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➡ 1st Hunger Games

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:59 pm



βš” T H ExxC H A R A C T E R S βš”

Name || Age || Gender || District || Weapon of Choice || Score || Dead or Alive || Form
Letitia Wagner || Seventeen || Female || One || Raiper || 11 || Dead || XxX


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β™˜ "All war represents a failure of diplomacy" β™˜

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:00 pm

β™˜ Letitia Wagner β™˜
the diplomat
"Quiet diplomacy is far more effective than public posturing."

      β™˜ Name: "Letitia, Letitia Wagner. It is an honor to be here." Letitia Wagner
      β™˜ Gender: Female
      β™˜ Sexuality: "I find this to be terribly intrusive." Demisexual-Panromantic
      β™˜ District: "The lovely district one" 1
      β™˜ Age: "I hardly see how this is relevant, but if you insist I am seventeen years old." 17

      β™˜ Appearance: Standing at five foot ten she is tall enough to look in the eyes of most men. However her willowy frame gives the impression that she is weak and light and fools people into underestimating her. Long dirty blond hair is almost always pulled up into a messy bun and dark grey eyes can look as soft as clouds or as dark as a stormy night sky. Her slim frame makes her long limbs look even longer and more delicate and there is little difference between her waist and hips.
      β™˜ Personality: A calm and collected young woman, she leads her life with honor and diplomacy. She would rather talk things over peacefully than resort to violence, however that doesn't mean she shy's away from it. Despite her gentle diplomatic appearance she did kill during the blood bath, a part of her more ruthless side that emerged when Gabriel was in trouble. Thankfully she is able to keep her more ruthless side on a leash and usually only uses her patented 'disappointed mum' look for scaring people. To top it all off she is a smart and brave young woman she came into the games with her honor intact. In a similar fashion she left with that same sense of honor since she gave her life for her dearest friend.
      β™˜ Crush: None

      β™˜ Alliance: "Whomever Gabriel chooses as an ally I shall test before allowing an alliance. I am pretty good at judging a persons character." Her plan was to let Gabriel find a few suitable allies if he desired and then pick and choose whichever wouldn't betray them. At the time there wasn't an offial 'career alliance.' The alliance wouldn't become official until later games.
      β™˜ Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered, I promised Luca I would keep Gabriel safe" She volunteered herself for a young girl who was reaped for two reasons. The first being the girl was but a child and the second being Gabriel had been reaped first and she was determined to keep him safe.
      β™˜ Parade outfit: "Ugly white and gold uniforms. I pray that the game makers come up with something better for future games." Letitia wasn't a fan of the white uniforms with gold accents, the fact she had to carry her district number wasn't all that cool either.
      β™˜ Interview angle: "Diplomacy, it wouldn't do to present an uncouth individual." She showed everyone that she was a diplomatic soul and then would later on show her skill with the blade, both combined is what helped her get her high score.

      β™˜ Alignment: Lawful Good
      β™˜ Weapon of choice: "The rapier, I have trained for many years with it" Rapier
      β™˜ Fatal flaw: "This is a terribly unwise question to answer, I don't plan on letting my enemies know my weakness so soon." Maybe her attachment to Gabriel. Or maybe her diplomacy. Or maybe it is because she would rather be helping people than killing them. She has a quite a few weaknesses so which one is the fatal one is unclear. Thankfully her strengths seem to make up for some of these weaknesses.

      β™˜ Training score: 11
      β™˜ Death: "If only we could have planned better. It matters not now though." The peaceful forest of the first games seemed to serene at first. That is until the gong sounded sending the strong towards the Cornucopia. The majority of the tributes turned tail and disappeared into the trees. Following Gabriel, Letitia rushed to overtake the Cornucopia, there were a couple weaker tributes who tried to pose a threat and she cut them down with ease. She made an effort to give them a swift and as painless a death that she could offer them. Killing, even in the games wasn't something she relished doing. However she did it because it meant one less person between Gabriel and winning.

