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Lance Collins (WIP)

Postby Crono » Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:35 pm


Name: Lance Collins
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Tue May 25, 2021 3:39 am


Name: Malcolm Harris ┓
Nickname: Cal
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Rank: Warrior
Kane Harris - Father/Retired Warrior
Mary Harris - Mother/Deceased
Lauren Harris - Younger Sister/Omega
┗ (Open to non-npc Family) ┛
Personality: Malcolm has a kind heart, so much so that if not for his parents he might have lived a different life. One void of fighting and violence if possible. Just because the years have hardened him, it hasn't stopped the man from being himself or changed him drastically. He'll gladly defend those he cares for no matter the cost, throwing himself in front of whatever would seek to harm them. In this way he's both incredibly loyal as well as reckless. He often speaks his mind even if it would get him in trouble, he finds it difficult to back down especially if he believes he is right. Stubbornness is something he also inherited from his father.
History: Harris men have served the Galacyian Kingdom as proud warrior's for generations. Malcolm's parents made sure he knew this, drilling it into him through training from a young age. He took to it, became good at it, and has lived his life as a Warrior of the pack and kingdom for many years now. He's fought many battles and taken his fair share of lives, Cal has the scars to prove it both physically and mentally. Over the years he's learned how to work on and fix the kingdom's vehicles, admittedly he takes pleasure in doing so. Something about being able to focus on an object he knows how to fix, and do so with his own hands, is something that relaxes him. When the man needs to clear his head he can be found in the garage area, possibly even tinkering on something that doesn't need it.
Likes: Machines/Vehicles, the cold, almost any kind of food.
Dislikes: Being told what to do, politics, hot weather.
Fears: Aquaphobia (Fear of Water), Cal fears drowning more than anything else in this worlds and avoids large bodies of water like the plague.
Wolf Form
Crush/Mate: None/Open


Malcolm Harris
"I do not bend and I do not break."

✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

[Alpha/King] Dristan Draconian () -

[Beta] Yu Ming Nu () -

[Warrior] Lucas Roads () -

[Omega] Kathrine Harlow () -
[Omega] Faith Fraiser () -


Alt CS


Name: Malcolm Harris ┓
Nickname: Cal
Age: Thirty-Five
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Mechanic
Wolf Form
History: ?
Personality: Cal is basically a big scary teddy bear who loathes violence. Still he believes it is necessary to keep those that he loves safe, and will not hesitate to do so. The years of fighting and defending the pack have worn away at the man, and Malcolm has grown tired.


「 - - Has a faded scar across his nose from a
silver knife wound.

- Warning, Cal's a big hugger.

- Tries to avoid alcohol, even with werewolf metabolism
it's a slippery slope for him. He doesn't like who he is
after so many drinks.

- Enjoys his job and working on vehicles general,
it's his happy place.

- ?

- Cal fears drowning more than anything else in this world
and avoids large bodies of water like the plague.

- ?

Malcolm Harris
"I do not bend and I do not break."

✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Tue May 25, 2021 3:40 am

Name: Isaac Marwan ┓
Nickname: Ike
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pack: Matlock
Rank: Beta
David Marwan - Father/Retired
Amber Marwan - Mother/Deceased
Isabel Marwan - Younger Sister
┗ (Open to non-npc family) ┛
Personality: Isaac is someone who likes to see things get done and he sees to it that punishment is handed out when needed. As such he's known to be a bit authoritative or strict, he's even overstepped his authority with the Alpha on occasion. This in turn tends to put people off or push them away. That all being said it all comes from a place of caring, he does what he does because he wants each individual in the pack to survive and thrive. If that means he has to be the bad guy and all the drawbacks that come with that, then so be it. Because of this Ike keeps his walls up and values those who are closest and understands him. Isaac's been told he's easier to get along with when he's off-duty so to speak. The stubbornness never really goes away but he's more relaxed.
History: Isaac grew up in the Matlock pack, it was home and it was family. His father was once the medic but was now retired, his mother passed away many years ago. Isaac remembers her fondly but only had a few years of memories, his younger sister on the other hand had little to none. Being a Harvester was perfectly fine for Ike, he enjoyed being a simple cog on the machine. That was until the Beta of the pack retired and the Alpha named him the replacement, it was a shock to most he imagined, but to himself most of all. Isaac had only been twenty-five at the time and didn't feel himself an adequate person for the position. However the Alpha at the time urged him to give it a shot, so Ike did, and slowly but surely he found his foothold. Now he finds purpose in being Beta and keeping the machine running. When the Alpha retired and Vance took up the mantle Isaac fully expected to be replaced, he was surprised but grateful when Vance asked him to continue on as the packs second in command.
Likes: His quiet time, watching the sunset/sunrise, drawing in his sketchbook.
Dislikes: When things don't go as planned, people not doing their jobs, getting woken up.
Fears: Aquaphobia (Fear of Water), Isaac fears drowning more than anything else in this world and avoids large bodies of water like the plague.
Wolf Form
Crush/Mate: None/Open


"Think whatever you like but I'm still in charge."

✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

Vance Reyes/Alpha:
Kinsley Reyes/Harvester:
Vincent Bright/Harvester:

Calum Jones/Alpha:
Caylen Craw/Hunter:
Micah Craw/Hunter:
Daewon Kim/Hunter:
Cassandra St. John/Hunter:

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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Tue May 25, 2021 3:41 am

Name: Alexander Garcia ┓
Nickname: Alex, Garcia
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: West-Side Nurse
Former Occupation: Firefighter
Luciana Aguilar - Mother/State Unknown
Nicole Aguilar - Younger Sister/State Unknown
Eduardo Aguilar - Younger Brother/State Unknown
┗ Lorenzo Aguilar - Stepfather/Deceased ┛
Personality: For the most part Alexander is an easygoing and friendly guy. With the world the way it is now Alexander has found it difficult to trust anyone who hasn't earned it. Though the instinct to jump into action when anyone is in trouble never really went away, even strangers, he wouldn't let it. Helping those in their group the best way he knows how these days, even if it's mostly just checking on cuts and bruises. If Alex thinks he's in the right he will stubbornly argue, but if he has doubt then he backs down easily. For the most part he's an emotionally driven individual, but in most circumstances Alex's training helps him to keep calm in most intense situations. He does however have a temper and if provoked to a point it shows.
History: Alex was raised by his mother, and never met his father. Though eventually his mother would find someone when he was about ten years old, and their family would expand with Alex getting younger siblings in the form of twins. Alex fell in with his stepfather's occupation and became a firefighter alongside the man. It was a job he could be proud of and something he was passionate about. They had their work cut out for him when WWIII started, the amount of fires and emergencies skyrocketed. The day the missile's hit Alex's firehouse had been out on a call, he'd been inside a burning building when the nearest one hit. The blast caused the already unstable building to collapse and he'd found himself pinned and injured inside, panic setting in. Then the bodies started rising and when Alex saw the burning corpses wandering his way he didn't know what to think or do, the worst part was seeing his stepfather among them with no reaction to Alex's callouts. If it weren't for pieces of the building still falling he might have met his end then and there but instead he found himself saved, and over the next twenty four hours worked to free himself from the rubble. This incident would be the reason he no longer handles enclosed spaces well anymore. Afterwards he went home but never found traces of his mother and siblings, instead wandering in search for them until he joined a group of survivors.
『Alexander is claustrophobic and panics if it's set off.』
『Decent cook, was responsible for preparing most meals at his firehouse.』
『Occasionally his knee locks up due to an old injury sustained on the job.』
『Since joining the West Side group he's built on his original EMT training to be more useful in the medical field.』



✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

(❖✔) Grey Rhodes - Leader - He respects what Grey has done to keep this place going and it's people safe, but he doesn't always agree with the man's choices. They can sometimes be at odd's but Alex isn't one to hold grudges so it tends to be short lived.
(✔❣) Mercer Page - Second - Mercer is one of the people Alex trusts the most and over time has become one of his closest friends. Somewhere along the way Alex realized he had feelings for the other man but has shoved them aside as best he can.
(✔) Seraphina Devereux - Doctor - Alex considers her a great friend. Sera has helped him immensely in Alex's studies when it comes to becoming a better physician of sorts and he's grateful for it and her patience with him. The two work well together.
() Owen Whittaker - General -
() Olivia Jager - Nurse -
(✖) Shannon Vukovic - Soldier - Shannon makes Alexander uneasy, he tries to avoid having to work with her admittedly.
() Victor Kaiser - Soldier -
() Jamie Rivera - Soldier -
(✔❖) Gabriel Alexander - Domestic - The new guy can be a little mouthy but Alex thinks he's an alright guy, just a little annoying at times. But honestly who isn't these days.
() Dante Santo - Domestic -
() Magdalene Novak - Domestic -

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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Tue May 25, 2021 3:46 am


