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Shiro || The Wretched Egg

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 2:43 pm


    Name: Shiro
    Nickname: The Wretched Egg, The Red Man, & The Original Sin
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female (Male when in her second personality)
    Personality: Shiro is a bubbly and a bit clumsy girl. She has lots of energy, most likely from the fact she eats nothing but sweets. She is shown to have loved sweets throughout her life, particularly cookies, and her sweet tooth may be her way of staying connected to her childhood. She has a very childlike outlook on life; this leads to her mind not understanding much: Shiro didn't even understand the concept of a girlfriend and had a simplified outlook on love. However, her second personality also known as the Wretched Egg, is full of hatred and has desiring of killing for the sake of killing. In many ways it is completely the opposite of Shiro's usual personality and is only triggered in extreme situations. When the girl goes out of control and become too angry the Wretched Egg personality jumps in and she become destructive. This side of her thrives off of hatred and jealousy as well as the desire to die.
    Crush: None
    Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife/Husband: None
    History: Shiro became a test subject of Hagire Rinichirō and Sorae Igarashi. Before the birth of the Wretched Egg, Ganta and Shiro played quite often, sharing a common admiration of Ace Man. They first met when Ganta saw her sitting by a tree and commented on her white hair. Shiro became embarrassed about her hair, but Ganta told her he liked it, making her feel better and they started playing, eventually becoming good friends. She and Ganta normally got along well, but once, when Shiro was in grave pain because of the constant injections, they once bickered so violently that Shiro broke his Ace Man action figure and Ganta took his toys and ran away from her in tears. Soon after, he came face-to-face with a rabid, vile dog, one of the other test subjects that escaped from the lab. Ganta dropped to his knees in fear and called for Ace Man to save him. Suddenly, Shiro jumped down from a window and landed on the dog, knocking it out and saving his life. After this, Shiro vowed to become Ganta's "Ace Man" whenever he was in trouble. Because of Hagire and Sorae's experiments, her body would often deteriorate, and needed to be sewn back together. Her arm fell off once while she and Ganta were playing hide-and-seek. She has also been seen with her leg being sewn back on. She was used in excrutatingly painful nanomachine experiments, causing her to create a separate personality known as the Wretched Egg to cope with the pain. As shown her body has been ripped apart several times possibly when her limbs were removed multiple times to create the Chorus Blocks for the Mother Goose System. Some time after that, Hagire built Deadman Wonderland and built a room for Shiro, supplying her with all the candy she ever wants.
    Other: None
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Hige || Jaguara's Tool

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 2:45 pm


    ➳name; hige
    ➳age; 17
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; bisexual (feminine preference)
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair; light brown
    ➳eyes; amber
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳build; thick boned and tall
    ➳height; 6'1
    ➳weight; 187 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; hige is able to disguise himself as a human to wander among them though he is truly a wolf. he is able to freely go between the two of them and is able to jump and move much differently than a normal human. he can jump tremendous heights and do it quickly. he also has enhanced endurance compared to the average human allowing him to travel for longer times without getting tired. he also has a very strong sense of smell
    ➳weapons; none

    ➳personality; hige is very detached and carefree at the beginning of the series. at times, his easy-going nature allows him to see what the others might not, such as when he points out to kiba that "pride" means staying alive to live as a wolf, but it doesn't mean much if you're dead. as he has the keenest sense of smell, he follows his nose into both trouble and adventure. he seems to value the pack, but does not need it, being perfectly fine on his own. once he finds out that he was meant to betray the pack, he becomes more serious for a while and attacks lady jaguara, showing his ultimate loyalty to the pack. hige is the one of the more sensible members of the pack. he'd rather strategize than run right into battle, unlike kiba or tsume. he tends to use his intuition more than the others, but only when he is not thinking with his stomach instead. hige is something of a womanizer and is always on the look-out for a female companion. he starts off as a laid back joker, though he matures as the series goes on due to unforeseen companions and events that shape his character.

