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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:28 pm

Name: Elijah Reid
Nickname: Eli, Reid
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero-Demisexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
nighttime, moon, stars, warmth, cold, fire,
deep conversations, secrets, art, books,
earth, breaking rules, nature, forests, woods,

Liars, adults, large groups,
chancellor, small talk, being told what to do,
pain, secrets, love, attatchments, friends,
being bothered, family.



Eli is closed off and aloof, he's not exactly mean but he isn't nice either. He isn't one really to acknowledge anyone's existence and prefers to keep to himself. This is why if someone were to start anything with him he would probably just ignore them and walk away. But if they come after him he has no problem putting them in their place. The more you poke at him the more he reveals layers of annoyance and each layer gets darker and darker. He has no remorse, no guilt towards anything or anyone. With a life-like his it's only natural he be as guarded as he is. If you push him to the edge and he snaps he can get very dark and intimidating, and sometimes he will even get violent. Other than that, people tend to find him rather approachable which drives him mad.

A lot of people look at him as rude, but really he just doesn't say anything when he doesn't feel motivated to talk, doesn't know what to say or just doesn't care. He has always been a rather quiet person, to begin with, learning from a young age that his voice didn't matter so why waste his breath? If he does talk, it's not many words, and it's not very opinionated, more like a people watcher. He prefers to keep his voice and opinions to himself. He is able to read people very easily because of this and this makes people very predictable for him. When he is put on the spot is when you see a flicker of human emotion, he will get flustered, and you will find him trying to shy away or say "I don't really care." When the topic of his past comes up, he will tell you what he did to his parents with no issue, but he will not explain the trauma of what they did.

In reality, Eli does actually struggle with speaking up, and with how many turned a blind eye to him and his family situation when he was a kid, that's what he has learned to be right in his mind. If you ignore it, it will go away or fix itself. He will not baby anyone, and he will not stop any fights. When you get on his nerves or bothering him in any way he won't hesitate to just walk away mid-conversation or tell you to shut up, but more than 80% of the time he will just walk away.

You can find Eli with his nose buried in a book full of his drawings. It's the one thing he really seems to brighten up about and show his true colors about. He has no issue showing you his drawings, but don't EVER touch or take his book away from him. He will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get that book back. He has trust issues and believes no one actually cares about anyone but themselves, that everyone is against one another and friends are pointless.

If you can manage to get Eli to open up to you or you are already friends with him you see a completely different side of him. He smiles a lot and laughs. He is a bit of a goofball and loves to talk and listen. And even though he would never step into anything for anyone, if he cares deeply enough for you there will be no stopping from the trail of hell he will create for the person who hurt you. He is very protective once he has that connection, afraid that it might slip away. He is also constantly afraid people who are close to him will turn their backs on him. But when you gain his trust, you gain him as a loyal and trustworthy friend, and to a point, he will love you unconditionally, and will let his fears slip away,

When it comes to something like love, he isn't really sure. With never having something like that shown to him he probably wouldn't even know how to react to that. He is a tough person to crack, and to get passed the walls and the shells and the closed-off persona will take some time, but once you get there he is an amazing person to be around.

Eli stands at 6' and has an average-sized body but is toned and has muscles. His hair is black usually style like above but sometimes he lets it down messily and it sits a bit in his eyes. His eyes are as dark as his hair, they could be called basically black. He has a few scars on him from his past that he doesn't try to keep hidden. There's one on his neck, arm, back -all slightly noticeable, and a small one on his right eyebrow.

Eli was raised by two monsters. Which is one of the reasons he turned out the way he did. His mother and father were very manipulative and abusive. Growing up he was constantly reminded that he wasn't wanted, that he was an accident. He was only allowed to go outside the room when they wanted him to steal, so sometimes he would take extra long so he could hang out with the other kids.
His parents would order him to steal stuff for them and when he wouldn't he got punished. For years as a boy he stole, food, medicines, clothes, things that they wanted that others had, and only once in a while would he steal something for himself, like the good pencils, and books. But eventually, He learned to not feed into their demands. Which ultimately led him to get punished more often. It seemed that no one really wanted to step in and call out his parents even though most of them knew what was going on, maybe it was in fear, but he just believes they didn't care.

Once he grew to be a little older he put his life into the form of art, drawing, and painting. It was his only escape from the nightmares caused by his parents. Who still were alive at the time and even though he was bigger and tougher than before, they knew he would never stand up to them. But one day as he was drawing in his book, his mother came in. She was yelling at him like she always did and when he was showing no response and was too consumed by his work in his book she snatched the book and ripped it up. Years of drawings, of pain, and tears were tied to that book. That's when he snapped, a darker side of him came out and a plan sprung into his head. After carefully planning he waited for his parent's next set of demands. And within the next few days, they were yelling at him for them. They wanted extra food. So he happily obliged and got the food, along with the inventory paperwork over the last few years. He had broken into the room where they keep it and stole it, his father was one of the people who did the counts so it was easy to get into as long as he had taken his key. Before he returned with the food he went to the chancellor and provided the paperwork and explained that he should have someone recount the inventory, because his father was lying about the numbers and both of them were stealing stuff throughout the years. To make it even more unquestionable he admitted to stealing for them for basically since he could walk. Why would anyone lie about that with the risk of being floated?

