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➵ 8th Hunger Games

Postby SunnyJustice » Sat May 15, 2021 3:51 pm


The 8th Games featured a wintry pine forest with abundant holiday decorations. Garlands, ornaments, and strings of colorful lights adorned the trees, bringing vibrance to the arena's endless night. The weather started off clear, but snow soon began to fall, progressing from harmless flurries to an all-out blizzard. A thick layer of snow covered the ground, deeper in some areas than others.
Numerous wooden cabins dotted the festive landscape, promising shelter to cold tributes. The Gamemakers were lenient this year and didn't place mutts or traps in the cabins. This year's Hunger Games had been delayed to cover up the President's severe illness, and since she'd just recently recovered, the Gamemakers wanted to give her a toned-down 'holiday special' round. Even the carnivorous reindeer mutts weren't that threatening - their shining red noses meant tributes could easily spot and evade them.

Adam Griffin • career • D1 • male • 17
Olive Arima • career • D2 • male • 17
Kindle Hadrian • career • D4 • female • 18
Teddy Bernardo • tribute • D7 • male • 14
Extras • Gardenia and Garish
(+ Bauxite, Theodore, Adria from 7th Games)

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Tue May 25, 2021 5:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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➵ Adam Griffin

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon May 17, 2021 4:19 pm

Adam Griffin
the timekeeper
Career of the 8th Hunger Games

Full name: "My name is Adam Griffin."
Gender: "He/him, please and thank you."
Sexuality: "What?" Adam is demisexual, possibly heteroromantic but he isn't certain.
District: "District One. I grew up in Peacespire City - named after its ancient clock tower, which was built long before Panem existed." The city was once called Ottawa, and the tower's old name was 'Peace Tower'. You can virtually explore the real-life version here.
Age: "I was seventeen, six months, and twenty-three days when I died."

Voice type: Tenor
Appearance: Adam stands at 5'1" with a narrow frame and angular face. Although he looks scrawny, he's incredibly fit and athletic - just small-boned. He has immaculately neat black hair, thoughtful dark brown eyes, and a somewhat light complexion with a sunny undertone. Square glasses sit on the bridge of his tiny nose. Overall, he's pretty comfortable in his own skin.
Personality: "I'm stubborn and always refuse to quit. Apparently I get that from my mother." Adam comes off as irritable, but only because he wears his heart on his sleeve. Everyone always knows where they stand with him. He's quick to criticize what he doesn't like, but also quick to compliment what he finds pleasing. Although he's incredibly hardworking, he tends to become so absorbed in tasks that nothing else registers. You could stab him and he wouldn't notice until he drops dead from blood loss. Similarly, he won't remember to eat, drink, or sleep, so his allies might need to remind him to take care of himself. He'll be sure to return their love and loyalty.
Partner: "My district partner, Gardenia Christine. We grew up together, and I've had feelings for her for years - but of course I only confessed when we were in a life-or-death situation. Human emotions are ridiculous and foolish like that."

Alliance: "I'm a Career. Along with my family, they are the only people I'll drop everything for." His allies were Olive and Mia of District Two, Kindle and Noah of District Four, and of course his district partner Gardenia.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered. Are you insinuating I'm not a true Career? ... Oh, it's just interview protocol?"
Parade outfit: "They dressed me up as Peacespire City's namesake tower... my face was painted to resemble the clock." Adam won't mention this, but he was also sitting on his district partner's shoulders. Otherwise his 5'1" stature wouldn't be much of a 'tower'.
Interview angle: "It was interesting, but... uh..." The bright colors, loud noises, and giant crowds put Adam under an incredible amount of stress. Mounting the stage was the worst struggle of all - he thought his eardrums would explode from all the screaming fans. Thankfully, once he reached the interviewer, Adam was able to focus on him and tune out everything else.

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Weapon of choice: "A metal pole or staff. I hate actually killing."
Fatal flaw: "I'm not good at noticing my surroundings." When Adam is focused, nothing registers other than the task he's currently fixated on. This can easily be exploited.

Mentor: "Amber Soare. I can tell there's something she isn't telling us, but I'll respect her privacy."
Training score: "Eight. It also happens to be my favorite number - symmetrical and divisible all around." He impressed the Gamemakers with nimbleness and creativity. Compared to the other Careers, he didn't stand out as much, but his score was still above-average.
Death: "That eavesdropper, Sierra, had absolutely no manners." Adam spent the entire bloodbath evading murderous tributes out for his blood. Once he realized these fools had no intentions of leaving him alone, he led them to his female allies who effortlessly wiped his pursuers from existence. Heart pounding from the chase, Adam thanked them and went to gather supplies.
Both District Four tributes came from the southernmost tail of their district, so this snowy landscape was torture for them. They'd have to find shelter fast before Noah and Kindle froze solid. Once the Careers were ready, Olive led the way through the snow while his district partner, Mia, stomped down the snow to forge a path for Careers behind her.
Adam was expecting them to build a shelter in the snow, but instead they followed the lights to a small wooden cabin. Mia entered first to check for traps, and upon finding none, came back out to give the all-clear signal. The Careers gleefully rushed into their new home to warm up. As Olive and Noah entered the kitchen to cook dinner together, Adam curled up on the couch beside his district partner Gardenia. It was nice to share a calm moment together after a long day.
Soon, Mia and Kindle came back from patrolling the cabin. They reported no mutts, traps, or anything suspicious in the cabin, although a few red-nosed reindeer were prowling around outside. The weather was worsening, too. Adam took note of this - maybe the Gamemakers wanted to trap them inside for whatever reason. At the moment, he didn't mind, the cabin was cozy and the Careers could easily defend themselves from outside dangers. They could handle the Gamemakers' gimmicks when and if they came into play.

At dinner, the Careers took their seats around a lavish dining table as Olive served them holiday-themed food. Stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, apple-cinnamon pie... Adam's stomach rumbled at the delicious sight.

"I would like to thank you all for being here." Olive poured a glass of orange juice for each ally, then took his seat beside Mia. "As Careers, we've sacrificed so much to reach this point - including the promise of our futures. I think that bonds us in a special way, even if it is a little morbid." He raised his glass. "So, here's to the Career alliance. May our blades be swift and our battles be won with honor."
"To the Careers," Adam touched his cup to Olive's. The others echoed the gesture, filling the room with the sound of clinking glass.
Dinner was quiet and uneventful. Most of the Careers ate in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's companionship without the need for speech. Only when it came time for dessert did Kindle speak up. She told the story of Clark Taylor, the traitor from the 4th Games, who'd returned to the district only to be killed by his own Career classmates - and Kindle was part of the angry mob that felled him. As proof, she showed her tribute token of a wooden necklace. She'd cut it from Clark's spear after seizing and breaking it.

"In a way, that's reassuring," said Olive. "Even if a Career wins by betraying, they can never really win. Only true Careers can."

That night, all the Careers stayed up together to make new year's resolutions. Adam vowed to be his true self; no more hiding the truth, even the truths he'd kept buried for years. His eyes strayed to Gardenia as the final words left his mouth.
Some time after midnight, temors began to shake the small cabin as the red-nosed reindeer mutts rammed into the walls. The other Careers scrambled to barricade the windows while Gardenia and Adam kept the hearth fire burning. Now that they were alone, Gardenia confronted him calmly and asked him what his odd behavior had been about.

"It's because I really like you, Gardenia, and not just as a friend. I've felt like this for years, just never had the courage to say it," Adam admitted, heart pounding. His face felt warm and he knew it wasn't just from the fire. "I was worried it'd ruin everything. But now..."
He trailed off, not knowing how to tactfully explain it was because they were in a life-or-death situation and he might not get another chance. To his surprise, he didn't have to explain - his eyes widened as her lips brushed against his own.
"I... I don't know what to say." A stunned smile spread across his face as Gardenia pulled away. It began to dawn on Adam that maybe he didn't have to say anything. He could just stay like this, admiring the beauty of his best friend's face lit up with such warmth by the fire they tended together. In a perfect world, he'd stay like this forever.
The sound of broken glass pierced the silence. Adam whirled around, only to see the flash of something metallic and then darkness.

Adam's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 8th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ♡ 】 Gardenia: Adam harbored feelings for her for years, but it took a threat on their lives to make him confess.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Olive: One of Adam's nerd friends. They can talk about anything together, even the most random things.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Mia: Adam respects Mia as a leader and loves her as a friend. She's just all-around great and he's happy she won.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Noah: Another of Adam's nerd buddies. He's a creative type, too.
【 D4 ◆ ✓ 】 Kindle: A little intimidating at first, but Adam quickly warmed up to this loyal warrior.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Garish: Some rude, brutish torturer who joined forces with Sierra to make the Careers suffer.
【 D6 ◇ ✘ 】 Sierra: She eavesdropped on Adam and Gardenia, then attacked them both. Extremely rude.
【 D7 ◈ ▣ 】 Teddy: After Adam died, the other Careers adopted this little kid. Some even died to protect him.
【 D7 ◈ ▣ 】 June: The kid's district partner. Adam never knew her personally.


【 ✓ 】 Amber: Adam's mentor. He respects her, but they aren't close friends or anything.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sun Jun 05, 2022 5:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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➵ Olive Arima

Postby SunnyJustice » Fri May 21, 2021 7:50 am

Olive Arima
the angel of the mountains
Career of the 8th Hunger Games

Full name: "My name is Olive Arima, pleased to meet you."
Gender: "I'm a boy."
Sexuality: "Gender doesn't matter much to me." He is pansexual.
District: "I come from Elmdale Village in District Two. It's my home, and I love it more than anyplace else... other than the camp I shared with my fellow Careers." Olive's chilly homeland is located in what was once British Columbia (Canada).
Age: "I was seventeen when I left home to become a Career."