    ➳history; before meeting the others, hige was brainwashed into being lady jaguara's lapdog by searching for wolf packs and leading troops to the wolves. the collar that he wears is actually a transmitter that allows him to wander freely through jaguara's city and is always under surveillance. the collar was also what controlled his memories, as he was trapped in an endless migraine before it was shot off by a soldier. at least 22 other wolves were collared in this way, all of which were killed after returning to jaguara's city.

    hige first meets kiba in freeze city. after convincing him that pride wasn't worth dying over, kiba uses his human form and the both of them escape the laboratory. kiba then tells hige about his search for paradise, and while not entirely convinced, hige agrees to join him in his journey. at the end he is fatally wounded by lord darcia III. he has bite marks and scratch marks and blue dies in his arms. while dying a slow, painful death, he convinces tsume to put him out of his misery. tight before he died, he said, "let's meet again next time in paradise." after earth's regeneration, hige is reincarnated into the world.

    ➳other; wolf form
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Blue || The Wolfdog

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 2:48 pm


If I can be with you when the world ends, it’ll be enough for me!

    name: blue
    nicknames: none
    gender: female
    age: 17
    sexual orientation: heterosexual
    species: human/wolfdog


    hair: black
    eyes: blue
    skin hue: tanned
    body type: well fit
    clothing: Blue typically wears a black trench coat like dress that cuts off just before her knees and has sleeves that complete cover her arms. Around her waist she wears a belt that helps keep the dress from flying open. Around here neck she wears a red scarf as well as a necklace with a couple of dog tags on it which have her name on them. On her feet, she wear knee-high black boots that have a slight heel to them, but don't slow her down one bit.
    height: 5'9"
    weight: 145 lbs
    scars: none
    birthmarks: none


    weapons: Blue does have have any sort of weapon. She relies on her abilities to help her fight.
    skills: Blue is ability to shift between being a wolf and being a human. Her wolf side enhances her human abilities and allow her to jump high and be faster while in her human form. She also has her wolf form however and has razor sharp teeth that can rip through flesh if she needed to do so.

personality and background

    personality: Like Toboe, Blue is extremely fond of and attached to humans, having lived with one her whole life. She was extremely devoted and obedient to Quent and followed his commands without hesitation, even if it may have meant her own demise. She broke free of following Quent's orders once her inner-wolf had awoken when she had contact with Cheza, unwilling to kill her own kind. She is a fairly calm, level-headed individual. Although she seems laid-back, she will become fiercely protective and angered if anyone endangers anyone close to her. In the pack, she grows closest to Hige, and eventually she ends up falling in love with him. Despite the possibility that Paradise won't accept her because she is a half-breed, she promises to follow Hige, whatever happens.
    history: Blue was raised in the small town of Kyrios with Quent Yaiden and his family. At some point, they were attacked by what they believed to be a pack of wolves (actually Lady Jaguara's soldiers and Lord Darcia III), the only survivors being Blue and Quent. Together they vowed to kill every last wolf as vengeance for their family's death.
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Natasha || Black Widow

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 2:52 pm


    Name: Natasha Romanoff
    Alias: Black Widow
    Gender: Female
    Age: 29
    Affiliation: Hero (Avenger)
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Positive Traits: Confident, fearless, cunning, clever, intelligent, quick on her feet, & loyal to those she trusts
    Negative Traits: Can turn on people she doesn't trust, hard to read, masks her feelings, can be cruel, & has trust issues
    Powers/Abilities: The Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals at an above human rate; as well as psychological conditioning that suppresses her memory of true events as opposed to implanted ones of the past without the aid of specially designed system suppressant drugs. The white blood cells in her body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body and others from her body, keeping her healthy and immune to most, if not all infections, diseases and disorders. Also, it takes quite a bit for Natasha to become intoxicated.
    Skills: The Black Widow is a world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist (including karate, judo, ninjutsu, aikido, savate, various styles of kung fu, and boxing), marksman, and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training. She is also an accomplished ballerina. Her agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist. She can coordinate her body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity easily. Natasha has a gifted intellect. She displays an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation and can mask her real emotions perfectly. Like Steve Rogers, she possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (such as threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Natasha is an expert tactician. She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander.
    Physical attributes: None known
    Personality: Confident, in both her beauty and intelligence, the Black Widow is one of the world's greatest spies, able to fight opponents with superhuman abilities. She is nearly fearless, almost to the point of foolhardiness. The Black Widow is also a master of subterfuge, frequently talking her enemies into traps of her own devising. In her darker days, she has implied that she lacked a moral compass but as an agent of SHIELD, she appears to care deeply for the sake of the world.
    History: Natasha Romanoff is a spy who abandons U.S.S.R. secret ops to fight for the good guys, joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and later the Avengers Initiative. Natasha was raised by the so-called Black Widow Ops program at the covert “Red Room” complex, brainwashed from childhood and trained in combat and espionage. Her training is what has allowed her to become the agent she is today and has lead her to become close with Steve and the other Avengers
    Crush: None/Open
    Relationships: Clint (closest friend/former partner), Steve (close friend), & Sam (friend)
    Other: None
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Clint || Hawkeye