A few days later when the people were able to confirm he was telling the truth, they showed up at their door and put them all in cuffs. He watched as both his father and mother were floated and he didn't have a hint of remorse or guilt towards them. Because he was only 14 at the time they put him in lockup as a prisoner. He was lucky enough to be saved by being sent down to earth with the 100 the day after he turned 18. He even managed to sneak in a book and pencils to draw with once he got down.

Stealing/breaking into records room
Christian Yu

❖Relationship/Interation Template❖

Positive (+) Negative (-) Neutral (=) Friends (✔) Enemies (✘) [Potential] Love interest (★) Dating (❤)





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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:01 pm

Name: Miya [My-AH] Daulton
Nickname: Mia, May
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Ocean, Surfing, Beachers, Sun,
being alone, reading, music,
boxing, fighting, starry nights,
nature, animals, photography,
writing, the color purple, blue,
and white, weapons, rain, moon,
lightning, hunting, fire.

Large groups of people, people,
bullies, talking, new people,
the dead, woods.



Miya was raised to be very accepting, but she found it hard to trust people anyway. She only enjoyed the company of less than a few, and of course Ari. She was always the one who stuck out and didn't fit in, and people picked on her a lot, even as a kid, but it wasn't until high school when things got physical. But this made her strong, both mentally and physically. And although Miya is the younger sister she does act a lot more grown-up and mature than Ari, mainly because she was left alone a lot and had to take care of herself.

She is very intelligent and perceptive and knows how to read people, though she can always have that possibility to be wrong. She is also resourceful and is able to improvise easily.
Even though she acts tough and acts like she doesn't like anyone, she is very trustworthy and reliable. She makes a wonderful friend once you get past that hard shell that she surrounds herself with. When you do, she is actually pretty kind, and kind of a goof-ball, even if the world went down. She can be gentle and warm, but there is one thing that stays the same, and that is her hot-headedness.

When Miya gets mad, she starts swinging, it is probably just a fight or flight reaction but that's what happens. She also doesn't take anything from anybody and will speak her mind very clearly, but has enough smarts to know when it's best to keep her mouth shut. She can be rather strategic and can use people's strengths and weaknesses against them. She is also very competitive and tends to be a sore winner when she does win. Even though she does tell it as it is, she can be quite the liar, after all forcing a smile and saying you are okay for the past few years has made it easy to create a good poker face.

When it comes to love, Miya is not all that interested, and if she does like someone she tends to get flustered pretty easily, which is one of the reasons she doesn't let herself like anyone. She looks at that as a vulnerability and weakness. She doesn't need distractions and she doesn't need to care about anyone considering people can die at the drop of a pin. If there is something that Miya hates the most it's feeling weak or showing weakness or when she is upset, so you won't find her sharing her life's story to you, she is a closed book.

Miya is very skilled in hand to hand combat, and knows a little bit about shooting and archery though doesn't have the arsenal for her to hone those skills. Though there is always that chance she finds something out there. She is also the type of person who will sacrifice herself for others though she would never admit it and she has a soft spot for kids. She is very protective of the people she cares about and will do anything to protect them.

Miya stands around 5' 6", her hair is long, light, and wavy, landing around her mid-back. Though the roots of her hair is darker, brown. Her eyes are a greyish color. She is slender and her skin is very lightly sunkissed. She has a tattoo of an octopus on her left upper thigh, and her father's birthday under her right ear going down her neck. She usually can be found wearing a pair of jeans-any shade of blue or grey. Wearing a shirt that is either a graphic tee and a little bit oversized, or an elegant white top [in the picture] and always wears some kind of combat boots, though when it gets cold she will wear winter boots or just extra socks.
Miya was born in Colorado, her mother had died giving birth to her, but her father seemed to move on rather quickly because when she was 3 they packed up their humble life and moved to Seattle. Apparently, her father had been talking to a woman while Miya's mother was pregnant. When they arrived in Seattle, she had a new family-though she didn't accept them because she just saw it as an attempt at replacing her mother. It wasn't until she was in her child-teen years that she started to accept them and eventually become best friends with Aria. Once Aria finished school and went into modeling, she didn't get to see her much, and then her father got sick.

She spent most of her time after school at the hospital and her grades started to drop. Surprising she did graduate. Ari did pause her career to spend time with her since Miya was left at home by herself a lot while Ari's mom practically lived at the hospital. Though even then Miya still felt alone a lot. She had been also getting bullied in school a lot and came home with busted lips and bruises, which led to her getting self-defense classes, and eventually, she took boxing because she quite enjoyed hitting people. She and Ari had a falling out and got into a fight, mostly it was just words of pain from Miya, but it was one of the last things she said to her older sister before everything.

