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Postby Crono » Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:33 am


Name: Dalton Richards ┓
Age: Thirty-Four
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf [Born]
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: Adviser
Occupation: Game Warden ┛
Dalton was raised by his father in Midway Kentucky, his mother having left when he was still a baby after having found out the truth about that her fiancé and son weren't human. Dalton's father Jack was honest about why she left, opting not to lie or keep secrets. Though for Dalton this left a bit of a stigma with Werewolves and his being one for many years. A few months after Dalton graduated high-school, Jack Richards was killed in what was being ruled as a hunting accident. Except Jack didn't really hunt, at least in human form, he'd only purchased the weapons and other items to keep up the appearance that he did more than anything. No, Dalton knew there was more to it and he was convinced hunters had found them. Growing paranoid that he was being followed he had little choice but to pack what he could and disappear.

What better place to disappear to than Alaska, no? Not that it had been Dalton's plan to begin with, but somewhere along the way this is where he'd ended up. He'd initially expected there to be no Werewolf hunters or Werewolves themselves to be up here but soon realized he was wrong. Edmund Alder approached Dalton one day out of the blue and effortlessly calmed and invited Dalton to join his ragtag pack. Eddie had really locked down how to approach other wolves, or so Dalton remembers thinking. Given he hadn't even tried to run when the Alpha had made contact. Dalton had few choices then, at the time he was running low on cash and didn't really have any sort of trade to capitalize on when it came to finding a job. Back in Kentucky he was still trying to figure that out, being fresh out of high-school and his father hadn't pushed. So Dalton gave it a shot and found himself molding into the pack as family over time. Dalton signed on to be a Game Warden, learning everything he could from Eddie who'd been happy to teach him. Fast-forward fifteen years and Dalton has become respected in his job, though not nearly as much as the Alpha.
Through life Dalton's learned to be independent and reliable for the most part. Dalton being the person that anyone chooses to rely on is surprising to him, but he takes pride in it and does his best to be there for those people. That being said he finds a sense of calm when he can get away from both everyone and everything, so that he can just think. This is especially useful when he loses his temper every so often, it's something that's stuck with him since he was on his own. Occasionally he can be irritable or snappy if you catch him at a bad time but he'll usually try to reign it in. For the most part Dalton's a caring and genuine person and he doesn't hide it. He's also a bit of a workaholic, and occasionally tends to push himself too hard without realizing until he notices or someone calls him out on it. Easily the type to take care of someone else's needs before his own.

Eddie's death has hit Dalton particularly hard and he's had difficulty really dealing with it. After his fathers death fifteen years ago, Eddie sort of filled that void for Dalton. However this recent death has brought back both the old and buried pain of his dads passing with this new grief of losing Eddie. Still though Dalton's functioning well enough and getting through the days physically, emotionally he's having a rough go of it however.



- Not a fan of guns, though he's armed on
the job he almost never touches his own.

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Erik Peterson/Lost Soul

Postby Crono » Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:30 pm


Name: Erik Peterson ┓
Age: Thirty
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf [Bitten]
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male leaning)
Rank: Fighter ┛

Erik's home life when he was younger was a rather loud and even hostile one. So from an early age he'd learned to often run off to find something to do or occupy him elsewhere. A majority of the time this was somewhere outside, and over time he grew a fondness for the outdoors. This led to Erik being an avid rock-climber, hiker, and explorer of sorts. Leaving home the moment he was of age was the best move he'd ever made, having just graduated high-school and saved up money from part time jobs over the last few years. He'd set off on a cross-country road-trip, planning to hitchhike as much as possible to get him a majority of the way. His plan? To see and accomplish as much as he possibly could. From Yosemite to the Grand Canyon he was going to conquer them all and enjoy it.

It took nearly two years but he hit every stop and landmark he planned out. There'd been some bumps and hiccups along the way but he'd made do. And though he settled down in Colorado for a few months after, he still felt that pull to continue on. So Erik set his sights on doing the same in other countries. One day however, while climbing deep in the Colorado countryside there was an accident. To this day Erik doesn't recall what happened, maybe he hadn't been clipped in properly, or maybe he'd simply lost his footing. Either way he knows that he woke up at the bottom of the cliffside he'd been ascending, broken and injured to the point that he nearly accepted death. Waking up days later in a soft bed inside the cabin of a Werewolf who had bitten him to save his life, then proceeded to help with his recovery afterwards wasn't something he'd have ever guessed would happen instead.