Voice type: Mezzo-soprano
Appearance: Olive shares the same straight dark hair, warm beige skintone, and mahogany eyes as his sister, but that's where the resemblance ends. He stands at 5'4", a head shorter than her. Although he's just as trim and athletic, there's a certain softness to his features that Willow lacks. Maybe it's his round face or the gentler contours of his figure. Whatever it is, Olive looks much more approachable compared to his sibling - his charming smile wins others over while Willow's emotionless glare only scared them away.
Personality: "As Mia's co-leader, I take my job very seriously! I do my best to be polite and proper. Although, to be honest, I'm not always super serious and uptight. I like to have fun, too." Responsible and mature, Olive is constantly thinking of how his actions impact others around him. Sure, he's not perfect when it comes to gauging their potential reactions, but he's more than happy to correct any mistakes he makes. That's what matters most to him. He tries to stay positive, but sometimes his inner worry spirals into all sorts of worst-case scenarios. The world can be a frightening place when this sort of thing happens unexpectedly, but Olive tries not to let it hold him back. All he wants to do is help his friends and do his best. Hopefully, in the end, his best will be enough.
Crush: "Mia. She's my best friend, my partner... when I'm with her, I feel like I'm not afraid of anything. I'm so proud of her for winning. Out of everyone I know, she's the strongest - even strong enough to handle the pain that comes with being a victor." When your entire life was spent learning to sacrifice yourself, it's hard to relearn how to live again. Olive is so proud that Mia did exactly that.

Alliance: "I'm a Career." Olive's district partner Mia led the alliance. The other members were Gardenia and Adam of District One, and Kindle and Noah of District Four.
Reaped or volunteered: "I remember the day I volunteered... my heart felt like it would pound out of its chest. Funny enough, I wasn't scared of death, just scared of the public speaking part... but I told myself to be brave. This wasn't just about me, it was about upholding a promise to protect the children of District Two. And I did it. I looked the Capitol escort in the eye and told her, 'I volunteer as tribute.' "
Parade outfit: "It was a little creepy, but I liked the... what do they call it? The 'vibe'?" Olive's costume was based off a morbid District Two folk legend. A lonely child, raised by mountain goats and left to fend for themself, wandered the northern mountains until their body grew weak and cold. As their feeble shivers began to subside, the child called out for help. The spirit of the mountains took pity on the shivering child and turned them into a pillar of stone. Now, when a traveler lost in the mountains comes across a certain stone pillar, they are asked to wrap their arms around it in a comforting hug. They might hear a child's whisper telling them the right direction to head next. Likewise, Olive wore a stone pillar-like dress with layers of different sedimentary rock, and he was instructed to point in one direction the whole time.
Interview angle: "I was nice and polite, or at least I tried. Hopefully I wasn't too annoying!" Olive talked the interviewer's ears off. Whenever he was asked a simple question, he'd elaborate on even the most insignificant details. While his sister, Willow, talked in clipped and curt sentences, Olive's phrases flowed endlessly like a run-on stream.

Alignment: Lawful good
Weapon of choice: "This scarf is actually my weapon. I promise I'm not messing with you." Olive has mastered the unconventional skill of defending himself with cloth. No opponent expects him to disable their sword using a scarf, sash, or cape, then proceed to bind them up in its folds. It's just so weird and unrealistic-seeming that nobody knows how to react. He also has experience wielding swords, knives, and spears, basic knowledge for a Career, in case he's trapped in a situation that requires a lethal answer.
Fatal flaw: "I'm too sentimental. I once cried because there was a stone bird figurine in the store, and it was marked half price... no one would buy it because its left wing was chipped off, but I... I just... anyway, Mia took me back to the store so I could buy it. I took it home and named it Maisie..." Olive has a tendency to monologue. Get him to talk about his emotions, and he'll spill his entire life story even in the middle of a battle. He's also a worrywart, so fuel his fears if you want to defeat him easier.

Mentor: "Lily Brie. I heard she has children of her own now, and she's moved on from being a mentor."
Training score: "I scored nine. What I did was a little, uh, too daring... but it was fun." The Gamemakers originally wanted to give Olive a laughably low score. His sword, spear, and knife skills were basic for a Career, and he lacked the brawniness or nimbleness to distinguish himself physically. When Olive challenged one of them to a duel, offering to face them with nothing but a cape he'd made of the lunchtime tablecloth, a Gamemaker Camilla was happy to take up a sword against him. She wasn't expecting this scrawny underdog to disarm and incapacitate her almost instantly. All the other Gamemakers voted to increase Olive's score to a proper Career number.
Death: "My killer, Sierra, wasn't like the other tributes who were just fighting to get home. She toyed with us, laughed at our helplessness... she tried to kill Mia in front of me so I'd be forced to watch her die. But I wouldn't let that happen." Olive took it upon himself to watch out for atrocities in the bloodbath. It didn't take long for Garish Hastings of District Five to brutalize another boy so horrifically, even Olive with all his Career training felt faint at the sight. With a disappointed shake of his head, Olive plucked a spear from the mess and approached the dying tribute. He made a quick mental note to strike down that aptly-named Garish the next time they crossed paths.
Once the bloodbath was over, Olive and his district partner Mia led the way through the snow. The blazing holiday lights eventually led them to an even more well-decorated wood cabin, the sight of which brought a smile to Olive's face. Mia did a quick investigation to ensure it was safe before beckoning her allies inside. Without a second's hesitation, Olive kicked off his shoes and ran to the kitchen, ransacking the fridge until he'd found all the ingredients necessary to cook the best Careers' Christmas meal.

Soon, dinner was ready and Olive called all the Careers into the dining hall. He finished up preparing the table just as they all took their seats. In his heart, he hoped the other tributes were able to find cabins just like this one, with fridges crammed full of scrumptious food. It wouldn't be right for them to starve or freeze out there. Olive promised himself that if one such desperate tribute showed up at their doorstep, he'd feed them and care for them until they recovered. He was a Career, a trained killer, but there was no honor in allowing a child to succumb miserably to the elements. Speaking of honor...

"I would like to thank you all for being here," said Olive once he'd poured everyone a glass of juice. "As Careers, we've sacrificed so much to reach this point - including the promise of our futures. I think that bonds us in a special way, even if it is a little morbid." He raised his glass in the beginnings of a toast. "So, here's to the Career alliance. May our blades be swift and our battles be won with honor."
"To the Careers!" came the echo as his allies clinked their cups against his. Olive smiled, then took a long sip of his orange juice.

Later that night, the Careers couldn't decide who would take watch, so they all stayed up together to make new year's resolutions. Olive's resolution was to become braver, which surprised most of his allies except for Mia. A sheepish smile crossed his face as he realized he'd accidentally given off an impression of this mature, steadfast co-leader who wasn't scared of anything.

"Yeah, about that... I once shrieked looking in the mirror at night because of the color of my own eyes. And another time, my hair was super frizzy and the shadow it cast looked too much like a spider..." He confessed as Mia clutched her tummy with laughter.
The Careers shared stories through the night, ranging from ridiculous to heartwarming. Laughter filled the cabin even as the blizzard raged outside. Only when mutts began to ram against the cabin's exterior did the Careers decide to call it quits, with most of them scrambling to barricade the windows. Gardenia and Adam remained in the living room to keep the fireplace burning.
Once Olive and the others were finished, they returned to the hearth - only to find dying embers and the cold bodies of both District One tributes. Sounds of shock and outrage filled the room, but Olive could only stare in silence at the throwing knives lodged in Adam's body. A sword slash to the neck had cut his life short, and judging from the sparseness of blood drawn from the knives, whoever mutilated his body had done it despite him already being dead. As for Gardenia, her wounds resembled those of the tribute battered by Garish in the bloodbath. The shattered window and broken barricade suggested that the intruders broke in that way, and it obviously wasn't the reindeer mutts...

"Be on guard. We're not alone in here anymore," Olive warned, trying not to tremble as he made eye contact with each of his allies. He quite nearly fainted from terror as a desperate flurry of knocks sounded from the back door. Scarf in one hand, spear in the other, Olive approached the door with his allies in tow. When he opened it, a tiny boy from District Seven staggered inside and collapsed.
Olive reacted on instinct. Dropping his spear, he knelt beside the child and pulled him into his arms. Mia crouched by his side, the fire in her eyes replaced by an uncommon gentleness, and the District Four tributes continued to stand guard behind them.

"They attacked us," sobbed the small tribute, burying his face in Olive's scarf. "They k-killed my district partner... made me watch..."
"Who?" Mia demanded as the familiar flames returned to her gaze. "They'll regret this!"
"Sierra... Sierra and Garish." The boy's cries began to subside as his breathing slowed. Olive held his breath, expecting a cannon, but it seemed like the small tribute had just fallen asleep. And now that the Careers knew who they were dealing with...
"Kindle and Noah, can you watch him in the guest room?" Olive asked. As Kindle picked up the boy and carried him off, Olive made intense eye contact with Mia. After a lifetime playing pretend, hunting down fake villains to deal justice, it was time for the real thing.
"So, it's time for torturer hunting." Mia's grip tightened around her giant axe, and Olive nodded in reply.

They scoured every corner of their once-cozy cabin home only to find Garish's body in the basement. One of Sierra's throwing knives protruded from his chest, and his face was frozen in an expression of mild surprise. Olive froze in his tracks at the chilling sight. This was once his sworn enemy - barbaric, twisted Garish who tormented his victims like the killers from low-budget horror films. Now he, too, had fallen victim to his own ally's knives. Just how horrible was this Sierra figure?
"She... s-she killed her own ally too..."
Horror turned to panic as the acrid tang of smoke reached his nose. Thankfully, Mia gripped Olive's arm before he could completely freak out. "Calm down. We have to warn the others now," she told him in a firm, clear voice that restored some sanity to the world.
The smoke thickened into dark, billowing clouds as they returned to the main floor. Through coughs, Olive cried out to the floor above.
"Fire! Kindle, Noah, get out - and take the kid!" Hunger Games or not, it didn't matter. He wouldn't leave that child to burn.

