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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:12 pm


Name: Elizabeth Chambers
Nickname: Liza, Beth
"The Uncontrolled/Freewheeler"

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: Wealth 2
Sexuality: Demisexual
[Doesn't know yet]

Crush: N/A
Relationship: N/A
Freedom, Walks, rain, sunsets,
beaches, sewing [kind of], animals,
flowers, laughing, fun, bending
rules, doing what she pleases,
speaking her opinons, moon,
stars, books, art, dancing,
climbing, lightning, thunder,

Holding her tongue, death,
fighting, violence, war,
having her life planned out,
being told what to do or
how to act, fire, pain, love,
relationships, tattletales,
lying, big dresses.



Elizabeth was always the kind of person who stuck out compared to everyone else. She always seemed to break the mold of what others told her to be. While other girls played with dolls and tea, she played in the dirt and bugs. She would be told to stand up straight, have manners, be lady-like but the more they told her to do that the more she didn't want to.
Liza is very opinionated and individualistic, she doesn't seem to like to obey rules and doesn't care about the consequences of breaking them. She speaks her mind and doesn't care if she is in the presence of someone royal or important, she WILL have her words heard. She has a problem with not biting her tongue and that can potentially get her into a lot of trouble. She has no filter.

Of course, Liza has a little bit of a dreamer inside her, she wants adventure and to travel. This is why she loves books, it's a way to escape the world she is in now and live as someone else. Though because of the lack of money, she doesn't have much access to books. But lack of money never bothered her, she is very grateful for everything she has and will read over and over the books, she does have until the pages fall apart.

When you first meet Liza she seems a bit turned off at the thought of friends or interactions, she has always been a loner. But that's mostly because others didn't really understand her or accept her and how odd she is. She comes off as "hard to get" but in a sarcastic kind of way. But get to know her and you actually see she is kind and gentle, and a lot of fun to be around. She is proud, independent, and a hard worker. She has worked for everything she has, she doesn't need anyone's help or a handout.

On the inside Liza is pretty lonely, it did hurt a lot when she grew up not having any friends, and a lot of the girls picked on her, back then when she was younger she had short hair, the girls used to always call her a little boy, which is one of the reasons her hair is so long now. But she does have a soft vulnerable side that can come out when she feels trapped, even if she puts off this cold persona at that time.

Elizabeth doesn't hate the thought of love, she just has been on her alone for so long that she doesn't think she needs it. She never has seen herself at the hands of a man, and refuses to be. This may also be because of there never being a male in her life to begin with, no father figure or anything.

Elizabeth stands at 5'6", she has long dark brown hair that she usually keeps braided or pulled back someway. She is slender and dainty. Her eyes are dark brown but can look lightened in the sunlight and her skin is a natural lightly tanned look a bit glowy.
Elizabeth was born among a woman who is a seamstress [who doesn't make that much money, unless the occasional events like a ball or wedding]. At least that's what she is told, what Liza doesn't know is she is actually an orphan that was adopted by the woman she calls Mother. Her "mother" found her abandoned and took her home one day and has never said a word about it. Elizabeth grew up poor and struggling, which is probably one of the reasons she is so very thin, luckily she is healthy, her mother did everything she could to make sure that Liza got everything she needed to survive.
She still to this day has no idea she is adopted and not even really a "Chambers".
Her real parents were no better off. They lived on the streets, and giving up their daughter was one of the hardest things they could've done. But the birth mother of Liza was extremely sick and predicted to die after having Elizabeth so with no hope for the future or their daughters they left her in a high traffic area were someone was bound to see her and take her in.

Elizabeth grew up learning how to sew, but never really took to it besides making herself clothing or stuffed animals.

keira knightley (2005)

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:13 pm


Name: Théodore Lefeuvre
Nickname: Théo
"The Gentleman"

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Rank/Role: Wealth of 9
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: N/A
Relationship: N/A
Kindess, sunrise, people, dancing,
getting dressed up, balls,
positivity, laughing, seeing people
smile, writing, luxury, charity.

Rudeness, cold, snow,
ice, lightning, suffering,
seeing people suffer, pain,
loss, death, violence,
fighting, inequality.



Théo is as genuine as it comes, he is kind, generous, and honest. He didn't let his wealth corrupt him and he gives a helping hand to as many people as he can. He hates seeing people suffering or when they are in need, it hurts him to his core.
He is extremely friendly but knows when not to invade people's personal space. He is a gentleman who respects boundaries and will not belittle you. Though will still open a door for you or help you cross the street.