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 2:59 pm


    Name: Clint Barton
    Alias: Hawkeye
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30
    Affiliation: Hero (Avenger)
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Powers/Skills: Hawkeye is an athletic archer, acrobat and hand-to-hand combatant. His archery skill borders on the superhuman, and he routinely pulls off near-impossible stunts, such as ricocheting arrows several times to hit an opponent straight behind him. His daily training routine has granted him huge muscles along a very high speed, dexterity and acrobatic prowess. Although it goes against his flamboyant image, Hawkeye is unusually intelligent and sharp and, on occasion, manages to defeat opponents who are far superior to him, by tricking them. He's also a smooth talker. Being the builder of his own bows and arrows, he has mechanical and electrical skills, which are surprisingly good. As a non-powered hero, he's also an able pilot, driver, sneaker, and lock-pick. Hawkeye's leadership abilities are very developed and good.
    Personality: Clint is a man that lives for the thrill of adventures. He's enjoying himself most when under extreme pressure or danger and fighting for his very life. Clint would probably have a very hard time settling time in a quiet life. He loves the challenge of being a leader and will attempt to acquire such a position unless there's a better leader around. As a leader, as well as solo, he's bold, decisive, phenomenal, sneaky and devilishly tricky. He's unusually experienced and gets the job done as long as he's in control of the situation. Hawkeye is a master of improvisation and can quickly adapt to situations where he's supremely overpowered and shouldn't stand a change. He often fights super-powered gangs with acrobatics, arrows and quick remarks only while actually managing to not only survive, but to win also.
    Crush: None/Open
    Other: None
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Steve || Captain America

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 3:02 pm


    Name: Steve Rogers/Captain America
    Age: Appears 29, but is around 100 or so
    Gender: Male
    Side: Heroes
    Powers: Captain America represents the pinnacle of human physical perfection. He experienced a time when he was augmented to superhuman levels, but generally performs just below superhuman levels for most of his career. He has a very high intelligence as well as agility, strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time superior to any Olympic athlete who ever competed. The Super-Soldier formula that he has metabolized had enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Most notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance. He also has mastered the martial arts of American-style boxing and judo, and has combined these disciplines with his own unique hand-to-hand style of combat. He has also shown skill and knowledge of a number of other martial arts. He engages in a daily regimen of rigorous exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) to keep himself in peak condition. He is one of the finest human combatants Earth has ever known.
    Crush: None
    Personality: Captain America is an all-around patriot, believing in all of the things that make America great. He always strives to make America even better. He is a very dedicated friend, and has a set group of ideals. He is strictly opposed to any form of oppression. He can be a bit stuck in the past, always remembering the things he lived with during the Great Depression and World War II compared to modern things. He is considered to be the hero. All other heroes, and even some villains, respect and look up to him. He will not risk an ally lightly, and would die before a single innocent victim is harmed. While a patriot, he is not above casting himself out of his government should they be in the wrong. He also holds no animosity for any other country, and will help them should the need arise.
    History: Steve had always wanted to be a soldier and couldn't find his way into the army to help during WWII. Once he was taken in however, he was put into an experiment for a super soldier. He given the super soldier serum, which is how he got his abilities. He wasn't suppose to head into war, but he did anyways and began taking down Hydra, saving many soldiers and destroying most their plans, however in the end he took down a plane and ended up getting frozen in ice for quite some time before being found by S.H.I.E.L.D. He found himself in an unknown world and soon became the leader of the Avengers.
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Peter || Spiderman

