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➵ 10th Hunger Games

Postby SunnyJustice » Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:08 pm


The 10th Games featured a forest shrouded in eternal twilight. Towering trees loomed overhead, creating a thick canopy through which no light could filter. The only reliable light came from bioluminescent fungi growing along the ground and tree trunks. An eerie blue glow emanated from their caps even when severed. Silence permeated the arena, and no wind or rain reached the tributes on the ground, creating a morbidly peaceful atmosphere. The weather remained perpetually mild and humid.
Mutts hid among the dense foliage, from the trees to the thick undergrowth. All of them preferred to remain silent until a hapless tribute wandered into their range. Enormous owls slumbered in the branches above, ready to swoop down on soundless wings and claim their prey before it could even scream. Snakes, disguised as vines, wreathed around trunks and tree limbs in wait for a wandering victim. Although their bites were small and almost unnoticeable, their venom could fell a tribute in minutes.

Kian Hannes • career • D1 • male • 18
Hemlock Aiba • career • D2 • male • 16
Drew Guerra • career • D4 • male • 17
Ashanta Livius • career • D4 • nonbinary • 18
Ronny Bracken • victor • D9 • male • 17

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:14 am, edited 6 times in total.
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➵ Kian Hannes

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:33 am

Kian Hannes
the reckless vindicator
Career of the 10th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hey, I'm Kian Hannes."
Gender: "Male." He's fine being called any pronouns.
Sexuality: "I don't really know." Probably bisexual or pansexual.
District: "District One. My brother and I lived south of the Great Lakes." They grew up in the Thumb, a peninsula-like area that extends up into the lakes. It used to be part of Michigan back when Panem was North America.
Age: "Eighteen."

Voice type: Baritone
Appearance: Like his twin brother, Kian is 5'6" with a wiry, athletic figure. Thick clothes can obscure his leanly muscular body, but underestimating his strength would be a mistake. The many scars adorning his skin hint at how seriously he takes his training. Kian isn't as sunny-looking as his brother, in fact his neutral face looks a little grumpy, but his warm amber eyes light up the same when he does smile. His curly black hair usually gets thrown into a messy bun. Around his neck hangs a hand-made heart locket, molded out of clay by his twin Kipling. It's painted red with big black letters that spell out 'BRO'.
Personality: "I seem like the opposite of my brother, but we're the same in so many ways." Bold and daring, Kian loves to place himself in the middle of the action. His reckless adventures all have one goal: uncover the truth. Whether he wants to solve a mystery, hunt down a killer, or discover secrets hidden deep in the forest, Kian's method is always the same. He never ruminates, preferring to throw himself into action immediately. Although he sometimes comes off as grumpy or standoffish, his love for his friends is undeniable, he just prefers to show it with actions rather than words. Fighting loyally beside them on the battlefield is his favorite way of expressing it. He's also open to criticism, whether harsh or constructive. The only things that truly enrage Kian are injustice, torture, and jerks bullying his friends, so petty insults thrown his way will just bounce right off.
Partner: "My district partner, Anna Ademar. She and I will defend our friends with our lives."

Alliance: "I'm part of the Careers." His allies are Hemlock and Jess of District Two, Ashanta and Drew of District Four, and his district partner Anna. It's unclear who acted as leader this year.
Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered."
Parade outfit: "I still don't fully understand it." Fake diamond rings of assorted sizes dangled from every inch of Kian's body. His ears, his wrists, his ankles... one even wrapped around his neck. The white suit he wore was encrusted in more diamonds.
Interview angle: "Not sure if I entertained the audience or intimidated them." Kian gave a detailed account of the most dramatic 'adventures' he'd embarked on back in District One, most of them ending in serious injury. By the time he finished recounting the sunken boat incident off the northern lakeshore, the audience looked horrified, but the interview ended shortly after. He didn't even get to tell them about the time he backflip-dove off a 'floating' stone island. You can check out the real-life version of Kian's home lake here.

Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon of choice: "Dual-wielding swords." He's also good with a bow and arrows.
Fatal flaw: "I'm an honest person, but telling everyone my weakness is just dumb." Kian's reckless personality combined with a typical Career's sacrifice-mentality means his self-preservation levels are worse than zero.

Mentor: "Amber Soare."
Training score: "Eight, which is fine." Lower than the other Careers, but still a great score in general. Kian doesn't care about 'standing out' in terms of numbers.
Death: "Pretty anticlimatic." The moment the countdown ended, Kian bolted for the nearest sword. A shoddy, rusted little thing, it felt awkward and unwieldy in his hands. No time to dwell on it - a sword-wielding tribute charged straight at him. Kian clashed against her with all his might, and after a brief struggle managed to chase her off. The ridiculous tribute pretended to flee, then circled back to attack Kian's district partner. Before he could leap to Anna's defense, she'd already struck down the attacking tribute. A quick apology passed her lips as she lowered her fallen assailant to the forest floor.
Once the bloodbath officially ended, the Careers regrouped to take inventory. Anna tended to Kian's many wounds, most of which he hadn't even noticed in the thrill of the fight.
"You need to take it easy," she murmured, wrapping fabric around his arm.
"Thanks," Kian chuckled once he'd finished swearing. "Don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'd probably still be running around, bleeding out, yelling like a maniac, Ki." Anna gave him that award-winning smile.
"The usual," he laughed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hemlock of District Two crack a smile. Hopefully the cameras didn't catch that. Hemlock was supposed to be the 'damsel in distress', and right now his act was slipping.

The Careers packed up their supplies and set off to find a suitable camp. They settled in a dimly-lit clearing wedged against a cliff face, but before they could unpack, a scrawny tribute limped out of the bushes. While the other Careers stood guard cautiously, Ashanta of District Four approached their visitor.
"Hey... are you lost?" they asked, kneeling down to address the smaller tribute.
"No, you are." The tribute's head snapped up with a mocking grin. "And I'll show you the way... to hell!"
"Asha, get out of there!" Kian cried out, but it was too late - the murderous tribute plunged a knife into their throat.
With a shout of rage, he rushed forward alongside the other Careers to seize Ashanta's killer. The tribute leapt back, grinning, and readied more throwing knives. One sailed at Anna in a silver blur.

"Don't you dare!" He lunged forward, intercepting the knife before it could strike his district partner. The blade plunged deep into his ribcage, but he didn't care. That two-faced scum wouldn't get away with hurting his Anna. As Kian sank to the ground, the last thing he heard was Anna's scream rising from grief to rage, followed by his own cannon firing.

Kian's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 10th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ♡ 】 Anna: Kian's other half. He has no regrets over his death because of her.
【 D2 ◆ ✓ 】 Hemlock: Funny lil guy. His 'damsel in distress' act was pretty convincing, most of the time.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Jess: Mad respect for this young woman. She's like their mature, protective team mom.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Drew: Kian's best friend. They go on double-dates in the afterlife: Anna and Kian, Drew and Slate.
【 D4 ◆ ✓ 】 Ashanta: They're a good Career, a loyal sibling-in-arms. Kian likes them.
【 D7 ◇ ✘ 】 Verdant: This double-crossing turncoat exploited the Careers' kindness to kill them. Kian hates her.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Slate: Despite being mortally wounded, warned the Careers of impending disaster. He's a good man.
【 D9 ◈ ✘ 】 Ronny: What kind of victor is this guy? He freaks Kian out.


【 ✓ 】 Amber: Kian's mentor. Sometimes they butt heads, but neither of them take it personally.
【 ✿ 】 Kipling: Kian's beloved twin brother. They embarked on every adventure together, including death.
【 ✓ 】 James: Apparently, this is the guy his brother likes. Kipling has good taste in boys.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
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➵ Hemlock Aiba

Postby SunnyJustice » Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:17 pm

Hemlock Aiba
the false damsel
Career of the 10th Hunger Games

Full name: "My name is Hemlock Aiba, pleased to make your acquaintance."
Gender: "I'm a boy."
Sexuality: "Hmm... I'm not sure." Probably asexual and bi- or panromantic.
District: "I come from District Two, but I understand if you find that surprising."
Age: "I was sixteen when I went to the Hunger Games, but I think I looked younger? I have a baby face."

Voice type: Soprano
Appearance: Hemlock is 5'3" with a thin frame and narrow shoulders. Although he's strong from a lifetime of training, he hides it under clothes that make him look scrawny instead. His straight black hair is deliberately styled to hang in his eyes like the stereotypical angsty teenager. Thanks to his delicate jawline and constantly worried-looking eyebrows, Hemlock's face isn't particularly threatening. Maybe his reddish-brown eyes come off as creepy but it's more 'eerie doll' vibes than anything.
Personality: "I act like a damsel in distress most of the time, but it's not for manipulative purposes or anything. Careers love protecting weak tributes, don't they? I want my allies to feel good about themselves - and it's also adorable to watch." Hemlock is calm and supportive. Not much bothers him, not even threats on his own life. Although he's perfectly capable of handling himself in a fight, he likes to act weak or scared so his allies have the satisfaction of 'protecting' him. Likewise, in day-to-day life, he'll ask his friends and family to help him with small tasks like opening jars. The accomplishment on the helper's face is always worth it. Acting weak doesn't necessarily bruise Hemlock's ego; he has a strong sense of integrity and knows himself well. He doesn't need to show off or 'look tough' to boost his confidence. While his damsel in distress facade makes him look shy and reserved, he does have a sense of humor... an incredibly morbid sense of humor. Even his death was a huge malicious compliance scandal, but he'll never admit it.
Partner: "Jess and I have a sort of partnership. I'm not necessarily sure if it's strictly romantic or strictly platonic? But I'm happy with it - happy with us." Hemlock still dramatically asks her to open jars and bottles. It's an inside joke between them now, and besides, sometimes he actually does need help. His tiny hands don't exactly get the best grip on a huge glass jar!