Miya was at the hospital when everything went downhill. Someone in the next room over started attacking people, and minutes later the amount of them doubled. She had locked the door with her, her dad, and Ari's mother in the room, banging and growling coming from the other side. Her father told her to run, and leave them behind, but she refused. Moments later the door busted open and she watched as her Stepmother and father died, turning into one of those things. She made a close escape out of the hospital and could only think the worst about Ari considering she had just texted her that she was arriving, and the hospital was quickly overrun.

Younger Sister to Aria [Not blood]
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:01 pm

Name: Aria Daulton
Nickname: Ari [AH-ree]
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Pictures being taken, sunsets,
sunrises, oceans, skyscrapers,
fame, famous people, champagne,
rose, salads, warmth, animals,
modeling, clothes, shopping,
the colors pink, white, mint green,
stars, people, talking, stories,
sharing, helping people.

Dirt, mud, rude people, liars,
shell fish, asparagus, snakes,
cheap drinks, lazy people,
greedy people, spoiled,
snobby people.



Despite Ari being born in a lavish and rich way of life, she is quite the opposite of snobby, stuck up, and greedy. She loves helping people and when she was a model she advertised for charities and donated constantly. She isn't the smartest though and doesn't know how to do all the things that Miya can do, like fight or cook or survival. But she does know a bit of stuff medically, she knows how to stitch a wound and clean them out, mostly because of Miya getting into fights all the time and she had to stitch her up and clean the wounds out.

Ari is kind and gentle. She radiates this warmth, confidence, and hope like a ray of sunshine in the dark. She is very positive and tries to keep it that way. Sometimes Aria is a little dense and doesn't quite understand what's going on, but that is hardly ever and it only happens because of her ADHD. She finds herself zoning out and getting distracted easily. But she is very loyal though lacks reliability.

Aria is fun to be around and always knows how to lift spirits and break the ice. She is hardworking as well, though modeling doesn't seem like it would be hard, it really takes a toll on your body and mind after a while. This beauty is very understanding and forgiving and doesn't like holding a grudge but don't take that as her being gullible or naive. She will have no problems telling you how it is if you get on her bad side or do something she doesn't think was right or has hurt someone, regardless if they are a stranger or not. She absolutely despises people who are mean to others and in a world like this, you would think fighting with each other or causing negativity would be that last thing they need or think to do.

Aria is the opposite of brave and will run, hide, or freeze in the sight of danger. She finds herself most of the time freezing in the face of danger mostly because she isn't used to it just yet. She becomes a deer in headlights.

Aria is very good at communicating and has a way of getting along with a lot of people from different walks of life. when it comes to love Aria is some one who falls fast and hard.

Aria stands at 5' 9" and gets to 5' 11" with heels on which is what she usually is wearing, even during the end of the world. Her hair is brown, long, and wavy and falls to around her lower back, with a slight red undertone. Her eyes are an icy blue or a very light grey. She is curvy yet slender and had a very light shade of skin compared to Miya.
Aria was born in Seattle in a rich lifestyle. Her mother and father always fought, and when she was 2 they split up, her father leaving and never coming back, nor did he ever try to contact Ari. Supposedly he had a mistress the whole time, but it was no better because her mother was doing the same thing, but with a man who lived over a thousand miles away. Before she knew it, he showed up she was now 5. He came from all the way from Colorado, apparently lived on his own farm. That's when everything changed, not only did he bring himself but he had a daughter he brought with him, her name is Miya and she was 2. They were sisters now.

Growing up Ari didn't really like Miya or her father, because she looked at them as a replacement of the father who walked out of her life, and she didn't need anyone but her mother. But as the years went by, and they entered child and teen years they seemed to get along a lot better. And eventually, they were inseparable. Though not blood, Ari would protect Miya as best as she could. Once she finished school, she went on to be a model. Her mother's beautiful and delicate features passed on to her. She was very successful in her modeling and continued living a lavish lifestyle. She went on a break for a bit to spend some time with her family because Miya's father had grown very sick.

When the break out happened, Ari was on the way to the hospital, Miya was already there. She was driving when someone ran out into the road, they didn't look so good and Ari almost hit them, she swerved off the road and crashed, going unconscious. When she woke up shortly after she walked the rest of the way to the hospital to see it overrun by the dead. She assumed Miya and her mother and step-father to be dead and left as quickly as she could.

Older Sister to Miya [Not blood]
Barbara Palvin
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:21 am

Name: Griffin Hayes
Nickname: N/A
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: HeteroSexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Widowed/Single
Weapons, running, working out,
family, kind people, protecting
people, helping, rain, thunder,
lightning, Fire, Daytime, Woods,
forests, animals, sweets, the
color green, black, grey and
brown, reading, writing,
drawing, kids.

The dead, talking about his
family, sharing feelings,
love, darkness, being alone,



Even though Griffin is an ex-military, he doesn't take orders very well, considering he was a higher rank and was the one giving the orders. He has leadership skills and tends to try to step in if there is a leader needed. He won't bite his tongue about issues or things he dislikes that you do.

