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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Thu Nov 30, 2017 6:09 pm

Full Name: Damian Blake
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Birthday: Sept. 23rd
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: The Skeptic
Species: Human

Personality: Damian is a serious yet sarcastic young man, battling between how he wants to be and how he wants his family to see him. When not in their presence he's known to be goofier and smile more. Helping others is something he tries to do when possible. Damian is very adamant about his views and opinion, and won't falter without reason. Adventure is something Damian once sought out, though not recently, it's one of the reasons he's headed to Seacrest.

Bio: Damian's family was one that always strive to be the best they could be. His father is a Two-Star General in the Military, his mother a Head Neurosurgeon and his elder brother is a recently appointed Captain of the local police force back home. All eyes were on Damian to see where he was going to fall as far as a career or skill set. Initially Damian went into the police academy in an attempt to follow alongside his brother, but he didn't make the cut. Now he's decided to take a vacation to get away from his stressful family, and when looking into places to go he stumbled upon Seacrest. The place with far too many rumors of creatures residing there, of course he'd scoffed at the thought and booked a bus then and there. His plan was simple, go to Seacrest and prove to everyone it was all a bunch of crap. Maybe if he made the papers his parents would give some sort of recognition and wiggle room on letting him figure out his life. Otherwise he could enjoy his time there.

Likes: Adventure, Italian food, Swimming, Cold weather
Dislikes: Vegetables, Politics, Small rooms/spaces
Fears: Claustrophobia (Fear of confined spaces)
Friends: Open
Enemies: Open
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:25 pm


Name: Mac Sullivan
Age: 27
Occupation Prior to Outbreak: Mechanic
Equipment: Machete, Handgun, Knapsack
Portrayed by: Rob Kazinsky

Being alone for so long Mac has learned to trust no one. People will always an angle no matter the situation. He went from being a chatter box to a very quiet person, having no one to talk to and having walkers all around tends to teach you to keep your mouth shut afterall. All in all though Mac is kind, he's not one to show it anymore as most see it as a weakness and will try to take advantage of it.

When Mac was ten it was the best and worst day of his life. His younger brother Alex was born, and his mother died giving birth to him. Their father raised the two boys on his own. Alex and Mac we're as close as brothers would normally be, Mac would ditch the younger boy when he could to go hang out with his friends throughout middle school and some of high school. Beyond that the three we're close having only each other to lean on.

Mac had been a College Baseball player, he had dreams of going pro and his coach's we're hopeful for it. His father however had always wanted him to work for him at his auto shop full time. Mac respected his fathers wishes and his father respected Mac's dream, and Mac did work part time but only when he could. The day his father died in an accident was the day Mac dropped everything. He quit the team, dropped out of college, and moved back home to take over his father's Auto Shop and take care of his little brother Alex on his own. Mac being twenty one at the time and Kyle being eleven. Mac regretted much with his father but the one thing he regretted the most was never telling his father he was gay, his father was the last one to not know and Mac never found the right time. Luckily his fathers business had been doing well and they we're in good shape financially, which Mac kept up.

They'd been in the center of a cluster when everything started going down in Atlanta, and ended up becoming separated when trying to escape the city. Mac found himself in a group with sixteen others trying to survive, and for three months they did. One night they'd been camped out under a radio tower in an open field in the outskirts when a herd had swarmed them. There was no warning, there should have been, Mac still doesn't remember who was supposed to be on watch but he know's all those death's could have been avoided.

Mac only survived because he'd managed to climb up a part of the radio tower. He wasn't the only one, a woman named Cynthia had done the same on the opposite side. Both latched onto the cold metal bars as they listened to the screams and other horrors just below. The camp was destroyed in a matter of minutes but the walkers lingered for almost two days. Mac and Cynthia stayed quiet most of the time not wanting to draw any attention to the tower, on that first day Cynthia fell. Mac never figured out why, maybe she'd been exhausted, adjusting, or maybe she gave up. One moment he'd closed his eyes for a moment of rest and the next he'd opened them to see the spot she'd once claimed now empty, her body lay below with many others being devoured by the dead.

Afterwards Mac simply wandered back into Atlanta, Alex was the only thing he cared about anymore, not even himself. The city had been extremely dangerous and Mac had only searched a small portion when he decided there was no way Alex was still here, the next step was to search the surrounding area's.

A month later he stumbled across another group, or rather they'd stumbled across him. Two of them had jumped him, in the scuffle he'd managed to sink a knife into one's chest killing the man, before the other knocked him out cold. Long story short, when he woke he'd basically been inducted into their group because their leader 'liked his spirit'. His words, not Mac's. It hadn't taken long to realize what these guy's we're about, raiding and killing anything or anyone they came across. Mac only stuck around for a few weeks, even if it was safer than being alone that wasn't for him.