Alliance: "I'm a Career, along with Jess, Drew, Ashanta, Anna, and Kian."
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered. It was tricker than it looked; I had to keep up the act while also presenting myself as a Career." Hemlock couldn't figure out how to make himself seem vulnerable authentically, so he just threw in some random stuttering and stood in an awkward, inwardly-slumped position to make himself look smaller.
Parade outfit: "I wasn't sure what to make of it? It was... okay, haha." Hemlock was dressed as an over-enthusiastic geologist with dust smeared all over him. A heap of igneous rocks buried him up to his knees.
Interview angle: "As usual, I went with the damsel in distress stereotype. I think they bought it?" Hemlock played up the harmless flower-boy angle, fluttering his long eyelashes from behind a curtain of dark hair. Instead of talking about himself, he gushed about how strong and powerful his allies were, how they could keep him safe from harm, and so on. It had the deliberate effect of making Hemlock himself look like the weak link. Most Capitol viewers blew him off as weak and wishy-washy, which meant he was successful.

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Weapon of choice: "I can use spears, knives, and one-handed swords. In the arena, I travelled with a small dagger strapped to the inside of my jacket." He barely needed to use weapons. Hand-to-hand combat is also one of his proficiencies, and people rarely expect it until they're incapacitated on the floor. His lightning-quick fighting style is what got him so far in the Career Academy.
Fatal flaw: "Hmm... I'm pretty petite, which doesn't lend itself much to grappling. It's harder to get leverage when you're six entire weight classes below the burly District Seven lumberjack who's wrestling you to the floor." Many smaller Careers take supplementary grappling training to compensate, but Hemlock didn't even bother. Since he could take down an opponent before they even had a chance to grab him, this would be a waste. He spent the extra time on even more agility training instead.

Mentor: "Lily Brie. I don't think she enjoyed my damsel shtick, but that's alright! I respect her opinion."
Training score: "Eight, the lower end of the Career range." The Gamemakers saw right through Hemlock's act. Even though he tried to look weak, he couldn't hide the effortless poise in every leap atop the gauntlets, or the way any weapon he handled resembled an extension of his own body. Of course they gave him a normal Career score instead of some low mark.
Death: "To be fair, I was a little overconfident. I should've dropped the act and took down Ronny myself, before he had a chance to torture me and ruin my district partner's mental health. We both had a terribly bad day." Hemlock spent the entire bloodbath pretending to cower. In reality, he was taking inventory of the Cornucopia supplies early, but no one had to know. Most tributes overlooked the helpless boy 'hiding' in the bloodbath, except a couple of brutes who decided to take out the supposed weak link. They approached him, knives drawn to match the sharp, toothy grins on their faces. Hemlock inwardly sighed out of pity for his poor 'attackers'; he could already see about nine different weak points they'd left wide open. Instead of defeating them, he raised the alarm and screamed for help. Several of his allies immediately rushed the knife-wielding tributes, driving them off in seconds.
"I was so scared, Jess!" Hemlock buried his face in his district partner's shoulder, mostly to hide his laughter. She patted his back reassuringly. Since Jess knew him well, she could probably see through his act, which made it even funnier.

After the bloodbath, Hemlock helped the other Careers gather up the supplies. It didn't take long since he already knew where everything was. Soon, the remaining Careers finished tending to their wounds, and off they went into the woods.
The alliance reached a clearing sheltered by a looming cliff. As they began to unpack, Verdant of District Seven staggered out from the undergrowth and attacked the nearest Career who offered to help her. Pandemonium exploded in the clearing as the other Careers surged forward, but Hemlock hung back to carefully watch the forest behind Verdant - in case backup was coming.
Thankfully, he found nothing suspicious. Once the dust cleared, he frowned at the aftermath: two dead Careers and one dead District Seven girl. Hemlock comforted his mourning allies, then covered his fallen brothers-in-arms with flowers, weaving petals over their wounds to shield them from view.

The next days proved rather uneventful. None of the remaining Careers had any interest in hunting tributes, so they focused on fortifying their camp into the most intimidating stronghold possible. Hemlock and Anna kept the food supply steady by hunting and foraging in the woods, while Jess and Drew plunged wooden stakes into the earth, forming a protective wall around their tent.
Once they'd finished building the wall, the Careers took a night off to celebrate their newfound shelter. They told stories around the fire while feasting on an enormous roast bird Anna had shot down. At midnight, a desperate-seeming tribute burst into the clearing and interrupted the festivities. The Careers drew their weapons, still wary from last time they'd let a stranger into camp, but Hemlock noticed this one was actually wounded. Slate from District Eight collapsed to his knees before the Careers, wheezing as he struggled for breath.
"My ex-ally, Ronny... he's coming here to kill you all."
Ex-ally. With that single word, Hemlock understood the situation perfectly. Slate's ally, Ronny, had betrayed him in the most impolite and torturous of ways. Yet despite his mortal wounds, Slate still came to the Careers to warn them they were next.
As Drew comforted the dying tribute, Hemlock knelt beside the pair.
"I'm sorry this happened to you," he said, brushing back his own hair so he could make eye contact - a sign of sincerity and respect among other districts. "But, Slate, thank you for coming to warn us. We were strangers before tonight, but not anymore. I'm naming you an honorary Career after the bravery and honor you've shown."
After Slate's cannon fired, the Careers covered his body with flowers just as they'd done for Kian and Ashanta. Only five tributes remained in the arena now: four Careers and Ronny. Hemlock and Jess remained in camp, waiting for the threat they'd been warned of, while Anna and Drew headed out to hunt Ronny themselves.

A couple hours in, the cliff face sheltering the Careers' camp collapsed without warning. Boulders rained down from the crag to mercilessly crush the home they'd built together. The District Two tributes both fled before the avalanche could bury them, but they'd gone in opposite directions. Hemlock called for his district partner, but his search efforts proved fruitless. He stumbled upon the bodies of Drew and Anna instead. Disappointment weighed down his shoulders at the grisly sight. This was Ronny's doing, proven further by the tell-tale sword wounds marring both fallen Careers. Apparently this Ronny's killing style resembled a savage mutt mauling.

"I'm out of dirty tricks," came a voice behind him. "So, hi, I guess."
"Jess, help!" Feigning terror, Hemlock whirled around to face Ronny. The killer's sudden appearance was a small inconvenience, but at least Jess knew their locations now. Hemlock drew his blade and waited for Ronny to take the bait.
After a long, grueling fight, Hemlock found himself defeated.
"Ok. Guess this is the part where I stab you," Ronny told the incapacitated Career. The disrespectful tribute stabbed him multiple times, then strolled off into the woods. Rude.
Embarrassing, too, he thought as he waited to bleed out. I could've won if I made the first move, but I just had to be all chivalrous. It almost makes me want to laugh! Of course, he didn't laugh. The movement would just make the inconvenient pain worse.

"Hemlock!" His district partner cried out once she finally found him. "Did Ronny do this to you?"
"Absolutely. He killed Anna and Drew, too - but I'm not about to become the next tick on his murder tally." A passive-aggressive smile inched its way onto his face as he remembered something. "You killed one tribute already, didn't you? Let's make it two."
Jess rolled her eyes at him. "Do you have to be dramatic at this time?"
"Oh, you haven't seen dramatic." Hemlock cleared his throat. "Oh, fair lady! I beg you, free my soul from this prison of-"
"Okay, okay, I'll do it. Just calm down," With a sigh, Jess drew her blade. She sounded like a disappointed mother. Honestly, Hemlock wondered how irritated his actual mothers were back home... probably enough to infect Jess with their maternal disapproval.
"I am the epitome of calm," he laughed just before the knife plunged into his heart.

Hemlock's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 10th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Kian: A good ally and brother-in-arms. They have little in common, but still care for each other.
【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Anna: She's a good fellow and Hemlock is fond of her presence.
【 D2 ◆ ♡ 】 Jess: Hemlock's mature, sensible partner. He honestly has no idea how she puts up with him.
【 D4 ◆ ✓ 】 Drew: Hemlock doesn't understand 'sports', but he's curious about it since it's clearly Drew's passion.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Ashanta: A good friend and trusted ally. Ashanta deserved better than Verdant's dirty tricks.
【 D7 ◇ ▣ 】 Verdant: If she really wanted to defeat Careers, she could've employed smarter methods.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Slate: He used his last breaths to warn the Careers of danger. Hemlock respects him tremendously.
【 D9 ◇ ▣ 】 Ronny: Hemlock found his attitude hilarious, but that doesn't mean he likes Ronny.


【 ✓ 】 Lily: Hemlock's mentor. She's a good woman, he knows she'll go places in life.
【 ✿ 】 Hazel: The 'middle child' of the triplets, self-proclaimed protector. She and Hemlock get along well.
【 ✿ 】 Hickory: The 'baby' of the triplets. Always wants to prove himself, so Hemlock often asks him for help.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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➵ Drew Guerra

Postby SunnyJustice » Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:18 pm

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Drew Guerra
the lighthouse keeper
Career of the 10th Hunger Games

Full name: "I'm Drew Guerra. What's up?" He's been debating back and forth over whether to change his name to 'Hope'.
Gender: "I'm a guy."
Sexuality: "I have a boyfriend, but I've dated people of different genders before." Drew is either bi or pan. In Career districts, it's what many people commonly assume of others unless that person specifies they are gay, straight, ace, etc.
District: "District Four. When I wasn't training, I worked in a lighthouse at Hopewell Cape." Hopewell is located in what used to be called New Brunswick, Canada. The historical lighthouse tower has been rebuilt.
Age: "I'm seventeen. Growing up is a bit overrated, to be honest."

