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Who is your favorite Career so far?

Total votes : 23

➡ 20th Hunger Games

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:15 am



βš” T H ExxC H A R A C T E R S βš”

Name || Age || Gender || District || Weapon of Choice || Score || Dead or Alive || Form
Chaska Sioux || Eighteen || Male || Two || Scythe || 11 || Dead || XxX
Sharnaz Advani || Seventeen || Female || Five || Daggers || 8 || Dead || XxX
Rieka GΓΌnther || Thirteen || Female || Ten || Staff || 5 || Dead || XxX


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☭ β€œI am a fighting machine with a will of iron." ☭

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:16 am

☭ Chaska Sioux ☭
the mad dog
"Where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence."

      ☭ Name: "The names Chaska, the rest is irrelevant" Chaska Sioux
      ☭ Gender: Male
      ☭ Sexuality: "What does it matter to you... Unless are you attracted to me? If so meet me latter and we can have a chat" Pansexual Demiromantic
      ☭ District: "District Two..... Oh did you expect me to say more than that?" 2
      ☭ Age: "Was waiting to get taller but that never happened so here I am" Eighteen

      ☭ Appearance: Lean and quite muscular, he doesn't have bulging muscles and his shoulder aren't giant however he clearly works out. Despite being five foot seven he is able to look quite intimidating. His bleached hair stands out sharply against his tanned skin and his dark eyebrows seem to always be furrowed. His piercing grey eyes almost seem predatory and in the idea that he is the wolf and you are the prey he is about to destroy. He also has larger than average canines that are suspiciously sharp.
      ☭ Personality: Despite being strong warrior from District Two Chaska is only human. He has his ups and his downs, like most humans. He is not one way at all times. His mood, condition, and various other factors come into play during his decision making and reactions. However there are certain common themes that tend to prevail. He has a twisted sense of justice, pushing the belief that the ends will justify the means to an extent. That being said even he has a set of morals and lines that he is unwilling to cross no matter what. His mentality is unstable, and sometimes lets his emotions override his logic and dominate his actions. Particularly he has deep anger issues, which he tends to channel into determination often blinding him from and of his own wrong doing and pushing him to accomplish his twisted goals. He is quick to pass judgment, and reluctant to accept it. He is very proud and righteous, seemingly refusing to accept that any of his actions as unjust at times. However along with all these bad qualities he is also fiercely loyal and is willing to do anything for someone he considers to be family. His loyalty knows no bounds and for those he loves he would literally give his life for them.
      ☭ Crush: x

      ☭ Alliance: "I would prefer to work alone" Even he knows he has quite the temper but he will go with whatever his district partner does. Probably join the careers.
      ☭ Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered, I thought we went over this already." Eager to volunteer from the moment he was old enough he waited as long as he could for a growth spurt. When he turned eighteen and it still hadn't happened he was disappointed. He lunged forward to volunteer
      ☭ Parade outfit: "Armor with a strange cape" XxX
      ☭ Interview angle: "Was I supposed to have an angle?" His interview went poorly, he was irritable and uncooperative and quick to anger"

      ☭ Alignment: Neutral Evil
      ☭ Weapon of choice: "Any kind of scythe is good in my book, two handed, one handed, duel" Scythe
      ☭ Fatal flaw: "I guess I'm angry" He is very quick to anger and has a twisted set of morals. It wouldn't be too hard to manipulate him into doing things.

      ☭ Training score: 11
      ☭ Death: Fatally wounded after his final fight with Caspia.

☭ β€œYou may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” ☭

Chaska's Relations
"It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up"
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Eden - β˜‘ β™›
Over the course of the games
Eden has shown Chaska more
love than almost anyone he has
known. He now views Eden as
his baby brother.

Sienna - β˜‘
Her actions have proven her to
be an honorable person. He
hopes the games won't twist her
into something she is not

Madeline - β˜‘
Although initially cruel and
dismissive it has become clear
to even him that she is starting
to warm up to them. He hopes
that she will learn from Eden
and Caspia just as he has.
Caspia - β˜‘ β™’ β™‘
She is a strong and powerful
warrior and he admires her
strength and hopes he can learn
more about her. His admiration
might be more than just

Moses - β˜‘
The loving nature that Moses
showed Rieka makes Chaska view
him in a very positive light. He
hopes her death doesn't hurt them.

Reyna - βš”
She is an awful human being
who deserves the ending that
she got. A part of him things that
she deserved worse.
Rieka - β˜‘
She is a sweet and kind kid who
seems to want to only see the
best in everyone. He admires that
about her.