For the last six months Mac has been on his own, doing what he's had to for survival. He still searches for Alex though sometimes he tells himself he isn't, that he's just moving around but in all actuality Alex is his only drive anymore. Most of the people he's come across either wanted to kill him or leave him defenseless and he never let either happen. Occasionally he'd cross people who seemed decent, but you never know who to trust, so he'd ask about Alex, then leave. The answer always the same, they didn't know Alex. After a year of living in this hellish world Mac has come to an understanding that Alex is likely dead, and if he isn't then there is still a small chance that Mac will ever find him. But he doesn't let that stop him from trying.

- Strong (He's always been in shape.)
- Silent (Being alone for so long he's learned how to move quietly and stay among the shadows.)

- Easily depressed
- Can be Reckless
- Sometimes his anger gets the better of him
- Too honest occasionally

- Find Alex/or/Find out what happened to Alex if he's deceased.
- Survive (He's done it this long, no sense in quitting now.)
- Find a group he can trust (This is more or less something he doesn't realize he yearns for. That the lone wolf part of him dismisses completely, a part of him know's his luck will run out one day and that he need's it but that small part is ignored constantly.)
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:59 am


Name: Logan Williams
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species/Role: Human/Civilian
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Homosexual
Crush/Other: None/Open

Personality: Logan's a pretty care-free and relaxed kinda guy. That said he's also pretty stubborn and set in his ways, more or less taking life day by day. Occasionally his emotions can get the better of him, it happens these days. He still keeps up with the NFL on the TV. But he grows uncomfortable and even a little angry when he's either recognized or someone brings up that he used to play, it's a sore spot.

History: Logan's childhood was a time where both he and his parents saw that the boy had both an affinity and love for sports. Nearly his whole teenage life he was on a Football Team of some sort. For him, there was something about being on the field with the adrenaline and excitement that came with it that he could never get enough of. And he was good, recruited out of High-school, despite living out in the middle of nowhere. By his Sophomore year of College there was already talk of Professional teams that had their eyes on him. His sports career started to take off and Logan Williams was one of the upcoming stars in the sport. Many spoke of his future in the sport as being a bright one. But maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Amid one of the games of the year Logan tore his ACL on the field. Surgery followed by physical therapy was meant to get him back to top form, and that worked for a majority of players with such an injury. But when Logan returned to the team many months later he could never really got back to his best, or even close. Slowly but surely his performance knocked him down on the positions until he sat on the bench as a substitute and inevitably quit the team.

With his childhood dream to go pro ripped out from under him Logan gave into depression, and the man's grades started to suffer for it. With little choices left Logan decided to drop out of college and move back home to Vidapolis, eventually getting a job as an Auto Mechanic. This is where Logan's been for the last few years.

Family: Catherine Williams (Mother), Chloe Williams (Younger Sister)
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:43 am

Name: Brian Adams
Nicknames: Adams, Corporal, Corporal Adams
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Role: The Soldier
Former Occupation: Military/Corporal
Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Brian has years of discipline hammered into him, though despite this he can be laid back when he wants to be. That said he sees the position the group is in as a serious and tense one and tends to get easily frustrated when someone doesn't listen. The world needs them, more specifically the immune, to survive so that the immunity can be reproduced. So he gets testy, barks orders, and probably rubs people the wrong way but it's because he is trying to keep them safe. He's not great with his words sometimes but he does care. Currently Brian is suffering from PTSD. Night terrors, insomnia, and mood swings are common for him right now.

History: Brian was a little bit of a troubled youth, instead of focusing on school and his grades he was too busy skipping out and getting into all kinds of trouble. After a close-call with death he attempted to rectify this, but it wasn't so easily done. So the day he turned eighteen Brian enlisted, in hopes of giving himself a better future as well as getting away from the local influences in his life that he couldn't escape. The journey was far from an easy one but the military life suited Brian and it made him a better man if he was honest.

Over the years he rose in the ranks to attain Corporal. The month before the apocalypse hit he and his squad had been deployed overseas. A situation had occurred and their Sergeant had given an order, though he was split up from the squad. Brian took it upon himself as ranking officer to give orders to try and end their situation. This ended with his brothers-in-arms losing their lives, except him. Brian made it back stateside but he wasn't the same afterwards, not only that but he was facing a court martial and potential dishonorable discharge. But not long after, the apocalypse would begin before anything could really fall through. And suddenly he was being called back in to take up arms against the rising dead.

Little did he know he'd end up being one of two surviving soldiers protecting what was left of the work to make an immunity against the disease. Now Brian is desperately trying to get everyone safely to New York, and he feels the fate of humankind resting on their shoulders.