Mia and Olive crawled to the front door, only to find it jammed shut. They hadn't barricaded it, so Sierra and Garish must have sabotaged them on purpose. Fighting the exhaustion that weighed down his whole body, Olive followed Mia back to the living room where they could hopefully escape through the broken window. They arrived only for the most cruel giggle to pierce the smoke-filled room.

"Nice weather, isn't it? A little too warm for me," Sierra taunted, mocking them from just outside the window. A silver flash alerted Olive to the incoming knife, but his body felt heavy and he couldn't escape its path. The blade pierced his leg with a blinding jolt of pain. Mia snarled something murderous at Sierra, but Olive couldn't hear her over the dreadful ringing in his ears.
"Please," he instinctively grabbed Mia's shoulder. "You have to leave... leave me. I'm dead either way. Take Sierra down."
"No!" Mia snapped, jerking away. "I'm not leaving you here to burn to death, even if I have to carry you out."
Olive opened his mouth to protest - if she tried to carry him, the smoke might suffocate her too. But before he could say a word, another knife came careening in their direction. He threw himself over his district partner, shielding her from the airborne blade that embedded itself into his back instead. The last thing he heard was Mia's shriek of grief and rage: "Olive, you idiot!"

Olive's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 8th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Adam: Olive loves Adam's honesty and straightforward communication style, it reminds him of home.
【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Gardenia: Although she and Olive don't have much in common, she's still his Career sister.
【 D2 ◆ ♡ 】 Mia: Olive's best friend and partner. He's proud of her for winning, but also misses her.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Noah: A good friend. All sorts of interesting topics come up between them in conversation.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Kindle: Seemed intimidating at first, but inside she's loyal and loving. Her heart must be from District Two.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Garish: Olive hated this torturer ever since he had to clean up after him in the bloodbath.
【 D6 ◇ ✘ 】 Sierra: Even worse torturer. Teamed up with Garish, betrayed him, then slaughtered almost everyone else.
【 D7 ◈ ✓ 】 Teddy: Olive felt compelled to protect this poor child from the moment he arrived at the Careers' doorstep.
【 D7 ◈ ✓ 】 June: Teddy's district partner. Olive later learned she protected him with her life.


【 ✿ 】 Lily: Olive's mentor. She's incredibly strong and loyal, and he respects her greatly.
【 ✿ 】 Willow: Olive's older sister who might seem intimidating, but she's really just a plush.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sun Jun 05, 2022 5:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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➵ Kindle Hadrian

Postby SunnyJustice » Sun May 23, 2021 4:35 pm

Kindle Hadrian
the wayward daughter
Career of the 8th Hunger Games

Full name: "Kindle Hadrian. What do you want?"
Gender: "Female."
Sexuality: "What? I don't care." She is demisexual and doesn't care about gender, only friendship.
District: "Four, but I think my ancestors come from Two."
Age: "Eighteen."

Voice type: Alto
Appearance: Kindle is athletic and physically imposing, with wide shoulders and hips and a statuesque height of 5'11". She has fiery eyes often described as orange, amber, or even gold, but she doesn't really care what you call them. Her black hair is cut so badly that it looks like someone ran it over with a lawnmower. Training scars decorate her once-pale skin, now richly tanned thanks to the southern District Four sun. Since she comes from the warmest part of the vast fishing district, she gets cold easily in cooler climates.
Personality: "..." Kindle always gets embarrassed when people compare her to stereotypical dark, brooding characters in movies, but it's true. She comes off as this giant grumpy porcupine who's all bitter at the world or something like that. While Kindle does have a bad temper, she isn't a heartless jerk at all - just has no idea how to socialize and ends up accidentally being rude. Once she comes out of her shell, she reveals her loyal and loving side. The real Kindle just wants to protect her friends.
Partner: "Noah. He carved me a promise ring and everything."

Alliance: "The Careers. They're... my friends." Kindle and her district partner Noah were part of the Careers, led by Mia and Olive of District Two. They were also joined by Gardenia and Adam of District One.
Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered."
Parade outfit: "..." Kindle was a giant boat with 'Noah's Ark' written on the side, and her district partner Noah was... Noah.
Interview angle: "They wouldn't shut up." She found the bright stage lights, loud audience, and rapid-fire questions incredibly overwhelming. It took all her patience to restrain herself from lashing out at the interviewer.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Weapon of choice: "Sword."
Fatal flaw: "..." Kindle is very physically strong, but when it comes to anything intellectual or emotional, let's just say she's a whole disaster. She still doesn't understand why baking food at 250 C for one hour will make it nice and soft, but baking the same food at 500 C for half an hour causes it to burn. As for the emotional side, she has a hard time even understanding her own feelings.

Mentor: "Edmund. Naomi was his assistant - she won the year after him."
Training score: "Ten." Her physical strength and weaponry skills wowed the Gamemakers, although they were terrified when the noise level began to agitate her. Thankfully she calmed down once the Gamemakers fell silent out of fear.
Death: "..." The sixty-second countdown felt like torture as bitter cold gripped Kindle's body. Once the bloodbath began, adding noise and chaos to the torment, she picked up the nearest sword and rushed into the Cornucopia. There, she sat down on a crate and took deep breaths to properly prepare herself for this battle. Her peace was short-lived - a tall silhouette appeared in the Cornucopia's mouth, gripping a sword twice the size of her own. The tribute rushed forward, blade ready to slash and kill.
As Kindle parried her attacker's blade with her own, the resulting clash of metal sent pain jolting through her head.
"Shut up!" She cried out, lashing out with a flurry of slices. The tribute collapsed in the snow where Kindle finished them off with a final swing of her blade. Breathing heavily, she stared down in horror at the sight, then threw her bloodied sword aside. She never wanted to see that thing again. Instead, she pried the motionless tribute's greatsword from their stiff hands. This would be her weapon now. Granting new life to the blade wielded by her fallen adversary was the right thing to do, even if it wouldn't heal the wounds she'd inflicted on its wielder.
Once the bloodbath ended, Kindle followed the District Two tributes' lead. She didn't much care where they were going, as long as it didn't involve sleeping in the snow. To her surprise, their journey took them to a wooden cabin, their salvation from the cold. Maybe this arena wasn't the worst thing in the world after all... but she couldn't get too optimistic yet. As the Careers filed in, Kindle volunteered to investigate the cabin with her leader, Mia. She suspected some sort of horrible trap lurked inside their new home.
After a long patrol session, Mia and Kindle found nothing dangerous within the cabin's premises. Reindeer mutts with glowing noses prowled around outside, but none of them seemed interested in breaking in. Maybe this place really was safe.

Soon, it was time for dinner, at which Olive made a heartfelt speech about Career kinship and honor. Kindle didn't really know what to say, but thankfully her words weren't needed. All the Careers raised their cups alongside Olive's to clink together. For once, Kindle recognized this cue and joined in, bumping her glass of orange juice against all the others.
Later, as Olive served them all dessert, Kindle's wooden necklace felt heavy against her chest. She decided this was an appropriate time to tell everyone where she got that necklace. After all, it might bolster that same Career kinship for alliances of the future. Once the academies learned the grisly fate of Clark Taylor, traitor to the Careers, they'd never dare to send a potentially traitorous Career into the games again. How could they, knowing traitors never truly won? So she told her alliance everything - Clark's deception, his traitorous deeds, his return to the district and subsequent death by beating. And all of Panem heard it too.
Kindle tore her necklace off and slammed it on the table.
"How do I know? I was part of the mob that beat him down. This necklace... I cut it from Clark's spear after we smashed it to pieces. He never really won; we killed him the night he came back."
"In a way, that's reassuring. Even if a Career wins by betraying, they can never really win..." Olive echoed her thoughts with such accuracy, she was tempted to ask if he'd read her mind. "Only true Careers can."
"Exactly. It's why I told you. Your... sappy speech..." Kindle's voice fell to an awkward mumble. "You were right. We do have something special. And I want it to stay that way for Careers in the future, because..." How could she put it into words? Apart from Noah, her only company back home was the catfish in the pond out back. Now, for the first time, she had something like a family.

As midnight approached, the Careers gathered in the living room to share their new year's resolutions. Kindle listened silently, offering encouragement in the form of small nods or long, patient blinks, until the room fell silent. Five pairs of warm, expectant eyes turned in her direction. Thankfully they didn't make direct eye contact, Kindle didn't think she could bear it, but... the anticipation in their eyes carried enough weight in itself. She knew what this meant. Knew what they were all waiting for.
So, she took a deep breath.
"My resolution... is to become a better person. Ever since we all met in training, I felt like I finally had a place. A home. You've shown me nothing but kindness and friendship. It's about time I return the favor."
She pulled the other Careers into a group hug, which wasn't difficult considering most of them were half her size. They fit perfectly into her arms. When Kindle finally pulled away, she felt her district partner slip something into her hand. Opening her palm revealed Noah's tribute token, metal and wood intertwined to form an intricately carved ring. "Did you drop your token?"
"It's a promise ring," Noah admitted, shyly gazing at her through long eyelashes. "I made it for you, Kindle."
"... It's beautiful," Kindle murmured. Face glowing with warmth, she gently slipped Noah's creation onto her ring finger, then clasped his hands with her own. "You're the best Christmas present I could wish for, Noah."

Huddled by the fire, the Careers exchanged ridiculous and heartwarming stories all throughout the night, their laughter beating back the deadly chill that threatened to seep through the cabin's walls. Kindle didn't want it to end, but those dreaded reindeer mutts began to slam their bodies against the little cabin. Gardenia and Adam stayed behind to keep the fire going while Kindle and the others rushed around, barricading windows with whatever they could find. Once they finished, the Careers regrouped in the living room, only to discover Adam and Gardenia's bodies slumped in front of an extinguished fireplace. Shards of the broken window littered the floor.
"Who did this?" Kindle roared, grip tightening around her longsword. Her anger only grew as someone knocked on the back door. Olive slowly approached the door to open it, but Kindle was right behind him, sword ready to strike. He pulled it open to reveal a small, sobbing fourteen-year-old boy who collapsed at their feet. The sorry sight caused all of Kindle's fighting spirit to melt away. As the kid cried into Olive's arms, the truth came out: He'd been viciously attacked by Sierra and Garish. Those dastardly tributes were probably the unknown murderers who'd broken into the Careers' cabin, too, and Kindle felt some of her anger return.
"Kindle and Noah, can you watch him in the guest room?" Olive asked, handing the now-asleep boy over.
With a brisk nod, Kindle took the kid into her arms - he felt so light and fragile - and followed Noah upstairs to the largest bedroom. They tucked the sleeping boy into the blankets like their own child.