Killick - ☐
He doesn't know the district four
career very well so he has neither
a positive not a negative view of

Sharnaz - βš”
A disgusting dishonorable human
who used her own ally as bait.
He hates her with his entire
being and hopes to get to her first.
Jay - β˜‘
A sweet kid who definitely deserved
better than the cards they were
handed. He hopes that the kid
stays as safe as possible.

Gloria - ☐
She had been starting to warm to
Chaska, now he is worried about
her. With her fever progressing
he fears the worst.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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☣ "Everyone has a plan until they've been hit." ☣

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:17 am

☣ Sharnaz Advani ☣
the false prophet
"Manipulating the masses is like drinking coffee, its addicting"

      ☣ Name: "Sharnaz Advani. You can call me Sharnaz, nicknames aren't really my cup of tea" Sharnaz Advani
      ☣ Gender: "Last time I checked I was female but it has been while might have changed" Female
      ☣ Sexuality: Bisexual Aromantic
      ☣ District: "District five, I suppose it was nice enough. Could have been worse" 5
      ☣ Age: Seventeen

      ☣ Appearance: Lean and muscular and coming in at five foot nine she appears to be physically weaker than she really is. With flaming red hair, bright enough to be compared to Reyna's, she definitely stands out. Freckles are scattered all across her face and body, though they are faint and seem to blend in from a distance. She has mossy green eyes that both seem to be always judging the people around her and yet soft at the same time. It is very difficult to tell what she is thinking.
      ☣ Personality: She is a slimy manipulative jerk who likes to play people like puppets. While quite adept at it she hasn't fully figured out how to manipulate everyone. For those she can her lies and tales are basically the truth, but that doesn't apply to everyone. She is shady to people who don't buy into her lies.
      ☣ Crush: Nobody interests her at all

      ☣ Alliance: "If they bend to my will and are useful then I will consider it" She wants alliances because she knows they will help her survive, however she only wants people she can use.
      ☣ Reaped or volunteered: "Reaped obviously, only the stupid would rush towards death happily" Reaped and while she isn't enthused about it she also isn't going to turn down such an opportunity
      ☣ Parade outfit: "Lots of white and some armor pieces and these hugs wings of light, wish I could wear the wings all the time." XxX
      ☣ Interview angle: "I'm not stupid I tried to make myself look as winnable as possible. The more supporters I have the better." She played up her cunning streak, the quick wit and her ability to adapt are traits she wanted to use to promote herself.

      ☣ Alignment: Lawful Evil
      ☣ Weapon of choice: "Twin daggers, their quick and efficient and easy to hide." Lightning fast twin daggers
      ☣ Fatal flaw: "I can't manipulate everyone" As well as she can manipulate some she can't manipulate everyone. Anyone that can see through her lies might be able to turn her allies against her.

      ☣ Mentor: Khali
      ☣ Training score: 8
      ☣ Death: "Darius ruined my plan, if it wasn't for him we could have easily taken down the two kids." This years arena was arranged around a beautiful lake with clear water and a central island where the tributes first arrived. Standing the pedestal Sharnaz barely gave a glance to her surroundings, there would be plenty of time to look later on. She did however make note of the Norther Quadrant, a good place to start once she made it past the bloodbath. Her gaze fell on a water bottle and a pair of daggers, both items she ran for the moment the gong rang. They were close enough that she was able to snatch them before anyone approached her and was by the water quickly.

      After watching a scuffle between Reyna and Sienna of District Seven she was joined by her ally. "That was fun! Ready to ditch?" Reyna then stalked straight over to the waters with Sharnaz hot on her heels. "I better not catch some disease," Reyna muttered, glaring at the girl who'd thrown up on the opposite shore. It was Zoe, the first of the tributes to flee the bloodbath. With that they started walking. "The northern quadrant is a good choice. When we find a place to settle down we should figure out a plan on how to take out those kids and then the big alliance between the non careers. I have a few ideas already" she muttered as she trudged through the water. There was much muttering and swearing from her ally as they trudged through the water.

      It wasn't until they reached dry land that Reyna stopped grumbling. Now no longer consumed by rage, she took a moment to properly consider Sharnaz's words before responding."Great!" She snickered with sinister excitement. "Let's get going, then. I can't wait to hear your ideas." Sharnaz only offered a nod as they started into the forest, there was a noticeable drop in temperature as they stepped in. It was almost like stepping into a while differed part of the world. With a shiver they kept walking. It wasn't long before they came across a waterfall, hidden behind it was a cave. After a little exploring they made the cave their home and settled in. The cave was noticeably warmer than the rest of the forest. When they had fully settled in it was nightfall and Reyna dragged Sharnaz back outside to watched the death recap for the night.

