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my character storage

Postby catephant » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:13 am

ok so this is what the title says.
if you want to use the base of one of my forms
please tell me about it
and then credit my name
only exception being that you can't use my characters
their my characters
i created them
and i hate it when people use my characters.
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leigh allodola

Postby catephant » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:14 am


xxxsmall talk ...
    name: leigh allodola
    age: seventeen years
    gender: female
    year: two
    pet: black cat named card
    hobbies: drawing, painting,
    playing her violin,

    instrument: violin
    hair color: dark brown
    eye color: startling
    green-ish brown
    which fades when she
    is depressed

    hair length: shoulder length
    height: 177 cm or 5'10"
    scars/marks: bite marks on her arm
••• ⒜⒫⒫⒠⒜⒭⒜⒩⒞⒠ •••

Leigh has lightly tanned skin and complimentary
straight, dark brown hair that just barely grazes
her shoulders. Her eyes are big and, most of
the time, a bright green-ish brown, but when-
ever her emotions show through they fade into
a light green. She is tall standing at the height of
five foot ten and is rather thin. Her face is oval
shaped with high cheek bones and thin bright pink
lips. Finger nails are chewed and one ear is shaped
differently than the other. She likes to wear skinny
jeans and long sleeved shirts with a pair of neon
green sneakers. Her hobbies include playing with
her violin, painting, drawing, writing, reading, and
her cat Card. Card is one of her inventions. After she
left home her grief over came her and she began to
create another robot, ignoring the consequences. The
result? Card, a realistic looking cat that can speak and
not to mention respond to Leigh's brain waves.
xxxdeep down ...
    main trait: calm
    sub-traits: loyal, impassive,
    sarcastic, honest, kind,
    dismissive, harsh at
    times, stubborn, quiet,

    habits: zoning out,
    doodling in class,
    forgetting about home-

    strengths: her art work
    and music

    weaknesses: stubbornness,
    physical exercise,

    relationship status: single
    acquaintances: none
    family: mother-sky allodola
    father-daren allodola

    friends: none
    enemies: none



••• ⒫⒠⒭⒮⒪⒩⒜⒧⒤⒯⒴ •••

Leigh is calm and honest, almost harshly so.
Many people come to her for her un-sugarcoated
opinion. Many people say that she is just and
will come to her if they have a problem with
another person. The girl doesn't poke her nose
into other people's business, but, being quiet,
she over hears personal issues. But you have
no need to worry, she won't let your secrets spill.

••• ⒣⒤⒮⒯⒪⒭⒴ •••

Leigh was born into a wealthy family as an
only child she was spoilt by both of her parents
and by her grandparents as well. Most of her
extended family owned large companies relating
to oil and new inventions. When she was thirteen
years old she created a robot that could respond
to a persons thoughts. Not wanting her ideas to
be stolen the girl kept it under wraps, hiding it
even from her parents. About two years later the
'bot was found by a neighboring kid who, in fact,
stole it and sold it, hitting billionaire status almost
instantly. With his new found power he realized he
wanted more and sent men to kidnap Leigh. Her
parents not wanting her harmed sent the girl to
Hasezuka Senior High School for her first year and
she has been there ever since.

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Postby catephant » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:17 am

small;solid;wide paws;long tail;big ears;
black;short;extremely long claws, named after them;
white;change to yellow when angry;
thin line of missing fur on her underside;


on summer days
sitting by herself
in the
dark at night, it
gives her peace
wet fur;rain;
hot days;missing
her catch
>main points
is not easily angered;
respects her elders;
loves kittens; loyal;
dark sense of humor;

24 moons;

Saberpaw was born into the kittypet life with the name of Lilac. She was the first of a litter of two. She had a younger sibling, Blacksight. Lilac's life was easy, but she always dreamt of the life in the wild; a place where there was no dry kibble, or collars, or even drunk twolegs.
One day as she sat in the fading rays of the sun her owner came back from the bar, a knife in hand. He advanced upon the helpless kitten and she froze. The knife swept towards her head, but she jumped up to move. In the process the tip of the knife sliced across her belly, not enough to tear skin, but enough to take out a chunk of fur. Quickly recovering from his failed attempt, the owner again jumped toward the kitten, which upon noticing the cracked window slid outside.
The kitten wandered for ages until she came upon a group of cats. Thankfully they took her in, but along with the help came hurt. The cats renamed her to Saber and taught her how to fight and kill. Later she learned that these cats were refereed to as rogues. Saber fought her way up to the top of the ladder and by the time she was twelve moons she was second in command.
The she-cat developed her own style of fighting and no cat could defeat her. For some reason she didn't want to be at the very top and no cat could figure it out, why didn't she defeat the ruthless cat? Every cat knew that she was not treated well by the psychopathic ruler, but still she didn't kill him.
One day Saber was walking in the forest when she found a small creek. She tilted her head up and enjoyed the breeze that brushed off the water dampening her short fur. But she was found. A cat growled taking her by surprise, on instinct she unsheathed her claws letting the inch long weapons sink into the ground before flying at the pure white tom. A tail length before she landed she twisted her body, fore claws sinking into his side and hind paws knocking him off his feet. Quickly she positioned her body on top of her opponents, getting a glimpse of the, soulless black eyes that the cat possessed.
The moment Saber was distracted was all it took for the, much larger, male to switch their positions. Her surprise was evident when the tom backed up. "You smell like my mother."
Saber looked at him with studying eyes. A picture of her father flashed before her eyes.
"You look just like my father."
"I'm Blacksight. Are you Lilac?" The astonishment on the she-cat's face was obvious when she heard her old name. Slowly, she nodded her head and the tom purred. "Come with me Lilac I'll show you where I have been living."
"I do not go by that name any more. My name now is Saber." Blacksight shrugged off the name and brought her to Fireclan.
"It doesn't matter any more you'll get a new name and this will be your home."