Trying to continue living life the way he had before the accident and the change wasn't something he was able to do. Erik found this new lease on life as both a blessing and a curse, and in the end found himself lost. Along the way of finding himself he stumbled across a pack which accepted him with time and in return he accepted them.


Erik still hasn't really found himself again, always feeling just a little out of place. Though this doesn't keep him from enjoying himself as best he can. Erik's always trying to find the best way to do so in any given situation, sometimes to an even extreme. This is both an attempt to fill that emptiness as well as to just not give in. He fears if he does give up on finding some sort of purpose that he'll simply cease to be. This in turn creates a little bit of a need to be needed, of sorts. Overall he isn't bothered what others really think of him, and just goes to the beat of his own drum while caring deeply for those that do the same for him. Through this he's rather protective of those within the pack, and does his best to keep them from any harm.



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"As long as the embers are still burning, I don't want to quit."

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The Teacher

Postby Crono » Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:57 am


Name: Wyatt Johnson ┓
Age: Thirty-Eight
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Former Occupation: High-School Teacher ┛
Wyatt grew up in Grand Haven Michigan in the US in a rather average household. He's an only child who took to sports in high-school, specifically Baseball. He was a well rounded student and athlete, though he'd still been considered a jock in those days. By the time college rolled around and Wyatt had to really consider what he wanted to do he opted to follow in his mothers footsteps by getting his bachelor's degree in education. His first few years of teaching were in the US. When Wyatt was twenty-six he'd been dating one of his fellow teacher's for about a year, and for Wyatt it was getting serious and he was falling for the other man. To the point that he'd even set up a proposal in the coming months. But before that could happen both the student body and faculty found out about their relationship, and what was once private became public. And while some of the students teased, there wasn't any backlash or anything of the sort. The most they'd had to do was having a meeting with the administration about it. Still, it wasn't something Paul was interested in having and had broken it off with Wyatt within a week of it going public. This devastated Wyatt who voiced that he wanted to fight to keep them together but Paul had seemingly lost interest leaving him to question if their relationship had ever had a shot at being anything more.

Like with any good life crisis, in the aftermath Wyatt wanted a change of scenery. Thus he moved to Canada and continued his life and job there, diving headlong into work and even taking on the role of coaching the school's Baseball team. Three years after the move Wyatt noticed one of his students acting out abruptly, beforehand the teen had given few problems. Not long after he uncovered the fact that abuse was involved, though before the authorities could be contacted the student's father managed to attack him publicly. The story sort of blew up in the small town, the father going to prison for multiple reasons and his son being placed safely with family in Ontario. Wyatt came out of it with some bruises and stitches but considers that worth the result. After this he found that he'd seemingly found the respect of many of those in town. Maybe it was just that his name and face were on the news, who knew. Either way he was met with more greetings than before, the impact really made him feel at home in Campton Fall's. Like he'd been fully accepted. This has been where he's been for the last ten years.
Wyatt considers himself a simple man. Teaching is something that gives him purpose, helping shape the future by educating the younger generation is something he's always taken pride in. That said there's far more to the job than simply that. There are many problems that those students face and Wyatt does his best to be there for them. It helps that he can be perceptive and catch things that others might overlook, he's learned to watch for signs of problems outside of school. Wyatt believes in second chances for just about anyone and will help them onto that path. This all being said he's the type to care far more for others than himself and occasionally neglects his own well-being through distraction or prioritizing others. In this he can be seen as reckless but it's more obliviousness than anything.

Being outspoken is nothing new to Wyatt and he will stubbornly try and interpret the way he see's things or explain his opinion. When met with hostility he doesn't exactly back down but loses his steam quickly, falling back into a more neutral state of passively holding one's ground. There's a fear of making things worse by reacting the wrong way that tends to override any sense of being right or wrong in a situation. Not to mention he's always been known to be more of lover than a fighter. While he'll gladly defend those who need it with a protective fierceness, he's by no means effective in the matter and is more bark than bite. Still, that doesn't stop him from doing so.

While Wyatt has made friends and plenty of relationships in the community of Campton Falls over the years, few have had real depth to them. As good as Wyatt is at helping his students, he's a rather hinderance on himself in really putting forth the effort. This leads to those few being the only people to really understand him and the way he ticks.