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 3:08 pm


    ➳name; peter benjamin parker
    ➳alias; spiderman
    ➳age; 16
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; bisexual
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair; brown
    ➳eyes; brown
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳height; 5'8
    ➳weight; 148 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; spiderman is a technical fighter. he received most of his powers when he is bitten by a radioactive spider. he uses his skills to develop equipment and weapons to complement his powers, and wears a suit specifically made by tony stark that incorporates many of the things he created. among many of those powers, spiderman heals faster than unaltered humans. it is safe to say that he may have a healing factor, and not just fast healing. he also has a tolerance to drugs and a higher dose must be given to take him out, plus he is invulnerable to disease. he can also climb walls and his strength could kill a normal person. he also has the speed of a superhuman, but can only use it for short sprints. then there is his spider senses along with his web shooters that he created which was added to his suit. his suit has its own drone which is the spider on his chest and it is able to fly off and scan areas and also get visuals on what might be ahead all which peter can see due to the tech in his suit
    ➳weapons; his suit which includes web shooters with many different combinations

    ➳personality; peter's personality at first seems to be immature, but if you take a second look, you can see he's planned everything out and knows exactly what he's doing, riling up his enemy with his wits is spidey's specialty. he fights for law and order so he has a noble heart. he understands that with his powers comes great responsibility and he takes pride in that. he is awful at keeping secrets, though somehow he has been able to hide his identity as spiderman from most. overall, he is a pretty awkward kid, who is extremely intelligent for his age. all he wants to do is be a hero and protect everyone he can, especially the everyday people. due to his age, he isn't taken seriously very often which annoys him, but his headstrong personality always pushes him to pursue what he believes in even if others don't believe him

    ➳history; when peter was young, his parents left him to live with his aunt and uncle. the reasons were unknown to him. he waited for them to come back, but they never did and they eventually died. the boy wanted to know why they had left and when he found his father's old work partner he went to investigate. while he was in the lab he was bitten by a radioactive spider which gave him his abilities. only a few days later was his uncle killed and he vowed to take down the man who did it. at first he was immature and irresponsible with his powers, but one day he figured out he could be doing greater things with his powers. starting out with simply helping people in new york, he caught tony stark's attention which landed him a place among the other heroes. going to berlin to help the billionaire track down captain america, he was put into his first real battle with elite heroes. upon returning home, he went back to his simple everyday tasks until he got caught up chasing down an enemy that was collecting alien tech. getting into a lot of trouble, stark eventually took his suit back, forcing him to go back to the homemade one he had used before. determined to continue dealing with vulture, peter went against what tony told him to do which eventually lead him to defeating vulture and making sure all the tech that had been stolen was in stark's/shield's possession once again. due to his display, tony invited him to join the avengers and he declined. however, he was given his suit back in case he might be needed for action once again

    ➳other; none
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Pietro || Quicksilver