When Kindle smelled smoke, she assumed Olive and Mia had re-lit the fire. Maybe they'd already hunted down the murder culprits and the Careers could finally get some sleep. A giggle from the hallway shattered her hopes - none of the Careers had a voice that shrill. She whirled around just in time to see Sierra of District Six fling several throwing knives in their direction. Kindle instinctively moved to shield Noah and the child, and white-hot pain blinded her as blades pierced her back. Gritting her teeth, she spun around to face Sierra once again, only to find she'd disappeared. Tongues of fire licked at the doorway - that bilge rat was starting fires, too. She heard Olive raise the alarm from the floor below, but it was already too late.

"Noah, get out and take the kid," Kindle muttered, shaking her district partner. Why wouldn't he move? With sinking horror, her eyes strayed to Sierra's blade embedded in his temple. I was too late... it's too late for both of us now.
But maybe I can still save someone else.
Swallowing the scream of grief and pain, Kindle limped to the window and shattered it to smithereens with her greatsword. As her vision began to fade, she crawled back to the child's bedside and shook him awake. His dark eyes, wide with shock, were the last things she saw before smoke and darkness swept away her sight. She sunk to the floor, clutching Noah's promise ring to her chest until the roaring fire and her pounding heart both faded into silence.

Kindle's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 8th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Adam: One of Kindle's beloved fellow Careers. They have little in common, but she'd die for him.
【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Gardenia: Kindle's sister-in-arms. Again, they're very different, but incredibly loyal to each other.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Olive: Kindle finds him comforting. He's anxious himself, but always tries to soothe others' anxieties...
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Mia: The Careers' tough and badass leader. Kindle looks up to her even though Mia's like two heads shorter.
【 D4 ◆ ♡ 】 Noah: He was Kindle's only friend back home, and their feelings blossomed into something else.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Garish: Some rude, brutish torturer. Kindle would love to pummel his face in.
【 D6 ◇ ✘ 】 Sierra: Kindle hates her torturous atrocities, her smug face, and especially her ear-piercing voice.
【 D7 ◈ ✿ 】 Teddy: He's officially Kindle and Noah's child now. No escaping mama bear.
【 D7 ◈ ✓ 】 June: Teddy's little girlfriend. Apparently she saved his life, so Kindle approves of her.


【 ✓ 】 Edmund: Kindle respects her mentor even if the two had trouble communicating sometimes.
【 ✿ 】 Naomi: Noah's twin sister and Kindle's only other friend back home. She loves Naomi.
【 ✿ 】 Chaska: A Career friend from the 20th Games. They met during a spar in the afterlife.

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➵ Teddy Bernardo

Postby SunnyJustice » Tue May 25, 2021 5:04 pm

Teddy Bernardo
the teddy bear
Tribute of the 8th Hunger Games

Full name: "My name is Teddy Bernardo. Well, it used to be Ted, but I just liked 'Teddy' better."
Gender: "I'm a guy."
Sexuality: "Oh... well, I honestly have no idea." He's bisexual, female leaning.
District: "I come from District Seven. It's a nice place if you can get over the cold. The people there are really good at heart."
Age: "I was fourteen when I died. Sorry if that sounds creepy."

Voice type: Baritone
Appearance: Teddy stands at 5'8" with an heavyset but unmuscular figure, and a rich black complexion that glows with a warm undertone. He looks like his namesake teddy bear with soulful doe-eyes and a soft smile. His black hair, cut short and neat, brings out his round cheeks and gentle face. During his time in the arena, he was far smaller and scrawnier, barely skimming the five-foot mark.
Personality: "I think I'm pretty average. I'm a little quiet, I like people but not large crowds of 'em, and I try not to show strong emotions but sometimes hiding it isn't really possible." Teddy doesn't like to stand out much. He'll talk but he prefers to listen, and he'll patiently listen to others rant for hours if that's what they need from him. Overall he's pretty calm and mellow, not easily angered even in the case of severe injustices. He had a tendency to panic and freak out in his youth, but now he's much better at controlling it.
Crush: "June. She saved my life, and on a more everyday level I just like being around her."

Alliance: "I went with my district partner, June. She made me feel safe... until Sierra and Garish broke in and killed her in front of me. I got desperate, so I ran to the the 'lesser of two evils', the Careers. Turns out they weren't even evil... they took me in, sheltered me, risked everything to protect me and avenge June even though we were strangers. I consider myself a pacifist, and even I couldn't understand why someone would be so nice in the Hunger Games." The Careers treated him like their own child.
Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped. On that day, June promised to protect me... I'll never forget it."
Parade outfit: "They made me into a stereotypical lumberjack." Teddy looked ridiculous in a red-and-black plaid shirt, stuffed with shoulder pads and fake abs underneath to make him look really ripped. Large black straps looped over his shoulders and down to his belt. A fluffy winter hat sat atop his head, making him uncomfortably hot in the warm Capitol weather, but even worse were the giant moustache and beard strapped to his face. They even made him carry a real axe.
Interview angle: "I tried to blend in, but not too much - I didn't want the audience to think I was hiding something." Teddy answered the questions with quiet, flavorless answers. People started to doze off during his interview.

Alignment: Neutral good
Weapon of choice: "I don't use weapons, not really. The axe is just for show."
Fatal flaw: "I freeze up when there's danger. Instead of fight or flight, I just stand there, trapped in my own head as I'm like forced to watch it all happen. That's what got me killed."

Mentor: "I didn't have one... District Seven had no victor at the time."
Training score: "Three. It's exactly what I wanted: below average, but not too low." He didn't show any interesting skills in training, nor did he make himself look excessively weak. Either being too good or too bad would draw attention.
Death: "The Careers did everything to save me, but I died anyway because I was too scared to follow Mia's instructions. It's a little embarrassing." The arena's chilly weather and snow-covered ground reminded Teddy of home, but the feeling didn't last long. As soon as the bloodbath begun, he snatched a backpack close to the edge, then fled from the carnage before anyone even noticed he'd taken something. He hid in the boughs of a snowy pine tree until June came to fetch him.
Together, Teddy and June wandered the snowy forest until they came across a cozy-looking wooden cabin. Now that they'd overcome the immediate threat of succumbing to the elements, June became preoccupied with cleaning the floor. Teddy left her in peace and went to explore the kitchen. There he found a wealth of food, from frozen turkey to gravy with little potato chunks floating in it. He didn't tell June, deciding instead to cook dinner for her as a nice surprise.

A few hours in, Teddy's hearty supper was almost complete. He'd just removed the turkey from the oven when the sound of shattering glass made him freeze in place. Trembling in fear, he turned around to see a six-foot-two tribute grinning at him, bladed nunchucks gleaming in his hands. It was Garish from District Five, the brute who'd scored ten in training and towered over all six Careers. Teddy opened his mouth to warn June, but no sound came out. The tribute grabbed Teddy like a ragdoll. Helpless and unable to escape, he could only struggle feebly as Garish dragged him down the hallway.
Once they reached the staircase, Garish threw Teddy to the ground and planted a foot on his back.
In horror, Teddy craned his head up to witness Sierra of District Six pinning down his district partner. "June!" He shrieked, reaching for her, but Garish cut him off by putting more weight on his back. Teddy could only wheeze helplessly as he tried to struggle free.
"Teddy, get out of here! Go for help!" June cried out as Sierra raised her knife. "Find the Careers-"
With a sob, he squeezed his eyes shut as that horrible killer brought her blade down. When June's cannon fired, Teddy expected the murderers to turn on him next, but Garish just kicked him aside. Teddy stared up at them in horror.
"You have connections with those high and mighty Careers, huh? That's hilarious," Sierra taunted, then kicked June's motionless body. "Merry Christmas and a happy new year!" With that, she and Garish left the cabin, slamming the door behind them.

Teddy stayed on the floor, curled up in a ball as hiccuping sobs escaped him. Why hadn't they killed him instead of June? Even as the question crossed his mind, he already knew the answer: he stood no chance. They were right, there was nothing he could do.
Then, it dawned on him. June's last wish was for him to seek out the Careers. Maybe she was bluffing, it didn't make sense to deliver himself into trained killers' hands, but Teddy couldn't help but consider it. Even if they did kill him, what difference would it make? At least they'd do it quickly, a blessing in these horrible, cruel games. Teddy closed his eyes and whispered a shaky goodbye to June, then set off into the cold. He didn't look back. The last time he'd seen the cabin from outside, the world seemed so much more hopeful.
Teddy struggled through the snow, following the lights for hours before he finally reached another cabin. This one was all barricaded up, probably thanks to the out-of-control reindeer mutts prowling around. Even the mutts didn't bother with Teddy as he circled around to the back door. Praying this was the Careers, he knocked with all the strength left in his cold body.
The door flew open, revealing the tense tributes from Districts Two and Four. They stared at Teddy in shock as he stumbled inside and collapsed. He half expected them to end his misery right then and there, but instead they lowered their weapons. Olive, the boy from District Two, knelt down and pulled Teddy into his arms. The warmth of a fellow human's embrace was enough to bring out the tears. Overwhelmed by the unexpected kindness, he buried his face in the Career's chest as uncontrollable sobs shook his small body.