>from the kitten herself
If you ask why I am the way that I am I could tell you... I am. But that would not be a very fair answer. Getting that answer is like getting the answer 'because' from your mother after you ask why. So I won't tell you that.
Hmm... that question is hard to answer.
If you ask how I can be so friendly towards people I am close to I could tell you that they have earned the right to be loved. Anyone who can persuade me into opening up to them is definitely someone you would like to befriend. Most likely they are kind, open, firm, and most surely persistent. My shift in personality is most likely to be over night and that surprises some people. But only the most loving of those will accept the change.
If you asked about my sense of humor I can honestly say that I do not know where I got it. It might be the rogues that I used to hang out with. Oops, I shouldn't have said anything about that. Let's pretend I didn't say anything about rogues. You ask what rogues? Good.
If you ask about Shadowclaw I could tell you he was a friend, but he's not exactly. He's just a cat I have to put up with.
If you ask about kits I would say that they are adorable. They are some of the few things that can help me open up. But having my own is not something I can see coming for me in the near future.
If you are wondering why I don't bluntly open up to people I could tell you that befriending me is a test. Yes, a test. A test of worth. Now I can read your mind. You are wondering why I would want to test someone’s worth. For that question there is a simple answer. If you can rely on them when you are hostile you can be certain that you can rely on them when you are not.
If you asked why I am so untrusting I could tell you that it was because of my twoleg. But that, again, would not be a very honest answer, and since I pride myself on honesty, I won't say that either.
I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "How can a sly cat pride herself on honesty?" That I can positively answer. Just because someone prides themselves on honesty doesn't mean that the truth cannot be twisted..

large;wide paws;wide shoulders;longer than natural tail;
short;snow white;hair on his tail is longer;
dark grey surrounded by black rims;



29 moons;
medicine cat;

Blacksight was born in the same twoleg home as Saberclaw, but when he was two moons old his twoleg sold him to another home. He loved them and they loved him, but he was not meant to be trapped in a house.
About a quarter-moon after that he ran away. He walked for hours on end and it was almost sundown by the time he made it to a large forest.
Looking around he saw the thick trunks and broad leafy canopy of the trees around. His soulless eyes were mesmerized by the shadows that danced along the forest floor. Blackpaw lifted his gaze to the canopy above and slowly walked forward, his previous exhaustion forgotten. Not watching where he was going a paw slipped out from under him and he plunged muzzle first into a wide creek.
The tom struggled against the weak current, but his fear paralyzed him and he was dragged under. A patrol of Fireclan warriors found the drowning cat and pulled him up. Ever since then he has been fiercely loyal to Fireclan.

mouse;climbing trees;
being with other cats;
and more water;
storms in general;
>main points
at times friendly;
dislikes apprentices/kits;
can be grouchy;
hates it when cats yowl;

>from the kitten himself
Hello I am Blacksight but you already know that. At least you would know that if you you read my profile. You would also know that most of my family is long gone. You ask about my siblings I see? Well they didn't last through the first night we were born, except for Lilac, and my mother had already grown so attached. She had already come up with names for all of us, mine being Snow, but my mother didn't want to grow attached again so she waited until I could open my eyes. Turns out that was a blessing in disguise 'cause I got an upgrade on the name. She called me Coal. Why she called my sister Lilac is a mystery to me as well as she. Her name now suits her much better.
When I was four moons old I decided I wanted to be a medicine cat. A horrible mistake might I add. My mentor was a crotchety old thing and as fragile as can be. She had a scruntched up nose and a matted pelt that I had to untangle every night before she went to sleep.
She would get all up in paws about stupid mistakes which I didn't even know were mistakes. One time she chewed me out for folding a leaf with the veined side up. For obvious reasons I was not very happy about that and I told her that I would switch over to being a warrior. Sadly I couldn't because I had already gotten my medicinecat name. I would say warrior name, but I am not a warrior. She knew I couldn't switch and she used it against me until the day she died. I usually don't like it when cats die, but this time I was glad to get rid of the old coot.
*Sigh* But she did teach me everything I know and I have to thank her for that.
What's that? You want to know about kits? What can I tell you that you don't already know? They are incompetent little balls of fur that can't keep their muzzles out of trouble, but for some strange reason the queens seem to love them. And for the queens I will tolerate the insufferable little creatures.
You ask how my history and my sister's history is so different? Well I can tell you that. When I was a moon old the drunken twoleg sold me to a very kind family. I loved them and they loved me, but I you see I couldn't live without my mother's milk so I ran off about a quarter-moon later. If you are wondering how I made it so long with out my mother's milk it is because the twolegs fed me cows milk. Disgusting stuff might I add. Anyway I found my way to the top of a hill, not looking where I was going I ended up stumbling and rolling all the way down the hill. Falling right into the nursery, strange coincidence isn't it?
A dear old queen took me in since she only had one kit and although it was a pity the rest died, I'm not all that sorry that I took their place.
I remember when I first saw Saberclaw standing at the edge of our forest. I couldn't believe my eyes that my mother was actually alive, she looked and smelled like a perfect replica of her, but when I saw her eyes I could tell that she wasn't. Why, you ask? My mother's eyes were like mine, black matching her pelt, while my father's eyes were silver, matching his own, together they were like yin and yang. Good and evil. My sister and I are just like them, with the exception of our eyes.
I was so caught up in her appearance that I didn't notice how long her claws were or that she attacked me until it was too late. I can tell you from personal experience that those claws are probably the most painful things to have ever pierced my pelt. That includes all thorns and when that fox attacked me one time. When she knocked my legs out from under me I was surprised.
She fought like a cat from Starclan, skilled, unpredictable, vicious, but no cat could avoid being caught in my eyes. I don't mean to sound conceited here, but it's the truth. For a moment I let her stare, but that didn't last long before I switched our positions. I knew then that she was my sister, the scent of our mother was too strong for her to just have been in contact with her.
Backing off I invited her back to the clan, not giving her an option about it.
My close appearance to our father made her wary of me, not wanting to accept that I truly was her sibling, but after several moons she finally accepted me. As her brother? I'm not sure, but as a dear friend?

sleek;normal sized;large paws;no tail ignore what the picture says;
short;grey and black tabby;the fur around his feet is longer;
solid startling blue;
he lost his tail in a fight;one of his pads is split in half;


sparrow; the sound
of rain
;fluffy nests;
climbing trees;
>main points
being around other cats
grouchy;hates it when
cats yowl
;quiet;sticks to
saberclaw like cobwebs

22 moons;

Shadowstrike has lived his whole life in Fireclan. Unlike many cats he doesn't have an unrealistic sob story and has had quite a peaceful life. When he was an apprentice he decided he wanted to be leader some day. Making his mind up he hasn't let anyone stand in his path and whoever did disappeared with out a sound. Many speculations have been made about where these cats have gone to, but no cat has been able to point to him. Questions have been asked about what Shadowstrike's true intentions are, but since he has been loyal to his clan Maplestar hasn't participated in the accusations, not wanting to loose a good warrior.


crush on dovesong;