In Théo's head, he really wants to be a savior of sorts. He just wants the world to be peaceful and kind to each other. He will put his life on the line for you if it ever came to that point, and he would do that for a stranger. He wishes to be a knight in shining armor, and to women, they tend to think that he tries too much, or puts in too much effort. But he is so loyal, and he doesn't distrust someone unless they give him a reason to. And even then he still would give you the benefit of the doubt, which is a major downfall on his part.

Théo is a good listener and will devote his time to hear you out, he has always been one to make sure both sides of the story are heard and he doesn't jump to conclusions. He is very level-headed and understanding and it honestly takes a lot to make him mad or upset. Other than that most of the time he is a cheery person who usually has a smile on his face. Though you can see him with a serious expression on his face when he is talking about business and finances.

There are a lot of downfalls to Théo's personality, he is too trustful and because of that people tend to take advantage of him and his money. But don't take him for a fool, he is actually very intelligent and when he sees that people are using him, he becomes very cold and closed off very quickly. There will be no hiding it and no walking on eggshells around it. He will bring it up directly.

Because of his wealth, it is very hard to find someone who is not only interesting in his money but him as well. Which is why he never has been in a serious relationship and had a faze where he was seeing women for a short amount of time. This only lasted for a little bit and it's not something he likes talking about and he is not proud of.

Théo is 6'1", he has a toned but slim body. His skin is a light tan and his hair is a moderate length, dark brown almost black. His eyes are really light brown.
Théo was born and raised with advantages, his father which he is not really sure what he does is wealthy in money, and when his father died it was passed on down to him. He learned his father is actually an investor in the weapons industry which took off greatly and made them a lot of money. So now he runs the investment and even a few of their own gun shops.

There isn't much that sticks out in Théo's childhood beside his mother getting very sick and dying when he was 8 or 9. But other than that he was well-liked and well cared for. His father however was a power-hungry person and always wanted more money, he was disrespectful towards people who were poor and he wanted Théo to be stingy and grow up like him and take over the business. But Théo has this kindness in his heart and looks at all people worthy of love and kindness. Which this ultimately made his father angry which often had him getting yelled at a lot, and he wasn't allowed to hang around people who were poor.

Alvaro mel

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:10 pm


Name: Ryuu
Nickname: N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank/Role: Slicer
Immune: Yes
Time spent in the Glade:
1 year
Sexuality: Demi-Hetero
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Nighttime, silence, being left
alone, lightning, the sky,

Boisterous people, love,
annoying people, large groups,
the maze, grievers, people,



Ryuu is cold and abrasive. He doesn't like attention and he prefers to keep away from people. He ignores people or starts fights there is no in-between. He loves the rush from a physical fight and will usually be the reason one starts. He also very much enjoys secrets and drama, he is very untrustworthy. If you tell him anything you better believe he will tell everyone just to stir the pot. Sometimes when he is bored he will start a rumor just for the heck of it. He has no issues showing he doesn't like you and he will not walk on eggshells to make you feel better about yourself. His tongue is sharp and his attitude is bad. Ryuu has confidence in himself and his looks and sometimes as a way to get people to leave him alone he will make them uncomfortable, usually by invading their personal bubbles, or picking on them. He could be considered a bully honestly. But oddly enough he has a soft spot for kids.

Ryuu doesn't like many people, and his personality doesn't change too much besides being a little bit kinder in his own way towards them. With the occasional "You should watch where you are going, idiot." kind of thing, that is how he expresses his concern. Even with being close to Ryuu he isn't much on sharing how he feels or what he thinks and tends to stay away from the whole "getting to know him" topics. He remains closed off and detached because once upon a time he was in love. She was a runner in the maze and something happened where she didn't make it back, since then he has closed himself off to others and even himself. He refuses to feel anything towards anyone. He gets rather annoyed at other people's friendships or relationships but it's mostly because he is secretly envious, but at the same time he also thinks it's stupid considering anyone could be next to fall victim to the maze.

This boy is stubborn and disobedient. He doesn't take well to being told what to do but eventually, after some time he will just end up doing it. Ryuu secretly is protective over the gladers, though he would never show it or admit it. But if it came down to him and another person, he would probably choose to let the other person live. He is also undeniably brave and although he doesn't make the best choices he is pretty intelligent and educated. Being able to figure out simple issues on his own without the need of someone's two cents. Ryuu doesn't care for people's thoughts, he doesn't care what people say about him, or what they think of him. And even though he gets into fights a lot, it actually takes a lot to make him mad.

When it comes to things like love, Ryuu is distant, when he starts to notice he is developing feelings he will start to distance himself from the person and probably become even colder to them. He does not like attachments and will try his best to get rid of feelings about a person, no matter what the cost. He will push them away and try to make them hate him so that he can tell himself he doesn't have a chance. He is someone who will purposely self-destruct as to not get hurt again. But Ryuu is desperately looking for someone to prove him wrong, someone who will not let him push them away. He wants to not have to be afraid though of course, that is hard due to the circumstances they are in. If you ever do happen to crack his cold shell Ryuu can actually be very warm and gentle though more than likely no one will ever see that.