      It was as they were watching when they spotted someone spying on them. it was Darius of District Eight, the caramel hair color gave away who it was. "Wait! Don't kill him!" she said hurriedly and reached out to grab Reyna's arm to pause her chase for a moment. "He could be useful. Lets catch him and use him to our benefit" she explained hurriedly with a shark like grin. The she drew both daggers and nodded in the direction the tribute had gone. "I like that plan. And that smile!" Reyna meant the sharklike expression on Sharnaz' face. "You should wear it more often." With that they bolted after Darius. It didn't take long before they caught up with the taller tribute and he surrendered quickly.

      "What... what do you want?" He gasped, flinching away from Sharnaz and her daggers. "Please don't kill me. I'll do anything." "Oh darling we aren't going to kill you. That would be an awful waste of such a good tribute. No we wanted your assistance. You see I happened to spot which way to two youngest tributes went and last I checked their alone. So you are going to help us take them down. Taking out the weak is kind of your thing isn't it" she purred as she got closer. Close enough to stretch out and let her dagger settle on his throat. The threat was enough to get Darius on their side and they set off towards the Eastern Quadrant.

      It wasn't long before they found the tent and hunkered down to watch the young kids. Sienna and Moses of District Seven had also found the kids, though they became allies and posed a problem. Rather than risk taking the two head on the trio decided to wait, which ended up drawing the attention of Zoe of District Eleven. Though they quickly sent the girl on her way after several threats and death glares. Shortly after Zoe left Sienna and Moses also left, giving the trio the perfect opportunity to execute their plan. Circling around the two they tried to cut off all escape routes. Unfortunately it seemed Rieka was braver than Sharnaz had given her credit for and took off after smacking Reyna with a branch.

      Taking off in pursuit of the tiny albino girl they ran for a good long ways before she was able to tackle the girl to the ground. The slippery kid almost got away but Reyna managed to stab the girl through the stomach. What should have been a victory was quickly soured when multiple Careers appeared on the scene. Rather than stay and fight she sacrificed Reyna and took off running. Just as their plan went south her running also went badly. In her first attempt to get away she headed in the wrong direction and had to double back. This gave Chaska of District Two enough time to catch up and the two ended up exchanging blows. Neither won and Sharnaz managed to get away, though she lost one of her daggers in the struggle.

      Now wounded and alone she trudged through the forest. Night quickly darkened the sky and forest, however instead of providing shelter it brought on something worse. Mutts. The reptilian beasts attacked her in a pack, mauling her and then vanishing into the night. Not long after the Careers showed up and try as she might to get away and fight them she couldn't move. Couldn't even move out the way of Eden's blade, and then her canon fired.

☣ "If you aren't useful don't expect to be around for long" ☣

Sharnaz's Relations
{ Face Claim: Rose Leslie }
"Don't be afraid to use others for your own gain, its why they exist"
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Reyna - β˜‘
Reyna is probably the only person
she sees in a positive light. After
all they were the only ally that
she ever trusted.

Killick - β˜’
By proxy of the other careers she
hates him. If he had been a simple
tribute and had nothing to do with
the others then she wouldn't care.

Jay - βš”
A gross little kid who dared to
ruin her plans. She hopes that he
suffers a similar fate as Rieka.
Darius - ☐
Barely able to follow a command
Darius isn't the worst tribute out
there. If she had to pick a new
ally it would be him.

Caspia - β˜’
Another career so of course she
hates her. There is no other reason
besides that.

Chaska - βš”
She hates him and everything
that he stands for. Also because
he ruined her plan
Moses - β˜’
The jerk came in and ruined
everything. The fact that he is
Rieka's ally makes her even more
mad at him.

Gloria - β˜’
Yet another career, so yet another
person she hates for no real

Eden - βš”
The bleeding heart of district one
and one of the reasons why her
whole plan fell through and her
ally was killed. She hates him.
Sienna - β˜’
For similar reasons to Moses, they
ruined everything about her plan.
They are also partially responsible
for her allies demise.

Rieka - βš”
The little twerp shouldn't have
caused so much trouble and for
that she hates them with a bloody

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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🍭 "Whoever is happy, will make others happy" 🍭

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:18 am

🍭 Rieka Günther 🍭
the young wolf
"Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are."