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 3:11 pm

    Name: Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Side: Neutral/Heroes
    Powers: Quicksilver is a mutant capable of moving and thinking at superhuman speeds. Originally capable of running at the speed of sound; exposure to the High Evolutionary's Isotope E made it possible for the character to run at supersonic speeds of up to Mach 10 and resist the effects of friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact while moving at super-speeds. The character's speed allows him to perform feats such as create cyclone-strength winds; run up walls and cross bodies of water. It has been revealed that one of the reasons for his abrasive and impatient personality is that it seems to him that the rest of the world is moving in slow motion and that he is constantly waiting for it to catch up.
    Crush: None
    Personality: Pietro Maximoff's personality is in many ways defined by his speed powers. Even before they manifested, he showed a tendancy to live in the fast lane so to speak. He was aggressive at an early age, not taking kindly to authority or any such obstacle that would slow him down. He was never content to just live quietly. He had a powerful desire for new and exciting sensations. It was the only way he felt the world could keep up with him and that helps develop a very rebellious and arrogant persona. Because he often moves faster than he thinks, Pietro is also very impulsive. He lacks the ability to plan and reason, a trait he often leaves to others like his father. In some ways this also makes him dependant on others to give him a chance at those intense experiences he craves. For him it isn't jsut about the rush. It's the challenge he often grasps. He feels with his speed there are few challenges he cannot overcome. When they don't go his way, he gets more angry and irrational than others. This is part of what leads him down the path of his father. He holds onto his hatred and anger because his ego will not allow him to think outside himself. When he was a student traveling in the Middle East, it never dawned on him that his actions helped lead to the slaughter that made humanity seem so barbaric. It shows how he projects psychologically the ills of the world. He feels that with his ability that nothing is his fault and he'll fight to prove himself no matter who opposes him. Going along with his arrogance and his impulsive nature is his dedication to his father. Because he's somewhat dependant on others to do the rational thinking for him, he is very closely tied to his family. He relies on Wanda to keep him in line very often and he relies on his father to have the vision and plan for the future of their kind. He takes being Magneto's son very seriously. It isn't enough to just be part of his father's plan. He has to be his greatest champion and when others like the X-men get in the way, it tends to enrage him even further. It creates this cycle where the more he fails his father, the more determined he is to prove himself. Psychologically, Pietro's persona is a complex interplay with these three components driving him in his endeavors. His arrogance, impulsivity, and dedication to his father create the framework that makes him who he is. It also entreches him in the mutant conflict. Like his father, the conflict is part of who he is and it won't get resolved so long as humans are around to oppose him.
    History: Having been born into the complicated and violent world of his father, Erik Lensherr, Pietro Maximoff and his twin sister, Wanda Maximoff, often live in the shadow of their family name. Their mother, Magda Maximoff, was traveling with her husband Erik and his friend Charles through the war-torn Balkan when she was seven months pregnant. While they were working in a small villiage near the mountains, a hoard of rebel soldiers stormed the area. The soldiers beat and seriously wounded Madga. Erik was able to save her by slaughtering the soldiers with his magnetic powers, but the injuries were too severe. Magda was rushed to an outpost in the mountains where she gave birth to Pietro and his sister. She died the next day. The death of Pietro's mother would wear heavily on him throughout his early life as his father, Erik, struggled to raise him and his sister on his own. Early on, Erik's anger and hatred towards humanity rubbed off on him and Pietro showed an early tendancy for aggression. Charles tried to help, but he had grown apart from his friend and when Pietro was around three they parted ways. Pietro would follow his father to remote areas of the Alps in Switzerland where he and his sister would be safe. They would eventually establish a home in a small town with Marya Maximoff, the older sister of Madga. A practicing Wiccan and a talented mystic, she took responsibility for the twins while Erik continued to travel. It is not known where he ventured, but he did make regular visits to Marya and the twins. During this time, Marya attempted to keep life quiet and simple for Pietro and his sister. However, this life did not mesh well with the growing boy. The absence of his father led Pietro to become more aggressive and rebellious. While being homeschooled, he showed early on that he was able to learn and retrain information quicker so he didn't have to study as much as his sister. This left him with a lot of free time growing up. He quickly developed a tendancy to be head strong, often running away from home into town and causing a stir. He would frequently get into trouble, stealing small items from stores and playing jokes on travelers. Marya often scolded this behavior, but could do little to stem it. The only authority Pietro took seriously was his father and while his sister learned much from Marya, he taught himself to be strong. He made a name for himself in the region as an outlaw, a role he often embraced. His love of attention would grow as he came of age, yet still he hungered for bigger and better things. Pietro would get his wish at age 15 when his father returned from his travels. He brought with him a mysterious device that he claimed would unlock his and Wanda's potential. Trusting their father, they let them use it and Pietro's latant mutant ability was activated. Now imbued with super speed, Pietro's desire for new challenges and experiences had reached new heights. He and his sister sought to rejoin their father in his travels. However, they were still young and he wanted them to see the world through his eyes. To do so, he sent him and Wanda to different war zones in the Balkans and the Middle East. Under the guise of traveling students, Pietro got his first taste of war. He ended up in the deserts of the Middle East where war over access to a river had been causing bloodshed for years. Looking to make his father proud, he tried using his power to end the conflict himself by using his speed to kick up sandstorms near military strongholds. He believed this would force both sides to cooperate, but it only led to an all out slaughter. The two sides attacked one another, thinking they had nothing else to lose. When Pietro saw this he was convinced. Humanity had no hope. By age 17 he was working with his father full time, now taking the name Quicksilver. For years he traveled with his sister, gathering resources and aiding their mutant bretheren. He loyally follows his father, trusting that his plan for mutant supremecy is the right plan. Like his father, he also sees Charles Xavier and his X-men as threats to mutants everywhere and constantly fights against them in the ongoing struggle for the future of the mutant race.
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Rin || Son of Satan

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 3:12 pm


    ➳name; rin okumara
    ➳age; 15
    ➳gender; male
    ➳sexuality; heterosexual
    ➳crush; none