      As soon as those threats where eliminated a pair advanced on them to try and battle them for the spoils. After a drawn out battle in which it was made clear that Quillon of Three and Moxie of Two where powerful they finally go the upper hand. Driving the two away from the Cornucopia they found that they weren't alone. The red head from District Four was kneeling by his fallen district partner. Letitia followed Gabriel as they approached the young lad. Instead of calmly addressing them Conrad lashed out at Gabriel and Letitia lurched forward to defend her dear friend.

      Thankfully he calmed down and introduced himself to them, he was seeking revenge on the tribute who had killed his district partner. Taking Gabriel aside they talked over their options and came to the conclusion that Conrad would be a valuable ally. Welcoming Conrad with open arms would be the best decision that they made in the entire game. What would start out as an alliance of necessity would turn into a kinship that would last beyond the grave. Making camp it quickly became routine to hunt for tributes in between rounds of tea. Gabriel and Letitia took turns in the brewing, Conrad at one point casually mentioned that Letitia's tea was the superior of the two, which warmed her heart and soul. It wasn't long before the trio made the first pledge that would define the pact of the Careers for games to come. In doing so they set the standard for all future games, Careers where supposed to fight with honor.

      While they had been fighting with honor and making the deaths of the tributes as swift and painless as possible it became clear that not everyone adhered to this. It was the most obvious when Moxie of District Two arrived at their camp one more, bloody and fatally wounded. Letitia could only watch in pained silence as Moxie dragged herself into the clearly and collapsed by Gabriel's feet. As soon as the poor girl had collapsed Letitia leaped into action, hurrying over to their side as she started to speak. Fury crossed her eyes as she listened to what Moxie was saying, it was very clear who had the audacity to injure this poor tribute. Quill, the very tribute who was supposed to be Moxie's ally. Her anger was echoed in Gabriel's words. Movement in the corner of her eyes drew her gaze to Conrad who had been silently standing next to them. She watched in silence as their ally who had once sworn to get revenge now removed his own jacket to drape it over the shoulders of his former enemy.

      As soon as Conrad was leaving Letitia knelt beside the wounded lass, gazing at her with the warmest expression she could muster. Gathering Moxie up in her arms she cradled the wounded lass in her arms. With her free hand she gently ran her fingers through their dark brown hair while humming gently. While she cradled them in her arms she could hear Gabriel joining Conrad at the edge of the camp. When Moxie had fallen asleep she gently lay her down and started brewing a cup of lavender tea for the young lass. She would have added nightlock if she hadn't been so sure that Moxie wasn't going to cling to life for much longer. When the cup was finished she returned to her spot, gathering the girl in her arms before gently waking them up with a light tap and their shoulder.

      "Oh. Thank you," Moxie had whispered as they took the cup in their hands. "Did you... did you make this for me?" "Yes I did, you looked cold and a warm cup of tea should help" Letitia had whispered in response. She resumed running her fingers through Moxie's hair, humming a gentle lullaby. "Thank you" and Moxie's eyes slid shut. "... Mother." and a cannon fired indicated the passing of the spunky girl from District Two. Letitia didn't let go right away however and continued to hold Moxie for a moment longer. Only when she was sure that their soul had left their body did she set her down and returned to the fire.

      She was quickly joined at the fire by Gabriel and Conrad. Gabriel curled up next to her, wrapping his arms around her while Conrad snuggled up on her other side. It was a nice thing to have two precious allies on both her sides, warming her heart as well as her body. The security of having them nearby also allowed her a moment of reprieve from the looming threat. Moxie had come to warn of Quill and to not take her warning seriously would be fatal to them all. When night finally fell it was with a heavy heart that she allowed Conrad to take first watch. That was something she would regret for many years to come. If only she had thought to insist that two people should keep watch then maybe the disaster to come would be avoided. Maybe they could have had that final fight that they had promised each other.