Even though Ryuu is a slicer he has large amounts of knowledge and skill with hand-to-hand combat, and melees. Though he hasn't a clue as to how he knows anything about that, it just comes to him naturally. He is also very agile and flexible.

Ryuu has moderate lengthed hair that falls a little past his forehead that is a dark brown. He stands at 5'11" and has a moderate body build with slight muscles and toning from working. His eyes are a blueish grey color, and his skin is almost porcelain white.
Kim TaeHyung?

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:12 pm


Name: Hiro
Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rank/Role: Other: Runner
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
People, Girls, stars, water,
large groups of people, talking,
fun, friendship, kindness,

WCKD, cranks, infection, loss,
being yelled at, being picked on,
pain, the scorch, being alone,
the maze, getting flustered.



Hiro is probably one of the purest and innocent people you will ever meet. He is sweet, kind, and gentle. He cares about all people regardless of who they are or who they are to him and with that he is also pretty outgoing, but mostly in just meeting people. He loves making new friends and talking, seeing as he was in the scorch by himself for quite a while. He sees the best and the good in every person and will continue to believe in them even if they were to stab him in the back literally and figuratively and because of this he is usually looked at as naive. Hiro is like the light in the darkness and has one of the brightest smiles. He tries his best to remain positive and happy but even he has his times where he can't. Seeing him sad resembles a lot like a lost puppy. He is quite gullible, but don't take him to be stupid because of this. He is actually quite smart in his own way. He can read people's emotions very easily and tends to be able to act in a way to make things better.

Hiro is someone who enjoys having others seek him out in any way that makes him feel useful. Mostly because he really enjoys helping others out in any way he can, and back in his maze a lot of people looked at him as useless. In a lot of things though he is, fighting he actually tends to make things more complicated and ends up just getting in the way. He also isn't that strong so lifting is pretty much out of the question. So when Hiro is left on his own without the attention of another and without that opportunity to be helpful he tends to feel rather useless. Hiro doesn't have much of an attention span so after a while, he will forget why he was even upset, to begin with [unless it was something really serious like the death of someone really close to him or something along those lines].

Hiro loves having fun, he enjoys when someone jokes around but all in all, he really enjoys being around any person. He is quite honest and prefers not to hold his tongue on his thoughts. Sometimes this gets him in trouble and he does ask a lot of questions when he doesn't understand something, which can get quite annoying. But Hiro can read people rather well, he knows when to back off or stop. He is very trustworthy and will keep a secret even on his death bed.

Because Hiro has only ever been around other guys he tends to be rather flustered or silent around women. He isn't exactly sure why this is but he doesn't know how to talk to them without feeling like an idiot or like he might say the wrong thing. POSSIBLE WIP

Hiro stands at 5'10" His hair is a dark brown that falls right above his eyes which are brown as well but look almost black. He is thin-bodied and framed, but he is still toned and has slight muscles due to the harsh life in the scorch that requires him to work hard. He has a scar the shape of a bite mark on his left forearm that he keeps wrapped with a bandage to keep hidden.
Hiro was in an all-boys maze, he was picked on quite a lot because of his more feminine features. He didn't really have much of connections to the people in the maze, but even still after they got out into the scorch, one by one they started to either become infected, whether it was from out of the blue or from the cranks. And while they were sleeping in the dunes a bunch of cranks came and started to attack them, even with them all having picked on him the loss of everyone left a scar within him. Hiro escaped with a bite on his forearm. He waited for it to spread and kill him but that death never came, the bite ended up just healing and becoming a deep scar. It has been quite a few months since then, and he hasn't run into anyone from his maze since then and has been lost in the scorch since, not sure where to go because obviously, WCKD was not good. Luckily a few weeks back he ran into a girl who looks like she knows how to take care of herself, her name is Avery, a strong woman who made her mark on Hiro from the start. They didn't meet on the best of terms, there was a lot of mistrust and back and forth between them. And he had done something that really had ticked Avery off which ended up in his getting socked in the face, he had a black eye for a while. But after that, he actually got along rather well, he must admit at first he was rather flustered around her since she is a girl, but eventually, it was replaced for a little with the fear of getting hit and then admiration of how well she can handle herself. They have been traveling together ever since.

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:13 pm


Name: Wysteria
Nickname: Wynn, Ria
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: Med-Jack
Immune: Yes
Time spent in the Glade:
2 Years, 8 months
Sexuality: Demi-Heterosexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Secrets, fun, parties, people,
helping people, sky, flowers.

people, lightning,
fire [uncontrolled/uncontrollable],
pain, sharing, being the center
of attention, loss, death, grievers.