Alternate CS:

Name: Brian Adams
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Currently Unemployed, Former Military Corporal
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Brian has years of discipline hammered into him, though despite this he can be pretty laid back. Sometimes in situations he gets testy and barks orders, and probably rubs people the wrong way. He's not always great with his words but he does care, maybe even too much. The man attempts to keep up a smiling appearance even if he's not always feeling it, though he does have a small temper. When angry he's generally more quiet than usual unless he feels the need to speak up. Currently Brian is suffering from PTSD. Night terrors, insomnia, and mood swings aren't uncommon for him currently.

History: Brian was a little bit of a troubled youth, instead of focusing on school and his grades he was too busy skipping out and getting into all kinds of trouble. After a close-call with death he attempted to rectify this, but it wasn't so easily done. So the day he turned eighteen Brian enlisted, in hopes of giving himself a better future as well as getting away from the local influences in his life that he couldn't escape. The journey was far from an easy one but the military life suited Brian and it made him a better man if he was honest.

Over the years he rose in the ranks to attain Corporal. Months ago his squad had been deployed overseas. A situation had occurred and their Sergeant had given an order, though he was split up from the squad. Brian took it upon himself as ranking officer to give different orders to try and end their situation. This ended with his brothers-in-arms losing their lives, except him and another. Brian made it back stateside but he wasn't the same afterwards, not only that but he was facing a court martial and potential dishonorable discharge. For some unexplained reason the trial was dropped.

Once the dishonorable discharge was confirmed Brian was set free. With a slightly confusing outcome Brian opted for some solitude from his past life, and moved out to his grandfathers cabin which was located on the outskirts of Woodridge. He remembered visiting frequently in his childhood years, and the older man had passed during Brian's time in the military leaving the land to Brian's parents. They of course knew nothing of his discharge or living out there, and for now he felt that was best. Now he's been living in the cabin for a few weeks.
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:43 am

"I'm still here, and I'm not about stop moving now."

✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush)



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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:21 pm

Scott Blackthorne
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:24 pm


Name: Thomas Barton
Nickname: Tom, Tommy
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Werewolf
Rank: Fighter

Pos. Traits: Relaxed, Loyal, Protective
Neu. Traits: Sarcastic, Absent-minded, Determined
Neg. Traits: Lazy, Irritable, Impulsive


With two parents being Werewolves it was only natural that Thomas be one as well. His mother was Beta of their pack, and they lived within a city among mundane's. Tom had a relatively normal childhood, growing older and eventually heading off to college. This was where he was when he got the call to inform him that his parents had been in a tragic accident. It wasn't difficult to figure out it was the cover for the fact that the pack had been found, he'd been given word they'd relocated to a safer place the moment Werewolves started being targeted. Of course his parents had been adamant he come with them, but he'd declined. Despite his mothers insistence she never used her position as Beta to force him to meet back up with them.

After the call Thomas left school and went into hiding. The man gathered that they probably had a count of the bodies, or at the very least records of contacts and family. So he knew he couldn't remain where he was, as they'd eventually come for him. Thomas attempted to reach out to a few other packs, but found no trace of them. Until a friend of his from another pack told Tom they were headed to a hidden location that would keep them protected. Of course this other pack was wary of him at first and forced him to jump through hoops before he could actually meet up with them, fearing he was being tailed. And just like that he was traveling to Shattering Woods with this pack that wasn't the one he'd always known, but that he'd fight for no less.
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Re: Just Storage

Postby Crono » Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:31 pm


name:. Robert Hunt
nicknames:. Rob, Robbie
age:. 24
gender:. Male
sexuality:. Homosexual
species:. Human

personality:. Rob isn't as trusting these days. At one time he may have been a bit too trusting but time and circumstance changed that. He's quicker to anger than he used to be ever since his accident, the shorter fuse is something he tries to keep in check. Sarcastic responses aren't out of reach for him even in serious situations. Rob's both a stubborn and overprotective man, especially when it comes to their safety and not taking huge risks, unless it's just him taking said risk. Patience isn't Rob's strong point, by far.

history:. Rob's childhood was relatively normal. In High-School he played on football team, and was looking to take the ride all the way to college and continue playing there. A car accident would change that however, and leave him unable to compete at the level he once had. After Rob had gotten his diploma he'd moved out and gotten his own apartment, getting a job at the nearby Auto-Repair shop working as a Mechanic.
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Benjamin Woods

Postby Crono » Sun Oct 11, 2020 6:27 am


Name: Benjamin Woods
Nicknames: Benji, Ben
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Occupation: Veterinarian
Sexuality: Bisexual

History: When Benji was seventeen he came down with something that gave the teenager a high fever and left him bed ridden. His parents refused to take him to the doctor to get checked out and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why until they explained. Their family passed along a specific trait that allowed them to transform into a Wolf, this was the start of that change they told him. Except the change never came, and the fever got worse until they inevitably rushed him to the hospital where it came to light he had a staph infection that was causing the fever. After a near death experience, weeks later he was freed from the hospital to return home. Now with his knowledge that, yes, Werewolves do in fact exist and the blood runs through his veins.