>from the kitten himself
Well what do you want to know? My past, my future, or my present? I can only answer one of those questions at it's not the one about my past. If you want to know about that you'll have to talk to Starclan. I can't tell you about my future either because I'm not a medicine cat and I can't speak to Starclan. So you'll have to settle with what I tell you. And don't complain that I'm not giving you enough information because everything else is on a need to know bases.
You're asking about my relationship with Saberclaw? Well thank you for asking something I can answer. My relationship with that particular she-cat is... personal, but for you, dear reader, I will tell. I feel a connection to her. Not in a romantic way, but she has experiences that I wish I could relate to. The feeling of being free without clan or leader holding you back. It is a feeling that I wish I could relish in. I realize that her life has not been easy, but I cannot help but crave leadership and freedom. If I was her those petty rogues would be bowing before my paws.
After that I would make it my goal to defeat this clan just like my ancestor did. But we are getting off track.
What's that you want to know about Dovesong? *sighs* What can I tell you? She's beautiful and has the voice of a cat from Starclan. I love listening to her talk the sound of her speach is like a lullaby and could put me into a deep sleep any day. She comforts me. I know it sounds crazy for me to like a cat like her, and even though I want her by my side when I lead Fireclan I know she wont agree to it.
That's what I love about her. She's so loyal.
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ara zeldelae

Postby catephant » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:18 am


••• •••••••• •••
xxxsmall talk ...
    name: ara zeldelae
    age: fifteen years
    gender: female
    species: elf
    faction: naghale
    class: rogue
    duty: thief
    specialization: bows and an
    engraved metal staff
    hair color: jet black
    eye color: ice white
    becomes blue when

    hair length: mid. back
    height: 181 cm or 5'11.25"
    scars/marks: a scar across her left cheek
xxxdeep down ...
    main trait: fierce
    sub-traits: distrusting,
    guarded, calm, loyal,
    strong, impassive,
    sarcastic, honest,

    habits: chewing her
    nails, pulling at her hair,

    strengths: protecting
    those she cares for

    weaknesses: pride

    relationship status: single
    acquaintances: none
    family: deceased
    friends: none
    enemies: anyone she has
    crossed paths with

••• •••••••• •••

with credits to grizzly.

••• Image •••
    Ara's specialty is with her staff. The
    weapon was given to the child by her
    father on her twelveth birthday.
    Since then, every year on her birthday,
    she engraves a new symbol or word
    to remind herself of the sacrifice her
    father made for her.
    Another specialty
    of the girl's are bow and arrows. It is
    said that an opponent can never hide
    from her trained eye and when she
    targets you, you will never escape.
    She prides herself on this fact and that
    can often bring her harm. Another thing
    the girl prides herself on is honesty. For
    one reason only, what reason is there to
    lie? The girl can be so brutally honest
    some days and that often hurts those
    around her.
    The child is a thief and she
    is proud of that. Many accusations have
    been placed on her head, but none of
    them have had any grounds. She prides
    herself in the work she does. Always
    getting what she had come for and
    always, always escaping without a
    sound. On rare occasion she has been
    spotted, but because of her hood no one
    could put a face to the thief. Her only
    friends include a black cat and a black
    Her magic talents include illusions and
    form shifting which was all she could
    learn before her father was killed.

••• Image •••
    Ara is a tall girl standing at the
    height of one hundred and eighty
    -one centimeters or five feet
    eleven inches. She has wavy jet
    black hair that falls mid way down
    her back. Her eyes are cat like
    and tilt upwards at the far side
    of her face. They are ice white
    in color, but anger the girl and
    see that they can become a
    startling blue rimed by black. The
    child's ears are pointed, but
    vaguely so. Most times she keeps
    her hair draped over them to
    conceal what she is. The child does
    not like to relate to her elven
    heritage and so instead she chooses
    to ignore it, becoming human in
    anyway possible. When ever the girl
    passes through a town she wears a
    cape and hood to shield her face from
    onlookers. She is beautiful, but the
    scar on her face shows that she has
    been through a battle. Her skin is
    milky white making many assume
    that she has never been in the sun

••• Image •••
    Ara was born in a small cottage in the
    country side of raisekle. Following her
    birth the child's mother passed away
    protecting her in blood mage ambush.
    The girl grew up under the wing of her
    father, a greedy, power hungry man
    with no regard to elven life. He taught
    the girl how to hunt and fight for her
    life. How to stay strong in the most
    dire circumstances. Every-day the pair
    would train for hours on end in the
    forest where they lived. This went on
    for several years until their house was
    ambushed. Ara survived the attack,
    scarred, but her father was not so
    lucky. Since that day she vowed to
    protect anyone she cared about, but
    it has not been so easy for the child
    to open up. If she ever does you
    better protect her.

Q. Tell me about yourself.
    What is there to tell? If you read my profile you would know everything there is to know about me.

Q. What is your favorite food?
    Why in Raisekle would you want to know that? *sigh* Well, if you must know it is mint and chocolate chip ice cream. Don't ask me why because I am not going to tell you.

Q. Where do you live?
    Asking about personal information is not very nice and it makes you seem like a pedophile. But, shh don't tell anyone, I live in the center of Getheryn.

Q. Do you like the festival?
    Of course I like the festival! So many clueless and ignorant people, not even watching their belongings. It is the best time of year for a thief like me.

Q. But aren't the tensions high after... well, you know.
    Yes the tensions are high and, quite frankly, it annoys me. People have started paying better attention and it is making me loose out on a previous prophet. It has also become harder to conceal my face. Before this whole mess the streets were unlit, but now there is light everywhere twenty-four seven.

Q. Is it hard living in the center of the city?
    No not at all. I might live in the city, but my home is in the forest. *holds up one finger* Stop right there, I know what you're going to ask and I'm saying now that you'll just have to find out.

Q. Ok then... *shuffles papers* Ah, here it is. Do you think your father would be dissapointed in what you've become?
    Why would he be dissapointed? I have become everything he hoped me to be; strong, feared, powerful.

Q. So, you think he's proud of you becoming a thief?
    I don't believe that he cares what I've become besides the fact that I've become strong.
Q. That's all he cared about? You becoming strong?
    Yes. He wasn't all that kind either. In my own words he was a greedy, power hungry man, with no respect for himself, or elven life. *sigh* That man hated the elven blood I have running through my veins, but I whenever I would ask why no good would come for me. It still doesn't make sense even now. I mean the man was elven himself the same as my mother so why would he discriminate against me. Oh well. Next question?
Q. Tell us about how you came to be on the streets.
    Fine then, it was a sunny afternoon with hardly a cloud in the sky. Grunting could be heard from deeper within the forest where my father and I were training. The old man took a swing at me with the staff and the pain I felt when it connected with my arm was excruciating. (Sadly he, being the heartless man he was, would always tell me to ignore the pain. After being hit several times, followed by harsh words and more pain, I learned to suck up my feelings and ignore whatever I felt.) Biting my lower lip I stood up to be met with a brief expression of pride that soon vanished with his next attack. I tucked the injured arm behind my back and continued to fend off his ceaseless attacks. As we fought a yell echoed off the trunks around us and before my eyes an arrow pierced my father's heart. (How we both could not see or hear them as they approached is a mystery.) The men surrounded me, their swords and spears at the ready. For obvious reasons I could not fight back so I shifted. I shifted into an eagle and flew to the top most branches of our forest's trees. There I waited until the danger passed then went down to retrieve my belongings. I left my home in search of the city and you know the rest.
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griffon march