Wynn has been apart of the glade for what seems like forever, and even with being one of the oldest members, she isn't one to be considered "well known." Sure people know her name, and what she does but usually nothing more. Wynn has this mysteriousness to her, she mostly keeps to herself, or within whatever small circle she finds safe enough to engage in. Because being one of the longest members comes with loss. The loss of other gladers definitely has taken a toll on her. Which is one of the reasons she keeps to herself. She is trying to protect her heart, losing people so often is not easy for her, even if she didn't know them well or have a strong connection. Like the maze, she has walls, with very little to no way in or out, she doesn't like growing attached. It's hard to with the fear of losing someone so easily.

She is not one to talk or say much, whether it be about herself or anything else. Though if it came to a point in time where she felt it was necessary or helpful in any way to share her thoughts she wouldn't hesitate. Wynn is very smart, being a quick, decisive, and critical thinker she tends to come to a solution rather quickly. She is able to absorb knowledge very easily and is quick to learn or adapt to things. On top of that, she is very organized and tends to like to do things herself so it's done right the first time. Because of that, she finds herself working herself to the bone, and usually never asks for help. She is a hard worker and takes pride in the outcome of her work.

Although she looks all work no play, Wysteria actually does know how to have a good time, but usually won't show that unless she is comfortable with you. She quite enjoys a good laugh and a good party though would try her best to hide it. But she isn't one to be the life of the party, or the center of attention and prefers to enjoy things from the shadows. She likes seeing other people enjoy themselves. Being a med-jack ultimately means you have to care about people, but Wysteria deeply does regardless of her title. She would do everything in her power to help the people in the glade, and would even put her life on the line for each and every one of them if it meant they could be safe. It may seem odd considering she isn't close to many people but, that's just how she thinks. She's tender, kind, soft-spoken, and all-around very sweet. Don't let her gentle ways fool you though. Wynn is fully capable of handling herself against others and taking care of herself. She is very brave, strong, and independent. She has no problem standing up to people, especially when it is for someone else. Usually when she is the one being poked at though she tends to turn the other way or ignore them.

Every person has their flaws, why would Wynn be the exception? As stated earlier Wysteria is closed off. She also is an overthinker, and tends to dwell on things, and beats herself up over failures or mistakes which tends to also leave some mental strain on herself, and over-the-top expectations. She is also rather clumsy, having what people would say "two left feet" she can simply trip over the air or even herself, which tends to leave a large number of scrapes, cuts, and bruises. When put in the spotlight and center of attention she tends to retreat. She also can have a bit of jealousy but nothing too serious. Wynn can be a dreamer sometimes, instilling false hope within herself that they will be able to get out of the maze and start living without fear, dreams and hopes like that are dangerous, at least to her so she tends to keep it to herself.

When it comes to love or relationships Wysteria is so full of love. She is understanding and intuitive [though she does have a hard time deciphering if someone is just being nice to her or if they like her, which ends up in her just assuming everyone is being nice]. Though getting her to express her feelings in that way would prove to be difficult as well as getting that close to her.

Lastly, since she came up from the box she has been having strange dreams, memories they feel like. Usually, they are short and chopped up, but she remembers a decent amount about her time before the glade. Though the reason she and the others are here seems to escape her. She keeps these memories to herself, but there is a possibility she may tell you if she trusts you enough.

Wynn stands at 5'6", her body slender with hints of curves and mildly toned. Her hair falls down to her hips and has a wave or curliness to it. Her eyes and hair match in color, a dark brown.
Dina Denoire

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:13 pm


Name: Imani [ee-mah-nee]
Nickname: Ani [AH-nee]
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: Other Maze: Builder
Immune: Yes
Sexuality: Hetero-Demi
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Walking, sparring, working out,
certainty, freedom, fun[at times],
independence, helping others.

Darkness, Liars, WCKD,
Small spaces, being crowded,
being restricted/tied down,
being alone, help.



Ani is not the kind of girl who needs a knight in shining armor. She is strong-minded, strong-willed, and independent. But even though Ani is all that she is not exactly considered stubborn because of that, she will take into consideration your beliefs or ideas fairly. She hates relying on others and would much rather take care of herself and others, usually being followed with the issue of asking for help, and prefers to do things herself and alone. But this usually leads to making the situation worse with her getting hurt or being in danger. With a tendency to be serious she comes off as unapproachable and intimidating, but with the right atmosphere or the presence of certain people she can be fun and joke around. She is very loyal to those she trusts but her trust is very fragile, and if broken could never be repaired. She doesn't know who to trust and doubts herself in making those decisions so she remains paranoid and wary of people around her even if they've never given a reason for her to act like that. She just doesn't know how to tell if people are being genuine and honest so trusting people in general or with her heart are difficult for her.