Voice type: Tenor
Appearance: At 5'10", Drew towers over nearly everyone in his district. He has broad shoulders and a chiseled jawline like his mum, and big brown doe-eyes like his dad, while his beige skintone and messy dark brown hair are a tone in between his parents'. Thanks to his constant training, he's incredibly athletic and toned with the figure of a seasoned triathlete. Even though he lived in the north, Drew doesn't own a single long-sleeved shirt. He thinks almost any temperature is too hot.
Personality: "Life's too short to take seriously. The afterlife, on the other hand... well, it's too chill to take seriously." Despite his casual, laid-back demeanor, Drew has a thirst for adventure. He loves nothing more than to pit his physical abilities against the wrath of the elements. Intellectual hobbies rarely held his interest in life, thanks to his refusal to ever sit still, but he's willing to try them now with his unlimited free time in the hereafter. Overall, Drew is a friendly lad who likes to put a smile on others' faces. He's optimistic about people's intentions and often gives them the benefit of the doubt. After all, humans are just animals, and even the wild animals he's encountered aren't so bad. Although his home will always be the great outdoors, he'll still come home at night to cuddle up by the fire.
Partner: "Slate Malduc and I are a thing." They call themselves 'Hades and Poseidon'.

Alliance: "I'm a Career. Did it for the adventure, but I haven't forgotten the heroism part either." His fellow Careers are Anna and Kian of District One, Jess and Hemlock of District Two, and his district partner Ashanta. Shay of District Twelve technically isn't a Career, but the others respect him as one because he warned them of impending danger.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered and leaped onto the stage. Didn't even remember to take the stairs."
Parade outfit: "Hahaha! They made me into a mermaid and I could barely walk." Drew and Ashanta wore mermaid costumes with seashell brassieres and hyper-realistic fish tails. Unfortunately, this meant their legs were bound together under the tails. Thanks to his narrow hips, Drew had it a little worse... they had to add a bit of padding to fill out his skinny little tail.
Interview angle: "I talked a lot about sports and swimming." Drew's mundane topics and relaxed, casual voice made the audience yawn. That's okay, though. He doesn't even want to stand out.

Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon of choice: "Swords for up close, knives for distances." He's skilled at dual-wielding both types of weapons, as long as they're well-balanced. Another talent of Drew's is throwing the knives accurately while running.
Fatal flaw: "I have two brain cells. Sometimes they try to rub together, but miss each other and shoot in opposite directions." Drew isn't very smart, especially when it comes to understanding social cues. Even the worst actor can fool him into a trap because of his ridiculous gullibility.

Mentor: "Edmund, he's a great guy. We bonded over both being way too tall." Edmund and Drew exchanged the corniest tall-person jokes and life anecdotes. At one point, they started a whole debate over what they looked like when they ran: giraffes or slinkies.
Training score: "Ten! Awesome." Out of this year's Career boys, Drew scored highest thanks to his athletic ability and effortless confidence.
Death: "Eh, I'm not even surprised." The bloodbath kicked off with an eerie chime. Unfettered by the chaos around him, Drew ran to the Cornucopia and grabbed at a pile of shining swords. He accidentally took three of them, causing the tribute chasing him to stop in her tracks, eyes wide in disbelief. The lass shook her head and ran off, deciding not to bother. Drew dropped the extra sword with a shrug. Before he could dwell on the situation, Hemlock's scream pierced the air. Without hesitation, Drew rushed to his ally's aid and drove off the attacking tributes. How rude of them to gang up against an unarmed tribute half their size.
Once the bloodbath ended, the Careers took care of their wounds and gathered up enough supplies to sustain themselves, then set off through the dimly lit forest. Eventually they entered a clearing underneath a cliff. While they unpacked their equipment, a smaller tribute dragged herself out of the brush - just a hungry straggler. Drew decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. His district partner Ashanta approached the girl with helpful intentions, at which point Drew's optimism turned to horror as the stranger drew a knife. Before he could do anything, the girl grinned mockingly and drove the blade into Ashanta's throat. Rage blinded Drew as he charged that liar.

When the haze of anger lifted from his eyes, Drew found himself standing among three bodies. The double-crossing tribute had managed to take down not only Ashanta, but Kian of District One as well. Drew and his allies just ignored the impostor's body as they paid respects to their fallen allies. Once they finished, Drew and Anna dragged the intruder's corpse into the woods, united in shared disgust towards their district partners' murderer. They dumped the body in a ditch and kicked dirt over it.

"The thing is, I don't blame her for killing. It's the Hunger Games - kill or be killed. It's her dirty, traitorous tricks that I can't forgive," Drew ranted. This absolute disgrace had exploited the Careers' kindness and paid the steep price for such cruelty.
He and Anna returned to camp. Over the next days, the Careers focused on bolstering both their food stores and their shelter's safeguards. Drew helped Jess of District Two erect a wall of sharp wooden stakes all around their tent.

The night after the Careers finished their wall, another tribute burst into the clearing. This one was taller, with dark hair and a ghastly pale complexion made worse by blood loss. He barely managed to reach the Careers before collapsing. Completely disregarding the last time he'd trusted a non-Career, Drew instinctively caught the dying tribute in his arms. His eyes widened in horror as he recognized Slate Malduc, the handsome young man from District Eight who'd caught his eye in training.

"My ex-ally, Ronny... he's coming here to kill you all," Slate wheezed, his striking red eyes meeting Drew's. "Oh, hey. Are you Poseidon? Because I think you swept me away." As a delirious smile spread across Slate's face, memories of other incoherent dying tributes flashed in Drew's mind - Desmond mumbling 'good night' to his killer, Ivana complimenting Willow's shirt, Haden laughing about the grim reaper. Hemlock began to say something about officially naming Slate an honorary Career, but his voice was too distant to comprehend.
"Are you Hades? Because you're hot enough to raise the dead," Drew flirted back. When someone was this far gone, maybe playing along was the kindest thing to do. "Now that you're here with me, I'm not going to leave your side. Everything's going to be fine."
"Ha ha... promise me something, Drew," Slate's breathing grew steadily shallower, but the smile remained on his lips. "Promise to find me in the next life, wherever we end up. If you don't, I'll raise the dead and haul your sorry fish-gills back to hell with me," he chuckled, reaching up for Drew's face. Drew took Slate's cold hand and pressed it against his cheek for warmth.
"On my honor as a Career, I will find you. And you better be waiting for me, or may the undertow banish you to Mariana's Trench."

The Careers covered their newest brother-in-arms with flowers. Once Drew was a little calmer, his allies explained what Slate's warning was all about. Ronny of District Nine had betrayed Slate, his own former ally - just hearing about it kindled fresh rage in Drew's chest. Now this Ronny was coming to commit similar atrocities towards the Careers.
"Since he plans to attack us in our own camp, Jess and I have decided to wait here," Hemlock said with a scheming smile. "He'll be eager to attack a 'pathetic damsel' like myself. Then, we'll show him exactly why we graduated as top picks of the Career Academy."
"That means Anna and I..." Drew locked eyes with the taller girl from District One and nodded. "We'll hunt him down."
Again united by a mission of vengeance, Drew and Anna set off to attack Ronny on his own home turf. Anna, the smart one of the duo, came up with a plan. They'd try to defeat Ronny on their own, which hopefully shouldn't be too difficult. If they ran into trouble then they'd lure him back to camp. There, Jess and Hemlock would be waiting to deal with the troublesome traitor.

Anna and Drew scoured the woods for hours, only to stop in their tracks as an injured tribute stumbled into their path.
"Ow, help me," they said in a creepy monotone. Drew immediately recognized that apathetic District Nine boy - Ronny.
"I guess this is it, then," Drew sighed, steeling himself. "I'll finish him off and then we can head back to camp."
He knelt beside the seemingly-wounded tribute. Before he could even draw a knife, Ronny sprang to his feet and lashed out. A blinding pain flared through Drew's abdomen. As he looked down in shock, he realized the cowardly faker had run him through with a blade. Another dirty trick, Drew thought as he collapsed onto the forest floor. Honestly, this one's on me.
Completely fine and uninjured, Ronny continued his rampage. All Drew could do was silently pray that Anna struck him down where he stood. The world grew dark around him, and as he exhaled his last breath, he prepared to meet Slate again in the hereafter.

Drew woke to the delectable smell of sugar cookies. The moment he opened his eyes, Slate was standing before him with a platter of cookies in the shape of shells, bubbles, waves, and assorted sea creatures. A sheepish smile lit up his alabaster-pale features, although his dark hair shielded his eyes from view.
"Welcome, Wave-boy."
"Dang. I knew I'd find you, but I didn't expect the cookies!"

Drew's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 10th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Kian: Drew's best friend. They have much in common, the biggest being a love for adventure.
【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Anna: Drew sees her as a sister. Both try to see the best in people, yet they bonded over shared loss.
【 D2 ◆ ✓ 】 Hemlock: A little odd, but who isn't? They're all Careers. Drew likes him even if they don't share hobbies.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Jess: Team mom. She's got super comforting vibes, but her 'disappointed voice' is scary.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Ashanta: Drew's friend from back home. A sweet fellow who respected everyone.
【 D7 ◇ ✘ 】 Verdant: Cowardly, traitorous backstabber who deliberately manipulated the Careers' kindness.
【 D8 ◈ ♡ 】 Slate: Drew fawned over him ever since they met in training. Now there's nothing keeping them apart.
【 D9 ◇ ✘ 】 Ronny: Another disgrace who used dirty tricks. Even worse, he betrayed his own ally Slate.


【 ✿ 】 Edmund: Drew and Edmund became the best of pals. He's a great guy to talk to.