He is very hard on himself and sometimes others and it's mostly he pushes people because he wants to see them succeed. He cares greatly about everything and everyone and wants to help as many people as he can. To him, each person was someone's family, and he knows how it is to lose everything you have. Because of his Wife's and daughter's death, he does have this lingering darkness and void inside of him. He has anger issues that have arisen and he can lash out if you push buttons. He doesn't like talking about his feelings and he also doesn't like getting attached to people in any way as to not get hurt if they die. So he will act like he doesn't care so he pushes the people around him away.

Griffin is smart, but only in the tactical and survival aspect, and in some cases people too. He can be very perceptive. He also is very good at tracking and hunting. He has no issues staying unnoticed and being stealthy. He's very skilled from training and being in the army which will come to use out there in the post-apocalyptic world.

If you get past the hard outside, Griffin is very friendly, he is kind and gentle and caring. He will put his life on the line for others, besides anything he had cared about is dead now. He is very trustworthy and loyal, but he will question people's loyalty themselves.

When it comes to love, Griffin doesn't hate it, he just rejects it. He has a hard time opening himself up again since he is still grieving, and hasn't accepted that his wife and daughter are actually dead. Which is why he doesn't take his ring off. If he takes it off it will just make it all the more real. And that scares him.

Griffin stands at a tall 6' 3" and has an average but toned/muscular body. His skin is a light sunkissed color. Griffin has dark brown hair that is a moderate length and without it being styled it comes down over his forehead and just above his eyebrows and he has slight stubble on his chin and lip. His eyes are dark green but lighten in direct sunlight. He usually wears a pair of dark jeans and a colored t-shirt of some sort along with a button-up brown sweater, and a pair of timberlands-black. He still wears his wedding ring on his hand, but his wife's is on a chain around his neck along with a picture of all of them together in his wallet.
Griffin was born and raised in New York City, he could practically see the statue of liberty from his window. His mother and father stuck in poverty he grew up inside the very crowded and small four walls of the studio apartment. His mother and father were the typical human beings, kind, and just trying to get by and be the best they can be towards others, his mother was a nurse, and a few years down the road after she finished her schooling, she because a full-fledged doctor. His father was a car dealership salesman, actually one of the best in the city, mainly because he was so friendly and straight forwards about the car.

His school years were actually pretty normal, he was considered one of the popular people, but he wasn't like all the rest and stuck up for the small guys. He had a nice girlfriend in high school who he loved dearly, and when he was 18 he found out she was pregnant with a baby girl. Being the person he is he wouldn't run away, and he proposed to her a month later. A few more months down the road they got married, but it wasn't a big wedding, just close family and friends. He deployed for the military right after and after getting through it he was deployed for 6 months. When he came back his baby girl was already born and a few months old.

With his baby girl being four years old and he had been deployed multiple times he was finally home again to his family. He had been spending time at a park when everything went bad. He had been getting some hotdogs from a hotdog stand for his wife and kid when people started to get sick. He had run over to them but it was too late, his little girl and his wife had been killed in front of him. He had ran as the horde of these things started to notice him, he hid out in buildings for some time before it went quiet and he went back out and retrieved his wife's ring, and buried them respectfully. He has been walking ever since.

Face Claim:
Francisco lachowski
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Wed Oct 28, 2020 7:33 pm


Name: Brooklynn Delvina
Nickname: Brooke, Brookie,

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero-Demisexual
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Dancing, Music, acrobatics,
gymnastics, beaches, surfing,
sharks, moon, night, sunny days,
warmth, rain, fish, flowers,
running, singing, drawing,
knives, guns, climbing, rock-
climbing, swimming, animals,
large groups of people, bonfires,
cooking, city or country life,

Fights, arguments, rude/mean/
or angry people, being alone,
pressure, zombies, makeup,
seaweed, darkness.



Brooke is very open and good-natured, well at least she used to be until this whole thing, she still tries to be but it seems not everyone's intentions are pure. She can be rather cautious of strangers but once you gain her trust she will become very friendly. She is very sweet and kind and gentle and sometimes forgets about personal space. And even though she was a very popular kid in school, she can be extremely shy and timid at times. Though she hates showing that side of her because her mom raised her to be brave and strong.

Brooklynn is a hopeless romantic but she doesn't let herself be. If she likes someone she will hide it to the best of her ability and will probably even go out of her way to avoid them. If approached she may become flustered and clumsy.

Secretly Brooke is terrified, though basically growing up with the dead has made her easily hide it behind a stoic face. She doesn't get fazed by the dead anymore or by killing them. The only time she starts to crack is when killing a human being. It tears her up inside she will become filled with guilt. And even with all that, she will still remain calm and level-headed.

Other than that Brooke can be seen as a little ray of light within this darkness. She tries to cheer people up and keep spirits high and have a positive outlook. She is responsible, loyal, and reliable/trustworthy. Once she makes a promise she intends to keep it, even with her last breath. She will put her life on the line for anyone she can, and will help as many people she can. But within the light, there is also darkness. When Brooke is alone she lets herself break down so she can keep her happy self in front of others, and even after all these years she still misses her mother dearly. She also has killed people during a dark time in her life when she was not thinking clearly and not in her right mind.

Smart and resourceful Brooke had no issues surviving on her own in this world. She has picked up a few tricks along the way, along with a map from a store that she has created to show where large amounts of the dead are, and the territories of people who are not people you want to run into.