Postby catephant » Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:19 am

    name: griffon march
    age: nineteen years
    gender: female
    birth date:
    march 25, 1995

    pet: male german
    shepard named king
    of spades/ks

    hobbies: drawing, painting,
    hair color: black almost

    eye color: golden
    chocolate brown,
    wears white contacts

    hair length: low. back
    height: 181 cm or 5'11.25"
    scars/marks: none
    main trait: calm
    sub-traits: loyal, impassive,
    sarcastic, honest, kind,
    dismissive, quiet, funny,
    rude at times,

    habits: zoning out,
    doodling in class,
    forgetting about home-

    strengths: her art work
    and music

    weaknesses: stubbornness,
    physical exercise,

    relationship status: single
    acquaintances: none
    family: deceased
    friends: none
    enemies: none

    Griffon is very tall standing at the
    incredible height of five foot eleven.
    Her wavy black hair cascades down
    to her lower back and perfectly
    frames her heart-shaped face. She
    has cat-like eyes that are a beautiful
    golden chocolate, but she hides them
    behind startling white contacts. The
    girl is a perfect weight with an
    amazing figure. Her metabolism keeps
    her from gaining weight as she eats
    anything and everything. She wears a
    pair of square, non-rimmed glasses
    and a green and black bracelet on her
    left wrist with a complimentary shell
    necklace that just passes her collar
    bone. Her hands and feet are rather
    small for her size, but she gets around
    easily, albeit with a few trip ups. She
    never wears nail polish and almost
    always keeps her hair wrapped around
    her head, having it reach only her
    upper back. Her dislike for shorts and
    tank tops shows through as she only
    wears skinny jeans and long sleeved
    shirts no matter the weather.
    Griffon doesn't like to talk
    about her history and can
    be very guarded when
    speaking about it. When
    she was fifteen her parents
    traveled for a business
    conference and their plane
    went down. Two years later
    her brother died from a hit
    and run leaving her on her
    own. The girl barely made
    it through her senior year
    and when the time came
    she left, ditching her past
    and moving on to go to

    Griffon tends to be very sarcastic and dismissive at times, but she never fails to lighten up your mood. She prefers to be called a girl rather than a tom boy or girly girl and is firmly convinced that there is such a thing. If you ever have a problem just take it to her and she will be able to figure it out for you. The girl detests homework and will do everything in her power to avoid it, even though she is brilliant. If you call her a nerd she will scoff. She is a brilliant actress and tends to play off of peoples emotions to get what she wants. Priding herself on honesty, she hates it when people try to lie their way out of everything and will tell the truth even if it means suspension. But be warned she won't tell you every part of the truth.
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diablo zeldelae

Postby catephant » Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:14 am

    name: diablo zeldelae
    age: ninteen years
    gender: male
    species: elf
    faction: naghale
    class: rogue
    duty: thief
    specialization:sliver daggers
    and his bow and arrows
    hair color: light brown
    eye color: golden
    chocolate brown,
    wears white contacts

    hair length: short

    height: 192 cm or 6'3.5"
    scars/marks: about twenty
    different scars on
    his stomach and
------------------------ Image
    main trait: easily angered
    sub-traits: fiery temper,
    soft spot for ara,
    sarcastic, guarded,
    defensive, loyal,
    reasonable, wound

    habits: starting
    unwanted fights,
    getting over protective
    of ara

    strengths: fighting,

    weaknesses: his sister,
    his temper

    relationship status: single
    acquaintances: none
    family: ara zeldelae
    friends: none
    enemies: anyone he's
    fought with

Diablo is handsome in a way that makes most people's skin crawl. His eyes are narrowed
in a way that screams danger and when they look at you there is a fire that cannot be
quenched. He has pale skin that seemingly never touched the sun and chocolaty brown
locks that frame his face. Like all elves his ears and eyes are tipped up adding to his
danger aura. Above his golden-brown eyes are dark eyebrows that are almost always
bunched together. Long black lashes grace the rims surrounding his eyes which are
followed by a straight nose and pale lips that seem to be forever twisted into a frown.
The elf's hands are covered in callouses and small cuts from dealing with the daggers he
carries. He is solidly built, but it doesn't show. Scars cover his back and torso from years
of torture making people gasp when he removes his shirt. He is always armed with small
sliver daggers, his bow and arrows. The elf wears a hooded cape that successfully covers
the majority of his face.

Diablo was born to the same home as Ara was, but not as happy a story. He was beaten
by his father for three years until his mother smuggled him to a band of rogues. There
he learned how to fight for his life and everything he stands for. The people treated him
roughly and reminded the child of his father. Channeling his anger into every fight the
boy quickly learned how to fight and win every battle he fought. Thin, but quick and
clever he managed to destroy boys twice his size and age in the rinks. The rinks were
where people fought to the death. Diablo fought like a demon on a rampage as he tore
through the people set up against him. The rogues sent him on a mission of sorts and,
of course, he got kidnapped. No amount of fiery energy could protect him from the
devil they had fighting on their side and the elf went down within several minuets of
fighting. At their base of operation he was tortured to get out any information on a
girl he had never heard of before, but had his last name. Ara Zeldelae. It was rumored
that this girl was a relative of his and that much was just a little beyond a rumor. The
name Zeldelae wasn't exactly common. After about three months of that he was let go
and returned to the natural world to be attacked by none other than Ara herself. Finding
that they were siblings the two banded together and it has been that way ever since.

Diablo is a fiery elf with a personal vendetta against any and everyone that
crosses his path. His weakness is Ara. Ever since they were reunited the elf
has been very protective of the girl in a way he hadn't been ever before. He
prefers not to enter into relationships because the elf believes that they will
only hinder his life and his fights. He sticks like glue to Ara's side and almost
never leaves it without a reason. But when she gets away the boy tracks her
down and scolds her, showing a soft side only seen by her. He takes care of
Ara almost as if she was a delicate plate, on the verge of breaking at any
second. This angers the girl, but she doesn't show him her underlying
feelings, afraid of loosing the only true family she ever had. Diablo lives
up to his name having both the personality and the skills to match the
devil himself. He loves watermelon and snow. He is rather good at snow-
boarding and skiing.