Even though Ani acts brave, she is everything but. She is totally lost and very scared. But she has a really good poker face, so not many people would really be able to tell. Ani will push aside her fears for others, she has this mother-like personality even though she is so young, she acts very maturely for her age. She is understanding and tends to not jump to conclusions too quickly unless she is already in a heated mood. Being labeled as nosey because of her understanding nature, but it's really she just doesn't want to be one to pick sides, and if she does she would prefer to know all of the contexts behind it before making any moves or decisions. With that she has quite a bit of temper, but who wouldn't when you are surrounded by a bunch of boys and being the only girl who has to keep their minds on track? To be honest she wasn't always so easy to tick off in the past, though she found that the boys tended to look at her less as just a girl when she was angry and they would actually listen to her. She also has a bit of competitiveness and really hates when people intentionally try to one-up her. With her anger, she can also be quite petty with the idea of getting even with people who cross her, so she harnesses a lot of resentment towards WCKD.

Ani has an amazing memory, close to a photographic one. She can remember even the smallest details, but ironically enough she forgets to smile a lot which is why a lot of people believe her to be the complete opposite of what she actually is. But really Ani is a very laid back outgoing person. She is protective of others and down-to-earth, tender, and kind-hearted. She is not the least bit naive or gullible and is very smart and intelligent. But that doesn't mean her conclusions and decisions are always the best or right, but her decisions are made with the best intentions. People tend to gravitate towards her and she usually gets along with a large variety of people.

Being as strong as she is Ani is not excused from any issues or traumas, she struggles a bit with PTSD from the struggles in WCKD, as she is sure other people struggle with internally as well. When these issues do arise she tends to freeze like a deer in headlights and doesn't have a straight or clear mind. She is very quiet about her problems as well and does her best to not trouble others with them, that being said she has a hard time opening up to people and prefers to just be the shoulder for others to lean on and listen to them. She also has a bit of claustrophobia and a fear of total darkness, she will begin to feel dizzy and short of breath in small confined spaces or crowded areas.

She is really good at tracking and has some knowledge about hand-to-hand combat [Tai chi, boxing, and Jujitsu] but they aren't mastered and she becomes quite useless with a weapon. Sometimes believing that actions speak louder than words. And when facing others with weapons she really only knows how to disarm them. Naturally, because of this, she is quick and agile on her feet and quite flexible. Even though she has the ability to fight, it's not something she enjoys as she hates causing people pain but she never hesitates if that is the way things go. Ani has amazing leadership skills but she absolutely despises authority and refuses to ever be put in a position like that. Honest to a T, she doesn't soften her words to make you like her or make you believe she likes you if she doesn't. She is blunt and straight to the point and gets rather annoyed when people beat around the bush, but she will lie to protect others.

Like any natural teenager, the thought of romance and a relationship has crossed her mind. But she doesn't quite know how she actually feels about something like that. If she ever did develop any feeling like that she would probably distance herself, ignore the feelings, pretend they don't exist, and move on with her life. Besides, is romance really all that important with what feels like the end of the world and possible death around every corner? She supposes in some people's mind that's all the more reason to take that leap of faith but for her she doesn't see it.

Imani stands at 5'7, with curly brown hair and eyes to match. Her skin is ebony and she has light freckles across her cheeks and nose, when she smiles she has dimples.
Ani was the only girl in her maze, but that didn't intimidate her. Ani was the person who was keeping the boys in check. She was a builder in the maze, regardless of how well her memory was and how quick she is on her feet, she preferred the heavier work and keeping a sweat going. She had been in the maze for 2 years, and then she had been in the WCKD center for a few months now. After finding out about the things they were doing, she and a group from her maze and a few others had started a plan to escape the facility. But they missed something and ended up getting caught, and now she is next in line to be drained.
Raven Lyn Corneil

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:18 pm


Name: Gaia
Nickname: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: Cook
Immune: No
Time spent in the Glade:
1 Year, 1 Month
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Dancing, fun, talking, jokes,
bonfires, friends, people, drawing,
parties, newbies, runners.

Liars, secrets, grievers,
the maze, nighttime, being
alone, quietness, crying.



Gaia is quite the outgoing person, usually found within a large group or being the loudest person during parties. She sometimes forgets about personal space and is deemed annoying by some but for the most part, she is a pretty likable person and tends to get along with all kinds of people. She is boisterous and unintentionally can become the life of the party, but it's never her intention to steal the spotlight from anyone who seeks it. She just enjoys having fun and spreading smiles to everyone. Gaia could be called a goofball, as she is always joking around and trying to make people laugh. She has this ability to be able to cheer people up, well at least in most cases.