Brooke has dark brown roots, the rest of it blonde and falling down just below her shoulder blades. Her body is slender but toned from years of dance and gymnastics. She stands at around 5' 8". Her eyes are hazel, colors change, and can sometimes look green. Her skin is tan from days in the sun and on beaches.
Brooke usually wears things that dancers would wear, so sneakers, leggings, or shorts, and a loose shirt or a cut shirt turned into a crop of some sort.

Since she could walk Brooke loved to dance, and she always knew that her life was all about dance and music. Her mother was a dancer until she had a knee injury and couldn't anymore, at least not professionally or the way she used to. Her mother got pregnant with her at a young age, and she never knew her father because he ran the moment he knew. So she was raised by her mother and sometimes friends of her mother or babysitters. Her mother taught dance to kids during the day, and at night she was a cook for a restaurant to make ends meet. Living in New York was not cheap or easy.

Brooke was the kind to be at parties and have large groups of friends, but she also likes to spend time in a dance studio or a gymnasium. Though she did do very well in her studies and ended up graduating a year or two early, same for middle school. She had the plan of going to college and dancing in front of crowds, her name in lights. But that was just a dream as the world had different plans. Patient zero was actually a person in her city, and not long after the whole state of New York was overrun with the dead. She was around 15 years old when this happened, her mom tried to keep them both safe but her mom met her end only a few months later. She had been on her own since. She has grown up alongside this virus, and now she wanders still alone, looking for anyone who won't try to kill or eat her.

Has knives, throwing knives. She also has a handgun but she doesn't use it often, and lastly a compact bow.
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Nov 03, 2020 6:18 pm

Name: Nicholas Becker
Nickname: Nick,
Nicky[Zyah calls him this]

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: N/A
Relationship: Single
Sunlight, beaches, large
groups, talking, having fun,
surfing, animals, parties,
friends, helping, friendliness.

Rudeness, fighting, trouble,
stealing, arguments, pain,
suffering, people getting
hurt, death, bad choices.



Nicky is everything possible related to light. He is kind, and caring, generous and fun. He is extremely positive and never picks fights though he will fight for his sister.
He is not the funniest but he tries to joke. He is very easy going and trusting which sometimes can be his weakness. He doesn't doubt peoples words but tends to somehow tell if they are lying easily.
He is a very trustworthy, reliable and truthful person and friend and will do everything in his power to protect the ones he cares about.

Nicky stands at 6' 0", he has a average muscular and tone build and has dark brown hair that sits messily on his head and his eyes are a deep emerald green. His skin is a light tan color and he is always eiher under dressed or over dressed there is no inbetween. He has a scar on his back from the riot that goes from his collar bone over his shoulder and down passed his shoulder blade.
He grew up the same as Zylah though his parents seemed to have more of a liking towards him, maybe thats because they all thought he didn't have power.
He knew about the darkness that lingers withing Zylah and about the said shadow man, but he hasn't been able to see it. During the riot he was attacked and then hospitalized when he awoke from being unconscious he found out what Zylah did, she killed hundreds of humans. There was no way they could live among them now and so they retreated to the secret city beneath the actual city.

Uknown for now
Older brother to Zylah
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:01 pm

Name: Lotus Devereaux
Nickname: Little Flower
[She hates this nickname]

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: N/A
Sexuality: Demi [Male Pref]
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single

Looking at the sky, Having fun,
pranks, flowers, earth, space,
science, tech, stars, dancing,
climbing, sparring, rain,
joking around.
Secretly Likes:
People, helping people, groups,

heavy lifting, love, family,
adults, being told what to do,
restrictions, being caged, being
mothered, people acting like her
friends, liars.



Lotus was always so cheery and happy, as a kid, she just wanted friends and to see all the wonders of the world that she read in books. But her world was trapped in the small room. It was known very early how curious she was about everything, and she loved taking things apart and putting them back together. Which is how she figured out how to get in and out of the cage they put her in after she was caught.

She was very open, kind, and warm. But it wasn't till she had no one left to call family that she put up walls and started to do things that could get her floated. She started to think she didn't need friends, she didn't need anyone, in fear of losing anyone she holds dear, but deep down is still that little flower who is desperately looking for someone to connect with. Even though she puts off this solid, and hardened exterior she is quite the opposite, she will offer a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on if someone needs it. She loves to help people, and she loves being helpful. She will put her life on the line for people she cares about because she didn't when she got caught.

Lotus likes messing around with people, and having fun, its the only time she doesn't come off like she hates everyone. She opens up more when she finds other people in a like mind with her who try not to dwell on them basically being sent to their deaths and she finds people who are too serious are just a bore to be around. Most of the people in the 100 are all people she potentially could be friends with. But along with that Lotus is also a complicated person, in a moment's notice she can close herself off again and retreat to her shell. There are only a select few who have seen the little flower's full potential and personality and know the full story of her life. Mostly because she doesn't like talking about her family and she hardly remembers her mom.