      🍭 Name: "Rieka Günther, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
      🍭 Gender: Female
      🍭 Sexuality: Undecided
      🍭 District: "I come from District 10! I have a lot of animal friends, they are all so cute!" 10
      🍭 Age: Thirteen

      🍭 Appearance: With a tiny frame her height of 4'11" seems unbelievable and many on first glance assume she is much shorter than that. Her pale skin and pure white hair cause her to stand out like a sore thumb compared to the others. The most startling thing about her are her blood red eyes that are due to her being ablino. Other than that her soft pink lips seem to always be quirked upwards in a smile.
      🍭 Personality: Bright and bubbly it is hard not to smile around this cheerful young woman. Behind the grins is a smart young woman who only wants to keep her people safe. With her brains she has managed to keep those who can't defend themselves safe from harm by predicting and avoiding conflict. When conflict between groups arrises she always manages to find a way to retreat without casualties. It is how she has gained her nick name the young wolf
      🍭 Crush: Jay

      🍭 Alliance: "An alliance would be good but I don't think anyone would want to team up with me" She is interested but unsure about her own abilities.
      🍭 Reaped or volunteered: "Reaped" She was reaped and unsurprisingly nobody volunteered to take her place
      🍭 Parade outfit: "They dressed me up like a sheep! I think it was because my hair is white and I am small but it was a very warm costume." Rieka was dressed up like a cute little fluffy sheep, she had a fluffy headband with big sheep ears. Her dress was white and fluffy and had a tiny sheep tail. They gave her fluffy paws for some reason, supposedly sheep feet aren't cute enough or something. Cooper was placed in a farmers outfit to complete the look for district 10.
      🍭 Interview angle: "I didn't really have an angle I just acted like myself" Young and a bit naive sometimes her interview was quite gentle and sweet and at times a bit too honest.

      🍭 Alignment: Chaotic Good
      🍭 Weapon of choice: "I don't like weapons" Maybe a staff if she ever got her hands on one. Less lethal than her other options
      🍭 Fatal flaw: "I'm small? I'm not sure what kind of fatal flaw you are talking about." She values peace over everything else and would rather surrender than be forced into fighting. Not the best in a situation like this.

      🍭 Mentor: Jillian
      🍭 Training score: 5
      🍭 Death: "I almost got away, if only I had been a little bit faster maybe they could have caught up. Or maybe I could have made it to the career's camp" The arena was made up of four quadrants with an island in the center surrounded by water. Much like with every game the moment the gong sounded all the tributes leaped off the pedestal. Most made a beeline for weapons, Rieka rushed to grab a water canteen that she had spotted while still on her pedestal. Little did she know but another tribute had their eye on her. The first thing she spotted was Eden of District One rushing towards her and she spun around to try and get away when she almost ran into Darius of District Eight. It appeared as though the tribute had been trying to kill her! Thankfully Eden approaching them cause the cowardly tribute to run off. After getting her bearings she thanked Eden for saving her, "Thank you for saving me" and rushed off to find Jay.

      It wasn't long before she spotted her ally and he was about to be attacked by Alekander of District Three. With a burst of speed she raced over to tackle the much larger tribute. Once again a Career came to her rescue, this time it was Chaska of District Two. The short career decapitated Alek, saving both her and Jay. "If your okay, you have got to get out of here. I will cover you until you get away" Chaska said firmly and then looked out at the other tributes as though he was standing guard. "Are you okay?" she asked as soon as Chaska finished speaking. "We should go East, it looks nice and I haven't seen anyone head that direction yet" she added in a whisper. When she was sure that Jay was okay she reached out and guided her ally towards the Easter Quadrant. The water was mucky and it was hard to wade through so it took awhile until they reached dry land.

      Once there it was easy to move about and they followed a river until they found a nice spot to make camp. It didn't take the two of them long to set up camp and make a tiny fire. With her water canteen they were able to boil some water so they would have something to drink. Night fell pretty quickly after and Rieka took first watch. The night was uneventful, at some point during the night Rieka who had been keeping watch swapped with Jay to get some sleep. It wasn't long before dawn arrived and she was been gently woken up by Jay. "good morning!" Jay whispered and waited for her to full wake up."Good morning!" she chirped happily. ”So what will we do now?” He spoke in a cheerful tone. With that they got to work figuring out what to do next, Rieka suggested finding allies. In particular Sienna, Moses, Colby and Zoe being the ideal allies. After all Moses had told her previously that he was her ally.