      However things didn't go that way and instead of listening to that tiny voice in her head she followed Gabriel into the tent to rest. After what felt like just closing her eyes when a battle cry was heart. Her heart in her throat she leaped to her feet and hurried out to aid Conrad. But it was too little too late, Quill had struck hard and vanished into the night. Left behind was a furious and gravely injured Conrad. "You filthy coward!" Conrad shouted into the darkness, shaking his fist in outrage. "Moxie was right about you!" Rushing to her allies side she opened her mouth to apologize, while desperately reaching for his wounds. Trying to reach them, to stop the blood from leaving her allies body. Before her reaching hands to get to their target Conrad was huffing at them. "Oh, shut up. I know you'll get revenge on that scallywag soon enough. Now, all I want is a cup of your best chamomile and then I'll be on my way."

      After a long heartbeat she leaned down and helped Gabriel maneuver Conrad back to the fire. As soon as the red head was comfortable she got herself busy preparing her best cup of chamomile tea. She could only serve the best. When she finished she returned to the red head and placed the tea in his hands. Before he could start drinking she pulled him into a warm embrace, letting him lean back against her. It was to make sure that he didn't fall over whilst drinking and to make sure he felt safe as he passed. Once Conrad started drinking the tea it was gone quickly. "Send that Quill to feed the fishes." He gave them one last smile and closed his eyes. As he closed his eyes Letitia started humming softly. "I'll be waiting for him on the other side." It wasn't long before the canon fired and it was just her and Gabriel.

      Without Conrad there the camp felt empty and cold, this surprised Letitia to no end. She had gotten much more attached to the shorter red head than she had originally thought and she looked forward to seeing him again. Curling up next to Gabriel next to the fire she didn't dare sleep. The following days were just as sleepless and nerve wracking as the first one but it wasn't long before there only three people left in the arena. Her, Gabriel and that awful Quill. Realizing that they would have to leave the camp soon to confront Quill they sharpened their blades. However before they could leave camp a howl could be heard in the distance. Wolves where nearby. Together they climbed a nearby tree in order to get away from the wolves. After all what wolf could climb. Shortly after they got to a safe height the wolves slipped into the clearing. They were as white as snow, beautiful to look at. That is until one looked up at them. And winked.

      Letitia's eyes widened as the huge wolf like creatures scaled the tree that she had been so certain would save them. Now these trees that should have meant safety only created a trap for them. With a slash of their mighty paws she was sent tumbling to the ground along side Gabriel. The moment her feet hit the ground the wolves lunged for them, her rapier flashing through the air her world was transformed into a do or die. Fangs and claws sank deep into her arms and shoulders and chest before she was able to keep them at bay. However no matter how many times the claws slashed her or how deep the teeth sank she refused to stope. Refused to allow her knees to buckle or her sword arm loose its grip on her rapier. After what felt like a life time the wolves stopped attacking, the dust settled and an eerie silence fell over the clearing.

      Dark grey eyes flickered over the motionless bodies until her gaze landed on Gabriel. Relief flooded over her as she realized that her dearest friend was still standing, still very much alive. As soon as that thought sank in all the wounds from their fight hit her all at once. Her knees that had been keeping her upright only due to sheer will power gave way at the same time that the rapier slipped from her tired fingers. Crashing to the ground she only narrowly avoided falling completely over when Gabriel seemed to materialize by her side, pulling her against their warm chest. Pressing herself against them she tilted her head up so that she could them one last time. The sight of their face looking down on her cause her lips to turn up in a gentle smile. Gabriel was the last thing she saw before the canon fired.

β™˜ "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" β™˜

Letita's Relations
"Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Gabriel - β™› β˜‘β™‘
Her best friend and her reason
for being the games. Now that
they are out of the games she
doesn't know how she feels
about him.
Conrad - β™› β˜‘
Conrad is a bright young lad who
Letitia was grateful to have as
an ally despite the circumstances
that brought them together.
Moxie - β™’ β˜‘
Moxie if full of spunk and Letitia
admires how she chose honor in
the end.
Quill - βš”
She hates him with all her being.
The way he killed Gabriel still
makes her angry to this day.