When you get to see Lotus at her full self comfortably, she is a lot like when she was little. Her eyes so full of curiosity and kindness. She will be warm and gentle and funny. She is extremely intelligent and is good under pressure. She is also a quick thinker and still to this day loves taking things apart and putting them back together again. This is why she secretly looks up to and is in awe of Raven. Hoping one day to be as skilled with tech as Raven.

When it comes to love, Lotus doesn't really know how to act, she tends to be the one to pretend she doesn't like someone but becomes flustered in their presence. She trips over her own words and tends to make a fool out of herself, which she hates doing because she doesn't like feeling so powerless. So more than likely when she does like someone she will deny it and try to hide it.

The bottom line is Lotus is a very complex person, who prefers to hide the softer parts of herself in hopes to keep from being hurt again. She could open up if you get to know her, and she is filled with guilt and grief from the death of her father and sister.

Lotus stands at around 5'6", her body is built small and fragile-looking, but don't let that deceive you she is very strong. Her hair falls a little past her shoulders in an almost white kind of blonde and with gentle waves. Her eyes are a light grey/blue color, and she has skin that looks almost porcelain, but with time in the sun, she could get tan.

Lotus was born on the Ark just like every other member of the 100. Her life was that similar to Octavia's, she was the second child, born and kept in secrecy. With the Ark running out of supplies, each person was only allowed to have 1 kid. Lotus was born very sick, in need of medication. Her mother had stolen the medication and was caught, but not before she could give the medicine to her other daughter who then got it to Lotus. Her mother was floated a few hours later, she was only 4 when that happened. She only had her sister and father left, but she was healthy finally, and strong. When she was around 13 the people on the Ark discovered her, due to her own mistake. She just wanted to make some friends and when wandering the halls of the Ark was seen and caught. And due to her own selfish desires both her father and sister were floated a few days later, she watched with her own eyes. Leaving her alone as a member of the 100, locked up. There were a few times throughout the years she had been locked up that she figured out how to break out, she would wander the halls and do random stuff that would most definitely get her floated, but they never caught her.
Being Born
Little flower was what her sister called her, after she was floated she refused to be called that name anymore, in guilt she got her family killed.

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:04 pm

Name: Foster Hale
Nickname: None yet
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank/Role: The 100
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Laughing, having a good
time, fun, jokes, talking,
friends, exploring, positivity,
cold, groups, people,
medicine, space, drawing,
art, helping people, singing,

Boredom, rude people,
fighting, total darkness,
uncertainty, grounders
[kind of], heat, being



Even though Foster likes to cause problems for the adults he is completely different towards the 100. He is known very well as the joker and is always doing something random like making funny faces or dancing for no reason just to see people smile. He has a heart of gold and is extremely kind and genuine. He is friendly towards everyone that he meets and very open about everything. His thoughts, his feelings, and his reason for doing things. Some call him an open book, but his being is actually much more complicated than that.

Foster hates people being hostile to others and will step in if he sees it. He also hates fighting but will do what he needs to even if he is obviously outmatched. His moral compass is right and he tends to try and to remind the 100 of how to behave like decent humans if need be and tries to remain unbiased and level-headed. He likes being the person everyone can talk to and rely on to be there for them. He loves when people confide in him because he likes feeling like he is useful.

Foster even though acting like he is perfectly happy and fine does have moments where he loses his light. He can get moments where he is extremely down and sad and those are the times when he isolates himself and hides. He doesn't like showing people he is vulnerable and he doesn't like to burden them with his own problems. Most of the time he gets like that though when he is reminded of his mother. With that, he can also get angry because they just let her die. Sometimes when he gets angry enough he can get into a blinding rage, and do things he will later regret. But he will usually never misdirect his anger towards people who don't deserve it, and he isn't one to hold a grudge. So he doesn't hold Abby's importance as the reason his mother was left for dead as her fault.

There isn't much that he hides so when you meet him you are getting like 90% of him in your face. He is brutally honest and doesn't bite his tongue much. He tends to try to see the good in people but tries to be realistic in some way as he knows that not everyone means well. Foster can remind people a lot like a dog honestly, loyal to the bone, unconditional love, and always happy to see you. He has patience like no other, and understanding he doesn't get mad if he has to repeat something or if someone makes the same mistakes, but don't mistake this as if he has no line. Once it becomes obvious there will be no change he will no longer pursue it.

Foster likes to be sociable and make plenty of friends, and he is also well at keeping secrets, mostly because he has the memory and attention span of that of a newborn squirrel, but when it's important he usually remembers it with ease.
In some aspects, he is smart but not in the way you think. He is smart in people, easily able to read and assess them and their mental state and morale. With the good there is also bad, he has a hard time being focused and most likely has ADHD, he also sometimes does harmless teasing, he can be a bit of a troublemaker, with the constant possibility that his joking around goes too far and when he likes someone he can get jealous easily. But when the time comes he is able to be serious and knows when there is a time to joke and when there is not, though humor is a coping mechanism for him.

He stands at 5'10" and has an average but lean body. His hair is on the shorter side and is dark brown. His eyes are a light brown and his skin is a light almost pale color.