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Re: my character storage

Postby catephant » Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:17 pm

She can't be contained, she can't be controlled
Won't do as you say, won't do as she's told
An angelic face that's hell on wheels
She'll stay with you when things get dire
She's everything you want
and everything you admire


xxName; Ash Zarin
xxGender; Female
xxAge; Seventeen Years
xxSpecialty; Silver
xxEngraved Staff
xxRole; The Wise Beginner
xxTime; Two Point
xxFive Years

xxLove Life; None
xxFamily; Unknown
xxFriends; Unknown
xxAcquaintances; Leigh
xxForester;; Butterbean
xxEnemies; Anyone She
xxCrossed Paths With
xxHair Color; Jet Black
xxHair Length; Mid. Back
xxFace Shape; Upside-down-
xxEye Color; Forest Green
xxEye Shape; Almond
xxLip Color; Pale Pink
xxHeight; 5'11" 181.25 cm
xxWeight; 125 Pounds
xxFrame; Hourglass
xxComplexion; Starkly
xxPale/ Though Not
xxDeathly So
xxScars and Marks;
xxA Scar Across Her
xxLeft Cheek

xx+ Calm;; Loyal;; Strong;; Honest
xx- Impassive;; Pessimistic;; Sarcastic;; Guarded
xxHabits Chewing her nails;; Pulling at her hair
xxWeaknesses Water;; Pride
xxStrengths Protecting those she cares for
Overview; The girl has a soft spot for stray animals and for the fresh meat. She is merciless when it comes to fighting and will not hesitate to kill when provoked. Unpredictable and dangerous, it's best not to get on her bad side.She is skilled in many different types of weapons but takes a special interest in the staff she found within her first week in the pit. The girl was almost beaten in her first fight, but was humiliated when her opponent let her live. She has always believed that is best to honor your opponent by giving them a near death circumstance over humiliation. Never showing weakness or pain or even hostility, the girl is able to maintain a blank face and keep distance from other people in the pit. She has an extreme distaste for the undefeated due to her failure to maintain that title. The child will never go up against someone she is not sure to beat. Because of this she stays in the shadows and very few take notice of her presence. To those who do see her fleeting shadow she gives the utmost attention to, training and preparing them for anytime they might be challenged. Her first acquaintance in the pit was Butterbean who gave quite strange advice. Needless to say, being a newbie, she followed it word for word even though the girl had been there only slightly longer than she. Ash is a beautiful girl and is able to blend in fairly well with the exception of her pale skin. She has hair that is a shade darker than black and shines blue in well lit places. Her lips are rosy pink and hardly ever form a smile, but when they do stark white teeth peek out from under neath and her almond shaped eyes form crescents. The color in her eyes varies from forest green -in dimly lit places- to light green -in highly lit places.

Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
The water's getting warm so you might as well swim
My world's on fire how about yours
That's the way I like it and I never get board


    name: leigh forester
    age: ninteen years
    gender: male
    role: healer
    time: roughly
    one year

    sliver daggers
    main trait: loyal
    sub-traits: easily
    angered, sarcastic,
    guarded, defensive,
    fiery temper,
    reasonable, wound

    habits: starting
    unwanted fights,

    strengths: fighting,

    weaknesses: his

    relationship status:

    acquaintances: ash

    family: unknown
    friends: none
    enemies: unknown
    hair color: greyish

    hair length: short

    face shape: heart-

    eye color: ice blue
    eye shape: round
    slightly slanted

    lip color: pale

    shell white

    height: 192 cm or

    scars/marks: about
    twenty different
    scars on his
    stomach and back
Leigh is a fiery tempered boy who tends to fight with anyone who crosses his path. His first experience in the pit was fighting against Ash. Most people in the pit forgot everything up until the point where they were found by other members, but Leigh is a special case. His first memories are of fighting. Not of how he got there, why he was fighting, or even who he was fighting. When he tried to ask the girl in front of him she shook her head and said, "Get your head in the fight. After all, you've been doing so well." He could never figure out if the last part was sarcasm or not, but he had a feeling she wasn't serious. Over the next several months after the fight he watched the girl as she moved. Studying her every action and learning from the times she trained. Through this method the boy became skilled in throwing daggers. Although, for some reason she never used the lethal weapons which confused the child to no end. Unknown to him Ash was giving him the same attention he was giving her. She had taken an interest in the child and was silently training him. Leigh could never figure out what the girl was thinking, but always resented her for showing him what defeat felt like. But don't be fooled. Resentment doesn't mean an unwillingness to work together. He knows how to fight and how to fight well, but would rather stay under the radar. So he works as a healer. His past is foggy just like everyone else, but sometimes he can catch a glimpse of his past life; the fleeting touch of a soft rug, or the flickering of a light, or a glimpse of someone's face. When he gets hit on the back his scars sear with pain, as if he had been tortured before being thrown down into the pit. What ever happened in the past, Leigh knows he won't want to go back to it. The ice eyed boy stands out in almost every possible way from his hair down to his lanky frame. He stands at one hundred and ninety two centimeters or six feet three point five inches. Though he's tall he's not exactly thin neither is he overly muscled. His hair is a light shade of grey which some call white. He's not sure if he ever dyed it, but he does know it hasn't changed since he fell into the pit. His eyes are an ice blue that stare right through you. When he's angry they darken a shade and seem almost like a raging blue fire. His skin contrasts sharply to the dark environment being almost as pale as his hair. His jaw is square like and set almost as if he's always angry at something. He's been called a girl several times down in the pit, but he tries not to let it get to him.
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Postby catephant » Tue Dec 27, 2016 3:53 am


    name: moonlight
    age: 28 m.
    gender: female
    rank: med. cat


    pelt color: black
    accents: white hind

    pelt length: short
    build: lithe/medium
    size though on the
    smaller side/built more
    for running and swift
    attacks than brute

    eye color: yellow
    weight: 8.2 lbs
    scars/marks: shreded
    ear/random scars
    across her pelt


    main trait: easy going
    sub-traits: sarcastic/

    habits: flicking what's
    left of her torn

    likes: night/the moon/

    dislikes: water/sun /

    weaknesses: water/


    relationship status:
    single [and forever
    will be]

    kits: none [there will
    never be any]


    family: parents

    friends: tba
    enemies: tba

As the sky darkens a lone figure looks longingly through the branches and into the rising moon. Their pelt shimmers under the gentle touch of the moonlight and fur, charred by an unforgiving sun, is turned silver by wisps of protecting light. They slowly rise to reveal two snow white hind paws. The figure softly pads further into the forest and the moon seems to follow in their wake. They halt at the edge of a meadow and watch the sky carefully, almost as if looking for something. A quiet flapping emits from the quick flick of a destroyed ear, but the cat pays no heed. Shaking their head they turned around and calmly bounded back into the forest. They pause at a stream and glance briefly down. A pair of bright yellow eyes and a soft pink nose are reflected back. The sound of a small creature waddling across the forest floor catches the predator's attention and in a streak of silver they're gone.