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➡ 4th Hunger Games

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:02 pm



βš” T H ExxC H A R A C T E R S βš”

Name || Age || Gender || District || Weapon of Choice || Score || Dead or Alive || Form
Amara Calliope Taylor || Eighteen || Female || Four || Anything Sharp || 9 || Dead || XxX


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βš› "It's my duty as a human being to be pissed off." βš›

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:03 pm

βš› Amara Calliope Taylor βš›
the hellbender
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret"

      βš› Name: "Amara" Amara Calliope Taylor, her name has many meanings in many different cultures, for example in Latin it means beloved and in Greek it means unfading. Her parents chose the name for the German meaning of eternal."
      βš› Gender: Female
      βš› Sexuality: "...... Never" Pansexual-Polyamorous, no preference
      βš› District: "Four" 4
      βš› Age: "Eighteen" 18

      βš› Appearance: Standing at 5'0" at first glance she doesn't seem to be much of a threat, however years of working have given her a lean athletic build. Medium brown hair frames her face with blunt bangs and a shoulder length bob. Her dark grey eyes seem cold and unflinching and a thin raised scar stands out on her neck. Her voice is rough and raw from not being used often aside from shouts of anger.
      βš› Personality: One upon a time Amara was a bright a bubbly teen with a heart of gold and quick temper. Now it seems that only anger resides within her, she is even quicker to anger and lashes out over the smallest things. She is reckless, leaping towards danger with little thought to her own life. It is almost like she is seeking answers in the many fights she picks. The only indication of the hurt that she has hidden away is in her rough and raw voice that is able to convey how much pain she is in without actually stating it out loud. All in all she is a ball of pure anger on the outside and truly broken individual on the inside.
      βš› Crush: Apricot, Matty

      βš› Alliance: "Clark" She plans on allying herself with her twin brother and anyone else her brother wants to ally with.
      βš› Reaped or volunteered: "...." Reaped right after her brother, though she would have volunteered if she hadn't been reaped.
      βš› Parade outfit: "Was okay" [url]XxX[/url]
      βš› Interview angle: "...." She barely said anything due to her past injury, there were a lot of awkward silences.

      βš› Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil
      βš› Weapon of choice: "Daggers" A pair of daggers, she is extremely fast and prizes herself on being able to throw more punches than her opponent. That being said she is definitely not the fastest person, she just likes to think she is.
      βš› Fatal flaw: "..... No" Fighting. She fights with reckless abandon, like she has no concept of valuing her own life.

      βš› Training Score: 9
      βš› Victory/Death: Died by Apricotes spear after an honorable fight that she had requested upon being mortally wounded.

βš› "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." βš›

Amara's Relations
"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Clark - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Apricot - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Matty - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
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➡ 14th Hunger Games

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:06 pm



βš” T H ExxC H A R A C T E R S βš”

Name || Age || Gender || District || Weapon of Choice || Score || Dead or Alive || Form
Mekwi Arikara || Seventeen || Male || Ten || Scythe || 2 || Dead || XxX
Mitena Arikara || Fifteen || Female || Ten || Bagh nakh || 8 || Dead || XxX
Nadia StiΓΉbhartach || Sixteen || Female || Twelve || Pickax || 11 || Dead || XxX


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β˜€οΈ "I have a problem sometimes with being too hyper" β˜€οΈ

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:07 pm

β˜€οΈ Mekwi Arikara β˜€οΈ
the red wolf
"The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed."

      β˜€οΈ Name: "Mekwi Arikara is is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Mekwi Arikara
      β˜€οΈ Gender: Male
      β˜€οΈ Sexuality: "I haven't actually put much thought into this" Pansexual-Panromantic
      β˜€οΈ District: "The one, the only, district ten!" 10
      β˜€οΈ Age: "That's an easy question! Seventeen as of two weeks ago!" 17

      β˜€οΈ Appearance: Not the tallest guy around he is 5'5" with a lean physic which is quite the contrast with his younger sisters more stocky build. His skin is slightly darker than his sisters and despite being a ginger he doesn't actually have that many freckles. His bright orange hair is the exact same shade as his mothers hair and he likes to keep at shoulder length. When he is working wears it half up and half down. Just enough to keep his hair out of his eyes.
      β˜€οΈ Personality: A bit loud with a dry sense of humor, he has a sharp tongue and has the wit to match Maverick. Most of the time he is able to keep his hyperness to a minimum but when he becomes flustered he tends to word vomit. Unfortunately for him he gets the most flustered in front of a lot of people, or speaking in front of people. This wouldn't have been a big deal at home but in the games it is kind of important for a good score.
      β˜€οΈ Crush: Charles, without a doubt