Foster had a rather good childhood, his mother and father were both very good at listening to the rules so they never got floated. His mother was a doctor that worked beside Clarke's mother, Abby, ultimately his mother taught him everything she could to be a doctor too. He isn't quite as good as her or Abby but it's enough to make a difference for the 100. But his mother got sick, and due to her not being as important as someone like Abby they didn't waste any medications on her, and a few months later she died.
This was when he started to cause problems in the Ark. He stole stuff for months and got away with it. He started to vandalize the halls and at one point vandalized the Chancellor's office, and put VERY vulgar writings on the walls, and then stole a bunch of the chancellor's things and this led up to him being caught. He was known throughout the Ark because of this.

When they were being sent down to earth he had crossed paths with his father who had become a bit of a substance abuser since his mother passed. The send-off words that his father left were that he was a disgraceful son, and blamed his mother's death on him. And because of that he now holds this burning hatred for his father.

He did a lot of crimes but the one he got caught on was stealing/vandalizing the Chancellor's Office.
Dylan O'brien

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:06 pm

Name: Faye
Nickname: None
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: Warrior/Hunter
[But more of a loner from trikru]

Sexuality: Unknown/Unsure
[Male lean though]

Crush: Open
Relationship: Single
Fighting, Trikru [kind of], hunting,
night time, water, fire, warmth,
kids, knives, Jus drien jus daun,
Heda, trees, woods, nature,

Skaikru [kinda], Death, bleeding,
speaking english, secrets, liars,
Azgeda, spies, disrespect,



[it Is better to die fighting, than to die giving up]

Faye loves to explore, she loves adventure and discovering new places. She enjoys meeting new people but will put a protective barrier around herself to keep from getting too attached because you can't trust everyone. And is usually considered to be closed off from everyone and everything. She doesn't think things through a lot and goes with her gut, instincts, or emotions too much. She is afraid of the rage that came out of her the day she lost her parents but will use it if needed. If she were to be honest with herself she doesn't like death at all, even though she believes deeply in Jus drien jus daun she just doesn't like the thought of ending someone's life, and you can find her thanking her kills when hunting. As a warrior, she is a very skilled fighter, but she is also a hunter so she equally understands how to navigate the woods, and knows the things that live within the woods. Her height seems to put a damper on her fighting when she is fighting someone who is twice as tall as she is but she doesn't let that stop her.

Faye has a hard time with expressing herself, she tends to come off as intimidating. But just know if she didn't want to be around you she would gladly let you know. She is not one to sugarcoat things. Despite that, she is pretty caring and can open up to a select few. Being raised alone with no people to make connections with does make it hard for her too but secretly Faye is very sweet. When she likes you she will protect you and she will remain at your side until you give her a reason not to, she may even betray her own people for you. She absolutely despises liars, mostly because her parents are dead because of their lies. A part of her thinks her parents were scum, but in the end, they were her parents, and just because they lied they didn't need to die.

Faye is loyal, when she makes a promise she will never break it. She believes word is law. And will do everything in her power to keep her word, even if it kills her. She finds cowards rather annoying and will voice her opinion on people who leave others in danger. She is fair and for most of the time calm, but something like abandoning people just rubs her the wrong way. And even when she exposes herself by caring she will never admit that she actually does care and while protecting you or helping you she will be complaining about it like it's a burden the whole time.

When it comes to love Faye has no idea what that is, she has never had a love at all and has never felt anything towards anyone like that. She would probably pick on the person, make fun of them, and be rude. But that's mostly because she wouldn't know how exactly to cope with her feelings.
She also knows she is pretty and sometimes uses that to her advantage regardless of gender or sexuality. With that, she is insensitive to people's feelings and doesn't care if she hurts yours, at least that's what she puts off because she can be sensitive and vulnerable when she is alone. She overthinks too much about things that have already happened but not what is happening right in front of her which is one of the reasons why she acts on instinct and emotion because her judgment is clouded by fear.

In all actuality, Faye is a scared girl, who doesn't know who she is or who she wants to be. She is lost and wants to desperately be going in the right direction to move forwards and become stronger. But she is scared because strength comes in numbers, and with numbers comes attachments, and with attachments come loss.

Faye stands to around 5'2", with a slender and curvy body. Though she is short don't let that make you drop your guard, her body is toned from years of fighting and training. She has long dark brown hair that falls to her mid-back, with the left side braided and wrapped with string-like material. She has skin that is sun-kissed naturally and her eyes are a beautiful light brown. She has one dimple on her left cheek when she smiles.

Faye was born a part of Trikru. Her parents were well known throughout the people as they were very good at hunting, one of the best. But somehow their daughter came out to be a night blood and to keep her from becoming a leader and being taken away to be trained, they hid her away from everyone and went made a home in the forest. They trained her to hunt, and along the way, Faye met a traveler who she befriended and he taught her how to fight, and naturally, she was gifted in the fighting aspect. The whole reason they kept her blood from Heda and Trikru was that it took them years to even have a kid. Her parents deeply believed in the ways of Trikru but they wanted their daughter to grow up without having the possibility of becoming Heda on her shoulders and with more of a chance of surviving.