      Moonlight was born to a cat outside of the clan during the coldest months. Her two siblings gave up their lives to the harsh environment of the unforgiving forest and she was forced to find her own path, bearing the weight of her weakened mother. Almost twelve moons after her birth her mother finally collapsed and died leaving the kitten alone.
      Alone and lost in the formidable woods, the kitten stumbled upon a group of rogues who ever so graciously took her in and 'cared' for her. She was starved and weak, but learned that to get food one must fight.
      It took countless wounds for her to learn the art of healing. Countless nights stifling mewls of pain out by the river. Countless failed attempts and countless infections. Countless turned allies, but one friend.
      For six moons she fought tooth and claw with other cats to gain respect. In one particularly gruesome battle the she-cat's pelt was scarred to the point of no return. Feeling disoriented and extremely weak, she stumbled her way to the edge of the forest where a loner found her lying unconscious.
      Overwhelmed with pity for the she-cat, he dragged her back to his den by the river, ignoring the possibility of discovery, and he treated her. He spent night after night tending to her numerous injuries, resting only to hunt for the pathetic cat.
      When she finally awoke, she was too weak to do much more than panic, but with the help of a poppy seed or two she calmed enough to acknowledge the good this loner had done for her.
      She was kept under a watchful eye by the cat until she was once again healthy and could return to the rogues. However, her welcoming home was not a pleasant one. She was looked down upon because her disappearance was seen as running away. The cat fought until she gained their respect for the second time while simultaneously getting increasingly better as a fighter.
      One fight didn't go as planned and once again she found herself laying by the river too weak to move. Her injuries this time included a shredded ear and loss of hearing. The loner that had found her before watched from the shadows as a clan cat discovered her.
      She was taken back to their base and kept prisoner until they could affirm her loyalties. Soon after she was deemed the medicine cat apprentice and a valuable addition to the clan.
      It took her many moons before she could move around properly again due to the fact that her hearing never came back. Genuinely wanting to gain her new leader's respect, she worked hard to stand out to him and sought to excel in everything her mentor threw at her, ignoring the deaf ear and heightening her senses.
      The medicine cat was old, though, and it wasn't long before her age caught up to her, leaving Moonlight with the weight of her clan bearing down upon her slim shoulders.
      Her black pelt blends in to the forest and her paws are stealthy even against dried leaves. Many cats believe her to be fearless, but in reality she is genuinely terrified of water and storms. She was named Moonlight because of her natural attraction to the night and her hind paws that are eternally lit by the moon. When she walks through the forest at night, she seems to guide the moon through the darkness.
      The she-cat is generally calm and even tempered though when her safety is threatened she does not hesitate to kill. Most of her days are spent in the hunting meadow searching for herbs, but every so often she watches the apprentices train from the tree tops encircling the clearing. Though she had joined the clan not long ago she feels at peace with the other cats and their life style.
      Her quiet nature and sharp eyes tend to scare off possible acquaintances, but it doesn't seem to bother the she-cat. She is incredibly loyal and dedicated. She is not someone a cat would willingly cross.
      When you break past her guarded exterior she is kind and kit-like. She has a dry sense of humor that is only revealed to her closest of friends. Her loyalty has no limits. The day her mother died she swore she would never let another friend die.
      Due to her time alone, she learned to take care of both herself and her mother in more ways than one. She gained experience as a healer and discovered that she preferred the quiet ways of a medicine cat over those of a violent warrior, but don't be confused when she can fight with the best of them.
Last edited by catephant on Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby catephant » Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:37 pm

━━━━ Image━━━━━
━━━ Image━━━

━━━ Image-Image━━━━
    name: saberfoot
    age: 28 m.
    gender: male
    rank: warrior
    pelt color: black
    accents: white back paws
    eye color: icy blue
    weight: 13.2 lbs
    scars/marks: shreded

    relationship status:
    parents - [deceased]
    siblings - [deceased]

    friends: tba
    enemies: tba
━━ Image-Image ━━━



    main trait: easy going
    sub-traits: sarcastic/

    habits: flicking what's
    left of his torn ear

    likes: night/the moon/

    dislikes: water.
    strengths: tracking prey/

    weaknesses: a cute she-
    cat/strength fights



    A lone figure looks longingly through the branches and into the
    rising moon. Their pelt shimmers under the gentle touch of the
    moonlight and fur, marred by relentless cold, is turned silver by
    wisps of protecting light. They slowly rise to reveal two snow
    white hind paws. The figure softly pads further into the forest
    and the moon seems to follow in their wake. A quiet flapping
    emits from the quick flick of a destroyed ear, but the cat pays
    no heed. Shaking their head they turn around and calmly bound
    deep into the forest. They pause at a frozen stream and glance
    briefly down. A pair of icy blue eyes and a fluffy, black visage
    are reflected back even through the light dusting of snow. The
    sound of a small creature waddling through fluffy snow catches
    the predator's attention and in a streak of silver they're gone.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ personality ~
    Saberfoot is a rather easy going tom. Like most others, he was too young to remember a time without
    tensions. But that doesn't bother him, however, and unlike most others he adjusted rather well to the dark
    frost. He's mostly found laying on his back whenever he's bored or pleading [which is quite often, though he'd
    never admit it]. The tom hides behind a flirtatious wall, difficult to break down, but once you do his natural
    sarcastically honest nature peaks through. He can easily piss a cat off, but his kind nature forbids him from
    making enemies and no one can stay mad at him forever [especially when he rolls onto his back and begs for
    forgiveness with wide eyes]. He may not like to make enemies, but that does not eliminate annoying the she-
    cats in his new clan. There are times where he'll be found in a tree shaking snow into the pelts of unsuspecting
    females. Though he's one of the oldest males in the clan, his kitten-like nature says the complete opposite.

    Even so, he can be either your closest ally or your worst enemy. He doesn't take dung from anyone [if it's
    not in joking] and is relentlessly loyal [almost to the point of being annoying]. The tom is able to sober up
    when needed and, because of his skills [hunting and otherwise], can be a solid shoulder to rely on. When
    things get too tense, he is there to lighten up the mood with quick thinking and a sarcastic comment. If you
    get on his bad side, he speedily hands out a warning to give time for you to change. He never beats around the
    bush and will straight up tell you if you're bothering him. On the other hand, if he likes you, he won't be caught
    dead outright confessing. Rather, the tom will show not tell with anonymous acts of kindness.

    The tom has one policy that he refuses to let go of and that is to never judge any cat before he gets to
    know them. It's a rather simple policy and he sticks to it like glue. Until he knows you, he will treat you with
    as much respect as he can muster. After all, anyone who could survive the darkness deserves it. If, however,
    you disrespect him or those who have earned his trust, he will not hesitate to rise against you.