"They attacked us," Teddy told the Careers between sobs. "They k-killed my district partner... made me watch..."
"Who?" Snarled the District Two girl, little Mia with her gigantic axe. "They'll regret this!"
Between the Careers' kindness and genuine rage, Teddy began to feel truly safe at last. Those cruel tributes' taunts didn't seem quite as daunting now that he'd found himself in the Careers' care. June was right, coming here was the best choice he could ever make. "Sierra... Sierra and Garish," Teddy murmured as his eyes slid shut. Although the exhaustion was finally catching up to him, he wasn't scared anymore. Sierra and Garish were the ones who stood no chance against these trained killers, these hitmen with surprisingly big hearts. They'd avenge June, they'd keep him safe from harm.
The last thought that crossed his mind before sleep claimed him was:
I never thought I'd be dozing off in a Career's arms.

Teddy woke to shattered glass and a desperate hand shaking his shoulder. His eyes shot open in horror - smoke wreathed around the room from the fire already consuming the doorway. Kindle met his gaze with a determined look before she sank to the floor, revealing the three knives embedded in her back. Sierra did this, Teddy thought with a gasp as the cannon fired.
Coughing, he crawled out of his blankets. Another weak sob escaped him. The Careers had kept him safe, even tucked him into bed like their child, only to die horribly for their misplaced kindness. As he struggled to the broken window, he nearly tripped over another Career's body. Nausea gripped his stomach. Sierra and Garish were killing them and it was all his fault, his fault for coming here.
Before the smoke and fire could overwhelm him, Teddy dragged himself through the window and let himself fall into the snow-laden bushes below. They didn't break his fall as much as he liked. Groaning, he forced himself to limp away from the burning cabin. Once he'd made it a fair distance away, he collapsed in the snow and stayed there. All he could do was stare blankly at the Careers' ruined home.

"Oh, teddy boy!" Came Sierra's sing-song voice squealing through the snow. Teddy scrambled to his feet, but a knife hit him in the shoulder before he could run. Then another in his stomach, bringing him to his knees with a feeble sob. The cold did almost nothing to numb this stabbing pain. He made one last effort to crawl away, but the sight of Sierra's smirk approaching him was enough to extinguish his will to fight. Crumpling into the snow, he waited for the end.
Teddy's eyes widened as Mia burst out of the bushes.
"Leave him!" roared the surviving Career, swinging her axe at Sierra. His head swam with confusion. He'd led death and destruction to the Careers' cabin, yet she still wanted to defend him... why?
"Oh, another bug to squish," hissed the knife-wielding thug as she leaped away nimbly. This taunt fueled Mia's fire even more, and again she lunged forward, keeping Sierra on the defensive. The two girls battled until the smaller one finally gained the upper hand. Wordlessly, Mia beheaded the torturer with one swing of her axe. A cannon marked the end of Sierra's murderous reign.
The Career dropped the weapon and rushed to Teddy's side, rage fading to worry as she knelt beside him. Mia's steady hands pulled his head into her lap, cradling him like a child.
"You're safe now," she assured him as his vision began to fade.
Somehow, he wasn't afraid anymore. As he curled up in the Career's warm arms, his mind wandered to memories of home, gnarled fruit trees, leaves swaying in the breeze, a small hand scratching a dog behind her ear.
Pa always said 'we don't deserve dogs', he thought, smiling up at Mia even though he could no longer see her face. Maybe it should be 'we don't deserve Careers.'

Teddy's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 8th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◈ ▣ 】 Adam: Teddy finds this little fellow a tad intimidating, but he doesn't dislike him.
【 D1 ◈ ✓ 】 Gardenia: She's a good Career even if Teddy isn't friends with her personally. He respects her.
【 D2 ◈ ✿ 】 Olive: He welcomed Teddy into the Careers' home without question. That kindness will never be forgotten.
【 D2 ◈ ✿ 】 Mia: Teddy is so glad she won. With her kindness and bravery, she deserves the world.
【 D4 ◈ ✿ 】 Noah: He's Teddy's 'Career dad', whatever that means. It's like a dad but with extra murdery steps.
【 D4 ◈ ✿ 】 Kindle: Teddy's very intimidating but also very huggable Career mum.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Garish: He's horrifying. Teddy doesn't have much else to say about this guy.
【 D6 ◇ ✘ 】 Sierra: Even more evil than Garish, this out-of-control murderer seemed hellbent on tormenting Teddy.
【 D7 ◆ ♡ 】 June: Teddy and June have mutually big crushes on each other.


【 ✿ 】 Treech: Teddy's older brother back home. He often wonders how he's doing.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Thu May 27, 2021 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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➵ 9th Hunger Games

Postby SunnyJustice » Tue May 25, 2021 5:24 pm


The 9th Games featured a series of dark, damp tunnels and chambers buried deep underground. Flickering lanterns illuminated the walls initially, but those ran out of fuel by the first night. The arena itself was an ever-shifting maze with multiple layers and dead ends. Passages and floors would often collapse, plunging a tribute deeper into the cavern depths.
Subterranean mutts prowled the tunnels, most of them weak annoyances except for the mutated, ten-foot glowworms lining the ceiling of the largest cavern. This year's event focused not on the mutts but on the horror of the arena itself: cramped spaces, unpredictable footing, lack of light and direction all combined to wreak havoc on tributes' senses.

Kipling Hannes • career • D1 • male • 17
Anise Adashi • career • D2 • female • 18
Haden Gardener • career • D4 • male • 18
Sophie Garde • career • D4 • female • 18
Garry Woods • victor • D7 • male • 15

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➵ Kipling Hannes

Postby SunnyJustice » Thu May 27, 2021 4:23 pm

Kipling Hannes
the carefree idealist
Career of the 9th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hi there! I'm Kipling Hannes, but you can call me Kip if you want."
Gender: "I'm a guy!"
Sexuality: "Well, I've had crushes on at least three genders..." He is pansexual.
District: "District One! Not all of us have a super flashy fashion sense, but I know I live up to that stereotype."
Age: "I'm seventeen!" In the afterlife, he let himself age up to nineteen and then stopped.

Voice type: Alto
Appearance: Kipling stands at 5'6". He's lean and athletic, with long, strong legs built for running great distances. His narrow frame and slim shoulders hide the true extent of his strength gained from a lifetime of training. He has curly black hair that brushes his shoulders, warm amber eyes, and a rich black complexion with an umber undertone. When he smiles, his entire face lights up in joy.
Personality: "I don't know! It's hard to describe yourself." Sweet Kipling would befriend the entire world if he could. He adores the friends he already has, and while he can be clingy or annoying at times, he means no harm. Unless you're committing some injustice, it's hard to upset him: he takes both compliments and insults in stride. Compliments make him feel nice while the insults point out areas that needs work. Generally, he just breezes through life without a care. Even victors grow old eventually. In Kipling's eyes, it's important to enjoy the time you have instead of squandering it all on useless things like 'worrying'.
Crush: "Uhh... I kind of like James!"

Alliance: "Of course I'm a Career!" Kipling's allies are Anise and James of District Two, Sophie and Haden of District Four, and his district partner Laelia. Anise led the alliance.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered. It was super dramatic, I made a whole speech and everything."
Parade outfit: "Umm, I'm sure the stylist tried his best!" They dressed Kipling up as a nurse, since District One's 'luxury' industry includes medicine. Proper healthcare is apparently considered a luxury in this world and it bothers him.
Interview angle: "Well, the interviewer was friendly so we got along well." Kipling half forgot it was a formal interview... he spent the whole time engaging in friendly, casual conversation.

Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon of choice: "A shortsword or two would be nice. I can use bigger ones, but I don't prefer them if that makes sense?"
Fatal flaw: "My biggest weakness? Food. I've always wondered if northern District Four sushi tastes different from southern District Four sushi..." Kipling is slow to react when he's occupied with something else. This is what got him killed.

Mentor: "Amber Soare. I always got the impression she really wanted another District One tribute to win so she could hand over the job and go home. Nowadays, I hear Licaria has taken over and Amber finally gets to do whatever she wants."
Training score: "Eight. Pretty good!" Kipling got a solid Career score, though he didn't stand out compared to other Careers.
Death: "It was a surprise! I didn't see that coming." At first, Kipling didn't realize his pedestal had arrived in the arena. Darkness surrounded the cavern, broken only by the rare lantern flickering on a stony wall. An uneasy grin spread across his face as he realized this was it. Not what he'd been expecting or hoping for, but he would manage.
Once the bloodbath started, he rushed for the nearest metallic object. It turned out to be a sword. Plucking it from the cold earth, he scanned the cavern for attacking tributes and found none. Most of the poor souls stumbled around in the dark, arms outstretched as they tried to navigate. Accidental collisions between tributes led to desperate, crazed fights, both parties clawing and wrestling until one of them stopped moving. Kipling's shoulders drooped with despair at the sight.
A tiny tribute ran into him from behind and shrieked, cowering behind trembling hands. Even with his training, Kipling didn't have the heart to kill them, so he gently took their shoulder and spun them around.
"That way," he told them, pointing his sword towards the nearest tunnel. The tribute didn't need to be told twice. Without another word, they bolted into the darkness.

After what felt like eternity, the bloodbath drew to a close. Kipling helped his fellow Careers gather supplies, then followed Anise's lead down the dimly-lit tunnels. As they walked, the Careers made light of the situation, telling jokes so corny they probably woke Acacia from her grave.
"What type of music does a cave-Career listen to? Rock!" Kipling contributed, eliciting a round of groans.
"I'd say you're killing me," snorted Sophie of District Four, "but we're already more than six feet under."

Once the Careers ran out of corny jokes, James from District Two approached Kipling to quietly ask a question. "So, what do you think of this year's arena? It's certainly a new style for the Gamemakers!"
"Well, I can't say my honest opinion: We're on television and my mom will hear. I'll be grounded for sure," Kipling laughed, sneaking in one last horrible pun to hide his quickening pulse. "On the bright side... it's almost kind of cozy? We all get to stick close together like family. Not that we have much choice with how narrow these tunnels are."
As the Careers passed a fork in the tunnel, Kipling turned his head at a strange noise. The distracted boy failed to notice the shadow lurking behind a stalagmite until it was too late. All he saw was a flash of a sharpened axe before pain erupted in his neck, and a moment later the world went dark.