      β˜€οΈ Alliance: "If their trustworthy then why not!" Sometimes he isn't the best judge in character, as shown when he agrees to an alliance with Tom. He came to regret that fairly quickly.
      β˜€οΈ Reaped or volunteered: "Reaped unfortunutly and then my sister went and volunteered herself so I wouldn't be alone. Which would have bee sweet if it was a game where only one person can live" Reaped
      β˜€οΈ Parade outfit: "Overalls and some flannel. OH and some rubber boots and this weird bandanna. I guess this is what they think represents my district"
      β˜€οΈ Interview angle: "I had a plan, I was going to go with the plan but then I panicked and spent the whole time rambling." There was an angle but in his flustered state it didn't actually work out.

      β˜€οΈ Alignment: Chaotic Good
      β˜€οΈ Weapon of choice: "The scythe!" He was one of the first tributes to demonstrate a lot of skill in using the scythe on the battlefield.
      β˜€οΈ Fatal flaw: "Uh loyalty?" Much like his sister he is loyal to a fault. The two of them would lay down their lives for a friend.

      β˜€οΈ Training score: 2
      β˜€οΈ Victory/death: Saved Maverick during the fight with Charles, but bleed out afterwards.

β˜€οΈ "A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." β˜€οΈ

Mekwi's Relations
"When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It's very simple."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Charles - β™› β™₯
His best friend and boyfriend.
There is nothing he can't tell them.

Clotilde - β˜‘
She was one tough lass, he would
have liked to spar with her.
Mitena - β™›
His best friend in the world, he
would do anything for her.

Tom - βš”
Hatred can't even being to
describe how he feels about him.
Maverick - β™›
They didn't known each other for
long but he respects Mav a lot.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Nadia - β˜‘
A good lass but they didn't talk
much. Seemed like a good person.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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🐺 "Short people DO NOT like to be picked up." 🐺

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:08 pm

🐺 Mitena Arikara 🐺
the silver wolf
"Sometimes all I want is to be a few inches taller so the world does not look like a dense collection of torsos."

      🐺 Name: "Mitena and don't even think of giving me a nickname" Mitena Arikara
      🐺 Gender: Female
      🐺 Sexuality: "Wow your pushy aren't you. Well for you information I'm not interested" Demisexual-Panromantic
      🐺 District: "From the lovely District 10! You should visit sometime!" 10
      🐺 Age: "Just a couple years younger than my brother. What you want to know? But he literally went right before me!" 15

      🐺 Appearance: Short and stocky she clocks in at 5'3" which isn't that much shorter than her brother but she never liked being short. She has pale alabaster skin and bright blue green eyes. Her dark hair has streaks of grey that are completely natural and is cut in a rough bob shape. Her bangs are choppy and swept to the side and out of her face.
      🐺 Personality: A spunky and feisty young lady who is very protective of her older brother. There isn't anything she wouldn't do for him. Later on this loyalty would also transfer over to her allies. Much like her brother loyalty is biggest strength and also her fatal flaw. Mitena is a smart cookie who is light on her toes and well less smooth with her words. When she gets flustered she tends to loose all control over her mouth and will swear profusely until she is able to come up with a coherent thought.
      🐺 Crush: None

      🐺 Alliance: "Any alliance with my brother is a good one!" She planned on being on any alliance that her brother became a part of. Though she would later on wish that they had convinced the others to abandon Tom sooner.
      🐺 Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered, I couldn't let my brother face the games first. Huh that might be a first time that someone volunteered from our district" Volunteered
      🐺 Parade outfit: "Very unoriginal if you ask me, they stuck us in flannel shirts and overalls and rubber boots. Made me wear gloves and this stupid straw hat. Made us look like farmers. Ugh."
      🐺 Interview angle: "I didn't really have a plan going in so I just went with myself." She basically acted like herself, she didn't hide anything or try to work an angle.