This rowdy girl also can be calm and serious. But that all depends on the situation and how she reads it. Gaia is smart but not to the point where she is able to read every situation correctly. This sometimes leads to tension between others, but she does her best to try and fix her mistake. And even though she puts off the impression that her mistakes hold nothing over her, she actually really hates making them. She also is secretly sensitive and takes a lot of things to heart, but of course, she hides it well. She finds that being sensitive means she is vulnerable and she doesn't want people to think she is weak, especially in a place you are expected to be strong to survive. For the most part, Gaia is considered an open book, but like everyone else, she has things she prefers to not show or share and usually won't unless you are a close friend. She trusts everyone to a surprising extent, and she is pretty forgiving but her line to cross usually begins when someone lies to her. She puts off that nothing bothers her, and usually answers with kindness and a smile. Joking around is her coping mechanism, which also can sometimes get her in trouble when she jokes about something not funny or serious. It's easy to share secrets with her, she is very trustworthy and though she doesn't like keeping secrets [especially if it's about someone else or could cause harm to another person] if you ask her to keep it quiet she will.

Gaia is very kind and friendly. She is full of compassion and is extremely protective of everyone in the glade, regardless of what they think of her. She has no issues standing up to people and getting in the middle of a fight when absolutely necessary. Gaia is adventurous and would rather be in the maze with the others but it seems she also has a gift for cooking. So she listens to their discoveries from the sidelines. She would never break the rules, but sometimes she seriously thinks about it. She doesn't enjoy seeing the same thing every day though she supposes everyone else feels the same way too, so she behaves. Though there is one thing that is nice, being able to request special items from the box and whoever is the one supplying them their stuff every month. She has a few sketchbooks as hers. And when she has some free time to herself you can find her near the woods usually drawing.

She is a people pleaser, and though a lot of people may think that means she is fake that not it at all. She just really enjoys being on good terms with everyone, she enjoys appealing to everyone. It also makes it easier when you don't have enemies. With that Gaia enjoys positivity and tries not to dwell on the whole "being stuck in a maze that could potentially decide to kill them all at any given moment." She likes to think of the positive side of things like without the maze all these people would've probably never met each other. When Gaia is alone is when she lets herself breathe for a bit, though her personality is her own it is quite tiring to keep it up when even she has her own doubts and negative thoughts that she keeps hidden. But all in all she is a loveable ball of energy who tries to get along with everyone and make everyone laugh.

Gaia stands at 5'9", her body is slim with curves. Her skin is tan/sunkissed with dark brown hair that falls to her mid-back. Her eyes are chocolate brown.
angie costa

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:20 pm


Name: Kai [Pronounced KIE]
Nickname: N/A
Age: 19.5
Gender: Male
Rank/Role: Greenie/Runner
Immune: No
Time Spent in the Glade:
1st day
Sexuality: Demisexual
Crush: Open
[Though wouldn't recommend]

Relationship: Single
Fun, Outdoors, Stars, Fire,
People, talking, groups, love,
patience, kindness, work,
activeness, training, Ryuu.

Lying, death, Ryuu,
time, Sleep, Grievers,
the maze [kind of], cold.



Even though Kai is Ryuu's brother they couldn't be more different from one another. Kai embraces his emotions, and is very open about the way he feels. He is very kind, gentle, compassionate, and caring. He expresses his interest in people like anyone else and will let it be known if he is bored or not interested in something. Even though he is kind and gentle this doesn't mean that he will say something just to make you happy. He will tell things as is and call people out on things, he is very honest and genuine. Kai is very friendly, and won't have an issue with someone unless given a reason to, he is also very understanding and before changing how he acts towards said person or anything of that sort he will hear you out, if he deems your excuse to be just an excuse then he will simply cut you out of his life. He will match energies and that tends to tick people off, but he just doesn't see why he should kill people with kindness when he could dish out the same attitude.

Kai could be looked at as a flirt in someways. But he really just doesn't know how to behave around pretty women. But he respects someone's personal space and is very gentlemanly in that aspect. Though he does loves hugs. He knows when to back off and is actually able to read people rather easily. Kai is a laidback sort of outgoing and doesn't really mind whether he is the center of attention or not, as long as he is surrounded by good company he has a good time. He quite enjoys fun and is really fun to be around when he's in that mood. When it comes to confrontation Kai is the cool-headed kind of person. Yes, he will match energies but that doesn't mean he will jump the gun and get angry over something as simple as words. With that, he is pretty level-headed and the type of person who doesn't just take one-sided stories, but would rather get both sides and fairly come down to a solution or conclusion. But if things ever did come to a physical fight, he is very capable of handling himself. Surprisingly he has an unknown set of fighting skills, that will be unlocked along the way.