Kipling's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 9th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Laelia: Kipling's district partner who's like an older sister to him.
【 D2 ◆ ♡ 】 James: A sweet, handsome fellow with eyes like dark honey. Kipling's secretly crushing on him a little.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Anise: Kipling loves her, but can't decide if she's a Career dad or Career mum (not tied to actual gender).
【 D4 ◆ ✓ 】 Haden: He's a good guy, Kipling values his friendship and alliance.
【 D4 ◆ ✓ 】 Sophie: Not as scary as she seems! Kipling respects her as a fellow Career and sister-in-arms.
【 D5 ◇ ▣ 】 Turner: He ambushed and killed Kipling in the tunnels, but no hard feelings. It's just the Hunger Games.
【 D7 ◈ ✓ 】 Garry: Kipling approves of this victor. He's a kind lad and deserved that chance at life.
【 D12 ◈ ✘ 】 Violet: This rude tribute made Anise and Laelia suffer, so Kipling doesn't like her.


【 ✓ 】 Amber: Kipling's mentor. He respects her and ultimately wants the best for her.
【 ✿ 】 Kian: His beloved twin brother who volunteered in the 10th Games and lost. Now they're together again.
【 ✿ 】 Anna: Kian's girlfriend! They're a match made in heaven. She's super sweet.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:35 am, edited 4 times in total.
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➵ Anise Adashi

Postby SunnyJustice » Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:32 pm

Anise Adashi
the stoic gentlewoman
Career of the 9th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hello. My name is Anise Adashi."
Gender: "I am a woman." Sometimes she's called a Career dad like Icarus, but it doesn't have anything to do with gender.
Sexuality: "Apologies. I never gave it much thought." Anise doesn't have a particular label.
District: "I come from District Two."
Age: "At the time of my death, I was eighteen years old."

Voice type: Tenor
Appearance: Anise stands at 6'0", a fair bit taller and more strongly-built than her brother Rowan. Her tireless training shows on every inch of her lean, athletic figure, and her golden-brown skin is peppered with scars of the many trials she's endured. Anise keeps her dark hair in a low ponytail. Despite her efforts to keep it neat and tidy, wisps of it often fly loose to protrude boldly from her hairline. She rarely smiles, and even when she does, it fails to reach her dark mahogany eyes. Her presentation tends to creep others out.
Personality: "I will do what is necessary." Anise is all about dignity, respect, and work ethic. Procrastination is not in her vocabulary. She's the type to wake up early, arrive early, and take care of difficult tasks quickly with unwavering resolve. No matter how daunting the path ahead becomes, she'll march ahead with the calm composure of a soldier fully committed to the cause. It seems impossible to anger, intimidate, or upset her, especially considering she appears to show no emotions, not even positive ones. In truth, she's just incredibly skilled at suppressing them. It's easier to carry out her duty when she distances herself emotionally. Hesitation, even the slightest tremble or flinch, will hurt both herself and others even more. Only a steady hand delivers a clean cut.
Partner: "Laelia Bertok. When I am with her, I feel whole."

Alliance: "I led the Careers, and I suppose not much has changed in the afterlife. Most of them still call me their Career mum or Career dad. Except Laelia, she calls me... 'love'." Anise's fellow Careers were Laelia and Kipling of District One, Haden and Sophie of District Four, and her district partner James. They're trying to arrange triple-dates in the afterlife.
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered. Was that not my duty?"
Parade outfit: "In retrospect, Laelia told me my costume was incredibly 'on-the-nose'. I... appreciate the sentiment." Anise and James were two halves of a cracked amethyst geode. Both of them wore heavily textured suits, stony and plain on one side, jagged and glistening with vivid colour on the other.
Interview angle: "I tried to come across as polite and well-mannered, but I believe the audience found me creepy. No offense taken, I completely understand." Anise's apparent lack of emotions made the Capitol uncomfortable. Some of them speculated she was secretly a robot, and others claimed it was scarier to accept that a real human could be so emotionless.

Alignment: Probably the most lawful evil person you'll ever meet. Wants to save everyone, but 'the ends justify the means'. She'll free them from the horrors of the arena in the way a Career knows best.
Weapon of choice: "I carry a glaive. Although it is primarily symbolic in nature, I can and will use it for its intended purpose."
Fatal flaw: "I have no observation skills." Just like her brother, Anise is a golden target for manipulators of all types. Any tribute could exploit her sense of duty and honor - she's so socially clueless and emotionally out-of-touch that she'll never catch on.

Mentor: "Lily Brie. My utmost respect goes to her."
Training score: "Ten. I am still thankful for the high compliment." Anise's strength, athleticism, and weaponry skills stood out to the Gamemakers. They saw her as less of a person, more of an efficient killing machine.
Death: "I would like to thank Garry Woods someday, but hopefully not for many decades. He deserves to live a good, long life in District Seven." Anise's stony face betrayed no emotion as her pedestal rose into a dark, damp cavern arena. Lanterns flickered along the cave walls, providing enough light to show several tunnels leading away from the Cornucopia. When the bloodbath began, she took a moment to observe as tributes sprinted off in every direction, some clashing against one another while others opted to flee.
Anise calmly sought out the nearest polearm and waited. Soon, she spotted them - every Games so far featured tributes who took advantage of the arena's lawlessness to unleash unspeakable horrors. This year's thugs were Violet of District Twelve and her towering henchman Turner, laughing to each other nonchalantly; they'd already began tormenting tributes. Anise chased them off, refusing to let their atrocities run rampant on her watch. She swiftly finished off the mangled victims they'd left behind, all except one, a barely-injured tribute playing dead in the hopes that she'd spare him. With a sigh, Anise helped him to his feet and showed him out of the cave.
Once the bloodbath finally ended, Anise regrouped with her fellow Careers to gather up supplies. She made sure to leave a generous portion behind for when the other tributes returned to plunder the spoils. As she led her allies through the suffocating tunnels ahead, they began to hurl atrocious puns at each other. Anise offered the occasional chuckle or a groan if someone told an especially bad joke. Soon, the tunnel began to darken, so she wrenched a lantern off the wall and used it to light the way.

The Careers reached a fork in the tunnels, and Anise's grip tightened around her spear at a suspicious clinking noise. As she stepped forward to investigate, Turner of District Five leaped out from behind a stalagmite, burying his axe in Kipling's neck. Laelia seized her district partner's killer at once. With a furious scream, she wrestled him to the cavern floor and stabbed him to death. Once the cannon fired to mark his end, the Careers spoke some last words over Kipling's body, then left the dimming area.
Minutes later, all the lanterns on the walls flickered out at once. Anise stopped in her tracks upon hearing a desperate scream - a young tribute all alone, crying into the darkness. Without hesitation, she began to lead her alliance towards the voice.
I will help them, regardless of what that implies. No child deserves to suffer alone.
As the Careers approached the trapped child, the ground under their feet began to quake. They held onto each other as sections of the tunnel collapsed all around them, and when the tremors died down, Anise noticed the child was no longer crying. Before she could resign herself to her failure, Sophie pointed to one of the newly-hewn holes in the floor. It led down to a brilliant, glowing cavern speckled with stars, and a small body lay at the bottom. Anise's heart began to pound with renewed worry as the fallen child moved.

James found a safer way down, a literal mudslide that spiralled into the lower tunnels. The Careers slid down one by one, then rushed to the glowing cavern where the child lay. Just in time. A ten-foot glowworm mutt stood over the terrified child, antler-sized pincers ready to tear him to ribbons. Anise let out a battle cry to draw the thing's attention and charged it. Cold, protective rage smoldered in her chest as she sliced her glaive clean through the abomination's body, felling it in an instant. Other glowworms began to slither down from the ceiling, but her allies drove them back. The vanquished mutt at her feet continued to squirm until Anise cut its death throes short.
Breathing steadily, she turned around and locked eyes with the child - Garry of District Seven. The desperate terror in his eyes reminded her of the bloodbath, the petrified tribute who'd played dead in a silent plea for mercy. He, too, would be spared.

"Leave this place at once. This is not your fight," she told the child, then turned back to face the mutts. Behind her, she heard the patter of scurrying footsteps escaping the cave. Good. The Careers finished off the remaining mutts, and when the dust cleared, they treated their wounds and paid respects to their dead. Both District Four tributes gave their life in that battle.

The three remaining Careers made camp in a different, smaller cave. James took a well-deserved nap as Anise and Laelia watched over him. To pass the time and scare off any wandering tributes, they launched into a morbid conversation about death and culture.
"In my district, we see death as the final journey in which your life comes full circle. You return your body to the earth that nurtured you, then travel back to the place we all come from," Anise explained, taking her ally's hand. "You will see Kipling again there."
Laelia seemed content, leaning against Anise's shoulder as her small fingers clasped hers. "Not without a fight, Alpha. The only way I'm going to die is on my own terms, and there's only one person who I would allow to strike me down."
Anise chuckled, a rare show of emotion. At least Laelia knew exactly what she wanted out of her final battle. They continued to talk through their shift, exchanging stories from their childhood and training, until James awoke to find the two young women cuddled up together. He smiled knowingly at them and took their place on watch. Anise didn't move until Laelia dozed off in her arms, at which point she carried her ally to a patch of moss and settled down beside her. Soon she, too, drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The boom of a cannon shook the cave, jolting Anise awake. James' body lay sprawled out on the cavern floor with a throwing knife embedded in his temple. Her heart wrenched in pain as it did with all the other Careers' deaths, but she remained calm and performed the final rites for her district partner, sprinkling crumbs into his hands to nourish him on the journey ahead.
Afterwards, Laelia did a quick assessment of the few remaining tributes. No day-and-night cycle existed in the underground, but she'd counted several death recaps since the bloodbath. Only four tributes remained by now: Anise, Laelia, Garry, and Violet of District Twelve - the tiny girl who'd inflicted unspeakably horrific fates on tributes in the bloodbath. She was behind this unpleasant surprise.
Anise and Laelia scoured the tunnels, but Violet found them first, leaping out of an alcove to attack from behind. Her knife drove deep into Laelia's back.
"Game over," Violet taunted, then ran off as triumphant laughter filled the cavern.
Ignoring the belligerent murderer, Anise caught her injured ally in her arms. Despite the anguish writhing in her chest, begging to be released in screams and wails, Anise's expression showed nothing but gentle calmness and love. All she could do was ensure Laelia's last memories of this world were peaceful ones.
"Laelia, look at me. Everything is going to be alright."
"How can it not be when you're holding me?" Laelia's lips quirked up in an ironic smile. "You know, I could still take you."
As Laelia stepped back and drew her sword, memories of their earlier conversation echoed in Anise's mind. "The only way I'm going to die is on my own terms, and there's only one person who I would allow to strike me down."
"I believe you, Laelia." With a determined nod, Anise readied her glaive for the final battle of her ally's dreams.