Next (Ashanta) →
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➵ Ashanta Livius

Postby SunnyJustice » Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:38 am

Ashanta Livius
the flamboyant pacifist
Career of the 10th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hello! I'm Ashanta Livius, but you can call me Asha."
Gender: "My gender is whatever you choose to associate with me." Ashanta accepts any pronouns and terms of reference.
Sexuality: "Gender isn't something I take into account when looking for a partner."
District: "I grew up on the Cod Peninsula. It's a lovely place, with warm weather, sand dunes, and a perfect view of the sea." This area was formerly called Cape Cod, but the disasters that plagued early Panem wreaked havoc on its shorelines. District Four had it the worst since their territory spanned the entire east coast. Although most inhabitants of Cape Cod thankfully survived, the region was renamed the Cod Peninsula after erosion left its mark.
Age: "When I graduated, I was eighteen."

Voice type: Mezzo-soprano
Appearance: At 5'7", Ashanta stands taller than many of their District Four peers. Their broad shoulders and athletic figure only add to their apparent stature. Despite this, they look approachable thanks to their round face and welcoming smile. Since their eyes can appear brown, green, blue, or even gold depending on the light, there's no particular color that matches them perfectly. Instead, they rotate through wearing all the colors of the rainbow depending on days of the week. Ashanta's hair is much thicker and darker than either of their parents', and falls to their mid-back in lively waves. Lighter hair isn't negative, but hair like Ashanta's is coveted as a good omen in disaster-wracked areas of Panem, because it resembles rich, fertile soil as opposed to the more common dry, sandy soil. (Image link)
Personality: "I try to treat everyone with respect, regardless of how different they are from myself." Just like his district partner, Ashanta is a huge optimist who generally assumes others have good or neutral intentions. He has a friendly, sunny demeanor and feels happiest with gregarious background noise, but his own voice isn't too loud. Listening to others' stories is much more interesting than talking about his own life. Everyone in Panem is so different, growing up with diverse sets of cultural influences and experiences. Even within District Four alone, Ashanta interacted with a mosaic of different human beings, from hardened yet polite northerners who swam like polar bears through ice-logged waters, to patient vegetarians who salted sheets of seaweed for nutrition. Ashanta himself identifies as a pacifist. As a Career with more fringe beliefs, he volunteered to prove a point because he doesn't believe in violence. Compassion and celebration of differences are the two main principles he lives by, even in the murderous environment of the arena.
Partner: "Zelkova Angelov and I are in a relationship. Our motifs might seem like opposites - life and death, day and night - but we see each other as two sides of the same coin."

Alliance: "I'm a Career. We're all incredibly different, and it was a deathmatch that brought us together... but we still became like a loving family. I think that's a good omen for Panem's future." Her allies were Kian and Anna of District One, Jess and Hemlock of District Two, and her district partner Drew.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered. One day, no one will be reaped again and no one will have to volunteer again. I hope this day comes in the near future. Sadly, for now, the Career system is our best means of protecting the children."
Parade outfit: "Drew and I were mermaids. I enjoyed our costumes very much, but getting in and out of the chariots was a little difficult." Ashanta's 'scales' shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow. Their legs were bound together by the extremely realistic tail, hampering movement, but thankfully their lower center of gravity helped them stay balanced. The seashell top-piece fit snugly around their chest. Drew, on the other hand... he couldn't stop laughing at his own ill-fitted shell bra.
Interview angle: "I went for a more interactive approach. My audience was friendly and enthusiastic, so it was easy to capture their attention." Ashanta turned his three minutes in the limelight into a food exhibition. After rapid-fire explaining a traditional recipe, they then asked the Capitol citizens to raise their hands if they'd be willing to taste it. Most of the audience was craving District Four traditional cuisine by the time Ashanta left, but a small number was put off by the fishy mental image.

Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon of choice: "The sharpest weapon is an understanding mind." Ashanta has extensive training with swords, knives, nets, and polearms of all kinds, but she refused to wield any in the arena.
Fatal flaw: "Kindness is not a weakness. My greatest weakness is lack of vigilance." Most people assumes Ashanta's compassion is what got them killed. While technically their kindness led them into a dangerous situation, it was actually their poor reflexes that caused their death.

Mentor: "Edmund Grant. He's a good man, and I can tell he will make a good father."
Training score: "A twelve, but I didn't earn it in the way you'd expect. Let me tell you the long story..." Ashanta's physical strength and athleticism were excellent, even compared to other Careers. What truly sent the Gamemakers over the edge was his top-notch cooking skills. The poor Gamemakers, plagued with unbearable cravings ever since interview night, asked Ashanta to cook the dishes he'd talked about during his stage time. Of course the Career was happy to help. As the Gamemakers welcomed the District Five boy into the room, Ashanta snuck into the back and took over the kitchen. He'd prepped a full-course meal by the time the District Twelve girl finished her private training session. The Gamemakers dug into the food, savoring every bite... and they told Ashanta to expect a 'suitable' score in the near future. Even the Head Gamemaker relented a little. The 10th Hunger Games was shockingly free of Career-targeting mutts, and Ashanta believes it's because his cooking appealed to the Gamemakers' better side.
Death: "I understand the other tribute just wanted to live. She was a little cruel with her words, but sometimes desperation clouds judgement. It's alright." During the bloodbath, a reckless tribute tried to attack Ashanta before either of them were armed. They threw all their weight into a punch which she swiftly deflected, leaving them wide open for a counter, but the Career decided not to take advantage. She instead gave the tribute a gentle shove away from the Cornucopia. As they took off running, Ashanta circled around to the tail of the golden horn where two tributes duked it out over a pair of swords.
"In my personal experience, it's easier to fight with a single sword." Ashanta picked up the weapons and handed one to each confused tribute. "If you're not used to dual-wielding then I wouldn't recommend starting now."
The tributes' bewildered eyes flickered between Ashanta, the swords, and each other. They cautiously extended a hand towards the weapons... then snatched them and ran. Both of them screamed in mortal terror as they fled in opposite directions.
Thankfully, the bloodbath ended before long. Ashanta helped his allies treat their minor wounds while others packed up a modest share of supplies. Once they finished, they embarked on the first mission of the games: find somewhere to make camp. Ashanta hung near the back of the group, chatting about life in different districts with the other Careers.

The alliance arrived in a clearing ringed by bioluminescent blue mushrooms. A cliff loomed overhead, sheltering the area from inclement weather and treetop predators - an ideal new home. Before they could set up camp properly, a tribute interrupted them, seemingly unafraid of the six trained Careers. Concerned, Ashanta approached her and knelt down to show he didn't mean any harm.
"Hey... are you lost?"
"No, you are." Tilting her head up, the tribute stared Ashanta right in the eye. "And I'll show you the way... to hell!"
Ashanta reacted too late, a critical mistake - the girl lunged forward and drove a knife into his throat. He stared at her in shock as the screams of fellow Careers filled the air. His killer ignored him, focusing instead on his five allies she'd managed to aggravate. What a pity. That tribute must've attacked him out of a desperate urge to go home, but her reckless actions would earn her an earlier demise. A part of him pitied her for throwing away her young life like that. Sadly, the damage couldn't be undone.
In a swift motion, Ashanta removed the knife from his neck. It didn't belong to him anyway. He lowered himself to the forest floor and closed his eyes, tuning out the sounds of rage and violence from his aggrieved allies. His poor friends. When they eventually reunited, Ashanta would have to apologize to them for causing such a dramatic inconvenience.
Soon the cannon fired, marking the end of this pacifist - but not the end of their cause.

Ashanta's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 10th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Kian: One of Ashanta's friends and Career brothers. He has a good heart.
【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Anna: An incredibly kind young woman who Ashanta was happy to befriend.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Hemlock: A good fellow. Ashanta prefers the real Hemlock over the damsel, though.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Jess: The unofficial Career mom of these games. Ashanta loves her.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Drew: A good friend from back in District Four. Different on the surface, but very similar deep down.
【 D7 ◇ ▣ 】 Verdant: Ashanta believes she only acted that way out of desperation, so they don't blame her.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Slate: Noble and kind, this young man warned the Careers of danger when he didn't have to.
【 D9 ◈ ▣ 】 Ronny: Another tribute who acted cruelly, but again, it was likely out of survival instinct.


【 ▣ 】 Edmund: Ashanta felt a close bond with her kind mentor who became like a father to her.
【 ▣ 】 Zelkova: Ashanta's partner. They're more alike than they might seem on the surface.

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➵ 11th Hunger Games

Postby SunnyJustice » Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:12 am


The 11th Games featured hot, scorching flatlands that only dried out further as the event wore on. The Cornucopia glowed in the center of a sandy hollow surrounded by sparse bushes and cacti. To the east was a vast savannah with a single water-hole in the center, and to the west were the rolling prairies bisected by a lively brook. No rain fell in the arena, and to simulate extreme drought, the Gamemakers steadily drained the only two water sources over the course of several days. The sandy patch in the center spread outwards as desertification reshaped the arena. By the time the games ended, the central desert wasteland was the largest biome.
Direwolf mutts roamed the arena, easily twice the size of regular wolves. Their unnatural green eyes emitted a faint glow as they prowled through the night. Since last year's mutts hadn't bothered a single Career, this time the wolves only had an appetite for Career blood. They even employed strategies to forcibly separate the allies, preventing them from protecting each other.