Kai is a hard worker, much loving to do things rather than sit around though of course like any normal human being he has his limits and times where he would much more prefer to sleep in, but who wouldn't? He is very generous and would give you the clothes off his back even if it meant he freezes to death. And he would do it without the slightest complaint or hesitation. Kai is also very loyal, if he sees you as a friend he will never do anything to hurt or betray you. But with that he can also be pretty overprotective, though he means no harm in it, he just doesn't want to see you hurt in any way.

Even though he is very intelligent and a fast thinker he can be quite indecisive when it comes to life or death situations. He tends to try and rule out every possibility and doesn't do that well under immense amounts of pressure. This ultimately leads to him making some big mistakes which he will then internalize and each time gives him more pressure to work with the next time there is a big decision to make.

Kai is 6'2" with an average build. His body is toned from workouts done before the glade. Brown/black hair, and dark brown eyes.
Rp'd out
Lee Gi-Kwang

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Re: ☽Alpha's OC storage☾

Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:46 pm

Name: Silas [SAI-lus] Blackwell
Nickname: Si [Pronounced like Sigh]
Age: Appears to be 23,
actually is somewhere around a Millenium

Gender: Male
Species: Shape Shifter/Half Marchosias
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: "Nah."
Relationship: "..."
Working, Tracking, Flying, fighting,
hunting, shifting, demons, darkness,
rain, fire, stars, clouds, money,
food [specifically any kind of meat],
whiskey, intimidating people, getting in
peoples heads, making people mad,
dancing [secretly].

Losing, other super naturals, people,
boredom, easy prey, alot of talking,
people crying [finds it annoying], peace,
being stared at, being looked down at.



Silas is cut off from emotion, much like his mother he feelings only anger, annoyance and bloodlust. Well at least that is what he would like to believe. But After all he is only HALF marchosias. He puts off this "I work alone.", "Don't need anyone slowing me down." attitude, usually remaining reclusive in a way to keep from being distracted while he works, because of this some may say he is a hard-worker. Though it may just be a way to keep his mind busy from the betrayal of his mother that still haunts him. He is stubborn, enough to stick by that wall he has put up to keep every one away from his heart. He comes off as abrasive, he wears you down, and drains you of any positivity and good energy by simply shutting you down.

He lacks sensitivity from years of emotion suppressing training from the government so he can efficiently do his job with nothing holding him back. He can be cruel at times and rude, often not biting his tongue and saying anything mean that comes to mind. He can be quite cunning and sarcastic, and if need be he can play nice to get what he wants and when he does he cleans up good. He has a slick tongue, able to lie through his teeth easily and make it believable.

Silas may seem arrogant but he actually is very capable and aware of how strong he truly is, and sometimes that may come off as him being cocky or under estimating his prey or enemy but he knows how to size up a person easily and get a good read off of them. With that when he gets into a fight, his surroundings and anyone in his way become nothing, he is pretty destructive, willing to tear down buildings and people just to achieve his goal.

He hides it well but he is very vindictive when it comes to the thought or reminder of his mother. He only wants her to come and show herself so he can kill her and show her that even though he is only half her bloodline he is the better half, the stronger one. He thinks he needs to prove himself, to not her, but to his own image he has painted of himself.

Si has a lot of negative traits, but he isn't actually like this, its just how he is stuck due to the years of training on his mind and body from the government. Though he is fully doing the work for them because he chose to, in an act to seek power and strength to be able to one day take on his mother if she ever did appear again. This persona is just an act.

Silas though really doesn't care about other peoples wellbeing does not mean he could never. He just hasn't found the right people to really gauge his interest and trust. Though his emotions have been suppressed and all that manage to leak out are the same as his mother, he has the capability to have other emotions due to his father. He is capable of compassion and empathy he just has yet to experience it.

When he was a kid, Silas was all the things he is not now. Compassionate, kind, expressive, patient, loving and gentle. This is the side of Silas that was his father. A boy who would bring home an injured bird and try to nurse it back to health, only to have his mother call it weak and "put it out of its misery." He would've given a person the clothes off their back if it meant helping them in anyway. But he was silenced a lot from his mother, and eventually that side of him became a secret that could only come out around his father. It has been completely muted at this point he just needs to find it again.

There are still some good traits that peer through in him. Silas is actually very level-headed, though he may come off as hot-headed he actually uses that as a ploy to direct their attention to his reaction while he thinks of a plan or in some cases an escape. He is very intelligent, being thrown into the world as a kid he had to learn quickly with little to no mistakes or it could cost him his life.