When Anise found Violet hiding in the glowworm cavern, the storm within her broke, unleashing all the emotions she'd fought to repress. Rage, grief, anguish, love, it all tore out of her throat in a guttural battle cry. The District Twelve girl's cruel knives were no match for the aggrieved Career. Anise struck her down in the blink of an eye, too quick for Violet to taste the pain her own victims felt.
The commotion drew several glowworm mutts down to the cavern floor. Anise fought them all, her formerly-restrained style transforming into animalistic fury as she clashed against each new challenger more recklessly than the last. To her dismay, the mutts eventually stopped coming, leaving her alone with cold bodies and a cold silver necklace dangling from her wrist. Laelia's necklace, a moon and six stars - her final gift before Anise sent her to whatever lay beyond this cursed place.

After hours of silence, collapsing tunnels forced the last remaining tribute into the glowworm cave. Anise recognized the shrinking violet, Garry, who she'd saved in this same cavern a day or two prior. She discarded her glaive and approached the boy with empty hands.
"I knew you would come," said Anise, a pained smile lifting the corners of her lips.
Despite her non-threatening demeanor, Garry began to back away with his axe raised defensively. Anise held up her hands in a promise of surrender.
"I have no intentions of fighting you. I just wanted to see the stars before you reunite me with L- my allies." Moving past her verbal stumble, she gestured up at the cave ceiling where the remaining glowworms still shone.
"Oh no, I can't do that to you." Horror and dread sapped the color from Garry's face. "You spared me!"
"I did you a favor. I am only asking you to return it," Anise said softly, kneeling before the boy. This innocent child didn't deserve to die trapped underground. He had a family to return to, a home back in District Seven - an entire future ahead of him. Meanwhile, as a Career, she'd already laid down her life to protect District Two's children. It felt right to extend that sacrifice to one last child. Her only regret was burdening Garry with this grisly task, but he would live, and the wounds inflicted on his heart would heal with time and care. With a smile, Anise tilted her chin up to gaze at the ceiling. If she squinted a little, she could almost believe the lights above came from the sky.
"Beautiful, is it not? If I had one wish, then... Laelia and I would see the real stars again. Together."
"You will, I promise," the boy assured her in a hoarse whisper. Anise closed her eyes before the axe fell.

She opened her eyes to a sea of countless stars, flecks of light twinkling in time to heartbeats long silenced. A warm hand found hers and clutched it tight. Here, they didn't have to let go.
"You wanted to see the stars with me?"
For the first time, laughter shook the stoic Career's chest and a smile lit her eyes with joy. "Laelia, you are already my star."

Anise's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 9th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Kipling: Anise has unofficially adopted him as her child.
【 D1 ◆ ♡ 】 Laelia: The moon and stars in Anise's life - or afterlife, to be more literal.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 James: Anise's best friend from back home. A good, loyal brother-in-arms.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Haden: A loveable gentle giant, but the 'giant' part only applies if you are also from District Four.
【 D4 ◆ ✿ 】 Sophie: Serious and hardworking, a good friend Anise can see eye-to-eye with.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Turner: Normally, Anise doesn't blame other tributes for killing. But Turner made them suffer.
【 D7 ◈ ✿ 】 Garry: The child with a golden heart has grown into a good man. Always repays favors when called upon.
【 D12 ◇ ✘ 】 Violet: An even worse criminal, always laughing at and ridiculing her victims.


【 ✓ 】 Lily: Passionate and honorable. Deserves all the respect, even now that she's retired.
【 ✿ 】 Rowan: Anise's younger brother, a gentle soul who shares her lack of social skills. She loves her baby.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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➵ Haden Gardener

Postby SunnyJustice » Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:04 pm

Haden Gardener
the idealistic florist
Career of the 9th Hunger Games

Full name: "Hi there. I'm Haden Gardener - it's a little literal, wouldn't you say?"
Gender: "I'm male, but I don't mind whatever you call me."
Sexuality: "Hmm... I haven't thought about it. I like whoever I like. Gender isn't a big part of it.".
District: "I come from the south end of District Four. We affectionately call it the Fishtail. It rains a lot there, and it's very warm." The Fishtail of District Four used to be called 'Florida' back when Panem was still North America.
Age: "I was eighteen when I... uh... left."

Voice type: Bass
Appearance: Haden stands at 5'5" with a broad-shouldered, fairly stocky frame - he's able to call himself a gentle giant in District Four. His curly black hair is often held back in a bun, and his olive-brown eyes hide behind thick eyeglasses. Most of his clothes feature bright, starkly contrasting colors like green, purple, and gold all at once. Vibrant colors make everything better, and he'll add a few lively flowers to the outfit if there's any greenery available.
Personality: "I try to see the good in the world." Despite all the injustices that plague Panem, from the extreme to the mundane, Haden remains steadfast in his belief that humans are good at heart. He always assumes good intentions from others. If they say something rude, it's probably because of carelessness and not deliberate malice. Best to dwell on good deeds and friendliness, not potential ulterior motives. Haden wants to fill his memories with smiling faces. It's impossible to bother him with passive-aggressive gestures because he doesn't read that far into signals. If he's bothering you in some way, confront him directly and he'll be happy to hear it.
Partner: "Sophie and I are district partners, does that count?" They consider each other platonic (after)life partners.

Alliance: "I'm happy to be among my Career friends: Laelia, Kipling, Anise, James, and Sophie."
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered." Haden wasn't actually top of his class. All the students ahead of him were hospitalized after eating improperly-prepared pufferfish in the graduation dinner, and Haden had to step in.
Parade outfit: "I tried not to laugh, that would be rude... but my pufferfish costume was very ironic." Haden and Sophie wore comically round pufferfish costumes. While Haden's costume was a cute green spotted pufferfish, his district partner's spiky costume resembled the notorious porcupine puffer. Just too ironic after the graduation dinner incident...
Interview angle: "Hmm.. I talked about flowers and making friends." Haden gave some wholesome friendship advice to the audience. Even though the arena loomed ahead in his near future, he wanted to focus on something nice.

Alignment: Lawful good
Weapon of choice: "A trident, but I use it only on mutts and fish. I call it... a weapon of 'bass' destruction."
Fatal flaw: "I'm a big softie." Haden doesn't intend to kill anyone, and this can easily be exploited.

Mentor: "My mentor was Edmund, a good lad."
Training score: "An eight. I think that's fair." Haden received a solid Career score for his trident skills. Since he didn't stand out compared to his allies, his score remained normally high instead of ridiculously high.
Death: "In the end, I believe our sacrifices were worth it. We were able to save the child, Garry." With his steady surefootedness and low center of gravity, Haden managed to keep his balance in the suffocating dark of the arena. He dodged crates and backpacks on his way to the Cornucopia, where he plucked the nearest polearm from the wreckage - a bident instead of his preferred tridents. Tributes gave him a wide berth once he'd seized the weapon. Once he'd gathered some supplies for his alliance, he spent the rest of the bloodbath showing stragglers to the cavern exit. He didn't want them to be stuck panicking in the bloodbath.
After the fighting settled down, Haden watched as Anise divided up all the supplies. She left large shares of food, water, and other necessities stacked nearly in the Cornucopia, no doubt to ensure the other tributes stood more of a chance. Under her emotionless facade hid a heart of gold. Smiling, Haden offered to carry all the water bottles in his backpack. As one of the shortest and stockiest, he'd have an easier time hauling that weight through the tunnels.

Off they went, Anise leading the way with a lantern she'd torn off a wall. Haden stared at his allies in mock horror as they exchanged the corniest cave and rock puns possible. Just when his district partner Sophie thought she'd won, Haden dropped the act along with an explosively annoying pun:
"Do you know who rules the underground? The spelun-King!"
"No! Not you, too," Gasped Kipling of District One, clutching his chest in horror. "You've grotto be kidding me."
After a while, they ran out of puns and the conversation turned casual. Haden enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere until a brutal attack shattered the peace. By the time he processed the chaos, both Kipling and the District Five boy - the attacker - were dead on the cavern floor. The Careers took a moment to mourn Kipling before moving on.
As Anise led them deeper into the tunnels, the lanterns lining the walls all extinguished themselves simultaneously. A chilling scream echoed through the now pitch-black caves. Anise didn't hesitate, just spun around and led the alliance back towards the voice.
Even in the Hunger Games, we should do the right thing, Haden thought as he followed behind her.

The ground began to tremble as the Careers approached the voice. All around them, sections of once-sturdy tunnel caved in and collapsed, tumbling into a dark void underfoot. Once the shaking stopped, so did the screams. Fearing the worst, Haden carefully inched closer to a hole. His eyes widened at the sight of a glowing cavern with the child laying at the bottom.
"I think he's still alive..."
"The kid must've fallen when the caves collapsed," said his district partner Sophie. "We'll have to hurry if we want to help him."
Thanks to James' keen eye, the Careers found a different path that led to the lower caves. Haden slipped on the muddy walkway and slid all the way down, dirty but unharmed. He followed Anise into the expansive, shining cavern ahead, only to see a ten-foot mutt looming over the child. Anise drew its attention with a battle cry and struck it down. The noise attracted more mutts, slithering down from the ceiling as the 'stars' blinked out one by one, and Haden stood back-to-back with his allies to endure the onslaught. He, Sophie, Laelia, and James held their ground as Anise gave her all to protect the child.
To Haden's horror, the mutant glowworms' snapping pincers and cruel fangs claimed his district partner's life. Sophie's cannon fired, weakening not only the Careers' formation but also his resolve, and soon the mutts fell upon him too.