      Luckily they didn't have to even go searching, their allies found them. Sienna and Moses showed up bickering about something and they quickly formed a new alliance. The absence of Colby and Zoe didn't go unnoticed but Rieka didn't pry. Shortly after declaring their alliance Rieka received a sponsor gift, four large cupcakes and she shared with everyone. She took the one labeled as HUG for herself. Once they were done eating, Sienna and Moses set off to go hunting and Rieka and Jay stayed behind to figure out how they were going to cook the fish once it the other two returned. As they waited Rieka put her hair up into a bun. β€œYour hair looks really pretty like that. I like it!” Jays compliment took her by surprise. Her cheeks turned pink and warm smile spread across her lips. "Thanks Jay! Your the best!" she hummed. Leaning forward she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I think you hair is very cool! The color and cut is very flattering, it helps that you are cute too" she chirped cheerfully. β€œU-uh..Uh. Th. Thank you!” He continued to stutter over his words.

      Sadly that cute moment was ruined when a certain tribute leaped out of the grass, Darius again, this time he had Reyna of District Twelve and Sharnaz of District Five with him. Leaping to her feet she grabbed a stick and rushed towards the middle man, Reyna and smacked the red head's shins before taking off. "RUN JAY! GET SIENNA AND MOSES" she shouted over her shoulder as she ran. The thundering of feet told her that two of the three had take her bait and where following her. After a long run Sharnaz managed to body slam her to the ground. As she tried to pick herself back up Reyna caught up and stabbed her through the abdomen. Before Reyna could inflict another would Eden came out of nowhere sweeping Rieka into his arms and blocking the strike. More careers were hot on Eden's heels and quickly fell upon Reyna, Sienna and Moses arrived from the other side. Sadly they were too late to save Rieka. Sienna and Moses exacted their revenge before joining Eden and Jay by her side. It was warm now that her family was nearby and then by request Eden told a bedtime story. It was enough to lull her to sleep, a gentle sleep with everyone who cared about her with her.

🍭 "That's sweet of you to say. And I like sweet" 🍭

Rieka's Relations
{ Face Claim: Sahar }
"The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Jay - β™› β™‘
She loves Jay with her entire
being and she cherishes the time
she had with him.

Colby - β˜‘ β™’
While she didn't know Colby well
she appreciated how he brought
her food and makes her feel safe.

Reyna - β˜’
She can't bring herself to hate
them but that doesn't me she
likes them even remotely.
Moses - β™›
She loves Moses so much! He is
basically her second dad and she
she hopes he knows that.

Chaska - β˜‘
Despite not knowing him, she
knows he is a good person. After
all he saved her a few times.

Sharnaz - β˜’
A dishonorable tribute, but she
also can't bring herself to hate
Sienna - β™›
She loves Sienna and views them
as either an older sister or a
second mom.

Caspia - β˜‘
From what she can tell Caspia
is very honorable and she is glad
that they are looking out for Eden.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Eden - β˜‘ β™’
A very kind and loving person, he
has done nothing but help her and
make her comfortable.

Killick - β˜‘
Killick seems to be very brave,
but also a bit quiet. She is glad
he is there for Eden as well.

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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➡ 21st Hunger Games

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:19 am



βš” T H ExxC H A R A C T E R S βš”

Name || Age || Gender || District || Weapon of Choice || Score || Dead or Alive || Form
Kritanta Sioux || Sixteen || Female || Two || 10 || Alive || XxX
Abbadon Wright || Sixteen || Male || Nine || Halberd || 7 || Dead || XxX
Segenam Hale McNeal || Sixteen || Male || Eight || None || 1 || Dead || XxX
Huxley Kennedy || Seventeen || Non-Binary || Eleven || Sling Shot || 5 || Alive??? || XxX


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πŸ““ "He who lives without discipline dies without honor." πŸ““

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:21 am

πŸ““ Kritanta πŸ““
the bringer of justice
"I don't represent anyone's opinion. Not even my own. I'm neutral."