    ➳hair color; black
    ➳eye color; blue
    ➳height; 5’8
    ➳weight; 139 lbs

    ➳abilities / powers; rin has the ability called flames of satan, also known simply as "blue flames." these flames are directly inherited from his father. the majority of rin's powers are sealed in the demon-slaying blade kurikara, however he is able to use a significantly smaller amount of flames even when his sword is sheathed, typically when enraged. when his flames are revealed, his ears grew longer and he has a tail that appears. from time to time his tail can be visable without his flames, but most times he keeps it hidden
    ➳weapons; his sword, kurikara

    ➳personality; rin has a protective and supportive personality. he can be very violent and tends to get into fights (which are usually caused by strong emotions) but is actually kindhearted. he supports his friends and tries to encourage and help them. he also seems very protective of yukio, and aims to surpass him one day. rin is clueless at times, such as saying phrases wrong or thinking things that aren't actually right. despite this, he is able to connect with someone's feelings to his own. he's not the type of person for school or studying, though he was able to gain a junior high diploma and become an exwire. unlike his younger brother, rin is immature, which leads other people into believing that he is the younger twin out of yukio and himself. he is headstrong (figuratively as well as literally) and is often very open with his friends

    ➳history; during the time of the blue night, satan murdered a huge number of the world's greatest holy men, in order to find someone who he could possess without any ill effects to save yuri egin, who was going to be executed by the vatican for being impregnated by him. shiro fujimoto and mephisto pheles were ordered by yuri's father, ernst frederik egin, to go find and kill her and satan's children. they found yuri within the forest with her newborn twins, whom she named rin and yukio , and she soon died of childbirth. instead of killing the twins, shiro decided to seal rin's demonic powers within the demon-slaying blade kurikara with the help of mephisto, and raise yuri's children as his own. in his childhood, rin led a normal human life, but his strength and temper seemed unnatural, so all the children and even teachers feared him and thought of him as a demon, throwing slangs such as 'demon child.' he got into fights often and injured all his classmates, and the only one who could stop him was shiro. rin always admired shiro and wanted to become like him when he grew up. rin always protected yukio from bullies and encouraged him to chase his dream. also in his youth, rin learned how to cook, which became his natural talent.

    ➳other; none
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Moon || Alola Champion

Postby Ploegy » Tue May 02, 2017 3:20 pm


    ➳name; moon
    ➳age; 16
    ➳gender; female
    ➳sexuality; bisexual
    ➳crush; none / open
    ➳trainer class; champion
    ➳region of origin; kanto

    ➳hair; black
    ➳eyes; gray
    ➳skin tone; white
    ➳build; quite slim
    ➳height; 5'4
    ➳weight; 119 lbs

    ➳pokemon; eva || ♀ || primarina || torrent || level 84 || sparkling aria, psychic, hyper voice, & moonblast
    val || ♂ || arcanine || intimidate || level 75 || wild charge, crunch, flare blitz, & flamethrower
    amber || ♀ || toucannon || keen eye || level 77 || roost, brick break, drill peck, & beak blast
    zed || ♂ || vikavolt || levitate || level 80 || flash cannon, x-scissor, thunderbolt, & crunch
    hestia || ♀ || salazzle || corrosion || level 73 || flamethrower, dragon pulse, nasty plot, & sludge bomb
    bandit || ♀ || lycanroc || sand rush || level 83 || stone edge, brick break, accelerock, & crunch
    ➳other pokemon; tapu koko || genderless || electric surge || unknown level (assumed to be between 80-85) || wild charge, brave bird, roost, & quick attack
    moon sometimes has the guardian pokemon on hand, but more times than not she allows it to roam freely. if she has it with her she often replaces her salazzle with it

    ➳family; unnamed mother

    moon has developed into a sophisticated young adult during her years as a pokemon trainer, though she hasn't completely lost her childish flare. she has always been a fairly kind hearted and hardworking girl and it shows when she's called upon to protect those in need. she still has much to learn as a trainer, but she never lets such a thing be known and she hates to show any kind of weakness. confident and fierce, moon always is willing to hold her ground no matter what the consequences might end up being. she is passionate about what she does which makes her much stronger than what she may appear. she puts a lot of trust into her pokemon and they are quick to return the favor because of her boldness and willingness to put everything she has on the line.
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