Samira Allisdaughter • career • D1 • female • 18
Hazel Aiba • career • D2 • female • 17
Dana Galavan • career • D4 • nonbinary • 18
Mimosa Rin • career • D4 • female • 18
Jasper Tiberius • victor • D8 • male • 16

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➵ Samira Allisdaughter

Postby SunnyJustice » Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:19 am

Samira Allisdaughter
the parkour athlete
Career of the 11th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hey, I'm Samira Allisdaughter. Sammi is fine, too." Samira's last name, 'Allisdaughter', came about due to an extremely literal interpretation of how last names work. Her parents learned about a peculiar historical naming convention: Names like Adamson meant 'the son of Adam'. This implied the sons were named after their father, so historians believed the daughters could've been named after their mother, like Adadaughter. Sammi received the last name Allisdaughter as a result because her mother's name is Allissa.
Gender: "I'm female."
Sexuality: "I like women."
District: "I come from the Taronto Narrows in District One. Lots of buildings, lots of rooftops to jump across." Sammi's hometown used to be called Toronto, but its spelling reverted to the 1600s version.
Age: "I'm eighteen. Well, I was."

Voice type: Alto
Appearance: Sammi towers at 6'1" with a muscular frame, but most people just assume she's heavyset from a lifetime of hearty meals - her thick sweaters hide any definition. She's fairly curvy too, giving even more shape to her powerful legs. The combination of Career training and extreme sports means she's almost always working out in one form or another. Wild dark blonde hair frames her heart-shaped face and broad shoulders, and her big, bold blue eyes give off an open and approachable vibe.
Personality: "I'm pretty laid-back. Not much bothers me, and I won't judge you." Relaxed and easygoing, Sammi prefers to take life one stride at a time. She doesn't worry herself over the uncertainties of the future. Life's short enough already, no need to reduce it further by agonizing over stressful scenarios. Ironically, she used to be a chronic worrier in her childhood, but mellowed out as she matured. She speaks from experience when she emphasizes the importance of good mental health. Passionate and amicable, she loves her friends fiercely and harbors a strong enthusiasm for adventure. When things inevitably go wrong, Sammi just laughs it off. A sense of humor is essential!
Partner: "I'm with Mimosa from District Four. We do scandalous things, like holding hands in public." Sammi tends to flirt by complimenting how strong and tough her girlfriend is. Mim loves it!

Alliance: "The Careers. Now that we're no longer killing people, we go on triple-dates in the afterlife. Let's see... Hazel and Owen from District Two are together, I'm with Mimosa from Four, and her district partner Dana is with my district partner Cayden."
Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered, then did a last bit of parkour onto the stage. I had to get that out of my system."
Parade outfit: "Cayden and I were x-ray images. We both stood in black cylinders up to our necks, and the outer surface showed our skeletons from all angles." It wasn't actually their bones, just realistic models the stylists commissioned from 3D artists. Sammi's model had wider hips but not many other differences, considering she and Cayden were both 6'1" and strongly built.
Interview angle: "I wasn't too bothered about it. Used to have stage fright, but not anymore." Sammi took the relaxed, down-to-earth angle and added an infuriatingly literal spin. Using the common stereotype that Careers take everything literally, she deliberately misinterpreted some of the interviewer's words in a way that came off both frustrating and hilarious. The audience was both laughing at her and laughing with her.

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Weapon of choice: "I prefer to use my fists. Knock them out, then finish them off while they're still out for the count. There are much worse ways to die in the Hunger Games." Sammi didn't actually kill anybody, but she likes to be dramatic.
Fatal flaw: "Food, maybe." While it's true that someone of her size and strength requires more upkeep in the form of nutrition, Sammi's real weakness is lack of foresight. She can't really predict what someone's planning to do next, especially when facing mutts.

Mentor: "Amber. She's a good lass."
Training score: "Nine. I'm satisfied with it." Sammi received a great Career score thanks to her athletic ability. She didn't have any particular 'wow factor' to push it into double digits, but double digits are extreme scores and she wasn't aiming for that.
Death: "Mutts used my neck as a chew toy." When confronted with the arena's ridiculous heat, Sammi just laughed. She did parkour every year in the suffocating city heat of summer, and this wide-open plain was breezy and refreshing by comparison. Hearing her crack up, the non-Career on the pedestal beside her made horrified eye contact. Sammi smiled at him and stopped the laughter.
The bloodbath proved more violent than most. Although an unfazed Sammi made it to the Cornucopia without engaging in any tussles, the heat seemed to rile other tributes' tempers. They clashed against each other with relentless rage even while unarmed. Ignoring the chaos, Sammi scaled the Cornucopia with a few swift leaps, careful not to let the metal burn her exposed skin. She stood atop the golden horn and put on her most condescending voice. The more she annoyed these tributes, the better her plan would work.
"Alright, kids. You clearly can't handle responsibility on your own, so just line up single file and I'll hand out your supplies for you."
All around the Cornucopia, tributes stopped fighting to glare at her in hatred. "Who does she think she is?"
"Ain't no privileged Career girl gonna tell me what to do," muttered one of the big southern tributes, rolling up their sleeves.
Sammi spotted her ally, Mimosa, and winked to remind her of the plan. This gesture tipped the furious tributes over the edge. They charged at her in a vicious, weapon-wielding mob. With a mighty leap, Sammi launched herself off the Cornucopia and broke into a run, knowing Mimosa would be among the crowd trying to 'kill' her.

She led the crowd over the rolling hills until Mimosa caught up to her. Before the other tributes' eyes, she drove her weapon forward into the gap between Sammi's arm and torso.
"Hahaha! Still think you're better than us, Career?"
"Yes... I'm just evil like that," Sammi rasped while making over-dramatic eye contact. "And I... still... don't like your shirt..."
With that, she clutched the bloodless 'wound' and keeled over in the grass. She played dead like that until Mimosa tapped her on the head. "You can get up now, dear. Our audience left the theatre."
Chuckling, Sammi stood up. "Best fun I've had in ages. It worked, too - must've set a record for least bloody bloodbath."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, but my goodness - let's never do that again," laughed Mimosa, leaning on Sammi for support. "My heart was pounding. Imagine if they'd realized 'hey, there's a Career among us!'"
"What could they even do to you? You're stronger and faster than any of those chumps, there's no way they could take you." Sammi squeezed her ally's bicep, eliciting more laughter from her. "Come on, let's get back before Hazel starts beating the war drums."

The other Careers had already gathered up their supplies by the time Sammi and Mimosa returned. "I didn't think your plan would work," Hazel admitted, shoving boxes into the taller girls' arms. "To be honest, I thought it was stupid."
"I knew it was stupid," chuckled Sammi. "But worth a shot anyway. It was fun."
"Sammi has a very dangerous definition of fun," Mimosa patted her on the back. "Anyway, before we go, did you leave enough water for the other tributes? They're bound to be thirsty in this heat, especially after that chase..."
"We couldn't," Hazel said, furrowing her brows. "There's not a single bottle or canteen in this blade-damned place."
Hazel led the Careers through the sweltering arena. Despite Sammi's earlier bravado, the heat was starting to wear away at her now. Sweat drenched her back by the time the alliance reached a vast water hole. The Careers came to the consensus that they'd rather deal with diseases and parasites later than shrivel to death right now, so they plunged their faces into the water to drink. Refreshed, they began to set up camp. The death recap played overhead as night approached. To Sammi's surprise, the number of dead tributes was even greater than last year's bloodbath. Had they continued to fight after watching Sammi 'die', or was something else killing them?

Sammi and Mimosa took first watch that night, snuggling together by the fire as temperatures plummetted. They shared anecdotes about life in Districts One and Four that seemed almost alien to each other.
"Geez, Mim, I didn't think currents could be evil."
"It's a little terrifying, isn't it?" Mimosa chuckled. "I was caught in one of those riptides once, but I escaped by swimming sideways."
"That's my tough cookie. You're a real fighte-" Sammi's ear twitched as shrill, high-pitched laughter pierced the air. It didn't belong to Mimosa or herself, nor did any Careers have piercing soprano voices of that timbre. "Hey, do you hear that?"
"Mutts." Mimosa's voice fell to a whisper as she noticed something in the distance. "Sammi, go wake the others."
With a brisk nod, Sammi rushed off to awaken their allies. Hazel, Cayden, and Dana all looked furious as she shook them awake, and their rage only grew when she informed them why. Poor Owen just seemed terrified. Together, the Careers gathered around the campfire as Mimosa handed everyone a flaming torch for their off-hand. "Make as much noise as you can."

The Careers shouted creative insults and battle cries, brandishing their torches as the pack of bear-sized direwolves surrounded camp. Unfazed by the bluff, the mutts tightened their circle until the Careers were surrounded by an impassable wall of fur and claws. Every time a Career took down one wolf, several more took its place.
Jaws snapped around her ankle, dragging her to the ground. One of her allies screamed in horror as the mutt gripped Sammi by the neck, but she felt oddly apathetic about this whole situation.
Aw, darn. We forgot to put out the campfire, were her final thoughts as the titanic wolf shook her like a ragdoll. Hope it doesn't burn the whole place down.

Samira's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 11th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Cayden: A good pal of Sammi's. Together, they're the most physically imposing District One pair yet.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Owen: Sammi's Career brother... or more specifically, her Career baby brother.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Hazel: A loyal, ride-or-die Career who laughs in the face of death. Sammi loves her.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Dana: This little punk has a big heart and the relentless courage to match. An admirable warrior.
【 D4 ◆ ♡ 】 Mimosa: Sammi's extremely strong, passionate girlfriend who eats boulders for breakfast without milk.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Jasper: A real great guy. Apparently he tried to warn the Careers about the mutts, but was too late.
【 D9 ◈ ▣ 】 Indigo: Sammi doesn't even acknowledge her existence after what she did.


【 ▣ 】 Amber: Sammi took a neutral, respectful stance on her advice. They had a working relationship.
【 ✿ 】 Facet: Sammi's sweet brother, younger by one year. His last name is 'Arisson' after their dad.