      πŸ““ Name: "Kritanta" Kritanta Sioux
      πŸ““ Gender: Female
      πŸ““ Sexuality: "..." Demisexual-Demiromantic
      πŸ““ District: "..." 2
      πŸ““ Age: "..." Sixteen

      πŸ““ Appearance: Standing at 5'3" she is quite a bit shorter than her brother, however like her brother she is quite slim and lean, she clearly spends quite a bit of time working out. However she isn't super buff, most of her muscle is lean muscle. Her figure is not the most curvaceous but it is still very obvious that she is female. Her round face is framed by startling white hair that contrasts her more caramel skin tone. Big bright golden honey eyes lighten up her usual emotionless expression. Her voice matches her expression, almost always monotone. She is so emotionless that sometimes it is hard to tell if she feels anything at all.
      πŸ““ Personality: On first glance she is aloof and distant with her expressionless face and monotone voice. Those things give her the vibes that she doesn't care about anything. Which isn't entirely true, she very much values loyalty and honor. When it comes down to it she will always do the right thing, though when presented with two opposing sides she would rather not present her opinion. Facts are everything and she isn't hugely fond of making snap decisions. She is quite the opposite of her late brother Chaska, where he found strength in raw anger she finds it in quiet justice.
      πŸ““ Crush: "I fail to see how this is relevant." That's not something she is actively looking for.

      πŸ““ Alliance: "The Career's" She plans on joining the career alliance, it is after all what is expected of her and it is what her brother would tell her to do.
      πŸ““ Reaped or volunteered: "Volunteered..." Volunteered, she would never tell anyone but Icarus but the reason she volunteered was to bring her father to justice. After the 20th game her father took her into hiding so she used the opportunity of this game to bring light to her fathers dastardly ways.
      πŸ““ Parade outfit: "Steampunk" Her outfit was very steampunk with colors of browns and grey's and dark greens and accents of gold. The secondary theme was gears that were featured heavily in the form of gold through out the outfit and also in black covering the right side of her face. Thick makeup was applied and she was given golden lips and a smoky eye.
      πŸ““ Interview angle: "There was no angle..." She gave the bare minimum of what was required of her and refused to speak about her brother. Her monotone voice and expression made the interviewer nervous.

      πŸ““ Alignment: True Neutral
      πŸ““ Weapon of choice: "..." Twin Swords
      πŸ““ Fatal flaw: "This is unwise to answer" Her loyalty and sense of honor both benefit her and are her greatest weakness.

πŸ““ "Stand for what is right. Even if it means standing alone." πŸ““

Kritanta's Relations
"Without integrity and honor, having everything means nothing."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Chaska - β™› β˜‘
Her beloved big brother, he was
her rock and her world. Together
there was nothing they couldn't
face. No evil that they couldn't
surpass so long as they were by
each others sides. She misses him
immensely, a piece of her died
when he died in the the last game.

Balthar - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Theo - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Delta - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Lartius - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Hypatia - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Joline - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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☁ "Laziness is the first step towards efficiency." ☁

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:21 am

☁ Abbadon Wright ☁
the cloud gazer
"I never had a plan B; I would walk around with my head up in the clouds."

      ☁ Name: "Abbadon Wright but if you call me Abbie I'll be very upset. Its not my favorite nickname" Abbadon Wright
      ☁ Gender: Male
      ☁ Sexuality: "Um I like everyone?" Pansexual-Panromantic
      ☁ District: "The grain district, you know district nine" 9
      ☁ Age: "Um sixteen?" 16

      ☁ Appearance: Abbadon is very tall standing at six foot four and appears even taller with his long limbs and lean frame. Unlike the careers he doesn't work out as much even though his preferred weapon is a halberd. He has medium fair skin with a pink undertone and extremely light blond hair that is always swept back due to him running his fingers through his hair. His bright blue eyes are either twinkling with amusement or fixed on the sky.
      ☁ Personality: Abbadon is a very laid back individual. If he had a choice he would rather not get involved with anything, he would prefer to go cloud gazing or chill in the fields. Some people can view his more laid back personality as a bit aloof at times due to his tendency to just not get involved with things. So while it might appear as though he doesn't care, he usually does he just also doesn't want to join in. Which is mostly due to the fact that he is generally a pretty quiet guy. He likes to vibe to his own tune than to follow with societies rules. Thankfully the moments when people think he is too aloof are far and few between because his usual expression in a smirk.
      ☁ Crush: None

      ☁ Alliance: "I don't really care, if someone wants to then I guess I will." He won't be actively searching for an alliance since that takes too much effort but he wouldn't be opposed to one.
      ☁ Reaped or volunteered: "Reaped, I would rather be cloud gazing" Reaped
      ☁ Parade outfit: "It was all black and they stuck a raven skull on my head, it was very odd. Though if they took away the feathers and the raven skull I would wear it like normal clothes... what? I need more clothes!" Imagine this but instead of a normal cardigan it is covered in raven feathers and has a hood with a raven skull attached to the top of the hood. The beak sticks out past the hood itself.
      ☁ Interview angle: "I didn't actually realize I was supposed to have an angle. Is that bad? Meh who cares." He went with a slightly more flippant version of himself, mainly because he didn't like the interviewer and didn't really want to help them out.