      🐺 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
      🐺 Weapon of choice: "Bagh nakh! Mine look like I have claws on my hands!" The bagh nakh is a "fist-load, claw-like" weapon, originating from the Indian subcontinent, designed to fit over the knuckles or be concealed under and against the palm. It consists of four or five curved blades affixed to a crossbar or glove. It is believed to have been inspired by the armament of big cats, and the term bagh nakh itself means tiger's claw in Hindi.
      🐺 Fatal flaw: "My swearing? Hahahahaha just kidding it's my loyalty! I am too loyal" She is loyal to a fault. She would do anything for those she cares about.

      🐺 Training score: 8
      🐺 Victory/death: She and her friends decided to leave Tom, but he lashed out and killed her.

🐺 "And though she be but little, she is fierce" 🐺

Mitena's Relations
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, It's the size of the fight in the dog."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Mekwi - β™›
They are as thick a thieves! There
isn't anything that can come
between these two.

Nadia - ☐
They might not be friends but
they have each other's back.
Maverick - β˜‘ β™’
While they aren't the best of
friends they do get along well.

Tom - βš”
She trusted him at one point and
will always regret doing so.
Charles - β˜‘
She never really got to know him
but she admires his honor.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Clotilde - β˜‘
Like her district partner Mitena
admires Calla's honor.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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☒ "What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?"

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:08 pm

☒ Nadia Stiùbhartach ☒
the optimist
"Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."

      ☒ Name: "Nadia! My name is Nadia! Don't even try and say my last name it would probably twist you tongue a little bit!" Nadia Stiùbhartach
      ☒ Gender: Female
      ☒ Sexuality: "As open as I am don't you think this is a bit of a breach of privacy?" Asexual-Panromantic
      ☒ District: "District 12! Same as Maverick! You interviewed him last! He is a very cool guy" 12
      ☒ Age: "I just had my sweet sixteen actually!" 16

      ☒ Appearance: Nadia is around average height standing at five foot five, she has a slim and lean build with little difference between her waist and hips. She is kind of underweight and kind of looks like a big gust will blow her away. However her sunny disposition kind of distracts from that fact. Her dark brown hair contrasts sharply with her fair skin and steel grey eyes. When her hair isn't shoved up into a bun she has butt length hair. Her bangs look a bit jagged but it's the look she is going for.
      ☒ Personality: Nadia is lighthearted and bright though she can be a bit childish sometimes. She is always quick to joke and comment lightly upon any situation that she may find herself in. She also tends to talk a lot, the only time she is completely silent is when she is asleep which is rare. She is often extremely impatient and impulsive, Nadia possesses an inclination toward recklessness, to the point of jumping into situations without forethought.
      ☒ Crush: None

      ☒ Alliance: "I want to be part of a strong alliance with good people! People kind of like me!" She never regretted being allies with Maverick or Mekwi or Mitena however she deeply regretted trusting Tom with her life. Side note she is very proud of Maverick and the others.
      ☒ Reaped or volunteered: "I was reaped, not that excited sorry" Reaped
      ☒ Parade outfit: "Oh it was boring, same thing as every other year. We were miners ugh" They put her in a miners outfit, thankfully they didn't make her wear a helmet and instead smeared "coal" dust all over her face.
      ☒ Interview angle: "Be myself? I think that's what I was told to do?" She acted like her kind and bubbly self.

      ☒ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
      ☒ Weapon of choice: "I am not the best with weapons, so maybe a pickax?" Despite her age she ended up in the mines fairly early on and knows her way around the tools of the trade.
      ☒ Fatal flaw: "I think I am a little to optimistic, I mean I think there is good in everyone. Sometimes that good is just hidden away." She trusts too easily, a flaw that ultimately lead to her death. Had she paid attention more to Tom maybe she would have realized that he was using her as bait. Instead she was focused on trying to find the good in the so called leader.

      ☒ Training score: 11
      ☒ Victory/death: Without her knowledge, tom used her as bait in the trap for Marvin.