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➵ Hazel Aiba

Postby SunnyJustice » Sat Jun 19, 2021 5:03 am

Hazel Aiba
the hotheaded commander
Career of the 11th Hunger Games

Full name: "I'm Hazel Aiba. The multiple A's in my name stand for anger issues."
Gender: "I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She is female.
Sexuality: "What the disgrace - who wrote these questions?" Hazel is demisexual.
District: "District Two. The rumors are right: I'm a murderer and good at what I do. How about I demonstrate?"
Age: "Seventeen when I was alive. Now I have no freaking idea!"

Voice type: Alto
Appearance: At 5'10", Hazel is the tallest of the triplets but the smallest woman in the family. She's built straight and angular like the spears she wields, all lean muscle with not an ounce of softness. Her joints and chin are so sharp that she accidentally hurts others when she rests on them. Hazel's narrow, unnerving reddish-brown glare tends to make others squirm, and her black hair flicks out everywhere like a villainous lion's mane no matter how she styles it. The scary-Career stereotype comes easily for her.
Personality: "I'm brutally honest, and just brutal in general. If anyone tries to harm my fellow Careers, I'll beat them up without mercy." Hazel pretends to be a rude, abrasive bully who pummels anyone standing in her way, but this is all an act. She's just dramatic and expressive with both words and actions. When she's excited, her wild gestures include sweeping motions of her arms and excited stamping of her feet... and she's always excited. To turn her behavior 'scarier', she adds a weapon so her eccentric arm movements look like she's brandishing a spear threateningly. The real Hazel is basically just a friendly and sociable puppy. Her entire evil villain act functions as a scheme to protect her allies - like a lightningrod for their enemies' animosity. They'll be too busy hating or fearing Hazel to bother hurting anyone else.
Partner: "Owen. Cozy baby robin." It's hard to keep up the act around him...

Alliance: "I lead the Careers as their bloody, ruthless commander." Hazel leads the Career alliance. Don't believe her exaggerations, she's not a tyrant. Her allies are Samira and Cayden of District One, Mimosa and Dana of District Two, and her baby district partner Owen.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered because no one gets in my way." Hazel lunged forward to volunteer with a murderous battle cry, described by Capitol critics as a warrior woman's roar. She'd rehearsed it for years!
Parade outfit: "You wouldn't want to cross me." Hazel and Owen were shoved together in a huge, ridiculous dinosaur costume. She was the front end of a roaring triceratops, complete with a ruff and horns so huge it made her neck ache, while Owen was the caboose and tail. Everyone laughed at them! Good thing poor Owen didn't have to be the 'face'... Even the bold extrovert Hazel found it torturous.
Interview angle: "Angry and violent. I could beat up any of those losers and they better know it." Hazel made herself into a dramatic spectacle. No matter what the interviewer said, she became more and more agitated until the rage boiled over in murderous shouts. The staple phrases of her villainous act are 'I'll kill them! I'll kill them all!' Typical bluster...

Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon of choice: "To me, it's just a spear. To you, it's your death sentence." Hazel wields a normal spear. Ironically, she's never actually killed with the so-called dreaded weapon of death.
Fatal flaw: "My anger issues. One of these days I'll explode and take a whole freaking city with me." All her bluffing is designed to scare others off before a fight even begins. Despite being a trained weapon of death, Hazel doesn't actually want to inflict it. As a Career, she's long accepted that her sacrifice will end in her demise. But nobody else needs to die at her hands... right?

Mentor: "Lily. I like her - we punched each other on the balcony." Hazel initiated a playful fist fight with her mentor. Nothing too serious, but the volume of Hazel's voice told the neighbors otherwise.
Training score: "Ten. The one stands for my spear, and the zero stands for the amount of blood left in your body when I'm done with you... Dang it, I'm running out of good evil quotes. Can you give me a sec?" The Gamemakers were terrified when Hazel began to snap dummies' plastic heads off their bodies. They sent her away early, but scored her high for that ridiculous show of strength.
Death: "Wait! I don't have an evil quote for this... Ah, screw it! Just fight me!" The pedestal rose into a hot, arid plain, with barren sand dappling the ground around the Cornucopia. Hazel took a deep breath, basking in the sun. Despite her mountainous origins, cold temperatures were her worst enemy while the heat lent her strength. She cracked her knuckles and waited for the countdown to end.
As the gong echoed across the plain, Hazel broke into a run. She grabbed the largest, most unwieldy axe and brandished it like a flail, charging recklessly around the bloodbath. This succeeded in scaring a couple tributes away, but not enough. Bloody fights continued to rage all around the golden horn. One southern tribute, enraged by Hazel's bully-like behavior, challenged her with their own sword. Hazel struck back with a mighty blow that veered away at the last moment, but the tribute didn't flee.
Thankfully, her ally Sammi drew the tributes' attention with a taunting speech from atop the Cornucopia. All the remaining non-Careers formed a furious mob and chased after her, with Mimosa of District Four joining the crowd as part of the plan. Hazel breathed a sigh of relief as her allies herded away those angry tributes. When Sammi and Mimosa brainstormed this idea in training, she'd laughed it off as some foolish joke. Now it'd saved a life.
I didn't want to kill that guy, but if Sammi hadn't gotten them off me... I might've needed to.

Shaking the thought aside, Hazel and her remaining allies began to sort through supplies. They gathered a reasonable amount for the Careers and left the rest for other tributes - a provision to add some fairness to an inherently unfair arena.
As the Careers rummaged through the plunder, they failed to find even a single water bottle or canteen. They'd have to find water elsewhere or die. Even worse, the non-Careers would return to loot this place only to find disappointment and despair. Everything was here for them except the most critical necessity. Irritated, Hazel kicked a box around until Sammi and Mimosa returned.
Now reunited, the Careers set off into the savannah. A day's journey across the parched field finally led them to a water hole, at which point all six dropped everything to drink their fill. They built a sturdy camp by the water's edge where the breeze cooled their sentinels' post. Owen made dinner, Hazel drew up some war plans, and the Careers spent their first meal laughing together at the absurd ideas she came up with.
"And after I tie the snake mutt into a pretzel, I'll throw it like a frisbee at our enemies!"
"Hazel, no," Owen gasped in mock horror. "That's an extra special form of torture!"
"Hazel, yes!" With a devilish laugh, Hazel shoveled more mashed potato into her mouth. "Mmm, Owen, you're an amazing cook."

That night, Hazel curled up in her district partner's arms as the temperature dropped. Despite being the taller of the pair, she didn't mind being the little spoon - especially when the alternative was becoming a popsicle. She dozed off, content that Sammi and Mimosa would do an excellent job on watch. Maybe they'd even exchange their first kiss... It's so disgracing obvious.
Someone shook Hazel awake at midnight. Murderous curses poured from her mouth like an avalanche, especially when Sammi informed her of the encroaching mutts. Snatching her spear and a flaming torch, Hazel brandished them at the wolves with all the vitriol of a sleep-deprived teenager. "You want war? We'll give you war!"
To her horror, the mutts weren't intimidated by six Careers wielding fire and steel. They fell upon the alliance, ripping them apart one member at a time until only Hazel and Owen remained standing. Twenty pairs of hungry eyes pierced them through.
"Get down!" Hazel cried out, tackling her final ally into the grass. She covered Owen with her body as the howling, snarling mutts descended into a bloodthirsty frenzy. Dagger-sized claws ripped at her with such hatred that Hazel feared the mauling would never end.

"Hazel, are you still there?" A gentle hand touched her shoulder. "The mutts are gone. We're safe now, it's just me."
"Are we dead?" Hazel groaned, opening her eyes. Horror crept down the Career's spine as her gaze swept over a mangled body - her own body. The silhouettes of Sammi, Mimosa, Cayden and Dana lay motionless as the sun rose over their ruined camp. Only Owen remained by her side, soft brown eyes watery with silent grief and worry. At least he wasn't dead.
"No, b-but you're hurt. I want to help, but..." In one of his trembling hands sat a first aid kit, and the other held a dagger. Oh, her sweet baby robin wanted to know what kind of help she wanted.
"Time for some good old kintsugi. Patch me up like we fixed Ma's tea bowl!" With a laugh, Hazel gestured to the medical kit. She couldn't give up now. No matter how unbearable the pain became, she refused to leave Owen to suffer the arena's horrors alone.

After Owen painstakingly patched her up, Hazel spent the rest of the day recovering in camp while he took over rebuilding efforts. The District Two pair mourned their allies' deaths that night with a silent ceremony by the water-hole. Hazel sprinkled breadcrumbs into each fallen friend's hands while Owen weaved desert flowers over their wounds, obscuring them under a sea of pink and orange.
Owen treated her to another lovely dinner that night.
"I made your favorite potatoes again. Hazel... I'm glad I've got you with me."
"You better be glad, because I'm not leaving!" A huge smile spread across her face. Ignoring the pain, she lunged forward to give her district partner a big ol' noogie... which transformed into a hug. "And I'm glad to be with you, too. My baby robin." Hazel gently poked one of his soft, blushing cheeks. The redness of a robin wasn't lost on him either.

Neither of them slept that night. As the moon reached its highest point, a familiar howl pierced the air. The mutts returned with a vengeance, snarling for blood, lips curled back to reveal knife-length teeth. This time the Careers didn't stick around. Hazel and Owen jumped into the water-hole and swam to the center, where they treaded water as frustrated mutts padded along the shore. Their hopes shattered minutes later when Hazel's foot brushed wet sand. The water-hole drained dry in mere moments, leaving two soggy Careers helpless in the middle of a muddy crater. A barking laugh escaped the lead mutt as the pack surged forward once more.
"Alright, we have to run. Stay close to me and don't look back!" Hazel helped Owen to his feet and they ran, kicking up wet sand in their wake.
When the sound of barking, snarling mutts finally subsided, Hazel collapsed in the grass to catch her breath.
"Owen, are you alri-"
Russet eyes widened in abject horror. Owen wasn't here - they'd somehow split up in the chaos. An agonized cry pierced the air just as his absence dawned on her. Heart pounding, Hazel leapt to her feet and ran. No, no... this can't be happening.