Silas has gone through years of intensive training on how to fight hand to hand combat, along with incorporating his shifting abilities into the mix to create his own unique fighting style. He is light and quick on his feet and flexible, though this doesn't mean he doesn't mess up, not in the slightest, sometimes Silas jumps into action before thinking, leaving plenty of open spots and opportunities to counter him or block.

He is very much capable of love, but he honestly doesn't believe he is. Since growing up he only ever witnessed a relationship like his parents he truly believes he cannot love someone or something simply because his mother didn't.

In all Silas is an enigma, he hides his emotions and seals them up lock and key, hoping that this would some how make him better than his mother and stronger. This goes to say that it is very possible to make him open up and actually be kinder and more gentle towards someone but it would probably take some time. His personality can work in spectrums as well, in some cases he will be more closed off and cold or less.

Human form
Silas stands at the shorter end of things at 5'10 and weighs in about 156 lbs. His hair which is a light brown usually hangs loosely around his eyes and is shorter in the back and longer in the front, reaching his chin easily. Though sometimes he will slick it back for a more clean cut look. His eyes are a hazel green. He has some scars on his arms from procedures made from the government when he first started to work for them, and some on his back as well. His skin is very very lightly tanned its almost hard to tell. He has a lean body from years of training though you cannot tell from the clothes he wears.

In this form he looks to be a large oversized wolf that when on his back legs stands at 9'6. His eyes change from his human form to a yellow flecked with green. He has a pair of large beautiful gryphon wings that match his black raven colored fur. Because he is only half Marchosias he does not have the normal size of one and does not have a serpent tail.

Silas was born by a demon mother and a shifter father. His father was entranced by his mothers beauty and fierceness. For many decades they were in hiding together and eventually gifted with a son. Normally kids would inherit one or the other power of their parents but Silas was different, an special child with both of his parents abilities. His mother cold and never endearing, his father kind of warm. But his father worked a lot so he was mostly exposed to his mother. Who at times seemed like she wanted nothing to do with him or wished he was never born to begin with.

Silas aged quickly, and was taught how to track and hunt by his mother, and he seemed to never do enough or do well to be doted on, this made him only try harder as to impress his mother. But he soon learned, that his mother being a full demonic presence was not capable of love or emotion. For she even showed little to no interest in his father, she treated him like a toy, just another thing in the world to try. He wondered if his father knew this, but kept his mouth quiet. It seemed that his mother was capable of only two types of feelings, anger and bloodlust. She grew bored and simply destroyed a whole city just because she could. This put a bounty over her head and put him and his father in danger and when the townspeople came to seek revenge, she simply left him and his father behind to fend for themselves against the angry people. At this age he struggled with keeping his shifting under control, often walking around in his human form with canine teeth or animal tails randomly, so he couldn't hide he was his mothers child when his wings that mimicked hers came out in front of all of them. They killed his father, and so as a boy age only 10 he killed them all, and fled to go in hiding.

Eventually he had completely honed into his abilities with his Marchosias side, so much he probably surpassed his mother. He ran into a government group who were against Super naturals but were looking for people to work for them to help keep other super naturals in check....a weapon. With nothing left to call home and no one who cared about him, he does their dirty work for them. Hunts, kills, and captures other super naturals. Almost like a bounty hunter or an enforcer of some type. He takes care of super naturals who use their powers when they aren't supposed to. He does it because it feeds the desire to hunt and kill from the Marchosias side of him, and it keeps food in his stomach and a place to sleep at night.

As a shifter he is able to take on the looks of animals, and able to change his appearance slightly like hair color or eye color [though he doesn't change his appearance much usually as an intimidation ploy]. He is only able to take on the form of an animal he has seen in real life aside from his Marchosias form which is his natural form. Because of the ability to become animals he is able to understand other animals languages. He also has enhanced smell, eye sight, and hearing even in his human form.

If you don't know what a Marchosias is here is where I will tell you. They are considered a creature of demonology, and is usually referred to as a Marquis of hell and controls demons. A Marchosias usually has gryphon wings, a serpents tail and body of a wolf and the ability to breathe fire. A marchosias usually cannot shift between human and creature unless granted by a magician but because he is only half marchosias he doesn't not have that issue.

What powers does Silas have from being a partial Marchosias?
Silas has the enhanced smell, vision, hearing, stamina and speed from this portion of his bloodline. Along with the ability to flight, partial shift [shift specific parts of his body], and the ability to breathe fire. He is able to shift freely between human and Marchosias. He also has immortality and healing to an extent, there is only one type of weapon that can kill or do damage to him and that is a holy weapon of any sort. A weapon blessed by the priests or deities. His healing is increased but not like oh he gets hurt and its instantly better more like if he breaks a bone it will take a day or two to heal, rather than weeks or months. Lastly he stopped aging and growing once he hit 24 in human aging.

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