    Originally a hunter for Thunder clan, the tom is a master of tree climbing and uses this to his advantage
    when hunting for prey. He specializes in stealth and can slip through the shadows with the best of Shadow
    clan. He's rather fast and can take down the best of fighters [at least he likes to think so], but lacks strength.
    To make up for his weaknesses he can think on his feet and is great at strategics. He is definitely not the
    most humble cat and likes to show off his pathetic strength to the she-cats when ever he can,
    but he can own his weaknesses and make light of them.

    Saberfoot is a fluffy black tom with striking icy blue eyes and a pair of snow white hind paws that seem to
    guide the moon through the forest at night. As amazing as the sight is [seeing him bound between the shadows
    of tall trees], he hates the feature. He thinks it gives him away and, even if it's true, most cats aren't paying
    enough attention to his midnight escapades to care. Ever since the night dissipated, he's found it hard to hunt
    in the day, considering his black pelt creates a stark contrast against the pureness of the snow. Faithful to his
    name [Saberfoot] the tom's feet are graced with unnaturally long claws that peak out from between his fluffy
    toes even when sheathed. [He claims he gets it from his mother, but every cat knows he just grows them out
    for a better grip when climbing.]

    Like any other cat, he has his dislikes [most of which include water in one form or another]. When it
    comes to his ears [especially the shredded one], he will do anything possible to avoid getting water in them.
    Besides that, he's perfectly fine with the wet substance. Except if it, you know, soaks his pelt or washes over
    his pads or if it drips in his eyes, but other than that he loves water. Loves it.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ history ~
    His past isn't that extraordinary and is probably considered normal due to the circumstances surrounding
    Broken Clan. Saberfoot grew up just like any other kit [for the first two months, at least] and that's when
    everything went to mouse dung. He may have been young, but he can still remember the stigma against any
    kit named Snow or Night. He can still remember the confusion he felt when smelling the fear drift from the
    pelts of those in his clan at the news of the two kits that had been born. 24 moons later was when it came. The
    night swept over the sky, coming like a clowder of cats racing into battle. Confusion fell over the clan like the
    snow that descended from their blackened sky and loneliness draped over the survivors. It only took one month.
    One months for most everyone he loved and cared about to die. Determination coursed through his pelt
    and the tom decided to survive for however long it took.

    Within a week, his new determination was put to the test. Cats everywhere were fighting one another for
    the precious few resources. Shadow clan cats slid through their namesake as if apart it, Wind clan waited for
    cats to turn their backs before speedily snatching up the bounty and Thunder clan silently climbed trees
    waiting for unsuspecting cats to wander beneath their vigilant eyes. River clan was put at a disadvantage. With
    streams and rivers alike frozen solid, they were forced to adopt the ways of other clans and, some, managed
    to successfully survive. It was chaos. Neither trees nor the forest could be trusted and cats from every clan
    soon turned to the ways of River clan: shadows flashed up trees and trees became shadows.

    Saberfoot first shied away from the violence, but one thunderstorm ensured that he would turn like the
    others. He had slipped through the shadows, fur dusted with snow and a small mouse hanging from his jaws.
    Lightening flashed around him and thunder crashed against trees, but he payed it no mind, it had been weeks
    since he feared the perpetual noise that came with the frozen night. Contrary to what his fluffy pelt would
    suggest, he had no problem moving around with snow weighing down his every move. Determined, he floated
    across the snow on light paws: his mother was waiting for him.

    She was part of those who fell sick with disease and, though he knew what would happen, he was
    determined to deny fate for as long as possible. And so, he consistently went out to catch prey for her. There
    were times where his catch was stolen and the pair went hungry, but he was typically quiet enough to avoid
    the other predators. The lightning flashed once again closely followed by a crash of thunder. The storm was
    getting closer. He needed to get back to their shelter, a small den he had dug by the frozen river, before the
    snow fell harder. Throwing caution to the wind, he dashed home without leaving a trail of foot prints in the
    hardened snow.

    Another flash, another growl, but this time it was cut off by a screech. The tom froze in horror: there was
    no mistaking that sound. With ears pinned to his head, pelt fluffed in furry, and upper lip pulled back in a
    snarl, he bolted towards the noise. No one threatened his mother and got away with it. It wasn't long before
    he reached his destination and what he saw lit his blood on fire.

    His weak mother sloppily fought against two large toms who were trying to claim the den for themselves.
    One struck the she-cat down with his forepaw and something inside Saberfoot snapped. He swiftly dropped the
    mouse and launched himself at the attackers with a furious yowl. His memory of the fight blurred red and it
    wasn't until the cats lay unmoving at his feet that he came to his senses. Blood dripped from his ear and
    spattered against his pelt, but he was certain he'd be fine. Ignoring the liquid, he tentatively approached his
    mother and called out to her. When there was no response, he nudged her with his nose and called out again.
    No response. His nudges and mewls increased in fervor, but each one was met with silence.

    All throughout the forest an agonizing wail could be heard. From then on he vowed to do what ever it took to
    survive. When word of Broken clan spread across the forest, the tom was wary. How could anyone be trusted
    after the past few months? It took awhile before he could reconcile the reality of a slim survival without a
    clan behind him, but it happened. He was cautious, but so was everyone else.

    After all, warming up takes time.
Last edited by catephant on Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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leopardfrost ➻ SpaceFox

Postby catephant » Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:38 am

form for SpaceFox
all character credits belong to them.
all design credits are mine.


    name: leopardfrost
    age: 30 m.
    gender: female
    rank: warrior
    pelt color: brown
    accents: black tabby
    stripes/light brown

    eye color: pale green
    weight: 8 lbs
    scars/marks: none

    relationship status:
    family: quicksplash -
    [m. deceased]
    oakdrift - [f. deceased]
    silentwish - [b. deceased]

    friends: tba
    acquaintances: tba
    enemies: tba

    likes: water/birds/

    dislikes: fire/snakes/
    loud noise/war/solitude

    strengths: fishing/
    [claps for originality]

    weaknesses: forest

    speech: mildly british




credits to Rule.