She found him on the banks of a barren river, curled up in agony around a stab wound in his stomach. The mutts hadn't caught him - this was another tribute's doing. A trembling hand reached for her as she stared in shock. "Hazel... please, help."
Something broke in Hazel upon hearing his pained, feeble voice. She knelt beside her district partner and pulled him into her arms, clutching his cold body tight. "Owen, I- I'm so sorry! I was supposed to protect you," Hazel sobbed. She'd already failed to protect all the others, she couldn't lose him too. "Stay with me, please."
"No, I'm sorry, I was supposed to stay close. I should have known that voice wasn't you." Owen sounded smaller, younger in his pain, and he struggled to draw a breath. "But I can't... I can't stay. I'm sorry."
His hand guided hers to the dagger in his belt. As Hazel tearfully drew the blade, she closed her eyes and welcomed the memories in. Owen training by her side in the lowlands of District Two, Owen's arms around her to shield from the biting cold, Owen smiling as he served a supper made with love. Maybe one day she'd see that smile again, somewhere under the light.
"I'll see you soon."

Fatigue threatened to engulf her as she limped through the sand, through the desert that was once a savannah. The voice Owen spoke of, the tribute who'd hurt him and left him to die - it was Indigo Castillo from the grain district. Not only did she harass the Careers in the Training Center, her voice had a pitch and timbre so similar to Hazel's that she could've easily lured Owen into a trap. Revenge wouldn't bring him back, but Hazel no longer cared. The fury burning through her veins sang for this blade-damned disgrace's blood.
She found Indigo in the ruins of the Careers' old camp. Incoherent shrieks of rage escaped the final Career as she charged, wrestling the girl into the grass. Indigo stabbed her again and again, opening up wounds both old and new, but it only fuelled her rampage. Blinded by fury, Hazel wrenched the sword out of Indigo's hands and decapitated her with her own weapon.
The wounded Career managed to drag herself back to the Cornucopia before she collapsed. Only one other tribute remained in the arena - no doubt the Gamemakers would drive them together soon. All Hazel could do was wait for them to come finish her off.

Hours later, she woke to a gentle voice.
"Hazel, can you hear me?"
"Owen?" Her voice came out as an incoherent whimper, barely in the shape of any words. Reality sank in, along with the pain, and she realized her district partner wasn't here to greet her. Hazel tilted her head to gaze upon the final tribute - Jasper of District Eight, a tall and timid young man standing in the Cornucopia's mouth. Had he come to end her torment, to claim his victory? In either case, Hazel didn't want him feeling guilty for the act. She'd have to threaten him until he killed her in self-defense.
"Fight me." Hazel didn't know if he could even understand her, but she raised the broken shaft of her spear just in case.
Jasper shook his head firmly. With soft steps, he approached her as he would a wounded animal.
"I won't fight you. Hazel, please."
Hazel, please... Owen's pained words echoed in Hazel's head, bringing salt tears to her eyes. All the fight left her body and she lowered the spear, or what remained of it, as her shoulders slumped in despair. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. Hazel, it's okay..." the boy from District Eight reassured her. "Just close your eyes and count to three, alright?"
Relief swept over her as Jasper raised his bow. She didn't need to force his hand with threats and intimidation; he'd finish the job of his own accord. Hazel closed her eyes and took a final, deep breath.

"... two... three." Russet eyes blinked open to see Owen's gentle face smiling down at her. He looked healthy and whole once more, with a warm glow to his cheeks she hadn't seen since their last meal together. This was the Owen she'd wanted to remember. Shaking off the shock, Hazel leapt to her feet and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? Can I... Can I hug you?"
"Much better now that the gaping wound in my stomach has vanished," Owen said matter-of-factly with a chuckle. "But yes, hug me!"
Hazel threw her arms around the boy and squeezed him tight. "You're so warm. I'm never, ever letting you go again."
"It's a good thing I already finished making this, then." He pressed something smooth and cool into Hazel's hands - a small, ceramic tea bowl, with shining golden lacquer holding it together where cracks once scarred its surface.
"I- I love it!" Hazel cradled the little bowl close to her heart. "I'm impressed. How did you get so good at kintsugi?"
"Well, I did get some practice in the arena..."

Hazel's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 11th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Cayden: They bonded over loudly and aggressively making music, resulting in many broken instruments.
【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Samira: A calm daredevil. While this seems like an unlikely combination, Hazel loves it.
【 D2 ◆ ♡ 】 Owen: Hazel's extremely sweet and cute baby robin. The embodiment of adorable.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Dana: Round and cute, but also a daredevil. A perfect freind-shaped combination!
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Mimosa: The mom friend. Very cozy, absolutely huggable.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Jasper: A real gentleman. He deserves to live a good, happy life back in District Eight.
【 D9 ◇ ✘ 】 Indigo: The extent of Hazel's hatred for Indigo can't be properly expressed in words.


【 ✿ 】 Lily: The sister Hazel always wished she had. That fight was the best!
【 ✿ 】 Hemlock: Hazel's helpless brother-in-distress who obviously needs her protection. He is very Baby.
【 ✿ 】 Hickory: Hazel's other brother. Since he's more outdoorsy, he can actually keep up with her.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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➵ Dana Galavan

Postby SunnyJustice » Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:03 pm

Dana Galavan
the nocturnal busybody
Career of the 11th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hi, I'm Dana Galavan!"
Gender: "Well, I was assigned female at birth and that's what I tell people - my concept of gender is 'I don't care'." Dana is most accustomed to she/her and they/them pronouns. Others are uncommon, but they're okay too.
Sexuality: "Guess what I'm gonna say!" Dana doesn't even notice the gender of their partner, let alone care.
District: "I come from an island off the coast of District Four. It's called the Garden of the Gulf, and I grew up in the town of Port La Joye. My favorite place is definitely the farmers' market!" This place used to be called Charlottetown, PEI Canada.
Age: "Eighteen! I made a bar graph of Careers' ages when they volunteer, wanna see it?" She's going to show off the chart whether you like or not, so here it is.

Voice type: Alto
Appearance: Dana stands at 5'1" with fairly broad shoulders and a slim, athletic figure. Their lively dark eyes twinkle with adventurous glee. Curly, shoulder-length brown hair frames their round face in ringlets that bounce in the breeze, and their skin is a warm light brown. When looking in the mirror, Dana often feels their giant smile is too big for their face.
Personality: "Well, I love to talk. I also love competition and I'd say I have a pretty big ego. I've been told I'm the most socially clueless extrovert in the world, and honestly? I love it!" Outgoing and friendly, Dana is often the first to initiate conversations with friends and strangers alike. She has a big heart and loves helping her friends, though her social awkwardness means she misreads cues often - something she's grown used to. Misunderstandings just make her laugh at this point. One of Dana's favorite things to do is to transform everything into a friendly competition, and it's undeniable she loves to win. Losing doesn't bother her but she'll always ask for a rematch. She's book-smart with a great passion for learning, but she doesn't even know what the term 'street smarts' refers to.
Partner: "Cayden from District One. We smash anything that gets in our way!"

Alliance: "I'm a Career. You know, I'm convinced the name comes from 'Caring' and 'Killer' smushed together." Their allies are Cayden and Samira of District One, Hazel and Owen of District Two, and their motherly district partner Mimosa.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered aggressively. The Capitol says I have shorty syndrome and that's why I bark so loud, but I'm not even that short? I'd say I'm average. It's the other districts that are freakishly tall!"
Parade outfit: "Marine biologists. I loved the theme, but the uhhh form-fitting wetsuit? That wasn't my thing." Dana was a marine biologist, ready to dive into the depths to study creatures up close and personal. Her wetsuit was literally dripping wet and a realistic animatronic fish flopped on top of her head. It was fun... but uncomfortable.
Interview angle: "Well, I was genuinely interested in the Capitol. I reckoned they get to ask District Four tributes questions every year, so why not turn the tables? Ask them questions for once." Dana was curious to learn about the education system and seafood in this futuristic place. Apparently, the only seafood they eat is imported from District Four. Capitol kids don't even learn to fish!

Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Likes: Talking, new book smell, food, competition, nighttime, math, abandoned docks, breaking stuff
Dislikes: Tight clothes, daytime, onions and garlic, sore losers, snobs, normal sleep schedules, dullness
Weapon of choice: "I like to use small, light swords. My rule is that the blade can't be longer than my leg."
Fatal flaw: "Okay, I'm gonna let you in on a secret here. I think I'm allergic to sunlight! I sneeze whenever the sun comes out, and I burn so easily my friends call me a vampire." They function best at night when it's dark. Getting up in the morning is hard, and they can barely function until the PM hours roll around.

Mentor: "Edmund! He's officially my dad now."
Training score: "I got a nine, which is great!" Her enthusiasm, weapons prowess, and athletic ability earned a solid Career score.
Death: "Those mutts really got on my nerves. I tried to teach them a lesson, but they just mauled me and it was extremely rude." Dana spent the bloodbath fighting off larger tributes until two of her allies cleared the area. The other Careers watched as Sammi ran away to the hills, chased by Mimosa and a massive mob consisting of all the remaining non-Careers. A strange but surprisingly effective plan. With a smile, Dana turned her attention to sorting through supplies. She and Cayden shattered crates in search of water but, to their annoyance, found nothing. Both of them took their anger out on the broken piles of plywood they'd created. It turned into a competition of who could smash the most boards, and after a while, Dana and Cayden were back to laughing.
Once Sammi and Mimosa returned without the angry non-Careers, the alliance packed up and left. A sweltering, sweaty day of walking finally led them to a water-hole, and after the Careers drank their fill, Dana pushed Cayden into the water. He clearly needed to cool off! The small Career tilted her head back in a barking laugh, but then a hand grabbed her shirt and pulled her in, too.