As she grew up she was able to make her own decisions and decided to explore and see where she originated from. Meeting her people. She kept her night blood hidden from all of them somehow like she had promised to her parents, and sooner or later she was trained very heavily in the art of war and fighting. She was very careful and made sure no one was ever able to land a hit on her. But of course, the man she had met years ago, trained with her again. It was bound to happen eventually, but the man found out about her blood. He took the treachery into his own hands and killed both her parents. A newfound rage had overcome Faye and moments after her parent's death she killed the man as well, she was only 12 when this happened and she had been on her own ever since. She herself does not believe in the way of Trikru, but she is one of them. And due to the way the man reacted to her blood she still keeps it a secret. She doesn't really go near Trikru much but is still considered one of their people, she just does what she wants and wonders the woods.

Secretly a Nightblood
ivana baquero

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:10 pm

Name: Viper
Nickname: Wamfou Hisa
[Deadly Snake], Hisa [Snake]

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Rank/Role: Trikru/Spy/Warrior
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: None
Relationship: Single
Jus drien jus daun, death,
Trikru, Heda, Lying, stabbing people
in the back, gossip, rumors,
pain, trickery, water, woods,
trees, archery, handheld weapons,
hand to hand combat, training,

Friendship, love, soft people,
Skaikru, daytime, weakness,
vulnerability, emotion, failure,
sadness, traitors, treachory.


["People say I am a monster, they would be right."]

Viper is the worst kind of person. She looks so nice and approachable, but in reality, she would not hesitate to kill you where you stand over something as simple as looking at her the wrong way. She trusts absolutely no one except heda's word. She does not bite her tongue. Hisa actually enjoys telling people lies and making them believe she is on their side or they are her friend. When in reality she could never trust anyone, even Trikru. Viper hates people who betray their own people, especially those who befriend Skaikru. She has no reason to not like Skaikru, she just chooses to.

Even though she lives and breathes for Heda's word, you can find that even her loyalty waivers towards them, and she will make decisions on her own even if it goes directly against orders. Sometimes she finds herself questioning the orders of the commander. Viper is a very violent person, she has no issues hurting people and she doesn't regret anything afterward. She has been trained to be emotionless and has absolutely no interest in connections or love.

She is extremely stealthy and knows how to use the shadows to her advantage to keep from being seen. She doesn't hesitate to make a move and is almost always on target. When she does miss you can see her beating herself up inside. Hisa strives to be perfect in the ways of an assassin. She analyzes everything to ensure she won't slip up and is know well throughout her people. If she could be she would be complete and utter darkness, and when people meet her and realize she isn't this sweet pretty girl, they can feel this dark aura that surrounds her.

Viper once again is trained to have no emotion, but that doesn't mean she doesn't. She hardly get's upset or sad, but it has happened before. Doubting her abilities and calling her weak is like poking a bear, eventually, you will get the claws and teeth. She can also pretend to have emotions to appear normal and gain people's trust, she can pretend to be nice and sweet, though she hates every minute of it. She will not hesitate to stab you in the back, she will not hesitate to snitch on someone either. She is not someone you want to share your secrets with. Hisa is cold and cruel and heartless.

IF someone were to ever actually get her to act like a person, she would probably just be very broken, she would be very vulnerable and lonely. But that is next to impossible to have happen.

Viper stands at 5'6" with a toned and slender body. She has a slight sun-kissed skin tone. She has a scar that goes from midway on her cheek down her neck and to her collar bone. She also has a scar that is on her thigh roughly the size of her hand. Her hair is dark-brown nearly black and she has emerald green eyes.
As soon as Hisa could walk, she was trained amongst her brother to fight and to be stealthy. Trained in hand-to-hand combat, archery, and handheld weapons. She was tested in speed and agility by climbing trees and mountains and dodging weapons being thrown. There was no easy day for them, and honestly, Viper loved every moment of it. If they were to fall off the mountain they would die or get fatally injured so there was no room to mess up. Viper and her brother are orphans of war, and a spy took them in, with a unique fighting style.
As she grew and got stronger and became a prodigy child her brother fell behind. Their "father" didn't take too well to him failing and made it known that if he had no use then there was no reason to keep him around. Months later there was one final test, Viper and her brother had to fight, and because her brother did no improve at all, once Viper obviously won the fight the last order was to kill her brother. And she did with no hesitation. She then became a "gift" that was given to the higher-ups, like a bodyguard or someone who could take someone out without being seen. She has had many jobs where she "takes care of people". But now most of the time is put out as a spy.
There was once upon a time that Hisa did have a love interest, he was a spy as well but from a different clan. He was just as good at being manipulative as she was, maybe even a little bit better. She let her guard down, opened up to him, and then was ordered to kill him. Turns out he was ordered to kill her too [as she is one of the best and is a dangerous weapon.] She thought he wouldn't hurt her and when she saw him again, let's just say he left the scar that runs midway down her cheek and to her collar. It now serves as a reminder of what happens when you give in to desire and vulnerability. What happened to him you ask? She fulfilled her order.

Ana de armas

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