━━━━━━━━ ღ ━━━━━━━━
    main trait: clever

    habits: forgetting where
    she is/overthinking details/


    The moonlight faintly swirled through thick pine branches,
    illuminating the figure of a small she-cat crouching by the
    bank of a large stream. Her pale green eyes glowed with
    an ethereal light as they focused on the water before her
    and thick brown fur absorbed the moon's iridescence,
    successfully melding her presence with the surrounding
    mud. Patiently, the cat waited in silence, frozen in
    anticipation. The only sign of life being her flickering eyes
    as they followed the wriggling bodies of silver fish
    swimming in, soon to be disturbed, peace. In an instant,
    she flicked a paw beneath the water, sweeping a glittering
    fish into the air. It twisted in shock and fell, flopping, onto
    the bank. Mercifully, the she-cat killed her catch, picked it
    up between watering jaws, and trotted back into the deep


━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ღ personality ღ

    Leopardfrost is a very clever she-cat who is quick to analyze and slow to trust. While others may launch them-
    selves into a fight, she will patiently wait in the shadows before jumping in. Getting her to talk can be a challenge in
    itself as she doesn't like noise and lumps speech in that category for some reason. Trust is a foreign word to her and
    rarely used because of some issues she faced during the dark frost. It's not like she trusted easily before, but now it's
    gotten even worse. The only cats she is remotely comfortable with are the ones in Brokenclan, anyone from outside
    will need to prove themselves before she'd go within a ten fox-length radius of them. Even so, she's not completely
    adverse to new felines, just cautious.

    Leopardfrost has a nasty habit of forgetting where she is. Occasionally [as in, quite often], she'll wake up thinking
    she's still a warrior back in Riverclan, but when she remembers her situation the cat's mood immediately plummets
    into oblivion. Another relentless habit of hers is overthinking the minor details of a plan. As a natural planner [and
    mild perfectionist], every detail must be in perfect order for her to be satisfied and [as mortality usually is] this
    rarely happens. It drives the she-cat insane. To the point where, seeing her pace a rut in the camp floor has become
    a common occurrence.

    Commonly found by the riverside mourning the loss of fresh water, she prefers the winged prey that [for some
    reason] still lurks in the dead, frozen reeds over the mice and four-legged prey of the forest. This preference might
    be due to the fact that she sounds like a blundering kitty-pet when she stumbles noisily after the blasted creatures
    [though she'd never admit it]. When asked to go on a hunting patrol with the rest of the natural born forest cats,
    she will either politely decline or subtly suggest they hunt by the streams and rivers. She's a clever cat, after all.

    It might be her Riverclan heritage, but, unlike most cats, she loves water and would gladly spend the day
    swimming or fishing in its depths. Since the dark frost, however, it has been hard to find liquid water and, because
    of this, her nerves have been more tense than usual. Storms though. Storms though. Storms are where it's at. If
    you're looking for the she-cat during a storm, don't bother. She's more than likely sitting drenched by the river, or
    rolling in a puddle or two outside of camp [or in it, if there's a deep enough puddle].

    On the opposing side lays fire and oppose it she does. The she-cat wouldn't be caught dead near flames [or maybe
    she would, but that's too dark of a thought for such an innocent cat...]. If there's one thing she thanks Starclan for,
    it's the lack of snakes due to the dark frost. She doesn't have to like the dark frost in order to praise Starclan for that
    one mercy. However, [even as she praises Starclan] she damns them at the same time. Along with the absence of
    snakes, there was also an absence of peace and war is NOT where it's at. Solitude isn't either, but that's only
    after the dark frost. Who would want to be alone after everyone they know dies? Answer: only the insane.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ღ history ღ

    Leopardfrost was a typical clan cat. She stood for the warrior code and always did her best to exceed the
    expectations of those above her station. It wasn't a very difficult life [except for where she made it difficult] and
    being an apprentice was fairly easy as well. It wasn't that cats purposely simplified things [she likes to think], it was
    just her natural awesomeness that helped her excel.

    When the prophecy first came about, she wasn't too intrigued with the whispers of death and destruction. If you
    can't focus you attention [all your attention] on what you want, then you don't deserve what ever you're aiming
    for. Her attention at the time was occupied by shaping into the perfect warrior [eventually deputy] and she didn't
    care enough about omens for them to warrant much interest. Besides she was just a kit at the time.

    As she grew up, the whispers turned to full blown conversations and got harder to ignore [though she still did her
    best]. She and her brother Silentwish struggled through the tides of suspicious cats and [even though they were not
    named Night or Snow] looks of distrust and caution were thrown their way. Neither knew why they suddenly became
    targets for the ramblings of insane felines, but they did.

    If they thought it was going to get better, they were wrong. If anything, it got worse. Suspicious glances turned
    into cold shoulders, cold shoulders turned into hostile hissing, and hissing eventually erupted into outright attacks.
    It wasn't just Leopardfrost and Silentwish, either. Other young warriors [around her age] were subject to the
    prejudice as well. Riverclan began going insane. Rumors of queens hiding the true names of their youngsters began
    to surface. Suddenly, no one was safe. Leopardfrost and her brother were able to avoid the majority of the
    suspicion, however, as they constantly focused on their training.

    It was on a day like any other when it came. The dark frost. It descended with an unrelenting anger, devouring
    anything in its path. The siblings paused in the middle of battle training to watch it thunder towards them. If they
    thought they were on shaky ground with the clan before, they were now walking rolling stones surrounded by
    sleeping wolves: one movement could get them devoured.

    Leopardfrost froze in that moment to think about her clan. The results wouldn't be good. Cats were already
    on the verge of insanity and with this... this could be their tipping point. She didn't get long before yowls erupted
    from within camp borders. In an instant, the she-cat ran towards the noise, her brother on her tail. The sight that
    greeted them was catastrophic [lol >< puns]. Fights had broken out everywhere and a few stole prey from those
    they had previously called friend.

    With no where else to go, Leopardfrost's family moved out into the forest surrounding them, making sure to
    stay by the river. In days, it froze over, the cats desperate for food. Silentwish caught them scraps of forest
    creature, but he was soon picked off. Her parents died from a combination of cold and starvation and, before she
    knew it, she was the only one left from her family.

    She didn't understand it. How could Starclan be cruel enough to take away her family? They were
    all she had. All hopes of becoming deputy were shattered in the blink of an eye. All hopes of becoming someone
    great: gone. Just like that, she was alone. At first, she couldn't deal. She was consumed with grief and self-pity.
    It didn't last for long though. One simple attack was all it took to snap her out of it.

    Leopardfrost sat mourning their deaths by the river when a large tom tried to attack her from behind. She may
    have been grieving, but she still aspired to be deputy at one point. It wasn't an easy battle. Her sight blurred with
    pain and sadness. Luckily, she managed to knock the tom out and get a safe distance away.

    From then on, she vowed to put their deaths in the back of her head. It wouldn't do to forget them, but she had
    grieved long enough and wasn't about to be put in the ground beside them. Like most surviving Riverclan cats, she
    turned to another clan's skill set in order to eat. Since she was useless when it came to forest hunting, Shadowclan
    [though slimy crow-faces] had much to offer in many areas. Leopardfrost fought only when needed and got away
    with slipping through the shadows. News of Brokenclan reached her ears and she was all too eager to join.

    After all, it's no use surviving if you can't live.
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