Name: Leland Parker ┓
Nickname: Lee, Parker
Age: Thirty-Two
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role/Occupation: Summer Security ┛
Personality: Leland is a fairly friendly individual who tends to get along with most people on some level. Though he takes his job seriously and isn't afraid to bark orders or hurt feelings if it means keeping those he's protecting out of harms way. Can be a rather emotional person but usually only internally, his face however likely gives how he's feeling away most of the time. Getting easily bored is something he does as well, usually bugging one of the scientists or staffers who are likely working with conversation in an attempt to make their day a bit more full so to speak. He's an honest man who isn't above teasing people when the opportunity arises. He's been having a difficult time with the current situation, unsure exactly of what he should do as far as the panic goes. He'd opted to follow the Security Commander's lead in the beginning but seeing the woman coming slowly undone has him questioning if that's the right call as of late.
History: As a teenager Leland was your typical average high-school jock. But being average didn't always get you scholarships, and when it was clear that college or sports weren't going to be an option for him he enlisted in the military. Not for very long though, Leland had little to no interest in actually being a soldier. No, he was there merely for the training. So he did his basic training and the two years of active duty he signed up for, then went on his merry way. The actual plan was to get himself into private security, and with a military background he was aware he'd be able to find himself better opportunities in the field. At first he'd bounced around a few different jobs, nothing really stuck long term Leland got an offer to fill an opening at a research station in Antarctica. The pay was good, the hazard and harsh weather made him wonder if it was something he'd really want to do. But in the end with little other choices out there he gave it a shot. Little did he expect things to go awry when the shift change came between seasons.



「 - Lee is 6'2 and weighs 179 lbs. He keeps
in shape even at the station. Having kept up his
workout habits since his days of playing football.

- Lee can be a little oblivious and slow to take a hint.
Especially if he's bothering someone, it's difficult
to pick up on without them blatantly telling him.

- Isn't very useful in the kitchen. Can only do
the simple things like making a sandwich.

- Has a German Shepherd back home named Archie.

- Lee's got an older sister and a younger brother. Though
his younger brother has been estranged from the family
he hasn't seen the man in four years.

- Has a nut allergy, which makes him rather cautious
with food. Generally asking to make sure there isn't any.

- Very few relationships Lee's been in became serious,
though they all inevitably didn't work out. His most
recent one ended two months before he came out
to Antarctica. His boyfriend didn't take the news
of this job well and had seemingly no interest in
months of little to no contact. So they went their
separate ways.


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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Fri Sep 10, 2021 7:11 am


Name: Jeremiah Falkner ┓
Nickname: Jay or Jeremy
Age: Fourty-Two
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pack: Riverside
Rank: Lead Enforcer ┛


History: When he was twenty years old Jeremiah was given the news he had a brain tumor. Work began on treatments, radiation, chemo, but nothing gave the results they wanted. After five years of fighting he had nothing left, and the doctors had deemed the tumor inoperable. Charles Wayburn, a friend of the family for years came to seemingly offer condolences or see him off. Instead the man offered him a way to live, Jeremiah took it. Turned out Charles was a Werewolf and the Alpha of his own pack.

With a new lease on life Jeremiah followed the Alpha and joined his pack. After years of living on borrowed time and feeling sick and weak, Jeremiah felt strong and had a future to look forward to. He was finally ready to start living the life that the cancer had stolen from him. Months after adjusting and training to be a Werewolf he became an Enforcer for the pack. Along the way he found his love for the open water, the peaceful serenity that comes from drifting in a boat quietly with the engine off was something the man never knew he was missing.

Enforcer Training came directly from the Lead Enforcer at the time, a man who had little like for humans or Wolves who were infected. It wasn't long before that tension hit a point of conflict and the two had it out. Jeremiah lost to the more experienced pack member, which wasn't the most surprising despite his being a bit cocky and overconfident at the time. He was left beaten, bloody, and unconscious at the typical training spot they'd selected. Afterwards he questioned why he was sticking around with the Riverside pack, ashamed that he'd been beaten so badly. This wasn't the second chance at life he came for, so Jeremiah decided he was going to move on and leave the pack. There were other packs out there, or so he'd been told, some that might be far more welcoming to someone like him.

Before he could finish packing and take off however he was cornered in his room by the Lead Enforcer who'd put him in his current state, albeit the man was far less hostile than before. What came after nobody saw coming, there was heated yelling but over time the tension in the room lessened. And the two men despite their discomfort, eased into some sort of understanding with each other over the course of the night. It led the way for a future neither expected, one where they fell for each other. And at some point in the years that followed, and he couldn't even tell you when it happened but Jeremiah had fallen hard.