- Really needs his glasses, his
vision is terrible. Currently they're a bit cracked.

- Has a nut allergy.

- Before the world ended he'd nearly lived off coffee.

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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:07 pm


Name: ? ┓
Age: Forty
Gender: Male
Species: ?
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank: ?
Occupation: Tow-Truck Driver/Vehicle Recovery ┛



- Lucky cap that he doesn't leave home without.

- Needs glasses to read most of the time.

- Was good at his job.

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Medic Man

Postby Crono » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:11 pm


Name: Silas Rhodes ┓
Nicknames: Doc
Age: Thirty-Four
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Rank: Subordinate
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Emergency Room Doctor ┛
History: ?
Personality: ?



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Postby Crono » Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:22 am


Name: Hudson Murphy ┓
Nicknames: Doc, Hud, Doctor Murphy
Age: Thirty-Six
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Doctor ┛
History: Hudson grew up in what you'd call an average low income household as the middle child of three. Choosing to go into the medical field seemed like an unobtainable dream in the long run, but he started working his butt off from a young age both in his studies and actually working. In the long run though he'd wrack up a student debt like most, between college and medical school. That pressure pushed Hudson to choose a specialty that paid well, he wanted to be able to help provide for his family while also paying off that debt. At first he'd gone into General Surgery, but when a patients life was lost due to his actions as a Resident he changed. It was then he realized that being a Surgeon wouldn't work for him, and switched over to Emergency Medicine instead.

Once he got his medical degree and started looking for a position he happened over an opening in Wilson. A small town that was lacking someone to run it's emergency room. One that was so small in fact that he'd be the only medical personnel there. With no other prospects really pulling at him, Hudson took the job. For the last five years he's lived in the small town taking care of it's residents.
Personality: Hudson can be an awkward individual. Generally speaking he can be reserved, more likely to observe above all else. The man isn't the most sociable, often enjoying his time alone both when out and about as well as at home. When working or talking medicine Hudson sort of changes into a different person. When working he comes off both calm as well as confident, even if it's occasionally a façade. More than anything he becomes more communicative. For the most part he's more comfortable on the job, even in the thick of an emergency. But like everyone he has his limits, and when reached he starts overanalyzing everything to the point of panic. Overall Hudson's an attentive and caring person.



- His hair started graying the moment he hit
thirty. Once hated it but now he's embraced it.

- Fears losing another life in his care.

- Should probably wear his glasses more
often than he does. But usually only does
so when reading or they are needed.

- Going out of his way for his patients is
second nature at this point. And often checks
in on patients by visiting them at home when he's
not working.

- Both his family as well as a few rare
townsfolk call him 'Hud'. And while not fond
of the nickname he doesn't fight it beyond
the occasional sigh or complaint.

- Keeps to a decent diet. Allergic to nuts.

- Hudson also doesn't know how to swim the poor dear.


✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Possible Romance)

Anderson Bancroft : The Alpha (❖✔)
Hudson likes Anders if for no other reason than his dedication and care towards Petey.
While not a veterinarian in the least he'd still done his best for the pooch when brought
in and the two men got a good laugh if nothing else.

Luana Farine : The Rho ()

Magnus Ahn : The Delta (✔❖)

Leigh Howard : The Gamma (❖)

Calliope Turner : The Sigma ()

Seraphina Abendroth : The Wilding ()

Lawrence Newman : The Conflicted ()

Theodore Wake : The Omega (✔❣)

Poppy Yuzuki : The Exile ()

Abraham Zircon : The Sheriff (✔)
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Greyson Monroe

Postby Crono » Tue May 03, 2022 6:10 am


Name: Greyson Monroe ┓
Nicknames: Grey
Age: Twenty-Nine
Gender: Male
Rank: Guardian
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male Leaning)
Occupation: Police Deputy
Wolf Form
When Greyson and his brother were twelve and their younger sister eleven, they'd been sitting in the car parked outside the construction sit their father was working at. Having just dropped by quickly so he could run in for a few minutes to grab some things. Without warning a stranger had jumped into the front seat in an assumed car jacking turned child abduction. Amidst the chaos of screaming children in the backseat and the man yelling for them to shut up whilst driving, Greyson panicked and shifted. As a wolf Grey lunged for the man from the back seat, not fully sure on what he intended to do but instinct had taken over to attack with all that he had.

