore or were banned(for no reason).

/end rant

EDIT: Managed to get in. Forgot I used my old old email XD Apparently.........I have three new gifts???? I cant get them ;;A;; I see they did go back to the old blue and white background.



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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby ʞite » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:14 pm

Oh dang, I'll be glad to return on there, I miss my pocky's and the fooradio and such.
I need to remember my username/email though e.e
hey were

weak. hat's why

they died. e were

weak, too. hat's

why we couldn't

save them ”.

- ine


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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby Mys » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:18 pm

Pokeys ;A;; I had acquired a husky pokey at one point. I preferred those over the regular ones.....though I thought they eliminated them at some point? Shame, they had so much charm.



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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby ʞite » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:27 pm

They only stopped them from breeding, but they're rare to get ene
Like once they're sent to the shelter they are turned into the regular pets. Which sucks a lot.
I remember everyone going nuts for 5/5 pockeys, like who cared about that? They're all rare.
But the good thing is that they aren't expensive on foocash since they put a certain price from the site, not like everyone who puts 200 foocash on them.
I remember how they had to close off the role playing forums I think over Copy right pictures. And they claimed every picture was Copy right and they removed it.
ene they lost a lot of users over that. A lot of rage on general discussion about it. Idk but the mods back then were terrible.
I'm pretty sure Dr. Ron got arrested for sites money issues and etc. Well those were the rumors, but its weird to see him back. After he left foopets they only let payments to enter the site.
hey were

weak. hat's why

they died. e were

weak, too. hat's

why we couldn't

save them ”.

- ine


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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby Mys » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:31 pm

Ooh that was it XD My memory's pretty fuzzy. Glad they didn't remove them...though I bet they're even rarer now. Waaait turned into a normal one? Uh yeah that'll make them very rare to find now. Yeah I think the one I had was only like a 2/5 or 3/5. Ooh yes I remember they took out forums like the RP forum which was a huge hotspot. All heck broke loose around then as well as my respect for the site. Ah he got arrested again maybe? Doesn't surprise me...



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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby bait » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:31 pm

IncandescentMelody wrote:Oh.....really? Unfortunately haha I don't think I can login to my old account ^__^; Like even just to be greeted by the get clubfoo message.

Well it'd be great if they changed the horrendous color scheme they suddenly changed it to. Burns your eyes.
Glad to see a chat function back again. I did miss that feature.
WAAAIT they banned images too at some point? o___o Don't remember that one.

Limited...abilities? I could see having a limit of how many pets you could have or something of that sort? He better not limit it so much it isn't worth playing for free which sucks.

Btw the site still looks just as bad as I remember it before it closed? Or....did it get worse? I wanted to punch someone when I saw the overly bright colors get slapped on. Preferred the old backgrounds. Honestly even if I could log back in I don't think I'd stay. Almost all my friends I'm sure either don't play anymore or were banned(for no reason).

/end rant

EDIT: Managed to get in. Forgot I used my old old email XD Apparently.........I have three new gifts???? I cant get them ;;A;; I see they did go back to the old blue and white background.

      What was your username? Perhaps I remember you c:

      I'm not so sure what's gonna go on with the free accounts, if they even happen. It'd be really difficult to do so and still make it fair to the current paying members. Allowing free members in poses risks like hacking and cheating (if the accounts are limited). Although some members have suggested good ways to make it work, I don't see it happening anytime in the near future. The site still has to be worked on I think.

ʞite wrote:
Oh dang, I'll be glad to return on there, I miss my pocky's and the fooradio and such.
I need to remember my username/email though e.e

      I think FooRadio was stopped a while ago; I don't know why D:


      Pokey breeding was stopped a while ago due to them being really glitchy. Pokeys themselves still exist (:
      The only truly "rare" pokeys now are the legacy huskies and gsds, and the purebred 2nd gen husks and gsds. The labs and rotts have become so common in the shelter due to Foo releasing them into the adoption center in early 2011.

      Roleplay was stopped because of copyright complaints I guess. A lot of the current members are trying to get it back though. I mean, some of the old features have been brought back lately, and I think roleplaying could work again. I don't think copyright is much of an issue. I'm sure they could get moderators/ambassadors to watch the rp forum too for copyright/fighting/inappropriate stuff etc.

      Ron did have some money issues in the past but I don't think it related to foo.
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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby Mys » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:39 pm

Uuuuuuh I went by several. Let's see...I guess it doesn't matter if I told ya my first username(very dumb one) and I wasn't active on the forums at that time. I was probably more well known as AHFanForever and MysticWonder. Eventually I did change it to the name I have here. I think. And the name I am stuck with right now is rebelmystic. Yes. I was one of those rebellious members spamming the forums |'''D But that was some years ago and I was frustrated.

Wait hold on I even got so excited I took screenshots. Btw I was expecting to be banned. I got a temp ban unfortunately. 3 times actually. Yep here they are. ... -363171179
Yes I was even close to being FooGuru at one point. I achieved FooMystic....then I didn't care anymore, bumped to FooMaster, then real star.

Well it really makes me frustrated seeing the site look just how I remember it years ago before hell broke loose. That background. Freaking nostalgia. If only we could go back to 2009/2010 when everything was fine and not all that bad. too bad you can't go back in time.

It was stupid of them to remove the RP forum. Just ban the images and make people just describe their characters in detail. IMAGINATION. Really, simple as that. And get more mods to monitor them?



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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby bait » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:45 pm

IncandescentMelody wrote:Uuuuuuh I went by several. Let's see...I guess it doesn't matter if I told ya my first username(very dumb one) and I wasn't active on the forums at that time. I was probably more well known as AHFanForever and MysticWonder. Eventually I did change it to the name I have here. I think. And the name I am stuck with right now is rebelmystic. Yes. I was one of those rebellious members spamming the forums |'''D But that was some years ago and I was frustrated.

Well it really makes me frustrated seeing the site look just how I remember it years ago before hell broke loose. That background. Freaking nostalgia. If only we could go back to 2009/2010 when everything was fine and not all that bad. too bad you can't go back in time.

It was stupid of them to remove the RP forum. Just ban the images and make people just describe their characters in detail. IMAGINATION. Really, simple as that. And get more mods to monitor them?

      MysticWonder sounds really familiar, hm.

      When the site switched to the blue background a couple weeks ago I was so confused. One second it was the ugly pink, then I refreshed and bam .. looked like the old site. I had a really weird feeling of nostalgia too.

      From what I remember, a lot of the RP forum was cluttered with a lot of illiterate players. I only popped in there every so often to look, and when I did, I saw rp's with players who would type just a few sentences and would use the easiest photos to find. Nothing against that, but I don't think (at the time) they'd want to describe their characters and all. Although if they brought it back now, I don't think it'd be an issue. A lot of the members are probably mature enough to handle a mature roleplay with no inappropriate crap or fighting over things that happen during the rp.
      I seriously think they need more mods. Right now, we only have Ron as the main admin, as Traci (the other admin) moved on to some other job. From what I know, Ron is handling the site, but I don't know if he's going to bring in more ambassadors/mods or admins.
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Re: FooPets is finally making changes.

Postby Mys » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:50 pm

:o You do sound a little familiar too. I was friends with some I thought to be well known; BengalFanatic, Harpalyce, Sharubii, CasperCollie and a toooon of others.

Yees there were many that did one liners XD Drove everyone nuts. :o So they got another new admin? And then they left? FooKate just left without a word.

Actually, did the activity on the site diminish a lot? I heard it started to get not nearly as active as it was before.



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