Except it wasn't meant to be, or so he's been told. Five years later the man he loved resigned from his pack status and left in the middle of the night without a word, to go off to the mainland to join the ongoing war. Not giving Jeremiah the chance to talk him out of it or stop him forcefully. For a while Jeremiah mulled over and had considered enlisting just to chase after him, had even gone to the mainland once in an attempt to find him despite knowing it was a lost cause. And just like that Jeremiah lost a part of himself along with gaining the role of Lead Enforcer, replacing his mate. The combination of the two had a rather negative effect on the man and he changed. Jeremiah's empathy took a hit, and he threw himself into the new position. As the Lead Enforcer he'd been far more strict and demanding, cold in some cases. Most people were kept at arms length while he focused on other things beyond relationships with people. Jeremiah was fine with not being liked if it meant the pack wasn't at risk and there was order. This continued until the last few months, where he'd tried to change his outlook on life.
Personality: Jeremiah is in the midst of trying to change his ways. There was a time not too long ago he took pack matters and his job in said pack, far too seriously. He'd been described as ruthless and cold. Now however he's cut back a bit more and has attempted to become more relaxed. The man has tried to become someone people could come to, rather than run from. This however is something that can only happen with time and patience since he's failing more often than not. Jeremiah is a man of few words, but when he likes someone or trusts them it can be apparent in how he treats them. The man comes off as intimidating to some, which has it's perks, even if it can be accidental most times. He's



「 - Jeremiah is 6'0 and weighs 180 lbs.

- Jeremiah can get claustrophobic in enclosed spaces.

- Can be a pretty good cook when the opportunity presents itself.

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?


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Declan/Alpha Boy

Postby Crono » Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:42 am


Name: Declan Reitter ┓
Nickname: Dec/Deck
Age: Forty-Two
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male Leaning)
Occupation: Police Officer
Pack: ?
Rank: Alpha ┛


History: Declan was born into the lineage of the packs Alpha's, the Reitter's had led the pack for nearly as long as the pack itself had existed. Though he had an older brother, both of them were taught by their father. Dec never expected to run the pack, still he took what his father said to heart from a young age. Their father held both an imposing physical strength as well as a form of dignified inner strength. Many liked to say those qualities took root in each of his children, Declan with the inner and Merrick with the stature. Eventually Declan threw himself into the Police Academy with plans to be an officer, having someone from the pack in the department would be useful but he wanted the job for himself as well.

Ten years ago a small group of loner wolves passed into town. It wasn't often they were seen grouping, but this particular group became erratic. So much so that Declan's father opted to have them put down. The Alpha wanting to do so by his own power as well as his successor, and they did so with minimal injury. However what came to light soon after was that the loner's were infected with a sort of Lycan plague similar to rabies. There was no cure, no way to fight it and thus Declan found himself as the only surviving Reitter and Alpha of the pack. The man through his grief took up the mantle with pride and sought to make sure not to let his family down.
Personality: Declan is a stoic individual, one of the things that was instilled into him by his father at a young age. Don't let the pack see you falter, stay strong for them, be the leader that holds them up and keeps them safe as well as someone they can respect. Words and teachings such as these were what Declan lived by. So whenever he needed to he steeled himself for the only family he had left and put them first. Though over the years it has worn at him as if cracking his very being. Declan can be easy to be around for the most part, all smiles and mostly relaxed. While he expects everyone to follow the rules and his orders he's not the type to mow someone down for it.



「 - - ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?


✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

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Bishop (WIP)

Postby Crono » Wed Oct 13, 2021 7:01 am


Name: Bishop Garland ┓
Nickname: Hop
Age: Thirty-Five
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Rank: Loner ┛


History: Bishop has felt like a screwup for the majority of his life, in no thanks to how his family has treated him. His twin sister didn't survive their birth into this world. Something his mother liked to remind him of on occasion when he'd done something that she didn't approve of. In the end he was the second oldest of four siblings, an older sister and two younger brothers. Growing up there'd been closeness between the siblings, but inevitably they'd grown apart over time for most part once adulthood came along. They'd all gone off to promising schools for promising career's, and even Bishop had done so himself. He'd been on his way to a finance degree until a little scandal with the school's board blew up, one that he had a hand in and thus found himself expelled and jailed.