"Am I dead?" Haden muttered, opening his eyes. Motionless mutts littered the floor of the now-silent cave. As his gaze shifted to his allies' concerned faces, then to his district partner's mangled body, all the pain struck him at once and answered his question. He curled up on his side, breathing heavily to distract himself from the torment. "Ha ha... the reaper sure is taking her sweet time."
"Haden." A warm hand touched his face. Haden looked up into Anise's unblinking russet eyes. "Just look at me, alright? Do not move." She wasn't great at being subtle, but Haden didn't mind. These things were best addressed directly.
"Okay." He held her gaze, focusing on the flecks of amber in her eyes rather than the glint of her blade. Who needs the grim reaper when you have Career friends? was his last thought, but the cannon fired before he could utter any more morbid jokes.

Haden's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 9th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Kipling: He amuses Haden greatly. The two get along well in general.
【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Laelia: A strong, respectable young woman who makes a great ally.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 James: James is a good fellow. Haden enjoys his company and considers him a close friend.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Anise: His respect for her blossomed when she dropped everything to help a child.
【 D4 ◆ ♡ 】 Sophie: Not necessarily romantic, but they consider themselves close partners.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Turner: The laughing and boasting was so unnecessary...
【 D7 ◈ ✓ 】 Garry: Haden has no regrets over his death because it means Garry could live. He's a good kid.
【 D12 ◇ ✘ 】 Violet: Drawing out deaths deliberately isn't acceptable, even in the Hunger Games.


【 ✿ 】 Edmund: The best mentor Haden could ask for: kind, loving, a good listener.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Mon May 30, 2022 6:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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➵ Sophie Flanagan

Postby SunnyJustice » Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:05 pm

Sophie Flanagan
the lifeguard
Career of the 9th Hunger Games

Full name: "My name is Sophie Flanagan. Some have a hard time telling me apart from my sister, Maggie, so remember this: 'Soph's eyes are silver, Mags' are mocha'." Her sister's the exact same Mags you're thinking of.
Gender: "I would think I'm female."
Sexuality: "I'm not interested in romance." She is asexual.
District: "I come from District Four in the south. Maybe you can tell from my sunburn."
Age: "At the time of my death, I was eighteen."

Voice type: Mezzo-soprano
Appearance: Sophie towers above others in her district at 5'8". A lifetime of training outdoors shows in her leanly muscular figure and the confidence glinting in her eyes, grey like the summer thunderstorms she loves. She often throws her golden blonde hair into a tight, neat bun, with a long lock flicking out to frame her face lopsidedly.
Personality: "I don't think I could describe myself objectively." Sophie's name comes from 'sophisticated', while her sister Maggie was named to be 'magnanimous'. Both ladies grew to fit their names' meanings snugly. Courteous and accepting, Sophie is willing to communicate on equal grounds with anyone, from innocent children to violent criminals. She doesn't appreciate prejudice of any sorts. Although she comes off a little strict and overly serious, her heart's in the right place. This strong-willed Career won't hesitate to calmly stand up for her friends or her principles.
Partner: "Haden and I have a platonic partnership."

Alliance: "I'm a Career, along with my allies Anise, Laelia, James, Haden, and Kipling."
Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered. All the students ahead of me were in hospital, so my taking their place was a matter of principle." Sophie and Haden hadn't eaten the pufferfish served on graduation night, but the higher-ranking students dug right in. They ended up in hospital and their more prudent classmates took their place.
Parade outfit: "I had a hunch the stylist knew about the pufferfish incident." Sophie looked ridiculous in her round, balloonlike spiked pufferfish costume. She almost 'popped' her district partner's outfit by accident multiple times.
Interview angle: "Originally it was 'polite and serious', but Edmund advised me to take a more wise, down-to-earth angle to distinguish myself from Anise." Sophie told the story of volunteering to fill the void left by an entire class of sick classmates. Although her mentor suggested she use it to convey some wise, profound metaphor, Sophie wasn't that creative, so she just turned it into a PSA about proper food preparation. It actually worked - Capitol citizens are such huge fans of the Hunger Games that they developed new seafood regulations named after her. The publicity was daunting...

Alignment: Lawful neutral
Weapon of choice: "I default to a bow and arrows, but this wasn't too practical in the tunnels so I chose a sword instead."
Fatal flaw: "I don't handle mutts well." Sophie can hold her own against another tribute, but not against unpredictable mutant creatures. They creep her out. Since she wasn't originally slated to be a tribute, no one considered it a problem; if Sophie stayed in District Four then she'd never encounter mutts anyway. Then the pufferfish incident happened...

Mentor: "My mentor was Edmund. We only spent a short time together, but I considered him like family."
Training score: "I scored a nine, which was flattering. I wasn't expecting that." Sophie received such a high score because of her showwomanship and good manners. She wasn't objectively the most skilled of the Careers, but she presented in a way that gained positive attention from the Capitol.
Death: "I was mauled by mutts, which honestly shouldn't be surprising." Sophie didn't appreciate the underground arena's stifling darkness, but complaints wouldn't help her case. Passing over a silver bow-and-arrows, she took up a sword to fend off other tributes. While Anise and Haden scared others away effortlessly with one swing of their massive weapons, Sophie didn't have that luxury.
When the bloodbath came to an end, Sophie helped organize the supplies so no one ran the risk of starvation. The Careers would take just enough to survive; other tributes would soon return to plunder the Cornucopia, and they needed a fair share of the spoils too. Once the alliance sorted and gathered their items, they started down the tunnels, following Anise's lead.

The damp, suffocating caverns began to wear at Sophie's sanity, and she assumed the others were enduring the same mental torture just from existing in this horrible arena. To remedy this, she lightened the mood with the most groan-worthy pun she could fathom, told with a straight face.
"I would tell a joke about mole mutts, but I'm not sure if you would dig it."
A few of her allies groaned, hiding their laughter at the corny joke. Kipling of District One chimed in with his own, and the rest was history. Puns echoed throughout the tunnels as the Careers trudged on.
When they reached a fork in the tunnel, a tribute leaped out and brutally attacked Kipling with his axe. Laelia reacted fast, taking down her district partner's assailant, but Kipling was already gone. The Careers took some time to mourn their fallen ally. No flowers grew in these lifeless tunnels, so Anise sprinkled some breadcrumbs into his open palm instead.

Minutes after the Careers departed the area, the lights flickered out and a scream echoed from behind them.
"Someone, help!" came the voice, shrill and frantic in the high-pitched wail of a child. "Anyone!"
Without another word, Anise turned around and led the Careers back towards the voice. Sophie followed her at a brisk jog, sword at the ready - she had no idea what to expect. Assuming Anise intended to save the child, they might have to fight off murderous tributes or worse: mutts. A helpless tribute calling for help wasn't exactly a good sign.
The ground underfoot began to quake, sending sections of tunnel collapsing into whatever lay below this forsaken arena. Sophie and her fellow Careers held onto each other until the tremors subsided, at which point she joined her district partner, peering down one of the newly-formed sinkholes. The child from District Seven lay at the bottom, injured but still alive.

"The kid must've fallen when the caves collapsed," she gestured for Anise to come look. "We'll have to hurry if we want to help him."

James of District Two pointed out a mudslide which led them down to the lower tunnels. The Careers filed into the new cavern just in time to stop a bloated, bloodthirsty, ten-foot-tall insect mutt from tearing into the District Seven boy. Empowered by what appeared to be parental rage, Anise charged at the abomination to slice it into ribbons. Her battle cry drew the mutt away from the child, but it also attracted countless other creatures' attention, and Sophie pressed closer to the other Careers as dozens of mutant glowworms slithered down from the ceiling and walls. Blood roared in her ears, drowning out the squelching sounds of crawling mutts.
The Careers fought valiantly, but the writhing mass of mutts soon claimed its first victim: Sophie.
"Unhand me!" she cried out as the creatures tore her away from her allies, crushing her under their suffocating mass.
But mutts don't have hands. Hmm, Sophie thought, feeling oddly detached even as the mutant glowworms' pincers stabbed her. Maybe I should've chosen more dignified last words. The cannon fired before she could dwell on it too long.

Sophie's Relationships
Alliance: | ◆ allies | ◈ neither allies nor enemies | ◇ enemies | ❖ betrayed
Feelings: | ♡ romantic | ✿ very positive | ✓ positive | ▣ neutral | ✘ negative

The 9th Hunger Games

【 D1 ◆ ✓ 】 Kipling: They're very different, but he's still Sophie's brother-in-arms.
【 D1 ◆ ✿ 】 Laelia: Passionate and loyal. Sophie sees her as a close friend.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 James: Sophie feels at ease around him. He's a good friend and ally.
【 D2 ◆ ✿ 】 Anise: They have much in common. Sophie enjoys talking to her.
【 D4 ◆ ♡ 】 Haden: Sophie's partner. They aren't really in a romantic relationship, but consider themselves a pair.
【 D5 ◇ ✘ 】 Turner: A brutal, belligerent murderer who loved to gloat. Sophie didn't like him at all.
【 D7 ◈ ✓ 】 Garry: He's a good guy. Since Sophie's death paved the way for his victory, she doesn't regret it.
【 D12 ◇ ✘ 】 Violet: There's a reason Violet is one letter removed from 'violent'. She committed so many atrocities...


【 ✿ 】 Edmund: Sophie's mentor. Even though they're close in age, he's like a father to her.
【 ✿ 】 Maggie: Sophie was close with her sister and wonders how little Mags is doing now.

Last edited by SunnyJustice on Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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