The sopping Careers emerged in time for dinner. That night, even the night-owl Dana went out like a light, curled up between the warm bodies of their allies. They could almost picture themself home in District Four, or maybe tucked into a bunk at Career Camp.
At midnight, someone jolted them awake. Dana's sleepy face twisted into a scowl as the sentinel, Sammi, debriefed her on what was happening. Mutts. Mutts were happening.
"Oh, I'll rip them a new set of gills..."
All six Careers took up their weapons along with flaming torches. They stood their ground as giant, slavering direwolves circled them with hungry eyes, but soon the standoff descended into chaos. Dana's world transformed into fur, claws, and snapping fangs as the mutts tore away at the alliance. One by one their allies fell, first Sammi and Mimosa, then - Cayden. A murderous shriek escaped Dana as they flung themself directly into the wolves' ranks, ripping at them with the same savagery they'd showed their fellow Careers. Their rampage only ended when a pair of jaws clamped around their throat.

Dana's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 11th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ♡ 】 Cayden: Dana's partner in crime. They're usually spotted trashing the music room.
【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Samira: One of Dana's best friends, a daring athlete with a sense of humor they love.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Owen: He's just so nice! Plus, he's the best cook ever, even with the limited ingredients in the arena.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Hazel: Her 'scary villain' act makes Dana laugh. It's especially fun to get into fistfights with Hazel.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Mimosa: Dana's mom friend of a district partner. Totally sweet, can be scary when she means it.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Jasper: He's got a good soul. One day Dana will befriend him, but for now he needs to live his life.
【 D9 ◈ ✘ 】 Indigo: Some rude and weird tribute who insulted the Careers in training, then tortured them.


【 ✿ 】 Edmund: Dana sees him as Dad and nothing will ever change their mind.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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➵ Mimosa Rin

Postby SunnyJustice » Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:06 pm

Mimosa Rin
the maternal gladiator
Career of the 11th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hello, dear. My name is Mimosa Rin, but you can call me Mim. Or Mum."
Gender: "I am a woman."
Sexuality: "People of all genders are beautiful, but my heart belongs to a lovely lady."
District: "I come from the island of Canis Minor in District Four." "Newfoundland and Labrador", the most northeastern region of Canada, was re-interpreted in the most literal way when North America became Panem. Both halves of the province shared a name with a dog breed, so the larger mainland portion received the name Canis Major, while the smaller island got renamed Canis Minor.
Age: "I was eighteen during the games." She allowed herself to continue aging in the afterlife.

Voice type: Tenor
Appearance: Mimosa is a sturdy, rugged woman, towering above the rest of District Four at 5'11". Both her fathers are an entire head shorter. She always wears her dark hair in a bun, and it's not just a hairstyle - it also prevents her from smashing her head into everything. Her soft beige skin practically glows with a healthy golden undertone, and her dark eyes share the color of the iridescent black bettas her dads own. Most of her wardrobe consists of soft and casual attire. The gentle contours of her garments match her round face while also providing a stark contrast from the numerous scars all over her body, making them more visible.
Personality: "My dads call me a gentle giant, and my allies describe me as a burly, friend-shaped teddy bear." While Mimosa is patient and loving by nature, years of Career training have cultivated a quietly militaristic side of her. Upon the first hint of danger, unnatural calmness falls over the gentle lady and she coolly prepares to stand her ground. She always waits for the opponent to strike the first blow, out of respect, but this doesn't make her a pacifist. Mimosa is often the one to end the battle swiftly but surely. Off the battlefield, she spends most of her time cultivating both gardens and friendships. She'll defend her plants and pals with unflinching support.
Partner: "My girlfriend is Sammi from District One. Her shoulder makes a lovely pillow."

Alliance: "I'm a Career." Mimosa's allies are Samira and Cayden of District One, Hazel and Owen of District Two, and her district partner Dana. Half of them act tough but are secretly teddy bears, and the other half are just teddy bears.
Reaped or volunteered: "I was allowed to volunteer, so I did. While I could have backed out at any time, I knew it was my duty to protect District Four's children." Mimosa feels strongly about the reason Careers exist.
Parade outfit: "They dressed us up as marine biologists in wetsuits, but I believe they misunderstood the meaning of 'wetsuit'. Ours were actually wet! I could not stop laughing." Strings of fake seaweed were draped over Mimosa's broad shoulders too.
Interview angle: "I would've loved to share gardening tips, but Edmund advised me to take a honest, down-to-earth angle to give them a better idea of my personality." Mimosa took it literally. She was so honest, she even admitted her mentor told her to alter her angle to show her truthful personality more. The audience laughed at the irony but Mimosa didn't get what was so funny.

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Likes: Flowers, ornamental fish, gardening, friendship, banter, rich soil, soft things, fighting, quiet, rain, cool breezes
Dislikes: Impatience, mutts, tight clothes, hot weather, rust, cracked soil texture, giant hogweed, being mauled
Weapon of choice: "Fishing spears are the most comfortable for me to use."
Fatal flaw: "My bad back." Backaches often torture Mimosa in the middle of the night, making it difficult to sleep. She's also vulnerable to attacks from behind for a completely different reason. When she's focused on something, it becomes the only thing that exists to her - sneaky tributes looking for an easy target can use this to their advantage.

Mentor: "Edmund Grant. He is like a father to me, and I suspect many others feel the same."
Training score: "I received a nine." Mimosa's physical strength and spear-wielding prowess impressed the Gamemakers.
Death: "We were all mauled by mutts on the first night. To be honest, I have the feeling the Gamemakers wanted to compensate for something." Apart from grabbing a spear, Mimosa tried not to move around much in the bloodbath. The scorching, torturous temperatures crushed down on her, but she endured it, waiting for her ally's plan to spring into motion. Then it happened - Sammi of District One climbed the Cornucopia in a few well-placed leaps. She drew all the non-Careers' attention to utter the most infuriating words possible. Hearing the sacrilege, every tribute rallied together in a furious mob, and Mimosa joined the crowd as they chased the now-fleeing Sammi.
Sammi led her pursuers over endless, rolling hills to drain their stamina, at which point Mimosa easily overtook her exhausted cohorts. Catching up to Sammi in a few swift bounds, she 'stabbed' her ally in the gap between her arm and chest. Evil taunts flew between killer and victim until the vanquished Career keeled over 'dead'. The other tributes cleared out of the area, satisfied now that their common enemy had fallen. Only then did Mimosa nudge Sammi to get up. They laughed and flirted all the way back to the Cornucopia, where Hazel shoved supplies into their arms for them to carry. The Careers set off in the opposite direction of where Sammi and Mimosa guided the other tributes to. Vast, arid savannah stretched in front of them as they left the rolling hills to the non-Careers.

By the time the Careers reached the water-hole, Mimosa's mouth felt more parched than the yellow, withered grass around them. She just plunged her face into the water and drank her fill. Normally she would've hesitated, but they hadn't found a single drop of drinking water at the Cornucopia, nor a way to purify their own. They'd just have to deal with any health complications later.
Refreshed, she and Sammi lay on the banks to unwind after a long day of running. Dana and Cayden were roughhousing in the water while Owen cooked dinner over the newly-lit campfire. Beside him sat a determined Hazel drawing up battle plans.
"I wonder if any of her ideas will be as 'dynamic' as yours," Mimosa nudged Sammi's shoulder. That plan earlier must've permanently raised her blood pressure a point.
Sammi chuckled.
"Sure hope so. Didn't you say I had a 'very dangerous definition of fun' earlier? Well, that was just a taste."
"Then I'm looking forward to the main course, dear."

Soon Owen served the full-course meal he'd prepared, and the six Careers laughed all through their first dinner together, not knowing it would be their last. That night, Mimosa and Sammi took watch only to be interrupted by a chilling sound. After identifying the unnatural vocalization of mutts, Mimosa sent her partner to wake the others. She knelt by the campfire and made torches of a few unused pieces of wood. As the other Careers gathered around, armed to the teeth and furious, Mimosa passed each of them a flaming torch. "Make as much noise as you can," she advised them.
Together, the Careers made their stand as hungry mutts circled around. To Mimosa's annoyance, the flames and shouting didn't deter the creatures in the least. Several wolflike, slavering muzzles drew close, tongues lolling out between rows of dagger-shaped teeth. Mimosa cut down her assailants without hesitation, but more took their place. Three mutts lunged at her and knocked her to the ground. Although she fought valiantly, her strength was no match for the wolf pack's bloodlust and savagery.

Oh dear. Looks like I'm the main course.

Mimosa's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 11th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Cayden: He's a good lad, a good Career. Mimosa sees him as a brother.
【 D1 ◆ ♡ 】 Samira: Mimosa's partner. They spend their afterlife relaxing with various extreme sports.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Owen: At first Mimosa thought he was competition for team mom, but he's more team baby.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Hazel: She acts all tough, but inside she's a baby like her district partner. Very snuggly.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Dana: Mimosa's tiny district partner, a real spitfire. They'd train together back in District Four.
【 D8 ◈ ✓ 】 Jasper: Mimosa respects this young man for helping out her allies. He has a good heart.
【 D9 ◈ ▣ 】 Indigo: While Mimosa is disappointed in this tribute's behavior, she's opted to ignore her.


【 ✿ 】 Edmund: Mimosa's Career dad, her home away from home. He gives the best hugs.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Tue Jun 21, 2022 10:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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