      ☁ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
      ☁ Weapon of choice: "I like big weapons, in particular the halberd. Its fun to swing around." Halberd
      ☁ Fatal flaw: "My dad says I am too laid back, that I need to be more involved with things, which sounds like a drag." Abbie has quite a few flaws, one of the biggest is actually his loyalty. He may have managed to sneak by without becoming attached to people who are toxic but it would be catastrophic if it happened. Secondary flaw would be his laziness.

      ☁ Training score: 7
      ☁ Death: Stabbed in the chest by a dying Reed, his last words were a witty comeback.

☁ "The next time you have a thought... let it go." ☁

Abbadon's Relations
{ Face Claim: Lucky Blue Smith }
"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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β–§ "Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways" β–§

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:22 am

β–§ Segenam Hale McNeal β–§
The Sloth
"Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes away."

      β–§ Name: "Seg" Segename Hale McNeal but call him Seg because he is to lazy to listen to the rest of his name.
      β–§ Gender: Male
      β–§ Sexuality: "Same" Sorry that made no sense, he is actually asexual aromantic. He doesn't have time for relationships.
      β–§ District: "Eig..." *Sigh* He got bored and didn't finish the word, he is from district eight.
      β–§ Age: "Young" Once again a very unhelpful answer, he is sixteen years old, though he acts like a lazy child.

      β–§ Appearance: Standing at 5'2" he is a short Caucasian male with mousy brown hair that is always sticking up in a natural bed head state. His mud brown eyes are almost always half lidded and glued on his screen. He small hands are always clutching his Panembook and he is always slouching which makes him look even shorter than he really is. His thin frame and lack of muscle really just proves how lazy he is, he hasn't worked a day in his life.
      β–§ Personality: Lazy to an extreme he rarely even finishes his words out loud so don't even expect a decent reply via text. He is so lazy that he doesn't even want people to say his full name because he can't be bothered to hear his full name. His favorite activities are giving lack luster text responses, taking names, and ignoring people. When people do try and talk to him he doesn't ever lift his eyes from his Panembook since that is so much more interesting to him than them. All that being said he isn't dumb he is just uninterested. In fact he is actually considered a genius. He was the top student at school and he would give Sharnaz a run her for her money in the smarts. However he is too lazy to use his brain when he isn't being forced to.
      β–§ Crush: None, he isn't interested.

      β–§ Alliance: "Idc" The idiot alliance for this fool!
      β–§ Reaped or volunteered: "Reap" Back to the bad responses already, he is trying to say that he was reaped but then he got bored and started scrolling again. My apologies for this fool.
      β–§ Parade outfit: "Lame" This years outfits were based on texture. His outfit was all grey with a large over-sized shirt, the torso looked like a literal t-shirt with sleeves poking out. His pants heavily resembled accordions. At least he got off easy with the grey color scheme his district partner Bella had a mostly pink dress with silver accents. He didn't really notice though since he didn't look at her. Even in the parade he was only focused on his Panembook.
      β–§ Interview angle: "Mood" He literally barely responded and didn't even look the interviewer in the eyes. Poor Jasper couldn't get a word through this lazy boys head.

      β–§ Alignment: True Neutral
      β–§ Weapon of choice: "Get Wrecked" That's whats going to happen to this fool when he steps into the arena. The kid doesn't know how to use anything other than his Panembook
      β–§ Fatal flaw: "Nothing" Literally anything that requires physical activity is a flaw. He will straight up refuse to do anything that requires effort.

      β–§ Training score: 1
      β–§ Death: Took and arrow to the throat and still managed to stare Patsy down.

β–§ "I make messes to that other people can clean them up." β–§

Segenam's Relations
{ Face Claim: Sean Biggerstaff }
"I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?"
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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🧟 "If I come back as a zombie I’m eating you first!" 🧟

Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:22 am

🧟 Huxley Kennedy 🧟
the zombie fanatic
"When life closes a door, it opens a window. And then, zombies climb in and eat you."