☒ "You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force." ☒

Nadia's Relations
"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Mekwi - β˜‘
She enjoyed Mekwi's company
even though they weren't friends.

Charles - ☐
She had nothing negative to say
about him. She didn't know him.
Maverick - β™’
Tentative friends, her death cut
more friendship short.

Tom - β˜’ βš”
What started out as a dislike
turned to hatred after her death.
Mitena - β˜‘
The younger sister of Mekwi was
interesting to say the least.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Clotilde - ☐
She didn't know her well enough
to have a proper opinion on her.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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➡ 16th Hunger Games

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:11 pm



βš” T H ExxC H A R A C T E R S βš”

Name || Age || Gender || District || Weapon of Choice || Score || Dead or Alive || Form
Dissaith Beckett || Eighteen || Male || Two || Sword and Shield || 12 || Dead || [url=XxX]XxX[/url]
Carys Beddoe || Sixteen || Gender-Fluid || Four || Spear || 10 || Dead || XxX
Aegeus Kim || Seventeen || Male || Twelve || Throwing Knives || 8 || Dead || XxX


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⛨ "The only mistake I made was ever doubting myself..." ⛨

Postby Zyn » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:11 pm

⛨ Dissaith Beckett ⛨
the knight
"You can't force a square peg to fit into a round hole just because you prefer it to fit."

      ⛨ Name: ".... Dissiath" Dissaith Beckett
      ⛨ Gender: Male
      ⛨ Sexuality: "To be honest that is not really any of your business.... No offense" Pansexual-Panromantic
      ⛨ District: "District Two" 2
      ⛨ Age: "Eighteen" 18

      ⛨ Appearance: Standing in at 5'9" he is neither short nor tall. He has a strong build with broad shoulders and an athletics body from training. Despite his slightly more bulky body he is surprisingly fast and nimble, able to turn on a dime. His curly dark brown hair is kept short to keep it from interfering with his fighting. His lips seem to be always turned in an irritated fashion and he tends to keep his arms crossed when not in battle. A little defiant he always usually has his brows furrowed and his dark brown eyes scare a few with their intensity.
      ⛨ Personality: Gruff and rough on the outside he usually communicates through grunts. An approving huff or a disapproving grunt or an angry growl. Don't mistake that for him being dumb, he is far from stupid, he just finds it faster to use noise rather than words. Usually it gets his point across quicker than trying to explain his though process. For most this come across as dismissive and uncaring. Something he has never tried to defend. When he wants to talk he will and people are sometimes surprised by how much he can say when he wants to make a point. If he does say something it would be wise to listen to him since he rarely speaks.
      ⛨ Crush: Alastair

      ⛨ Alliance: "Career's" The Career Alliance
      ⛨ Reaped or volunteered: "Proudly Volunteered" Volunteered
      ⛨ Parade outfit: "You saw" [url]XxX[/url]TBD
      ⛨ Interview angle: "Didn't have one." He didn't exactly have an angle, he just acted like himself. Basically he barely said anything and just stared at the interviewer. It was probably terribly uncomfortable for them.

      ⛨ Alignment: Lawful Evil
      ⛨ Weapon of choice: "Sword and shield" He is well verse in many weapons but always falls back on the sword and shield. The shield doubles as protection and a secondary weapon.
      ⛨ Fatal flaw: "...." Loyalty and sense of honor. He would never betray someone and he wouldn't ever be able to harm someone who had fallen. If they hit the ground in battle he waits for them to get back up.

      ⛨ Training Score: 12
      ⛨ Death: Fought Caitlin in the end and was struck down when he showed too much mercy.

⛨ "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." ⛨

Dissaith's Relations
{ Face Claim: John Francis Daley }
"What difference does any of this make if we can't communicate it to the people who matter?"
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Alastair - β™› β™‘
He admired Alastair a lot and
found himself falling for them. He
never got around to confessing
since he didn't know how to
process that emotion.

Name - β™’
Zelkova - β™’

Arcelia - β™’
Elmira - β™’

Caitlin - βš”
Lilias - β™’

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
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