From a young age Ben always thought he'd end up becoming a Doctor, or something along those lines in the medical profession. But after learning about his family and the existence of Werewolves, and the fact that he wasn't going to become one, he deviated slightly from the planned path and went to Veterinary school instead. It was sort of a win/win situation given the circumstances, as he'd always been fond of animals anyhow and this way he could stay a bit more local and help out those within the pack if needed.

Personality: Benji can best be summed up as a happy-go-lucky awkward goofball. Very much an Ambivert of sorts. Benjamin is the type of person who will go completely out of his way to try and be helpful, even to a stranger. It likely has something to do with knowing this whole other world out there and not particularly being able to play a part in it.
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Flynn Reynolds

Postby Crono » Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:46 am


History: Flynn has spent nearly his entire life in Devil's Kettle or surrounding areas. He is the son of the former Alpha of the Devil's Kettle pack, Charles Reynolds. To the rest of the pack Charles was adored and looked up to but it was a different story for Flynn. Growing up as the person who is meant to take the role as Alpha was already a stressful, and Flynn's parents only added to it by trying to constantly mold him for the position. This caused a bit of adolescent rebellion and didn't help his behavioral issues. When Flynn was twenty-three Charles had decided that his son would be removed for the running of Alpha. It was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, hearing what he'd wanted to hear for so long. Flynn started to get his act together in the years that followed and even threw his hat in the ring for becoming Beta years later. Despite his father letting him know on occasion how he was disappointed his only son wouldn't continue the family's Alpha lineage.

It wasn't until after Charles died and a new Alpha took his place that Flynn acquired the role of Beta and started taking that job seriously. Since he was young he helped out at the family business but with his fathers passing he had to take a lot more on to keep things running smoothly.

Name: Flynn Reynolds
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Werewolf
Rank: Beta
Wolf Form
Personality: Having a strict upbringing caused Flynn to gravitate the opposite direction. For the most part he's a friendly easygoing kind of guy. More for sarcasm and playfulness than straight faced serious conversations. That being said he takes both the pack's goals and his rank within the pack seriously and is quick to put his foot down and be rather firm on important matters. What only people Flynn grew up with would know is that Flynn suffered from anger problems when he was younger. Over time he learned to keep that under control but it bubbles up on occasion when constantly provoked. He's a patient man but also with an impulsive nature that borders along being reckless.

♦ Flynn works at and partially owns Lake Jocassee Rental. Which is a rather large rental business that rents out boats, kayaks, floats, etc. Just about anything you can do on the water. And also owns a few lakeside properties which are rented out as well. It's the family business he's inheriting and has helped and worked at most of his life.
♦ He can fall asleep just about anywhere with ease.
♦ Can't cook for the life of him.


✔ (Positive), ✖ (Negative), ❖ (Neutral), ❣ (Crush), ♥ (Significant Other), ⚱ (Ex-Significant Other), ★ (Friends), ✇ (Enemies), ⌘ Imprinted on

() ~
Kellan Darby (✔★) ~ Truth be told Flynn can see a bit of himself in Kellan. Flynn was the one who essentially recruited the young man when he'd shown up in town, and took him under his wing to help him out. The two have a brotherly like bond.
() ~
Adeline Hawk () ~

Josie Brook (✔⌘) ~ Flynn imprinted on Josie and now finds himself infatuated and gravitating around her constantly. Before that they were mostly acquaintances. Kellan seems to enjoy her company so Flynn had a good opinion of her based on that.
Rosemary Williams (✖) ~ Despite being a close friend of Kellan's, Flynn isn't particularly fond of Rosemary. The two didn't have a particularly good first impression/meeting. He doesn't particularly approve of her and Kellan's relationship mainly because he's noticed a change in Kellan's sense of duty since she showed up.
() ~
() ~
() ~

Alexandria Drakos(❖) ~ Flynn has respect for the coven leader for what she's doing, and making sure her coven stay the course of not making a meal out of humans. Even if he's not entirely sure it'll last.
Gabriel Clements (✖❖) ~ Flynn views Gabriel as a risk given that by the color of his eyes he's still freshly weened from human blood. Out of the Coven Vampire's they signed the treaty with, Gabriel seems the most likely to fall off the wagon and for that he's earned himself the watchful eye of the Beta.
Richardo Hades () ~
Gwen Jones (❖✖) ~ The two have yet to meet. But she's a rouge vampire so he's already not a fan.
Sonya Moreau (✖) ~
Magdelene Furstenfeld (✖) ~

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