      🧟 Name: "Huxley Kennedy, sorry I don't have a nickname. I mean if a zombie can't give me a nickname than you can't either" Huxley Kennedy
      🧟 Gender: Non-Binary - They/Them & He/Him
      🧟 Sexuality: "Um what? I guess a zombie apocalypses survivor? Do you know anyone like that? Demisexual-Demiromantic
      🧟 District: "Hmm?? Sorry I wasn't paying attention can you repeat that" 11
      🧟 Age: "Seventeen years without a zombie apocalypse.. What do you mean you don't understand?" Seventeen

      🧟 Appearance: Standing at 5'9" they are neither tall nor are they short. Their muscular build from working in the fields does make them look a little bigger than they really are. Huxley likes to keep their hair extremely short since in their mind it could be used against them if the zombies ever invade Panem. Their dark brown eyes are usually unfocused since they spend their days thinking about zombies and how to survive.
      🧟 Personality: Huxley is a little obsessed with zombies, okay they are really obsessed with them. So obsessed that when the eighteenth games happened they were furious they hadn't volunteered. They was only thirteen at the time of the games but they still wanted to be in on the zombie action. Their favorite thing to do is talk about zombies and their favorite activity is to plan for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Don't bother trying to derail the conversation they will find a way to bring zombies back into it.
      🧟 Crush: Vincent Nobody!

      🧟 Alliance: "If anyone wants to join forces to fight the zombies I am down!" The only alliance this idiot is getting is the Idiot Alliance!
      🧟 Reaped or volunteered: "I volunteered actually! You see I have this theory...." Huxley wouldn't stop talking about their conspiracy theory and zombies, they think that this year will have more zombies. Its the reason they volunteered. The poor interviewer had to cut them off and change the subject.
      🧟 Parade outfit: "It was lame" [url]XxX[/url]
      🧟 Interview angle: "I just talked about zombies. Was I supposed to do something else" They re-traumatized poor Himaya by talking about Zombies fro the whole interview.

      🧟 Alignment: True Neutral
      🧟 Weapon of choice: "Machete!" Actually they are best with a sling shot, kind of lame so they don't want to admit it!
      🧟 Fatal flaw: "NOTHING! I will survive the zombie apocalypse!" They are obsessed with zombies and doesn't even stop to consider that the humans might be more dangerous to them.

      🧟 Training score: tbd
      🧟 Victory/Death: tbd

🧟 "Zombies eat brains, you are safe." 🧟

Huxley's Relations
"This is the way the world ends; not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door."
β˜’ - negative || ☐ - neutral || β˜‘ - positive || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
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Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘
Last edited by Zyn on Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Zyn » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:25 am


βš”οΈ B A S I C S βš”οΈ
βš”οΈ Name: X
βš”οΈ Nickname: X
βš”οΈ Role: Fighter
βš”οΈ Age: X
βš”οΈ Gender: Male
βš”οΈ Sexuality: Demisexual-Homoromanticxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
βš”οΈ Face Claim: Gavin Leatherwood

βš”οΈ L O O K S βš”οΈ
βš”οΈ Hair Color: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
βš”οΈ Hair Style: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Eye Color: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Skin Color: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
βš”οΈ Build: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
βš”οΈ Height: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
βš”οΈ Weight: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
βš”οΈ The Wardrobe: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Defining Features: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


βš”οΈ I N S I D E βš”οΈ
βš”οΈ Personality: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Plus traits: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Negative traits: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ T H ExxB A C K S T O R Y βš”οΈ
βš”οΈ History: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Theme Song: Paralyzed by NF & Lovely by Billie Eilish ft Khalid
βš”οΈ S T A T S βš”οΈ
Strength: ●●●○○xxxxxSpeed: ●●●●○
Dexterity: ●●●●○xxxxStealth: ●●○○○
Constitution: ●●○○○xxHunting: ●○○○○
Wisdom: ●●●●○xxxxxxCombat: ●●●●○
Intelligence: ●●●○○xxMaterialistic: ●●●●●
Charisma: ●●●●○xxxxTactician: ●●●●●

βš”οΈ S K I L L S βš”οΈ
βš”οΈ Skills: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Weakness: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

βš”οΈ Weapon of Choice: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Name's Relations
"You really like looking at my face, don't you? I have no idea what you find so interesting."
β˜‘ - positive || ☐ - neutral || β˜’ - negative || β™₯ - lover || β™‘ - crush || β™’ - friend || β™› - best friend || βš” - nemesis

The Peeps
"No matter how hard you look, you won't see what I'm scheming."

Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

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Name - β˜’ / ☐ / β˜‘

Last edited by Zyn on Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
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