The car quickly lost control with the abductor's attention fully on the animal attacking him, slamming through the barrier on the side of the bridge they'd been crossing and plunging into the water below. Greyson doesn't recall much of the evening after that, but he does remember being on shore with his brother. Flashes of memories with sirens and lights, police and and an ambulance, then his father showing up at some point. But Lisa never made it to shore. Following the incident his brother Colby had gone mute, and would stay that way for nearly ten years. The younger brother was difficult to say the least, and despite Greyson having always tried to reach out or keep a line of communication open between them but Colby usually avoids and ignores him.

Greyson worked towards his goal of getting into law enforcement in the years after graduating high-school. It was difficult to say what exactly drove him to choose this path. Whether it had to do with trying to prevent incidents like the one that defined his childhood, another way to help protect the pack, or some deep seeded guilt for what happened to Lisa and the part he played. Not even Greyson couldn't say for sure.
Greyson doesn't get along well with technology for the most part, and despite being a patient man, is easily frustrated by something like his phone or work computer when it doesn't work the way he intended. Grey never let anything stop him from going to the police academy, graduating, and getting a job locally as a deputy. Grey knew he wanted to help protect the pack as a Guardian, just as his father had protected before him. But more than that he wanted to play a part in helping humans as well. The guardian has a hard time letting things go, especially if he feels strongly on the subject. Which usually ends with him biting his tongue or just sitting and stewing on it.



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? : ? ()

? : ? ()

? : ? ()

? : ? ()

? : ? ()

? : ? ()

? : ? ()

? : ? ()

?i : ? ()

? : ? ()
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:40 am


Name: Jackson Keller ┓
Nickname: Jack
Age: Thirty-Five
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male-Leaning)
Role: Patrol Leader ┛
Jack's parents wanted him desperately to go to college so that he could have a chance at a strong career and more full life, in their words. They were loving parents that simply wanted what they thought was best for him. But Jack wasn't ever great at school, and their family wouldn't be able to afford it. Luckily he proved to be pretty good at sports. So his future plans was to aim for an athletic scholarship to get him into college. When the Flu hit, Jack found out how quickly people would turn on each other. Jack's parents were among the early deaths, leaving the fifteen year old boy on his own. People he knew as well as strangers would turn him away or outright attack him for seeking help in those days, so he had to learn to fend for himself and survive on his own.

His luck however would inevitably start running out. On the verge of starvation, Jack slipped onto a farm to steal some food. He hadn't grabbed much, two cans of beans. He'd seen the limited stores they had, and had spotted that they were a family living there before moving in. The teen simply wanted enough to get by, and not give anyone a reason to hunt him down. Fate had different plans however, as on his way out he stepped into a bear trap planted by the farm owners. Luckily for him they were merciful, and the family even offered him to stay while he healed from his wounded leg from the trap. Red Bandana's would descend on the farm before he was to leave, and Jack wasn't about to pay the only people who showed him an ounce of kindness in these dark days to fight by themselves. Still, he couldn't prevent the tragedy that followed.

Skip ahead many years later and he's the Patrol Leader to The Farmhouse and it's become a thriving little community in itself.
Jackson's whole job revolves around keeping people safe, thus he's not so easily trusting of anyone he doesn't know. He's pretty straight forward, and isn't against speaking his mind. Can be a pretty stubborn jerk at times and patience isn't always his strong point either. He's been called overbearing a few times. But the Farmland's security and the protection of it's people is his first priority, the last thing he wants is another tragedy to unfold there. That being said Jack is still a person who cares for the people close to him, and will go out of his way to help them when he can. He will easily work himself to the bone, rather than pushing those under him. While he trusts the Patrollers that he leads, Jack is still very much a want it done right, do it yourself. kind of guy. Which sometimes can backfire on him.


✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Possible Romance)
- Was on the Wrestling team in Highschool.

- Taken in by the Riordan's on the farm.

- Jack's eyesight isn't the best, he could probably use some
glasses despite not having any.

- Has a scar on the side of his neck.

- Not a great cook but can get the job done.

- Snores pretty loudly.

- ?

Jetta Riordan : The Leader ()

? : The Second ()

? : The Doctor ()

River Thomas : Nurse ()

? : Nurse ()

Sebastian Navarro : Patroller ()

? : Patroller ()

Merle Brewer : Farmhand ()

Leon Valenti : Farmhand ()

August Thomas : Stablehand ()

Jane Samson : Survivor ()
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