Luckily his family was well off and were quick to protect their name by bailing him out and more or less throwing money at the problem. With little choice he moved back home and went to work at a nearby garage. Bishop saved up so that he could move away from his judgmental family, or at least far enough. Simply getting an apartment in town since he still considered the town his home and not wanting to actually take off on his family or pack. And this was fine for a few years, until his parents told him that they were arranging a marriage for him. One that was meant to be beneficial for both families, yet the marriage was to a woman he'd never met. And obviously it was to a woman. His family knew he only had interest in men for many years, but clearly that didn't matter in their eyes. In the end the marriage was necessary, and his other three siblings had already married.
Personality: Hop isn't the type of person to care for money or influence, unlike his family. Though it doesn't mean he hasn't used both of those throughout his life, if you have it why not use it? Bishop doesn't let his emotions really get the better of him, it's difficult to get a rise out of him usually. He's not shy and can be a bit outspoken even if he doesn't have the biggest opinion on most things. There's no counting the amount of time's he's said "I don't care." throughout his life. Hop can occasionally come off as standoffish, but typically he's just unwilling to take whatever is thrown at him lying down. While not exactly the most independent person, he doesn't enjoy being told what to do or how to handle himself. Bishop's family can be thanked for most of who he's been molded to be.



「 - - Food prepared by Bishop doesn't usually taste
too good despite having tried his best for years.

- Had friends bought off to act a certain way or halt
contact with him throughout life, so he
has a little bit of trust issues.

- His older s

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?


✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)

Silver Lake
Quinn Finaly

Billie Thackery

Alastair Church

Josephine Carter

Brendin Macgille

Toriel Reese

Silas Montague

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The Sheriff

Postby Crono » Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:02 am


Name: Adam Morris ┓
Age: Forty-Three
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Sheriff ┛
History: Adam never met his father, and his mother was essentially a deadbeat. Adam spent much of his young life moving around, staying home alone, and in the foster system. His mother always came back to get him no matter how long she was gone, which could be weeks or months at a time. That was, until the one time she didn't. At fifteen Adam was always in some sort of trouble, but he had to get by any way he could while his mom wasn't around. The system didn't have hopes for him to be placed anywhere at his age, plus his record. So they reached out to anyone related to him. This was how Adam ended up living with an uncle he didn't know about and working on the mans farm for years. In the end they were the only family they had, so their bond deepened over time. His uncle Norman got the son he never had and Adam got a stable home and a dependable guardian. It was the turning point for him in the long run, putting him more on the straight and narrow path.

In the end however Adam didn't want to live out his life on the farm, something Norman had a hard time understanding but didn't fight him too much on it. Becoming a Police Officer hadn't been the plan when he'd moved away from the farm and into town, but it was the path he ended up following. And after working there for twelve years Adam became the elected Sheriff of Jasper.
Personality: Adam has always been an independent person, and he could be resourceful when he needed to be. He can also come off a bit stiff or rough around the edges to those who don't know him. But to those that do, they understand that it's just the way he is. The man is typically relaxed and all smiles, and won't hesitate to give a stranger the shirt of his back if necessary. Though something that never went away was his temper, still he does a decent job of keeping in check these days. Especially when on the job, where he tries to keep a professional or casual demeanor depending on the situation at hand. Adam prides himself on the fact that he's the Sheriff and that the people chose him to be the one to help keep them safe, so he does his best to live up to those expectations even at his own expense. Still, he has issues with trust in general and it can be difficult to gain from him. This has led him to take calls and investigations on the job that some Sheriff's would simply have others do, just to make sure it's done right. Despite his relaxed nature he can be a little controlling at times, which has been known to put some people off.



「 - - His relationship with his uncle is slightly strained
due to the fact that he's unwilling to take over running
the farm.

- Downs coffee and energy drinks like no tomorrow.

- Looks tired more often than not.

- Has a Golden Retriever named Lex that sometimes
stays on his uncles farm if Adam's schedule is too busy
because he feels guilty leaving him alone for too long.

- Does his best to keep in his shape but find it difficult,
so he typically just goes on occasional jogs.

- ?

- ?


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Mayor's Son

Postby Crono » Wed Dec 15, 2021 3:39 pm


Name: Grady Stapleton ┓
Age: Thirty-One
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: ? ┛
History: The Mayor's son who was a delinquent sent away out of shame to a boarding school. After graduating however, he didn't return and instead distanced himself from his hometown and those within it. This included his family. Eventually returns home. Has an older brother who's a golden boy?
Personality: ?



- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?

- ?


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